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The People of Horakhti

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A cosmic catastrophe 20,000 years ago seems to link Earth with the red planet. The Giza plateau is the ancient guardian holding the secrets of the human race, whose genesis lies in the depths of the stars.

Mars, a silent planet at the edge of space, carries the mystery of its origins. In the solar system, it is the only globe similar to Earth, flattened at the poles, with ice caps, and bulging at the equator. Observing the planet’s surface through a telescope in 1877, Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli identified a series of wavy lines, which he called canals, that were once undoubtedly bodies of water: rivers, seas, and oceans.

Furthermore, mountains, valleys, deserts, and volcanoes, photographed in numerous space missions, along with a mild climate and a pleasant atmosphere, made Mars a lush paradise — an ecosystem with ideal conditions for biological development.

Modern science admits that primitive but not intelligent forms of life may have inhabited the planet. However, an increasingly complex enigma seems to contradict this scenario. In 1976, the Viking mission transmitted images to NASA’s control center showing huge craters and cliffs in the Martian region of Mensa Cydonia, unmistakable signs of impacts caused by various foreign bodies. Upon closer examination, several pyramid-shaped structures can be seen, alongside a rock formation that appears to be a fortification and a round mound with a ramp leading to its top. Not far from the so-called "City," named by the technicians, stands a stone face with human features strikingly similar to the terrestrial Sphinx, complete with the characteristic *nemes* headdress typical of Egyptian pharaohs.

The grandeur of these Martian structures, uninhabited, silent, and surprisingly intact, raises questions that are difficult to answer. Some of the constructions in Cydonia, located near or even within the craters, suggest that the mysterious inhabitants built the entire complex after the terminal cataclysm and not before. If so, where did these beings come from? Mars seems to share a mysterious connection with Earth and shares an ancient history with our planet, which began less than 20,000 years ago.

The Deluge of the Ice Age

Explosive fragments from a giant comet traveling through space for millions of years violently struck the Martian surface, causing an immense deluge that transformed the lush planet into a desolate and formless wasteland. The meteor swarm, captured by Earth’s orbit, crashed onto our planet, bringing about the violent end of the last Ice Age around 15,000 BCE. Glaciers retreated, and with the Sun’s entry into the constellation of Leo, the Age of the Lion began (10,970–8,810 BCE).

A group of survivors began constructing the majestic Sphinx, which gazes at the horizon as a silent guardian. One of its names was Hu, “the protector.” Incontrovertible geological evidence by two American scholars, independent researcher John Anthony West and paleontologist Robert Schoch, demonstrates that the Sphinx has been eroded for thousands of years by rains, starting from the 11th millennium BCE.

A complex picture emerges from the combined research of numerous scholars. Based on the evidence, we will try to show that behind what seems to be a simple chronology of seemingly unrelated events lies an intriguing and astonishing astronomical interpretation.

The Celestial Mantle Diagram

The Egyptians conceived the sky as intimately connected to Earth, and everything that existed above inevitably reflected upon our planet.

The life of the entire universe derives from the Sun god, Ra, who travels on the "Boat of Millions of Years" across the cosmic expanse in an endless cycle, slowly crossing the Milky Way. During this journey, he reaches the core of our galaxy, about 30° from the galactic north pole, nearly opposite the Orion nebula, from which modern astronomers believe numerous comets originate. In ancient Egypt, Orion was identified with Osiris, the god of death and rebirth. The pyramids of Giza, once considered a gateway to the stars as a counterpart to the Orion belt, also lie at 30° north latitude on Earth.

Mars, the Man-Lion

Some medieval traditions tell of a great Egyptian king, Surid, who lived three hundred years before the Flood and had a vision of a disaster that would occur under the constellation of Leo. Stars fell from the sky, and the Earth shifted on its axis with a tremendous roar. Wishing to preserve ancestral knowledge, the king ordered the construction of the pyramids; their symbolism serves as both a call and a warning to future generations.

The Sphinx also embodies this significance. Ancient texts reveal that beneath its paws exists a Secret Chamber, the Hall of Records, containing the technological artifacts of a lost pre-Flood civilization. The stone creature, half-man, and half-lion, worshipped by the Egyptians as Horakhti, "Horus of the Horizon," was connected to the god Horus, a symbol of the Sun and the planet Mars, which occasionally passes between the feet of Leo.

The eminent British Egyptologist Sir E. A. Wallis Budge stated that "Horus" — originally "Heru" — means "face." Thus, the Sphinx is the “Face of the Horizon,” referring to the face of the solar disk. This immediately connects it to the enigmatic face of Cydonia. The Egyptians referred to Mars as Hor Dshr, Horus the Red. In some Upper Egyptian tomb inscriptions, Mars is also called “His name is Horakhti” and “the star of the east.” If the Sphinx faces east and its name is Horakhti, then the Sphinx represents Mars. For a long time, it was painted red, the color of the Martian surface, and originally had a feline face. Lion-shaped figurines painted red have been found buried beneath the Sphinx, completing the planetary symbolism.

On the other side of the globe, Hindu mythology remembers Mars as Nr–Simha, the Man-Lion, the fourth incarnation of the avatar-god Vishnu. Was the Sphinx a gateway to the red planet? The American researcher Richard Hoagland notes that the city of Cairo, at the southern edge of the Giza necropolis, was named by Arab invaders, who perhaps possessed ancient esoteric traditions, and in the 9th century CE decided to call it El Kahira, Mars.

These clues clearly indicate that the Egyptian priesthood, possessing astronomical knowledge far exceeding our own, carefully observed and recorded the signs in the sky, encoding these events in stone. The construction of the Sphinx, therefore, is a precise reference to the events that occurred on Mars and Earth during the Age of Leo, a sort of calendar commemorating that distant, initial catastrophe.

The Fury of Seth

But it wasn’t the only one. Several millennia passed, and when the threat of a celestial attack seemed averted, a virulent shower of meteors struck Earth between 2,500 and 2,000 BCE, near the end of the Age of Taurus (4,490–2,330 BCE). The sages of the Nile developed a prominent mythology, preserving vital information for future generations.

The luminous Horus was opposed to the evil Seth with red hair, representing the constellation of Taurus, the god of storms and darkness, fire and sulfur — qualities of a comet. A cosmic battle, upon which the fate of Earth’s balance depended until the end of time, when Horus would ultimately prevail, establishing a new Golden Age on Earth.

The union of Horus–Seth–Sphinx becomes inseparable. Horus is the Sun that will encounter Seth, the fearsome comet, which strikes first Mars and then Earth, cyclically visited by cosmic fragments, with both planets symbolized by the Sphinx.

It is no coincidence that at Dashur, on the west bank of the Nile, stand the two great pyramids of Snefru from the 4th dynasty, the "Red" Pyramid and the "Bent" Pyramid, built around 2,500 BCE.

The majestic constellation of Taurus dominated the sky then, with the heliacal rising of the star group of the Hyades; among them are Aldebaran, red in color, and Epsilon Tauri, the eyes of the animal. During his travels in the Middle East, Master Gurdjieff saw a map of Egypt before the sands, showing the stellar configuration of Orion and Taurus on the Egyptian land. Once again, we are left speechless by the knowledge of our ancestors, a product of their silent unity with the Cosmos.

The Secret Architecture of the Universe

Having explored the complex mythology underlying the sacred constructions, the similarities between the Martian structures and Egyptian monuments remain to be clarified. Which advanced civilization built the pyramids on the red planet immediately after the cataclysm? Was it the same civilization that later descended to Earth to replicate its astonishing knowledge?

Hoagland, who conducted extensive geometric-mathematical studies on the Cydonia plain, discovered that the main pyramid at the site is perfectly aligned along the north-south axis of the planet, while the entire complex seems oriented, almost ceremonially, toward the Sphinx. By enhancing the contrast in the image of the face with a particular assembly, he revealed the representation of a lion’s head and a face resembling *Homo Erectus*, a hominid from 500,000 years ago.

The researcher concluded that the planet Mars was inhabited at that time by an advanced civilization possessing sacred geometry used to build grand temples, similar to those on Earth, that held the secret of the universe. Perhaps a stellar people who worshipped the Lion. British writer Brinsley Le Poer Trench, a UFO phenomenon scholar, located the biblical Eden on Mars, asserting that the cherubim guarding its entrance gate were, in fact, Mars’s two artificial moons, Phobos and Deimos.

An Egyptian myth describes the place where the gods lived as “a beautiful fertile region where white wheat and red barley grew lush and tall, and where the canals were numerous and filled with water…” One day, perhaps, we will be able to lift the veil of mystery surrounding Mars, perhaps discovering that we were once part of that splendid, distant civilization, “if only we had the spiritual humility to accept that even a dead planet can speak to us.”

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