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Great Speaking Vol. 2 Number 08

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Published in 
Great Speaking
 · 8 Oct 2024

This weekend you can learn how to sell your knowledge
on the Internet from a non-techie (see below)

Alert Tom if you are getting duplicates
Circulation 10,607
Vol. 2 Number 8 - May 18, 2000
Publisher: Tom Antion
(C) Anchor Publishing 2000

No one ever lost credibility by
being interesting.

Please recommend this E-Zine to anyone you
know that is interested in being a better presenter, or
who may want to make money speaking and training. It's a
good way to stay in touch with client's too. You don't
even have to mail them an article.

If you are receiving this issue as a forward, and would
like to get your own free subscription, please visit

PRIVACY STATEMENT: We will not distribute your address
to anyone. Period.


1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip

2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
(Beginners should read this too)

3. Humor Technique Series

4. Speaker Marketing Tip

5. Speaker Humor

6. Websites for Speakers

7. Tech Tip with Mike Rounds

Will be delivered to full subscribers when available.

********** OUR SPONSOR ***********
Electronic Marketing BUTT CAMP for Speakers, Trainers,
Authors & Consultants
"Make more on your seat than you do on your feet."

Here are the electronically generated deposits for last week:
Monday 5/8/00 $2009.45
Tuesday 5/9/00 $ 817.20
Wednesday 5/10/00 $ 817.70
Thursday 5/11/00 $1854.65
Fri/Sat/Sun 5/12-14 $1143.50

A Total of $6642.50 for the week. Not too bad for sitting
on your butt, right?

You can learn how to do it. It is easy and cheap if you
know how to do it.
ButtCamp is Now on CD, or Live in the following cities:

Tampa, Sunday May 21
St. Louis, Saturday May 27
New York City, Saturday June 3
Denver, Saturday June 24


1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip
TIE ONE ON For Men Only (Sorry Ladies. I will have
something for you next issue)
by Tom Antion

I got this tip many years ago from speaker Paul Radde. After
shooting one of my first major videos I noticed that my
tie was crooked for most of the video. It looked bad in
person, but it looked TERRIBLE on video. Here is the tip:
After you have put on your tie, run the skinny part of the
tie through the loop in the back of the main part of the tie.
Take a tie clip, or you could use a large paper clip or
safety pin and clip the skinny part of the tie to your shirt.
Put the tie clip or pin on the skinny part of your tie
below the loop. This holds the main part of your tie
perfectly in the center for even the most animated presenter
and hides the clip. Thanks Paul. This tip has made my tie
look good for the last seven years . . . Can you come up with
a tip that will help my face look better? hahahahaha

************ SPONSOR ************
YOU for upcoming "MasterMinds of Motivation(tm)" audio program.
Tremendous credibility booster.


************ SPONSOR ************
Join Us Speaker Net News for New Teleseminars! Details at
* May 25, Thur -- "The Secrets of Print-On-Demand: Print
Your Book in a Week
Without Filling Your Garage with Boxes" with Don DeHart
* May 30, Tues. -- "How to Make Money with Your Mouth and
Your Headset: Learn to Do Teleseminars" with Judy Sabah
* "How to Get on Oprah and Other Talk Shows" sold out --
get the tape.


2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article

I made this term up so don't try to find it anywhere else.
A "brainstopper" is something you say or do that causes the
mind of an audience member to stop to think. This can be
a good thing, but most of the time when I catch a coaching
student delivering a brainstopper, it is a bad thing.

Here is an example of a good brainstopper. You might say,
"Take a moment and think about the first toy you had as a
child." A command like this would take the audience member's
mind from where it is now to a time long ago. For most of
the audience this will be a pleasant experience. For some it
may be unpleasant. Either way you still are directing the
show. You might do this to make some kind of point about
how simple things used to please us or something like that.

Here is an example of a bad brainstopper. You might say,
"That man's elocution is impeccable." For all of us highly
educated and brilliant "Great Speaking" readers the word
"elocution" obviously means fine form in speaking or
reading. If this word was used in a less educated arena,
the instant it came out of your mouth, the brains of the
audience members would be racing to figure out what the word
"elocution" means. Thus, their brains have stopped because
you used a word that was not easily understood. The audience
member will not hear your next few sentences because they
are still trying to figure out the word "elocution." Do
this several times and they will tune out altogether . . .
unless of course you are Deepak Chopra who gets high praise
for being totally unintelligible hahahahaha

Another way to stop someone's brain is to distract them by
your actions. You might display an odd prop before
explaining what it is. This would make an audience member
stop listening while their minds tried to figure out what
the prop is. If you were talking during this time, they
wouldn't hear a word you said.

Look at your word choice and actions carefully before you
exhibit them on stage. It is hard enough to keep attention
in today's short attention span environments. Don't make it
worse by using bad brainstoppers.

*********** SPONSOR ***********
CIMPA "Connected International Meeting Professionals
Join Tom Antion, Keynote Speaker at the 9th International
Technology, Meetings and Incentives Conference to be held in
Bangkok, Thailand on October 26-29, 2000. "Great Speakers
Make Great Meetings: Speaker Showcase" will be held on October
26. There will be pre and post-conference trips to China,
Philippines and Vietnam. We have arranged highly discounted
airfares on Thai International Airways for this event

Don't miss this chance to build your global network.
For details: or
Contact Andrea Sigler, PhD
(type "Bangkok Conference" under subject)
Tel 703 978 6287 Fax 703 978 5524

AUDIENCE GAGS Part II by Tom Antion

Stone the Speaker
Here's another gag I do when I really want to focus attention
on an important point. Either before the program or at a break,
I recruit audience members who are sitting near the front. I
give each one a piece of crumpled paper and instruct them
to throw it at me when they hear a certain word.

Some presenters tell me that is the dumbest thing they ever
heard and that they would never do it in a professional
presentation. They say that until they understand the
rationale. Do you remember I said I pull this gag when I
want to focus attention on an important point? Guess who
is riveted on what I say until they hear the key word? Of
course, all the recruits with the crumpled paper. Then,
after they throw the paper and I make a big reaction, the
rest of the crowd is totally focused in their effort to see
what is going on. That is when I make my key point. I have
virtually guaranteed the attention of each audience member.
(From "Wake 'em Up Business Presentations")


"Wake em Up! How to Use Humor and Other Professional
Techniques to Create Alarmingly Good Business Presentations"

"Toms program and materials will cut five years off a speakers
learning curve."
-- Cavett Robert, Founder National Speakers Assn.

Now available for immediate download in pdf format click on "E Books"

For a FREE Chapter visit

4. $$$$$$$ SPEAKER MARKETING TIP $$$$$$$$
USE YOUR STUFF by Tom Antion

This method has virtually tripled my product sales when
doing public seminars. I use the product I am trying to
sell during the presentation. Another benefit is that you
don't have to say a word about product sales from the
platform. Most speakers are not good at this anyway. The
same technique works in corporate or association settings
where hard selling from the platform is forbidden.

Here are two methods I use. 1. When I am doing a communication
skills keynote or workshop I give each audience member a book.
They have a little note in the book that says they don't have
to buy the book. It will however be used during the seminar.
I then do the speech or seminar and refer to the book
(without going overboard) to teach the point and also to show
the value of the product. . . . Since I started using this
technique I sell three times more books without even saying a
word about sales from the platform.

Method 2. I have a new CD that has 50 short Internet Marketing
training videos. When doing my ButtCamp Electronic Marketing
Seminars I use about 15 of the videos as part of the training
during the day. When people see how great the 15 videos were
they naturally want the see the other 35.

The whole thing boils down to showing people the value of
your educational materials rather than trying to "sell" them
your "product." You'll be doing them a favor and making more
money too.

NOTE: The site below is where I learned virtually all of
my electronic marketing techniques:

Want to really take advantage of your E-mail marketing . . .

Get your own associate program and have other websites selling
tons of your products and services.

********* SPONSOR *********
Excellent value offered on LCD projectors with DLP
technology from fellow speaker Bill Johnson, in Phoenix.
Bill has supplied the popular Freedomike wireless microphone
for over sixteen years. The price breakthrough 900 lumen,
seven pound unit is about $3200. Value priced rentals also
available applicable to future purchase.


=> I'm so miserable without you, it's almost like you're here.

=> We have been friends for a very long time, let's say we
call it quits.

=> As the days go by, I think of how lucky I am that you're
not here to ruin it for me.

=> "It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's
the impurities in our air and water that are doing it."
---Texas Governor George Bush

=> "China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese."
---Former French President Charlie De Gaulle

=> "I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our
papers. We are the president."
---Hillary Clinton commenting on the release of
subpoenaed documents.

=> "We're going to turn this team around 360 degrees."
---Jason Kidd, upon his drafting to the Dallas Mavericks

=> "I've never had major knee surgery on any other part
of my body."
---Winston Bennett, Univ. of KY basketball forward

=> "Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the
lowest crime rates in the country."
---Mayor Marion Barry, Washington

=> "Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very
important part of your life."
---Brooke Shields, during an interview to become spokesperson
for a federal anti smoking campaign.

=> "I haven't committed a crime. What I did was fail to
comply with the law."
---David Dinkins, New York City Mayor, answering accusations
that he failed to pay his taxes.

=> "Researchers have discovered that chocolate produces some
of the same reactions in the brain as marijuana. The
researchers also discovered other similarities between the
two, but I can't remember what they are."
---Matt Lauer on NBC's Today Show

=> Question: If you could live forever, would you and why?
Answer: "I would not live forever, because we should not
live forever, because if we were supposed to live forever,
then we would live forever, but we cannot live forever, which
is why I would not live forever."
---Miss Alabama in the 1994 Miss USA contest

Dilbert Definitions:
=> Chainsaw consultant: An outside expert brought in to reduce
the employee head count, leaving the brass with clean hands.

=> Seagull Manager: A manager who flies in, makes a lot of
noise, craps over everything and then leaves.

=> Blamestorming: Sitting around in a group discussing why
a deadline was missed or a project failed and who was

=> Assmosis: The process by which some people seem to absorb
success and advancement by kissing up to the boss.

=> Xerox Subsidy: Euphemism for swiping free photocopies
from one's workplace.

Much more FREE speaker humor at

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Mike Rounds' Quick Tech Tips


You can earn a 10 - 25 percent commission for referring
Tom for speaking engagements and bulk product sales.
Commissions normally start between $500.00 and $1250
depending on your level of involvement. For complete
details visit


I have many articles available for reprint in your
publication, company newsletter, etc. You may use
articles written by me that you see in great speaking.
Back issues can be viewed at OR for an automated list
of additional articles.
All you have to do is print the article in its entirety
along with the by line at top and the credits, and
complete contact information at the end of each article.
I would appreciate a tear sheet or electronic copy too. Thanks

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For Back Issues visit:

Antion & Associates / Anchor Publishing
Box 2630
Landover Hills, Maryland USA 20784
(301) 459-0738, Fax (301) 552-0225
In Continental US (800) 448-6280 orders or paid consulting only

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