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Great Speaking Vol. 4 Number 06

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Great Speaking
 · 8 Oct 2024

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"You are the worst, most unprofessional speaker I ever saw."
That's what a lady said about the publisher of this Ezine two
weeks ago. (see her comments below)

Circulation 135,684
The largest speaking ezine in the world
Vol. 4 Number 6 - April 24, 2002
Publisher: Tom Antion
(C) Anchor Publishing 2002

No one ever lost credibility by
being interesting.

Your subscription gets you free speaking leads when available.


Please recommend this E-Zine to anyone you
know that is interested in being a better presenter, or
who may want to make money speaking and training. (It's
a good way to stay in touch with client's too. Send this and tell
them you were just thinking about them.)

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1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip

2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
(Beginners should read this too)

3. Humor Technique Series

4. Speaker Marketing Tip

5. Speaker Humor

6. Websites for Speakers

********** OUR SPONSOR ***********

1stBooks Library

Never lug around a shipment of books to your next speaking
engagement again. Since 1997, 1stBooks has helped 10,000 authors
get published via print-on-demand technology. This technology
allows us to print books just one at a time or a thousand at a
time. Plus, we can ship them anywhere you're going to be
speaking. For our free publishing guide, visit


1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip
USE A DEMONSTRATION by Anne Durrum Robinson

Tom, I have to pass this on. Some years ago I was teaching a
large group in business and professional writing. I wanted them
to realize the biggest error in most business and professional
writing so I had each person blow up a balloon and then stick a
pin in it. (Amusingly that was a very difficult task for balloon

When all 65 folks stuck the pins in at more or less the same time
the results were loud pops! The point to the exercise, of course,
was to show how little one had left when one took all the hot air
out of one's business writing. All seemed to get that point. What
I personally didn't understand was why, after all that unusual
noise, nobody came to see if we were okay.

NOTE FROM TOM: This same exercise can be used to simulate an
indoor fireworks show. Of course, there is no fire and smoke but
it sounds like it. Also, you can have the people stomp on the
balloons which makes for a fun visual.

You can reach Anne at

************ SPONSOR ************

See Tom in person at ButtCamp in

Orlando, FL Friday, July 12,(day before NSA convention)

What is ButtCamp? You learn real world methods of selling your
knowledge on the Internet while sitting on your rear end. :)

Full Details:

Can't make it? Send your assistant/webmaster. OR

We now have the entire session on Audio CD


************ SPONSOR ************

"Click: The Ultimate Guide to Electronic Marketing for Speakers"

This is the number 1 reference manual for speakers, authors,
trainers, and consultants for selling products and services on
the Internet


2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article

I'm certainly no clothes horse. When people look at me they
certainly don't say, "Wow! What a snappy dresser." I do happen to
know a little bit about speaker clothing that polished pro
speakers need to know about.

I'm talking about the dreaded MICROPHONE BULGE. Unless you use a
handheld microphone, or a wired clip on microphone (which causes
you to trip over the wire all day) in one way or the other you
have to deal with a wireless transmitter bulge in your clothing.

This needs to be addressed when you are purchasing the clothing
you plan on wearing when you speak.

Where is the transmitter pack going to be attached? If you have
no pockets and no belt, the sound person will have to glue the
darn thing on you (not really) but in many cases that would be
the easiest route.

If you are wearing a form fitting jacket, then clipping the
transmitter to your skirt will cause a bulge in the back and an
unsightly pull in the front.

Plan for the transmitter pack when you purchase your clothing.
Take one with you to the store or simulate having one by putting
one or more compact cases together and slipping in the back of
your skirt. If you're new outfit fits with those in there, then
it will fit nicely with a real transmitter.

You can also wear a jacket or top with a tie / best around it
which gives the transmitter a handy place to hang.

Big guys like me that wear fairly loose jackets don't have to
worry about this too much. If you are built such that you can
wear form fitting tightly cut jackets, then you are in the same
boat as the ladies above. You must plan for the transmitter when
you purchase your clothing. When I've had suits custom made, I
actually had the tailor put in a special pocket for the
transmitter and I also had him make several loops up the inside
of the jacket to keep the wire to the microphone from hanging out
the front of my coat.

Sometimes I put the transmitter right in my pants pocket. That
way there is no way it will fall off or come unclipped even if I
get a little boisterous on stage . . . which I do.

*********** SPONSOR ***********
FREE 7 Day Electronic Marketing Mini Course


DRESS 'EM UP! by Tom Antion

Since I owned an entertainment company for six years I wound up
with an enormous number of props and costumes that were pretty
much taking up space in my house after I got full time into the
speaking business. When I was asked to start doing speaking
engagements with a high percentage of humor I decided to take
better advantage of all my funny outfits.

At a presentation in Dallas I had the one of the male executive
VPs dressed up like a nurse and another VP was dressed up like
Elvis. In this case they weren't completely dressed in costume. I
put a nurse's hat, and stethoscope on the one guy and gave him a
giant comedy thermometer.

Elvis had on a giant wig and sunglasses with giant sideburns
attached. He also had a scarf around his neck and an inflatable

On another occasion, I had the president of a pizza chain wear a
pillow on his behind with a big target painted on it. They were
doing a giant KickButt promotion. Every time one of the managers
got one of the customer service answers right they got a chance
to Kick the President in the rear.

Another time I provided a gorilla and clown costume. The CEO
dressed in the Gorilla costume because it's a "jungle" out there
and someone else wore the clown costume to represent all those
clowns out there that we are going to beat.

My favorite was the time I took a full size dummy to a customer
service speech where the participants were really frustrated with
the nasty customers they had to deal with. People that answered
questions properly got to beat up the "dummy" customer.

All of this may be out of your comfort zone, but I can tell you
that each one of the events above literally brought down the
house and I got big bucks to be there. So using props, and
costumes in the right situation can be tons of fun.


"Wake em Up! How to Use Humor and Other Professional
Techniques to Create Alarmingly Good Business Presentations"

"Toms program and materials will cut five years off a speakers
learning curve."
-- Cavett Robert, Founder National Speakers Assn.

Now available for immediate download in pdf format click on "E Books"

For a FREE Chapter visit


4. $$$$$$$ SPEAKER MARKETING TIP $$$$$$$$
TO CALL YOU PART I by Tom Antion

Media is more than the standard radio, TV and print. Here are 8
of the 16 things I do to get publicity and because I'm a ham and
also because I can't stand cold calling.

1. Create a Great Website. You can get hired directly from the
website and on many occasions with no press kit and no video

2. Trade links with other websites and both you and the other
website owner will win. (Don't be swayed against this technique
by the people that want to guard their website with a shotgun.)

3. Start an Electronic Newsletter or two aimed at your target
market(s). The one you're reading right now is up to about
135,000 subscribers and is making me lots of money.

4. Trade classified ads with other electronic newsletter owners
to get more subscribers to sign up for your newsletter.

5. Write articles and/or become a columnist. You're the expert
when someone reads an article in a respected publication written
by you. You don't have to try to win the lottery by getting in
Newsweek. You can get more business by submitting to trade
publications and websites related to your expertise.

6. Get articles written about you in magazines and newspapers.
You can brag about them and reprint them forever. To stimulate
interest, send press releases, post cards, email, faxes to your
target publications.

7. Get yourself mentioned everywhere you can. Call publications
and broadcast stations and put yourself on their expert
databases. Write letters to the editor. Always be helpful to
journalists and make their jobs easier and they will call you
over and over for comments.

8. Do Radio Interviews. They are fairly easy to get and you can
do them from home. Get some training so you are great when you
are on the air.


a 300-page e-book by Joan Stewart and Tom Antion.
You'll find dozens of checklists, sage advice on how to
pitch journalists, and tons of handy websites you can use to
track down contacts at newspapers, magazines, radio
and TV stations. (Note: Tom's big spokesperson contract came from
a few line mention in just one newspaper in Florida) This is
powerful stuff!

For the table of contents and a free chapter


NOTE: The site below is where I began learning about E Marketing

Good and easy to use shopping cart system

The email list management company I use

Tom's Top Ten Marketing Resources page


by Mike Rounds
This prolific reference E-book (over 1000 pages) will teach you
things about professional level speaking you can't find anywhere
else. Mike tells you all about it for free at:



=> Diets are for people who are thick and tired of it.

=> Do you think that when they asked George Washington for ID
that he just whipped out a quarter?
- - Steven Wright

=> I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman where the "Self
Help" section was, she said if she told me it would defeat the

=> "OLD" IS WHEN..... Your friends compliment you on your new
alligator shoes and you're barefoot.

=> We don't devote nearly enough scientific research to finding a
cure for jerks.

=> We childproofed our home 3 years ago and they're still getting

=> A three-legged dog walks into a bar and says, "I'm lookin' for
the man who shot my paw!"

=> "Karaoke" means a combination of people who shouldn't drink
with people who shouldn't sing!

=> I finally quit smoking by using the patch. I put six of them
over my mouth.

=> Sweets are the destiny that shapes our ends.

=> 47% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

=> If a man is alone in the forest, without any women, is he
still wrong?

=> Tell someone that there are 400 billion stars and they'll
believe you. Tell them a bench has wet paint and they have to
touch it.

=> A doctor gave a man six months to live. The man couldn't pay
his bill, so he gave him another six months.

=> The main purpose of holding children's parties is to remind
yourself that there are children more awful than your own.

=> "Only drug dealers and software companies call their customers

Much more FREE speaker humor at

***** "You're the worst speaker I ever saw" *****

Two weeks ago I had a lady return the "Wake 'em Up Video
Professional Speaking System" and tell me that I was the worst
and most unprofessional speaker she had ever seen. I asked her
how many paid speeches she had done. She said, "None." I told her
I had done more than 2100 and my fee was going to $9500.00 per
speech in July. She said,"You must be a good salesman." I wanted
to say, "Well then you must be an idiot" but I didn't.

I tried to explain to her that maybe she didn't like my style,
but that the techniques in the system were proven over many years
and that I always get super high evaluations and that we have
sold hundreds and hundreds of these systems around the world to
help speakers at all levels.

Guess what? I hope she's never in my audience :) Some people just
don't get it. Find out for yourself how good this system is and
how the techniques in it took me from $75.00 a speech to high
fees and high demand for my speaking services. Heck you have a
year long guarantee to return it if you decide I stink as a


===================================================== National Speakers Association US - Discount LCD projectors,
digital projectors, dlp projectors, and other multi media
equipment. Advanced speaker marketing
services Canadian Association of
Professional Speakers National Speakers Association
Australia Professional Speakers
Association Europe


You can earn a 10 - 25 percent commission for referring
Tom for speaking engagements and bulk product sales.
Commissions normally start between $850.00 and $1700
depending on your level of involvement. For complete
details visit



I have many articles available for reprint in your
publication, company newsletter, etc. You may use
articles written by me that you see in great speaking.
Back issues can be viewed at OR for an automated list
of additional articles. All you have to do is print the
article in its entirety along with the by line at top and
the credits, and complete contact information at the end
of each article.
I would appreciate a tear sheet or electronic copy too. Thanks

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Antion & Associates / Anchor Publishing
Box 2630
Landover Hills, Maryland USA 20784
(301) 459-0738, Fax (301) 552-0225
In Continental US (800) 448-6280 orders or paid consulting only

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