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Great Speaking Vol. 5 Number 08

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Great Speaking
 · 8 Oct 2024

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Mark Victor Hansen (of Chicken Soup for the Soul Fame) is holding
his "Mega Speaking Empire" this week. Only a few seats remaining.
(details below)

Small Publishers Assoc of North America Publishing College Oct
24-26 Los Angeles
(details below)

Circulation 100,919
The largest speaking ezine in the world
Vol. 5 Number 8 - October 13, 2003
Publisher: Tom Antion
(C) Anchor Publishing 2003

No one ever lost credibility by
being interesting.

*** Speaker business leads ***
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them you were just thinking about them.)

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In this issue

1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip

2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
(Beginners should read this too)

3. Humor Technique Series

4. Speaker Marketing Tip

5. Speaker Humor

6. Websites for Speakers

*** Professional Level Speaking - Build a Speaking Empire ***

Mark Victor Hansen is telling all his secrets and teaching you
how to build a Mega Speaking Empire (even if you don't have a
worldwide best selling book)

I'll be there along with Robert Allen and many other experts who
will give you a step-by-step plan to build your speaking empire.

Mention "Great Speaking" when you sign up and you'll get a free
Chicken Soup book.

We have maxed out the available space, so there are only a few
seats left. Check it out at:


1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip
Beware when you prepare dry erase boards by Tom Antion

I am a real sticker on preparing in advance. There are some rare
instances when preparing too far in advance could cause you
trouble. This is one of them.

Let's say you have access to your presentation room the night
before, so you visit the room and decide to put your opening dry
erase board comments on the board.

The next day you start your presentation, talk for 15 minutes,
refer to your dry erase board comments for several minutes and
then you go to erase them. --- oops. They might not come off
without some serious scrubbing of the board.

This happened to me once and I had to hold the back of the board
with one hand and scrub each little inch of writing really hard
to get it erased enough to continue.

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I will make your speech FUNNY! Comedian & award winning comedy
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*** Cartoons for Speakers ***

Complimentary to our readers! Speaker/ cartoonist Mike Moore's
Cartoons For Speakers plus newsletter and speaking resources


*** All Small Publishers Must Attend ***

If you want to make your small publishing business flourish, or
if you want to start an information publishing company, you must
be in Los Angeles Oct 24-26 for the "Book Publish 2003" the Small
Publishers Assn. of North America Publishing College.

You'll learn all the ins and outs of how selling information can
make you wealthy.

Details at

2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
21 Tips to Skyrocket your Back of the Room Sales Part 3 of 3
by Tom Antion

See part one at
See part two at

15. Add Bonuses

People love bonuses and they will definitely help you close the
deal. I give ads in "Great Speaking" Ezine. Consulting time,
special reports, extra tapes and CDs. Use whatever you have that
would be considered valuable on its own.

16. Make Your Pitch

In my system of selling there is a pitch . . . but not like you
know it. With the careful use of example, scare techniques and
need building, in essence I have been pitching the entire time
I'm on stage. I structure my final pitch so that the audience
members are laughing and having a good time during my pitch which
knocks down sales resistance.

17. Present order mechanism

I use a two part carbonless form so audience members can fill it
out themselves, rip it apart and they already have their receipt.
This makes moving them through really fast when they all rush to

18. Be Clear and make it easy

We're back to being clear again just like we were in the first
point of Part I of this series. This time, though, you are
telling them exactly how to write their information in their form
and exactly what to do to close the deal. If the steps you want
them to take aren't crystal clear, you will lose sales and you
may lose tons of sales.

19. Don't Oversell

You could make offers that were so outrageous that you can't come
through -- which will create lots of ill will,
chargebacks and returns. Don't do it.

20. Close the deal

Besides giving precise instructions, you can create urgency by
limiting the number of specials you are offering or limiting the
time that the special is on. Offer to sign books or add some
other unexpected bonuses for filling in their form right now.

21. Isolation technique for big ticket sales

This is a technique that has come into vogue in the past couple
years and can triple the value of your sales for any particular
day. You tell people that you have a program only for fast
trackers that is xxxx dollars so only highly qualified people can
get in it. After your talk you are going to meet for 15 minutes
in a room off stage to discuss the program. During that session
you pitch your mentor or coaching program or whatever big ticket
products and services you have. Limit questions only on the
package you're selling.

Want the entire story immediately?

I taped one of my best teleseminars ever a couple months ago and
this time I even give you a choice of tape or CD. You'll get two
full hours of all the nitty gritty details to skyrocket your back
of the room sales AND you get an immediately downloadable
transcript of the tapes.
For details visit

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3. Humor Technique
Funny props by Tom Antion

I almost always use some kind of funny prop when doing a
presentation that is supposed to have a high percentage of humor.

Some props are just funny looking themselves, . . . like putting
an Elvis wig on yourself or an audience member.

Other props need an explanation to be funny. I use a little odd
looking piece of plastic that holds socks together so they
don't get lost in the washing machine. It's not obvious what the
prop is until I tell the audience what it does and why I so
desperately need a sock organizer.

I like props because they offer a different way of keeping the
audience member's interest. The concept of "keeping interest" is
the cornerstone of my entire "Wake 'em Up!" speaking system.

Funny props also take some of the pressure off of you to be glib
with your humor. You may want to add some humor to your
presentations and you may realize the value of doing so, but you
may not feel confident enough to pull it off. Props can save the
day because funny looking ones can carry the load for you because
they inherently get laughs even if your timing is not perfect.

This doesn't mean that props don't take skill and practice. You
have to know when they should be seen and when they should be
hidden. And if they are hidden, you need to know just when the
right time is to reveal them. If you are on camera, you need to
know how to hold them so they are seen by the camera.

Start looking for funny props and I highly suggest buying the
massive prop and costume catalog from Morris Costume in
Charlotte, NC (They're old world, they don't have a website and
you'll pay for the catalog and they have order minimums, but I
can tell you that I've gotten massive laughs for many years with
stuff I've bought from them) Call them at 704-348-3020

********* Great Speaker Reference *******
Be the hit of your next presentation!

"Wake em Up! How to Use Humor and Other Professional
Techniques to Create Alarmingly Good Business Presentations"

"Toms program and materials will cut five years off a speakers
learning curve."
-- Cavett Robert, Founder National Speakers Assn.

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4. Speaker Marketing Tip
5 Deadly Mistakes to Avoid with Web Copy
By Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero of Red Hot Copy (tm)

The Internet is one of the best places to market yourself as a
speaker. IF you do it right.

Words on the web are a different animal than words in print.
As a copywriter, I watch the trends. And YOU need to be aware of
online behavior too. That is IF you want potential clients to
read what's on your website. Studies show a full 79% of Internet
users SCAN the page rather than read word for word. What does
that mean to you? It means whatever they DO read had better be
GOOD. Here are 5 web copy mistakes you need to avoid.

Mistake #1: No compelling headlines or subheads

In print, eyes go to the picture first. Not so online. Research
shows the first thing web users see is a headline. Now, remember
what I said about scanning? Eyes drift down the page looking for
easy-to-pick-up words. Well, the headline and subheads should
effectively tell scanners what's on the page without having to
dig into the real copy -- like a quick summary of the entire

Headlines get the attention. The first subhead identifies the
problem of your target audience. The next wows them with the
solution - YOU! This way scanners can gloss over the content and
get the whole story with the headlines and subheads. Once they're
hooked, they can go back and really read your copy.

Mistake #2: Not building copy around keywords and phrases

Quick lesson. Keywords and phrases are what Internet surfers type
in to a search facility, like Google. Google comes back with a
list of related sites. Surfers tend to click over to sites
at the top of the list. Search engines put the sites with
relevant keywords HIGHER on the list. They find those sites by
reading the copy on your web pages. Get it? So figure out what
words your target market would type in to find you. Those are
your keywords. Now build them into your copy.

Mistake #3 Not enough white space

You can guide the eye where you want it to go -- if you have a

Don't clutter up the page with too many confusing options. Or
slow-loading graphics. Use strategic white space to pull your
reader through your copy from start to finish. Remember, reading
on a computer screen is tiring on the eyes. In fact, online
reading is 25% slower than reading print. So make it easier.
Break up your information into bite-sized pieces. Use short,
snappy sentences. Paragraphs with one thought and one thought
only. And use bullets liberally. You never know which is the
magic one to turn a reader into a customer. Make your copy scan-

Mistake #4 Boring the reader away

Your message has a heck of a lot of competition. People don't
have to read your copy unless they want to. YOUR job is to keep
them engaged. Let me let you in on a little secret I learned from
marketing genius, Joseph Sugarman - the purpose of copy is to get
you to read the first sentence. Then that sentence should get you
to read the NEXT sentence. And so on. And so on. And so on.

Ever hear of the "Bucket Brigade?" This term comes from the times
before fire departments got organized. If there was a fire,
villagers lined up down the streets. One end of the line started
at the water source. The other end was at the blaze. To put out
the fire quickly, they passed buckets of water down the line.
Briskly. Without letting up. Without slowing. Imagine that pace
when you're writing your copy. Each sentence leading you into the

Mistake #5 Underestimating the importance of copy

Copy describes what you do and persuades the reader to take some
action. But what really makes copy invaluable is its ability to
build a lasting relationship with your reader. Whether you're
there or not. 24/7. Good copy is friendly. Informative.
Establishes rapport. Grows trust and loyalty. It deepens the
connection between you and your audience. Once you have that
bond, you don't have to bother convincing them how great your
product or service is. They're READY to sign up!

For tips on getting your message read in an attention-deficit
world, sign up Lorrie's bi-monthly ezine, "Red Hot Copy" Change your words - change THEIR minds.

Copyright ® 2003 - All rights reserved

Shopping cart system that Tom uses. You get a three-hour
orientation with Tom narrating to lead you through the basic set
up and advanced sales strategies.

My cornball story by Tom Antion
I know it sounds corny and it sounds just like the ads you see in
business opportunity magazines, but 15 years ago I was broke,
injured, and living on a mattress in a vacant house. Now I'm a
multi-millionaire with my own mansion (not one I borrowed to take
a promo picture in front of). What made the difference? -- The
speaking business --. Learn my story and what speaking can do for

5. Speaker Humor

=> Adam and Eve had an ideal marriage. He didn't have to hear
about all the men she could have married, and she didn't have
to hear about the way his mother cooked.

=> Maybe he/she doesn't "act stupid"; it might be the real thing

=> Why is it that if someone tells you that there are 1 billion
stars in the universe you will believe them, but if they
tell you a wall has wet paint you will have to touch it to be

=> When someone asks you, "A penny for your thoughts," and you
put your two cents in, what happens to the other penny?

=> The trouble with reality is there's no background music.

=> Do not make fun of the humor impaired, they won't understand!

=> My idea of a happy meal is one I don't have to cook.

=> He is a man of rare gifts . . . he hasn't given any in years.

=> I'm a woman of the world . . . and you know what shape the
world is in.

=> Why did God create economists? . . . To make weather
forecasters look good.

=> CFO = Corporate Fraud Officer

You might be a redneck if . . . (all attributed to Jeff

=> . . . your house still has a "Wide Load" sign on the back.

=> . . . you carried a fishing pole into Sea World

=> . . . there are more than three kitchen appliances on your
front porch.

=> . . . more than three hound dogs live under your front porch

=> The people on Jerry Springer's show remind you of your

=> You need one more hole punched in your card to get a freebie
at the House of Tattoos.

=> If you refer to the fifth grade as, "your senior year."

=> Your sister is the third generation of women in your family to
conceive a baby as a result of an alien abduction.

Much more FREE speaker humor at

6. Useful Websites
Cartoons for speakers You might be a redneck
humor Political humor McGraw Hill's
public speaking site Demo projectors at great
savings. Home of "Camtasia" a program that lets
you throw away PowerPoint and make your own visuals that you can
sell. You can see the product that I made at Command your
audience with your powerful voice

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Articles for your publications

I have many articles available for reprint in your
publication, company newsletter, etc. You may use
articles written by me that you see in great speaking.
Back issues can be viewed at OR for an automated list
of additional articles. All you have to do is print the
article in its entirety along with the by line at top and
the credits, and complete contact information at the end
of each article.
I would appreciate a tear sheet or electronic copy too. Thanks

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