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The Legend of the Prophet & the Assassin

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computer games walkthroughs
 · 17 Aug 2024
The Legend of the Prophet & the Assassin
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The City of Jebus

You need to enter the city, but how? Go inside the caravan outside the walls and collect the items on the floor: the axe, the rope, the tineul, and finally, open the wooden chest and take the large key.

Return to the large door, combine the rope with the tineul and attach it to the handles of the door. Then go to the end of the rope stretched out on the sand, take Phorbas, and the door will open.

Before entering the city, turn left and collect the tineul from the sand next to the low wall of the city's garden.

Now, follow these movements inside the city. In front of the large door, click:

1 forward
Turn right
1 forward
Turn left
1 forward
Turn left
2 forward
Turn right
1 forward
Turn right
2 forward. Stop and pick up the small stones on the floor to your right, next to some bricks and a wooden chest. But what to do with these?

Turn left and look up above the wooden scaffolding or palisade to see a suspicious guy who doesn’t want to talk. Throw the small stones at him, and he’ll drop an oil gourd on the floor, which you need to pick up.

Take the oil gourd from the floor, turn right:
On the left, you’ll see the wall of the houses; on the right, the wooden scaffolding or palisade. Go:
1 forward
Turn right
1 forward
Turn left and enter the house. Take the hammer from the furniture.
Turn left and go to the secondary door of the house, but it’s locked! No worries, combine the oil gourd with the large key to oil it and open the door. Inside, take the ladder.

Exit the house and turn right:
2 forward
Turn left
3 forward
Turn left
3 forward, but look where you are, in front of a wall. What to do now?
Look up; there’s a wooden hatch that you can open with the tineul. Place the ladder against the wall and climb onto the scaffolding or palisade.

Climb up and walk:
2 times forward, turn right and (save your game)
2 times forward, but stop because there’s a guy on the upper floor who wants to take you out. Idea! Take the sword and place it between the gaps... that will teach him!
Climb to the upper floor, quickly take the sword and cut the basket’s rope below.

You’ll need to move forward, avoiding stepping on the wrong boards: your life is at stake! Choose the unique dark brown ones among the four.

After passing the traps, continue forward; at the top, the guy will mock you, but you can’t fly! So what to do to cross from the wall to the stairs? In front of you (look up at the wooden beam) there’s an eyelet; using your brain, take the rope and cross the gap below.

On your left, pick up the plank from the floor, turn around, and place it between you and the wall: you’ll need it to get back.

Climb the stairs and go forward four times, turn left, and enter the cave; now head left to the only tent or door, but be careful as danger is always near!
The only thing to do is to take the sword, and the guy will come out.

Go to the man and click on him to find out who he is. Right-click on the cross shield and choose the following topic: "Simone." At the end of the dialogue, he will fall asleep, forcing you to give him a nice wake-up call! But first, you need to take the bucket on the floor to his left.

Exit the cave and return the way you came, crossing the wooden plank. Take the rope hanging from the wooden beam. Then exit the city, enter the garden, and go to the well. Here, combine the bucket with the rope and click it onto the pulley; click the pulley again and take the bucket full of water.

Go to the large door but don’t enter, turn right
1 forward and turn left. But what’s this? A poem written on the wall? The only thing to do is to combine the hammer with the axe and remove the brick from the city wall to see if there’s gold.
No gold, unfortunately, but just a mother-of-pearl box... what a disappointment! You’ll have to return to the architect.

Take the bucket full of water and throw it on the “sleeper,” then right-click and choose “Simone” from the cross shield.
Take the nail offered by the architect, return to him, and combine the nail with the mother-of-pearl box: a letter written by Simone de Lancrois will appear. Click again on the architect, Master Theodore, and listen to the final dialogue.
Now you can insert the second CD.


Leave the horse, but since it might get stolen, the only thing to do is talk to the boy, choosing "Phorbas" from the cross shield.
Offer him the silver dinar.

Go to the herbalist’s shop, the merchant dressed in a red cloak; choose "Qamar" from the cross shield, then wait for him to bend down and look at the floor. Anything goes in this game! Take the dagger and cut the chelidonia plant hanging above: everyone’s stealing? We’ll steal too.

Turn right and talk to the traveler dressed in a blue cloak and wearing a white turban on his head; choose "Qamar" from the cross shield.

Do a good deed and help the traveler by going to the goldsmith dressed in a light brown cloak and wearing a white turban on his head, and choose "Box" from the cross shield.
Again, choose "Yes" from the cross shield, and then, being very clever, combine the chelidonia with the coded message. Give the decoded message to the goldsmith and return to the traveler in the blue cloak with the white turban and give him the box; he tricked you, but poor guy, he needed to eat too, don’t you think? Despite everything, he’ll help you find the way to the four pearls.

The Way of Four Pearls

Go 1 forward
Turn right
3 forward, turn left and enter Qamar’s house.
Turn left and take a sword from the wall; look around and pass the table on your left where the golem parts are laid out. Be careful! Better stay alert because you could be eliminated at any moment. Return to the door and pick up a bucket of water on the floor next to other buckets.

Go and click on the blacksmith Taleb and listen to the dialogue. Click on Taleb a second time, and at the end of the dialogue, Isaac will appear: better be polite; something smells fishy! Better ask and dialogue through the cross shield with the following topics: “Qamar,” “Metal Parts,” and finally, ask about “Simone.” Click on the blacksmith Taleb again.

Thinking about it, you dodged a bullet! Take the eleven pieces to build the golem from the table to your left; in the room, go to the niche with a small brazier and an iron pedestal, then click on the iron pedestal with eight wheels and build the golem starting by placing the torso, head, left arm, and right arm, etc., on the pedestal until finally placing the two buttons on the torso.
After this hard work, save the game.

Place the sword in the golem’s hand, quickly take the bucket of water, and pour it on the torso. Hurry up; this isn’t a joke.

The Merchants' Way: The Souk

Go towards the lit lamp on the floor, but no one is here. Surely it’s a nice spot for a good loot, but you’ll need an iron bar... which happens to be in the cart.

Now you’re ready to open the plant merchant’s shop. Place the iron bar in the door’s lock and break the lock: enter and turn left to the floor, then pick up the glass flask. Look up and take the measuring cup from the shelves, and from the floor, pick up the hawthorn pollen; turn towards the table and open the left drawer of the table and take the bistort water.

Now place the measuring cup on the table, and prepare a potion that will help you enter the prison where Qamar is held.

First, take the hawthorn pollen and pour it once into the measuring cup, then take the bistort water and pour it once into the measuring cup; take the hawthorn pollen again and pour it once more into the measuring cup, then take the hawthorn pollen again and pour it once more into the measuring cup. Now that the potion is ready, take the glass flask and use it on the measuring cup... but it needs to be tested, not on you!

Turn around, and alas, a little mouse on the floor will be your designated victim: take the glass flask and use it on the little rodent (you really have no respect for animals, shame on you!).

The Palace Prison

Turn left and up, on the eave, break the icicles with the dagger. Go 1 forward, turn left, and to the right of the door, pick up a sling from the small beam; combine the flask of narcotic with the icicles, and finally, combine the narcotic icicles with the sling.

Save the game, then take the sling with the narcotic icicles and use it on the tower... what an injustice, you cheated! In fact, the guards will fall asleep, and immediately, if you don’t want to end up like poor François, take the sword and eliminate the guard just out of the tower: click the sword on his body. There was nothing else to do here, life or death.

Take the dagger and use it on the left arm of the dead guard, then take the prison keys: they should lock you up, but you’ve been pardoned by Rajib al Maout.

Now enter the tower, turn right, take the first key from the left and put it in the lock; enter, go forward twice, turn right, and take (starting from the left) the second key. Now open the door where Qamar is imprisoned.

Enter and right-click, and from the cross shield, choose the following dialogue topics with Qamar: “Qamar,” “Simone,” and finally, “An-nab.”

Qamar’s Library

Talk again with Taleb the blacksmith, and after the dialogue, Isaac will accompany you to Qamar’s library.

Turn to Isaac’s left and take the small box from the shelves. Return to Isaac, turn right, go forward once, and in front of you, on the bench near a cushion, pick up the key.

In the cabinet next to the door leading to the terrace, pick up the gear and the large crystal sphere.

Return to Isaac and combine the small box with the key, now place the celestial map frame on the table next to him, positioning the zodiac signs as follows:

cat boar
pike deer
swan hare
hawks knights
peacock donkey
dragon mermaid

Click on the metallic celestial map to take it (we gave you a little help even though it was simple to find the correct positions: just look at the map inside the astronomical constellation bowl near the table).

Go to the red wall, click on the small triangle, take the metallic celestial map and place it in the lock. Turn the wheel slowly until the sign that allows you to open the door is aligned: find the correct position, then release the mouse button so that the triangle above the wheel unlocks. If everything is done correctly, you’ll see it rise, and at this point, it will be easy to open the door by clicking on the triangle.

Don’t worry, the mannequin is harmless: click on the mannequin and take the small crystal sphere and place it on the mannequin’s face; now, behind it, place the gear inside the mechanism on its back. Then move the rectangular figure inside the mannequin, two figures up or down: it will always position itself with the same figure. Go in front of the mannequin and place the metallic celestial map in its hand, and then place the large crystal sphere on top of the metallic celestial map. Be attentive to the belt around the mannequin’s waist on the lower right because when you find the correct position, this will light up.
Click on the illuminated inscription and then again on the same one; a cutscene will appear.

Palace of Avak Khan

What a beautiful palace, almost... hmm, there are two guards! Go listen to what the guard Mardrus says: right-click and choose "Uvak Khan" from the cross shield.

Give the dagger and sword to the guard, then click on Rajib al Maoute and choose "Uvak Khan" from the cross shield. Enter the palace, and after the dialogue with Uvak Khan, three trials await you, to be mastered with skill: you’re not a novice, but be careful, this isn’t a place to trust easily...

For the first trial, click on the chandelier to Rajib al Maout’s left, and it will lower. Take the wax doll and place it on it: it will melt, saving the girl. Hmm, they thought they could fool you, but you’re from the future!

For the second trial, click on the scales’ tray: move the following weights onto the right tray;

  • 1 red
  • 4 red
  • 9 red
  • 10 red
  • 5 white
  • 7 white

After opening the balance drawer, take the flint and save the game. Go to the opposite side and take the bow and arrows from the floor.

For the final trial, you’ll need to be quick! Go forward once towards Uvak Khan, and after the cutscene, take the bow and arrows and eliminate the bird of prey: click on the bird of prey’s body as it approaches you.

Return to Rajib al Maout, click, and choose "Qamar" from the cross shield. Back at the prison, open the door with the key and click on Qamar: watch a cutscene.

At the Caravanserai

Go forward three times, enter the enclosure, turn right, and you’ll find An Nab assisting a goat in labor. From the cross shield, choose the following topics: “Simone,” “Pin,” and then “Ayn As Sarrah.”

Exit the enclosure and enter the last tent: pick up the iron needle from the floor (between Qamar and the woman). From the cross shield, choose and discuss the following topics: “Ayn As Sarrah,” “Pin.” But what is Qamar doing at his age... this is for young folks!

Exit the tent and, next to the enclosure under the loggia, pick up the dung balls from the jar. Wait a bit, but look closely: there’s a small mouse that wants to be caught among the baskets behind the jar.

Go towards the exit and pass between the two camels; now, under the loggia, near a column, take the lit torch... be careful not to burn yourself! After finding two chess players, pick up a magnifying glass from the floor near them.

Click on the merchant on the right and choose "Maps" from the cross shield. Then click on the chessboard and move the bishop to the position in front of the pawn with the white queen behind it.

Follow the pattern:

initial pattern

pawn queen
bishop rook

final pattern

bishop pawn queen


Pick up the map from the bag, then take the pin... but that’s not enough! You’ll also need to take the magnifying glass and place it over the pin.

Take the iron needle and press the buttons in sequence: number 1, 2, and finally, button number 5. Exit, take the pin and place it on the map. Click on the map again and place the pin back on it.

Return to Qamar in the tent, click on him, and choose “Yes” from the cross shield.

Go back to the enclosure and talk to the blacksmith Taleb: from the cross shield, choose "Pin." Click on An Nab: from the cross shield, choose “Yes.” Click on An Nab again and choose “Yes” from the cross shield.

Click on the blacksmith Taleb and listen to what you need to bring him.

Return to the woman in the tent and choose “Sulfur” from the cross shield. Exit the tent and, on the floor near her, place the mouse in the bottle. Go to the bird merchant dressed in red and combine the lit torch with the dung balls.

Between the camels and the tent on the floor, place the burning dung balls on the striped cloth: this way, the cloth will catch fire. Quickly go to the bird, free it from the tether on its foot and the hood on its head, and it will fly towards the mouse trapped in the bottle.

Return to the woman inside the tent and click on her.

Return to Uvak Khan’s Palace

After the dialogue with Rajib al Maout, open the casket on the table in front of you and pick up the inkwell; to the left of the casket, also on the table, pick up the jug. Don’t embarrass yourself because now you obviously need to place both objects inside the jug on the table to your right! First, pour in the inkwell, then place the jug inside.

Click inside and listen to the dialogue, exit, and listen to the dialogue with Rajib al Maout.

Return to Qamar’s House

Click on the blacksmith Taleb, and after his response, give him the sword. After the dialogue with Isaac, six small tablets will appear, where you must set the correct combination: each tablet has four symbols to change.

If you click on each symbol, you will see the figure change, so set the first symbol starting from the left:

  • The half-circle
  • The half-octagon (i.e., two crossed half-squares)
  • The triangle
  • The half-octagon (i.e., two crossed half-squares)
  • The half-circle
  • And finally, the last symbol on the right: the line, and the combination is done. Next time, do it yourself.

The Land of the Ghouls

Turn around and head towards the horse. Once you dismount, turn and go forward once, crossing the river; on the other side of the river, turn towards the sun, but it’s scorching hot here! Pick up the turban from the sand, turn towards the water source, i.e., towards the mountain, and you’ll find a dry bush on the sand that needs to be cut with the sword.

Go to the spring to take a nice dip, no, return to the horse, turn towards the sun... but you don’t have sunglasses! Go forward twice, turn, and pick up the wooden branch from the sand.

Turn towards the sun again and go forward two more times; a bit to the left on the sand, you’ll find a stone: combine the wooden branch with the turban, take the bush, and place it on the stone, then light the bush with the flint: now you can light the torch and challenge the ghouls.

Go forward, descend the stairs, and at the bottom, turn left and find a small pool of water. Take the sword and use it inside the pool on the right side, then click again inside the pool on the eyelet. But the poor hand, what a gruesome fate!
Better hurry! Take the sword, open the hand, and collect the white sulfur.

Return to the stairs, turn left towards the waterfall, then take the scroll and use it inside and below: the ghouls will rise to the surface, and it will be bad news for them.

To defeat them, simply move to one side of the river and always follow the same ghoul; go after it, and... what a surprise! Who would have expected that, but they are...

An Nab’s Camp

Click on Kyot, the poet, and choose the following topic from the cross shield: “The Old Man of the Mountain.” Then click on An Nab and ask again about “The Old Man of the Mountain,” and finally, click on Caradoc and ask him about “The Old Man of the Mountain.”
An Nab will then point out the location of the Old Man of the Mountain in Hamah.

You will be in the city of Hamah. Take Caradoc from the bag, who will help save you. Wait and watch the game’s final cutscene (at least the first episode).

The legend continues with a second episode, which should be titled "Secrets of Alamut."

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