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Great Speaking Vol. 1 Number 17

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Great Speaking
 · 8 Oct 2024

"Tom, thanks for the great TeleSeminar on E-zines. I was so 
excited I got up at 5AM so I could work on my E-zine. You
sure do come through with what you promise!"
Pam Golden
Circulation 7773
Vol. 1 Number 17 - September 9, 1999
Publisher: Tom Antion
(C) Anchor Publishing 1999

No one ever lost credibility by
being interesting.

Please feel free to forward this E-Zine to anyone you
know that is interested in being a better presenter, or
who may want to make money speaking and training.

If you are receiving this issue as a forward, and would
like to get your own free subscription, please visit

PRIVACY STATEMENT: We will not distribute your address
to anyone. Period.


1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip

2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
(Beginners should read this too)

3. Humor Technique Series

4. Speaker Marketing Tip

5. Speaker Humor

6. Websites for Speakers

Will be delivered to full subscribers when available.

********** OUR SPONSOR ***********
TELESEMINAR: "Kick Start Your Media Marketing:
How to Get Clients to Call You"

Tuesday, September 14, 9:00 - 10:00 PM Eastern
One-on-one this seminar costs $250.00
You get it for $19.95 plus a nickel tip.
Tom does NO COLD CALLING and stays as busy as he wants
speaking. Find out the simple strategies he uses to keep his name in
the public eye and how you can do it too.
Tom's first three TeleSeminars sold out fast.
To register Call (301) 459-0738 or


1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip
MAKE EM WONDER by Tom Antion
I suppose most of my readers know by now that I push the
limits most of the time to make sure my audience stays awake.
It should be no surprise to you then that I will attack another
common old style snoozer technique (and I know I will get
letters from educational theory folks, but that is OK) . . . that is,
telling the participants what you are going to cover during your
presentation. I say let em figure it out as you go. If they think
they know where you are going, then it is easy for them to "zone out"
since they "think" they know what you are going to say. The way
I do it is to make them wonder, "What in the heck is he going to
do next?," which forces them to stay alert to find out.

*** Tom's Upcoming National Speakers Association Appearances***

=> Sept. 11, Heart of Texas "HOT" Chapter, Austin, Texas
Plus special Sunday workshop
=> Sept. 18, Central Florida Chapter, Tampa, Florida
Plus special Sunday workshop
=> Feb. 11-13 2000, Western Workshop Burbank, CA

Worldwide National Speakers Association affiliates contact
Tom about appearing at your event. Tom has appeared at 25
chapter events and three National events for the
National Speakers Association. He loves NSA and would be
honored to visit your country or chapter.


2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article

I am working with a client that has a big yearly event coming up.
They are planning all the staging and hoopla to go along with the event.
One item they are including is a teleprompter for the general sessions.
WHOA NELLIE!! Hold your horses! Not only are they putting
non-professional presenters in a foreign setting of a big stage,
they are asking them to master a very difficult new skill at the
same time. I am a member of the radio and television actors union
and I take classes when I can on various performance techniques.
I have taken the teleprompter class several times because using a
teleprompter is not easy to do well. You would think that it is
because your speech is right there for you to look at, but believe me it is not.

You can see inexperienced teleprompter users all the time on TV.
Their heads oscillate back and forth mechanically to look at each
teleprompter screen as they stand glued to the lectern. They very
seldom connect well with the audience. Then we take it to the
next level where floor mounted monitors are used so the presenter
can move about the stage. I have seen them trip, fall down and
generally make laughing stocks of themselves with their eyes
glued to the monitors instead of where they are walking.

Unless there was some legal ramifications that dictate exact
wording during a live audience speech, even with my experience
level, I would avoid teleprompters. For non-professional presenters,
a much better performance would come from lots of practice,
so I say, save the money on the teleprompters and get some good coaching.

*********** SPONSOR ***********
Check out the complete professional speaking system
that makes you great on the platform and teaches you
how to get clients to call you.


THE PEP RALLY by Lola Gillebaard

As humorists, we must remove the work anxieties from
the minds of the audience by what I call a pep rally. Some
would call it a warm-up for your program, much like a
comedienne does for the star at the comedy store. In other
words, put some really funny material at the beginning and get
them involved, not individually, but as a group. For example,
at one presentation I had the audience shout together loudly . . .
"You know you're getting older when . . ." We practiced it
until they were really loud and then I gave 12 zingers to
complete the sentence. The audience was mine when we
finished this exercise.
(Re: Wake em Up Business Presentations Chapter 19 "Tips for Women Presenters")

Lola Gillebaard is a professional speaker based in
Laguna Beach, California. She is a past president of the
Greater Los Angeles Chapter of the National Speakers Association.
Her one woman show "Life's Funny That Way" has received rave
reviews nationwide. She is also a recipient of the Readers Digest
Writers award.


"Wake em Up! How to Use Humor and Other Professional
Techniques to Create Alarmingly Good Business Presentations"

"Toms program and materials will cut five years off a speakers
learning curve."
-- Cavett Robert, Founder National Speakers Assn.

For a FREE Chapter visit

4. $$$$$$$ SPEAKER MARKETING TIP $$$$$$$$

In issue 15 (back issues at )
I told you that I was going to offer a few TeleSeminars and
report to you on how it went. Well, as I usually do, I jumped
right in, got a coach (Judy Sabah )
and figured out how to do it.

Here are the results: The first one, "How to Make Your
Speaker Website Kick" was 90% full and resulted in 3 video
system sales ( )
The seminar was taped with brisk audiotranscript sales for
the two hour set.

The second and third TeleSeminars, "How to Create and
Distribute a KickButt Electronic Magazine" and "Product
Development & 5 Cool, Kickin, Speaker Marketing Techniques"
were immediate sellouts and resulted in another 5 video systems
sold and very brisk sales of the audiotranscripts.

Audiotranscript sales were so good that I had a Telex tape
duplicator FedExed so I could get all the tapes out fast. I also
have three new products in a seven day period as a result of the
seminars. AND I also have a new theme (read theme article Issue 12)
"The Wake 'em Up Kick Series of Audiotranscripts."

This medium has tremendous potential for spreading your
message and making money without getting on an airplane.
To make it work you need to lay the groundwork for getting
seminar attendees. My Electronic magazine made it easy for
me to get the word out. A colleague of mine Anita Paul already
has a following in the court reporting industry. She has people
begging her all the time for more information or more seminars.
TeleSeminars will be a way for her to reach her market in a cost
and time effective manner. Start now refining your database
and collecting names addresses, Email addresses and other
contact information on the people who will be your target market.

Bottom line is I took in about $5000.00 sitting in my cluttered
office, at my cluttered desk, with my feet up and in my shorts
and Tee shirt. Attendees are happy to get my time for less than
1/10 th the cost of one on one coaching and I'm happy to be
able to reach more people with a lot less hassle. Yes, I think
I'll be doing more of these.

Next one is Tuesday, September 14, 1999
"Kick Start Your Media Marketing: How to Get Clients
to Call You" (see above ad for details)

For more information and TeleBridge rental contact Judy Sabah
(also see her new coaching program below).

***How Is Your Business?***
Does it provide you with income AND fulfillment? If the answer
is NO and you continue to look for new information, perhaps the
solution is not available in more information.

Get your FREE Email brochure on how you can become more
attractive to what you want. Eliminating those things that bug you,
YES the things you are tolerating right now, raising your standards
and living life based on YOUR values, could be part of the solution.

Send email today, put "FREE EMAIL BROCHURE in subject line. Judy Sabah, Master Certified Coach,
Professional Speaker and Author.
NOTE: The course below is what I used to learn most of what
I know about electronic marketing. I*m using a tremendous amount
of what I learned at this site. Check it out

Want to really take advantage of your E-mail marketing . . .

********* SPONSOR *********
National advertising trainer Drew Eric Whitman--a.k.a. "Dr.
Direct!(tm)"--seeks experts with powerful, exciting speaking
voices for unusual, new audiocassette anthology, "PROJECT-X:
Underground Success Secrets from Today's Advertising &
Marketing Master-Minds(tm)." The album will be produced to
Nightingale-Conant-quality specs and will include your name,
bio, photo, voice and international marketing support and
publicity. Featured expert is the great Dottie Walters. Space
is limited. with PROJECT-X in the
SUBJECT area for full details via email.


=> As a public speaker I was a cyclone. That is a vacuum surrounded by high winds.

=> I'll be brief. I'm sure you all want to get back to your I love Lucy reruns.

=> He's really great to work for. I named my first ulcer after him.

=> Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.

=> If you're living on the edge, make sure you're wearing your seatbelt.

=> Pay as you go, but not if you intend to go for good . . . James Roche

=> A cold in the head causes less suffering than an idea . . .Jules Renard

=> In national affairs a million is only a drop in the budget . . . Burton Rascoe

=> People will buy anything that is one to a customer . . .Sinclair Lewis

=> He looked at me as if I was the side dish he hadn*t ordered . . . Ring Lardner

=> The more I see of the representatives of the people, the more I admire my dogs . . . Alphonse
de Lamartine

=> I never made a mistake in my life; at least one I couldn*t explain away afterward. . . Rudyard

=> I like work; it fascinates me; I can sit and look at it for hours. . . Jerome K. Jerome

=> If I were a gravedigger there are some people I could work for with a great deal of pleasure . .
.Douglas Jerrold

=> You will not skid if you stay in a rut. . .Kin Hubbard

=> He must have had a magnificent build before his stomach went in for a career of it*s own. . .
Margaret Halsey

=> I get my exercise acting as a pallbearer for my friends that exercise . . .Chauncey Depew

=> An atheist is a man with no invisible means of support . . . John Buchan

=> Every crowd has a silver lining . . .P.T. Barnum

=> All of the animals except man know that the principle business of life is to enjoy it. . . Samuel

Lot's more FREE speaker humor at

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You can earn a 10 - 25 percent commission for referring
Tom for speaking engagements and bulk product sales.
Commissions normally start between $500.00 and $1250
depending on your level of involvement. For complete
details visit


I have many articles available for reprint in your
publication, company newsletter, etc. You may use
articles written by me that you see in great speaking. Back issues
can be viewed at OR for an automated list of additional articles.
All you have to do is print the article in its entirety along with the by line at
top and the credits, and complete contact information at the end of each article.
I would appreciate a tear sheet or electronic copy too. Thanks

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For Back Issues visit:

Antion & Associates / Anchor Publishing
Box 2630
Landover Hills, Maryland USA 20784
(301) 459-0738, Fax (301) 552-0225
In Continental US (800) 448-6280 orders or paid consulting only

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