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The Mystery of the Mummy

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computer games walkthroughs
 · 28 Aug 2024
The Mystery of the Mummy
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Level One

The Hall:

After the brief introductory video, read the letter given to you by the butler, explore the environment, and take note of the dates on the plaques at the base of each sarcophagus. Once you have noted all the dates, approach the entrance door: you will notice two statues of a sphinx on either side. By clicking on the sphinx to the left of the door, a secret compartment with the first riddle to solve will open; it is actually quite simple: you need to enter the previously seen dates as follows:

  • AI: 2200
  • MI: 1650
  • NI: 1069
  • BI: 0332

After entering the dates, click the diamond-shaped button next to the panel on the right. After the brief video, approach the stairs (on the left side) and take the key from the secret compartment. Now move to the opposite side of the stairs and take the Anubis seal from the vase with the plant. Turn around, take the key from your inventory, and open the door leading to the exhibition room.

Exhibition Room:

Go left and collect the second seal behind the seated statue at the far end of the room on the left. Return and approach the mummy in the center of the room. Observe the floor and open the bag; collect the oil flask, hammer, and screwdriver. Turn around and observe the mummy of Kheapaseth, also note the tombstone with the mummy's curse inscribed on it. Turn around and examine the documents in the case, but they are unreadable and won’t be useful. Go to the end of the room and open the door opposite the case. Turn right and collect the tie pin at the base of the stool. Turn left and enter the next room.

Go to the far right until you reach the black Anubis sculpture and collect the third seal from the floor on the left. Turn slightly left and observe the sacrificial knife on the lower shelf. Move to the center of the room and observe the black statue of Amenophis. Go to the end of the room and examine the wall to the left of the double doors: starting from the top, click on the last photo in the third row to add it to the inventory, which collects all the letters and documents found during the game. Observe the floor and collect the fragment of bandage in front of the door. Cross the room and examine the next mummy on the opposite side of the hall. Return to the double doors and zoom in on the various symbols. You will need to insert the seals here, but you do not have all of them yet. So, cross the room again and exit through the opposite side, bypassing the door on your left that leads back to the hall. Open the door at the end of the hall leading to another exhibition room. Move to the left and observe an excerpt from the Book of the Dead in the case. Observe the funerary urns on the right. The door at the end of the hall is also locked, so move to and zoom in on the tombstone with the hieroglyphics, then move slightly towards the door, look on the floor, and collect the fourth seal, which is located at the bottom right. Turn right again and move to the lower side of the room. Click on the second statue from the left; it will move sideways, revealing a secret compartment. At this point, take the screwdriver from your inventory and use it on the padlock to collect the key. You can now open the door; go left and use the oil flask to lubricate the lock, then open the door with the key.

First, approach the mirror and click on it to reveal the mummy. After the brief sequence, move to the right and observe the boxes on the floor; one of them can be opened. Take the hammer from your inventory and use it on the box. Now collect its contents, which include the three gears and the fifth seal, then click again to collect some firewood. Approach the large wardrobe and use the tie pin to open it. Take the bottle of whiskey and exit the room.

Now you have all the seals needed to open the double door. Turn left, pass through the two adjacent rooms, and enter the third one. Approach the double doors and zoom in. Insert the seals as shown in the image and you will find yourself in the study.

The Study:

Approach the desk and collect the newspaper. Read the article about Lord Montcalfe, then move to the left and approach the other desk. Take the matches and observe the documents noting that some pages are missing. Take the matches from the inventory and use them to light the candle to illuminate the room. Observe the strange mechanism on the wall in front of you. First, insert the three gears, then turn left and open the stove door. Use the newspaper, the firewood, the bottle of whiskey, and finally the matches. The door will open, and after a brief video sequence, you will move on to the second level.

Level Two

The Library:

The door has closed behind you. Turn right and take the blue-covered book from behind the column. Climb the spiral staircase located in the left corner of the room, go left, and proceed to the shelf with history books (with blue covers). Place the book from your inventory on the shelf to obtain another book with a green cover (religion). Repeat the previous action, and while looking around, place the book on the correct shelf, which is the one with green-covered books. Another book, this time on geography with a darker green cover, will appear. Descend the stairs and place the book in its designated spot. When all the books are arranged, you will find a key inside the last volume. Approach the table, read the newspaper article, then go back up the stairs, use the key, and open the door.

The Corridor:

Turn left and observe the ancient statue. Sherlock will comment that the statue is not that ancient.

The Living Room:

Go to the large green curtain and move it aside. You will find a double door, the key for which is on the opposite side of the lock. Turn left and observe the empty sarcophagus in the corner. You will notice some sand. Continue exploring the room and collect Elizabeth's letter from the floor near the couch. Turn left and observe the hunting trophy hanging above the fireplace. Move left to the cabinet in the corner, but you cannot do anything with it at the moment. Move further left and open the cabinet on the opposite side of the room to take the brush. Observe the pipes on the cabinet, and Holmes will make a comment. Click on the photograph of Lord Montcalfe, then observe the painting with the family tree, noting the highlighted names with comments from Lord Montcalfe, particularly the name Jonathan Parkey. Approach the entrance door and observe the photograph of Lord Montcalfe in Egypt. At this point, exit the room. Go right, move forward once, turn right, and enter.

The Upstairs Study:

Turn left and collect the fake ledger from the floor. Turn left again and observe a closed panel on the wall; you need something to open it, which you do not have yet. Turn and approach the fireplace. Observe the fire and wonder why it is lit since no one should be in the castle. Head to the desk and click on the window. After the brief video, examine the telescope. Turn to the desk and read the resignation letter of the entire domestic staff; evidently, the person who welcomed you was not the butler. On the wall next to the desk, you will notice a small door leading to the library, which can only be opened from the inside. Since you no longer need to go to the library, avoid opening it to avoid retracing your steps back to the study. Instead, continue exploring the room and observe the chalkboard on the left side of the entrance door, which has been erased. Exit the room, turn left, and move forward once. Enter the living room and approach the door hidden behind the curtain. Slide the fake ledger under the door and exit the room. Go to the corridor and enter the last door on the right.


Collect the soap from the sink, and before leaving the room, examine the bathtub. Empty it and zoom in to notice sand residues. Exit and return to the living room.

Living Room:

Go to the door under which you slid the fake ledger. Use the soap on the lock, and then the brush. After the brief video, the key will be in your inventory. Use it on the lock and enter.


Go left beside the bed and observe Lord Montcalfe’s helmet on the table. Examine the nightstand and notice that some tiles are missing. Therefore, you cannot open the drawer until you find them. Move to the wardrobe: open it and notice a shirt stained with makeup. For now, there is nothing to do here, so turn left and exit through the back door to find yourself in the corridor.


Walk through it and stop near the door leading to the study. Collect the fork from the floor and then return to the study.

The Upstairs Study:

Approach the painting above the fireplace and use the fork on the center of the painting. This will reveal a secret compartment containing the real ledger of the Egyptian collection and a cane. Exit the study and return to the living room.

Living Room:

Go to the fireplace and use the cane with the embalmed lion’s head. You will find a closed package hidden by Elizabeth. Open it to find the four missing pieces of wood needed to open the nightstand. The ribbon closing the package will be added to your inventory. Turn and go to the door leading to the bedroom. Approach the nightstand and place the missing pieces in their respective slots. Now take everything from the drawer, read Dr. Bigoudin’s letter and the scroll. Move to the center of the room and observe the ceiling fan. You need something long, so go to the mural above the table with Lord Montcalfe’s helmet. Observe the scroll and click the symbols in the following order:

  1. Eye
  2. Woman
  3. Jackal
  4. Man

Take the scepter and use it on the ceiling fan. After the brief video, collect the golden scarab, exit the room, and return to the study.

The Study:

Approach the desk and click on the panel on the left side. There is a strange mechanism; insert the golden scarab where it’s missing and turn the lever. Read all the documents you have found. Now approach the door and click on the small compartment on the right, which also opened when you activated the mechanism on the desk panel. You will need to reassemble the image by sliding the tiles. Once the image is correctly assembled, you will obtain another key. Exit the study and return to the living room. Go to the cabinet near the fireplace in the left corner of the room and use the key you just found to open it. Inside, you will find a fake scepter. Return to the corridor and use both scepters on the statue to open a secret passage.

Level Three

The Cellar:

With your back to the door that just closed, go left along the stone wall at the end of the room. Turn left again and examine the table, then collect the matches from the upper left corner and the water bottle next to the plate. Look at the dinner leftovers, check behind the stool, and collect the first stick. Turn left and lift the mattress; you will see a trapdoor but need something to open it. Turn again and head to the wine barrels on the opposite wall. Look down to the left and collect the hammer. Turn around and go to the shelf. Turn left and take the liquor bottle, and a slightly hidden bottle of gin. Click again on the empty shelf to discover a bottom that seems to contain circular objects such as bottles. This discovery will be useful later. Turn right and move forward a couple of times. Turn and collect a Bordeaux bottle from the top of the right shelf. Observe the other wine shelves, and starting from the end of the wall, on the fifth shelf up (in the left corner), you will find a bottle of Turenna. On the fourth shelf, in the middle at the top, you will find a bottle of Burgundy. Move forward and collect a bottle of Spanish wine, located at the end of the shelf. Finally, collect the stick on the shelf to the left. Go back to the mattress, lift it again, and use the hammer from your inventory to open the trapdoor. Collect the Anubis statue. Collect the second stick located between the barrels and the shelf. Move to the wine rack and collect the rags hanging on either side, then pick up the empty bottle from the floor between the shelf and the wine rack.

To proceed, you must have all of the following items in your inventory:

  • The bandage
  • The ribbon with Elizabeth’s name on it
  • The water bottle
  • Matches
  • The hammer
  • The liquor bottle
  • The gin bottle
  • The Burgundy bottle
  • The Bordeaux bottle
  • The Spanish wine bottle
  • An empty bottle
  • The Turenna bottle
  • The Anubis statuette
  • Two sticks
  • Two rags

Use both rags on the sticks to create a pair of torches. Use the gin bottle on one of them, then the matches to light it. This will start a timer that appears on the right side of the screen. If you fail to solve the following puzzles in time, you can light the second torch, but you can only do this when a message warns you that you have two minutes left. Approach the shelf with the bottom you discovered earlier and place the bottles in this order:

  • Bordeaux bottle
  • Burgundy bottle
  • Turenna bottle
  • Spanish wine bottle
  • Plum liquor bottle

The shelf will lower, revealing another puzzle to assemble. When all the pieces are correctly placed, a silver button will appear in the center of the panel. Press it and turn left, then approach the brick wall and enter the newly opened passage.

The Laboratory:

Approach the display case and observe the book on sacred magic. Move to the desk, read the letter in which Lord Montcalfe talks about his nightmares, and the notes where he mentions Jonathan Parkey and Egyptian legends. On the right side of the table, you will find another note where Montcalfe says he feels haunted by the mummy. Montcalfe had started taking a medication called laudanum. Observe the book with the blue cover and read page 169 (all notes and pages you review will be added to your notebook, which you can consult at any time). Approach the desk and click on the chair, position it against the left wall, climb on it, and collect the key from the niche. Descend and go to the workbench. Click on the green-covered book and read page 11, as well as Montcalfe’s notes on reincarnation, and also read the various notes next to the book. Once you have gathered all the notes, observe the laudanum on top of the book. Turn right and continue along the workbench, then turn left and collect the key from the wooden box. Approach the table in the center of the room and note the bandages and a study on reincarnation. Approach the door on the right and collect the sand from the floor. Turn around and move forward a couple of times, then turn right and move forward once. Turn around and observe the terracotta jar on the floor. Use the hammer from your inventory to break it, collect the key, and return to the central table, but this time from the other side, with your back to the display case. Take the paper from the table with the following writing:

  • D = O
  • S = AO

At the same time or you will be dead, under the table is a hidden oil flask. Move the cursor until it changes shape so you can collect it. Turn to the desk and zoom in on the drawer. Insert the key with the G into the right lock and the key with the crescent into the left lock, and finally, the arrows on each side. Press the button marked "turn" to open the drawer. After the brief video, retrieve the statuette and the scroll. Turn left and use the oil flask on the lock, then use the key from your inventory to open the door.

The Warehouse:

Enter and go to the end of the room. Collect the oil flask and head to the corner at the far left of the room. Collect the small white bottle with oil, add it to your inventory, and combine it with the oil flask. Observe the room and note the five column urns; at the base of each urn are symbols representing earth, air, water, and fire. Approach the urn depicting a spiral, representing air, and insert the empty bottle from your inventory. Next, go to the urn with a triangle at its base and insert the bag of sand. Move to the urn with the fire symbol and insert the matches. Finally, approach the urn with the water drop symbol and insert the water bottle. At this point, you will hear a noise: save your game and approach the door you entered through. Observe the left side, and you will face a new riddle: "Five fingers on one hand, one is cut but remains present, the last one will be the truth." Review the letters in your inventory and find the page titled "Introduction to India"; this will provide the answer to the riddle. Reverse the order of the other names, placing S first, then V, and finally K. This will make one of the columns move sideways. Turn right and go to the left corner of the room to collect the statuette from the floor. Check your inventory and you will see you have the seal with the letter B. Exit the room, passing through the laboratory, and you will find yourself in the rotating room.

The Rotating Room:

You need to move around the room and reach the statues. Simply click towards the center of the room and then in the direction you want to go. You must visit all four statues and click on each of them. Afterward, you will see a brief sequence showing a panel opening in the floor directly near the door you came through. Approach the door and collect the fourth Anubis statuette. Exit and return to the warehouse by passing through the laboratory. Approach the last column urn (there is a kind of stick on the floor nearby that you cannot collect). Take the seal with the “B” from your inventory and drop it inside. Sherlock will comment that Brahman might be the key to the mystery, as this word means truth. Return to the rotating room, and as soon as you enter, turn around and click four times towards the center of the room. Then click between the two statues to reach the door in front of the one you entered from. When you reach it, zoom in and click to read the following riddle: “It is better than God, worse than the Devil, the poor have it, the rich need it, and those who eat it die. What is it?” Click on the door and enter.

The Treasure Chamber:

First, save your game. Go right and you will see a large basin of water, a kind of scale on the left, and two buckets on the right (one large and one small). To solve this puzzle, you need to put four liters of water on the scale. Take the small bucket and fill it with water, pour the contents into the larger bucket, and repeat the process until you have a total of six liters of water. Pour the contents of the large bucket onto the floor, then empty the small bucket into the large bucket again, and repeat the process. As you will see from the containers, you now have exactly four liters of water. Place the large bucket on the scale. This will cause a giant chessboard to rise from the floor. Place the statuettes on each corner of the chessboard. At this point, a pedestal will rise in the center of the chessboard where you should place the fifth statuette. A video sequence will then play, showing Jonathan Parkey entering with a gun pointed at you and the missing statuette, trying to lead you to the inner sanctuary. You will see the mummy pull a lever, and when Jonathan attempts to open the door, there will be an explosion.

Level Four

The Destroyed Treasure Chamber:

Immediately save your game as you have very limited time. Collect the bucket and use it on the first scorpion. Move towards the door and then behind the chessboard. Now collect the second bucket and use it on the second scorpion. Collect the wooden plank and take Parkey’s bag, which contained the fifth statuette. Exit the room and you will find yourself in what remains of the rotating room. Turn right and look down. Use the wooden plank to improvise a bridge leading to the statue in the corner. Reach it and collect the gear at the base of the statue. Now turn left and take the chain. Return to the starting position, facing the door you entered from, and walk to the center of the plank with the mechanism that made the room rotate. Observe the ceiling: there is a ring. Take the chain from your inventory and use it on the ring. Click on the crack in the wall to start a video sequence. At the end of the video, you will find yourself in the cellar.

Destroyed Cellar:

Move forward twice and examine the barrels. The cursor will change to a hand that collects. Click on the gunpowder and use Parkey’s bag to collect it. Then turn and go left to collect the broken bottle. Turn right and take the lantern from the table. Turn right again and approach the stone door. Collect the brush near the barrels and use it on the central stone at the top (you need to work on the outer stones). You will see the number 3. Click on the first stone at the bottom right, then move to the stone above it and count 1, 2, 3, and click on the third stone. From the stone above, count 1, 2, 3, and click on the stone below the right corner. Count 1, 2, and click on the stone right next to the “3”. Count the stone with the “3” as 1, then 2, 3, and press the stone to the right of the left corner. Count 1, the stone in the left corner, then 2, 3, and press the third stone down in the corner. Count 1, 2, 3 and press the second-to-last stone on the left. The door will open and you will find yourself in the hall.

The Hall:

Go to the coffee table and collect the partially burned note from the floor. Collect the documents on the table and examine the books. Now go right and check the cabinet with the mirror to the left of the entrance door. Click and you will hear something behind it. Approach what remains of the chandelier and use the lantern from your inventory on the candle. Go to the stairs and you will find more sand and some white hair. Climb to the first landing, turn around, and collect the hairpin from the first step. Then descend and return to the entrance cabinet. Use the hairpin on the mirror to find a dirty document. Go back to the chandelier and use the newly found document on the candle. Climb the stairs again and stop on the first landing. Click on the lamp holder to the right of the painting, and you will face three levers. Each has three positions: low, medium, high, and above each lever is a red light that will turn green when set correctly. The exact sequence is as follows:

  • Set all three levers to the low position.
  • Move the central lever to the top position.
  • Move the first and third levers to the middle position.

Turn around and go up the stairs. Turn left and continue until you reach the door in front of the broken balustrade. Open it to find a brick wall. Click on it and the passage will open.


Turn right and click on the painting on the floor: there is a hidden message, an anagram with letters and, beneath these, many symbols representing the Ankh, divided into groups. Collect the hook and continue. Turn left and click on the painting depicting a landscape, where you will find a message that says “EGYPT will help you.” Examine the rug and you will find pieces of glass that seem to have been broken by a high-heeled shoe. Take a step forward and click on the painting that hides another anagram, but this time more complex. Save your game.

Living Room:

You will have limited time, so be quick. Approach the door leading to the bedroom and use the broken bottle to tear a piece of curtain. Return to the hallway to catch your breath and then re-enter the living room. Go to the panel above the sofa, and you will see a series of letters to insert: you need to decipher the message hidden behind the paintings. The solution to the puzzle is:

  • 1st row: SE INTAGLI
  • 2nd row: TROVERAI
  • 3rd row: ---------------
  • 4th row: SOTTO LA
  • 5th row: RELIGIONE
  • 6th row: IL LUOGO RILUCE

After this, quickly return to the hallway to catch your breath, go back and click on the panel, collect the spear near the lion’s head, and approach the painting with the family tree. Use the spear where the X indicated and collect the three weights, the key, and the letter. Return to the hallway and enter the study.

Upstairs Study:

First, save your game. Click on the clock on the right side of the door and take the hooks from your inventory. Attach them to each weight. Starting from the left and moving right, attach the gold weight, then the blue one, and finally the silver weight. The clock face will open. Take the key you recovered in the living room and use it on the clock face. You will learn that there is a bomb in the castle! Turn around and go to the small door leading to the library. Click to discover that Lord Montacalfe is in danger. Take the bag of gunpowder from your inventory and place it by the handle. Take the lantern and use it on the bag and watch the short video.

Fifth Level


Walk to the other end of the gallery, turn around and collect the book with the blue cover. This will open a secret passage. Enter and collect the shovel on the left side of the bomb. Use it to collect the coal and push the lever on the right side. Head towards the door leading to the hallway and look down, zoom in on the rifle where you will find fingerprints. Approach the spiral staircase and then the bookcase to take the ladder. Now go to the shelf with the red books and use the ladder you just collected. Climb and collect a receipt for the purchase of explosive materials, a manual for the use of dynamite. Move slightly to the right and collect a distiller, then exit the room through the double doors and you will find yourself in the study you saw at the end of the first chapter.

Ground Floor Study:

Approach the desk on the right and take the candle from the candlestick. Go to the left wall from where you entered and you will find a puzzle you cannot solve yet, so exit and go to the first exhibition room and examine the mummy lying down. Zoom in and observe a strange mechanism. Turn around and take the sacrificial knife from the case. Move forward and turn left. Click on the blue urn and you will find that something is hidden inside the slot. Turn around and in the next room, through the double doors at the end of the hall, you will find broken crates and, in the center of the room, small cabinets. Take the knife from your inventory and collect the white and black tokens, then take the axe from the floor. Exit and go to the room with the blue wallpaper. Go left and open the cabinets with the knife from your inventory. Collect two small containers and a gray bowl. Go to the end of the room and approach the statues of the gods in the cases. Collect the lamp in front of the cabinet. Exit and go to the room where the mummy of Kepaset was at the beginning of the game. Collect the oil flask from the floor on the right side of the door leading to the hall (now the door is blocked by the candelabrum). Return from the door on the left of the blocked door and pass through the adjacent room. Continue along the wall with the orange cabinets, open them with the knife, and find more tokens. Now you have everything you need to solve the study puzzle, so return and stand in front of the panel. You will face many small squares, some of which are numbered. The goal is to complete a figure. Since time is limited, instead of solving the puzzle carefully, just place the cursor on the outer edge of the panel. When it changes to a directional shape, click several times so the image will automatically assemble. Nevertheless, you will need to place a couple of tokens on the image to trigger a mechanism: the position is random. Some people succeeded by placing gray tokens on the eye, others with white tokens on the background at the nape. Anyway, once the panel opens, collect the lever and return to the first exhibition room. Use the lever on the floor (in front of the sarcophagus in the center of the left wall). Use the lever three times and watch a sequence where the sarcophagus from the third room moves sideways. Go to that room and zoom in on the sarcophagus, but you need more light, so use the oil flask with the portable lamp and apply it to the gas lamp above the sarcophagus. Zoom in again and you will find yourself in the warehouse. Collect the rope in the corner on the left side of the room and head to what remains of the laboratory.

The Laboratory:

First, save your game. Collect the wooden box and pass through the opening behind the cabinet. Place the small wooden box on the larger wooden box, then put the scale on top. Place the gray bowl on the right side of the scale and the distiller on top of the bowl. Place the candle on the right side of the scale and use the rope with the axe. Use them on the hook protruding from the wall to your right. Finally, light the candle with the lantern from your inventory and quickly exit the room. Once again, Sherlock Holmes has brilliantly solved the case. Elementary!

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