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Great Speaking Vol. 4 Number 07

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Great Speaking
 · 8 Oct 2024

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Circulation 138,507
The largest speaking ezine in the world
Vol. 4 Number 7 - May 14, 2002
Publisher: Tom Antion
(C) Anchor Publishing 2002

No one ever lost credibility by
being interesting.

Your subscription gets you free speaking leads when available.


Please recommend this E-Zine to anyone you
know that is interested in being a better presenter, or
who may want to make money speaking and training. (It's
a good way to stay in touch with client's too. Send this and tell
them you were just thinking about them.)

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1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip

2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
(Beginners should read this too)

3. Humor Technique Series

4. Speaker Marketing Tip

5. Speaker Humor

6. Websites for Speakers

1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip
MICROPHONE TIPS by Susan Berkley

If you are speaking in any venue that is larger than an average
sized classroom or conference room, I strongly suggest using a
microphone to prevent vocal strain. There are two types of
microphones you are likely to encounter. The first is a lavaliere
mic that clips to your lapel or collar. This type of microphone
usually has a battery pack, which you attach to your waistband,
allowing you to move about freely. When wearing a lavaliere,
speak conversationally with the same amount of volume and vocal
projection you would use to address a small group. The amplifier
will do the rest. Make sure you turn your mic off when you are
not on the platform to avoid sharing private comments with the
rest of the audience.

The second type of microphone is hand held or fixed to a stand or
podium. With this type of microphone, popping can be a problem.
Popping is caused when "plosives" like 'p','t', and 'd' are
spoken and the air from your mouth hits the mic. To prevent
popping, position the mic about a hands width away and slightly
below your mouth so that the air from your mouth does not hit the
microphone. Speaking above the mic will also help prevent nasal
noise. Keeping the mic about a hands width away from your mouth
will also help prevent a "boom-y" sound.

Reprinted with permission from the "VoiceCoach ezine" by Susan
Berkley. For a free subscription visit
Susan Berkley is president of The Great Voice Company and author
of "Speak To Influence: How To Unlock The Hidden Power of Your
Voice" available from 800-333-8108 or your favorite bookseller.

****** Watch the Crowd Hang on YOUR Every Word ***********

NEW breakthrough speaking system taking you from dull to DYNAMIC!

PLUS Four FREE Bonuses worth BIG MONEY. Outstanding! ~ Dub Hall

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10 Speaking Secrets FREE. Send an email right now to:


************ SPONSOR ************

See Tom Antion in person at ButtCamp in

Orlando, FL Friday, July 12,(day before NSA convention)

What is ButtCamp? You learn real world methods of selling your
knowledge on the Internet while sitting on your rear end. :)

Full Details:

Can't make it? Send your assistant/webmaster. OR

We now have the entire session on Tape or Audio CD


2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
TALK IS CHEAP by Tom Antion

Did you know that the time spent on stage by most great speakers
is the easiest part of a speaking engagement? Let me explain.

Gaining the knowledge and credibility to say what you say on
stage is infinitely more expensive in both time, effort and money
than saying it. Add to that the hassles of travel and the custom
work on each presentation and you've got quite an investment in
that "cheap" talk.

=> Most great speakers actually do or live what they talk about.
This translates into high credibility. They are not simply giving
book reports.

=> Great speakers have become well known enough in their circles
of expertise to carry even more credibility along with their
words. This is very valuable to the audience because it reduces
their resistance to the believability of the speaker's message
and allows them to focus on the message.

=> Great speakers know a tremendous amount about their audience.
They research the organization and in many cases interview
audience members. They choose their final comments carefully
based upon what they have learned from their research.

=> Great speakers think long and hard about developing visuals
that enhance their message instead of overshadowing it. They
don't allow their visuals to take over the show. These visuals
could be projected images, props, foam boards, costumes,
flip charts etc.

=> Great speakers when possible come early and stay late to best
connect with the audience members. Being aloof has some
advantages, but unless you are a celebrity already, being aloof
in most cases will slow your progress.

=> Great speakers must put up with the rigors of travel. Allowing
extra time to rest before presenting allows them to give the best
possible performance.

Have you spent the time and energy to do what great speakers do?
When is the last time you actually did what you talk about? Are
you doing publicity work in your areas of influence so you become
more well known? Are you diligently doing your homework for each
speaking engagement? Are your visuals fresh and used only
sparingly? Do you arrive in plenty of time to be rested and to
spend some time mingling?

You hear people all the time saying that a particular speaker
makes it look so easy. They don't know that it takes quite an
investment to be a great speaker. It reminds me of something
Dolly Parton once said, "It cost of a lot of money to look this

Talk is cheap. Becoming a great speaker isn't. Make the above
investments and you'll be a well paid and in demand "cheap"


by Mike Rounds
This prolific reference E-book (over 1000 pages) will teach you
things about professional level speaking you can't find anywhere
else. Mike tells you all about it for free at:


********* FREE MINICOURSE ***********

FREE 7 Day Electronic Marketing Mini Course



Either part time or full time. Tom lays out everything you need
to have and all the skills you need to develop in this one hour
Audio Tape.


TEST HUMOR by Tom Antion

I was doing a taped interview with a very experienced speaker
last week and I told him about the way I structure my
introduction for a talk. This speaker had more than 20 years
speaking experience. Here's what he told me, "I've never heard of
this technique and I'm going to implement it immediately."

Think about how you would feel if you delivered one of your best
humorous opening lines and the audience sat there stone faced. It
wouldn't really make you look or feel that good would it?

That NEVER happens to me because of the following technique: I
put a piece of "test humor" in my introduction. This is a simple,
and mildly humorous line. (I want it to be simple so the
introducer doesn't mess up the delivery of the line.) During the
introduction I position myself so I can watch the reaction of the
audience when the humorous line is delivered.

When you have seen the same piece of humor delivered by many
different introducers in many settings you get a good feel for
the range of reactions different audiences give to the line.

By doing this, I am able to see if the audience is "in fun" which
means are they in the mood to laugh? If the audience chuckles or
outright laughs, I know that I can deliver a humorous line and at
least get a chuckle out of the audience. If they just sit there
when the test humor is delivered, I go into a straight content
oriented opening.

The use of this technique guarantees that I will never look poor
or uncomfortable during the critical opening moments of a speech.
If they're ready to have fun, then so am I. If they're not ready
to have fun, then I give them their content while sizing them up.

Maybe they want to get to know me a little before they trust me
enough to go along with my humor. Maybe they want to see if I
know what I'm talking about before they "respect me" enough to go
along with my humor. This is what "warming up the audience is all

The experienced speaker I mentioned above attempted to warm up
the audience by forcing humorous lines upon them. If they weren't
ready to laugh, then the speaker had to dig out from a hole he
dug for himself.

In some case the audience may never be ready to laugh for many
different reasons. They might be tired. The time of day might be
bad. They might have gotten some really bad news, It might be
mandatory that they attend when they want to be out golfing. If
you try to force humor to an audience that is not ready to laugh,
you will look, very, very bad.

Use test humor in your introduction to find out if they are ready
to laugh BEFORE you hit the stage..

Visit and pick
a few lines.


"Wake em Up! How to Use Humor and Other Professional
Techniques to Create Alarmingly Good Business Presentations"

"Toms program and materials will cut five years off a speakers
learning curve."
-- Cavett Robert, Founder National Speakers Assn.

Now available for immediate download in pdf format click on "E Books"

For a FREE Chapter visit


4. $$$$$$$ SPEAKER MARKETING TIP $$$$$$$$

Media is more than the standard radio, TV and print. Last issue
(v4n6 ) I
gave you 8 things I do to get speaking clients calling me. Here
are 8 more things I do to get publicity because I'm a ham and
also because I can't stand cold calling.

9. Get on TV Shows. You must think in terms of visual
demonstrations when you do TV. Do whatever you possibly can to
get a tape of your interview or segment. Have two or three
reliable people tape it, or buy a tape of your appearance. You
can usually get permission to use the footage in your video demo
materials. Also get some training. It's different on TV because
you have added the visual aspect. You must know how to sit, use
makeup, and choose the proper clothing.
etc. (The "Wake 'em Up Video Professional Speaking System" has a
section on this.

10. Plaster website and contact information ON your products
Sometimes the client will buy your product to get a sample of you
before he/she considers hiring you.

11. Advertise other products IN your products. You can put ads in
the back of your self-published book or negotiate with the
publisher for a few pages of ads for your other products and
services. You can also mention your products and services in the
content of the product. Don't go overboard with this.

12. Advertise in your contracts. After you are hired to speak you
can keep reminding the client that "additional educational
materials" like custom workbooks, video tapes, and audiotapes,
etc. are available. Sometimes they will call back and have the
additional budget for product.

13. Set the stage for referrals. First, be great on the platform.
Second, ask for referrals after you have done a great job and
third offer a commission for referrals.

14. Solicit New Product Reviews. Many publications in your target
market have space to mention new products that may be of interest
to their readers. Of course, since you are the author of the
product, you are considered the expert on the topic.

15. Add Value. I give 30 Days Free follow up consultation with
all my speaking engagements which keeps me top of mind with the
client for a longer period of time plus they must call me to get
the consultation which gives me a deeper penetration into the

16. Giveaway Products. I make review copies of books and tapes
available to all types of media outlets and I even give them away
to seat mates on airplanes. I was hired once before we landed . .
. Of course, I did have a captive audience hah aha


a 300-page e-book by Joan Stewart and Tom Antion.
You'll find dozens of checklists, sage advice on how to
pitch journalists, and tons of handy websites you can use to
track down contacts at newspapers, magazines, radio
and TV stations. (Note: Tom's big spokesperson contract came from
a few line mention in just one newspaper in Florida) This is
powerful stuff!

For the table of contents and a free chapter


NOTE: The site below is where I began learning about E Marketing

Good and easy to use shopping cart system

The email list management company I use

Tom's Top Ten Marketing Resources page

********* GET PAID TO SPEAK *********
Learn what it's like to become a paid professional speaker either
part time or full time.


=> Learn from the mistakes of others--you can never live long
enough to make them all yourself."
- -John Luther

=> It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as
a warning to others.

=> Never test the depth of the water with both feet.

=> After hearing two eyewitness accounts of the same accident,
you begin to wonder about history.

=> The 50-50-90 rule: Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting
something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.

=> Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his
sleep, he doesn't know about it until the next morning?

=> It used to be only death and taxes were inevitable. Now, of
course, there's shipping and handling, too.

=> The sole purpose of a child's middle name, is so he can tell
when he's really in trouble.

=> Last night I played a blank tape at full blast. The mime next
door went nuts.

=> Therapy is expensive; popping bubble-wrap is cheap. You

=> Neither of my kids ever understood my logic. Both of them
failed to see why they had to go to bed when I was tired.

=> Any child who is anxious to mow the lawn is too young to do

=> When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice safe
playpen. When they're finished, I climb out.

=>If you're not confused, you're not paying attention

=> Under Capitalism man exploits man. Under socialism it's just
the opposite.

=> Two fonts walk into a bar. The bartender says to them, "Get
out! We don't serve your type here."

=> A baby sitter is a teenager acting like an adult while the
adults are out acting like teenagers.

=> A dog thinks: Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me,
provide me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me, and take good
care of me... They must be Gods!

=> A cat thinks: Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me,
provide me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me, and take good
care of me... I must be a God!

Much more FREE speaker humor at

===================================================== Stage fright
Computerized speech writer A guide to
proper toasting
Tips on using microphones
article.htm Public speaking glossary Free Internet
Marketing discussion board


You can earn a 10 - 25 percent commission for referring
Tom for speaking engagements and bulk product sales.
Commissions normally start between $850.00 and $1700
depending on your level of involvement. For complete
details visit



I have many articles available for reprint in your
publication, company newsletter, etc. You may use
articles written by me that you see in great speaking.
Back issues can be viewed at OR for an automated list
of additional articles. All you have to do is print the
article in its entirety along with the by line at top and
the credits, and complete contact information at the end
of each article.
I would appreciate a tear sheet or electronic copy too. Thanks

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