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Nine Princes in Amber

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 · 3 months ago
Nine Princes in Amber
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GAME SOLUTION: 9 Princes In Amber


This is a very complex game with an enormous data base. Unlike many adventures, it is highly interactive in that varied player responses to different situations can cause the game to branch in many possible directions. Some paths through Amber will lead to a dead end. Others will lead to partially successful conclusions, and a few paths will culminate in total victory. As Prince Corwin, your final goal is to become a popularly acclaimed King of Amber. To do this, you'll need the support of some of your family members and you'll have to deal with those who mean to destroy you once more as they tried to do in the past. This walkthru will guide you along one of the shortest paths through Amber to victory. You should be aware that there are many other paths that can be taken and lots of exciting things can happen when you explore the possibilities of other routes. A lot of enjoyment can be had by experimenting and discovering the richness of this game. I'll try to suggest other (not necessarily successful) branches as we go along. HOSPITAL, FLORA, RANDOM As the adventure starts, you wake up in a hospital bed with casts on both legs and a man is about to give you a shot to make sure you don't stay conscious. Act quickly and HIT MAN. Now that he's in dreamland, BREAK CASTS to gain some mobility.

You need to escape, so EXCHANGE CLOTHES, which will give you a disguise and some money in the pocket. READ CHART to find out who you're supposed to be and who put you there. LEAVE puts you outside on the street, and instead of wandering about, TAKE BUS or TAKE TAXI, which will get you to your sister's house in the suburbs. Having nothing better to do, you KNOCK which gets you admitted to the house and escorted to the library to meet your sister. HELLO, you say, and your sister's response tells you your real name is Corwin and she wants no trouble from you. Just say YES at this point; other responses may get you thrown out or torn apart by her vicious dogs. You want her on your side, so FLATTER her and SUPPORT her and generally AGREE with anything she says. She'll depart shortly, leaving you alone in the library. Get some flavor of the game with EXAMINE BOOKS and READ BOOK.

Then get nosey and SEARCH DESK, which will get you a pack of Tarot cards. At this point the phone will ring, so you ANSWER PHONE. When the caller asks if Evelyn is there, you say NO and say CORWIN when asked for your identity. It's your brother Random and he needs your help. YES, you say and he hangs up.

Now, EXAMINE CARDS and you get some information about your family and discover that Evelyn is really Flora. If you want more descriptive detail, you can check out the Trumps one at a time with commands like EXAMINE BLEYS, etc. You don't want to alienate Flora, so RETURN CARDS and Flora will come back to the library none the wiser. Random will show up and get on his side with statements like AGREE, SUPPORT RANDOM and ALLY WITH RANDOM. A bunch of ugly creatures burst in and since you have no weapon THROW STATUE (or CHAIR or DESK) and the baddies will be subdued with an assist from the hounds. SMILE or SHRUG at Random's comment and AGREE when he suggests a walk. He finds Flora's car, gets it running, so you GET IN CAR and off you go. When he starts questioning you, play along with statements like YES, AGREE, BLUFF, SMILE, ALLY and SHRUG. Do not ADMIT or CONFESS anything. You can get more information if you ASK ABOUT AMBER or ASK ABOUT ERIC. When he asks permission to head for Amber say YES and your world changes dramatically.



As you and Random proceed through the changed world, you are intercepted by brother Julian. GET OUT OF CAR when prompted by Julian and when threatened, PULL JULIAN FROM HORSE, putting him at your mercy. An alternative here would be to DRAW SWORD and enter the fencing game (be sure to SAVE before drawing the sword). Good sword technique will defeat Julian but it's a lot easier just to pull him out of the saddle. There's no need to kill him, so TAKE JULIAN HOSTAGE and the three of you will end up at a cliff. Now THREATEN JULIAN and ASK JULIAN and he agrees not to bother you if you let him go, so you AGREE. Random heads north and you FOLLOW him. It gets dark and Random notes the danger of using the road so you LEAVE ROAD and you see a clearing ahead. APPROACH CLEARING and you find your sister Deirdre held captive by Eric's men. At this point if you ABANDON DEIRDRE, you'll open a whole new path through Amber and get to meet some folks you won't otherwise see. This will not lead to victory, so save that idea for future experimentation. Instead, RESCUE DEIRDRE, and when she asks for suggestions, say GO TO AMBER. She doesn't care for that and departs, leaving you with Random. If you had chosen to CONFESS (about your amnesia) another interesting branch would have started. You and Random are soon accosted by Eric's men and you WAIT to see what happens. Eric shows up and you decide to ALLY WITH ERIC and when he asks for your fealty, you AGREE and FOLLOW him to Amber. Had you chosen to CHALLENGE ERIC and fence with him, another path would have started. Try it some other time. At Amber, Random asks you what in hell you think you're doing and you decide to CONFESS and ASK FOR HELP. He decides to send you to Rebma to walk the Pattern and regain your memory and magic powers. He contacts Deirdre via her Trump and you TAKE HAND when Random has her on the line.

Presto, you are in Rebma and ready to take the next step on your quest. REBMA AND THE PATTERN At Rebma, FOLLOW DEIRDRE until you arrive at the Pattern. SAVE the game at this point, in case you mess up in negotiating the Pattern. Then WALK PATTERN until you have passed through all five veils and stand in the center of the Pattern. The only thing you can do here without ending the game is to IMAGINE AMBER and you are transported to the library at the very center of Amber and now things are getting interesting.

BLEYS, ERIC, ESCAPE, DEIRDRE In the library, a deck of Trumps is in a glass case. Your dagger is too dull to pick the delicate lock, so you EXAMINE your CLOTHES and find a rose pin holding your cloak. You PICK LOCK WITH ROSE and get the Trumps. Attempt to LEAVE and Julian shows up. Use any one of the friendly verbs and he'll sulk and leave. Aha! Someone's trying to contact you on the Trump line. ACCEPT the contact and it's brother Bleys.

Say NO when he asks if you're for Eric and say ASSASSINATE ERIC when he asks about your plans. Bleys likes the idea and asks you to bring him through to the library. TAKE HAND and there he is! (Other paths can be tried here, such as CONTACT RANDOM or not telling Bleys you want to assassinate Eric. Try them some time.) DISCUSS PLANS with Bleys and Eric shows up. Just what you wanted, so you and Bleys KILL ERIC and that's all for him. But what's this? Bleys is threatening you with his sword and has the drop on you. Treachery! You are forced to SURRENDER and when Bleys offers you a regency you say NO. He marches you to the door at sword-point, you OPEN THE DOOR and he escorts you to a dungeon cell. Following orders you OPEN THE DOOR of that cell and he forces you inside. It looks bad, but his attention wanders as he fumbles for the key and you FLEE! Bleys is in hot pursuit, so you pull out your Trumps and CONTACT DEIRDRE. She responds and pulls you through to Rebma. Safe for the time being. Deirdre wants to know what's going on and you TELL THE TRUTH to your sister. She accepts your story and warns you that you can stay only a short while before being discovered and extradited.



While staying at Rebma, you try to CONTACT BRAND and find he is a prisoner and you get a picture of the tower where he is being held. Since it's dangerous to hang around Rebma you decide to GO TO BRAND and soon find yourself at a tower guarded by a fearsome serpent. You find you can kill him if you STAB SERPENT IN EYES. You ENTER TOWER and KILL GUARD. There's Brand chained to a wall.

Using your trusty sword, you CUT THE CHAINS and free Brand, but he's unconscious. You CARRY BRAND from the tower but the guards are alerted and come after you. But you are a Prince of Amber, so you WALK SHADOW and escape with Brand over your saddle. As you ride, you encounter a mysterious Black Road. This looks dangerous so you go ONWARD and arrive in Avalon where you are confronted by your brother Benedict. You GREET BENEDICT and when he asks about Brand, you must BLUFF, since you don't know if it was Benedict who was responsible for Brand's condition. He accepts your story and takes you to his camp and deposits you and Brand in a tent. You WAIT and Brand revives and you ASK BRAND what is going on. He won't discuss it and leaves, saying you may follow if you wish (try it sometime). Instead you STAY and you get a Trump call. You ACCEPT and it's Fiona, who's heard that you rescued Brand. You say YES and to get more information you ALLY WITH FIONA. She implies that it was Bleys that imprisoned Brand so that he could claim the throne. She breaks contact.

Benedict comes in and asks you to go to Amber with him. You AGREE and go with him, setting the stage for the finale. FAMILY MEETING AND CONCLUSION As you enter Amber, you note that the city is under attack by the evil forces of Chaos. You and Benedict go to the council chamber where the family is gathered. You decide to TELL THE FAMILY ABOUT BRAND. A bombshell! When asked for more details, you EXPLAIN ABOUT BRAND and ACCUSE BLEYS of the crime. Bleys is exposed and Benedict banishes him. Now, showing your leadership, you GO TO BATTLE and Amber wins the day.

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