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Great Speaking Vol. 1 Number 03

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Published in 
Great Speaking
 · 2 months ago

"Wow!I was going to give this a quick read and then dump it, but
I can't. There is loads of good information in here. Thank you."
***Cindy Ventrice, Potential Unlimited

Special Valentines Day Issue
Tom is single
Vol. 1 Number 3 - February 12, 1999
Publisher: Tom Antion
(C) Anchor Publishing 1999

No one ever lost credibility by
being interesting.


Count how many times the phrase "Tom is Single"
is in this E-Zine. Post your answer, E-mail, and name at:

On Feb. 14, Five Grand Prize Winners will be picked
randomly from correct entries.

GRAND PRIZES -- Autographed "Wake 'em Up Business Presentations"
ALL LOSERS -- win a date with Tom. hahahaha (just kidding . . .
its actually two dates with Tom)


Please feel free to forward this E-Zine because, Tom
is single, to any unmarried women you know that are interested
in being better presenters, or who may want to make money
speaking and training, or who want to win a free book.

If you are receiving this issue as a forward, and would
like to get your own free subscription, please visit

PRIVACY STATEMENT: We will not distribute your address
to anyone. Period.


1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip

2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
(Beginners should read this too)

FEBRUARY 15, 1999 (see below)

3. Humor Technique Series

4. Speaker Marketing Tip

5. Speaker Humor

6. Websites for Speakers

Will be delivered when available as a special insert

*----------- OUR SPONSOR ------------*
14th annual international conference on The Positive Power
of Humor & Creativity April 23-25, 1999 Saratoga Springs,
New York. This learning-filled, laughter-fueled program
draws people from all 50 states and six continents. Includes
pre-conference workshops, opening keynotes with Yakov Smirnoff,
Jack Canfield, and Rosita Perez, and over 50 sessions filled
with laughter and practical, powerful ideas. Call 518-587-8770 or
(For FREE 48-page 1999 Humor Sourcebook see humor section below)

1. Quick Presentation Skills Tip
The Differences Between a Man and a Woman . . .
in the Audience that is . . .
by Tom is single Antion

There is nothing I like better than an all female audience.
All female audiences tend to laugh more easily and louder
than all male audiences. All-male audiences are the toughest
because the male ego gets in the way of laughter. They look
around to see if anyone else is laughing before they laugh,
and they won't laugh as loud because they think they will
look less powerful.
If you present to an all-male audience it is more
critical to bond and be "one of the guys" especially if you
are a female presenter. I'm not being sexist here. I don't
believe in sexist language. I'm just giving you the thoughts
to keep in mind if you are a female presenter and you want
to be successful in front of a general all-male audience.
You must realize: not all males out there in the business world
are as sensitive as me (send all big hugs to me in care of the
publisher . . . which is me). If your all-male audience is a
general audience not from the same company or field, stick to
sports, business, and money to best connect with them.
One of the hardest audiences to deal with consists of a
group of executives from the same company when the CEO is
present. If you say something funny, the executives will start
to laugh, but they choke it off until they check to see
if the CEO is laughing. If he or she is laughing, then they
go ahead and laugh.This kind of audience will create timing
nightmares for you. If you are the CEO and you are in the
audience for a presentation, it is your obligation to laugh
and at least act like you're having a good time to "give
permission" to everyone else to laugh. As a Wake em Up
presenter, you can sometimes take it upon yourself to gently
explain to the CEO how everyone will look to him or her for
Audiences that consist of more than 50 percent women
are good too because Tom is single. The presence of the
females provides a good buffer and makes it OK for the men
to laugh, since so many other people are laughing.
(Ref: Wake em Up Business Presentations Pages 15-16)

*----------- SPONSOR ------------*
TECHNOLOGY WAVE: Futurist and professional speaker Bill Bruck's
FREE electronic newsletter includes simple tricks that can save
you hours a week; breaking information that lets you lead the
conversations about the trends affecting your industry; and free
software that the experts use to supercharge their Pcs. and put SUBSCRIBE WAVE in the body.

*----------- 10,000 Visitors per Month ------------*
Want this many people to come to your site? A 1.5 hour
consultation with Tom will tell you how to get there.
To schedule an appointment call (301) 459-0738

2. Advanced Presentation Skills Article
Gimme Three Steps
by Tom Antion
Do you remember that song by Lynyrd Skynyrd?
"Gimme three steps, gimme three steps mister, gimme three steps
towards the door." I try to remember that song when I am moving
on stage. When you are moving on the stage, make sure that your
movement has a purpose. If you take a step, go at least three
steps in that direction to cue the audience that you are moving
for a reason. One of the biggest problems I see, even when
coaching top speakers, is that many of them wander around or take
a step here and a step there. This is extremely distracting to
the audience.
When making an important point, move toward the audience.
Three steps forward from center stage would be a very powerful
position that would command attention (especially if you walked
right off the stage and fell on your face -- hahaha).
Upstage (away from the audience) left and right are weak
positions. They can be used when you feel you are overpowering
the audience or when you want to remove attention from yourself.
I use these positions when I direct the audience to do some task,
such as talk among themselves. Upstage center is a strong
position, but one that makes you appear disconnected from the
audience. I usually avoid this position.
When I want to be playful and/or really get the audience
involved, I'll go right into the crowd. I might have to come down
off the stage, but to me it is worth it. I get really connected
and I feel like one of them when I am out there. I am also
sending a message that I really know what I am doing. I don't
need any notes. I don't need any visuals. I don't need anything
but interaction with them. They love it!
The main thing you have to watch out for when you are out in
the audience is that in large rooms with lots of attendees many
people can't see you, so they start to lose interest if you stay
out there too long. This is counteracted if you are being
projected on a large screen and you have an on-the-ball and
well-rehearsed video crew. (If you don't alert the video crew
ahead of time of your intentions, they will be scrambling to
follow you and it won't look good on the screen.) You will
probably be lit poorly too.
When you are being projected, think about toning down your
overall movement because it's not easy to follow you wildly
around the stage with a video camera.
(Ref: Wake em Up Business Presentations Pages 117-118)

This speaker training deal is outrageous. The footage is
"In the can" and the editing process begins. YOU can still
take advantage of the special pre-program price. Since Tom
is single, he has nothing to do but create great products.

SEMINAR COMMENTS: These are actually "unsolicited testimonials"
hahahaha I normally hound someone for months to get them. LOL

"Your presentation and materials taught me more in those few
short hours than I've learned in months of research."
R. Mielke, Centreville National Bank

"Spending the day in your workshop was worth every penny AND
every minute of my time."
Dr. Margaret New, The Middleburg Group

"I have NEVER received more for the money than what you presented
to us at the "Wake em Up seminar."
Bill Ecker

For video details visit or

In Fun (part 3 of a ten part series)
by Tom Antion

Sigmund Freud wrote:
"The most favorable condition for comic pleasure is a
generally happy disposition in which one is in the mood
for laughter. In happy toxic states almost everything
seems comic. We laugh at the expectation of laughing,
at the appearance of one who is presenting the comic
material (sometimes even before he [she] attempts to
make us laugh), and finally, we laugh at the
recollection of having laughed."

This concept has been termed "in fun" by people that study humor.
If you want your audience to laugh, they must be in fun. You, the
speaker, must be in fun. The emcee or program coordinator must be
in fun. The whole program should be designed in fun.

Do not do anything to take them out of in fun. Do not discuss
controversial subjects like religion or politics and do not make
unfriendly comments to audience members. If a problem occurs
which must be dealt with, find an in fun way of doing so. For
instance, if Im at a presentation and someone asks me who I
voted for I say, "I voted for the USA." That's a cute way to say
that I really do not want to talk about it.

One of the greatest humorists of all time Dr. Charles Jarvis,
told me about a friend of his who was an excellent speaker, but
lost his audience when he forced someone to turn off a tape
recorder. He was so nasty about the way he said it that the in
fun audience totally turned against him.

An in fun audience is more critical for the speaker who is there
to entertain, but the concept should be in the back of every
presenter's mind. Your material may be controversial by nature,
but that does not mean that you should go out of your way to do
or say things that will take the audience further out of in fun.

Also, pay close attention to the total program. One friend of
mine had to present comical material just after a passionate plea
went out to the audience to collect funds for starving babies. He
came on stage just after the teary eyed audience had seen slides
of emaciated children. If you ever get caught in this situation,
DON'T start right in with your humorous material. Start out
gently with a sincere reference to what the audience has just
seen. Cut most of your early humor and get to your subject to
ease the audience's transition to your more lighthearted topic.

How do you put in fun into practice? One time I had a
ventriloquist introduce me at an early morning meeting to wake up
everyone and get them in fun. You could pass out fun snacks to
the audience, or put balloons on their chairs. Meeting
announcements and agendas can be decorated with cartoon
characters. Funny props are great for putting people in fun. Do
anything you can to be sure your audience knows that it's OK to
(Ref. Wake em Up Business Presentations Pages 27-28)

Next issue learn the techniques of good timing.



Wake em Up! How to Use Humor and Other Professional
Techniques to Create Alarmingly Good Business Presentations

"Toms program and materials will cut five years off a speakers
learning curve."
-- Cavett Robert, Founder National Speakers Assn.

For a FREE Chapter visit


4. $$$$$$$ SPEAKER MARKETING TIP $$$$$$$$

Cool, Custom, & Cheap, Content Sheets
by Tom Antion

This technique has saved me thousands of dollars in printing
costs and helped close more deals too. I print up a ton of
two color letter size sheets that are blank except for a
photo and a colored border. This is pretty cheap to do.
I keep my program descriptions on my computer. When a meeting
organizer calls me for information, I interview him or her and
write down keywords that are said to me.

For instance, someone might tell me that morale is down and they
need some excitement during the program. I'm jotting down the
words, "morale" and "excitement." After we hang up, I go to my
computer and alter my standard program description to include
phrases like "this program is great for morale" or "this program
generates lots of excitement." When I print out the program
description on one of the two color blanks, I end up with a
custom program description that LOOKS like it came from the

When the meeting organizer gets it, I know they say, "Wow! This
was just what we were looking for!" How do I know this? I know it
because they tell me when they call to book the job!

NOTE: I just ran across the most fabulous marketing site I
have ever seen. I'm using a tremendous amount of what I learned
at this site. Check it out

Want to really take advantage of your E-mail marketing . . .

*--------- Speaker Training Junket ---------*

Do you want to take the fast track in your speaking career?
Tom has slots available for his specialized Speaker Training
Junkets. Two openings for Nuevo Leon Mexico Feb.28-March 2 and
three openings for Baltimore, MD, April 8.
See junket details at

READERS: Let me know if you would be interested in a
"singles" speaker training weekend retreat. Put
I AM INTERESTED in the subject line and

=> A boring speaker: One who doesnt go without saying.

=> With some corporations quality is their middle name.
The problem is that their first name is "lousy."

=> America is a great country. Where else could a CEO
lose a billion dollars and get a 14 million dollar
bonus for it.

=> I bought a dog that is a cross between a pit bull and
a labrador retriever. At least if he bites my leg
off, he ll bring it back to me.

=> Health care executives are now wearing rubber gloves.
It s not for sanitary reasons. They just dont want
to leave fingerprints on your wallet.

=> Im shooting for immortality. It is a long shot I admit,
but someone has to be first.

=> I listened to my motivational tapes backwards and
became a failure.

=> I always wondered when Im flying if the seat cushion
becomes a flotation device, why cant the plane
become a boat?

=> Old Age: When it takes you longer to get over a good time
than to have it.

=> Rhyme: Late to bed and early to rise . . . makes you baggy
under your eyes

=> I was born during the depression . . . It wasnt the countries
. . . it was my mothers.

=> One spouse to the other: "If you really loved me, you would
have married someone else."

=> Childrens variations on the Lords Prayer:
"Harold be thy name" or "How did you know my name?"
"Give us this day our jelly bread."
"Lead us not into Penn Station."
"And deliver us from people."

=> Economize: To spend money without having any fun at it.

=> Original: Dont cross the bridge till you come to it.
New Millenium: Dont cross the bridge till you know its there.

=> Customer service?
"Isnt there a smarter clerk to wait on me."
"No, madam. The smarter ones saw you coming."

=> Success: Keeping your head up and your overhead down.

=> Failure: The path of least persistance.

=> Business etiquette: To listen with interest to things you
know about, . . . from someone who doesnt.

=> Father to fighting boys:
"Whats going on here?"
"Well Dad, it all started when Tommy hit me back."

To receive free 48-page 1999 Humor Sourcebook, contact
The HUMOR Project, 480 Broadway, Suite 210-A,
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 or call 518-587-8770 or

Lot's more FREE speaker humor at

===================================================== --- Here's a really useful site for
speakers who are working day and night at their computers.
It's a FREE tech support website. You can post all kinds
of computer questions to the message board or get a
personalized response. This was picked as one of the top 10
Net Essential Sites by Yahoo Internet Magazine. Hmmmm I do
wonder what you do if your computer won't work at all. --- This is a site that can teach you
how to do just about anything including Write a speech. You
can also share your expertise on their "learnline."

These are two map creation sites. --- I use this site on virtually every
speaking engagement. In less than one minute I can type in an
address and print out a map. You can zoom in to the street level
or zoom out to the regional level. Real handy site.


You can earn a 10 - 25 percent commission for referring
Tom is single for speaking engagements and bulk product sales.
Commissions normally start between $500.00 and $1250
depending on your level of involvement. For complete
details visit



I have many articles available for reprint in your
publication, company newsletter, etc. You may use
articles written by me that you see here or email me
to request a list. All you have to do is print the
article in it's entirety along with the by line at
top and the credits, and complete contact information
at the end of each article. I would appreciate a tear
sheet or electronic copy too. Thanks

*--------Do YOU WANT TO BE A SPONSOR? --------*

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