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From the evidence presented in this web site it should be immediately apparent that the Earth is expanding. One thing is certain from the evidence—the world we know today is destined to be a much different world in the future. Therefore, current conceptions of the planet and its internal and external processes must be reexamined and reevaluated.

My firm and unshakeable conclusion is that the Earth is not only increasing in mass, diameter, circumference, total surface area, water volume and atmospheric density, but the rate of increase is accelerating and will continue to accelerate into the future to endangerment of the human race.

Earth's rate of expansion over just the past ~200 Ma indicates that not very long ago (in terms of geologic time) Earth was the same size as Mars is today, so it may not take much longer to reach the same size as Neptune is today, especially if the rate of increase is accelerating. Today's alarm bells are ringing in response to the growing scientific evidence that the planet's temperature is rising. Global warming is an early warning signal that Mankind's continued existence on Earth is in jeopardy.

Confirmation that the Earth is expanding will have a number of profound consequences:

  1. Reveal subduction to be an unfounded, untested, and unworkable geophysical process based on the philosophical assumption that Earth has maintained the same size and chemical composition since its formation 4.5-4.6 billion years ago as a singular and completed event during creation of the Solar System as postulated by Laplace's 1796 nebular hypothesis.
  2. Nullify the nebular hypothesis and reveal that adoption of its tenets by the world's scientific community at the end of the 18th Century was one of the greatest errors in the history of science since the 2nd Century A.D. when Ptolemy introduced the anthropocentric belief that Earth is the center of the Universe. (Some may consider subduction to be a more egregious error because it occurred after 200 years of the world's greatest explosion of scientific knowledge known to Man at a time when the expansion theory was under active discussion as an alternative to subduction.)
  3. Require a new philosophical theory to explain creation of the Earth and Solar System to replace the nebular hypothesis. (My concept of accreation (creation by accretion) is offered as a replacement.)
  4. Unleash an unprecedented effort to reevaluate and redefine related assumptions and tables of physical constants that are no longer reliable for accurate scientific calculations. Allare suspect, and most will be found in error as a result of added mass and global expansion since the data were first compiled.
  5. Demolish erroneous fundamental assumptions that have misled scientific research and have been responsible for untold wasted years, manpower and wealth pursuing false scientific goals.
  6. Reveal systematic errors in the Global Positioning System (GPS) and global grid positions (latitude and longitude) resulting from expansion of the Earth.
  7. Disclose that expansion of the Earth carries with it great potential danger for the future of Mankind, and energize efforts to explore and prepare (terraform) Mars as the future home of Mankind. Transmigration of the human race to a new planet is inevitable, but it is not immediately necessary unless the rate of expansion is found to be greater than we now anticipate.

The above list is just the beginning. My intent is not to be an alarmist, but a realist with a vision of the future. The danger, hopefully, does not in any way threaten living generations, or uncountable future generations, (including my large family and their offspring), but we should know and study the facts as early as possible in order to be prepared for whatever the future holds. Knowledge of the future is priceless.

The ultimate goal of science is to unveil "the truth" about the Universe we live in. But the Universe is immense, unbelievably complex, and seemingly inexplicable. The Earth is but one small planetary body in that Universe, but, as the only known home of Mankind, Earth's future well-being is paramount to Man's survival. For this reason, determining whether Earth’s size remains constant, or is increasing, becomes much more than just an interesting theoretical exercise in scientific dialogue.

We must verify the fact of expansion and quantify the rate of expansion in order to predict how much time is left for Mankind to avert an inevitable catastrophe. An unseen hand may be guiding our current exploration of Mars as a potential new home for Mankind when Earth will no longer be able to support human life as we know it.

Time and knowledge march on, and the start of the Third Millennium may be recorded in history as the moment Mankind erased the final vestiges of fundamental scientific philosophy based on Genesis creation mythology and moved forward into the 21st Century and the Third Millennium along a new path with renewed vigor and a clearer vision of Nature's Truth.


The 35 years of research that produced the information and conclusions presented in this web site also generated two other ideas that should prove beneficial to the future of Mankind.

The first is a new cosmological blueprint for creation of the Earth and Solar System called "accreation" (creation by accretion) that is based on the several geophysical processes involved in expansion of the Earth. (See below.)

The second is a patented device for relatively inexpensive, safe and permanent storage of hazardous nuclear wastes in deep marine sediments found in remote regions of the world's oceans known as abyssal plains, far from human habitation.


My research, based on irrefutable evidence of constant accretion of meteorites and meteor dust, concludes that Earth began as an asteroid remnant of an earlier comet captured by the Sun. The proto-planet then grew over uncountable years (possibly many more than the 4.5 Ga now believed) in an accretion process that is still underway and will continue into the future at an accelerating pace because of Earth’s constantly increasing mass and gravitational power.

The Earth began as a cold, solid body that evolved over time by gradual accretion of extraterrestrial materials. The Earth was, in successive stages, the same sizes as the Moon, Mars, and Venus (the enigmatic lady) are today. Surface water did not exist in the early stages of Earth’s history but has been volcanically outgassed gradually over time and first condensed as polar ice caps (as on Mars today). Venus may have developed differently because of its closer proximity to the Sun, but it is also quite possible that Earth went through the same developmental phase.

A new term, "accreation" (meaning creation by accretion), was coined to describe this planetary growth process and it is offered as a new cosmological blueprint for creation of the Earth and Solar System to replace the nebular hypothesis. It is a new beginning for philosophical debate about the Universe, its origins and its future--it is not the final word. At this point, the evidence suggests that the Universe conforms more to the “steady state hypothesis” than it does the “big bang hypothesis,” but no one really knows which hypothesis is correct.

Enlightenment eventually will come to pass, but only when scientists realize they have been misled for the past 200 years by successive generations of professors who have relied on Laplace's nebular hypothesis to explain creation of the Earth and Solar System. Part of today’s problem results from the fact that Laplace's hypothesis was promulgated at a time in history when any prospective theory of Earth's creation had to agree with the story of rapid creation set forth in Genesis.

(For a more detailed discussion of the accreation process, go to our related web site:


At some point the deep ocean sediments suggested to me a potential solution to the growing international problem of a permanent storage area for hazardous nuclear wastes and U. S. Patent No. 5,733,066 was issued in March 1998 for a device (WasteCasketä) to accomplish this.

Entombment of wastes in deep abyssal plains far from any populated area and free from the seismic hazards of terrestrial burial is not only relatively inexpensive, but permanent entombment in deep ocean sediments has a number of additional advantages over storage in permanent repositories on land. Nearby residents are understandably reluctant to have these dangerous wastes endangering the aquifers that provide their drinking water.

When emplaced in deep sediments below the seabed, the WasteCasket is gently cradled in soft, gelatinous mud that is extremely cold and able to absorb the heat generated by some nuclear wastes. The deep abyssal plains of the oceans also offer the ultimate safety of being constantly overlaid by sedimentary accretion of extraterrestrial dust that will result in deepening and eventual lithification of the matrix surrounding the WasteCasketä. The WasteCasketä is designed with multiple safety and warning features, but even if leakage did occur, the still waters and scarcity of life forms at that depth provide an extra measure of safety.

A major political hurdle, rules of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), now prohibits use of the deep ocean seabeds for burial of nuclear wastes. However, this hurdle is not insurmountable. A proper understanding of the immense benefits to be gained by entombment of nuclear wastes in deep pelagic sediments of the many abyssal plains around the planet far outweigh the dangers posed to humanity by storage in terrestrial storage sites such as the WIPP in New Mexico and Yucca Mountain near Las Vegas, Nevada.

This IAEA rule can be changed if all the twenty-plus nuclear powers decide to change it. The severe problem now faced by the United States Congress in living up to its commitments to provide a permanent storage facility for hazardous nuclear waste is nearly two years past the deadline it set many years ago. Consequently, nuclear power facilities generate not only useful electrical power, but many tons of spent fuel rods each year—with no place to store them on a permanent basis.

Use of the world's ocean sediments for hazardous waste disposal is not a new idea; it has been under review since 1977 under the term "sub-seabed disposal." Congress follows this subject on a sporadic basis, but is unwilling to press for a change. Perhaps this negative posture will change once it is understood that permanent entombment in the deepest and most remote areas of the oceans in kilometers-thick sediments offers the safest and best solution possible.


This is part 15 of a series of articles written by Lawrence S. Myers in the late 1990s on the Expanding Earth theory.

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