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Great Speaking Vol. 1 Number 13

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Great Speaking
 · 8 Oct 2024

On the new video: (Can you tell I*m proud of it? hahaha) 
"I went ahead and popped the first videocassette.
The very first tip is worth at least double the
cost of the System."
Patrick Wahl, DMD, MBA
National Speakers Association member

Circulation 7038
Vol. 1 Number 13 - July 16, 1999
Publisher: Tom Antion
(C) Anchor Publishing 1999

No one ever lost credibility by
being interesting.

Please feel free to forward this E-Zine to anyone you
know that is interested in being a better presenter, or
who may want to make money speaking and training.

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1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip

2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
(Beginners should read this too)

3. Humor Technique Series

4. Speaker Marketing Tip

5. Speaker Humor

6. Websites for Speakers

Will be delivered to full subscribers when available.

********** OUR SPONSOR ***********

SPEAKERS: Make $5500.00 per speech
Latest Marketing and Performance Tips Revealed


1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip
Several Ideas for No ZZZZZs Openings
by Tom Antion

=> Ask a funny or outrageous question like, "How many of
you have ever swung from a tree like Tarzan?" Then go
on with comments about it being a jungle out there.

=> Ask a deadly serious question like, "How many of you
would know what to do if you went into your small child*s
bedroom and the child wasn't breathing?" You may even hear
gasps from some audience members (especially the moms) when
you ask a question like this. You can be sure they will be
riveted on what you say next, so make it good.

=> Make an outrageous statement like this, "Since 1989 there
have been 250 waterbuffalos collecting social security in
this district." Note to reader: After that last statement
you are seriously wondering why you bothered opening this
Email aren*t you? hahaha. To make this work in real life
you would follow up with the following statement, "Of course,
there aren*t 250 waterbuffalos collecting social security in
our district, but ABC is happening and we must do XYQ (no
ZZZZZs allowed) about it."

=> Mention something in the local newspaper that is outrageous,
funny, or an example of what your presentation is about.

=> Use a funny quotation that relates to your subject.
Mark Twain said, "I don*t mind what the opposition says of me,
so long as they don*t tell the truth."
The truth is . . ."
(Ref: Wake 'em Up Business Presentations pages 58-59)

************ SPONSOR ************
YES! Tom will be at the National Speakers Assn. convention.
Want some private coaching / consultation in San Antonio?
Limited slots available. Call Tom 301-459-0738


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A 1.5 hour consultation with Tom will tell you how to
get there. To schedule a non technical "dummies" appointment
call (301) 459-0738

2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
4 Common Ways to Remember Material - Part II
by Lenny Laskowski
(c) 1999 LJL Seminars
Remembering speeches can be a very intimidating experience.
There are many ways one can remember material and I would
like to focus on what I believe are the 4 Common Ways to
Remember Material.

1. Memorizing
2. Reading from complete text
3. Using notes
4. Using visual aids as notes

In the last issue, I addressed the first two items, memorizing
and reading from complete text. In this issue Part II, I will be
discussing how to use notes and using visual aids as notes.

The most common technique for remembering material is through
the use of notes. Using notes is better than reading since the
speaker can have normal voice inflection and make more effective
eye contact. If your notes are on the lectern, you probably won*t
move very far from them. If notes are in your hand, you probably
won*t gesture very much either.

Below are some suggestions to consider if you decide to use

1. Use note cards. Include quotes, statistics and lists you may
VERY IMPORTANT: Number your note cards! (Just in case you
drop them)

2. Don*t put too much information on each note card or else you
will find yourself reading them. Put a few key words or

3. Leave your notes on the lectern or table and move away from
them occasionally. Don*t be afraid to move away occasionally
and get out of your comfort zone. Too many speakers use the
lectern to hide behind and this restricts the effective use
of their entire body.

4. Practice using your note cards. If you find yourself reading
your note cards too much, you probably have too much
information on the cards. All you need is a few short phrases
or words, even pictures to "jog" your memory.

5. Use pictures of picture maps to guide you. Pictures help you
"visualize" the key points of your speech. Use mental pictures
as well to tell the story in your head. This will some take
some creativity, but will be worth the effort.

Simple visual aids can effectively serve as headings and
subheadings. Speak to the heading. Say what you want to say and
move on. If you forget something, that*s okay; the audience would
never know unless you tell them.

Practice creating just a few meaningful headings to use and
practice using only these headings as your "cues". Practicing
using only these few words will force you to better internalize
your speech.

This has four important advantages:
1. You don*t have to worry about what you are going to say next.
Your visual aid provides your cue of your next major idea. All
you need to do between ideas is to use an effective
transitional statement.
(See Volume 1, No. 10 issue on the use of transitions)

2. Having only a few key words on your visual aids allows you to
move around the room without the need or feeling you need to
go back to your notes. In fact, most inexperienced speakers
don*t want to move around. Movement helps you to relax and
adds energy to your presentations. Movement also allows the
listeners to follow you and pay closer attention to you and
therefore your message. Plan your movements during your
rehearsals. Decide where in your presentation it makes sense
to move. If you find yourself starting to sway, take one
or two steps and stop again, standing evenly on both feet.
Keep your weight evenly distributed on both feet. This will
help you from swaying.

3. You can have good eye contact with your audience. You can look
at your audience all the time while speaking - except for that
brief moment you look at your visual aid. But that*s okay
since the audience will probably follow you and also look at
the visual aid. This will help the audience to "see" your
message as well as "hear" your message. The more you have
rehearsed and the more you are familiar with your visual aids,
the easier this becomes.

4. Your audience will feel comfortable that you are on your
planned track. Well designed visual aids shows you have a plan
and have properly prepared and you are also following your

Keep in mind, your visual aids do not have to be only words
charts. They can contain diagrams, pictures or even graphs.

NOTE: When you use a visual aid, always introduce it "before" you
show it!

As I mentioned earlier, plan and rehearse your transitions. You
can even use the "looking back / looking forward" transition:

Example: "Now that we*ve seen the ... let*s now look at ...."

Regardless of which method you choose to use to remember your
material, nothing will help you more than proper planning and
preparation. Remember to:"Prepare..Prepare...Prepare."

Lenny Laskowski is a keynote speaker, seminar leader and speaker
coach. He is the author of "No Sweat Presentations -
The Painless Way to Successful Speaking" several videotape and
audiotape programs. Lenny is the publisher of "Simply Speaking.."
a FREE E-zine for people looking to improve their speaking
skills. To subscribe to Lenny*s E-Zine send an e-mail to and in the BODY of the message type:
subscribe simply or visit Lenny*s website Also, feel free to participate in
Lenny's NEW discussion board. Goto:

*********** SPONSOR ***********

Can you make more money per speech and
be GREAT on the platform too?
YES! Learn How.


by Tom Antion

Humor is only old if your audience has heard it before and
if they remember it. Most people don*t remember the exact
details of jokes, one-liners, and stories. This is not
contradictory to the fact that one of the uses of humor is
to make your points more memorable.

One of the reasons people don*t remember jokes and other
pieces of humor is that the humor is usually heard out of
context. The humor was not used in conjunction with a point
which is the way you should use it in a professional
presentation. The humor was used for entertainment value only
and was enjoyed and quickly forgotten.

When you bring back some of this old humor, you will be tying
it to your point which makes it acceptable to use in the first
place. In the second place, even if some audience members
recognize the humor, they probably don*t remember the punch line.
If you tell it well, even these people will enjoy hearing
it again.

The technique to tell a very old joke or story is to tell the
audience it is old. This is the one time when you might want to
tell the audience you have a joke or story coming. If you don*t
tell them that you know it is old, they will likely think you
are out of touch. If you tell them you are going to tell an old
story or joke, you are telling them you know it*s old, but it
makes the point so well that you think it is worth telling again.
(Ref. Wake 'em Up Business Presentations page 198)

Next issue In Part II we will discuss how to take old humor and
modernize it.


"Wake em Up! How to Use Humor and Other Professional
Techniques to Create Alarmingly Good Business Presentations"

"Toms program and materials will cut five years off a speakers
learning curve."
-- Cavett Robert, Founder National Speakers Assn.

For a FREE Chapter visit
(This book included in the Wake em Up Video Professional Speaking

4. $$$$$$$ SPEAKER MARKETING TIP $$$$$$$$
by Tom Antion

Last issue I talked about how "themes" like "Wake em Up and
Make em Laugh" make your marketing efforts easier because your
product line becomes recognizable. Someone who purchased
"Make em Laugh" and benefited from it is much more likely to
purchase "Wake em Up." Now we will see how putting together
different elements of your theme can make an even more valuable

To the users, a "system" is more valuable than the sum of it*s
individual parts. If the users had any one part of the system
they could likely get some value out of it. But when they have
all parts of the system, it makes it easier for them to put it
to use. If you create your individual learning materials with the
end system in mind, eventually you will have a package to sell
that allows the end user to get the benefits much quicker because
your "system" leads them through the process.

Without being too self promotional . . . aw heck why not, I
always am any other time hahaha, I*ll use my new "Wake em Up
Video Professional Speaking System" as our model. I started out
two years ago when I introduced the "Wake em Up" book. Then, last
year, I recorded the six tape "Make *em Laugh" Audio Album.
Each sold well individually. Early this year I recorded the six
tape video "Wake *em Up" seminar. When I tie all these together
with speaker quizzes and documentation to lead you through the
training process I have turned the individual pieces into a
system. With proper planning you can break parts of the system
into subsystems to sell to different markets. For instance, the
first four tapes of the "Wake em Up" video system are on advanced
presentation skills and the last two tapes are on speaking as a
business and speaker marketing. The entire system is targeted to
professional and aspiring professional speakers and trainers,
however, the first four tapes can be sold as a subsystem to the
corporate and educational markets. See the finished system at

NOTE: I just ran across the most fabulous marketing site I
have ever seen. I*m using a tremendous amount of what I learned
at this site. Check it out

Want to really take advantage of your E-mail marketing . . .

Note: Dr. Direct (see below) just did some work for me and it was
right on!
********* SPONSOR *********
National advertising trainer Drew Eric Whitman--a.k.a. "Dr.
Direct!(tm)"--seeks experts with powerful, exciting speaking
voices for unusual, new audiocassette anthology, "PROJECT-X:
Underground Success Secrets from Today's Advertising &
Marketing Master-Minds(tm)." The album will be produced to
Nightingale-Conant-quality specs and will include your name,
bio, photo, voice and international marketing support and
publicity. Featured expert is the great Dottie Walters. Space
is limited. with PROJECT-X in the
SUBJECT area for full details via email.


=> If you really want to see low interest rates, check out
the attentiveness of students at a lecture.

=> While you adjusting the microphone: I*m always intimidated
by microphones. Of course, a mic never made a fool of anyone
. . . it just shows em up.

=> "Where There*s A Will...I Want To Be In It!"

=> If all is not lost, where is it?

=> Some days you*re the dog, and some days you*re the hydrant.

=> Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them
pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.
--Winston Churchill

=> I am a friend of the workingman, and I would rather be his
friend than be one. --Clarence Darrow

=> Many of us spend half our time wishing for things we could
have if we didn*t spend half our time wishing.
--Alexander Woollcott

=> I never made a mistake in my life; at least, never one that
I couldn*t explain away afterward. --Rudyard Kipling

=> The best thing about an education is that it allows you to
be confused about everything on a more sophisticated level.

=> How many men would continue to watch sports if they had to
run on a treadmill to keep the TV going?

=> Steering Committee: When you have two backseat drivers.

=> Some people "go" out of their way for you when you just
wish they would "get" out of your way.

=> Borrow money from pessimists--they don*t expect it back.

=> Bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of checks.

=> "Guests Who Kill Talk Show Hosts" . . . On the "last" Geraldo.

=> Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

=> Living on earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip
around the sun.

=> I finally got my head together, . . . and my body fell apart.

=> A fool and his money are soon partying.

Lot*s more FREE speaker humor at

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Commissions normally start between $500.00 and $1250
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publication, company newsletter, etc. You may use
articles written by me that you see in great speaking. Back
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additional articles.
All you have to do is print the article in its entirety along
with the by line at
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of each article.
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