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Great Speaking Vol. 5 Number 05

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Great Speaking
 · 8 Oct 2024

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TeleSeminar with Tom coming up in 72 Hours
"How to Sell a Ton at the Back of the Room"


Listen to the fabulous Mark Joyner seminar on the web
(details below)

Circulation 115,229
The largest speaking ezine in the world
Vol. 5 Number 5 - June 24, 2003
Publisher: Tom Antion
(C) Anchor Publishing 2003

No one ever lost credibility by
being interesting.

*** Speaker business leads ***
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Please recommend this E-Zine to anyone you
know that is interested in being a better presenter, or
who may want to make money speaking and training. (It's
a good way to stay in touch with clients too. Send this and tell
them you were just thinking about them.)

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In this issue

1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip

2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
(Beginners should read this too)

3. Humor Technique Series

4. Speaker Marketing Tip

5. Speaker Humor

6. Websites for Speakers

*** How to Sell a Ton at the Back of the Room ***

Tom Antion (the publisher of this ezine) has sold millions of
dollars worth of products and services at the back of the room.

30-60K in one speech is not uncommon for him. He even knows how
to sell where you are not allowed to sell and he NEVER gets in
trouble for being a hard core salesman from the stage.

He makes people "want" his products so he doesn't have to "sell"

In this revealing Teleclass he will tell all the easy to
implement secrets he has honed over 15 years of presenting to
make people run to the table to get his stuff.

You may have to take out extra business insurance after this
seminar in case someone gets hurt rushing to your products table

Telephone bridge line space is limited and Tom's events fill up
fast. Get more details and register at

Extra bonus: You get a free tape of the seminar after it's


1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip
Add Weight by Tom Antion

No I'm not promoting obesity. I'm referring to outdoor
presentations. If you are ever forced (I say "forced" because you
should try to avoid outdoor presentations at all costs) to do an
outdoor presentation, then make sure you have several different
kinds of weights handy to help control your presentation.

You might need a sand bag or dumbell to hold down the easel of
your flipchart. How about taping some heavy coins to the bottom
of the sheets and clamping the edges to keep the breeze from
lifting up the pages?

Paperweights, or in a pinch, plain old rocks are great for
holding down papers you have on a table on stage.

What else do you commonly have with you on stage that could blow
around in a breeze? Make sure it's secured.

Ties and scarves that look gorgeous in a no wind hotel room look
terrible and distracting when flapping in the wind.

Keep your weight up and you'll make the best of a windy

*** Listen to Tom Interview Mark Joyner ***

Tom's telephone interview of the fabulous Mark Joyner is now up
on the web for you to listen to for free.

"How to Sell Millions on the Internet and Retire Young"

Mark is the living proof that anyone can do it. He started his
Internet business on a shoestring a few years ago -- actually
while he was in the military.

Listen to his story that's filled with the exact techniques he

Note: Since he's selling out I had no trouble getting him to
reveal all his secrets.

Visit to
listen or download to your MP3 player (I'll leave the file up
there for 24 hours)


*** Find Your Million Dollar Voice! ***

Susan Berkley, international communications expert, reveals the
secrets of vocal persuasion in VoiceShaping, a complete voice
improvement program. Speak with confidence and enthusiasm!

Check out or call
800-333-8108 and mention Tom Antion for a special discount.

2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
"CHOKE" by Susan Berkley

In a memorable scene from the movie "8 Mile" the character played
by rapper Eminem enters a competition and gets on stage to prove
his prowess in front of a rowdy crowd. Using rhyme and rap, he
must show his skill at cleverly putting down the reigning
champion. Winning the contest could mean fame, fortune and a way
out of his grimy, dead-end life. We know he's up to it. In the
preceding scenes he's brilliant in front of his friends and the
bathroom mirror. But when he faces the jeering crowd on the big
night he freezes and is unable to speak. As the crowd chants
"Choke! Choke!" he leaves the stage in shame.

Freezing in front of an audience is every speaker's worst
nightmare. Eminem was clearly facing a hostile crowd. But why do
some speakers freeze even when they are in front of an audience
that is friendly and receptive?

Our voice is especially sensitive to our state of mind. It
mirrors our emotional state. Public speaking, of course, is
inherently stressful. During stress, the body secretes the fight
or flight hormones of adrenaline and noradrenalin and a sudden,
over-abundance of these hormones in the bloodstream is
responsible for the uncomfortable symptoms we associate with the
fear of public speaking: sweaty palms, rapid heartbeat,
shakiness, "brain freeze, " and a sudden but temporary loss of

While these symptoms can be scary for people who aren't used to
them, in most cases, they are temporary and feel worse than they
look. However, losing a normally healthy voice during a speech is
a warning sign that there are deeper psychological issues at work
that should be examined so the problem can be resolved.

So why do we get so nervous? Recent psychological research
conducted by psychoanalyst Dr. Norberto Keppe, shows that the
hardest thing for us to accept in life is goodness. We create the
most stress, and consequently the most illness, by unconsciously
rejecting and fighting against success, opportunity, love, and
all the other good things life has to offer. It's as if we are
inverted, says Keppe, and on a deep unconscious level we push
away the very things we should rationally want the most.

This was certainly the case with Eminem's character in 8 Mile.
Street smart and savvy, well prepared and dedicated to his craft,
he certainly had the right stuff to handle a tough crowd and rise
to the occasion. Yet these were precisely the qualities he
resisted, and because he was terrified of looking at this
resistance in himself, he blocked and froze. Eventually, he
succeeded, and you will too if before your next talk, you take a
moment to gather up your courage and try to listen to the message
behind the nerves. What precious awareness is waiting for you
there? It is through this process that the masterful communicator
within you will be born.

Norberto R Keppe's new book The Origin Of Illness is available at
bookstores everywhere, from or
from The Great Voice Company at 800-333-8108.

©Copyright 2003 Susan Berkley From "The Voice Coach" ezine by
Susan Berkley. reprinted with permission. For a free subscription
visit Susan Berkley is a professional
speaker and international communications expert. She is a top
voiceover artist and author of "Speak to Influence: How to unlock
the hidden power of your voice, " available at bookstores or from
The Great Voice Company at 201-541-8595. 616 E. Palisades Ave.,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 USA

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FREE 7 Day Electronic Marketing Mini Course


3. Humor Technique
Tease People by Tom Antion

This is supposed to be an ezine for people that want to get
"Great" on the platform. Sometimes that entails a little
calculated risk.

If someone comes into the session late I might stop what I was
doing and say, "Why were you late?" 98 percent of the time, the
person will tease me back, give me a smart alec answer back (not
really maliciously), or in some other way go along with the fun.
The voice inflection I use obviously says I'm just playing and
not trying to embarrass them.

I would say 2 percent might act a little irritated because I
pointed out the obvious. I can tell you in several thousand
presentations, not once have I received a negative comment or bad
evaluation because of saying that line. (That doesn't mean, of
course, that someone didn't think poorly of me because of it --
they just didn't say anything about it)

When someone gets up to leave the room during his presentation a
comic speaking magician I know stops the performance and pulls
out a hall pass from his briefcase and runs over to give it to
the person. It brings down the house.

Besides their comic effect, these activities of stopping what you
are saying have a practical use. Someone arriving late or getting
up in the middle of your presentation is very distracting to the
audience. If you keep talking over the distraction, the audience
won't hear what you're saying anyway. You may as well sneak in
some comedy since the audience's mind is elsewhere.

Warning: Teasing the 2 percent can be hazardous to your
evaluations so be careful and make sure you've established a
likable playful demeaner before teasing people without

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it at or subscribe to the
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********* Great Speaker Reference *******
Be the hit of your next presentation!

"Wake em Up! How to Use Humor and Other Professional
Techniques to Create Alarmingly Good Business Presentations"

"Toms program and materials will cut five years off a speakers
learning curve."
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Now available for immediate download in pdf format click on "E Books"

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4. Speaker Marketing Tip
Make Your E-Mail Signature File WORK for You! by Alexandria K.
Brown, "The E-zine Queen"

You're probably familiar with e-mail signature (or "sig") files.
They're the few lines of contact information that many of us put
at the bottom of every e-mail we send. Most e-mail software
programs allow you to create and use sig files -- even the newer
versions of AOL.

I've heard some people who don't use sig files defend their
position by saying, "All my clients know my info -- I don't need
to remind them with every e-mail." Stop! You're missing a perfect
opportunity to promote your business, as well as do your clients
and prospects a favor.

When you think about how many e-mails you actually send a day,
it's probably more than you realized! Some people send over 100 a
day. That's a lot of mail -- and a lot of chances to slip in your
own subtle marketing messages.

Sig Files Put You at Their Fingertips

People love it when you make information easy to find. Sure, your
clients have your phone number somewhere, but they'll really
appreciate it when they can grab your number right from an e-mail
they're looking at. In fact, e-mail is such a part of our lives
now, that if someone needs your phone number quickly, she may be
more likely to grab it off your latest e-mail than to dig up your
business card. (Don't underestimate this occurrence -- there are
many disorganized people in the world!)

Also, if people want to put your info into their contact
management software (Outlook, ACT, Palm, etc.), they can simply
copy and paste it right from your sig file.

Good Sig Files Tell Strangers What You Do

As a former co-chair of New York's Women in Communications Inc.
(WICI), I booked speakers for our monthly cocktail events,
conducting most of this work via e-mail. The speakers I
corresponded with only knew me as a representative of WICI; they
had no idea what I did for a living. But one woman, after
spotting my sig file, promptly wanted to learn more about my
copywriting services. She then hired me for a $5,000 project.
Thank you, sig file!

Sig Files Are Ready to Travel E-mails are forwarded all the time.
You never know where yours may end up, and one of the recipients
may be very interested in your service or product. I learned this
when I got a call from a prospect in Israel. A colleague of hers
here in the U.S. had forwarded her an interesting issue of my
newsletter. She learned about my services and got my phone number
from the sig file at the bottom.

Sig Files Are a Great Promotional Tool

Now, let's move beyond the obvious stuff. Think of your sig file
as a little messenger who speaks to everyone you send an e-mail
to. What do you want him to say? Do you have great news? A new
product or service? A free newsletter or report? Let us know via
your sig file!

Your Sig File Checklist Here are several items to consider
putting into your sig file. CAUTION: Do not attempt to insert
them all! Choose what's most important for you and your business.

-your name and title your company name your company tagline, or a
short phrase that describes what your company does your address
your phone, cell phone, and/or pager numbers your fax number your
e-mail address (sometimes people can't get it directly or quickly
from your actual e-mail) your Web URL (be sure to include the "'
http://" prefix to ensure it will translate as a hyperlink on
most e-mail programs) Now, also consider putting promotional info
in your sig file, such as:

an offer for a free report or product you offer an offer for a
consultation or tr^ial offer a company announcement (new
client, new product, award won, etc.) a hyperlink to your latest
press release, article, or Web site feature an invitation to
subscribe to your free e-newsletter In the interest of space and
your reader's time, keep your offer or announcement to one or two
sentences only. (Tip: Always throw in the word "free" when
possible. It's everyone's favorite word!)


Most e-mail software programs allow you to create and keep
several signatures on file, so you can change them easily and
often. This makes it a cinch to switch your messages weekly or
even daily, and maintain ones for different businesses.

Choose What's Important to You Of course, it's possible to get
carried away and include too much information. We don't need
random quotes that have no relation to your business, cute
illustrations made up of keyboard characters, or your weekend
phone number in the Hamptons.

Try to keep your sig file to a maximum of eight lines. More than
that will overwhelm the reader, and it will look silly if your
sig files are always longer than your e-mail messages!

Here's a good example:

Jane Smith, President
Smith I.T. Consulting
'Take a Byte Out of Network Headaches'
ph: 800-321-0000 fax: 212-321-0001

* Visit and get your FREE report
on the top 10 most common computer network problems and how to
solve them!*

Notice that "Jane" opted not to give her mailing address here, in
order to use the space for her tagline and an invitation to
receive her free report. It's all up to you. If your customers
frequently need your mailing address, then you should include it.
(I don't include it in mine, since 99% of my work is done via e-
mail.) Decide what bits of info are most valuable to keep, and
use the rest of the space for a unique message or promotion!

One Last Thing: Make Sure We "Get" What You Do I've seen some
seemingly complete sig files that still leave me wondering,
"Thanks for all the info, but what do you DO?" We all know what
IBM and Kodak do, but the whole world doesn't know what your
business does (yet). For now, it's your job to help us all learn.
Include a tagline that describes what your company does or a
short phrase that helps us understand. If your sig file
consistently delivers a clear impression of what you have to
offer your prospects, it will reward you numerous times in the

(c) 2000-2003 Alexandria K. Brown. All rights reserved.

Alexandria K. Brown, "The E-zine Queen," is author of the award-
winning manual, "Boost Business with your own Ezine." To learn
more about this step-by-step guide, and to sign up for more great
tips like these, visit

Shopping cart system that Tom uses. You get a three-hour taped
orientation with Tom narrating to lead you through the basic set
up and advanced sales strategies.

The email list management company I use

Tom's Top Ten Marketing Resources page

*** Speaking to Help Your Family ***

Read exactly what it's like to sell your knowledge by means of
speeches and see if it's right for you. Visit


5. Speaker Humor

=> Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people
appear bright until you hear them speak.

=> What is a "free gift"? Aren't all gifts free?

=> I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.

=> We are born naked, wet and hungry. Then things get worse.

=> Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don't have film.

=> For Sale: parachute. Only used once, never opened, small

=> Diplomacy is saying "nice doggy" until you find a rock.

=> Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.

=> You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say
will be misquoted, then used against you.

=> I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be without sponges?

=> Despite the cost of living, do you notice how it remains so

=> He who laughs last, thinks slowest.

=> Support bacteria - there're the only culture some people have.

=> I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol.

Much more FREE speaker humor at

6. Useful Websites
===================================================== Find out how
to put audio on your website immediately and cheaply. Pop ups still make money and
get subscribers for savvy marketers. This is by far the best
software out there to create pop ups.
Funny name generators Lots of articles on voice
acting. Dumb
questions asked at libraries

****** Earn Big Referral Commissions ******

You can earn a 10 - 25 percent commission for referring
Tom for speaking engagements and bulk product sales.
Commissions normally start between $850.00 and $1700
depending on your level of involvement. For complete
details visit


Articles for your publications

I have many articles available for reprint in your
publication, company newsletter, etc. You may use
articles written by me that you see in great speaking.
Back issues can be viewed at OR for an automated list
of additional articles. All you have to do is print the
article in its entirety along with the by line at top and
the credits, and complete contact information at the end
of each article.
I would appreciate a tear sheet or electronic copy too. Thanks

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