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Great Speaking Vol. 5 Number 09

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Published in 
Great Speaking
 · 8 Oct 2024

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You've never seen or heard speaker's training like this before

Circulation 96,597
The largest speaking ezine in the world
Vol. 5 Number 9 - December 2, 2003
Publisher: Tom Antion
(C) Anchor Publishing 2003

No one ever lost credibility by
being interesting.

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Please recommend this E-Zine to anyone you
know that is interested in being a better presenter, or
who may want to make money speaking and training. (It's
a good way to stay in touch with clients too. Send this and tell
them you were just thinking about them.)

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In this issue

1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip

2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
(Beginners should read this too)

3. Humor Technique Series

4. Speaker Marketing Tip

5. Speaker Humor

6. Websites for Speakers

*** This guy's a slavedriver and outrageous ***********
but he gets results for speakers.

He made a preposterous claim and I thought he was full of it
. . . until I saw him make it happen with my own eyes.


1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip
Sensitive Audience Members by Tom Antion

If you are planning to do a lively presentation that involves the
audience members, you must be careful of what you say at the
beginning of your speech.

Some audience members would rather have you sit down so they
could be the star on stage, but others dread the thought of even
being noticed while they are sitting in the audience.

Here is a critical phrase you can adapt and say during the
beginning of your presentation to help the sensitive members of
the audience relax and pay attention to your content.

"We're going to have lots of fun and interaction today, but don't
worry. You won't be put on the spot to do anything you don't want
to do."

That simple phrase will help all of your audience members enjoy
your presentation without anxiety.


From last issue about the problems erasing Dry Erase Boards when
the ink has dried for a long time.

Readers Mary Roth and Fugi Saito both quickly responded with this
tip. Scribble over the old writing with a marker. This re-
moistens the old writing which will now erase easily with your
dry board eraser.

**** Yanik Silver's Birthday Bash ****

My friend and stellar Internet Marketer Yanik Silver is throwing
his 30th Bday and customer appreciation Bash in Orlando Florida.

I'll be speaking there along with my hero Corey Rudl and 8 other
Internet marketing greats.

Admission Fee: $0.00 Can you believe it? Yanik is footing the
bill for his own birthday party. . . . What a guy.
For details visit:


** Be an Even Better Speaker with Strategic Storytelling **

An inspiring new book by Doug Stevenson teaches you how to use
personal stories in business, sales or training. Learn how to
make a point, teach a lesson and keep your listeners engaged.
Expand your stories with comedy and drama using Doug’s
breakthrough Story Theater Method. Become a great storyteller,
and achieve speaking success. Order "Never Be Boring Again"
within 48 hours and receive over 300 dollars in free e-Reports,
e-Workbooks and gift certificates.


2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
Tough Venues by Tom Antion

Did you ever present in a barn? How about a bowling alley? How
about a community center where drum lessons are being given in
the next room?

Well I've been in all those situations and more and so far I've
survived the recurring nightmares and waking up in a cold sweat
just thinking about them. I've been diagnosed with PTVD -- Post-
Traumatic Venue Disorder.

If you are really gung ho about speaking, you're going to jump at
the chance to do just about any speaking engagement. You should
do this because it helps you to get really good, really fast. As
you get more experienced you'll learn to use your pre-program
research to recognize potentially disastrous venues before you
agree to speak. But sometimes, even with the best of preparation,
you get blindsided and have to present in a lousy venue.

What is a lousy venue?
A lousy venue could have one or more of the following problems:

=> Bad lighting

=> Bad sound system

=> Noise coming from outside

=> Numerous sight blocking fixtures

=> Poor heating and air conditioning

=> Large distance between the stage and the seats

This list is by no means comprehensive. One time because of a
scheduling mishap, I ended up on the dance floor of the sports
bar during lunch time. I would call this a lousy venue, wouldn't

So what do you do?
My first piece of mundane, but powerful information is to stay
calm and keep smiling. (Don't think I haven't violated this rule
before because I just did last month when a very large amount of
money was riding on my presentation and nothing was set up when I
got into the room.)

Then, determine what is in your control and what is out of your
control. If the air conditioning is making noise, you can turn it
off yourself or go find a janitor to do it for you. (in past
issues I have described ethical bribes where I'll grease a
janitor's palm with twenty bucks if he can get something resolved
for me in the next five minutes)

But if you've got 500 people waiting and the sound system just
blew up, what do you do?

Go directly to the meeting organizers and ask them what they want
you to do.

They are under as much or more pressure than you are so again,
try to keep smiling and portray a very helpful and accommodating
attitude. This is no time for prima donna antics.

Know your schedule in advance and the costs to reschedule
airfare, etc and be ready to tell the meeting planner what you
can and can't do. For instance, if you must make your flight to
be able to get to your next speaking engagement on time, then you
certainly can't agree to do the presentation after they fix the
sound system if it will make you miss your flight. It wasn't the
other group's fault the sound system blew up at this event so you
can't cause them problems by being late.

Be creative and be prepared
On big events where they have plenty of money, maybe they would
agree to charter you a flight or call in the corporate jet if you
can stay and get the job done. Maybe the meeting planner of your
troubled event knows the meeting planner of your next event and
they can help each other out behind the scenes with scheduling so
that you can get both jobs done.

On local and smaller events you could have your own portable
sound system in the trunk of your car as a backup.

For noise coming from the next room, have some pre-planned ad-
libs ready to acknowledge the distraction and continue if
possible.If the weather is nice, take people outside (which
has it's own set of problems) or go to another part of the

I certainly don't have solutions for all the problems you will
run into in your speaking career. What I want to get through to
you is that bad venues will happen. Sometimes you just can't do
anything about it and you must quit or reschedule the event and
sometimes you can be flexible and creative and find a way to get
the job done. . . . That's what being a pro speaker is all

P.S. What did I do about the sports bar presentation? I got
manager to turn on the DJ booth and show me how to work the disco
lighting. I got the lunch patrons involved and a good time was
had by all.

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FREE 7 Day Electronic Marketing Mini Course


**** This site will get you speaking engagements ****


3. Humor Technique
Holiday Humor by Tom Antion

You look current and polished when you can tie your humor to
upcoming holidays.

I'm not talking about you saying, "Santa, Rudolf and Blitzen
walked into a bar" although if your joke made a point and was
relatively funny, go for it.

I guess my suggestions are just as goofey, but folks I have made
some really big money being a little goofey and entertaining
while speaking at events.

One time I got a bunch of antlered Reindeer hats and had all the
head table wearing them when I spoke. The pictures were hilarious
and they loved them. I think it made it into their newsletter.

I brought a Santa Costume for the president to wear and it
brought down the house.

Tell stories of funny things that happened to you at Christmas,
Thanksgiving, Easter, etc.

One time when I had my entertainment company I was supposed to
play Santa Clause for a kids party and I forgot to pick up some
batteries for one of the toys I was bringing. I was running late
so I ran into the mall with just a tee shirt, Santa Makeup, red
pants and boots. Parents pretty much started cussing me out to
get out of there before any kids saw me. So I ran back to the
car, put on the whole outfit and came back in just trying to get
to the store to get some batteries. This time a busload of 4 and
5 year olds saw me and were literally hanging all over me. I had
kids hanging on both legs where I could hardly move. They were
yelling, "We love you Santa Clause." hehehe -- Well I was a
little late for my party that day.

You could dress in outlandish holiday colors. I saw one guy
wearing a portable mistletoe hat.

You could write a parody song about the organization you're
speaking for based on a Christmas carol. How about this if you
were speaking for a food distributor?:

"Deck the halls with boughs of Jelly falalalala lala la la"

********* Great Speaker Reference *******
Be the hit of your next presentation!

"Wake em Up! How to Use Humor and Other Professional
Techniques to Create Alarmingly Good Business Presentations"

"Toms program and materials will cut five years off a speakers
learning curve."
-- Cavett Robert, Founder National Speakers Assn.

Now available for immediate download in pdf format click on "E Books"

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Have fun in the Florida Keys and Lean Marketing from the Greats


4. Speaker Marketing Tip
Audio Marketing by Tom Antion

Technology is moving fast and has now made using audio to your
strategic marketing advantage cheap and easy.

You can have customers phone in a testimonial about your speeches
or for your products and services and have their voice up on your
website almost immediately.

Have them email you a picture of themselves to go with their
audio clip, or grab one from their website and you have an
awesome and powerful promotional tool to put on your

Last week you received a 4 minute Audio Postcard with a speaking
tip on delivering punchlines. If you missed it, turn up your
speakers and visit:

This postcard required no technical expertise whatsoever. You
don't even have to have a website. You can just email your
prospects and customers the link to your audio tips and

Here is a sample page of testimonials from people who attended my
retreat center weekends on Internet Marketing.

You can also put an unlimited amount of audio clips of up to 30
minutes each that showcase your speeches, stories and humor.

To get this tremendous and easy to use audio technology for
yourself I've posted a link at one of my websites

Shopping cart system that Tom uses. You get a three-hour
orientation with Tom narrating to lead you through the basic set
up and advanced sales strategies.

*** Secrets to Their Success *********

This is a very inspiring site with all kinds of people featured.
It goes really in depth in finding out how they became successful
in their businesses.


5. Speaker Humor

=> Used Cars: Why go elsewhere to be cheated. Come here first.

=> "If you are blind or cannot read, please ask for assistance"

=> Girl wanted to assist local magician in cutting-off-head
illusion. Excellent health care and salary.

=> Time is what keeps everything from happening at once.

=> Laugh alone and the world thinks you're an idiot. Laugh with
the world and they still think you're an idiot.

=> A bartender is just a pharmacist with a limited inventory.

=> We have enough youth, how about a fountain of smart?

=> Iraqi Head Seeks Arms

Much more FREE speaker humor at

6. Useful Websites
http://www.KickStartSound.htm Really easy audio postcards, audio
testimonials and audio for your website. This site will
find you speaking engagements Free ebook by Tom Antion
on "How to Pick a Shopping Cart System that Makes you Money" Website of the National Speakers

****** Earn Big Referral Commissions ******

You can earn a 10 - 25 percent commission for referring
Tom for speaking engagements and bulk product sales.
Commissions normally start between $850.00 and $1700
depending on your level of involvement. For complete
details visit


Articles for your publications

I have many articles available for reprint in your
publication, company newsletter, etc. You may use
articles written by me that you see in great speaking.
Back issues can be viewed at OR for an automated list
of additional articles. All you have to do is print the
article in its entirety along with the by line at top and
the credits, and complete contact information at the end
of each article.
I would appreciate a tear sheet or electronic copy too. Thanks

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