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Great Speaking Vol. 6 Number 01

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Great Speaking
 · 8 Oct 2024

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=> See Tom Antion Live in St. Louis this month

=> Mega Book Marketing University Coming up in March

=> Great Internet Marketing Retreat Center date announced for
April (all dates have sold out quickly so don't delay)

Circulation 92,957
The largest speaking ezine in the world
Vol. 6 Number 1 - February 16, 2004
Publisher: Tom Antion
(C) Anchor Publishing 2004

No one ever lost credibility by
being interesting.

*** Speaker business leads ***
Your subscription gets you free speaking leads when available.

We pay you to send us subscribers

Please recommend this E-Zine to anyone you
know that is interested in being a better presenter, or
who may want to make money speaking and training. (It's
a good way to stay in touch with clients too. Send this and tell
them you were just thinking about them.)

If you are receiving this issue as a forward, and want
your own subscription, visit

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In this issue

1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip

2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
(Beginners should read this too)

3. Humor Technique Series

4. Speaker Marketing Tip

5. Speaker Humor

6. Websites for Speakers

*** Events for Speakers, Authors, Coaches, Consultants ***

If you can't make either of these events, get the recording:

See Tom Antion live in St. Louis for his infamous Internet
Marketing "ButtCamp. February 26, (the day before the National
Speakers Assn. Eastern Workshop)

ButtCamp Tapes or CDs

March -- Mega Book Marketing University with Mark Victor Hansen
of Chicken Soup for the Soul Fame. Also see a host of other
personal advisors to Mark that will teach you that your book is
just one tiny piece of your empire.


1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip
Last Minute Practice by Tom Antion

If you happen to be staying in a hotel in a room next to mine,
it is very likely you would hear parts of my upcoming speech
bellowing through the walls.

Even after the enormous number of presentations I've done I still
practice my stories and various bits of material the night before
my event. I heard Zig Ziglar saying that he does the same thing.

Unless you are speaking every day, it is almost impossible to
stay razor sharp with your delivery. Being a keynote / large
event speaker, I may go 90 - 120 days between times when I tell
certain stories on stage. The last thing I want to do is flub up
a line or bumble through a piece of material because I hadn't
thought about it for a couple months.

Don't get cockey! Practice your material several times right
before you do your speech and you'll have a much greater chance
that each word will come out perfectly.

*** Study in the lap of luxury ***

The Great Internet Marketing Retreat Center is the only facility
of its kind in the world. This is an exclusive center with class
size limited to six.

This is your chance to live and study with an Internet multi-

One guest said, the retreat center was "reality Internet
marketing on steroids" Another guest said, "The towels were
thicker than my winter coat . . . and I'm from Wisconsin."

Only serious business people should visit


*** What is professional speaking all about? ***

There are lots of places to speak and lots of ways to pull
enormous paychecks for speaking. The report at the link below is
my gift to you for being a subscriber.


2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
Audio Failure by Tom Antion

Wouldn't you know it? I just got my laptop back from getting
fixed because it was locking up. That problem was fixed
beautifully, but the shop must have done something to mess up the
headphone / audio output jack which I never thought to check.

I set up my seminar and plugged my external speaker / amplifier
into the headphone jack as I had done a hundred times before.
Terrible static came out of my external speakers. I tried
different cables and nothing would fix the static.

The fix I had to use was to put a microphone next to the tiny
speakers of the laptop which were working fine. This little trick
was enough to save the day.

In fact, this is a handy trick in many situations when you think
you are going to be able to hook a tape player or some other
audio device into the main sound system, but can't.

It's also handy if it's just not worth the trouble to hook into
the main sound system to listen to a brief audio clip.

I'll also remind you that I am a big advocate of handheld
microphones. Being able to either hold or lay a microphone close
to a speaker is yet another reason I like them. This trick would
be a real hassle with a clip on microphone.

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FREE 7 Day Electronic Marketing Mini Course


3. Humor Technique
Fake Phone Calls by Tom Antion

This is so much fun.

I keep my cell phone with me when I'm on stage and I either have
someone call me while I'm in the middle of the presentation, or I
just pretend the phone is vibrating and I have to answer the

Since the audience can't hear the person calling, you could fake
the entire conversation if you wanted to.

Just recently I had the organizer call me on stage just as I was
giving a small discount if the audience members wanted to buy my
back-of-the-room package. The organizer was telling me that the
discount I was giving was not good enough.

We started arguing about it on the phone which was making the
audience members laugh.

Note: If you've listened to my 2 hour album on "Selling a Ton at
the Back-of-the-Room" you know
that having the audience laughing in the middle of your close is
a very good thing.

I gave in an dropped the price a little more on the package I was

Immediately the phone rang again, with the organizer telling me
that wasn't good enough. We had another argument and now the
audience was really laughing.

I gave in again and dropped the price to the rock bottom and sold
a ton.

You could pretend your mother or father is calling and nagging
you about something. Or you could make up just about anyone that
will allow you to make your part of the conversation funny to the

Make good use of your cell phone while you are on stage
and those will be some of the most valuable minutes you ever

********* Great Speaker Reference *******
Be the hit of your next presentation!

"Wake em Up! How to Use Humor and Other Professional
Techniques to Create Alarmingly Good Business Presentations"

"Toms program and materials will cut five years off a speakers
learning curve."
-- Cavett Robert, Founder National Speakers Assn.

Now available for immediate download in pdf format click on "E Books"

For a FREE Chapter visit


4. Speaker Marketing Tip
Hover Ads by Tom Antion

I get so sick of the pseudo experts giving out incorrect
information about Internet marketing. I just saw in another
speaking ezine a tip from a guy who obviously doesn't know what
he's taking about.

He told speakers they should not use pop up boxes and that they
were ineffective anyway because of pop up blockers.

This is half baked information which is typical of the pseudo
experts. They tell you either wrong information or just enough
information to make you dangerous to yourself. Even worse they
keep you from maximizing your Internet potential.

My pop up boxes make me a small fortune by using sell down
techniques for digital products and finance options for big
ticket products. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, then
I can assure you that you are leaving lots of your customer's
money in their wallets instead of yours.)

1. When used properly pop up boxes are still very effective and I
have not had one complaint about the ones I use because I don't
use them in an intrusive fashion.

2. New and inexpensive technology is already here to defeat the
pop up blockers.

If you don't believe me . . . turn on all your pop up blockers
and try to block my ezine subscription sign up at

This pop up box immediately doubled my ezine subscription rate
and it's great for all kinds of promotions that will get you a
high response, . . . which means dough in your pocket.

It is called a "Hover Ad" and to the pop up blockers it looks
just like part of your page, but to the visitor it looks like a
pop up box that bounces in and lands on the page.

The company that created it also gives you five other formats for
pop up boxes so you can fit just about any look you want.

Check it out at:

Shopping cart system that Tom uses. You get a three-hour
orientation with Tom narrating to lead you through the basic set
up and advanced sales strategies.

Download your gift ebook "How to Pick a Shopping Cart System"

*** This is how Tom keeps up on advanced Internet Techniques ***

Ken McCarthy's "System" training is very high level and designed
for the very serious person who wants to start an Internet
business or take the one they have to the next level.


5. Speaker Humor

=> There was an absentminded professor who saw a sign on his
door that said, "Back in thirty minutes." So he sat down to

=> The first thing that strikes an out-of-towner in New York is
the accent. The second is generally a taxi!

=> A man broke a mirror, but he didn't have seven years' bad
luck. He died two days later.

=> A genius put his hand in a lion's mouth to see if he had any
teeth. The lion closed his mouth to see if the man had any

=> He's the kind of guy who always hits the nail squarely on the

=> An accountant tells his client, "We can get your books to
balance if you'll strike oil on the way home!"

=> I have some accountant. What he doesn't know about taxes
could fill a prison cell.

=> It's a thrill to read Fortune and find out your accountant is
one of the dozen richest men in the country.

=> I know an accountant who gave his clients a great tax break,
he put all their money in his name.

=> I have a CPA who's brilliant, they just named a loophole
after him.

=> Old accountants never die, they just lose their balance.

=> My accountant just went into business with General Motors.
They make the cars, he's making the license plates.

=> You've been here for a long time and are now in pain.
As anybody knows, there's no better painkiller than:
Thank you and good night!

Much more FREE speaker humor at

6. Useful Websites
===================================================== Get their tool bar and spy on your
competition's website. also has a tool bar that allows you to
search quickly from your browser and tells you how important it
feels your page is. Easily put audio samples of your
speeches on your website and have clients phone in testimonials
which can be put on your site in seconds. Also send audio
postcards with no technical expertise. Mostly geared toward selling
projectors and corporate hardware. If you feel you need to use
PowerPoint (I'm against it) then there are lots of articles to
help you do a better job at it.

****** Earn Big Referral Commissions ******

You can earn a 10 - 25 percent commission for referring
Tom for speaking engagements and bulk product sales.
Commissions normally start between $850.00 and $1700
depending on your level of involvement. For complete
details visit


Articles for your publications

I have many articles available for reprint in your
publication, company newsletter, etc. You may use
articles written by me that you see in great speaking.
Back issues can be viewed at OR for an automated list
of additional articles. All you have to do is print the
article in its entirety along with the by line at top and
the credits, and complete contact information at the end
of each article.
I would appreciate a tear sheet or electronic copy too. Thanks

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