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Great Speaking Vol. 5 Number 04

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Great Speaking
 · 8 Oct 2024

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(see bottom if you no longer wish to receive "Great Speaking")

See Tom live in New Orleans July 25th, the day before the NSA

Complimentary teleseminar with Tom Antion and the fabulous Mark
Joyner (details below)

Circulation 121,208
The largest speaking ezine in the world
Vol. 5 Number 4 - June 5, 2003
Publisher: Tom Antion
(C) Anchor Publishing 2003

No one ever lost credibility by
being interesting.

Your subscription gets you free speaking leads when available.


Please recommend this E-Zine to anyone you
know that is interested in being a better presenter, or
who may want to make money speaking and training. (It's
a good way to stay in touch with clients too. Send this and tell
them you were just thinking about them.)

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1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip

2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
(Beginners should read this too)

3. Humor Technique Series

4. Speaker Marketing Tip

5. Speaker Humor

6. Websites for Speakers

** World Famous Internet Marketing ButtCamp July 25th **

Tom Antion is back and ready to teach you the latest and most
profitable Internet marketing techniques at ButtCamp (where you
learn to make money sitting at home on your rear end)

This seminar teaches you to do it right on the web with a small
investment and massive returns.

Details of this powerful seminar are at:


1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip
Check Local References by Tom Antion

On the international speaking tour I just returned from I could
have made a serious flaw had I not checked out material with the
locals after I got in the country.

Apparently one country hates a certain kind of animal to the
point where some natives actually try to run over the animal when
driving on the road. A nearby country loves the same animal.

Although in this case I chose to avoid any comments about this
animal issue, I could have ruined a speech by saying the wrong
thing about this animal in the wrong country.

This same concept can apply to different areas or the same
country or even different parts of the same city. Always check
comments you plan on making that are localized with several local
people before using them. You might just save yourself a big
embarrassing bomb.

Additional Quick Tip:
In the last issue I talked
about using sound effects as a humor technique. Reader Doug Orwig
responded with a great site for finding sounds. It's really
oddball name:

*** No Cost TeleSeminar with Tom Antion and Mark Joyner ***

"How to sell millions on the Internet and retire young"

Tom Antion interviews Mark Joyner

Folks, -- Tom here. This Mark Joyner guy is my idol and I want to
retire young like he is doing.

I rarely do freebies, but this man is so powerful and has so many
secrets to reveal about how he sold millions of dollars of
products and services on the Internet that I thought I'd open it
up to the first 600 people who are smart enough to sign up.

The last time I did a f>ree teleseminar we immediately filled the
600 spaces available and were turning people away by the third
day after announcing it. Don't delay. Register now!


The people that read this book are taking your speaking

"Click: The Ultimate Guide to Electronic Marketing for Speakers"

For sample and lots of excerpts visit:


2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
Speaking to Large Crowds by Tom Antion

I'll arbitrarily pick 100 audience members or more as a large
crowd for the purposes of this article.

When you are speaking to a large number of people there are many
different things you should know to have the most impact in the
smoothest manner possible.

Speed of delivery

You will have to slow down your speed of delivery as crowd size
gets larger. Even if you have a good sound system it takes longer
for your voice and ideas to reach all members of a large
audience. This is very pronounced as crowd size exceeds 1000
people. Also, audience members will be seated a great distance
from you. Many depend on seeing and reading your lips to help
make up for poor or declining hearing. If they can't see you as
well, they won't get the idea as fast, so slow down.

Amount of material

Going along with your speed of delivery being slower you will
need less material as audience size grows. This doesn't just mean
you "need" less material. It means you "plan" less material so
that you aren't rushed. You'll look really bad in front of lots
of people if you don't cover what you promised them because you
ran out of time.

Humor issues

A presentation to very large crowds in enormous rooms or venues
such as stadiums means laughter comes in waves. The portion of
the audience right in front of you will laugh first. Then most of
the rest of the crowd will laugh. The third wave will come when
those slower to get the joke finally do, and when those who laugh
because everyone else is laughing kick in. You must allow time
for this phenomenon to occur and be ready for it so it doesn't
ruin your timing.

Also, in large crowds you must play to the back of the room.
These people are hardest to reach.

In large crowds you can tell longer stories that you should never
attempt in very small groups.

Stage movement

There are variables here. If you are not being I-Magged
(projected on one or more big screens), your gestures and
stage movement should be much more pronounced and broad. If you
are being projected, then you don't want to be too broad because
you will always be running out of the video frame and making it
too difficult for the videographer to follow you.

Need for assistance

If you are selling products at the back of the room, it is
imperative that you get some competent assistance. This really
hit home recently for me when I sold about 60K at the back of the
room. Even though I had offers for assistance from the sponsoring
group, they would never have known the product and been able to
concentrate on my stuff like my own assistant could. A good
assistant will be an investment NOT an expense. I recommend
Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero without hesitation if you need someone to
help you handle a big event both in on site sales and in
preparing promotional materials

Super trick of the trade:

If you're really good, people will flock to talk to you. A good
assistant will pull you away from the crowd to handle something,
when really he/she is getting you away to give you a break.

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Sign up early for free coaching worth $300!

In Memoriam
My good friend John Cantu most recently the founder of the Humor
Mall passed away this month. There was not a nicer or funnier man
on the planet. John is a comedy legend and he will be missed
terribly by all that knew him.

You can have lots of fun with nicknames for people in the crowd
-- as long as you absolutely know they are OK with being teased.

I was recently a guest speaker at Randy Gage's speaker's
institute. Randy is well-known for being a snappy dresser and he
has no trouble letting you know that his clothes are expensive
and custom made in France, Italy, etc. I, on the other hand,
dress plainly with nothing too fancy or overly expensive.

We ended up bantering back and forth on various points of
professional level speaking and marketing and when one critical
point of contention was coming to a head I said, "Now listen
Armani boy." This brought down the house and became a running gag
throughout the rest of the event.

At another event Lynn Rose the fabulous singer, opened up he
convention right before I came on to speak. Late in my program, I
played a recording of a parody song with me as the singer.
Everyone loved it and I said, "Eat your heart out singer lady."

This doesn't sound very funny as you read it here, but I can
assure you it was at the time. Why? Because she was obviously a
top professional singer and I was a barely passable parody singer
that couldn't hold a candle to her excellence, yet I was acting
like I was a hot shot. Also, by using "singer lady" a nickname I
gave her, instead of her name I was further portraying my false
excellence and pretty much dissing her.

Note: For the above to work, I had to make it abundantly clear
that I was teasing and not serious.

You can also tell about your own nicknames you had as a child or
that you have now -- especially if they sound funny like "choo
choo" or have a funny story about how you got the nickname.


"Wake em Up! How to Use Humor and Other Professional
Techniques to Create Alarmingly Good Business Presentations"

"Toms program and materials will cut five years off a speakers
learning curve."
-- Cavett Robert, Founder National Speakers Assn.

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Referral Fees by Tom Antion

You can be a really great platform speaker and still not get
people to refer you for other speaking engagements.

I don't know why that is. I suspect that people just get busy
thinking about their own lives and problems and -- can you
believe it? -- They just don't dedicate themselves to telling the
world how great you are.

One way to encourage people to spread your name around is to
offer them an incentive in the form of a referral fee. When money
is involved somehow people remember your name more.

I offer up to 20 percent of my speaking fee as a
commission/referral fee if someone calls up and says, "Joe, saw
you speak and said we have to have you at our next convention.
Are you available . . ." This means that Joe did my selling job
for me and all I have to do to close the deal is check my
calendar book and send the contract.

I offer 10 percent if someone calls because of Joe and makes me
jump through all the normal hoops to send press kits, demo
materials and keeps me on the phone for hours to see if I'm the
right fit for their audience.

In the first case, Joe either had the clout or did such a great
selling job for me that he deserves more money. In the second
case Joe didn't have the clout and didn't do a good enough
selling job, so he gets a little less. Either way Joe and I both

A colleague of mine and professional speaker Bill Cates wrote the
book "Unlimited Referrals." I suggest you get a copy for tons of
other ideas on getting people to refer you.

Shopping cart system that Tom uses. You get a three-hour taped
orientation with Tom narrating to lead you through the basic set
up and advanced sales strategies.

The email list management company I use

Tom's Top Ten Marketing Resources page

*** Learn How to Earn Money Speaking ***

Tom Antion has spelled it all out in the fr^ee special report on
what it's like to be a professional speaker



=> When a woman steals your husband, there is no better revenge
than to let her keep him.

=> Just think, if it weren't for marriage, men would go through
life thinking they had no faults at all.

=> If you're too open minded your brain will fall out.

=> It doesn't matter what temperature the room is; it's
always room-temperature

=> I have the body of a god ... Buddha.

=> If you can't laugh at yourself, by all means, laugh at someone

=> The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt
and a flat tire.

=> It's always darkest before dawn. So if you're going to steal
your neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.

=> Why do banks charge you a "non-sufficient funds" fee on money
they already know you don't have?

=> Why aren't there "B" batteries?

=> This associate is really not so much of a has-been, but more
definitely a won't be.

=> He's got a full 6-pack, but lacks the plastic thingy to hold
it together.

=> Never under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and a
laxative on the same night.

=> "Sometimes I think war is God's way of teaching us geography."
- Paul Rodriguez

=> Why do people who know the least know it the loudest?

=> If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an
answer you do not want to hear.

=> I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted

Much more FREE speaker humor at

===================================================== Get Mike Stewart to add audio
testimonials to your website Check out a sample he did for me at Learn how to use an ezine just like
this one to promote your business Free Tutorial on
public speaking. All kinds of stuff for presenters


You can earn a 10 - 20 percent commission for referring
Tom for speaking engagements and bulk product sales.
Commissions normally start between $1500.00 and $3000.00
depending on your level of involvement. For complete
details visit



I have many articles available for reprint in your
publication, company newsletter, etc. You may use
articles written by me that you see in great speaking.
Back issues can be viewed at OR for an automated list
of additional articles. All you have to do is print the
article in its entirety along with the by line at top and
the credits, and complete contact information at the end
of each article.
I would appreciate a tear sheet or electronic copy too. Thanks

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Box 9558
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