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The Mystery of the Nautilus

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computer games walkthroughs
 · 17 Aug 2024
The Mystery of the Nautilus
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First Level

Decompression Chamber

You’re locked inside. Approach the hatch with the "N" and click on the porthole multiple times. Operate the handle on the right side of the door, open it, and enter.

Diving Gear Room

On your left, on the bottom shelf, take the lead ball.

At the table, open the drawer and take the gloves.

Directly in front of you, on the lowest shelf, take a screwdriver.

Read the paper on the floor. Move forward to the right and take the pieces of wood from the shelf.

Click the gloves on your icon, then use the lead ball on the electrical panel to the left of the door. Now you can open the door. There are several doors in the hallway. Look for the one that leads to the...


Go all the way to the end, turn around, and observe the lamp on the right. There are matches to take.

Read the book on the table to the right.

Turn toward the ventilation grille and use the screwdriver on it: after two screws, it breaks.
Before leaving, read the book on the lectern. As you exit, turn right.

Dining Room

Take the candelabrum from the table.

Go to the window and open the red curtain, revealing a porthole. Click on the two levers at the base.

At the end of the room, there is a door: enter.


Open the drawer and take the papers.

On the left, on the stove, take a pressure cooker, go to the sink and fill it with water, then place it on the stove next to it.

Use the pot with the pieces of wood in the stove under the pressure cooker, add the papers, and use the matches. Click on the pressure cooker's lid, which will explode.

Pick up the oyster knife that has popped out above the pressure cooker.

Quickly return to the dining room, closing the door behind you. Return to the library.


Close the door behind you and finish removing the grille using the oyster knife. Use the candelabrum on the blades to block them. Enter.

Second Level

Hall of Arches

You’re in a large hall with arches. This hall has three levels:

  • The ground floor
  • The balcony that runs around the hall
  • The map room higher up

Walk along the balcony and observe everything you find because it will be useful later.

On either side of the balcony, there are two counterweight mechanisms. Behind one of these is a bolt you need to take.

Descend from the balcony and look for the spiral staircase. As soon as you reach its base,
turn slightly left, and at the base of the metal pillar, you will find the second bolt.

Climb the spiral staircase, and you’re in the map room.

To the right, along the railing, there’s a small cabinet that turns out to be a periscope. Click on it a couple of times.

On a small table, there’s a briefcase that is actually a projector with a burnt-out bulb. Just to the left of the projector, a piece of paper is sticking out. Take it to examine it.

Turning further left, you’ll find a long rod to take. Descend again to the ground floor of the hall.

Go to the helm. You need to solve the puzzle by forming an "N." The game is very easy because the discs on the left, once placed correctly, won’t move again. Just turn them until they reach the right position.

Use the rod to open the hatch nearby and descend into the opening.

Gear Room

The hatch closes above you, and you won’t be able to exit that way.

As soon as you reach the bottom of the stairs, look on the ground in front of you and take the belt. A little further ahead, there’s a gear to take.

Climb back up one level and move forward once, turn left, and place the bolts on the gear wheel studs.

Return to the stairs and climb another level. Move forward once and place the belt on the support on the left.

A little further ahead, you can place the missing gear.

Return to the ground floor and pull the lever. The mechanism works, but power is missing.
Climb the ladder next to it and enter the new room.

Engine Room

Steam prevents you from moving forward. To your left and right, there are three levers to be set as follows:

  • On the left: 2 down – 3 down;
  • On the right: 1 down.
    Move forward twice; to the right, there’s a chest with fuses inside.
    Move forward once more; on the right, there’s a battery, but you can’t take it yet.
    At the end, on the ground to the right, there’s a crowbar. Enter the door in front of you.

Berthing Room

To your left, there’s a switch to turn on. To the right, a lever to pull down.

Move to the end, turn right, and open the first locker. At the bottom, take the boots.

Now return to the middle of the berthing room, turn right, and click on the mattress. Take the bottle.

Put on the boots, climb the spiral staircase, and enter the door.

Hall of Arches

As soon as you enter, turn completely around and see a compartment with batteries.

Place the fuses in this order: blue – white – green.

In the center of the room, there’s a cabinet, but only one door opens. Use the bottle on the shelf, and the other door will open. Take the ice pick from the bucket.

Electrified Corridor (small corridor)

Return to the electrified corridor, lower the lever, and move forward.

Use the ice pick to cut a cable in the bundle you see below on the left.

Return to the lever and activate it again, then go back to the Engine Room.

Engine Room

Use the cable on the battery.

Gear Room

Go and operate the lever that didn’t work before.

Hall of Arches

As soon as you enter, turn left towards the counterweight mechanism. Clicking on it will cause it to take 3 different positions. You need to set them as follows:

  • Low – High – Medium.

Go to the other mechanism and set it as follows:

  • Medium – High – Low.

Electrified Corridor (small corridor)

Lower the lever and enter the door at the end.

Organ Room

Explore the room until you find a stool with a projector. Take the lamp.

Hall of Arches

Go to the map location, open the projector, and place the lamp you just found inside. The light will project onto a point on the map.

Go to the “periscope” (cabinet in the center of the railing), click on it a couple of times. The Nautilus must pass through a channel and be piloted. You have 5 minutes, so you must hurry.

Descend and go to the control panel (to the left of the helm).

To the left is the azimuth control, to the right is the tilt control.

On the calculator, you can find the coordinates to set, which are:

  • To the left 120 – to the right 0.
    Press the top button.
  • To the left 60 – to the right 180.
    Press the top button.
  • To the left 0 – to the right 240.
    Press the top button.
    Now the Nautilus is stable.

Organ Room

At the end of the room, behind the sofa, there’s an organ that plays 7 chords.

It will play 7 chords in a sequence, interrupted by other notes. You must repeat the chords in the same order. For those who don’t have an ear for music, the sequence is:

1 – 4 – 3 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 2.

At the end, it will play the beginning of Toccata and Fugue in D minor by J.S. Bach.

(Note: For those who have seen “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,” do you remember the sequence where James Mason – Capt. Nemo sits at the organ and plays the Toccata?).

Now another door has opened, leading you to...

Third Level

Large Corridor

If you want, explore the various locations. First, you must enter the door with the red curtains.

Capt. Nemo’s Room

As soon as you enter the room, a timed mechanism is triggered.

There’s a depression in the floor that prevents the door from closing. Place the globe and the large shell on it.

Go to the bed and click on the blanket. Take the medallion.

Go to the porthole of one of the doors and click on it to break it.

Go to the other door and click on the porthole (holographic lens) to take it, then place it on the first door. Next to the grandfather clock, there’s the sink mirror; rotate it.

Go to the map on the wall and click on it. The constellation Cassiopeia will appear, and each star corresponds to a Greek letter. There are 7 letters that you must write down on a piece of paper.

Go to the painting next to the bed and click on it. Insert the medallion into the slot and enter the combination you just noted down. Take the key and return to the corridor. At the far left, there’s a passage. Enter.

The Robot

You have descended a ladder that has now closed. To the left, next to the door, there are two buttons: the green one lowers a movable platform, on which you need to click and then press the red button to rise.

Still on the left, there’s a door. Enter, and a huge, threatening robot will come towards you. As soon as you have an active cursor, turn around, exit the room, and rise.

Once in the corridor, to the left, press the red button to trap the robot below.

Go to the room opposite Nemo’s.

Guest Room

Under the desk, there’s a rope to take. Take the statue.

On the sink, take the mirror and the wax.

Officers’ Room

On the left, take the armored coat. At the end, take: the darts under the target, further to the left the lens, and further to the left the mechanical arm. Turn around and take the tray from the table.

Capt. Nemo’s Room

Put on the coat and use the key on the door that was previously locked. Enter, and you’ll be hit by a laser beam (which the coat protects you from). Go to the end and click on the button that turns off the beam. Turn left at the top and use the rope on the corner.

Turn and move forward once to the left, take the vial of acid. Move forward twice to the right, open the drawer, and take the cloth.

Approach the door, use the acid on the porthole, and place the second holographic lens.

Large Corridor

As soon as you exit, use the statue to the left of the door in front of you and place the tray on its arms. Use the wax and then the cloth on the tray.

Go to the end of the corridor and use the mirror on the ventilation grille on the right.

Now look above the ladder call buttons and see a dangling rope.

Press the red button, and as soon as the robot appears, pull the rope. If you’ve done everything right, the robot should be smashed to pieces; otherwise...


Now you can descend and access the workshop. Here you need to find the following items: a steel bar, a chisel, wire, matches, and pliers.

Go through the door with the hologram, and at the top, take the dynamite.

Return to the workshop and locate a battery on the ground. Add the acid, the steel bar, and the wire. Now you have an electromagnet. Take it.

Go to the gray panel to the left of the door, open it, but don’t touch anything.

Use the chisel on the middle bar, then use the pliers to cut the following wires:

  • The first of the red wires.
  • The second of the blue wires.
  • The third of the green wires.
    Exit and use the dynamite on the door opposite, then the matches, and enter.

Oxygen Pump Room

As soon as you enter, turn left and use the mechanical arm on the machinery.

Now return to the straight view and use the darts, aiming at the machinery beyond the metal mesh. If you hit it, there will be a steam leak. Exit, climb back up to the corridor.

Guest Room

Go left twice; there’s a ventilation grille where you can glimpse a small dark object. Use the electromagnet to take the wrench.

Oxygen Pump Room

Use the wrench on the mechanical arm, then click three times on the lever on the right.

Climb back up to the corridor and go to Capt. Nemo’s room, then to the Organ Room.

Fourth Level

Organ Room

An octopus has tangled itself in the Nautilus, causing havoc. Everything in this room is damaged. Under a hood, take the pickaxe, then go near the organ and take the diving suit and the piece of organ pipe. At the start of the room, there’s a stuck harpoon that you can take using the pickaxe.

Small Corridor (formerly electrified)

The lower level (berthing room) is flooded due to the octopus. Put on the diving suit (keeping in mind that you have limited time to act) and descend the spiral staircase after pulling the lever.

Flooded Berthing Room

Use the harpoon on the octopus’s tentacle, then go to the end, turn left, and press the red button. The octopus will release its grip.

Turn towards the lockers and pick up the metal bar and the digital code from the ground, and the oxygen cylinder from the locker. Go to the other door and enter.

Engine Room

As soon as you enter, turn right and pick up the chain, then left and pick up 2 hooks and 5 pieces of rubber hose. Move forward to the other door, look up, and see a broken pipe. Use one of the hose pieces (try until you find the right one among the 5). Add the organ pipe piece you previously took. Turn completely around, and on the ground, you’ll see a battery.

Reach it (2 or 3X forward), observe the cable, and repair it with a piece of rubber hose. Turn towards the door, and at the top right and left, you’ll see two more pipes to repair.

Go to the middle of the room, turn right, and find another pipe to repair, making a total of 5.
Return to the door and enter.

Gear Room

On the ground, there’s a gear wheel that you can’t take for now.

Climb the stairs to the 2nd floor and move forward twice. Take the wrench and use the chain on the steel beam in front of you.

Descend to the 1st floor, move forward once, and use one of the hooks on the chain and the steel piece.

Descend to the ground floor and use the hook on the chain and the gear wheel.

Climb back to the 1st floor and use the bar in your inventory to lift the steel piece, which, acting as a counterweight, lifts the gear wheel and places it in position, allowing you to open the hatch above.

Hall of Arches

Click on the sofa in front of you, then point the directional arrow upward and climb.

Map Location

Pick up the rope from the ground and use it on the mechanism next to the “periscope,” then use the key on it.

Return below, go next to one of the statues. There’s a previously inaccessible mechanism. Look for a lever a bit higher up and activate it.

Go to the balcony and look for the door equipped with an electronic system next to it.

Display the “programmer” in the database and choose the “YES” option.

Use the decoder on the door and enter.

Fifth Level


Search the ground for a book with a diamond on top. It’s not easy to activate the cursor to pick it up; you need to find the exact spot. Anyway, take the diamond and also look at the paper on the ground.

Dining Room

Go to the broken porthole and take the rod at the bottom. Use the diamond on the glass of the overturned cabinet, and you’ll get a cloth and alcohol.

Diving Gear Room

To the left, pick up the rope; to the right, lower the first lever, and a little higher up, take the green tube. From a drawer on the ground, take the pliers.

Large Corridor

As soon as you exit, click on the carpet and reveal a hatch. Use the pliers to open it, then the rope on the opening, and then descend.


Don’t move forward, or the laser beams will kill you.

Turn slightly to the left, and you’ll see the laser beams starting from the right pillar of the door. Use the rod on the white spots to turn them off.

Move forward towards the shelves on the left and take the adapter. Move forward once, turn around, and from a half-open drawer, take the dynamite, then climb back to the corridor.


Between the two doors, at the bottom, there’s a sort of porthole. Use the pliers to open it, but it’s blocked by barrels. Move towards the door that leads to the corridor and look up.

There’s a gas leak. Use the adapter on the pipe and the green tube on it, then click on the end of the green tube.

Go to the end of the kitchen and take the metal box from the shelves. Go to the kitchen on the other side of the room and place the metal box on the stove. Use the dynamite on it first, then the cloth, then the alcohol, and finally, turn on the gas.


Take the armed box, exit the corridor, turn left, and enter the door on the right. Go to the small panel where you operated the first lever and activate the second one. Wait for the cutscene to finish, then exit and go to the end of the corridor. Now the door opens, and in front of you is the bathyscaphe that will save you.

Turn right and walk around the bathyscaphe, take the bomb, and throw it towards the end of the tunnel. After the explosion, enter the bathyscaphe and operate the lever (barely visible) to the right of the door, then operate the other two levers.

Now you can watch the ending.

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