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Great Speaking Vol. 1 Number 06

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Published in 
Great Speaking
 · 8 Oct 2024

"I wish I had this tool when I got started 17 years ago!!!"
Michael A. Podolinsky

"I am in Australia and I was highly offended by
your Valentines Day issue. I cannot do business
with such an insensitive person." Gail Freeman

Tom asked politely what offended her and got
no response. Does anyone out there know what it might be?

Circulation 5556
Vol. 1 Number 6 - March 26, 1999
Publisher: Tom Antion
(C) Anchor Publishing 1999

No one ever lost credibility by
being interesting.

SPECIAL NOTE: Anyone booking consulting in April gets a FREE
Toaster . . . I am serious. The banks do it so I thought I
would try it too. :) put "I Want a
Toaster" in the subject line.

Please feel free to forward this E-Zine to anyone you
know that is interested in being a better presenter, or
who may want to make money speaking and training.

If you are receiving this issue as a forward, and would
like to get your own free subscription, please visit

PRIVACY STATEMENT: We will not distribute your address
to anyone. Period.


1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip

2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
(Beginners should read this too)

3. Humor Technique Series

4. Speaker Marketing Tip

5. Speaker Humor

6. Websites for Speakers

Will be delivered to full subscribers when available.

********** OUR SPONSOR ***********
NOTE: I have seen the work this firm puts
out. They are fabulous!!! . . . AND they are doing
my next book cover -- Tom

Design That Sells YOU and Your PRODUCT!
Best-selling book covers. Hot-selling back-of-room
product package design. Attention-grabbing speaker
presentation kits. Quick-response promotional one-sheets.
We know what it takes to get you noticed.
Since 1985 we have served clients like Tony Robbins,
Ken Blanchard, Dottie Walters, Simon & Schuster,
Prentice-Hall, and HarperCollins.
Call DUNN+ASSOCIATES DESIGN at 715 634 4857

1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip
Say It With Fewer Words
By Patricia Fripp CSP, CPAE
You've got a great, major presentation, and suddenly you're asked
if you can get your message across in five minutes! Don't panic.
For today's television generation, sound bites can be more
powerful than lengthy dissertations. Here's how to compress your
speech without losing impact.

Don't apologize or mention that you usually have much more time.
Be confident that you can communicate in five minutes. Begin
fast. Start with a an attention-getting statement such as, "Your
job won't exist five years from now," or "In the next 5 minutes
I want to convince you the best action you can take is__"
Use a strongly visual story. Illustrate your points -- how it is
now, how it will or could be -- with a story so vivid that the
audience can "see" it. Divide your 5 minutes into three parts.
Present a problem, a payoff, and your point of view: "The number
one piece of advice I can give you today is...," your story
illustrates your idea and your walk away line could be what will
happen if they do what you suggest!

Patricia Fripp CSP,CPAE is a San Francisco-based professional
speaker on Change, Teamwork,Customer Service, Promoting Business,
and Communication Skills. 1-800 634 3035,

************ SPONSOR ************
TECHNOLOGY WAVE: Futurist and professional speaker Bill Bruck's
FREE electronic newsletter includes simple tricks that can save
you hours a week; breaking information that lets you lead the
conversations about the trends affecting your industry; and free
software that the experts use to supercharge their PCs. and put SUBSCRIBE WAVE in the body.

********* 10,000 Plus Visitors per Month **********
Tom gets this many people and over 40,000 individual
page views at and it is growing.
A 1.5 hour consultation with Tom will tell you how to
get there. To schedule a non technical "dummies" appointment
call (301) 459-0738

2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
The Eyes Have It
by Tom Antion

Try this in your next five speeches. Hold eye contact with
each audience member you look at for a full four seconds.
When I am critiquing videos of even very experienced speakers
sometimes I feel like the speaker is watching a tennis match or
worse yet a ping pong match. They oscillate back and forth never
really connecting with anyone. If you hold that eye contact just
shy of the point where you would be considered staring, I will
bet you find that more people want to talk to you after your
speech. Try it and let me know how it works.

*********** SPONSOR ***********
The Wake em Up Video System and the Wake em Up Professional
Video Sytem are now in pre release. You can get an incredible
deal on this 4 and 6 tape video system before the fancy
packaging is complete. Want details?
put VIDEO DETAILS in the subject line or visit

Closings (part 6 or a 10 part series)
Tom Antion

One of the worst mistakes you can make as a presenter is talking
too long. Not only will you send some folks to never, never land,
you will make some of them downright mad. It doesn't matter if
your entire talk was brilliant and the audience came away with
information that will change their lives. If you talk too long,
they will leave saying, "That speaker just would not quit." Do
not let this happen to you! Say what you have to say and sit
Before you do, give them a well thought out closing.

If the subject is appropriate, I happen to be fond of humorous
closings for several reasons. If you leave them laughing and
applauding, you will exit, but an extremely positive impression
about you will remain. Another good reason to leave them laughing
is that the room will not be deadly silent as you are walking
back to your seat. I hate when that happens. I do love laughter
and feeling good; finishing a talk humorously gives me and the
audience an opportunity to feel great. Talks that are for
entertainment purposes only should generally leave the audience

Finally, if the subject is not appropriate to end with laughter,.
you could end with a touching story or quotation that leaves the
audience thoughtful and quiet. Even the most serious subjects can
benefit from humor, but the humor should be sprinkled throughout
the body of the presentation. Don't put it at the end because
closings are powerful and the audience will think your overall
attitude toward the subject is flippant.

This same technique can be very effective in ending a mostly
humorous presentation. Have them laughing all along while you
make your points. Then finish seriously. This contrast will
create a great impact. It will convey the fact that you believe
in a lighthearted approach to the subject, but the results are
very serious to you.

Next issue learn how to make a point with humor.

"When I recruited Tom Antion to play for the West Virginia
University Mountaineers in the early 70s, he was an exciting
high school football player. It doesn't surprise me that he's
turned into such an exciting professional speaker. His Book "Wake
em Up" will teach you how to create excitement when you speak to
any size group. I use his tips in my own speaking engagements."
Bobby Bowden, Head Football Coach
Florida State University


"Wake em Up! How to Use Humor and Other Professional
Techniques to Create Alarmingly Good Business Presentations"

"Toms program and materials will cut five years off a speakers
learning curve."
-- Cavett Robert, Founder National Speakers Assn.

For a FREE Chapter visit

4. $$$$$$$ SPEAKER MARKETING TIP $$$$$$$$
by Tom Antion

I make no outbound cold calls whatsoever. I can not even stand
the thought of it. One of my main sources of bookings comes from
stories placed by me or about me in the media and from radio and
TV appearances. I can not really even say I am tremendously
successaful at getting these placements, but here is what I am
doing to get better and also how it makes me money.

A few lines in entrepreneur magzine has made me about $11,000.00
so far for two speeches. An article I wrote for SalesDoctor
Electronic Magazine made me $5500.00 for a speech and almost made
me over $40,000.00 on one deal. The client was considering buying
a book for each of the 3200 people in the audience. My
performances on radio networks all over the world gives me
bragging rights forever.

These are just a few of the benefits I have received from media
marketing. Here is how to get started. Write articles and submit
them to electronic magazines, websites and print publications.
Call or write magazines that you would like to be in and offer
yourself as an expert on your topic. Journalists keep good files
on experts because they know that having access to experts on
various topics will make their article writing much easier. Do
the same for your local TV stations who use experts on their news
programs all the time. Buy a radio database and start doing radio
talk shows. Get some media training so you are darn good when you
get on the media.

RESOURCES: (I can personally vouch for all these people . . .
especially Tom hahaha)
"Publicity Hound ," a bi monthly newsletter featuring tips,
tricks, and tools for free, or really cheap publicity. OR visit

Radio Database and simple radio promotional system:

Media Training for Radio: Joel Roberts

Media Marketing Consultation with Tom:
(800) 448-6280, (301) 459-0738

NOTE: I just ran across the most fabulous marketing site I
have ever seen. I am using a tremendous amount of what I learned
at this site. Check it out

Want to really take advantage of your E-mail marketing . . .

********* SPONSOR *********
National advertising trainer Drew Eric Whitman--a.k.a. "Dr.
Direct!(tm)"--seeks experts with powerful, expressive speaking
voices for unusual, new audiocassette anthology, "PROJECT-X:
Underground Success Secrets from Today's Advertising & Marketing
Master-Minds(tm)." The album will be produced to
Nightingale-Conant-quality specs and will include your name, bio,
photo and international marketing support and publicity.
Featured expert is the great Dottie Walters. Space is
limited. Email: with PROJECT-X in the SUBJECT
area for full details via email.


=> You will remember our next speaker for life . . . if you get
run over in the parking lot.

=> Our speaker tonight needs no introduction. He / she did not
show up.

=> Our next speaker will talk about taking control of your life,
mastering your own fate and asserting yourself in the world.
That is what his / her agent told him / her to talk about

=> When you don't know the answer to a question: I am glad that
question came up. There are so many different ways to answer
it that one of them is bound to be right. ++Robert Benchley

=> A closed mouth gathers no feet.

=> Old programmers never die. They just terminate and stay

=> I went to school to become a wit and only got halfway through.

=> The first rule of holes: If you are in one, stop digging.

=> I finally got my head together, now my body is falling apart.

=> If God wanted me to touch my toes, he would have put them on
my knees.

=> Work is the most unpopular way of making money.

=> Honest Politician: One that when's he is bought, stays bought.

=> Nothing is illegal if a hundred businessmen decide to do it
++Andrew Young

=> The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment
you get up and does not stop until you get to the office.
++Robert Frost

=> By working faithfully eight hours a day you may eventually get
to be a boss and work twelve hours a day. ++Robert Frost

=> There is nothing wrong with teenagers that reasoning with them
won't aggravate. ++Ron Howard

=> Conference: A gathering of important people who singly can do
nothing, but together can decide that nothing can be done.
++Fred Allen

=> If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you

=> A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.

=> Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7th of your life.

=> Sometimes I think I understand everything, then I regain

Next issue watch for details on a new professional comedy
writing Ezine by John Cantu

Lot's more FREE speaker humor at

Find an ATM. Now here's a handy site when your hotel doesn't have
a cash machine.

Ask doctor dictionary about words, grammar or language.

Searching for just the right word for your powerful close. Go to
this site and look in Roget's Thesaurus.

Dilbert Zone: At the Dilbert Zone you can view four recent weeks
worth of the comic strip, test your Boss's brain, learn about
Dilbert's arcane history, or visit Catbert's anti-career zone.


You can earn a 10 - 25 percent commission for referring
Tom for speaking engagements and bulk product sales.
Commissions normally start between $500.00 and $1250
depending on your level of involvement. For complete
details visit


I have many articles available for reprint in your
publication, company newsletter, etc. You may use
articles written by me that you see here or email me
to request a list. All you have to do is print the
article in it's entirety along with the by line at
top and the credits, and complete contact information
at the end of each article. I would appreciate a tear
sheet or electronic copy too. Thanks

******* Do YOU WANT TO BE A SPONSOR? *******
For sponsorship details visit OR send


For Back Issues visit:

Antion & Associates / Anchor Publishing
Box 2630
Landover Hills, Maryland USA 20784
(301) 459-0738, Fax (301) 552-0225
In Continental US (800) 448-6280 orders or paid consulting only

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