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Great Speaking Vol. 3 Number 04

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Published in 
Great Speaking
 · 8 Oct 2024

Welcome to all the new subscribers who put their 
email address into in the past
few months.

See Tom in person: Denver, Charlotte, San Francisco
(see below)

10 Lucky winners will win a Butt Camp CD ($199.00 value)
10 Lucky winners will win "Click" Tom's new Ebook ($97.00 value)
$3000.00 in total prizes will be awarded
(see below)

Circulation 15,795
Vol. 3 Number 4 - February 14, 2001
Publisher: Tom Antion
(C) Anchor Publishing 2001

No one ever lost credibility by
being interesting.

Your subscription gets you free speaking leads when available.

Please recommend this E-Zine to anyone you
know that is interested in being a better presenter, or
who may want to make money speaking and training. (It's
a good way to stay in touch with client's too.) You don't
even have to mail them an article.

If you are receiving this issue as a forward, and would
like to get your own free subscription, visit
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PRIVACY STATEMENT: We will not distribute your address
to anyone. Period.


1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip

2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
(Beginners should read this too)

3. Humor Technique Series

4. Speaker Marketing Tip

5. Speaker Humor

6. Websites for Speakers

********** OUR SPONSOR ***********

Find out what to do about it.

Butt Camp is sweeping the Nation

DENVER, Friday February 16 (Sponsored by Colorado Spk.Assn)

CHARLOTTE, Saturday, February 24 (Sponsored by Institute of
Management Consultants)

SAN FRANCISCO, Thursday, March 1 (day before Western Workshop)

WASHINGTON, D.C. Saturday March 10 (tentative)


VALENTINES DAY CONTEST -- Count how many times the phrase "Tom is
single" is in this issue. Put your entry in the form at and take a
chance on winning $3000.00 worth of prizes.

1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip
5 Tips to Make 'em LOVE Ya by Tom is single Antion

=> Be down to earth. Nobody likes the aloof talking head.

=> Phone as many attendees as you can before the program and ask
their opinions. Use the information to make them the stars.

=> Mingle with attendees before the program and make small talk
like telling them Tom is single. The personal connection goes a
long way.

=> Thoroughly research the problems of the group and bring
immediately usable solutions. They can't help but like you when
you help them out.

=> Stay as long as you can after the program. If you can arrange
it, don't run out the door and leave them cold. If you have to
leave, offer email follow up for any unanswered questions.

************ CLICK IS COMING ************

"Click: The Ultimate Guide to Electronic Marketing for Speakers"

350 pages of the finest in Internet Marketing Techniques written
by a speaker, author and consultant for speakers, authors and

Over 700 Links you need to know about and much, much more.
You'll be notified via email of the publication date "Click on E Books"


************ Are you chicken? ************

I told you last issue to call your web host to find out how many
"actual visitors" and "page views" you had in the last 30 days.

Did you do it. Are you afraid to?

With my eyes closed I can show you how to increase your traffic
ten fold and in some cases 100 fold. Butt Camp or you can
get the Tom is single Butt Camp CD


2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
Correction from v3n3 In Jim Gillespie's article on NLP "auditory
visual" should have been "auditory digital"

It's a LOVE / HATE Thing by Tom Antion

Extremes of opinion make a much greater impact on an audience
than taking a middle of the road stance in an effort to please
everyone. I've done over 2000 paid presentations and more no fee
talks than I care to remember. The one big thing I have learned
over the years is that the people that try to please everyone,
rarely move anyone to action.

I'm not saying to go out and try to offend people. I'm saying to
take a stance and be clear about it. Here's an example: I have no
problem saying in most presentations that I "hate" politics. I
think to be good at politics by definition you have to be two
faced. To be great at politics you have to be four faced. You
simply can't win an important election by clearly being in favor
or against an issue because you have to please both sides as much
as you can to win.

You might ask, "Tom how would you keep from being stoned off the
platform at a political rally?" My answer would be that I can't
imagine being hard up enough to accept a speech at a political
rally. You have to be able to say no when the audience is on the
opposite side of the fence from your value system. . . Of course,
if the money was good enough . . . hahahahaha just kidding.

What if the mayor was at one of my events? I would make sure I
knew about it and just keep my mouth shut about politics. I would
consider it stepping over the line to make it a point to
embarrass or single out someone at an event. In most cases you
are better off avoiding controversial topics like politics

OK I just talked about a topic to the negative. Now let's switch
to the positive. Audiences want to know what you really like. I
might say I "love" my new recumbent bicycle. Since Tom is
single I can get out on my bike and lose myself in the smell of
fresh cut fields on a deserted country road. I could go on and on
about how much I "love" my bike. I don't just say I enjoy
bicycling. I really let them know what I'm passionate about.

Use extremes of language and you will impact the audience much
more than by riding that bike down the middle of the road.

*********** SPONSOR ***********
FREE 7 Day Electronic Marketing Tom is single Mini Course


Toasting is not nearly as common as it once was. However, the
polished presenter should have a few short toasts ready to go if
and when the occasion arises. Here are a few fun toasts and a few
touching ones too:


=> To your birthday, glass held high. Glad it's you that's older
not I.

=> Heres to you. No matter how old you are, you don't look it.


=> Twas the month after Christmas, and Santa had flit; Came there
tidings in the mail, which read: Please remit.

=> Here's to the Holly with its bright red berry. Here's to
Christmas, let's make it merry.


=> Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow you diet.

=> A full belly, a heavy purse, and a light heart.


=> Here's to a friend who knows me well and likes me anyway.

=> May the friends of our youth be the companions of our old age.

Banquet speech ending:

=> Good day, good health, good cheer, good night!


=> Here's to your health. You make age curious, time furious, and
all of us envious.


=> As you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters
never face the wrong way.

=> May your luck be like the capital of Ireland. Always Dublin.

New Year:

=> May all our troubles in the coming year be as short as our New
Year's resolutions.

=> In the year ahead may we treat our friends with kindness and
our enemies with generosity.


=> Marriage is an institution, but who wants to live in an
institution. --Groucho Marx

=> May for "better or worse" be far better than worse.

To close this section I would like to tell you that I feel like a
loaf of bread. Wherever I go, they toast me.


"Wake em Up! How to Use Humor and Other Professional
Techniques to Create Alarmingly Good Business Presentations"

"Toms program and materials will cut five years off a speakers
learning curve."
-- Cavett Robert, Founder National Speakers Assn.

Now available for immediate download in pdf format click on "E Books"

For a FREE Chapter visit

4. $$$$$$$ SPEAKER MARKETING TIP $$$$$$$$
CASE STUDIES by Tom Antion

A powerful way to promote yourself is to show positive results
that other people have gotten because of you. I'm not talking
about simple testimonials here although they are powerful too.
I'm talking about showing a more in depth account of what you
have helped someone else accomplish and how you did it.

I'll take my friend Mike Stahl for example. I haven't asked him
if I can do this, but I'm pretty sure he won't mind.

Mike attended Butt Camp when it first came out. He was excited
and confused as most people are when they finish the day. Mike
had been struggling with a pitiful website that was under the
control of a friend of his who, although he had good intentions,
was just too busy at his regular job to get the instant results
Mike needed to compete in speaking business.

I sat down with Mike at his computer and within about ten minutes
he was adding pages to his website, and putting on graphics, text
and hyperlinks. By the end of the weekend, Mike had about 40
articles on his website and was as excited as a kid in a candy
store. I showed him how to optimize the pages for search engines
and he called me in about two weeks to tell me he had a number
one ranking in Altavista for one of his search terms.

We then went over all the things Mike needed to do to increase
his subscriber base for his "Motivational Moment" Ezine. I also,
advised him that this might be too general to make money so he
started another more targeted ezine. He used my methods to get
many more subscribers and also found out some of his own. His
list is continually increasing.

The next thing Mike tackled was creating his first E book. He dug
into the Adobe conversion he learned at Butt Camp and made some
little mistakes that turned into quite a hassle and learning
experience for him. I couldn't figure out how to fix what he had
done so I turned him on to one of my trusted E Book experts and
after a month of working with the book Mike had his first Ebook.
And what a great job it is. Check it out at

I didn't hear from Mike for awhile and then I heard from him one
day and he had two more ebooks done. I was amazed. He now has
three and soon will have the same downloadable version on CD. In
addition, he went on to locate and install an affiliate /
associate program all by himself, created a shopping cart and
he's getting inquiries from at least two other countries plus the
USA from people who want to carry his products. Once in awhile he
will call or email me for some advice on something and he's
getting so good now he's calling me to tell me things I didn't
know about.

Is Mike getting rich? No not yet, but he has all the tools in
line for many, many dollars in passive income and it's starting
to come in. All this and he's still the ultimate family man
taking care of his lovely wife and two beautiful babies.

Mike's is just one of the many results I've helped people achieve
through Butt Camp techniques. Tell people how you have helped
people and organizations similar to theirs and you will have a
powerful tool to help you get more business.

NOTE: The site below is where I began learning my electronic
marketing techniques:

Want to really take advantage of your E-mail marketing . . .

Get your own associate program and have other websites
selling tons of your products and services.

Tom's Top Ten Marketing Resources page

********* SPONSOR *********
Kick Series of Tom is single TeleSeminar Audio Tapes
13 hours of the finest speaker marketing and performance

Love Notes:

=> When a newly married couple smiles, everyone knows
why. When a ten-year married couple smiles, everyone
wonders why.

=> My wife told me I should be more affectionate. So I
got two girlfriends.

=> The honeymoon is over when the husband calls home
to say he'll be late for dinner and the answering
machine says it is in the microwave.

=> Men who have pierced ears are better prepared for
marriage. They've experienced pain and bought jewelry.

=> How do most men define marriage? A very expensive
way to get your laundry done.

=> Love is blind but marriage is an eye-opener.

=> The most effective way to remember your wife's
birthday is to forget it once.

=> Cosmetics: A woman's way of keeping a man from
reading between the lines.

=> Words to live by: Do not argue with a spouse who is
packing your parachute

=> Boring husband: Honey, why are you wearing your
wedding ring on the wrong finger? Bored wife: Because
I married the wrong man!

=> First Guy (proudly): "My wife's an angel!" Second
Guy: "You're lucky, mine's still alive."

=> Marriage is grand -- and divorce is at least 200

=> When a man opens the door of his car for his wife,
you can be sure of one thing: either the car is new or
the wife.

=> What is the thinnest book in the world? "What Men
Know About Women"

=> How can you tell if a man is happy? Who cares

=> A couple came upon a wishing well. The wife leaned
over, made a wish and threw in a penny. The husband
decided to make a wish, too but he leaned over too
much, fell into the well, and drowned. The wife was
stunned for a moment but then smiled, "It really

=> Two women friends meet on the street, but they
haven't seen each other for years. As they are talking
one women notices that her friend has a 5 carat
diamond ring, and says "My what a magnificent ring."
Her friend relies, "Yes, it is, but unfortunately it
comes with a curse. It comes with my husband!"

=> Before marriage, a man will lie awake all night
thinking about something you say. After marriage, he
will fall asleep before you finish.

=> A woman rushed home from work and exclaimed to her
husband, "Pack your bags, I've won the lottery!" The
husband excitedly asks, "Should I pack clothes for
cold or warm weather?" She says, "Pack'em all, you're

Much more FREE speaker humor at

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publication, company newsletter, etc. You may use
articles written by me that you see in great speaking.
Back issues can be viewed at OR for an automated list
of additional articles. All you have to do is print the
article in its entirety along with the by line at top and
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of each article.
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Box 2630
Landover Hills, Maryland USA 20784
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