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Great Speaking Vol. 1 Number 21

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Published in 
Great Speaking
 · 8 Oct 2024

Circulation 8578
Vol. 1 Number 21 - December 1, 1999
Publisher: Tom Antion
(C) Anchor Publishing 1999

No one ever lost credibility by
being interesting.

Please feel free to forward this E-Zine to anyone you
know that is interested in being a better presenter, or
who may want to make money speaking and training.

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1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip

2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
(Beginners should read this too)

3. Humor Technique Series

4. Speaker Marketing Tip

5. Speaker Humor

6. Websites for Speakers

7. Tech Tip with Mike Rounds

Will be delivered to full subscribers when available.

********** OUR SPONSOR ***********
Give yourself a holiday present (or give this ad to your spouse)
"Wake 'em UP!" The # 1 Rated Professional Speaking System
on the Internet Who rated it? Tom did (so you know the rating system
was fair hahahaha).
Order the "Wake 'em Up System" by Dec. 6th. Get the lowest price
currently available, receive delivery by Christmas AND
Tom will call your home on Christmas day and sing Jingle Bells to you
and your family. (You can pick another day if you don't celebrate Christmas)


1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip

I've talked about this tip before, but ran into the same situation again
this month. While speaking in Morocco where the primary languages
are Arabic & French, just arranging for an overhead projector was very
difficult. When I arrived as the opening speaker (after having confirmed
three times an overhead projector and screen), none was to be found
in the room. The manager of the gigantic ballroom could not speak English
and because of tight scheduling of other events, I was not able to be in
the room early as I always am. I forgot to bring my equipment photographs
which would have gotten the point across to the manager immediately whether
he spoke English or not. It really didn't matter though, because the projector
he finally brought was so terrible I had to scrap all the overheads. I am ALWAYS
prepared for total equipment failure and went on with the program without
hesitation. Tips when speaking in a foreign environment: 1.) Have photographs
of the equipment you need. 2.) Have a backup plan and be ready to use it 3.)
When you leave you own country start smiling and don't quit until you are locked
safely in your bathroom (smile then too if you want to). Getting upset will only
make things worse for you.

************ SPONSOR ************
MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKERS WANTED participate in new audio anthology, "Million-Dollar Secrets of Success
from Today's Motivational Master-Minds(tm)" featuring the legendary Dottie
Walters. Album is designed to drive people to start making positive changes
in their lives NOW. You will be featured with up to 14 other expert
motivators in this content-heavy program. Album will include your name,
photo, bio, voice and teachings in a product of national bookstore-chain
quality. Very low participation fee. Tremendous speaker-credibility
booster and profit potential. For consideration, send your bio via email


********* New Kick Series TeleSeminar Audio Tapes**********

#7 "Kick Up a Media Storm: How to Get FREE or REALLY CHEAP Publicity"
#8 "Kick the Ears of Your Audience: How to Be Really Great on the Radio"
#9 "Kick Through Your Database to Sell Tons of Products and Services on the Radio"


2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
DYNAMIC RANGE Part I by Tom Antion

I invented the concept of Dynamic Range to help you improve your
versatility as a business presenter, and to help you pick appropriate audiences
for your skill and interest level (Did he say "pick" my audiences?). Yes, I did say
pick your audiences. Some of you may not have this luxury because you must
present as part of your job, but those of you that do, will move up faster in the
speaking world. When you are a beginning speaker it is important for you to
experience different types of audiences just FOR the experience. You will find
that you enjoy certain types of audiences more than others, and certain types of
audiences enjoy you more too. As you climb the speaking ladder where the audiences
are bigger, or more important to your career, and the stakes are higher, you must
learn to just say no.

Most top speakers don't accept every request to speak even if they are
available, and the money is right. They pick their engagements to put themselves
in front of audiences whose profiles indicate the greatest chance of success. If
you are a highly technical presenter, you would not want to be speaking to a
widget sales group at their annual retreat. Conversely, as a really fun retreat
facilitator, you would not want to be speaking to a group of radar technicians
who are only interested in performance data of the latest missile protection

You knowledge of your own Dynamic Range will help you learn to pick your
audiences and how to expand your abilities so you are capable of handling a
wider range of audiences.

I based the concept of Dynamic Range in speaking on the same concept that
is used to rate stereo equipment. Dynamic range in the electronics world means
the ability to reproduce soft sounds as well as loud ones. I have expanded on this
to include several other parameters that are important to a speaker. These
include: Serious/Outrageous Content, Slow/Fast Speed of Delivery,
Slurred/Articulate Diction, Stationary/Animated Movement, and Audience Needs.

The first step to use this system is to evaluate yourself on each parameter.
Many people have trouble with this, so it might be time to call in an objective
third party like a coach or other accomplished presenter to watch you present or
to review several of your tapes. Try to avoid using friends for this initial
evaluation because they will be reluctant to tell you the truth. Here are some
examples of how this works.

Parameter: Your Material
Maximum Range: Totally Serious to Totally Outrageous
Zero Point: Arbitrarily set for you
Goal: Have the widest range possible and always cross the zero point.

Example A:
Let's say you are a fairly serious presenter, but you do try to lighten things up
once in a while with a few one-liners. You get a mark deep on the serious side
of zero and another mark just on the outrageous side. Congratulations, you
crossed the zero point. Your one-liners helped you become a NO ZZZZZs

Totally Totally Outrageous

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

Example B:
Now, let's say you are a really serious presenter. Your range of material is from
totally serious to pretty darn serious. You have not crossed the zero point. You
could be considered a Z presenter. You will have a very high likelihood of your
audience "spacing out" on you because your material is too heavy with no relief.

Totally Totally Outrageous

4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

Lets flop the last example over. You have outrageously funny material so
you get a mark well to the right of the zero point. In fact, all your material is
pretty funny with little or no content, so you get another mark still to the right
side of zero. Same rules apply. You also end up with a poor range, not because
you put them to sleep, but because we are talking about business presentations
here. Unless you are a stand-up comic, you are expected to give some serious
information, supported and enhanced with humor. It's not as obvious, but it is
likely that you have failed because you did not provide the content that is
demanded by most business presentations.

Next issue in Part II we will look at some techniques that will increase your dynamic range

*********** SPONSOR ***********
"Speaking Successfully: 1001 Tips for Thriving in the Speaking Business"
is a 196-page special report of the best tips from three years of SpeakerNet
News, the award-winning free weekly e-newsletter for and by speakers,
trainers and consultants. Price is $49 for the electronic version, $59 for the
electronic/printed combo, plus applicable shipping, handling and California
sales tax. For a 20-page sample or to order go to


An acronym is basically a form of abbreviation where the letters of the
abbreviation form a new word, i.e., HUD means the Department of Housing and
Urban Development. There are many acronyms and abbreviations that are
universally known such as the IRS and the CIA. There are many more that are
unique to your audience. All you have to do to make them humorous is to change
one or more of the words that go with your well-known abbreviation or
Here are some examples:

IQ Idiot Quotient

CPI Consumers Poorhouse Indicator

IRA Individual Rest-in-Peace Account

TQM Totaled Quality Management

With a little thought, it is very easy to customize acronyms and abbreviations to
your audience. Now, here are some examples and explanations from a custom
talk I did for a hotel franchise:

OCC in the hotel industry means Occupancy Rate. I changed it to Oh! C'mon
Clinton because certain taxes were being proposed by President Clinton that
would affect their industry. I always try to connect with the audience by
mentioning the topics that are foremost on their minds. This gives you the
greatest chance of succeeding with an item of humor.

ADR to hoteliers, means Average Daily Rate. This was changed to All Dated
Rooms which is something no hotelier wants to hear. This would mean a fortune
would have to be spent to upgrade and modernize the rooms.

IOC was the name of the group I was addressing (International Operator's
Council). This was changed to Im Ordering Chinese and Im Out of Coffee.
These phrases arent particularly funny in themselves. They were coupled,
however, with the fact that these people had just completed rigorous and
exhausting inspections by the Franchisor. That is what made it funny.

ANA This is one of my generic favorites. ANA represents Al Nippon Airlines.
I mention that it is a good thing that this company had an American advisor
before they used this acronym because the original version was . . . ANAL (this
is revealed on an overhead projector just after a pause following the word was).
This gets good laughter. I extend the humor with the line, "How would you like to see
that on a 747 coming at you? This gets even bigger laughs.

For the hotel job, the acronyms were on an overhead transparency and were
displayed using a reveal technique (where individual overhead lines were
covered until it was time to reveal the funny version. You don't have to project
acronyms to use them in a presentation. You could also print them in handouts,
or just tell them out loud.


"Wake em Up! How to Use Humor and Other Professional
Techniques to Create Alarmingly Good Business Presentations"

"Toms program and materials will cut five years off a speakers
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4. $$$$$$$ SPEAKER MARKETING TIP $$$$$$$$

The last two years have been really wonderful for me businesswise . . .
less grueling travel, higher fees, and more product sales. I attribute this
mostly to one thing . . . on line marketing. The shock came to me when
I got a website statistics program and found out that my website
(that I had up for two years) got only 400 visitors. 400 VISITORS IN
TWO YEARS! I knew I had to do something about this so I started studying
everything I could about website marketing. I must tell you there is a lot of
junk out there on this topic. Then I found the Internet Marketing Center . The guy that runs it pulls in
5.2 Million dollars per year all from a very small office in Canada. I went to
his site which is full of credible tips on how to sell your products and services
electronically. I've only been able to apply a few of the tips I found there,
but it has meant a massive increase in my business . . . with a lot less work
I might add. Since, I've applied the techniques I found at the Internet
Marketing Center I have:

=> Taken my website from 400 visitors in two years to 400 visitors per day.
=> Regularly gotten referral and direct speaking business with NO COLD CALLING!
=> Received product sales from many, many countries that would have never
heard of me along with a dramatic increase in domestic product sales.
=> Massively decreased my costs for printing, postage, press kits and videos.

If you want to do the same thing here is what you must do:
=> Get a statistics package to find out who is coming to your website and
where they are coming from. (Many times your hosting service gives you this
for free. You just have to learn how to use it.)
=> Visit the Internet Marketing Center
=> Automate your electronic tasks with a really good email program.
I use mailloop (see below).

I am no techie, but I realize we are in an electronic age. Those of you that try
to fight it out by printing thousands of dollars worth of brochures may have a
difficult time competing in the future. Invest your money and increase your world
wide reach and speed to market by getting up to speed electronically.

Want to really take advantage of your E-mail marketing . . .

********* SPONSOR *********
NOTE: I have seen the work this firm puts
out. They are fabulous!!! . . . AND they are doing
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=> Is sloppiness in speech caused by ignorance or apathy? I dont
know and I dont care. William Safire

=> It usually takes more than three weeks to prepare a good
impromptu speech. Mark Twain

=> If the opposite of "pro" is "con," then what is the opposite of "progress?"

=> Congress is so strange. Someone gets up to speak and says nothing
. . . Nobody listens . . . and then everybody disagrees. Boris Marshalow

=> Football is not a matter of life and death . . . .It is much more
serious than that. Bill Shankly

=> Marriage is the only war where you sleep with the enemy.

=> The most dangerous food is the wedding cake.

=> I am sort of a paranoic in reverse. I suspect people of plotting to
make me happy. J.D. Salinger

=> The greatest distance between two points is between where
you mouth is and where your money is. Samuel Diamond (accountant)

=> If I would have known how old I was going to be, I would have
taken better care of myself. Adolf Zukor at age 99

=> I dont even know what street Canada is on. Al Capone

=> You would be surprised how much it costs to look this cheap. Dolly Parton

=> Sometimes I have believed as many as six impossible things
before breakfast. Lewis Carroll

=> Start every day off with a smile and get it over with. W.C. Fields

=> People, like sheep, tend to follow a leader . . . . occasionally in the
right direction. Alexander Chase

=> Money is always there, but the pockets change. Gertrude Stein

=> When down in the mouth, remember Jonah. He came out all right. Thomas Edison

=> Hard work never killed anyone, but why take a chance? Edgar Bergen

=> Advertising is the art of making whole lies out of half truths. Edgar Shoaff

=> The only reason I would take up jogging is so I could hear heavy
breathing again. Erma Bombeck

Lot's more FREE speaker humor at

Fighting Computer Hoaxes: It is easy to get taken in by a hoax
about a computer virus, particularly when a warning comes in a hysterical
e-mail message from a friend. Separate fact from fiction.

Computer Virus Myths:

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Giving another Ho Hum presentation? Want to make your PowerPoint
slides come alive? Try to add animated characters
that you can program to speak.

Mike Rounds' Quick Tech Tips


You can earn a 10 - 25 percent commission for referring
Tom for speaking engagements and bulk product sales.
Commissions normally start between $500.00 and $1250
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I have many articles available for reprint in your
publication, company newsletter, etc. You may use
articles written by me that you see in great speaking. Back issues
can be viewed at OR for an automated list of additional articles.
All you have to do is print the article in its entirety along with the by line at
top and the credits, and complete contact information at the end of each article.
I would appreciate a tear sheet or electronic copy too. Thanks

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