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A Nightmare on Elm Street

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 · 3 months ago
A Nightmare on Elm Street
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By Arnie Carvalho and Zlazz
(c) 2000, 2001, 2002 Arnaldo Carvalho Enterprises, L.L.C.

This solution is copyrighted. It may be freely distributed as-is, as long as the copyright information, e-mail address and URL are distributed at the top of the document.

THIS FILE IS MEANT AS A WAY TO GIVE SOLUTIONS TO MANY OF THE PUZZLES IN THE GAME A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET: DREAM WARRIORS. This is by no means the tell-all guide letting you know every clue, every secret area, and every power-up; however, if you follow these instructions you WILL beat the game.


  • Go Up: Arrow up or keypad 8
  • Go upper right: keypad 9
  • Go right: Arrow right or keypad 6 Go lower right: keypad 3
  • Go left: Arrow left or keypad 4
  • Go lower left: keypad 1
  • Go down: Arrow down or keypad 2 Go upper left: keypad 7
  • Item 1 (Special power): 1 Item 2: 2

Item 3: 3
Item 4: 4
Item 5: 5
Item 6: 6
Item 7: 7

Use item: space
Drop item: D

Activate Menu: ESC

Holy water is a short-distance weapon with radius damage.
Daggers work best on slime
The bat works best on skeletons
Coffee restores partial soul.
Hypnocil restores more soul than coffee, and also restores some power.
Coins help you to buy items from vending machines
Ammunition fuels the pistol and shotgun.
Bullets fuel the Ice Blaster, the Chainsaw, and the Taser.
The cross stops Freddy’s Hat and Glove from causing you damage.
Magnets are cursed items. In addition, they cause you to drop one of your items when you pick one up.

Lanterns allow you to see around you in unlit areas. It is required starting on level 7.
The Ice Blaster will extinguish orange flames in your path!
Rope will help you deal with pits. Drop the rope before a row of pits.
The shield works automatically when you carry it, and reduces damage taken.
There are three devices that will tunnel through walls when this is possible.
These are the Pick, the Chainsaw, and the Taser.

Vending machines allow you to trade gold for items, but sometimes they are broken and will steal your money Crates/Treasure Chests can explode hurting you, can contain treasures, or can contain enemies...maybe even Freddy himself. They can also be totally empty.


In the beginning of the game you get to choose your character. Each character has a different power, and a different amount of soul (hit points). Joey is never an option because Freddy has him kidnapped already (as in Nightmare on Elm Street 3).

  1. Kincaid is tied with Nancy have the most soul and the least amount of power. Kincaid has a power punch power. It is a powerful immediate-range weapon for enemies standing right next to you. It is also the only special power that lets you tunnel (dig through walls on allowed levels). This helps you by not making you need to carry the pick later in the game taking a valued carry spot.
  2. Nancy is tied with Kincaid for the most soul and the least amount of power. Nancy has a time freeze power that seems the most useless of all the special powers. Her time freeze does not stop enemies in their tracks, nor does it halt the spikes or pits that you will face later. It simply stops the clock, which is not good for attack or defense.
  3. Kristin is the most balanced player with less soul than Kincaid and Nancy but more soul than Will or Taryn. She also has more power than Kincaid or Nancy, but less than Will or Taryn. Her power is a power kick, which is much like Kincaid’s power punch. It is an immediate range weapon but it does not allow you any tunneling ability such as Kincaid’s punch does.
  4. Will is tied with Taryn for amounts of soul, but Will has slightly less power. His power is lightning bolts. It is a strong ranged weapon.
  5. Taryn has the most power of any of your characters and equal soul to Will. Her power is magic knives which is also a strong ranged weapon.

Pick your character (I recommend Kincaid as the primary choice...Will as a second choice. Kincaid’s tunneling ability, while only useful in a few places frees up a carrying position, but a ranged attack is nice and Taryn has just too little soul) and then proceed to the opening portion of the game:


This is in Springwood, Ohio, USA where all of the Elm Street movies have taken place. This level is a random map with Freddy’s house flashing somewhere on the streets of Springwood. Your goal is to run through the streets of Springwood until you find this randomly placed house, and to avoid Freddy. This level can be frustrating because the house is never in the same place twice, and the map is so large it is easy to get confused and find yourself running in circles. If this happens, the best thing you can do is get a pen and paper and map out the level for yourself.

Don’t worry too much about avoiding Freddy, any damage he does to you is healed when you enter his house, and if he kills you, you simply have to start the level over anyway.

The best hint I can give you is I have always seen the house horizontal with the door facing south (down). It is also always brown, which is important because the blinking lights don’t make the house as eye-catching as you would think it might. Also, don’t try to fight Freddy on this level. You have no weapons, and you don’t get your special powers until you enter the house and into Freddy’s dream world, so the best you can do is try to outrun him.

When you find the house, go in the door. Amanda Kruger, Freddy’s mother, will appear and give you some words of wisdom, and then you are in Freddy’s dream world.


The interesting thing about level one is that tunneling is allowed anywhere on this level. This is really only useful if you play Kincaid who can tunnel with his special power, but tunneling is more experimental here than useful.

When you start on the level, go north. Get the holy water and knife on the way, and pull the lever when you reach the northernmost point in the hall. This will open up a wall you will need to pass later. In the room immediately to the east are some gold coins. Gold coins become very important later in the game, so be sure to get all you can. Go west to the lever, then go south. To the east will be a room with more coins, and further south and to the east will be a room with a baseball bat. As skeletons are the primary enemy of this level, the bat is a good thing to have. Go back south past your original starting point, then follow the hallway east. There are coins near the end of the hall, and at the very end you will find a locked door with a skeleton pacing to get to you. If you’re Kincaid you can go slightly north and tunnel through the wall and go around the locked door...all other characters need the key.

Go north in the hallway that leads past the locked door, and be sure to have the bat at ready, the skeletons are coming. Go north skipping the first room on the west (nothing of value there). On the second room on the west is a skeleton and some ammo behind a wall of fire. You usually have no lack of ammo in the game, so if you want to take the damage to get the bullets is up to you. The room directly across to the east has more coins. Continue north to the end of the hall, then go west. Follow the hall north and east to a room with a key, coins, and coffee. Now return to the locked door, and use the key to unlock the door.

With the door opened, kill the skeleton and grab the coffee. You are now in the inner square. Going north takes you to coffee. Follow along to the west to get coins. Following south will bring you to more coins and some holy water. The southeast corner of the inner square has 4 piles of coins surrounded by a wall of fire. There’s enough coffee in the area to warrant running through the fire, grabbing the coins, then running back out and healing with coffee. Beware when running through the squares not to be surprised by skeletons.

From the inner square are 6 corridors to the outer square. The outer square has coins in the northeast and the northwest corners. Along the west wall is a coffee surrounded by a wall of fire, but switching the lever on the west wall takes away the fire leaving the coffee free and clear. Also along the west wall is a pile of coins surrounded by a row of trees. Take the coins, the trees won’t hurt you. Also the lever across from the trees does nothing. Along the south corner you will find some coins, and in the southeast corner is your exit to Level 2. There is coffee, ammo, and coins around the ladder. Be sure to heal yourself as much as you can with the coffee before going to level 2, and take all the extra coffee you can with you. The exit is in the southeast corner.


When you start level two you are surrounded by spikes. Spikes rise and fall into the ground. The only way past them is to time your running just right so that you hit the spikes while they are down or while they are descending. Spikes will not hurt you as they are retracting, so in cases of many spikes, the best time to run is right then. Get your timing, then run west out of the spikes. Grab the ammo and go north to get the batteries. This level is chalk full of wheelchairs, so keep your guard (and your baseball bat) up for them. The batteries are north and slightly to the west. Be sure to go all the way west for the 2nd pile of batteries. There is nothing else in the starting area, so head south past the square of walls that has an axe and a grenade in the middle. Go south and keep in mind of the spikes between the pillars. Go as far south as you can, safe of the spikes, then head west. There is a crate along the way so be sure to pick up the treasures. There is a lever on the wall but it does nothing. Keep going west and get the holy water if you can carry it, but the balance between coffee and weapons is entirely up to you. Follow the hall and it will force you to turn north. The corridor is long, narrow, and full of spikes and wheelchairs. Don’t get caught fighting a chair while standing on a slow pile of spikes. It’s a sure ticket to the dreamworld forever.

At the end of the corridor you have your first encounter with a magnet. Get used to how these work because you are going to face a lot of them. When you pick up a magnet you randomly drop a different item (maybe even your current weapon). The best thing to do is carry the magnet to an out-of-the-way place, like a corner, drop the magnet, and then go pack to pick up what you lost. On level 2 it’s fairly easy...later on when there are tons of magnets it gets more difficult.

After getting out of the hall you have a choice. The exit is in the northwest corner, and you can head directly there. There are goodies to be had, though, and they are there for the brave. The southward corridor on the right has a cup of coffee at the end, and a couple of magnets along the way. If you want or need coffee, just be careful of the spikes. The southward corridor on the left is a little more tricky. You follow it through the L and come to another fork in the road. Going straight ahead seems to lead to a cup of coffee, but a hidden teleport pad will instead take you near to the exit of the level. There is no way to get the coffee, so don’t bother trying unless you want to go all the way back into this room again. Going south will take you to some hypnocil. If you have no room to carry, always drop coffee for hypnocil—it heals you far more. Be careful not to step westward in the room because there is another hidden teleport pad which takes you all the way back to the beginning of the level. Walk along the east and south edges of the walls to get the hypnocil, then walk back the same way. If you took this corridor, then go towards the coffee and let it teleport you near the level’s end. Otherwise you can go north through the spikes. Either way you are in the four room area on the northwest corner of the map.

In the east half-room right above the spikes is some hypnocil. In the west is just an empty room. In the southeast full room are some batteries and a knife. Also, in the south corridor of the southeast room is a teleporter that you will hear but barely see. It takes you to the almost exact same spot of the northeast room, so be careful not to be running in circles because of this hidden teleport pad. The northeast room has some hypnocil, and a very special tree. In the northwest corner is a tree and if you walk on it the message “you hear a rumbling sound in the distance” will appear. The passage to the grenade and ax at the very start of the level is now open. It’s up to you if you want to go through the spikes and wheelchairs to get the axe and grenade, or if you just want to close out the level. The southwest room of the four only has some ammo in it, and the northwest room has the exit to level 3. Congratulations, you’ve passed the 2nd level!

If you’re wondering how to save your friend (if there’s one on level 2) or how to get to the northeastern cross area, don’t’ll get there from level 8.


This is the first room through which there is no linear progression from start to finish. Through use of teleport pads and levers you will progress.

You start off the level in a large grid of corridors. Wandering through the corridors will grant you treasures, but be careful as you go. Ghosts populate this level, and they can walk through walls coming at you from any angle and only a short-range weapon like the knife, bat, or ax will do.

In the southwest corner or the grid is coffee. Heading eastward you find coins, and then more coins in the southeast corner. The second row up, where you enter the level, has no treasures. The third row will start with some slime whirlpools (which will hurt you) and a lever on the west wall. We’ll get to the lever later. The third and fourth row have no items. The fifth, and top, row has coins in the northwest corner, more coins slightly east of those, more still close to the northeast corner, and coffee in the far northeast corner.

Now back to the slime pools and the lever. When you start the level the whirlpools form a cross in the center of the grid. When you pull the lever on the 3rd row, you will see the message “Switches up, switches down, whirlpools spinning round and round.” Now the whirlpools form a T...the whirlpools on the east side of the + have disappeared. Go south one row, east four rows, north one row, then head back west to the crossroads of the whirlpools. While the whirlpools will cause you damage, the one in the center of the T is a teleport pad that will not hurt you. Stepping on it will seem to make the whirlpools disappear, but instead you have been transported to the grid on the northeast side of the map. As it is a 5 row by 6 column grid, the confusion must be intentional.

Again, there are ghosts and treasures. In the southeast corner of this grid is some coffee. In the southwest corner are some coins. The second row has some ammo near the middle. The third row has some coins on the east wall. The fourth row has some ammo one column from the west wall. In a nook in the northeast corner is a key which you will need.

There are two off-shoots from this grid. The northernmost one, heading west, has some coins, and then you enter a room full of mushrooms. Nothing in this room will hurt you, and there are a number of coins. Be careful, though. Taking the coins in the southwest corner of the room will open a whirlpool right in front of a door, causing you to hurt yourself to get through the door. On the north wall is a vending machine. If you need coffee or hypnocil, you can buy it here, but you don’t need any keys other than the ones the game is giving you at this point. A map will be useful to you, letting you know which walls are up and down and your exact location, so even with this walkthrough having a map is invaluable. That said, you probably can’t afford a map yet. There are two levels on the west wall. Both levers will take away your access to the vending machine and do you no good.

You can use your key to open the door on the west wall. Inside you will find a chainsaw, but when you try to pick it up it changes (usually to batteries). In the nook above the chainsaw is a hidden telport pad which will take you to a “secret room” (which is the long, rectangular corridor above the southwest grid on the map). This corridor is chalk full of gold coins, and at the end you get a pick. Walking back to where you came into the corridor will teleport you back to the first grid. While the whirlpools are still in a T, be sure to pull the lever again to make the center one a teleporter. Whether you took the secret room or not, it’s now time to go back to the second grid.

The more interesting corridor is the westward corridor from the 3rd row of the second grid. Here you will see two staircases to rooms (they are blue on the map above). The first room (further east) has four crates in it. These crates can have weapons, gold, coffee, enemy creatures, FREDDY himself, or nothing at all. Keep a weapon at ready and see what’s inside. During this walkthrough I found Freddy. After whacking him a few times with a baseball bat he went and hurt one of my captured friends. The second room with stairs also has four more chests, but be careful when entering. There is a hidden explosive in the floor which simply must be survived. At the very west end of the corridor is some holy water. Going south from the main corridor are two L-shaped corridors which have whirlpools in the corner and levers at the end. If you walk and turn fast enough, the whirlpools won’t hurt you as you get to the levers. The westernmost corridor’s lever will (again) transport you back to the first grid, so unless you enjoy wasting time DO NOT PULL IT. The first (easternmost) corridor’s lever will telport you into the cross-shaped area on the map which has the exit.

You start in the center of the cross with whirlpools around you. The exit is directly south of you, but completely blocked in. The eastern, western, and southern sides of the cross have nothing in it of value. The northen side of the cross has a key near the east side and a crate. Even though you won’t need it on this level, be sure to get that key. It becomes important later in the game. The northwestern part of the cross has some hypnocil. You will see a message that says “go north to leave this area.” As frustrating as it is, you have no choice. Go north into the nook and step on the large mushroom there. A message will say “The way down is now open” and you are back in the first grid. Proceed through the first grid as described above (be sure to pull the west wall lever again!), and then the second grid taking the southwestern corridor back to the lever which you will have to pull twice to teleport back to the final cross. Now you can head south and proceed to level four. BE SURE TO SAVE YOUR GAME before you enter level 4. There is some copy protection here and, while it is multiple choice, it still may take a couple of tries. At the end of this file are some clues that may help you with the question. As you enter level 4 Amanda will increase your power.


As you see from the map, the levels only get more complicated. The map is slightly misleading from how you start. When you start both paths east and west will lead you to the 2nd row from the north. Your path is blocked by beams of electricity which will hurt you slightly if you run through them, but it’s often necessary or, at least, worth it.

The top row, where you start, has some coffee to the east. The second row has a large number of crates, but you have to walk through electricity to get them. It’s up to you. For me, personally, I say save your game and go for it. Going south toward the third row is a teleporter which will take you into a painful beam of electricity. Beware it, and run north from it. On the west wall of the southern offshoot are 4 crates.

Heading west on the 3rd row is the way to continue through the level. Follow it west (pick up the batteries), then south (careful of the spikes), and then back east (getting a grenade and some ammo). Still following the corridor south will take you into an area with three levers, two in southern nooks and one on the wall blocking your path. Pulling any of these levers will take you back on the map to just north of where the four crates were. You are forced to run this path three times to pull the levers you need. The order of the levers doesn’t matter, you just need to pull the first two you come to, as the lever in the wall will disappear when the wall falls down. Finally after pulling all three your path will no longer be blocked with the wall that had the lever, but it doesn’t extend much further. This new room has many mushrooms in it. The message “leave a gift in my mushroom bed” will appear, and it’s your only way past. Leave your least valuable item in the area west of the mushrooms (if you have extra coffee drop it, there is more coming up), and then proceed back east. A path to the south will open as you pass and some slimes will come out to attack you. Those things play rough so be careful. After you’ve killed them (I found four) then go through the new south passage. The room has a number of batteries in it, but be careful because when you take one of them the room will start to have spikes in it. It’s worth it for the batteries, just be careful. Further south are two cups of coffee.

You will reach a cross in the road. Heading west will seem to lead to hypnocil, but when you reach the corner the hypnocil will disappear and you will be trapped by two bars of electricity. Heading further north through the electricity will take you into a room with mushrooms and a crate. If you continue to follow the corridor east, south, east, and north again you will find four piles of coins. It will cost you some health to run through three bars of electricity, but if you want more coins it doesn’t hurt TOO bad.

Heading east from the cross in the road will take you to a cup of coffee. Then heading south will take you to two piles of coins. We’ll get to those a little later.

Heading south from the cross in the road will take you to a whirlpool and ANOTHER cross in the road. Heading east (past the whirlpool) take you down a long corridor that has a teleporter at the end which will teleport you back to the three lever puzzle. Don’t bother taking the east corridor. The south corridor will take you to three locked doors, which you will want to get to later. Going west will take you to the two piles of coins mentioned earlier.

You cannot get these coins, they are teleporters. The right pile of coins will teleport you right a few paces. The left pile of coins will take you into a small room with one pile of coins. Stepping on THAT pile of coins will take you back to the original 2 piles of coins (you following this?) BUT if instead you head NORTH you will be teleported slightly north into an area of the map that looks slightly like a small pine tree. There are some slimes that are going to attack you, and a pile of coins directly ahead of you. As you can see on the map above you can go both east and west. West leads you to a dead-end, but there is a key, a crate, and some coins at the end of the hallway. Of course, you cannot take the coins, they teleport you back to the small room where the coins to the east take you to the original pile of two coins, and going north takes you to the pine-tree shaped room. Going east out of the pine tree also takes you down a corridor into a room filled with spikes and slimes. The spikes are going to be very difficult to time since they’re filling the room. When you first enter, however, there are no spikes on the east wall, so slowly follow the east wall. Be careful because about 3 spike squares along the wall the right wall will also start to have rising spike pits. The best thing you can do is find the “safe square” (one spike pit from the top on the east wall) and then time your westward run. After you get past the spikes you will see whirlpools which you must carefully make your way between diagonally. You’ll find your number pad’s 1, 3, 7 and 9 keys most useful for that.

As you walk forward you will see a corridor going south or some bubbling mud pits west. The mud pits slow you down, but they won’t hurt you. Going south will appear to have some hypnocil but a teleport pad will take you back near the pine-tree room, so proceed west through the mud. Going further west through the mud, you will see a southern path also filled with mud. Take this and you will enter a long room that has many treasures. There are coins, batteries, and weapons to be found all over. Also, there is an eastbound corridor which will take you to the same hypnocil as before. You CAN get the hypnocil when coming from the west, but don’t go north or you’ll be back by the pine-tree room. Run south along both walls and gather the treasures. You will see more encased in walls but most of those simply can’t be gotten. Also be careful when you see three grenades in a row—two of them are booby trapped and will explode on you, probably killing you if you get more than one at a time. If you survive, though, a wall will be brought down and you will have access to the map (saving you 500 gold!). GET THE MAP HERE!

In the southeast corner of the room is another vending machine in case you want more keys or other items. Again, since there is a limited amount of gold to be had, and it is much needed later, I say hold off buying from a vending machine until it is ABSOLUTELY necessary. Either way, go east past the spike pits and the vending machine. Going to the far east point in that corridor will open the exit back to level 3.

In the northwest corner of the room is a lever. Pull it only if you enjoy punishing yourself. The lights in the room go out, flashing randomly, and Freddy comes to attack you which will hurt you and also hurt one of your captured friends. The lever gains you nothing. DON’T DO IT. Just head to the teleporter by the hypnocil to be taken back to the pine-tree room, and then go south and west to teleport to the small room, and go west further still onto the coins to go back to the original two piles of coins.

Now it’s time to finish off the level. I’m sure by now you’re tired of carrying 2 keys, plus a map, plus your special power, plus your weapon leaving you only two spaces left for coffee or hypnocil. We can get rid of one of these keys now. Go south down the corridor past the whirlpool (east from the two piles of coins, then south at the whirlpool) and you will find three locked doors. If you want to just exit the level, take the middle one. Treasures, of course, are to be had in the first and third doors. Inside the first (northernmost) door you will find ammo, a key, and another locked door. Behind that door is a crate, a key, and another locked door. Behind THAT door is a lot of ammo and batteries, however you have to run over a whirlpool to get another key. The third (southernmost) door off of the original corridor is coffee, a key, and a locked door. Behind that door is a crate, two vials of holy water, and another key. Going west still has some piles of batteries, a key, and A PISTOL! Finally your first ranged weapon. Always keep something simple like the baseball bat with you in case you’re out of ammo/batteries, but the pistol is far better when fighting slimes and Freddy himself.

The middle door from the original corridor is the way out. Behind the first door is some hypnocil and a key. Behind the second door are two hypnocils, a crate, and a key. Behind the third door are a pile of magnets, a few grenades, and a locked door. Notice there is no key here so you will be out of keys when this is over. In the final room are a number of magnets, a pile of gold, and the exit to level 5! IF YOU HAVE A SAVE ON LEVEL 4: Step on the pile of coins by the exit. This will teleport you to a secret room with your friend. Then step on the pile of gold in the secret room to return to the exit. You won’t need to take anything to level 5 except the map and as much hypnocil/coffee as you can carry. Go down the ladder. Amanda will appear giving you more soul (health) and you’re on level 5.


You start this level on a small island with no apparent way off. Go south, though, and a hidden teleport pad will take you to a separate island where you are surrounded by fire. Here you can go north, west, or south to three teleport pads. If you have no spare room in your inventory, drop some hypnocil here since you well might need it when you return here for the other teleports, and you do need to collect some items coming up. Eventually you will have to do all of these, so we’ll start with North.

NORTH teleports you to the large room in the center top of the map, and the area you start in is almost entirely filled with spikes. Just time it well and try to head straight north. This will teleport you to another island with gold coins and a shotgun. The shotgun is more powerful than the pistol, but it takes more ammo. Take all the coins and a gun with you, and head to the northernmost pile of coins which teleports you to another point in the large room. This time you are surrounded with magnets. Electricity is everywhere to the southeast and there is an open area to the northwest. Slowly head northwest (being sure to pick up the items the magnets make you drop). Continue west and the message “How about a game of tic tac toe” will appear. Don’t worry about exploring further west than the tic-tac-toe game as there are no puzzles or items here. Just go north onto the tic-tac-toe board. As you run onto the squares they are depressed, then when you run on them again they raise. The solution is to get the northwest, the center, and the southeast buttons depressed and then leave the area (see the pictures on the left). When you do this they will all turn to gold piles and a passageway to the west will open. Pick up the gold piles and then head back south. Here you can head west or east. No matter which way you go you better be sure to have a good amount of hypnocil because we have to take damage. The easier way is to go west. If you head back east towards the electricity you need to run through it toward the ammo. The ammo is explained a little later.

If you go west, be careful of the blue flames (more dangerous than the orange flames and they need to be timed like the spike pits) and head west. At the blue flames you can either continue west (which you should only do if you want to be careful and gain one bottle of hypnocil) or head south. If you go west be careful not to step on the fire. Going west, to the north is a beam of electricity which just leads to pain. There is blue flame beyond it. If you endure the electricity and time your way just right with the blue fire you will head northeast and find a crate which, two of the three times I’ve opened it, has FREDDY inside. This hurts you and your friend, so don’t even bother going through the electricity. Instead go west. Here you will see pools of blood which, like the earlier mud, will not hurt you but does slow you down. There are also spikes on the path, so time your walk carefully. Follow the path west and then it will turn north and you’ll have to follow it. You’ll get some gold coins on the path and a bug will attack you so keep heads up. Follow the path as it turns east, south, and then east again. Here also be careful—the ground you’re walking on is blue and there are some blue flames here that are hard to see. Carefully dodge the fire and follow the path back north and east. At the end of the path you will see some hypnocil.

Heading south at the blue flames will take you to a faux cup of coffee which you can’t pick up. Keep going south and east past the coffee and you will see quite a bit of the orange (less harmful) fire. There are spike pits beyond that. The best way I’ve found to proceed is to make sure you’re at full health (use hypnocil or coffee if you have to) and then run southward through the fire to the skeleton at the far south. It is a safe place to stand and time your spike run. Staying at the south wall, run east. There are 3 spike pits to time and then another square of orange fire. Beyond the orange fire is one safe square with no fire and no spikes, so stand there to time your next run. In case you haven’t noticed, you’re back where you started this section of the level. Going straight north will take you back to where the gold coin island was. Go north—after one spike pit is another safe spot to stand. Then this time, instead of heading further north, head east and then northeast. There are four spike pits for you to cross, so just wait it out. When all four pits are going down, start your run. When you hit the orange fire, head northeast to the pools of blood. Congratulations, you’ve made it through the trial. Heal yourself and head north. You will see the message “It’ as easy as 1 2 3” and 5 squares, such as the tic-tac-toe game above. Push the first three buttons on the left (west). This will clear a path to the ammo north of you—the same ammo mentioned two paragraphs back.

The ammo is actually a teleport pad. Standing on it takes you back to the island where, previously, we could go north, west, or south. This time, however, it is only west or south. Landing here automatically picks up any hypnocil you may have put here earlier, so if you don’t need to use it, drop it again for the next time you return.

WEST teleports you to a corner on the map and the message appears “This should entertain you for a while—maybe forever.” Head south and west, careful to avoid the spike pits and fire. Stay along the north wall while heading west until you see the fire. Then go south to the southern wall, go further west, then head back north. As you see this on the screen you’ll know where to dodge the fire. Be careful as you exit this area—there is a hard to see blue flame rising and falling as your last obstacle. Here you are in a safe area. There is fire to the northeast with a chest in the corner, and there is clear ground to the northwest. Get the chest if you feel it’s worth the damage the fire will give you, otherwise just go northwest through the clear area to the room filled with spikes and pools of blood. In this room the blood is usually the only safe place to stand. Timing your run, head north and get the coffee offered there (by this point you probably need it). Head back south to the far south wall, then run west through the spikes. Soon you will see a northward walkway. Follow that, sidestepping the fire, and you will get to a walkway with two sets of spikes and a magnet. Rather than dodge the spikes and bother with the magnet, go east and around the pit to head back north and east. Get the key in the corner of the room. Then head west, back the way you came. Dodge the fire and go as far west as you can and get the batteries. Then head directly back east as if to get the key again—but step slowly. You are about to be teleported back to the main island, but if you walk east on the island you will walk directly into fire, so watch your step. Now you will only have the option of going south on that island. As mentioned before, landing here automatically picks up any hypnocil you may have put here earlier, so if you don’t need to use it, drop it again for the next time you return.

SOUTH teleports you to the center of the large grid area on the map. Shoot east when you get there because there is a bug ready to attack you. There are some gold coins to the west, but it is just a teleport pad making them impossible to get. Directly to the north of where you start is a crate (be sure to avoid the spikes). Go east, then north. Near the northeast corner on the map you will see an item, but it’s just a magnet. Keep going east then north to the northeastern corner of the grid. There is a button there. Step on it once to depress it. Now head west. You want to get to the northwestern corner, but due to some fire in the middle you’ll need to go south a row to do it. Go to the 2nd row down, go all the way west, and then up to the northwestern corner, step on the button, and head east one row. Now we want to get to the southwestern corner, so head south. By staying in the 2nd column you will be able to get to the southern wall and hit the button in the southwest corner. Now head east to hit the button in the southeast corner. Go east until you see the blue flames and then head north. There’s a cup of coffee (and a bug) waiting there for you, so take those and then continue east in the 2nd row from the bottom until you hit the east wall. Then head south to step on the button. When you step on this forth button a message will appear saying “Some things are too good to be true!” and you will be teleported to a new area.

In this new area, to your west is a beam of electricity which has a bug and some holy water behind it. Kill the bug, but you can’t get the holy water. If you run through the electricity and get it a message will appear saying “PUT THAT BACK” and until you drop it you will be trapped. Instead, head south through the pools of blood and follow the path south, west, south, east, south, and west to some spike pits. Then go south and east through some blue flames. If you can get your timing just right, step on the first two flame pits when they have closed and then dart back and you’ll get a free bottle of hypnocil. As you walk past the flames some hypnocil will appear behind the flames and Freddy will appear one passage to the north coming to attack you. Get the shotgun at ready and take Freddy out, then help yourself to the hypnocil. Finally, head back east along the walkway to the end. The last square of the walkway is a teleport pad and you will be on the original north/south/west walkway, only now North, South, AND West will be blocked off—you will now be able to go east. Just in case you still haven’t used any hypnocil you might have left here earlier, now is the time to collect it.

EAST will teleport you to the area of the map that has the exit. You start on a southbound narrow walkway with blue flames and spikes. Follow the pathway south and west, then south again picking up some magnets and gold coins along the way. At the end of that walkway you turn west and get some coffee (and watch out for the bug coming up behind you). Then turn north for a long stretch where there are magnets and more gold coins, as well as spike pits. Turn west at the end of the hallway, then zig zag west and south for a ways. You will come into a room full of fire and a message will appear saying “Entering the Chamber of the Guardian”. This sounds more ominous than it is. HEAL YOURSELF FULLY AT THIS POINT. Navigate through the fire and take the coffee on the southern walkway. At that moment a message will appear saying “You won’t be needing these anymore” and your weapons and items are taken from you, but you are given a knife. Plus you get the cup of coffee. Don’t worry about your items, you’ll get those back later. Just head south with your weapon at ready and your health at full. If you are Will or Taryn, get your special power at ready. At the end of the southern walkway is “The Guardian”, who is your everyday average skeleton shooting bullets at you. Kill him with your power or the knife, and head south. All your items, plus some hypnocil, are in this room, so pick them up and head east and south along the walkway, through some blue flames. Just keep following the walkway the only way you can go. This will lead you to the exit of the level, which has a chainsaw (uses batteries) and a lantern by it. Take the chainsaw if you want it, but BE SURE TO CARRY THE LANTERN. There are dark areas on other levels that you won’t be able to see without the lantern. Go down the ladder.


When you start level six there are three crates and some ammo around you. Also, a ghost is attacking from the southeast, so keep your gun ready. After the ghost is history, take the items in the room and head south. As you head south Amanda will appear and tell you:

On this level, you will see, three curtains of doom, as plain as can be. Batteries, hypnocil and coffee you’ll find. You won’t lose your way, if you follow my rhyme. In coffee and hypnocil a button you’ll see, the state of these buttons is the key. Through batteries, the trip may be done. So experiment with the buttons, one by one. For each combination a new place awaits. So choose well and wisely, it may seal your fate. It is through these buttons, the exit is found, with one of them up, and one of them down.

Follow the walkway south and you will reach a cross where you can go east, south, or west. Go east and follow the path up at a diagonal. You’ll get some batteries in the northeast corner, then head west following the walkway. You will end up in a room with some batteries and gold coins. Take the gold and the batteries. Then step in the red blob in the southwest corner. This blob will heal you completely. If you step in it again it will hurt you, then heal you, and so on. Now double back to the original cross in the road near where you started and head south. Keep going south past the westward offshoot. Following this path will take you to some coffee and then into a room where you get some coins, batteries, and you may see one of your friends although you can’t save them just yet.

Go back and head along the westward passage you passed on the way to this room which will lead you into the “curtains of doom” room. A message will appear saying “A voice whispers to you ‘The two buttons control where you are teleported’”. Press the button and go south through the electricity. You will be on an island with two batteries. Go north or south and you will now be on a walkway. To the east is a room full of goodies, such as ammo, coffee, and batteries. Gather these treasures as you dodge the fire, and the blob near the southeast corner will heal you fully again. Go to the northwest corner of the room and follow that walkway west. You will get a grenade and some batteries, and then you will get to two buttons. Step on both buttons to open a passageway you will get to later, then continue on westward. You will go through some spike pits and then come to a T in the road going north and south. Go south to get some more treasures. You will see two buttons, both of which you must step on twice to keep in the up position. This will gain you access to a crate and to some hypnocil. Then go back and head north at the T turn. Follow this walkway through the orange flames and get the hypnocil waiting for you there. Follow the path along getting some batteries and more hypnocil.

At the end of the path you will find a number of button puzzles. The solutions are pictured to the right. Five buttons in a row, the first answer is to have the first, third, and fifth buttons depressed. Go north, get the coffee, and another puzzle. For this one the eastern three buttons must be down. Go north, get the batteries and coffee, and solve yet another puzzle. On this one just have the 4th button down. Go north, get the ammo and the coffee and another puzzle. For this one just push all the buttons and head north. HERE IS A POSSIBLE SAVE OF A FRIEND. There is also some hypnocil and gold coins, plus a crate. If you head north in this room you will be teleported into a fire, and have to work your way back to this room. Follow the southern and western walls up to the button and rescue your friend if they are there. Continue east and step on the blob—this will increase your power level. With the button in the northwest corner pressed, which allows you to get to any friends trapped in the room south of the “curtains of doom” room, go south and teleport into the pile of flames. Quickly run west, get the hypnocil, and follow the long corridor north, watching for spike pits. Finally you will turn east, then south, then east again. Just keep following this path until you reach a cross in the road—you are back to where you started, but you rescued one of your friends.

Now at the cross in the road head south and keep heading south. This will take you into a room WITH A POSSIBLE SAVE OF A FRIEND. Before you pushed the button in the previous room with a friend, this friend could not be saved. Now that you have pressed that button, you just press either button in this room to open a path to save your friend and give you two hypnocils. Be sure to get the other treasures in this room—it’s time to get the heck off this level. Note that you can collect an unlimited supply of hypnocil here even if there are no friends trapped. Every time you extend the small bridge to the block in the center of the pit another two hypnocils are created. Stock up while you’ve got the chance. You can even return here from level 7 to ferry armloads of hypnocil to the next level.

Go north and then take the westward passage to go back into the “curtain room” as you did before (follow the path and take your first westward turn, then go as far west as you can, finally turning south).

Press the button in the room again, this time moving it up. Go south through the electricity and you will be teleported to an island with two coffees on it. Go south and you will be teleported to an island with one button on it. Go east, pressing the button, and you will be teleported back to the “curtain room”. You will be standing on the center button—make sure it’s pressed down. Go through the southern curtain again to the batteries. Go south on the battery island and you will be transported to a room near the exit. Get the treasures in this room, especially the batteries. These batteries are a pile of 60 batteries. Then just go south to the exit, but try not to be too annoyed by all the magnets along the way. You are done with level six, and by this point you should have some friends saved.


This level requires the lantern you picked up earlier, so if you don’t have one then, quite simply, you won’t pass level seven. There is a vending machine on this level, but it doesn’t sell lanterns. If you have to go back up the ladder to level 5 and get the lantern just before the exit to level 6, but don’t bother going through this level without the lantern. Note that all the vending machines on level 7 are faulty, but they will occasionally deliver what you pay for.

You start off in a room with a crate. Open it and see what’s in it, then follow the passageway eastward. You will come to a fork in the road where you can go east or south. Keep going eastward, then follow that passage south, and then head back west and north. You will come to a room with some gold coins, batteries, and a lever. Take the treasures, and pull the lever on the wall. Be careful when you pull the lever...sometimes it calls Freddy to attack you. Now head back through the passageway and head southwest at the fork in the road. You will get a message saying “Now Entering – Fungus Room.” This room is, obviously, filled with mushrooms. There is nothing of value in this room, but go into it and then take the east exit. You will follow this hallway east, south, west, and then north again. There is another lever on this wall. Pull it. Make your way back to the fungus room. Take the southern exit and you will come to a turn where you can go slightly west and then further south or you can turn east. If you are well stocked in hypnocil and weapons, or if you are carrying a key, then take the eastern exit and skip the rest of this paragraph . Otherwise, go south and west, picking up the batteries. Follow the passage west and then back north. Now you are in a slightly maze-y area. Heading straight north will take you to a cup of coffee (over two spike pits). Going a little west from your starting point will give you some coins. There are batteries a little further west still. Slowly making your way past the spike pits make your way to the northwest corner of the room—the exit (see the map to the left if you need it, but the room isn’t difficult). At the exit of the room you will be able to go north or south. South takes you to a room full of spikes with a lever on the wall. If you time your run and pull that lever you will be rewarded with Freddy attacking you from due east. That lever is unnecessary so don’t bother. Heading north will take you to a lever, a row of electricity, and a grenade and some hypnocil. Pulling the lever removes the electricity. Take the hypnocil and buy whatever you want from the vending machine if you want. If you don’t have a key, buy one right now. Now it’s time to go back to the passageway east from the southern part of the fungus room. If you look at your map after using the vending machine, you’ll notice that a new object has appeared near the entry from level 6. Go back there and you’ll be rewarded with a free key!

Take the east passageway and go south past a locked door, then east and north to a cup of coffee. Take the coffee and use it to heal yourself if you need to, then go back to go the locked door. Use your key to unlock the door and head west getting the gold and the batteries. Head south and follow the hallway east. You will come to a room with six northern exits. I have numbered them 1 through 6 on the map. The second path takes you north to a crate. Take what’s inside and then head back south. The third passageway loops over to the fourth. Taking three will lead you to holy water. Near the south part of four (more south than the holy water) is a teleporter that will take you to the same point in passage five, so if you want the holy water take passage three, and take passage three back out unless you want to go to passage five. Passage six goes far north and has a lever at the end. The lever will teleport you to the crate at the end of passage two. This lever is necessary to complete the level so be sure to pull it.. Also at the end of six there is a mirror with the message “The warmth of Summer will help you in fall”.

Passage one takes you north to a room with ammo and some mushrooms. You’ll come across another vending machine as you proceed on this side journey, so drop some articles to leave space in your inventory – but don’t drop the lantern! Step on the mushrooms and you will be teleported to the “Room of Spirits”. There you will be attacked by a ghost. There are mushrooms to your north and to your east but before leaving, go to the northeast corner for a hint from Amanda on what you have to do to finish this level. The mushrooms to the north take you back to the end of passage one. The mushrooms to the east teleport you to a “secret room.” There is a possible save here. Also as you head east Freddy’s face will appear and he will say “I have a couple of friends who are just DYING to meet you!! Heh heh!” Then you will be attacked by two ghosts. There is a vending machine and some batteries in the secret room, as well as another pile of mushrooms. If you are not carrying at least one key, buy one now. You may want to buy two keys now to save yourself some health later, but leave a space in your inventory as you are about to collect a new weapon. Step on those mushrooms and now, for the first time in the game, you are using your lantern. You won’t be able to see the whole screen in lantern-mode. You need to move slowly for fear of what’s on the ground, and you need to react quickly to enemies attacking you. You are now in the “Chamber of Sludge” and you need to walk carefully around the sludge. Go east around the sludge and then go north NOT stepping on the mushrooms. There is an ice blaster there. It uses batteries instead of ammo so you may find it useful. Next to the ice blaster you need to walk diagonally past the sludge. You need to get to the lever on the west wall and quite simply you may have to take some damage to do it. Pull the lever on the wall and then make your way back to the mushrooms in the southeast corner. Stepping on the mushrooms will teleport you to the fungus room again. Go south out of the fungus room and then back east through the now unlocked door and back to the six passageways. Collect any items you previously dropped. It’s now time to go up passage five. If you have too many things to carry, leave some here because you can come back past this point again. What you need to take now is the lantern, a weapon, and keys – hopefully two.

Follow passage five to a room with a crate and some gold coins. Keep following the passage past a magnet and some spike pits. It will turn west then back south past some more magnets, then back west and north again. You will enter a room with a lever (the lever in passage six opened this room to you). Also here you will be able to see the exit. Go north and get the ammo and grenade if you want it. Then pull the lever which will open a passageway north of you. Before heading off, you can drop your keys here to provide space in your inventory. Go north and follow the new passageway west. You will see a crate and then follow the passage south. You will find another lever. Pull it opening a passage just east of you. Go east and south through the new door you just opened. Head east first and get the gold coins there, then go back west and go back the way you came. You will find a new passageway going north and then east just north of where you picked up the grenade.

Follow the passage north, east, north, west, and south picking up some gold coins along the way. Pull the lever at the end of the hallway which will open another door. Go back the way you came and, while heading east, you will be able to go further west than you were before. In this room are some mushrooms and a lever. DO NOT STEP ON THE MUSHROOMS. If you do you will be teleported back to the fungus room and you will get the message “Back you go—to square one!” (although you might wish to return there if you’ve had to leave various goodies along the way and want to take the risk of retrieving them. There’s also the temptation to go back to level 6 for that unending supply of hypnocil in the south room under the “curtains of doom”. Otherwise...). Sidestepping the mushrooms, pull the lever. Go north and then follow the passageway west along the northern wall. You will now be able to go further west than you were before. At the end of the hall is a room with a key, but the floor will hurt you. If you already have two keys (or bought one when I recommended up above in the “secret room”) then don’t go into this room. Otherwise run in, take your licks, and run back out to heal yourself. If you only have one key, take this one as well. YOU MUST HAVE A SPARE KEY WHEN YOU START THE NEXT LEVEL. The last lever also revealed a locked door. You now need to follow the hallways all the way back west, turning south then east to go back to where you came from (the room which had the grenade). Collect any keys you may have left here – you must now have two. From this room head west, then south past the lever you pulled earlier, going slightly east, then going south and back west where you will find the locked door. Use your key to unlock the door and you will enter a room with two crates and two ammo piles. Going further west will take you down a long winding corridor to the “Hall of Spring”. Go through the hall of spring and into the “Room of Four Seasons”.

In the “Room of Four Seasons” there are four whirlpools connected by electricity. There is also one lever. Go in and pull that lever. This will close off access to the “Hall of Spring” but open doors going north, west, and south. Remember what was said earlier, “The warmth of Summer will help you in fall.” That comes into play here. Winter is to the north, Fall to the west, and Summer to the south.

Go south into summer, dodging the spike pits, and pull the lever. It’s important to do this or you cannot get into fall. North in Winter is a magic map, some batteries and some coffee (which , for me, was much needed at this point). Go to Winter and Summer, and then proceed on to fall. In fall follow the passage west then north. Take the west exit and follow the hallway south. Get the gold coins and continue going south. You will now enter the “Hall of Victims”. Here, as in many rooms, you will see what look like outlines of bodies on the floor. Do not step on them in this room or they will hurt you. Stepping around the bodies, make your way to the two levers on the western wall. Pull both levers and a passage to a room to the south will open. Also, you will be attacked by five skeletons. If you need to, run into the room to have the skeletons attack you single file. Go into this room (again sidestepping the bodies). There are some mushrooms here which will heal you quite a bit. There are also batteries and coffee. Now head back north and follow the passageway. You will enter another lantern-necessary room called “Slimepit Alcove”. In this room are slime pits which will hurt you BADLY. Some slime pits momentarily disappear (like spike pits), others are always there, so tread lightly. There is only one path through them so, using your lantern-lit way, follow the path around the slime. The path would lead you west and north, then back east and south. You will get some hypnocil and then head back north and west through the path. Finally you will exit “Slimepit Alcove” to the northeast and follow a hallway east then north, west a step, then back south and then east. You will be teleported slightly and into a diamond-shaped room with four vials of holy water in the points. There is no obvious way out of this room. There is a whirlpool in the middle with “bodies” around it. What you need to do is pick up the four vials of holy water and drop them in the center of the diamond, around the whirlpool inside the ring of bodies. A picture is to the left. Then go to the west point and pull the lever. You will see the message “you hear several walls sliding in the distance” and the whirlpool will have changed into a ladder down. If you have any friends still imprisoned on this level, you will find them in newly opened passages off this diamond room. You can exit to level 8 right here, or you can adventure on further in this level as new secrets have just opened up.

To continue through the level, head out of the diamond through the new passage on the southeast wall, then head south back to “Slimepit Alcove”. Follow the path and, in the northwest corner, there is a new corridor open heading north. This leads you to “Amanda’s Secret Shrine.” In here you get hypnocil, batteries, and, most important, a pile of mushrooms. Stepping on the mushrooms will increase your soul capacity. Now go back through “Slimepit Alcove” and to the exit in the diamond room.


This level has a lot of terrain to cover, and if you didn’t come to the party bringing a spare key you might as well head right back up the ladder and make your way back to the vending machine in the secret room at the end of passage one. There is simply no way to get through this level without having one spare key. You may need the lantern on this level if you turn off the lights accidentally. On this level, you will also be able to get the shield, which will help you greatly in your final fight against Freddy.

The start of this level can be confusing. Use your map along with my own, numbered, map to the left to find your way through. The instructions are simple: step on the snowman to go to the next room—step almost anywhere else to go back to square one. Take the most direct route to the snowman and you should be alright. When you transport to room 2 however, go south and you will be able to see if there is an imprisoned friend there. If not, you can bypass one of this dangerous level’s areas. When you finally get out of the rooms there is another snowman. Step on it only if you want to do it all again. Follow this passage east. Soon you will see a southern alcove with a skeleton in it. Step on this skeleton—it’s a much safer shortcut. Without it you must dodge a number of fire pits and run through some electricity.
The teleport pad will place you further along the path as your map will show you. There is a short hallway directly west of you. There are two electric beams and a fire pit in this hallway. At the very end is one bottle of hypnocil— it’s up to you if it’s worth the damage. Follow the passage south careful to dodge the fire pits (which are like spike pits but hurt far more). If you have a friend on this level you will be able to see them when you reach the south most point of the passage. Follow the hallway west past some spike pits and you will reach a fork in the road. The northern route has a crate and some holy water, but you must run through fire to get them which is probably not worth it. The southern route has a row of four or five spike pits. Time your run carefully and don’t stop along the way. At the end of that hallway is a lever, which will open the wall south of you. Go south into the room there and kill the skeleton waiting for you. This is a very large room with six crates in it, and the exit is a west-side locked door. Get the crates (be careful of the fire and spike pits) and then use that spare key I mentioned earlier on the west door. There is a vending machine in this next room—on this level the keys you need are bought, not given, so the gold you’ve saved up will come in very handy. If you find yourself out of cash, just keep killing whatever comes along until you have the 50 gold for a key.

Welcome to the room from hell. You have spike and fire pits alternating across a huge section of the floor. Your goal—run north and survive. Just try to time it and use whatever hypnocil and coffee you have or need so you can take the damage. When you get north hit the vending machine. There is a force field blocking you from the machine, but if you follow the bloody footprints you will get there. Heal yourself with coffee/hypnocil and buy another key—you’ll need it further south. Don’t bother unlocking the door next to the vending machine, it just goes back where you came from. Now go back south through all the spikes and fire. If you follow the bloody footprints again you will be safely teleported through the dangerous traps and come out on the southern side. Once there unlock the southern door, but don’t go through it yet. Go to the western passage just north of where the door was. As you step on the snowman you will be trapped and attacked by a skeleton, but he’s easily dispatched with the shotgun or ice blaster. Then go north to the vending machine and buy another key. To exit this room you need to step on the snowman next to the vending machine. He explodes taking a good deal of your health with him, so be sure you’re at almost full soul before you step there, and heal up with coffee after he blows up. Now head south and back through the door you opened, going west to another locked door. Open this door with the key you just bought. Follow the bloody footprints and you will end up at a wall. Go north and you will pass a grenade (which is booby trapped, don’t pick it up). Go west and then go south. There are two rooms to your north, blocked off by electric beams, but there is only a cup of coffee and a baseball bat in them, so probably not worth your attention, unless you saw a captured friend when you looked down from room 2. If there was one there, you’ll need to go to the north room with another key to release them. Otherwise, don’t bother to risk this side journey. The lever on the wall at the top of this room turns the lights out and also summons Freddy to attack you. Even if you still have the lantern it’s still pretty much all over, so don’t touch it! As you head south you will see a room blocked by two fire pits. Run over the pits and grab the batteries inside. Again, the grenade is a trap. Leave the room and continue south. You will find the bloody footprints again and a message will appear “Become a smear, go west from here.” That’s an offer too good to refuse, so follow the footsteps westward. You will be teleported to a room much further east on the map. There is a beam of electricity to your west, but we’ll go over that later. For now follow the passage east, then south, then west to a gold coin. The room to the west just before you get to the coin is worth exploring to obtain the Rope, which is useful on level 9. You’ll need a key to get in but there is a replacement key inside as well as some free hypnocil. Walk on the snowman to get a message about “the beast,” then go to the top right of this room to blast Freddy and grab the Rope. Go back outside and step on the coin and you will be teleported back near the “become a smear” location, in an area rich with gold coins and it also has a hypnocil and a gold key. Staying on the west wall, then run north avoiding the spike pits.

Go north to the bloody footsteps, and then go back east and then north to the room where you were trapped with the skeleton. Buy another gold key so you have a total of two. Now proceed back to the “become a smear” footsteps and go west again.

IF YOU WANT TO EXIT THIS LEVEL NOW: It is really inadvisable to leave this level without the shield. You will be almost certainly wiped out by Freddy on level 10 if you do not have the shield. If you must go now, make sure you have the two keys needed to finish this level. When teleported into the room, run west through the beam of energy. You will find a locked door right in front of you with a bug and a wheelchair behind it. Unlock the door and kill your enemies, then head further west. Do not waste your key on the door immediately to the north, it will only take you back to what I called the “room from hell”. Continue west and then you will come to a dagger in the ground. Take it if you want, but turn south here and run through another beam of energy. Keep going south past three pits. It’s difficult to not take damage from any of those pits, but you can avoid damage if you use the keypad “1” key to go down and left at the same time, which makes your game character hug against the left-side wall. Time your run to avoid the first two pits and you will sidestep the last near-fatal pit. After the pits, in a room to the southeast, is some hypnocil to heal the damage the pit gave you. Go up the northern wall and in the room to your west there is more hypnocil and a locked door. Use your second key here. The exit is in this room. In the north corner of this room is a cross. As annoying as it is, be sure to carry it with you. You need to carry it through all of level 9 to use on level 10.

IF YOU HAVE A FRIEND ON THIS LEVEL OR ON LEVEL TWO: You can’t exit yet, still more work to be done. You can also stay if you want to get the shield, which will make your final battle against Freddy much easier.

TO GET THE FRIEND ON THIS LEVEL: Go east, as you did before. When you reach the east wall, you will see a locked door north of you. Use one key on that—this is the “Control Room”. Time your run past the spikes and head north to get the ammo and coffee. You will see the shield in an enclosed area next to the entrance as you pass. There are grenades in this room, but they are booby trapped. This room has five levers on the west wall and a locked door to the north. Use your second key on this door, your friend is right inside. To get the shield, flip the switch at the top left corner of the room which will transport the shield into an open area, so go straight back and collect it. Carrying the shield will reduce your damage taken and make your final battle against Freddy much easier. The second lever from the south will give you batteries. Now go south to the southernmost lever in the control room. Pulling it will open a door directly south of it and FREDDY will come to attack you. He shoots his glove at you this time so be careful. Take him out and then go into the room getting a key, the batteries, and a crate.

Go to the southern door on the western wall in this room, then turn and head due east. A hidden teleport pad will take you back to near the vending machine you just used. Head north back to the vending machine from earlier, and buy another key so you have a total of two. Going back to the become a smear footsteps and going west will teleport you back next to the beam of energy (that you just did to head east to the control room). Now just follow the instructions to exit the level, typed above.

TO GET THE FRIEND ON LEVEL TWO: The third lever (counting from south to north) will make it possible for you to access the exit to level two. Pull the lever then go directly south out of the control room. Soon you will see a new locked door on the west wall. Use your key to unlock the door and enter the room. Pick up the coins there and take the ladder to level two.

ON LEVEL TWO: Go west to get some batteries. Going all the way west will take you to a crate and some coffee. Now head back east and take the southern passage through two beams of electricity. You will get to a cross in the road. Going west will take you to a large number of magnets and Freddy’s Hat. Freddy’s Hat will attack you if you are not carrying the cross, plus there is no reason to carry the hat all the way to level 10, so just don’t touch the thing. Going east will give you two piles of batteries and, beyond some fire (which you can put out with the ice blaster) are two holy waters. South is the way to your friend. Go south and get the tazer, then head east past the mirrors, then back north to save your friend. Now just go back out the way you came in and you’re back on level eight. Exit the room and follow the passage south to the gold coin again. Now go north to the bloody footsteps, and then go back east and then north to the room where you were trapped with the skeleton. Buy another gold key so you have a total of two. Now proceed back to the “become a smear” footsteps and go west again and follow the instructions above about how to exit the level.


The last real level of the game, and if you feel you’ve worked to get here it’s because you have. I know because I have worked both times I tried to get here, so this time we’ve kinda done it together. This level is no cakewalk though, so I will give you pictures, a map, and all the instructions I can to hold your hand through it. Here goes!

Also, all use you had for the lantern is done. Feel free to ditch it to carry more important things like hypnocil.

You start the level and you have no choice but to go east. Freddy will now take any keys you have, but odds are you have none. Keep going all the way east and you will pick up a key (whether Freddy took any or not). Now you will notice you are in a room with three locked doors on the northern wall. Much like the island of fire from level five, this will be a center hub of operations for this level. You may well want to drop your cross here so you won’t have to carry it with you the whole level. You must pass three tests—the test of fire, the test of pits, and the test of electricity.

THE TEST OF PITS: We’ll start with the eastmost door. Use the key to unlock the door, and then enter the northwest corner of the room. You will be teleported into a small room. Go south to be teleported to the test of pits. Here is where all that timing you’ve practiced the whole game through will pay off. Go south to the axe, then go west along the southern wall, timing your crossing of the pits carefully. This passage will then turn north and you have to time a three-pit run, where the second pit barely closes. Run as fast as you can through those pits and then turn west at the end of the hall. If you have the rope, you can drop it two squares right before these three pits, and the middle one will disappear. It’s time now to get some hypnocil. Walk around the pits to the pile of bones in the northwestern corner. This will teleport you into a room with two pits, two hypnocils and—most importantly— two grenades. Head straight south (going east will teleport you back) and get the hypnocils, then head back to the square east of where you started to return to the pile of bones. BE SURE TO GET BOTH THOSE GRENADES. You will need both grenades to proceed past this level.

Now go south down the stairs and you will enter a large room full of staggered pits. Looking carefully will show you a path with no pits. The second square from the west wall will take you south two, go west one, south one more, and then follow west out of the pits. Go west down that hallway following the bloody footprints, then turn north. Turn west, then you will enter a long, narrow, southbound corridor with pits on every other square. Time your run and you should have no problems reaching the south wall. Walk ALL THE WAY to the south wall, then walk one square east, and follow the pits back north. Going all the way south will open another path through the pits for you to follow. Follow this opening east. Your goal is to make it all the way east to another set of stairs going south. Going up those stairs will take you to a platform with a lever. Go down the stairs on the other side and go to the west end of that room, dodging the pits along the way. When you get to the far west wall, walk slowly up and down it. On two squares you will see the message “Place Grenade Here” (the middle two squares on the wall). Now go back to the platform and pull the lever, detonating the grenades. Go back south and west to where you placed the grenades to see the large hole you blew in the wall. Step in the northeast corner of this hole and you will be teleported to a corner of a room.

You will be surrounded by impassible pits. Step south then east and you will be moved to a different corner. Here you step east, then north to go to another corner. In this corner step west then south to go to the forth corner. Finally here step north and west. You will now be in the center of the north wall of the room. Walk south between the pits, then go to the west wall and pull the lever. This opens a way out in the southeast corner. Now walk east to the east wall to be teleported to the first corner again. Walk south then east here, east then north in the second corner, west then south in the third corner, and escape out the new south exit. You will see a key there. Follow the path east and YOU HAVE PASSED THE PIT TEST!!!!! Walk to the east wall and you will be teleported back to the original room.

THE TEST OF ELECTRICITY: The center door in the original room opens into a small room. Walk to the northeast corner of this room to be teleported to a small room. Walk south then east in this room to open an exit on the west side. Then go west to find two levers, one north and one south of the path you’re on. Pull the north lever then proceed west into the electricity—it will not harm you. On the other side you will see two more levers and another bar of electricity. Pull both levers here and you will walk right through the electricity again. Walk west and a passage will appear to you. Now comes the worst part of the whole level—the maze of electricity. It would be impossible for me to describe to you how to proceed here so I let the following picture save me thousands of words. An X takes you further back on the map; a green O is where you want to step. Follow these pictures in order, the top one first through to the bottom one last. Hopefully I left enough in the picture for you to recognize where you are.

As you see from frame 17 above, when you finish the hellish maze of electricity, you go north. A ghost is waiting there to attack you—take out your rage about the maze on that ghost and move on. Go north then follow the passage west. You will enter a small room. If you haven’t already got a Taser then get the one here, as this is the most powerful of the weapons that can also tunnel when needed on level 10.

That red X takes you right back to frame one of the maze of electricity. Step on the green O and move to the next phase of this test.

You are teleported into a room with three levers. Pull the middle one only (the first and third send you back to the end of the maze). Go south, get your key, then turn east. YOU HA VE PASSED THE TEST OF ELECTRICITY!!!!!!! One key left, one door left.

THE TEST OF FIRE: Finally, the westmost door. Leave the Ice Blaster or Taser outside as both are useless in this test. You will need a weapon for one pesky roach here so if you have no other, return to the start of the now- completed Pit test and get the axe. You don’t need to do the Pit test again but can bet back to the hall with three doors through the way you came in. Use the key to open the westmost door, then head north into the room. Going into the northeastern corner of that room will close off your entrance. To return to the room you started in, walk west. To enter the test of fire, head south, then west. A long corridor will appear going south before you with a bug attacking you. Here your batteries are sucked from you so as to stop you from using the ice blaster on the fire, so you are back to shotguns and other manual weapons. Walk further south and you will see a shotgun, an axe, and then some fire. Step on the fire against the west wall and you will be teleported to a safe area with a lever. Pull the lever. A message will say “The lever is stuck” and you will be teleported north of the fire, but now there are new passageways. Head into the new fire on the east wall and you will be teleported to the east side of the fire. Now head north CAREFULLY and you will be teleported to the south side of the fire. Walk south out of the fire, then east—a new passageway will open for you going south. Follow this new path south and then east. Two piles of fire will appear ahead of you, but if you run fast they won’t hurt you. You can also experiment with hidden switches in this area to turn these two fires off as you approach them. It can be done but is too complicated to waste time on unless your health level is precariously low. You will eventually come to another room full of fire. If you go north you will be teleported to a new area, then wherever you walk you will be teleported back. You must find your path through the fire. Use the picture on the left to help you along you way. Step one square west from the green line on the map and the door will open allowing you to go north.

You will come upon a lever and fire will block your way. Pulling the lever will remove the fire. Go north, get the key and the batteries, then head to the east wall. YOU HAVE PASSED THE TEST OF FIRE!!!

You will now return to the central room but there is now a new westward path open. Make sure you are carrying the cross, then go west here then go north. You will come upon a locked door and a key. Unlock the door and get the key, then proceed north through the doorway. Here you will see Freddy’s glove. Picking it up won’t hurt you since you have the cross, but you’ll get another one soon enough so don’t bother with it. Just unlock the second door and go north. You won’t be able to return here, so make sure you have everything you need before proceeding. The most important items are the cross, the shield, and the taser. Amanda will appear and warn you about continuing on, but do so anyway. You will be teleported to a cul-de-sac where you are trapped by electricity. Run south through the electricity (it shouldn’t hurt much), then turn east and north. You will come across a crate here. Continue on north and follow the winding path along. Eventually you will come to a T turn where you can go east or west. West will lead you to a crate and two hypnocils, but you need to survive some electricity to get there. Going east takes you further along the path to the exit. If you have a friend on this level you will see them when you turn north. To get to your friend go north, follow the passage east, and you’ll get to a T. Take the southern route running through two beams of electricity. Turn west and run through another beam of electricity and you will find your friend waiting for you.

I’m about to tell you the way to this level’s exit. STOCK UP ON HYPNOCIL NOW. THERE IS A LOT IN THE AREA. You are about to go to your final battle with Freddy. Heal yourself fully and take only what you need. I took one weapon that shot (the shotgun the first time, the tazer the second), the cross, and lots of hypnocil. You WILL need the cross and a firing weapon with lots of ammo. You will need something to let you tunnel such as the pick, the tazer, or Kinkaid’s special power. The rest is up to you. Don’t worry about a map, one will be provided for you on level 10. The shield is virtually essential as you will be almost immediately destroyed when finally confronting Freddy if you are not carrying it.

Head back east and north through the electricity. You will see two hypnocils and a crate to your west. Take them then continue on north as far as you can go, then turn west. Follow this path and you will get some hypnocil and be led right to the exit to level 10. The final real level is done. Revel in the glory.

SAVE YOUR GAME BEFORE YOU GO TO LEVEL 10. You are not allowed to save at all on level 10, so save right at the ladder on 9—you’ll need it.


You enter level 10 in a large circular room. This room will be where your final battle with Freddy takes place, so learn it well. Anything you drop here such as hypnocil or weapons will be waiting here for you when you fight Freddy, so it’s not a bad idea to stash some hypnocil around so you can pick it up and use it when you need it. To the due east is a vending machine where you can buy more hypnocil. If you don’t have a tunneling weapon, buy a pick at the vending machine. You MUST tunnel to pass this level! Note that it is much safer to use the Taser to tunnel when tunneling is permitted on this level. The only other tunneling weapons are the pick and the chainsaw, but both of these can break, and if they do before you complete the puzzle, you’ll be left stranded in the walls until Freddy comes to finish you off.

From looking at the map you will notice the circular room you’re in looks somewhat like a clock. This becomes important pretty soon. Follow the row of fire due north from your starting place and you will notice a small alcove with a lever in it. Sidestep the fire to get into the alcove and pull the lever and Amanda will appear and say:

You have little time left. You must rid yourself of the three items before Freddy appears at midnight! Take the claw to the east, the hat to the south and the crucifix to the west! Once you have completed these tasks return here and free me from my tomb!

Having pulled the lever, return south to your starting point. Right there you will see Freddy’s hat and glove. To carry either of these items you must be carrying the crucifix or the hat/claw will attack you. We’ll start with the hat. Pick up the hat (you can leave the claw where it is for now) and head south. You will find a doorway due south of your starting point and, through it, a room filled with pits. Time your run—you want to go all the way west on the top row of pits. As there is only a pit on every other tile, this shouldn’t be too difficult—just follow the northern wall. Here you will find a lever which you must pull. Now go back east along the northern wall and go three tiles past where you came in, then turn due south. Here you will see a spike pit. Step on it to be teleported out of this room to a room further south. You will be standing next to a lever. Pull that lever, then go south one square. You will be teleported back to the north end of the pit room. Now that both levers have been pulled, head due south through the pit room. There is one square of fire you need to run through but there is hypnocil on the other side to heal you if you need it. In this new room to the left is a dagger, some hypnocil, and a key. To the right are three levers. These levers control where you are teleported to. Pull the middle lever twice then pull the top lever three times. You will be teleported to a small room and will now be able to tunnel on this level. Tunnel due west 4 times, then tunnel due south five times and you will find yourself in another small room with four fire piles in it. Go to the center of the fire and drop the hat. Now walk to the southwest corner of the room. Task one of three done.

You will be teleported back to the center of the map where you started. Now pick up the glove and head east with it. You will pass the vending machine, then head south. Here you will see two levers and some fire. When you first arrive the fire will be in the shape of the number “5”. You must set the number of the fire to coincide with the “time” of the fire clock in the main room. Check your magic map to see what “time” it is in the room, then pull the levers accordingly. If it is not yet 2 o’clock just wait for a little time to pass. If it’s past 5 o’clock, load from your saved game in level 9 and start over.

2 o’clock = both levers down
3 o’clock = top lever down, bottom lever up
4 o’clock = top lever up, bottom lever down
5 o’clock = both levers down

When the fire matches the clock, a new square will appear on the south end of the room. Go and step on that square and you will be teleported to another small room you need to tunnel your way out of. This time tunnel straight east from the northernmost point in the room and you will end up in a small room with four spike pits in the corners. Drop the glove in the center of the room, then go north to teleport out of this room. Two tasks down, one to go.

Now that you have placed the hat and glove, all that is left is to place the crucifix. Be sure to have your map for this one. The goal is to take the cross-shaped area on the west side of the map and make it an unbroken crucifix. This is done through levers, but two of the walls are activated by running in certain directions over the spike pits in the cross. A picture of the final product is to the right. The clue given to you is “Restore all north and south walls. Get rid of east and west walls.” Here are step by step instructions on how to do it.

Travel west from your starting point. You will be able to enter the cross from a northern and a southern entrance. Go in through the southern entrance. The wall blocking your way will disappear long enough for you to get to the other side, then it will reappear. Go forward, dodging the spike pits, and pull the lever directly in front of you. Now go back west over the spike pits through the new northern opening and pull the lever in that corridor. Go north and pull the first lever on the west. Now go back south, then east over the spike pits, then back north to pull the newly available lever. Now walk straight north to teleport out of the cross area. This is necessary at this point.

You will now be at the northern and southern entrances to the cross area. Take the southern entrance AGAIN, this time pulling the lever on the wall. Once inside run due west, then turn north. Take the first westward turn and get some hypnocil there. Pull the lever behind the hypnocil, then go back out turning south. Go south as far as you can, then go east over the spike pits. When you run over the spike pits a wall with a lever on it will appear. Go to that lever and pull it. Now go back north, over the same spike pits again, then go south through the new opening. Go south as far as you can and pull the lever there. Now go east and south through the new opening and pull THAT lever. Now go north along the eastern wall past the first set of spike pits to the second. Run westward over the second set of spike pits and then go all the way back south. This opens up another new area. Pull all three levers in that area and get the hypnocil offered to you there. You are almost done. Run straight north until you are teleported outside the cross again.

Go into the cross through the south entrance AGAIN. Go north and run westward over the top set of spike pits. Pull the lever next to those spikes. Now run south and go east over the bottom set of spike pits. Go north and run west over the top spike pits, then run back east over the spike pits. Go all the way south to the bottom of the cross, go over to the west side, then go all the way north in the cross until you can’t go any further. Pull the lever right next to you and you will be teleported to a new room where you need to tunnel. Tunnel west for six squares, then south for two and you will see a room with four holy water vials. Drop the cross in the center and go to the southwest corner to be teleported back to the center “Clock” area. You are about to leave this area for the final confrontation, so go to the vending machine to use whatever coins you may have left. Since there is more free hypnocil available later on, it’s a better idea to fully stock up on batteries or ammunition if you intend to use weapons requiring them.

Now that all three tasks are completed, go back north and pull the lever which earlier gave you a message from Amanda. This will teleport you into another room where you can “arm up” for your battle with Freddy. In this room is ammo, hypnocil, batteries, but most importantly Amanda herself. Go up to Amanda and she will heal you fully and up your soul and power potential. Once you have all the items you want, go west and step on the X in the corner. You will be teleported back into the clock room and waiting for you will be Freddy in the form of a snake.

Freddy is one bad mutha <shut yo mouth!> I’m not going to lie, it took me literally 50 tries to beat him before I succeeded. I tried a number of strategies. This is pure arcade play, so there is no specific walkthrough I can offer you, but here is what I can tell you. To hurt Freddy, you MUST hit him in the head. The biggest problem is that you can only fire at 45 degree angles, whereas Freddy can come at you and shoot at you from ANY angle. That said, you are faster and more maneuverable than Freddy. Your best tactic is probably this: drop hypnocil around the circle early on in this level, but keep yourself also carrying quite a bit. Develop a hit and run tactic where you shoot Freddy a few times, then run until he is no longer on the screen (he only hurts you when he’s on screen from what I can tell). You NEED to make him come straight at you so whenever possible line yourself up with him and run straight. Then turn and wait for him to catch up. When he appears, shoot a few times quickly, then run again and do it all over. This is really the only way to line up a direct shot to Freddy’s head. If you have the shield, Freddy’s damage will be lessened. Also, if you stand in the alcove at the northernmost part of the screen, Freddy will only be able to come at you straight from the south, and it will make targeting his head easier.

It may seem impossible to times I thought it was, but when I least expected it I did beat Freddy and so can you. Good luck and I hope this walkthrough has been of some use to you. If you have any add-ons or corrections, please e-mail me at

These are some of the questions that Freddy will ask you when you get to level 3 or 4.

  1. First word, paragraph 4, page 4 is: DISPLAYED
  2. Heading top of page 1 is:
  3. NOT listed among the items on page 5 is: SKATEBOARD
  4. Last word, paragraph 3, page 4 is: THEM
  5. First word, paragraph 3, page 4 is: INDICATES
  6. Last word, paragraph 2, page 3 is: YOU
  7. NOT listed among the items on page 4 is: BATTERIES
  8. Sharedata's technical support: (602)961-4022
  9. Third bold heading on page 5 is: TECHNICAL SUPPORT
  10. The first word of Paragraph 1 Page 1 is: YOU

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