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The Devil Inside

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computer games walkthroughs
 · 17 Aug 2024
The Devil Inside
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You find yourself in front of the Shadow Gates. Head straight towards the mailbox next to the entrance gate, where you'll find a medkit. Take it. Now, go through the gate. You'll immediately encounter a rudimentary TV, which serves as a save point (similar to the typewriter in Resident Evil). Be warned: most of the time, the save point will disappear after use, so use your saves wisely.

Proceed straight until you reach a gate. You need a key to open it. First, head left. Explore the area and collect two packs of ammo and a medkit. Ignore the zombies; you can avoid them here. Return to the closed gate and explore the unexplored side. You'll spot a monster entering a strange maze-like structure—follow it. Be careful of zombies emerging from the ground, and avoid stepping on the flames; if you accidentally catch fire, crouch and roll on the ground to extinguish the flames. Continue along the path until you reach an open gate. Before entering, go left, circle around the strange plant, and find a medkit.

Now, enter the gate. You'll be locked inside. Approach the policeman, who will be killed by the creature you saw earlier, and zombies will emerge from the ground. After killing all the zombies, collect the ammo that appears where the unfortunate policeman died. Now you'll be free to move on. There is also a TV save point here; use it if needed.

Exit the maze and witness an attack on the police by some zombies. Don't worry; the cops will handle it. Go right, but before entering, collect more ammo (on the right side of the screen), then arm yourself because halfway through the tunnel, you'll be locked in, and four zombies will attack you and the cameraman. First, eliminate the two zombies attacking you, then the ones attacking the cameraman. A warning: the cameraman can die, but nothing will happen (aside from the guilt you'll carry) as he will be replaced.

Continue until you reach a large shack and a save point. I recommend not using it immediately.

Retrieve the medkit located in the dead-end alley to your left, then prepare to enter the shack. Now comes a slightly tricky part as you'll need to be calm and quick. Walk along the walls, trying not to fall into the pit in the center, and reach the opposite end of the structure; collect the ammo (on the left) and a new weapon (on the right). Now, you'll need to be really fast to avoid getting too hurt. As soon as you descend into the pit, you'll start getting covered in flames. Grab the key and exit, ignoring the zombies waiting outside. Now it's time to save.

Head back and witness a tragic scene: the cops will be slaughtered by the undead. After this scene, return to the locked gate at the mansion's entrance. You can now open it with the key you retrieved. Go through and help the policeman take down the old lady armed with a machine gun. Continue on, killing any obstacles in your way. You're about to enter the house—not the Big Brother house, though! Go up the stairs to the right and proceed through the gate. Guess who's waiting for you? More zombies, of course! After eliminating them, you'll get the key to enter the mansion. Upon exiting the gate, you'll notice a save point on the left side of the screen: needless to say, you can save your progress here. Before entering, I recommend exploring the right side of the house: near a plant, you'll find some ammo, and further along, in front of a secondary entrance to the mansion (which you can't open), you'll find a medkit. Return to the front of the mansion. There's a shack in front of the main entrance, where you'll find some ammo. Now you can finally enter the mansion, greeted by the public.

Ground Floor

As soon as you enter, go immediately to the left because someone is waiting for you, and they won't be friendly. Open the door. You'll find yourself in the bathroom, and maybe that zombie in front of you was busy "relieving" itself. No matter, take it down because it's your turn to use the toilet. No, I'm not joking. Press the action button and retrieve some letters. Read them to gather some information. You'll also find a save point in the bathroom.

Exit and head to the fountain. By killing the monsters that appear (just by stepping on them), press two strange tiles located to the right and left of the fountain. This will open the elevator doors, but you can't use them yet. Also, collect the ammo. You can go up the stairs to get more ammo and a key—the library key. Next, enter the kitchen (the small door opposite the bathroom door). Open the door on the right. Go up the stairs. Your run will be interrupted, but you'll gain a pack of ammo. Return to the kitchen. Go forward to the intercom on the left: activate it to distract the monster in the adjacent room. Open the fridge. You'll find a poem—read it. Examine the cabinet opposite the fridge twice to obtain a newspaper clipping and a medkit. Go to the back of the kitchen. Examine the right side to find more papers and a silenced pistol, then the stove opposite to get the living room key. Exit the kitchen, being careful of the zombie that will try to attack you. Return to the mansion's entrance and go to the fountain. Enter the fountain, press the action button to meet a new character: Deva. You can continue with her or with Dave. I recommend using Dave because Deva has enormous powers but will soon tire and need a lot of time to recharge. However, the choice is yours.

Now open the large door next to the kitchen. You'll find yourself in a long corridor. A monster covered in flames will be waiting for you. You must eliminate it, and there's a trick to do so without losing any energy. As soon as you enter, walk along the left wall; when the monster appears, it will get stuck between the beams, and you just need to approach and shoot it.

Now position yourself in front of the last statue before the door on the left. Remember the poem? Shoot the statue in the head, and you'll hear applause from the audience. Then go to the end of the corridor, beyond the passage opened by the creature. Right under the window, there's a trapdoor. Stand on it and activate it (press the action button): this will trigger a mechanism that will open a passage in the library, but you'll go there later. Now it's time to see what's behind the three doors in the corridor. Enter the first door you encounter upon entering the corridor, which is the first door on the right. Once inside, look to the right to see the creature you previously saw on the kitchen intercom, still distracted by the object. Silently approach from behind and cowardly take it down. Below, you'll find a save point and two packs of ammo. If you've already destroyed the statue in the corridor, nothing will happen; otherwise, you'll have to deal with continuous waves of zombies ready to eat your brains.

Exit and open the second door on the right. Use the living room key. Immediately kill the monster with the shotgun, then the zombies. Go behind the counter and activate the beer machine. Crouch because three monsters with shotguns will approach. I suggest waiting for them to come to the counter one by one to eliminate them one by one. Then explore the room to get a pistol (by examining the cupboard) and a key. Before leaving, lower the lever near the intercom.

Now open the last door in the corridor, which leads to the library. Use the library key, of course. Approach the cabinet on the left and retrieve the attic map, then examine the shelves behind it to retrieve some newspapers. Next, grab the medkit on the right. At the foot of the opposite wall, you'll find some ammo (under the intercom). In the center of the room, you'll see a strange geometric structure from which a red powder will emerge. Stand on it and transform into Deva; give her time to inhale the souls wandering in the room, then press the action button again. Deva will send the souls back to the underworld and, in exchange, will receive a new power from Satan.

Transform back into Dave, but if you want, you can continue with the lovely heroine. To the left of the door across from you, there is an elevator that isn't working yet but contains a medkit. Examine the wall opposite the elevator to discover more newspaper articles. Continue through the door, being careful of the two zombies. Interact with the shelves: you'll find a lever (to lower) and a book that can give you information about the story you're experiencing. You can open the wardrobe, but you'd better have a strong heart! Also, grab the medkit on the armchair and open the cabinet next to it: you'll be rewarded with a pack of ammo. Observing the room's walls, you'll notice a painting that will swing whenever you press the action button. What could it be for?

Now go right, through the door. Go up the stairs on the right and retrieve the book on the counter. To the left, there is a lever to lower. Keep the projector in mind. Go back down and enter the adjacent room. Aim at the gas canister on the stage and make it explode. This will open a new passage. Before proceeding, turn around and kill the monster coming from the adjacent room. Now enter the newly opened passage. Lower the lever on the left: a cutscene will show you another passage.

Once inside, you'll face a battle with a monster on a flying chair armed with a machine gun that can seriously harm you! To eliminate it without losing too much energy, I recommend staying close to the second column on the right: carefully observe the points where the monster stops, then aim well and shoot. After dealing with the obstacle, you can continue your adventure.

Retrieve the ammo and the lever from the tub, which you'll use in a cavity on the second column on the left (from the entrance). Doing so will open an access to the outside. Before leaving, go left to grab the medkit, and if you don't feel confident, return to the previous room (the one with the stage) and save. Once outside the house, you'll face another tough battle with a monster armed with a spiked club, particularly with grenades. Be very careful not to get hit by them, as it will mean "game over."

A tip for eliminating the enemy without getting hurt, or even without losing any energy at all: use the structure in the center of the atrium to hide, use the spycam to locate the monster waiting for you to come out, then sneak up behind it and start shooting like crazy until it disappears. After overcoming this challenge, retrieve the film reel. Next, return to the room with the projector, insert the film, and you'll gain access to a new area of the game.


You find yourself in the attic. You'll immediately have the opportunity to save. In front of you, there is a mirror: break it, then lower the lever. Go into the newly opened passage. You'll find yourself in the middle of a battle between monsters of different species: don't interfere, as they will eliminate each other.

Go forward and witness the kidnapping of your cameraman. Then open the first door on the right and enter. There's a mirror on the left—break it and continue. Approach the crates; behind them, there is a medkit. Destroy the other two mirrors and collect more items. Go to the back left to reach the medkit at the foot of a metal crate. After finishing exploring the room, exit. Further ahead, still on the right, there will be another door shrouded in darkness. For now, let's focus on another area of the room. Head to the site of the battle, or rather, where the monsters with shotguns were positioned (behind the crates), and eliminate any remaining survivors.

To the right, there is a door; open it, and a cutscene will introduce you to Angelina, a nosy journalist from a rival TV network. After the cutscene, observe a monster fleeing into the room on your left. Ignore it and go straight. You'll face two shotgun-wielding monsters—eliminate them. Continue until you reach the electrical panel missing a fuse. Then go into the room where the previously ignored monster fled. You'll notice it's fighting another monster on a flying chair. Wait for them to eliminate each other, and take the fuse.

Return to the electrical panel and insert the fuse to activate the elevator. A cutscene will show Angelina being kidnapped. Now, you'll have to save her.

There's little left to do in the attic to complete the mission, except finding the elevator, but I recommend exploring the entire area to stock up on ammo and medkits that will be essential later in the game. Also, eliminate all the monsters to collect souls for Deva. Then return to the site where the cameraman was kidnapped and open the second door on the right—the one I previously suggested ignoring. Be cautious as soon as you enter, as there will be a monster on your right ready to attack you. Once it's dead, continue, and you'll witness another battle. After the larger monster dies, you'll need to eliminate the other two. Then, reach the save point and break the mirror to its left, which in turn will reveal another mirror (imagine how many years of bad luck await you?).

Collect the ammo and proceed straight. At the end, you'll need to break another mirror (on the right) that hides more ammo. Meanwhile, observe the monster in the next room: aim carefully and take it down without it noticing. Continue and collect the ammo. Next, you'll encounter two openings; go into the one on the right to collect ammo, then into the one on the left. Proceed to the end, and before turning left, break the mirror on the right. Ahead is another mirror that hides a lever: activate it, and the cameras will show you a secret hiding place where you can retrieve a new weapon. Now move forward, and you'll witness another battle between two large monsters armed with machine guns and one with a shotgun that will meet a grim fate. Pass by the latter (before it dies) and break the mirror on the left to find yourself facing another mirror. Be careful: as soon as you break the second mirror, you'll be confronted by one of the two machine-gun-wielding monsters. Be quicker than it and shoot, then exit and deal with its companion. Here you have the opportunity to transform into Deva and collect the souls.

Return to the site of the first battle. In front of the door where you activated the elevator, there are two doors. Go into the one on the left. I recommend using Deva in this phase because her magic can be more helpful as you won't have to worry about aiming. Memorize the opening you'll see on the left, next to the white wall. You'll go there later. Go right and follow the developments of this new battle, then eliminate the survivors and collect the souls. Continue right, eliminating the other monster. On the left, there is a structure that will allow you to render the souls to Satan. Go straight and kill the monster facing away from you, being careful of its companion's reaction—of course, you need to take it down as well. Go straight and examine the crate on the ground to obtain some ammo. Then break the mirror: now you can save.

Go to the wall opposite the mirror you just broke and carefully find the monster hiding behind a wall, then kill it. Collect the medkit, then return to the structure that allows you to communicate with the underworld and give the souls to Satan. Stay on the right and explore a new area: yet another battle awaits you, and you'll once again have to eliminate the survivors.

Head right, break the mirror, and take the ammo. You can now return to the opening next to the white wall that I suggested ignoring earlier. Before passing the wall, be careful of the monster lurking on the other side. After eliminating it, open the door and quickly kill the two monsters. On the right is a save point, while beyond the crates where the monsters were hiding is a medkit. Move forward and collect more ammo. You'll come to an elevator: open it, enter, and go to the first floor.

First Floor

You're about to face one of the most annoying parts of the game due to the presence of a specter that you can't kill—it only needs to touch you to cause serious harm. I recommend using Dave in this level because the ghost flies at a certain height off the ground, and Dave can perform rolls that will be extremely useful for avoiding the ectoplasm.

First, destroy all the power outlets you find in the corridor. Why? Because from them will emerge rifle-wielding monsters who won't treat you kindly. About halfway down the corridor, that annoying specter I mentioned earlier will appear. At the end of the corridor, destroy the last outlets and stay alert, as monsters may emerge from the room on the right to attack you. There are three in total, and you need to take them all down. Then examine the chest under the large painting to get some newspapers and a new weapon. Head into the room on the left. Open the door and immediately run towards the top of the screen, to the left of the pool, as giant monsters will appear that can cause severe damage. After collecting the medkit, go and activate the intercom. Quickly move to the right as rifle-wielding monsters arrive. A battle will begin between monsters of different species: it's up to you how to take advantage of this. You can wait for one of the species (the giant monsters) to be wiped out and then eliminate the remaining survivors, or, and I recommend this second option, intervene in the fight and, taking advantage of their distraction, first take out the rifle-wielding monsters, followed by the giant monsters from a safe position.

Once all are eliminated, open the door next to the intercom. Enter the bathroom, being very careful because, in addition to the annoying ghost, another one will appear. Quickly exit the bathroom and re-enter. Carefully examine the left wall to find tokens for playing pinball. It's crucial to do this to progress in the game. Exit the bathroom and go right. Ahead, you'll find a save point. Go into the room on the right. Here you can transform into Deva, but be warned, the usual ectoplasm will be flying around.

Next, open the door, go behind the screen, and kill the three creatures that will appear in quick succession. After retrieving the key and examining the cabinet containing ammo and a medkit (press the action button twice), use the key you just got to leave the room. Exit the room with the pool as well. Return to the corridor and enter the room opposite. If you didn't encounter the rifle-wielding monsters when you broke the power outlets earlier, you'll have to deal with them now.

Once that's done, head to the pinball machine and play a game using the tokens you just obtained. This will unlock the door lock to the right of the pinball machine. Go through it. Cross the entire room and reach the door at the end. Don't open it yet. Turn around and examine the cabinet: you'll find a billiard ball. Go back to the adjacent room and use the ball on the billiard table—you'll get a surprise.

Now return to the room where you got the ball. You need to open the door, but be careful: as soon as you open it, three monsters will be waiting to take you down. I suggest opening only one of the door panels and being especially sneaky: use the cameraman as bait to draw the monsters' attention away from you.

Once in the room, collect ammo and a medkit, then go left of the mirror (don't worry, you don't need to break it), into the showers, and examine the robes on the left to find a key and some newspaper clippings. Be cautious and crouch, as the ghost will appear.

After examining the robes, go under the shower (to the right) and grab the ammo. Exit the showers and open the door to the right of the mirror. Open the door on the left and kill the zombie. Here you can transform into Deva and render the souls to Satan. Exit, go left, and open the door with the locker room keys. You'll be back in the corridor. Look at the door in front of you—that's your next destination, but first, go right. Stay close to the wall, then, at the second large square on the floor, press the action button to reveal a secret passage. Use the groom's key and enter.

Kill the zombie, examine the cabinet, and get more newspaper clippings; open the door on the right and grab the medkit. Now you can go and save Angelina. Exit and head towards the door you previously ignored. Use the groom's room key. Enter and eliminate the rifle-wielding monsters. Notice, at the end of the room, a woman's body curled up on the ground—is it Angelina? Approach cautiously because two monsters on flying chairs and a giant one will appear. Hide behind the wall and wait until there's only one left! Don't worry, the survivor isn't Highlander, and you'll be the one to eliminate them.

Afterward, you'll discover that the woman on the ground isn't Angelina but a zombie who will attack you. Kill her and retrieve the cellar key. A cutscene will show Angelina still in the clutches of the bad guys, who will take her to the cellar. After the cutscene and gathering all the ammo and medkits scattered around the room, head to the cellars. Take the elevator back to the ground floor, then go outside the mansion, head left, and use the cellar key on the hatch.

The Cellars

Here you are in the cellars. Go straight ahead (if you go left, you'll find a save point). Ignore the door on the right and reach a fork. Continue left and walk down the entire corridor (collecting the medkit) until you find yourself trapped. Three spider-like monsters will appear: take them down and collect the ammo they drop.

Move forward and notice the hole in the right wall, blocked with gas canisters. Aim at the canisters and blow them up. A tip: when shooting at objects like this, it's better to use less powerful weapons like a simple pistol. Enter the gap, then quickly retrieve the newspapers from the crates on the right, lower the lever on the left, and exit through the other side because giant monsters will appear, trapping you and sending you to the afterlife.

If you're still intact, take out the monsters and start examining the entire room, which contains many useful items and more monsters trying to hassle you. In the room, you'll also find a door—open it to return to where you started. A horde of zombies will start arriving, and of course, you'll have to fight your way through them. Keep going straight, ignoring the opening you'll find on the right. Walk down the entire corridor until you reach another opening on the right. Enter and immediately head left to retrieve a new weapon.

You need to reach the end of the tunnel, but be very careful because two giant monsters will appear. Step back, kill them, then retrieve the weapon and lower the lever: you've opened the door you ignored upon entering the cellar. You now need to go to that room you ignored when you first entered the cellar, which is where the zombies are generated. Gather your courage, grab your weapons, and enter the room. Move forward until your attention is drawn by an explosion. Go right and lower the lever (on the right). Take down the obstacles you encounter and exit.

Go right and notice a new passage on the right—go there. Proceed to the left (if you go right, you can save your progress), then kill the three zombies. You now need to transform into Deva to continue the game. Have the demonic woman suck up the souls and deliver them to the lord of the underworld, who will grant you a new power—you can now fly.

Head back until you find a tunnel on the left; follow it as far as you can, then activate Deva's new power. To fly up, press the buttons that you use with Dave to aim up. Once you've crossed the chasm, it's advisable to stay in the air a little longer since on the other side, three flying chair monsters are waiting for you, but they won't notice you until you attack them.

After killing the monsters and inhaling the souls, continue to the gas box, proceed right, and reach a lantern. Be careful not to stick out too far because three flying chair monsters await you. Take a few steps back and open the door on the left, making sure you don't get spotted.

Turn right and cast a spell at one of the three monsters, then quickly escape. The three will start shooting at each other. You should return to the lantern and wait to hear the explosion indicating that one (or two) of them has blown up. Now you need to do the same on the other side. Lean out just enough to land Deva's spell and wait for the remaining two to eliminate each other. If one is still alive, it's up to you to finish it off.

Head left, past the cart, and grab the batteries. Now I'll leave it to you to decide: if you want to explore the area and gather souls, go ahead, but be warned, you won't find any ammo or medkits, only monsters; if you'd rather leave the underground area, go left, pass through the iron door, and prepare for a tough battle with rifle-wielding monsters that will rush in. After taking them all out, continue straight until you reach a save point (if you wish, save your progress). Use the flying ability to get past the TV, then immediately land. Press the action button on the left wall, and you'll find yourself in the necropolis.


Walk through the tunnel, collecting ammo. At the end, you'll find yourself in a large atrium. Be careful of the zombie approaching you. Move left until you reach the edge of the chasm—don't worry, if you fall, you won't get hurt. Aim carefully and kill the monsters below. Now, sticking closely to the right, descend, collecting the ammo and medkit. Here you can transform into Dave and save. Climb back up, retracing your steps (this time, make sure to stay strictly to the left). It's better to climb up from this point because on the other side, there's a creature fixed to the wall (the one that emits those deafening screams) that you can't kill but will attack you whenever you pass by. Once you've climbed up, retrieve the pack of ammo from where the zombie that previously attacked you was, and then go through the door on the left. You'll find yourself at a fork. Be careful because there are giant monsters on both the left and right, launching missiles at you. You need to be faster than them and kill them all.

Go left and enter the tunnel. Feel free to ignore any zombies and exit. The camera will focus on a horde of zombies surrounding a ghost on a pedestal. You need to descend and approach this ghost, who won't harm you. Of course, you'll have to be wary of the zombies. There's no point in trying to kill them—they'll just keep coming. After retrieving the medallion at the ghost's feet, return to the fork where you killed the four giants, and this time, go right. Notice a zombie in a corner next to a door with red borders. Kill it and retrieve the arrows. Now go into the cave to the left of this red-bordered door, the one surrounded by spikes. As soon as you enter, eliminate the monsters and move into the cavity on the right, where you can transform into Deva, gather and deliver the souls to Satan, and grab a medkit.

Continue and kill the other monsters (on the left and right). After taking them down, go right. Walk through the tunnel, eliminate the giants, and you'll find yourself once again in front of that ghost. Take the second medallion at its feet, then explore the area to find a pack of ammo and a medkit. Remember the wooden scaffold in the center.

Enter the door near where you found the medkit (to the left of the opening you entered). Eliminate the giants you encounter and collect the ammo. Once out of the tunnel, you'll find a save point on your right. Now return to the red-bordered door. Enter, walk down the corridor, and at the end, you'll find yourself facing the ghost again and the third medallion. Take it and head back.

Go through the door opposite and retrieve the fourth medallion. A cutscene will show you your next destination, which corresponds to the place where you obtained the second medallion (where the wooden scaffold is located). Approach the ghost (it won't attack you) and insert the medallion into the engraving on the tile in the wall. Now return to the fork where you exterminated the first four giants encountered in the necropolis, but first, transform back into Dave if you're playing as Deva—this is crucial to continue the game.

Go left, towards the tunnel where you retrieved the first medallion, but don't enter it, as you'll notice a new passage has opened on the right. Enter it, and you'll face the Boss holding Angelina hostage. Ignore both the zombies that will keep appearing and the Boss (try to avoid them) and focus solely on the four stalactites above the machine holding Angelina. You need to destroy them quickly—just aim well and shoot. Then repeatedly attack the Boss until Angelina is safe. Kill the old lady armed with an Uzi, which will be retrieved by our journalist, and save (this is mandatory). A cutscene will then show you the path to escape the necropolis.

Go left. Eliminate the giants, then the zombies, always protecting Angelina, who will do a good job of protecting herself given her skill with the Uzi. Enter the door on the left, killing the rifle-wielding monster and the spider-like creatures. Then go right. Kill the zombies you encounter along the way (Angelina will be a big help in doing so), then exit the tunnel, climb the scaffold, and you'll arrive at the cemetery.


There's nothing particularly significant to do in this part of the game. First, explore the area to collect ammo and medkits, then save. Enter the cemetery and eliminate the monsters you'll encounter on your way.

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