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Great Speaking Vol. 3 Number 08

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Published in 
Great Speaking
 · 1 day ago

May 5th, Washington D.C. Internet Marketing Camp (see below) 

ATTENTION AUTHORS: Mega Publishing Profits Seminar May 31
(see below)

Circulation 25,583
Vol. 3 Number 8 - April 24, 2001
Publisher: Tom Antion
(C) Anchor Publishing 2001

No one ever lost credibility by
being interesting.

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know that is interested in being a better presenter, or
who may want to make money speaking and training. (It's
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even have to mail them an article.

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1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip

2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
(Beginners should read this too)

3. Humor Technique Series

4. Speaker Marketing Tip

5. Speaker Humor

6. Websites for Speakers

********** OUR SPONSOR ***********

Busy speakers don't have time to design presentations - they
have a lot to say and too little time! Allow us to tailor your
material into a POWERFUL PRESENTATION! Call us at POP Design
(416) 368-2929 or *Email now to
receive the article "The Power Is Not The Point!"*


1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip

Some type of visual in the room as the participants enter is a
good way to signal them that your presentation will be different.
It could be an interesting picture or funny quotation on the
overhead or PowerPoint screen or a nicely done color flip chart
page. You could have helium balloons or colorful airbags lining
the walkway into the seating area of your presentation.

Use anything that makes the participants take notice. It will
build their anticipation of your presentation.

************ SPONSOR ************

Internet Marketing Butt Camp Schedule

The people attending these seminars are taking your money!

Washington, D.C. Saturday May 5th
Phoenix, AZ Friday May 11th
Los Angeles, CA Monday May 14th
Dallas, TX Friday, July 6 (day before National Speakers
Association Convention)

Complete Program description

Can't make it? Send a staff member or get the special Video CD


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complete marketing system revealed.

"Click: The Ultimate Guide to Electronic Marketing for Speakers,
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553 pages, Over 700 links to sites you need to know about,
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2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
SEATING TIPS by Tom Antion

=> People prefer to sit by aisles. Avoid chairs next to walls.
Audience members will feel trapped.

=> Aisles should get bigger as they get nearer the exits because
they must accommodate more people.

=> Seat for least distraction and best focus on presentation.
Turn off wall sconces behind the presentation. Set away from open
windows, clocks, and entry doors.

=> Even after you have pre-set the seats perfectly, suggest to
audience members, that they adjust their seating slightly for

=> Encourage seating in the front of the room by cordoning off
back rows with masking tape, rope, or string, or placing reserved
signs on back tables.

=> Avoid reserving seats through tipping chairs up against
tables. The jutting legs tend to bruise shin bones and trip
audience members.

Trick: Only put out 50-75 percent of the chairs for the expected
number of participants and you will almost always have a packed
house. Stack the rest of the chairs in the back corner of the
room for easy access if needed.

Trick: When you have a choice, opt for a smaller room. This again
gives you a better chance for a packed house.

Excerpt: Wake 'em Up Video Professional Speaking System

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FREE 7 Day Electronic Marketing Mini Course


4 Sources of 'Found' Humor To Punch and Impact to Your
Presentation. Part III by John Cantu

Your Best Source of New Material #4 - Your Audience - A Caution.

One caveat about audience generated humor. Sometimes an audience
member will come up to you after your presentation and share a
bit of humor with you. Often they end it by saying, "You can use
that if you want". This can sometimes also be a source material
but occasionally it can also be a source of humor that can
backfire or embarrass you.

Here's what to be careful of in material when offered by an
audience member after your presentation: When someone comes up to
you and says, "When you said, 'such and such', I thought you were
going to say 'thus and thus.' In cases such as these, what you
have is an unpaid comedy writing collaborator who has possibly
just given you a better set-up to your humor piece, a better
punch line, or an additional laugh line.

In that case, use the material if fits you, your slant, and your
sense of humor. Or adapt as needed to fit. But when someone says,
"Let me tell you what happened to me (or their spouse, or child,
or neighbor) and they tell you a complete anecdote " be a bit

This is where you can embarrass yourself. Because often, the
story they tell you is not something that really happened to them
or an acquaintance, but rather is a story in public use
given to you with some embellishment. Maybe something they're
embellishing themselves or perhaps something they believe to be
true because someone they love, respect, or admire told them it
was true.

But, it could be a story that is in public domain that has been
embellished by their acquaintances to make themselves more
interesting or attractive to the one speaking to you. And the
embellisher figures, hey what's the harm?

Well for the amateur, nothing. Who is likely to find out and what
is more important, who cares? But if you, a professional take an
amusing tale, adapt it you presentation, and present it as your
story (or as integral part of a vignette) and it is actually a
story that some of your audience members are aware of for being a
story "public domain', you may lose some major credibility.

Even if you preface your story by saying "A woman/man in my
audience told me this about his/her experience," you can lose
credibility with any audience member who recognizes it. Now,
having said that, I do believe you can get good material if you
take a few simple precautions.

First use common sense and intuition. Does it sound fresh or do
you have a nagging bit of doubt that it is not entirely new
and/or original? When in doubt, throw it out.

Secondly, ask four or five of your well-read friends if they have
ever heard it before. Especially the people you know who always
have a lot of funny stories at hand. Or the person who's read ten
or twenty humor books and seems to have a story for every
occasion. If they haven't heard it, while I wouldn't say it's
100% it's safe, still your odds have been increased a lot.

And finally write it in such a way that you can't be hammered if
others do recognize it. I have a funny, funny talk, believe it or
not on my cancer diagnoses and cancer operation ("Living and
Laughing With Cancer")

After a talk recently at San Francisco hospital, here's what an
audience member said to me, "A friend of mine's husband was
scheduled for chemo treatments and she had her hair cut off and
head shaved in moral support of him and none of his hair fell

Next issue you'll see exactly how John adapted the above humor to
be both funny and safe.

© 2000 John Cantu, Some material originally appeared in HumorMall
JokesWeekly - for subscription follow directions at For articles on
how to create and/or deliver humor effectively go to


"Wake em Up! How to Use Humor and Other Professional
Techniques to Create Alarmingly Good Business Presentations"

"Toms program and materials will cut five years off a speakers
learning curve."
-- Cavett Robert, Founder National Speakers Assn.

Now available for immediate download in pdf format click on "E Books"

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4. $$$$$$$ SPEAKER MARKETING TIP $$$$$$$$

For many speakers, the biggest marketing cost isn't a demo video
or website. It's the number of speeches they give away, in the
hopes that the "exposure" will lead to more clients or
engagements. In front of a "buying" audience, exposure can make
your business. The problem: such audiences are becoming harder to


There's a lot of confusion about "buying" audiences for two
reasons: one, there are many kinds of "buying" audiences. A
buying audience for an author who wants to sell a $20 book will
be very different than an audience for a speaker who wants more
$5,000 speaking engagements. It all depends on why you are
speaking and what you want to generate.

Secondly, the market doesn't make the above distinction for
speakers. Many buyers assume that their audience is the greatest
and therefore, speakers should speak for free. Because so many
speakers are willing to speak for free, buyers start to believe
that their audience is a buying one. So, they tell speakers "Oh,
we don't need to pay for speakers - everyone speaks for

Bottom line: it's your job to determine which audience deserves
your free speech. The marketplace won't do it for you.


Finding the buying audience used to be easy. For corporate
product sales and training, any audience with managers would
work. That's no longer true. Why? Training budgets have
centralized, taking buying power away from many managers. Same
situation with products - managers can buy one copy for their
library but not for every person in the department.

The same is true for the personal growth and development market.
For these speakers, the sales and the entrepreneurial audiences
were great. This market has been saturated, and sales are

Result: you can't depend on audience makeup any more.


So, how can you identify your buying audiences? Here's a rule of
thumb: the higher the speaking fees, the more sophisticated and
subjective the audience is.

Remember, you're not the first speaker that has tried to get more
bookings from the audience after the speech - the higher the
price tag, the more advanced material and higher performance
values the audience has been exposed to by previous speakers. And
the more casual is the selling experience.

And their decision to buy is based on their comparison between
you and other speakers they have seen. In short, the bar is
raised in proportion to the price point. That's why in the eyes
of the marketplace, any audience is a buying audience - it all
depends on the price.

Therefore, your success rests in how the speech positions who you
are and how your message "fits." Your content and "persona" must
go beyond the expectations of the audiences so you can approach
the sophisticated audience members as a peer.

Next issue in Part II you'll learn how to position your expertise
to your buying audience

The above is an excerpt from Vickie's newest educational tool for
speakers "Speaking in the Strike Zone: How to Get in Front of
Your Buying Audience."

Since 1987, Vickie Sullivan has helped thousands of professional
speakers, industry leaders and experts generate six-figure
revenue streams via public speaking. She is the author of
"Springboard Marketing, Speak to Sell" and "Speaking in the
Strike Zone." Sign up for her free newsletter at

NOTE: The site below is where I began learning about E Marketing

Want to really take advantage of your E-mail marketing . . .

Get your own associate program and have other websites
selling tons of your products and services.

Tom's Top Ten Marketing Resources page

********* SPONSOR *********

Top experts spill their sales secrets in a 1 day "Mega Publishing
Profits" Seminar. Thursday, May 31
If you're headed for the Book Expo, this is perfect for you!




Since I'm supposed to be a man, I have no trouble putting
out some good man bashing humor.
Ladies have fun with it.

=> What's the difference between government bonds and
men? Bonds mature.

=> What's the difference between a man and E.T.?
E.T. phoned home.

=> How are men like noodles? They're always in hot
water, they lack taste, and they need dough.

=> Men are like... place mats. They only show up when
there's food on the table.

=> Men are like... mascara. They usually run at the
first sign of emotion.

=> Men are like... bike helmets. Handy in an
emergency, but otherwise they just look silly.

=> Men are like... lava lamps. Fun to look at, but not
all that bright.

=> Men are like... bank accounts. Without a lot of
money, they don't generate much interest.

=> Men are like... high heels. They're easy to walk on
once you get the hang of it.

=> "I spent $150.00 on a date last night."
"That's not that much"
"Well it's all she had."

=> "I've always wanted to have someone to hold,
someone to love. After having met you, I've changed
my mind."

=> Child calling to mother while daddy snores, "Hurry Mommy!
Daddy is boiling over!"

=> "My husband broke my favorite lamp."
"When I hit him over the head with it."

=> Did ya hear about the man who wouldn't fly. He said he was
going to stay home and watch TV as the lord intended.

=> I refuse to enter a battle of the wits with you
--it's against my morals to attack an unarmed person.

Much more FREE speaker humor at

Email list management company that I use.
Used and demo LCD Projectors
Public Speaking Books Discuss chapters from your favorite
books and/or start a discussion about your own book.


You can earn a 10 - 25 percent commission for referring
Tom for speaking engagements and bulk product sales.
Commissions normally start between $850.00 and $1700
depending on your level of involvement. For complete
details visit


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publication, company newsletter, etc. You may use
articles written by me that you see in great speaking.
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