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List of ancient gods

This is a comprehensive list of all known gods.

'NdriananaharyMalgasy [Madagascar] The supreme god
'NenaunirMasai [Kenya] The storm god
'NgaiKikuyu / Masai [E. Africa] The supreme & creator god
[R]Midewiwin Algonquin [NE US E. Canada] This is the great medicine dance which requires the epitome of reverence if it is not performed the tribe will suffer
[R]Olafat Caroline Is.[Melanesia] A culture hero that is the accused of bringing fire to man & giving sharks teeth
[R]Olifat Caroline Is.[Melanesia] A culture hero that is the accused of bringing fire to man & giving sharks teeth
AChaldeaShe is the moon goddess
A'akuluujjusiInuitThe great creator mother
A'asHittite / HurrianThe god of wisdom who keeps the tablets of fate and is about based on Enki / Ea of Mesopotamia
A'raN. Arabia A tutelary god
A-aMesopotamia / Babylon / Akkadia / W.SemiticShe was a sun goddess Whose consort was Samas
A-Chu'uChina / BuddhisOne of the Dhyani Buddhas
AaMaakhuer Egypt A lion god of truthful speech
AabitEgyptA goddess of song
AaghuGugu Cherokee A goddess of the of the dawn
AahEgyptThe moon god of MemphIs.
Aah-te-HutiEgyptThe moon god of MemphIs.
AahmesNefertari Egypt A protector / punisher of humans she was elevated to goddesshood
AakuluujjusiInuitThe great creator mother
AapepEgyptA serpent god
Aasith Egypt / SyriaA goddess of the hunt, war, & the desert
Aataentsic Iroquois [NE US / Canada] A goddess
AatxeBasqueAn evil spirit capable of assuming human form
AbKin Xoc Maya A god of war
AbKin Zoc Maya A god of poetry
AbaChoctaw [SE US] The creator deity
Abakhatun Baikal [Siberia] A sea goddess
AbaanguiGuarani [Brazil]A god whose huge nose became the moon
AbaasyYakut [Siberia]Netherworld beings
AbabiniliAmericasThis is the spirit of fire not associated with the sun
AbaddonChristianAn angel of hell in Revelations 9, 7-11
AbaddonHebrewThe chief of the demons of the 7th hierarchy
AbadirJewishThis demon is a servitor of Asmodeus
AbandinusBritishA god known only by inscription at God-Manchester, Cambridge, England
AbarbareaTyrian Naiad She and her two sisters were the founders of their race, they were stuck with form boys for mates.
AbartaIrishA god of the Tuatha De Danann
AbasGreekA nymph
AbassiEfik [Africa]A sky god & creator of the world
Abat [t]urMandaeanIt weighs souls & / or their deeds
AbathurSW Iran / S. Iraq It acts as the judge of the dead.
AbaturGnosticThe father of Demiurgos
AbbaAmonaAramaic The supreme divine couple
AbdalsIslamOdd, these peoples names are only known to Allah, but without them the world would not exist
AbdielJewishThis Seraph was the only one to resist Satan, according to Milton [Paradise Lost]
AbdrianahoabuMadagascarThis goddess descended to earth on a silver chain
AbeguwoMelanesia / New Guinea A rain goddess
AbellioGaulA god of apple trees, maybe. His name is found on inscriptions in the Garonne valley of southwestern France
AbeonaRomanShe is the goddess guardian of children leaving home to go on their own
AbereMelanesiaA demoness
AbgalN. Arabic A desert god, in particular, a tutelary god of the Bedouins.
AbgalSumeria7 spirits that derived from the the Abzu
AbheanIrishA harper for the gods
Abhijit Hindu / PuranicA benevolent astral deity & goddess of fortune
AbhijnarajaBuddhist / TibetA physician god & medicine Buddha
AbhimukhiBuddhist / VajrayanaThis goddess is 1 of the 12 bhumis
AbhiyogaJain [India]The generic name of the servile gods
AbigorJudeo-ChristianA demon of the upper hell that was war wise & for your soul, would tell you how to win
AbiraAntioquiaThe creator
Abnoba GermanicShe is the goddess of rivers and forests from the Black Forest region
AboniusAboniaThe goddess of the hot springs
AbonsamW. Africa [Gold Coast] A malevolent spirit that is driven away every year by a ritual involving the firing of gums, shouting loudly, beating interiors of houses with sticks and emptying houses of all furniture, this ritual is preceded by four weeks of absolute silence in the area
AboraPalma Is. [Canary Is.] The supreme Being that sat in heaven & caused the stars to move
AbowieGhanaA goddess of healing & sterility
AbraxasGreek / OrientalAn occult theonym this god has the torso & arms of a man, head of a rooster & serpent legs
AbraxisGreek / OrientalAn occult theonym this god has the torso & arms of a man, head of a rooster & serpent legs
AbrsaxGreek / OrientalAn occult theonym this god has the torso & arms of a man, head of a rooster & serpent legs
AbuSumeriaThe god the of vegetation
AbukDinka [Africa]The patron goddess of women & gardens
AbundantiaRomanA goddess of agriculture & abundance
AbunditaRomanA goddess of agriculture & abundance
AbzuMesopotamiaThe personification of the primordial underground waters
AbzuSumeriaThe primordial deity of underground water
AcYanto Kiche [Maya] A tutelary god in the form of a bat
AcYanto Maya The god of white men
AcacliaAymara [S.A.]One of the groups of beings that control weather an animistic spirit
AcalaBuddhist / IndiaThis god is protector of of the teaching & defends temples
AcanMayaThe god of wine,a real nice guy
AcanthaGreekA nymph that was loved by the sun god, on her death, she was changed into a sun loving herb
AcanumMayaHe is a hunting god that is also concerned with the protection of animals
AcatMayaA god of tattooists
AcatlAztecA minor god of feasting & revelry
AcaumMayaA god of hunters that also protects the animals
AcaviserEtruscanA goddess, one of the fates
AccaLarentia Etruscan An earth goddess & goddess of winter
AccaLarentia Roman A goddess that donated the land to the Romans for the city of Rome
AccaLarentina Roman A goddess that donated the land to the Romans for the city of Rome
AccaLaurentia Roman A goddess that donated the land to the Romans for the city of Rome
AccaRomanA goddess associated with Hercules
AccasbelIrishMost likely was an early god of wine or mead
AcchuptaJain / IndiaA goddess of learning
AccoGreekA goddess of Evil
AcheloisGreekA moon goddess
AchelousGreekA river god of some standing in the community
AcheriIndiaThis ghost brings illness to small children, a sad story indeed
AcheronGreekA river god of one of the five rivers of Hades
AchlaeGreek Even though he is just a river god he is a member of some standing in the community
Achtland CelticA goddess of sex & magic
AcisSicilyA river god
AcleloosGreekA river god of some standing in the community
AclelousGreekA river god of some standing in the community
AcllaInca / Quechua [SA]A goddesses of war & virgins
AcnaMaya / MexicoA mother goddess
AcolmiztliAztecA minor chthonic underworld god
AcolnahuacatlAztecAnother minor chthonic underworld god
AcoranGran Canary [Canary Is] The supreme Being who really really likes milk
AcuecucyoticihuatiAztecShe is the goddess of all surface moving waters & invoked by women in labor
AdadAkkadia / BabylonThe god of wind, storm, flood & rain who was worshipped from about 1900 BCE or earlier until about 200 BCE with cult centers located at Karakara, Aleppo & Mari [Syria]
Adaheli The sun god of Surinam
Adam[m]asNassene [Gnostic Christian] The parental godhead of the gnostic movement
AdamantheaGreekA goddess of midwives
AdamastorS. Africa The spirit of the cape of Good Hope
Adamisil Wedo Haiti A water goddess
AdapaBabylonThe god of wisdom
AdarAssyriaThe god of the Sepharvites who in worship burnt their children (2 Kings 17:31)
AdaroPolynesia / MelanesiaA sea god
Adekagagwaa Iroquois [NE US / Canada] The spirit of summer that goes south for the winter
AdeonaRomanA goddess passage, thought to be concerned with school children
AdeosRomanA goddess of modesty
Adha Bosu Haiti A loa of spring waters with a permanent case of bad temper
AdhimukticaryaBuddhist / VajrayanaA minor goddess & deified Bhumis
AdibuddhaBuddhistThe primeval Buddha
AdidharmaBuddhist / Lamaist / TibetA primordial goddess
AdikiaGreekThe goddess of injustice who is rather hard on the eyes
Adimurti Hindu / Epic / PuranicAn avatar of Vishnu
Aditi Hindu / VedicThe mother goddess
AditinggiSiau [Indonesia]The god of the volcano Gunung Awu
Adityas Hindu / VedicA group of gods
Adja HaitiA loa of spring waters with a permanent case of bad temper
Adjassou-LinguetorHaitiA loa of spring waters with a permanent case of bad temper
Adjinakou HaitiThe elephant loa
AdonPhoenicia [Hellenistic]A dying & resurrecting god of crops & the seasonal agricultural cycle ce 200 BCE - ce 400 CE
AdonaiHebrew [Hellenistic]Used to replace the written Yahweh
AdonisGreekA god of nature & Syro-Phoenician origin
AdonisPhoenicia / SyriaA dying & resurrected god that embodies vegetation scorched by the heat of the summer sunshineknown to have been worshipped at Berytus & Aphaca From 200 B.C.E. until 400 C.E.
AdrammelechAssyriaThe god of the Sepharvites who in worship burnt their children (2 Kings 17:31)
AdranusSicily [pre-Hellenic]A god associated with Mt. Etna
AdrasteIcene [Britain] The goddess of war
AdrasteaBritainThe goddess of war
AdrasteaPhrygia / Troy / ThraceA mountain & an avenging goddess of righteousness
AdrastiaGreekConsidered a nymph [don't know why] a nurse of Zeus,
AdriamahilalaMadagascarThe first woman that was sent to the moon where she dies to be born again monthly
AdriambahomananaMadagascarThe first man that who chose to die like a banana plant
AdroLugbara [Africa]A tutelary god & the immanent aspect of the sky god Adroa who is accused of creating humanity and is personified by grass fires and whirlwinds
AdroanziAfricaThe children of Adroa who frequent streams, large trees & rocks & are not nice at all
AdsullataContinental Celtic A river goddess
Adya Houn't Haiti The loa that mounts the drums by a process known as Adya
AeaGreekA goddess of hunting
AeacocGreek / RomanA chthonic underworld god & 1 of the 3 gods of Hades
AeacosGreekA god of the underworld & judge of the dead, according to Plato, who was the first to mention this god, he is the son of Zeus & Aegina, with Minos & Rhadamanthys, Aeacos was one of the three judges of the souls of the dead in the underworld
AeacusRomanA god of the underworld & judge of the dead, according to Plato, who was the first to mention this god, he is the son of Zeus & Aegina, with Minos & Rhadamanthys, Aeacos was one of the three judges of the souls of the dead in the underworld
AebhelAfekan Melanesia / New Guinea The creator goddess
AebhelIrishA goddess who is a faery [interesting story]
AedIrishAn underworld god known only from inscription
AedMac Lir Irish An underworld god known only from inscription
AedosRomanA goddess of modesty
AegaGreekA goddess of war
AegaeonGreek [Homeric]An epithet for Briareus, he is a deity of the Aegean Sea
AegeriaRomanA goddess of prophecy invoked by pregnant women
AegirGerman / NorseA god of the ocean
AegleGreekOne of the Hesperides
AelloGreekA harpy employed by the gods
AelusRomanThe ruler of the winds
AengusIrishA god worshipped from about 500 BC-400 AD
AeodeBoeotian [Greek] A muse of song
AeolosGreekA god of storms & winds whose temple stands in Athens today
AeolusRomanThe Roman version of the Greek god of the winds, Aeolos
AequitasRomanA god of fair dealing from 300 BCE
AeraCura Roman The goddess of the infernal regions
AericuraCelticA chthonic underworld god known only from inscription
AeronWales / CornwallA goddess of fate
AertenWales / CornwallA goddess of fate
AesSidhe Irish The collective name for the old Irish gods
AesculanusThe god who assisted Pecunia in production & protection of metal coins
AesculapiusRomanThe Greek Asklepios, a god of healing & medicinal arts ca. 293 BC
AesirNorseOdin, Thor, Tyr, Balder, Heimdall, Frigg, Nanna & Sif
AesirGermanicThe pantheon of the gods
AesmaDaeva Persia A demon of lust & anger that is ticked at the cow
AesmaDaevaZorasterism One of the Daevas of lust & anger, wrath & revenge
AestasRomanA goddess of summer usually portrayed nude & adorned with garlands of grain
AesunIrishA god whose name means to be
AeternitasRomanThe personification of eternity [symbols the phoenix rising & by Uroboros]
AetherGreekThe primordial god representing pure air & light
AetnaGreekShe gave her name to the Sicilian volcano
AetnaRomanA mountain goddess
AevalCelticA goddess of sexual relations & small size
AevalIrishA goddess who is a faery [interesting story]
AfaSamoanThe storm god
AfekanMelanesia / New Guinea The creator goddess
AfiAbkhaz W. Caucaus The god of rain & thunderstorms (The Abkhaz are a people of the western Caucasus)
AfreetArabiaThey are unclean spirits
AfreetIslamicThe second most powerful of the five classes of Jinn who are overly large, evil & scare people that believe in them
AfricusRomanThe anthromorphication of the SW wind
AfritIslamA giant & malicious class of Jinn The second most powerful of the five classes of Jinn
Ag'oBeninWorshipped by hunters
Agaman Nibo Haiti A goddess of the dead
AgamedeGreekA goddess of healing
AganippeGreekA nymph that made her home in a well
AgasIranA demon of illness, especially the eyes
AgasayaSemiticA war goddess
AgassouBenin The guardian Loa
AgastyaHinduThe protector of the god Rama
AgathosDaimon Greek A good genius / guardian spirit
AgauresAsia Minor One of several demons in hell that command legions
AgbeFon [Benin]A god of the sea & a member of the Vodun gods
AgdistisGreekThe name of the great rock of Asia Minor that Zeus raped [It was Cybele in drag]
AgeFon [Benin] The god of animals
AgememTinguian [Philippine]She is the co-creator of the sun, moon, earth & stars
AgenoriaRomanA goddess of secrecy, industry, winter silence & suffering in general
AghoraHinduAn aspect [double] of Shiva
AgischanakTlingit / AlaskaA goddess of the earth
AglaHebrewAn ancient acronym for chasing evil spirits away
AglaeaGreekThe youngest of the Charities
AglaiaGreekThe youngest of the three graces
AglibolPalmyra / Syria / Greek / RomanEven though he was a mon god his cult extended through the Hellenistic period and made it all the way to Rome Agloolik Inuit A good spirit that lives under the ice who helps hunters & fishermen.
AgniHindu / VedicA god of fire & guardian of homes who is recognized from about 1500 B.C.E. until today
AgniIndiaA god of lightning, fire, & the sun & who also mediates between the gods & humans
AgnikumaraJain / IndiaThey are youthful appearing gods associated with rain & thunder
AgnostosTheos Greek The unknown gods that were always worshipped as a group
AgronaWelsh Celtic A goddess of strife & slaughter
AgroteraGreekA goddess of good health & hunting
AgrotoraGreekThe goddess of agriculture, archery, hunting, chastity, virginity, fertility, childbirth, the moon, & of nature
Agu'guxAleut [Alaska USA] The creator god that was claimed to be the Christian god under
AguaraTunpa / ChiriguanoThe fox god who gave the carob tree to the people
AgunuaSolomon Is The main serpent god of the Solomons
AgweBenin / AfricaShe is the mother of the sea
Agwe Haiti / VodunA goddess manifestation of Yemanja
AgweVodunA god of the ocean
Agweta Haiti A sea goddess
AhBolom Tzacab Maya A chthonic god of agriculture, rain and thunder who may be an avatar of Itzam Na
AhBolon Dz'acab Maya A chthonic god of agriculture, rain and thunder who may be an avatar of Itzam Na
AhCan Cum Maya A god of hunters that also protects the animals
AhCancum Maya A god of hunters that also protects the animals
AhChun Can Maya / Mexico The tutelary deity of city of Merida
AhChuy Kak Lacandon [Maya] A god of war
AhCiliz Maya A god of solar eclipses
AhCuxtal Maya The god of birth
AhHulneb Maya A god of war
AhKin Maya A sun god who brings drought but protects man from the powers of evil associated with darkness
AhKin Xoc Maya A god of poetry, a singer & musician
AhKinchil Maya A sun god who brings drought but protects man from the powers of evil associated with darkness
AhKumix Unicob Maya These are small attendant water gods
AhMun Maya The green maize god
AhMuzencab Maya The bee gods
AhPatnar Uinicob Maya They are large water gods
AhPeku Maya The thunder god & he hides on hilltops
AhPuch Maya He is the god of death
AhTabai Maya A hunting god
AhToltecat Toltec A god
AhUaynih Guatemala A goddess of sleep, specifically males
AhUincir Dz'acab Maya A god of healing
AhUuc Ticab Maya A chthonic god
AhWink ir Masa Guatemala A nature goddess
AhaNjoku Ibo [Nigeria] The goddess of yams, & the women that tend the crop
AhaYakut / SiberiaA river spirit, female type
AhatEgyptA cow goddess
AhauChamahez Maya He is one of two gods of medicine
AhauKin Maya A goddess of war
AhemaitEgyptAn underworld goddess who eats the souls of the unworthy
AheramenmthoouEgyptThe god of thunder, night, storms, wind, landslides & tidal waves
AhiHinduThe Naga that was killed with a thunderbolt & then released the waters it was guarding
AhkiyyiniInuitA dancing skeleton spirit that dances so vigorously that he causes the earth to move
Ahladini-Sadini Hindu / Puranic / Epic / IndiaA goddess of the mountains that dances the cosmic dance
AhmakiqMayaHe is a god of agriculture
AhntAlis Pok' Mexico A very small goddess [2 feet high]
AhntkaiMexico A goddess of women & children
AhoneVirginia [USA]The supreme deity who is indifferent to worship
AhrimanZoroastrianismThe supreme evil spirit & lord of the darkness & death
AhsonnutliNavahoThe chief creator god
AhtiEgyptA goddess of evil
AhtiFinlandThe chief ancient Finnish god of the waters
AhtoFinlandThe chief ancient Finnish god of the waters
AhuicAztec / MexicoA goddess of all running water
AhulaneMayaA god of war
AhuraMazda Persia The god of light & supreme goodness
AhuraPersiaA title used to tell the gods from the demons
AhuraniPersiaThe goddess of rain & water
AiAda Turkey The moon god
AiApec Mochica [Peru] The supreme god that rules the destinies of the world
AiIrishA poet god, a member of the Tuatha De Danaan
AiTojon Yakut / Siberia A god that created all light
AiTupua'i Polynesia A goddess of healing & of war
AiakosGreekA god of the underworld & judge of the deadGaul, according to Plato one of three
Aialila'axaMexicoA moon goddess
AiaruPolynesiaHer function is to predict death
AibellIrishA guardian spirit of Munster
AibheaegIrishA goddess of fire & of toothaches
Aida Cuedo Benin / Haiti A goddess of the rainbow & fresh water
Aida Wedo Benin / Haiti A goddess of the rainbow & fresh water
Aidin CelticA goddess of love & sexuality
Aido Wedo Benin / Haiti A goddess of the rainbow & fresh water
Aido Wedo Haiti A goddess of fire
Aife Irish / ScotlandA goddess & queen of the Isle of shadow
AigeIrishA goddess of water & bays
AijoEstoniaA goddess of evil
AilsiCherokeeA goddess of water & pools
AilurosEgyptAn epitaph for Bastet
Aimend Irish / ScotlandA sun goddess
AinIrishA goddess of war, of fertility, love & of Midsummer Lair Derg
AineIrishA goddess of war, of fertility, love & of Midsummer Lair Derg
Aine of Knockaine Irish A moon goddess who was connected with the Summer Solstice
AinoFinlandA goddess of justice
AiolosGreekA god of storms & winds
AiolosRomanThe ruler of the winds
AionPhoneciaThe personification of time / a given age That was adopted by Mithraism & by the Manichaeans
AipaloovikInuitA god of evil, murder & such that hides in the sea
AirmedIrishA goddess of the Tuatha De Danann & of all healing arts & witchcraft
AirsekuiHuron [US / Canada]The great spirit
AiryamanIranA god of social bonds, contracts, & marriage, he will also retrieve the damned souls from hell
AishaArabicA goddess of water
AishaQandisha Morocco A goddess of sexual activity
AitaEtruscanThe god of the underworld
AittsamkaBella Coola [Canada PNW] A goddess of teaching
AituSamoathe lower order of the gods
AitvarasLithuaniaThey are evil household spirit
AitvarasPrussiaThe brave & loving demon that will bring good fortune to your home when well fed & treated kindly
AiusLocutius Roman A god supposed to have given warning of the approach of the Gauls 391 B.C.
AizenMyo-o Japan / Buddhist A protective deity though ugly as all get out. is considered beneficent to mankind
AizenMyoo Japan The god of tavern keepers, musicians, singers, prostitutes & love
AjaBabylonThe dawn goddess
AjaYoruba [Africa]A goddess of healing, herbs & of knowledge
AjalamoYoruba [Nigeria / W.Africa]A god of fetuses
AjariJoan Japan / Buddhist A monk that became a devil & then a praying skeleton
AjatarFinlandA goddess of evil
AjayaBuddhist / MahayannaA minor goddess
AjbitMayaA god that helped create people [13 were involved]
AjeYoruba [Africa]A goddess of wealth in all its forms
Aji-ShikiJapanA young god
Aji-Suki-Taka-Hi-KoneJapanA god of thunder
Aji-Shiki-Taka-Hiko-NeJapanA god of thunder
AjokLokuto [Sudan] The chief god
AjtzakMayaAnother god that helped create people
Ajysyt Yakut [Siberia] A goddess of healing & childbirth
Ak-anaAltaic [Mansi & Khanty] The primordial goddess
AkaManah Persia [Zorasterism] A Daeva of desire
AkaTurkeyThe mother goddess
Aka-KanetAraucanian [S.A.]The god of fruit & grain
AkasagarbhaIndia / BuddhismA Bodhisattva & the personification of supreme knowledge of the absolute void
Akba-atatdiaCrow [N. Plains, USA] He who created everything
AkelosGreekA river god
AkenEgyptAn underworld god Keeper of the ferryboat
AkerEgyptA god of the earth that guards in the entrance to the underworld
AkerbeltzBasqueAn avatar of the god Mari
Akertkhentet auset [s] Egypt A book of the dead deity
AkeruEgyptThe chthonic earth gods affiliated with Aker
AkewaToba [Argentina] A sun & war goddess
AkhlutInuit [Bering Straits] An Orca that becomes a wolf while on land
AkhushtalMayaShe is the goddess of childbirth
AkkaFinlandA goddess of the harvest & female sexuality
Mader-AkkaFinlandA goddess of the harvest & female sexuality
RauniFinlandA goddess of the harvest & female sexuality
AkkanSaamiThe 4 goddesses that oversee birth, destiny, & conception.
AknaInuitThe mother goddess of childbirth
AknaMaya / MexicoA mother goddess
AkonadiGhanaAn oracle goddess of justice
AkongoNgombe [congo] The supreme & creator god
Aksayajnana-KarmandaBuddhistThe deification of literature as well as 1 of the 12 Dharnis
AksobhyaBuddhist / MayhayanaOne of the Dhyani Buddhas
AktunowihioCheyenne [M. W. US] A spirit of the earth & subterranean spirit.
AkuaHawaiiThe actual gods who created everything & keep everything working
AkujAkuj [Africa]The chief deity
AkujTurkana [Kenya] The supreme god
AkusaaEgyptA goddess of war & sunset
AkychaAlaska [USA]A goddess of war
AkychaInuitThe sun god
AlAit Phoenicia The god of fire
AlKahdir N. Africa A vegetation god that got his immortality by drinking from the well of life
AlLat / Allat / Allatum Arabic A goddess of fertility, procreation & the earth
AlShua India A goddess of Ursa Major
AlUzza Arabia A goddess of the dawn as well as a daughter of Allah
AlaIbo [Nigeria] An earth, fertility & the underworld
AlaMuki Polynesia A river goddess who takes the form of a dragon
AlaayeYoruba [Nigeria]A creator god to whom the souls of the dead are expected to make a confession
AladUdug Lama Sumerian / Babylonian-Akkadian They are guardian deities
AlaghomNaom Tzentel Maya The goddess of thought & intellect
AlaisiagaeNorseThey are war goddesses (see Valkyries)
AlakoNorway / GypsyThe god sent to earth as a human who was supposed to reveal the secret laws he stayed over in the moon
AlalahePolynesiaThe goddess of love
AlaluOssetian [C. Caucasians] A spirit of smallpox that protects women
Alalu [s]Hittite-Hurrian [N. Syria] A primordial god, the oldest of the gods
AlardiOssetians [C. Caucasus] A spirit
AlastorGreekA mortal she became a minor spirit that avenged evil deeds & demanded vengeance for crimes
AlatArabicAn astral goddess
AlatanganaKono [E. Guinea / W. Africa] One of the two creator deities, this god created land from swamp
AlaunusGermanicA local god's name from the Mannheim area for Mecurius
AlaunusIberiaThe supreme deity
AlannusIberiaThe supreme deity
AlounisIberiaThe supreme deity
AlauwaimisHittiteThis demon drives away evil & sickness
AlbastaSlavicA goddess of evil
AlbinaEtruscanA dawn goddess & protector of ill fated lovers
AlbiorixGaulAn alternative name of the Gaulish god Teutates
AlborixGaulA war & tribal god
AlbuneaRomanA nymph of the sulfur springs near Tiber [Tivoli]
AlcinoeGreekAnother nymph nurse of Zeus.
AlcisGreekA goddess of physical prowess & strength
AlectoGreekOne of goddesses of vengeance
Alecto of Eumenides Greek A goddess of justice
AlectronaGreekAn early goddess
AlemonaRomanA goddess of fetuses
AlemoniaRomanA goddess of fetuses
AlephusGreekA Minor river god
AleyinPhoeniciaA god of springs & vegetation
AlfadirNorse"All-father" One of the epithets of Odin
AlfarN. German The elves of north Germanic myth
AlfarScandinaviaHe is half god & half dwarf
AlfhildScandinaviaA goddess of wrestling
AlfsGermanicA minor race of gods
AlignakInuitA god of the moon, storms, earthquakes & tides
AlilatArabiaThe mother goddess
AlisanosGaul [Celtic] A local god of stones from the Cite d'Or
AlisaunusGaul [Celtic] A local god of stones from the Cite d'Or
Alk'umta'mBella Coola [Canada PNW] The sun god
AlkonostRussiaA goddess of the land of the dead & justice
AllahM.East A god that is the chief god of the Islamic myth
AllanqueLenapeThe N. star, or any star
AllatC.N. Arabia The goddess that is one of the three daughters of Allah & affiliated with Venus [the planet]
Allatu [m]W. Semitic An underworld goddess
AllatumMesopotamiaThe supreme goddess of the underworld
AlmaqahSabaean [S. Arabia] A moon & tutelary god
AlmhaIrishA goddess of the Tuatha De Danann
AlmoshiSlavicA goddess of healing & cattle
AloadaeGreekThey were 54 ft. tall & warred with the gods, they lost
AloidaeGreekThey were 54 ft. tall & warred with the gods, they lost
AlomMayaA sky god that helped 6 other gods create the world
AlopurbiIndiaA goddess of hunting
AlowatsakimaLenapeThe great spirit
AlpTeutonicA demon of the night that delighted in giving, nightmares that is
AlpanEtruscanA goddess of love that enjoyed being sky clad
AlpanuEtruscaA goddess of love, maybe so
AlpheusGreekA river god that fell in love with a nymph & had a bad experience
AlphitoGreekA white goddess
AlpnuEtruscaA goddess of love, maybe so
Alruna-wifeGermanHousehold spirits
AltanTelgey Mongol The earth goddess
AltjiraAranda [C. Aus.] The god from the dream time that made the earth, then retired to the top of the sky
AltriaEtruscanAn ancient earth goddess
AluMesopotamiaA demon portrayed with canine features [read fangs]
AlulueiMicronesiaThe god of knowledge & navigation
AluqaArabicA demoness that is horny, & a vampire type
AlvesNorseThe spirits of the dead that lived in the hills
AmPortangoro [S.A.]The god
Am-hehEgyptA chthonic underworld god & receives his mail in a lake of fire
Am-No-Tanabata-HimeJapanAn astral goddess of weavers
AmaBaikal / SiberiaA goddess of the dark & of the underworld
AmaNo Minaka Nushi / Ama-No-Minakanushi-No-Kumi Japan / Shinto The Divine Lord of the Middle Heavens & the Pole Star
AmaNo Uzume Japan The witty goddess of persuasion & fertility
AmaTerasu Japan The sun goddess queen of the universe
Ama-arhus Babylon / AkkadiaA fertility goddess
Arad-Ama-arhus Babylon / AkkadiaA fertility goddess
Amat-Ama-arhus Babylon / AkkadiaA fertility goddess
Ama-Tsu-KamiJapanThe gods of heaven (as opposed to those of the earth)
Ama-Tsu-MaraJapan / ShintoThe god of smiths
AmaethonWelshA god of agriculture
Amagandar / OrokannarTungus [Siberia]The protective female spirits
[R]Amaguq Inuit Wolf, the trickster
AmahraspandsZoroastrianismBounteous or Beneficent Immortals of Zoroastrianism - see Amesha Spentas
AmaimonChristianA devil, ruler of the eastern portion of Hell in medieval Christian mythology
AmakanduMesopotamia / Babylon / AkkadiaA patron god of herdsmen & cattle
AmalaN.A.An Atlas type that holds the spinning Earth by its axis
AmaltheiaGreekA nymph that nursed the infant Zeus
AmaltheaGreekA Naiad, nurse of Zeus, who owned a horn which could supply
AmaltheaGreekA nymph of springs
AmanaEgyptHe was a sky god that evolved into the sun god
Amasagnul Babylon / AkkadiaShe is a fertility goddess
AmashaspanPersiaThe holy Immortal
AmaterasuJapanA goddess of war & the sun
AmaterasuO-Mi-Kami / Amaterasu Omikami Japan / Shinto The sun goddess
AmathauntaEgyptA goddess of the sea
AmatsuMikaboshi Japan A god of evil
Amatsu-KamiJapan / ShintoThe heavenly gods, as opposed to the earthly gods
AmaunetEgyptA hidden one, a mother or fertility goddess
AmayicoyondiPeruA goddess of the sky
AmbaDravidian [India]A goddess of the earth
AmbatMelanesiaA god who gave pottery to the people
AmberellaBalticA goddess of the ocean
AmbikaHinduOne of the names of the Hindu goddess Sakti
AmbikaHinduShre lured demons to their death
AmbikasIndiaA Group of goddesses
AmbisagrusCeltic Continental A god, equated by the Romans with Jupiter
AmbisagrusBritainThe weather deity
BussumarusBritainThe weather deity
AmeNo Uzume Japan A goddess of fertility & happiness
Ame-No-HohiJapanA god sent down to earth, disappeared
Ame-No-Kagase-WoJapan / ShintoAn astral deity that had to be executed
Ame-No-Mi-Kumari-No-KamiJapan / ShintoA water goddess
Ame-No-Minaka-Nushi-No-KamiJapan / ShintoThe supreme god from about 600 CE till now
Ame-No-Oshido-MimiJapanThis god turned down the earth when it was offered to him
Ame-No-Tanabata-Hime-No-MikotoJapan / ShintoThe goddess of weavers
Ame-No-Toko-TachiJapan / ShintoA primordial being
Ame-No-Toko-Tachi-No-KamiJapan / ShintoA primordial deity
Ame-No-WakahikoJapan / ShintoA god sent to rule earth, killed by Take-Mi-Musubi
Ame-Waka-HikoJapan / ShintoA god that goofed & had to die
AmelenwaAfricaA goddess of justice
Amelia Haiti / VodunThe loa of Haiti
AmenEgyptA primordial creation deity who became a sky god that became regarded as a sun god
AmenhotepEgyptAn architect that suffered deification
AmentLibyaA goddess who welcomes the dead to the after world
AmentetEgyptA goddess of the West, the underworld & the dead
AmenthesEgyptA goddess of the West & the underworld & the dead
AmeretatIranOne of the Amesha Spentas, she is the personification of immortality & protector of plants
AmeretatZoratrianismShe is the immortal one of the Amesha Spenta
AmeshaSpentas Zoroastrianism Six divine beings that became archangels in the other revealed desert myths
AmeshaSpentas Iran They are gods without being gods & created without being creatures [6 in number]
YazatasIranThey are gods without being gods & created without being creatures [6 in number]
AmiEgyptA god of fire.
Ami-Te-RangiPolynesiaA sky god with rather unpleasant culinary habits, he likes to capture people to eat
AmidaBuddhist / JapanA primordial deity & savior of the "Pure Land'
AmimitlAztecA minor god of fish hunters & lakes
AmitabhaBuddhist / IndiaThe 4th dhyanibuddha
AmitolaneZuni [SW USA] The rainbow spirit.
AmmS. Arabia A moon, weather & tutelary god Qataban
AmmaDogon / Mali [Africa]The creator god with a novel story
AmmaDravidian / Tamil / IndiaA local god
Ammavaru Hindu / Dravidian / IndiaA primordial mother goddess
AmmitEgyptHe ate the hearts of unworthy souls
AmmonEgyptThe god of air, wind, sun, reincarnation, war
AmmutEgyptA demonic god that judged the dead
AmnEgyptA goddess of justice
AmogahasiddhiBuddhistThe fifth meditation Buddha
AmoghapasaBuddhism / MahayanaA form of Avalokitesvara
AmoghasiddhiBuddhismThe 5th dhyanibuddha
AmonEgyptA god of agriculture, fertility & long life & a sky god that evolved into the sun god
Amon-RaEgyptA combination of Amun & Re worshipped later in history
AmorRomanA god of love
AmotkenSalish [PNW] The god that created everything, & left man to his destiny
AmphiarausGreekA king of Argos that was deified
AmphionGreekA god
AmphitriteGreekA goddess of the sea
AmponyinamoaGhanaA goddess of long life
AmsaHinduOne of the Hindu sun gods, rarely mentioned
AmunEgyptA god of agriculture, fertility & long life
AmunEgyptA god of mystery
AmunEgyptHe was a sky god that evolved into the sun god
Amun-ReEgyptA combination of Amun & Re worshipped later in history
AmunetEgyptA goddess of mystery
AmurruW. Semitic A minor mountain god
AmymoneGreekA goddess of springs
AnSumeriaThe god of the heavens, supreme creator god, a primeval god
AnZu Assyria The goddess of chaos
AnaIrishShe is the chief mother goddess
AnaelBabylonA goddess of astral light
AnahidArmeniaThe goddess often called Life giver
Anahita Egypt / BabylonA goddess of water & war
AnahitaIranAncient goddess of fertility
AnahitaPersiaA goddess of fertility, semen & of water
AnaitisPersiaA fertility goddess
Anala Hindu / PuranicAn attendant god 1 of the 8 vasu deities who serve the god Indra
AnangaHinduAn epitaph for Kama
AnankeGreekThe omnipresent goddess of fate & necessity that the gods were subject to
AnannIrishA mother goddess associated with fertility & the primordial mother
AnannIrishAn epitaph for Danu
AnanseAshanti [Africa]The creator of the sun, stars, day, moon & night who often intercedes between gods & mortals
Anansi Ashanti [Africa]The spider trickster deity
Ananta Hindu / PuranicA snake god & one of the seven snake deities
AnantaIndiaHe is the god of the sun & guardian of the universe
AnantaThewiThailand The goddess of good fortune
AnantabogaJavaThe dragon king
AnantamukhiBuddhistA deification of literature & 1 of the 12 Dharnis
Anantesa Hindu/ Puranic
A minor deity & 1 of 8 lords of of knowledge
AnapelKoryak [Siberia] The goddess who presides over birth & reincarnation
AnasuyaHinduA goddess of wisdom
AnatCanaan / Phoenicia / UgaritAn earth goddess, goddess of love, war, hunting & sister of Baal
AnatHurrianShe is a warrior goddess of violence & intense sexuality
AnatUgarit [Iran] The warrior virgin, slayer of snakes, life & fertility goddess
AnathCanaan / Phoenicia / UgaritAn earth goddess, goddess of love, war, hunting & sister of Baal
AnatisEgyptA moon goddess
AnatiwaKaraya [Brazil] A malevolent demon
AnatuMesopotamiaA goddess of the sky & ruler of the earth
Anaulikutsai'xBella Coola [PNW] A river goddess that to attends the salmon runs
AnayeNavahoAlien gods they are enemies of men
AnbayS. Arabia An oracular & justice god
Ancamna Celtic / RomanA water goddess
AncastaBritainA goddess
AncetaRomanA goddess of healing
AnchialeCreteNymph, mother of the DACTYLS.
AnchiroeArcadiaA Nymph.
AndartaGaul Celtic A fertility goddess
AndhakaHinduA demon
AndjetyEgyptAn underworld god of the ninth nome [district]
AndrasteIcene [Britain] The goddess of war

AndriaahoabuMadagascarThe high Lady that descends to earth on a silver chain
AndriamVabi Rano [Africa] A goddess of water & lakes
AndriamanitraMadagascarA good god who helped create the earth as well as humans
AndrianaharyMadagascarAnother god that helped create the earth & humans
AndrianamboatenaMadagascarA god of the earth
AndrogyneGreekThe man / woman god / goddess
AndromedaGreekA goddess of dreams
AndvariScandinaviaA dwarf that can turn himself into a fish & live in water
AnementosBabylonHe is the god of the sea, a rather nice fellow
AnextiomarusBritain Celtic A tribal deity
AngelChristianity / Islam / JudaismMessenger beings between the gods & humanity
AngeronaRomanA goddess of secrecy, industry, winter silence & suffering in general
AnginaRomanAnother goddess of health, specifically of sore throats
AngirasHinduAngels who presided over sacrifices
AngirisHinduAngels who presided over sacrifices
AataxeBasqueAn evil spirit in the form of a bull
AngitiaGreekA snake goddess
AngitiaRomanA goddess of healing & witchcraft
AngpetuWi Lakota [US / Canada] The sun god
AngraMainyu / ZorasterAhriman Iran An evil underworld god
Angus CelticA god of youth
AngusIrishA god worshipped from about 500 BC-400 AD
AngusMacOg Irish One of the Tuatha De Danaan
AngusOg Irish A god of love
AngutaInuitThe supreme being that lives under the sea & drags down the dead
AngwusnasomtakaPuebloThe Kachina Crow Mother
AnhouriEgyptA minor god
AnhurEgyptA god of war & hunting
AniAfricaA goddess of justice
AniEtruscaA sky / heaven god
AnierosPhrygian / RomanA goddess of the earth
AninganInuitA moon god called Igaluk in Alaska
AnjeaAus.A fertility spirit
Ankalamman Hindu / DravidianA Guardian goddess that wards off demons
Anky-KeleChukchi [E. Siberia] The god of the sea
AnnaKuari Oraon / India A local vegetation goddess
AnnaPerenna Etruscan A goddess of reproduction, wanton love, & of spring
AnnaPerenna Roman A goddess of the circle of the year
AnnaPerenna Greek Nymph of the river Numicius. Sometimes identified with the moon, sometimes with Themis or Io.
AnnaliaAfricaA river goddess
AnnalljaTu Bari Sudan A goddess of sexuality
AnnamurtiHinduA form of Visnu
AnnapatniHinduA goddess of food
AnnapurnaIndiaA goddess of autumn
AnnedotusBabylonHe is the god of the sea, a rather nice fellow
Annis CelticThe black goddess
AnnunakiSumeriaThe seven judges of hell
AnpaoDakota [N. Cent NA] The spirit of the dawn.
AnqetLibyaA goddess of water fertility healing & lust
Ansa Hindu / PuranicA minor sun god
Ansar Babylon / AkkadiaA primordial deity
AnshurAssyriaNot only the goddess of the sun she also killed the dragon of chaos during creation
AntabogaIndonesiaAn underworld serpent deity ruling over the production of rice
AntaiIndiaA goddess of healing & whooping cough
AnterosEtruscanThe god of passion
AnterosGreekA god of passion & returned love
AnterosRomanThe god which developed mutual love & tenderness between married partners
AntevortaRomanA goddess of childbirth, the future & prophecy
AntevortaRomanThe goddess of the future
AnthatSyriaA war goddess who had a shrine at Thebes
AnthedonBoeotianNymph, from whom Anthedon received its name.
AntheiaGreekA goddess of spring
AnthraciaArcadiaA Nymph.
Anthretju Egypt / HittiteA war goddess mentioned in a treaty between the Hittites & Egypt She seems synonymous with Anat / Antu
AntiEgyptA Guardian deity of the eastern sky
AntichristChristianA person feared or worshipped by the xian sect. Seems when it arrives the world really goes to hell in a handbasket.
Antu Babylon / AkkadiaShe is derived from the older Sumerian Ki
AnuAkkadia The god of the heavens, supreme creator god, a primeval god
AnuBabylonThe head of the gods, he had an army of stars to destroy evildoers
AnuIrishA mother goddess associated with fertility & the primordial mother
Anu(s)HittiteWhen Alalus was supreme in heaven, Anus became more powerful & served as Alalu's cupbearer for nine years then trashed him
AnuanaituCaribbeanA goddess of the ocean & whirlpools
AnubisEgyptA god of black magic, death, embalming & funerals
AnuketEgyptA goddess of water & of rivers
AnukisEgyptA birth goddess & of the cataracts of the lower Nile
AnukkiSumeriaThe lower order of gods
AnulapTruk Is. The sky god
AnumatiSanskrit [India]A god of the full moon
AnunitChaldeaA goddess of the morning star
AnunituBabylonThe goddess of the moon
AnunnaSumeriaThe lower order of gods
AnunnakiBabylonThe seven judges of the Underworld they began as fertility deities
AnunnakiSumeriaThe lower order of gods
Anuradha Hindu / PuranicA minor goddess of fortune, she is benevolent though
AnusBabylonThe head of the gods, he had an army of stars to destroy evildoers
AnusHurriteThe King of heaven who declared war on the father of the gods, he lost
AnyigbaTogo [Africa]A goddess of hunting, luck & healing
AnzetyEgyptThe god & King of Busiris
AoChinaThe gods of rain & the sea. the four dragon kings, Ao Chin,Ao Jun, Ao Kuang & Ao Shun
AoedeBoeotian [Greek] A muse of song
AoiMac Ollamain Irish A poet god, a member of the Tuatha De Danaan
AoibellIrishA guardian spirit of Munster
Aoife Irish / ScotlandA goddess & queen of the Isle of shadow
AondoTiv [Nigeria]The creator god that lives in the sky
AonghusIrishA god worshipped from about 500 BC-400 AD
Apa Hindu / PuranicAn attendant god, 1 of the 8 vasu deities
ApacitaInca [SA]A guardian spirit
ApamNapat Hindu / Vedic / Persia A god of fresh water
ApaosaA demon who brings drought & aridity
ApapTeso [Uganda]A creator god who as a benevolent sky god brings rain
AparajitaBuddhist / MahayanaA minor god / goddess
AparajitaGeorgia / ArmeniaA god of agriculture
AparajitaHindu1 of the 11 ekadasarudras a form of Rudra
Aparajita Hindu / PuranicA goddess a form of Durga & real hard on the eyes
ApateGreekThe goddess of deceit
ApaturiaGreekA goddess of evil
ApedemakMeroe[Sudan] A war god
ApepEgyptA huge serpent who caused storms & eclipses & ate the sun at evening
ApeshEgyptA tortoise god of night, evil, & the powers of darkness
ApetEgyptA goddess that protects pregnant women, children, nursing mothers & justice
AphaeaGreekA moon goddess?
AphrodisiasCarian [S.W. Turkey] A fertility goddess
AphroditePandemos Greek A goddess of sex likely conflated with Aphrodite
AphroditeGreekThe goddess of fertility, beauty & sexual love
AphrodisiasGreekThe goddess of fertility, beauty & sexual love
ApisEgyptA god of fertility
ApiuEtruscanA weather god
ApkalluSumeria7 spirits that derived from the the Abzu
ApluEtruscaA god of thunder & lightning
ApoInca [SA]A mountain god
ApoKatawan Hambal-Aeta [Philippines] A god
ApolloGreekA god of archery, harmony, order, inspiration, intellect, mathematics, medicine, oracles, prophecy, reason, & truth . About a busy little fellow.
ApoloniaBrazilA goddess of healing & toothaches
AponibolinayenPhilippinesA goddess of the sky
ApophisEgyptThe demon of darkness
ApozanoltlAztec / MexicoA running water goddess
AppiadesRoman5 gods occupying a temple by the Appian aqueduct
AppiasRomanA fountain nymph
Apsaras Hindu / VedicThe protective deities of musicians, gamblers & are Water spirits
ApsuBabylonA god of underground waters
ApsuSumeriaThe god of the sweet water ocean
Apu-Ko-HaiKanei [Mangaia Is] The fish god
ApuatEgyptA jackal headed god who helps the soul choose it's next incarnation
AquiloRomanA weather god affiliated with the N. wind
AquitTheAmericas A moon deity
ArachneRomanThe mother goddess of Weaving
AradiaALunar deity
AraloGeorgia / ArmeniaA god of agriculture
AramazdArmeniaThe supreme creator god
Aranyani Hindu / VedicA minor goddess of woodlands
AranzahasHittiteThe Tigris river deified
ArapacanaBuddhismA bodhisattva portrayed holding a book & a sword
AraratAnatoliaThe creator goddess
ArauaRomanA moon goddess [maybe]
AravaAmoon goddess
ArawaSuk / Pokot [Kenya / Uganda]The moon goddess
ArawenWalesThe god that ruled the underground
ArawnWalesThe god that ruled the underground
ArawynWalesThe god that ruled the underground
ArayGeorgia / ArmeniaA god of agriculture
ArazuBabylonThe god of construction that was completed
ArchonsGnostic Christian The primordial creator gods
ArdGreimme Irish / Scotland A sun god
Ardhanarit [savara] / Ammaiappan / NaranariIndiaSiva & Sakti combined
Ardra Hindu / PuranicA minor goddess of misfortune
ArduinnaGaul / CelticA goddess of forests & hunting
ArdviSura Anahita / Anahita Persia The goddess of rivers & water
ArdwinnaBritainA goddess of woodlands & animals
ArebatiBambuti [Congo]A sky god
AreimaniosGreekAn underworld god, not nice
AresGreekThe god of storms & war
AreteGreekA goddess of justice & virtue
ArethusaGreekThe goddess of springs & fountain
ArethusaGreekShe is a nymph of the spring by the same name
AretiaArmeniaAn earth goddess
ArganteBritainA goddess of healing
ArgeGreekA goddess of hunting
ArgyraGreek A Naiad
AriAu Tchesf Egypt A lion god
AriadneGreekA goddess of dreams
ArianrhodWalesA goddess of fertility & wanton love & mother aspect of the triple goddess
ArianrodIrishThe goddess of the moon
AriciaRomanA goddess of prophetic visions
ArimaniusRomanAn underworld god
AreimaiosRomanAn underworld god
ArinidduHittiteA sun goddess & war like protectress
ArinnaHittiteA sun goddess & war like protectress
ArinnittiHittiteThe sun goddess
AristaeusGreekHe originated the olives & protected flocks as a sideline
AristaiosGreekAn originator of the cultivation of bees as well as a pastoral god
AritimiEtruscaThe equivalent of Artemis of Greece
AritoSwitzerlandA goddess of bears, prosperity & the harvest
Arjuna Hindu / VedicA heroic god
ArmaHittiteA minor moon god
ArmaitiZoroastrianismOne of the goddesses of the earth & of fertility
ArmazGeorgiaThe supreme god & a warrior deity
Arnakua'gsakInuitThe Old Woman of the Sea who supplies all physical needs
Arnamentia CelticA goddess of spring waters
ArnemetiaBritish Celtic A water goddess known only from inscriptions
AromKafir [Afganastan]A god of contractual agreements
ArrawnWalesThe god that ruled the underground
ArsanDuolai Yakut [Siberia] The chief spirit of the underworld
ArsayCanaan / W. Semitic An underworld goddess & 3rd. daughter of Baal
ArsuN. Arabia An astral god
ArtaiusGaulA god of sheep & cattle herders
ArtemisGreekThe goddess of agriculture, archery, hunting, chastity, virginity, fertility, childbirth,the moon, & of nature
Artemis of Ephesus Greek A fertility & mother goddess
ArthapratisamvitBuddhist / VajrayanaA goddess of logical analysis
Artio of Muti Switzerland A goddess of bears, prosperity & the harvest
ArunaHinduA god of morning & warriors
Arundhati Hindu / PuranicAn astral goddess personified as the morning star
AruruBabylonA goddess
AruruSumeriaA creative goddess of Sumeria See Ninhursag
ArvenusGaulA local tribal deity
Arya-TaraBuddhistA goddess
Aryaman Hindu / VedicA god of formal hospitality
AryongJong Korea Korea A goddess of water & rainfall
Asava Russia The goddess of fresh water
AsEgyptA local fertility god
AsNorseOdin, Thor, Tyr, Balder, Heimdall, Frigg, Nanna & Sif
As-im-babbarMesopotamia / Sumeria / IraqA moon god
AsaPoorna Chohan / India A goddess of happiness
AsagSumeriaA demon of drought & illness
AsalluhaAkkadia / Babylon / SumeriaA minor god that acts as a messenger & fink to Enki
AsalluhiAkkadia / Babylon / SumeriaA minor god that acts as a messenger & fink to Enki
AsarN. Arabia An equestrian god
AsaseAfua [Ghana]A goddess
AsaseYa Ashanti [Africa] An earth, fertility & the creator of humanity goddess
AsaseYaa Ashanti [Africa] An earth, fertility & the creator of humanity goddess
AsaselHebrewThe demon of the wilderness
AsbitEgyptA goddess of fire
AseraAmorite / CanaanA goddess of love & fertility, similar to Astarte
AseratAmorite / CanaanA goddess of love & fertility, similar to Astarte
AsertuCanaanA fertility goddess
AsgayaGigagei Cherokee [SE USA] The god of thunder
AshaVahishtaZoroastrian An Amesha Spentas
AsheraPhoeniciaA goddess of fertility
AsherahCanaan / Ugarit / Palestine / Syria / W. Semitic A goddess that got around & a goddess of the sea
AsheraliCanaanThe moon goddess of fertility
Asherat of the Sea Phoenicia A fertility goddess of the sea & land
AshiIndiaA goddess of wisdom
AshiakleGan [Ghana] The goddess of wealth as well as the sea
AshimaSemiticA moon goddess
AshimbabbarSemiticA moon goddess
AshiratAkkadiaA goddess of the Evening star
AshisIndiaA goddess of happiness
AshkitEgyptA goddess of wind
AshnanSumeriaA goddess of drunkenness, wine & grains
AshtarothCanaan / PhoeniciaA goddess of the moon, fertility & reproduction
AshtartPhoeniciaA fertility goddess of the sea, land & the planet Venus
AshtartuPhoeniciaA fertility goddess of the sea & land
AshteretPhoeniciaA fertility goddess of the sea & land
AshterotPhoeniciaA fertility goddess of the sea & land
AshtorethCanaan / PhoeniciaA goddess of the moon, fertility & reproduction
AshtorethAssyria / BabylonA goddess of fertility, sacred love, sexuality, of sex, the moon & war
AshukuJapan / BuddhistOne of the Dhyani Buddhas
AshurAssyriaNot only the goddess of the sun she also killed the dragon of chaos during creation
AshvinsHinduThe sons of the sun
AsiPersiaA goddess of wisdom
AsiaqInuitA goddess of weather
AsimaSi Brazil The goddess of water & fish
AsintmahAthabasca [Canada / USA]A goddess of midwives
AsiraN. Arabia A little god mentioned only by name
AsisSuk / Pokot [Kenya / Uganda]A sun god
AsklepiosGreekA god of healing & of medicine
AsclepiusGreekThe god of healing & patron of physicians
Aslea [s]HinduA minor goddess of misfortune
AslesasHinduThe goddess of misfortune
AsmodaiosIranA demon that became the chief of all evil spirits in Judaism
AsmodeusIranA demon that became the chief of all evil spirits in Judaism
AsoEgyptA goddess of justice
AsokakantaBuddhistA form of the goddess Marici
AsokottamasriBuddhist / TibetA physician god
AsoposBoeotia [C. Greece] The river god of Boeotia
AsopusBoeotia [C. Greece] The river god of Boeotia
AspalisW. Semitic A hunting goddess
AsparasHinduCompanions of the gods of the air, they are delightful nymphs
AsraelIslamThe angel of death who takes the soul from the body.
AsratumCanaan / W. Semitic A fertility goddess
AsshurAssyriaNot only the goddess of the sun she also killed the dragon of chaos during creation
Assur Babylon / AkkadiaThe national deity of Assyria
Astabhuja-KurukullaBuddhistA form of the goddess Kurukulla
AstabiHittiteA deity known only from inscriptions
AstabisHittiteA deity known only from inscriptions
AstabisHurrian / AkkadiaA warrior god
AstaciaGreekAfter her Dionysus named a city.
Astamastara Hindu / PuranicA group of mother goddesses
AstapaiosGnostic Christian The Prime parent which rules the seven heavens of chaos
AstarEthiopiaA sky god
AstarothW. Semitic A fertility goddess who deals with sheepherders
AstarteEgyptA goddess of war
AstarteAssyria / Babylon / Canaan / PhoeniciaA goddess of fertility, sacred love, sexuality, of sex, the moon & war
AstarteSyriaA goddess of the moon
AsteraeaGreekOne of the Horae
AsterionGreekA river god
AsterodeiaRomanAnother moon goddess
AsterotPhoeniciaA fertility goddess of the sea & land
AsthertetSyriaA goddess of horses, war & the moon
AstlikArmeniaAn astral goddess
AstlikGeorgia [Crimea]An astral goddess
AstoVidatu Persia The demon of death
AstoVidastu Persia The demon of death
AstoWidatu Persia The demon of death
AstoVidhotu Persia The demon of death
AstvihadPersiaThe demon of death
AstwihadPersiaThe demon of death
AstorethPalestine / Israel / LebanonA fertility goddess
AstraeaGreekA goddess of justice, truth, of purity, innocence & modesty
AstraeosGreekA god of astronomy & star light
AstrikSlavicA goddess
Asuha-No-KamiJapan / ShintoA god of courtyards
AsuraBuddhist [India] A group of demons
Asuras Hindu / VedicThe sky gods that became demons
AsurasPersiaThey are good spirits
AsurkumaraJainYouthful gods associated with rain & thunder
Asvayujau Hindu / Epic / PuranicA goddess of fortune
Asvins Hindu / VedicThese are deities representing the morning & evening stars & physician twin gods
AsynjaNorseThe goddesses of Asgard
AtEm Egypt A goddess of time
AtaaNaa Nyongmo Gan [Ghana] The creator god that controls the sun & the rain, call causes disasters as epidemics & & earthquakes if you don't follow his rules
AtabeiCubaAn earth goddess
AttabeiraCubaAn earth goddess
AtaecinaIberia / RomanAn underworld goddess
AtaentsicIroquois / HuronA mother goddess from heaven
AtaensicIroquois / HuronA mother goddess from heaven
AtahensicIroquois [NE US / SE Canada] The sky goddess who fell to the earth at the beginning of creation
AtaiAfricaA goddess of justice
AtalacamaniAztec / MexicoThe goddess of ocean storms
AtaneaGreekA goddess of the ocean & the dawn
AtaneaMarquesas Is. A dawn goddess
AtarIranThe god of all fire
AtarZoroastrianThe god of fire
AtarataCanaan / PhoeniciaThe names of the three major goddesses combined
AtargatisSyriaA goddess of lakes, fertility & nature
AtasamainN. Arabia An astral deity
AteGreekA goddess of discord, evil, error, infatuation & justice
AteaMarquesas Is. The god of light
AteaPolynesiaA primeval god that divided in two & it gets odd after that
AteaRangi Polynesia A primeval god that divided in two & it gets odd after that
RangiPolynesiaA primeval god that divided in two & it gets odd after that
AtenEgyptThe sun god
AteteKafa [Ethiopia] A fertility goddess now claimed to be the Virgin Mary
AthenaGreekA goddess of war, architecture, astronomy, science, of horses, intellect & wisdom, oxen, of purity, reason & spinning
AtheneGreekA goddess of war, architecture, astronomy, science, of horses, intellect & wisdom, oxen, of purity, reason & spinning
PallusAthena Greek A goddess of war, architecture, astronomy, science, of horses, intellect & wisdom, oxen, of purity, reason & spinning
AthiratCanaanA goddess of the ocean & an official wife of El
AthorEgyptA goddess of light
AthtarS. Arabia The goddess of morning & evening star
AthtartCanaanThe goddess of fertility & sex
AthtartuUgarita war goddess
Aticandika Hindu / PuranicA form of the goddess Durga
AtidaUganda / AfricaA goddess of hunting & rain
AtiraPawnee [M. USA] A goddess of the earth & of the evening star
AtiratW. Semitic A goddess of the sun
AtlAztecA creator & water god
AtlacamaniAztecThe goddess of ocean storms
AtlacoyaAztec / MexicoThe goddess of drought
AtlahuaAztecA minor god of lakes & fishermen
Atlantia Hamadryad.One of the wives of Danaus
AtlaoninAztecOne of the names of the mother goddess
AtlasGreekA Titan that has to hold up the sky forever, he irritated Zeus
AtlauaAztecA water god
AtmaIndiaThe divine spark, whatever that is, in humans
AtojaPeruA mountain goddess she sends the rain
AtriHinduA deified bard of ancient India & son of Brahma
AtroposGreekThe oldest of the Fates
AttabeiraAtahensic Iroquois [NE US / Canada] The sky goddess who fell to earth
AttarW. Semitic / Canaan A god of the morning star
AttisRomanA god of plants
AttisPhrygiaA god of vegetation
AtysPhrygiaA god of vegetation
AtuaFafine Tikopia [Polynesia] The creator being
AtuaI Kafika Tikopia [Polynesia] The supreme god that intercedes rather than controls
AtuaI Raropuka Tikpoa [Polynesia] Another creator deity
AtuganMongolThe goddess of earth & the source of all life whose power is beyond understanding but can be bestowed
AtumEgyptA bisexual god of water
AtunisEtruscaA form of the Greek Adonis
AuCo Vietnam The creator of humanity
AuGilbert Is. The sun god & sky lord
AuchimalgenChileA moon goddess
AudjalCaroline Is. The earth goddess
AufaniaeCelticA collective name for some of mother goddesses
AugeusGreekA god of healing
AugralidsGreekA goddesses of justice
AuilixMayaThe god of dawn
AulanerkInuitA friendly deity that brought men joy
AumanilInuitA good spirit
AuraGreekA goddess of morning & of the wind
AuritaRomanA goddess that heals earaches
AuroraRomanA goddess of warriors & of the dawn
AururuMesopotamia / Sumeria / Babylon / Akkadia / IraqThe goddess of the earth & creator of humans, fertility & productivity
AusaitisLithuaniaThe god of health
AuseklisLatviaA goddess of fertility
AuseklisLatviaA stellar god
AusrineLatviaA stellar god
AusetEgyptThe goddess of Sirius
AustejaLithuaniaThe bee goddess
AusterRomanA god of the SW wind
AustrineLithuania / BalticThe goddess of the dawn
AutyebEgyptA goddess of happiness & joy
AuxesiaA goddess of growth
AvalokitesvaraBuddhistThe most popular of the Bodhisattvas
AvalokitaBuddhistThe most popular of the Bodhisattvas
LokesvaraBuddhistThe most popular of the Bodhisattvas
AvateaHervy Is. [Polynesia] A moon god
AverruncusRomanA goddess of childbirth, specifically of the delivery
AversaEtruscanA goddess pictured carrying an ax
Aveta CelticA goddess of healing waters
AvetaGaulA goddess of birth & midwifery
AvfruvvaFinlandA goddess of rivers
AvrikitiFon[Benin] The god of fishermen
AwitelinTsita Zuni [SW USA] A goddess of the earth
AwonawilonaZuni / Pueblo [SW USA] The creator & supreme god
AwunTaiwanA god of destruction
AxiocersaPhrygianA goddess of the earth
AxoMamaPeru The goddess of the potato crops
AxomamaPeruThe goddess of the potato crops
AyaMesopotamiaThe goddess of dawn & war
AyabaFon[Benin] A hearth goddess
AyabbaFon[Benin] A hearth goddess
AyasHittiteHe is the keeper of the old tablets with the words of fate
AyauhteotChileA moon goddess
AyauhteotlAztecA goddess of fog & mist
Ayi'Uru'n Toyoy'n Yakut [Siberia] A creator being that lived in the north east
Ayida HaitiA goddess of rainbows
Ayida Cueddo Benin / Haiti A goddess of the rainbow & fresh water
Ayido HwedoFon [Benin] The snake god
AyiyanayakaSriLanka A god of fields & woodland that protects against plague
Ayizan HaitiA goddess that protects the market place
AyleketeFon [Benin]A god of the sea & a member of the Vodun gods
AysArmeniaAn evil spirit of the wind
Ayt'arSlavicThe god of procreation
AyurvasitaBuddhist1 of The 12 vasitas
AyyappanHinduA god of growth, esp. in Kerala
Azacca HaitiA god of agriculture
AzapaneSudan [Africa] A god of fear, mischief & trickery who gave fire & water to mankind
AzazelHebrewThe demon of the wilderness
AzazelIslamThe devil
AzeleYaba Africa A goddess of justice
AzerAvaFinno / Ugric A goddess of the sky
AzerAva Slavic A goddess of justice
AziBuryatEarth spirits that like human company
AziriAfricaA goddess of possessions
Azizos & Monimos N. Arabia Astral tutelary deities
AzizosPalmyraAn astral god representing the the morning star
AzizosSyriaDeities associated with the morning star & the evening star
AzraelMuslimThe Muslim angel of death
BaChinaThe goddess of drought
BaEgyptThe ram god of Mendes [Lower Egypt] & the fertility deity that women worshipped
BaMagujeHausa The spirit of drunkeness
BaNeb Tetet Egypt A ram god of Lower Egypt
BaXian China / Tao The collective name for gods
Ba'AlatPhoeniciaShe is queen of the gods who is partial to books, libraries & writers
Ba-PefEgyptA malevolent underworld god
BaalBrathy Phoenicia A mountain deity
BaalCanaanA storm god [originally meant lord]
BaalHammonCarthage The sweety of Tanit
BaalMalagePhoenicia / W Semitic A local tutelary god known from inscription
BaalPhoeniciaHe is the god of the thunderstorm, war, good harvests, fertility, nature, winter rain & of storms
BaalSaminPhoenicia / W Semitic The head of the pantheon
BaalSaponCanaan The protector of mariners & worshipped on Mount Caramel
BaalSapon Phoenicia A mountain deity
BaalSyriaA god of fertility
BaalW. Semitic A vegetation god
Baal-AddirPhoeniciaThe god of Byblos
Baal-Biq'ahW Semitic / Lebanon A weather god & lord of the plain in Lebanon
Baal-GebalPhoeniciaThe supreme goddess of Byblos ce 3000 BCE
Baal-HadadSyriaThe god of storms & thunder
Baal-HammonPhoneicia [Carthage]The supreme god of Carthage
Baal-KarmelosCanaanAn oracular god worshipped on Mount Carmel
Baal-MarqodSyriaA god of healing?
Baal-PeorMoab [Jordan]The god mentioned in the Old Testament
Baal-QarnainPunicCarthage The god associated with two mountain peaks
Baal-SaponSyriaThe god of storms & thunder
BaalatPhoeniciaShe is queen of the gods who is partial to books, libraries & writers
BaalshaminSemiticA god of the sky
BaauPhoeniciaThe creator goddess
BabEgyptA disrespectful rouge of a god
BabaHungaryA spirit being
BabaSumeriaA tutelary goddess & a goddess of healing & fertility
BabaYaga E. Europe An ogress portrayed as traveling through the air, but not on a broom
BabaYaga Slavic A goddess of autumn & death
BabiEgyptA demonic god shown as a baboon with an erect penis
Bacab / pluralBacabs Maya The brother gods of the four heavenly directions
BacaxBerberA cave deity of N. Africa during the Roman Empire
BacchusRomanA god Of revelry & wine
BachuChibchaThe ancestor goddess
BacklumChaam Maya A god of male sexuality
BadbBrazilA much feared serpent goddess
BadbCatha Irish A goddess of war & part of a trinity
BadbIrishA goddess of war & part of a trinity
BadbIrishThe Crone aspect of the goddesses who were a trinity responsible for war & ghosts
Badi Mata Hindu 1 of The 10 mahavidyas
BagaIranThe name for the god of Abraham
BagalaHindu1 of the 10 mahavidyas with the power of cruelty
BagbaW. Africa An animistic spirit believed to control the wind
BagishiKafir [Afghanistan]The god of flood waters & posterity
BagvartiUrat [Armenia]A tutelary goddess
BahuIndiaA goddess of Leo
BaiameKamilaroi / Wiradyuri [Aus]A god of all things & master of life death
BaijiChinaA goddess of health & epidemics
Baile of the Honeyed Speech Irish The god of Blarney
BairamPersia [Iran] The god of victory, he is perceived to be present in the wind
BajBajania Yakut [Siberia] A rather joyous forest god
BalaHinduA mother goddess
BalaJainA messenger goddess
Bala-SaktiDravidianA goddess
BalakrsnaHinduThe child form of Krishna
BalakrsnaMayaThey are guardian deities
BalamMayaThe guardian deities protecting communities & people from external threats
BalaparamitaBuddistA philosophical deity, 1 of the 12 paramitas
Balarama Hindu / IndiaA god of agriculture & 8th avatar of Visnu
BaldaerAnglo-SaxonThe dying god who is the same as Balder
BalderNorseThe dying god he did not ressurect like the other dying Gods
BaldrNorseThe dying god he stayed dead
Bali Hindu / Epic / PuranicA demonic god
BallHermon Phoenicia A mountain deity
BalorIrishA god of death
BaltisArabiaA goddess of the planet Venus & worshipped at Carrhae
BalubaaleBagandanThe gods of earth, death, the rainbow, lightning & plague
BanChuideachaidh Moire Irish An old goddess
BanNaomha Irish A goddess of war
BanadedEgyptA ram god of Lower Egypt
BanbaIrishA goddess who is part of a trinity & represents the spirit of the land
BanbhaCavillacaPeru A virgin goddess that was preggers by a sneaky god
BanbhaIrishA goddess who is part of a trinity & represents the spirit of the land
Bandardeviyo Singhalese A group of gods superior to the Yaksas
BandaraSinghaleseA group of gods superior to the Yaksas
BanebDjedet Egypt A ram god of Lower Egypt
BanebdjedetEgyptA ram god of Lower Egypt
BanemdedetEgyptA god of sexual fertility
BangaNgbandi [N. Zaire] The god of clear waters
BankaMundi India A hunting goddess
BannikSlavicThe god of the bath
BarSyriaA god of mountains, war, deserts, battle
BarastaerOssetian [Caucasus] He rules the world of the dead & he sends souls to their proper place in either paradise or oblivion
BarastirOssetian [Caucasus] He rules the world of the dead & he sends souls to their proper place in either paradise or oblivion
BardhaAlbaniaElf like beings who dwell under the earth
Baron Samedi Haiti / Vodun The god of death, magic & the underworld
BarongBaliA protective spirit
BarsaminArmeniaA weather & sky god
BasajaunBasqueThe spirit of woods & caves who protects flocks & herds
BasamumS. Arabia A god of healing
BastEgyptA cat goddess, healing, life & war
BastetEgyptAn aspect of Bast, in this form she is a goddess of fertility, love, sex,of joy
BataraGuru Indonesia The god that made the earth
Batia ANaiad, wife of the Laconian King Oebalus
BatyEgyptA cow goddess of fertility
BauPhoeniciaA goddess of the dawn & the sky
BauSumeriaA tutelary goddess & a goddess of healing & fertility
BauboGreekA goddess of bawdy laughter
BauboSyria / W. Semitic A mother goddess
BeagIrishA goddess associated with a magic well
BeanSidhe / Banshee Irish / Isle of manx Commonly known as the banshee, a type of god or fairy whose wailing warns of approaching death
BebellahammonPalmyra / N. Arabia A god of Palmyra
BebhionnIrishA goddess of healing
BechoilIrishA goddess whose legends have been lost
BecumaIrishA goddess who ruled over magical boats
BedaGermanA goddess of unknown responsibilities
BeelsaminPhoeniciaThe sun god & lord of the sky
BeelzebubPhoneciaOddly translated as 'lord of the flies' the tutelary god of the Phoenicians
BaalzebubPhoneciaOddly translated as 'lord of the flies' the tutelary god of the Phoenicians
BefanaN. Italy A demoness of midwinter
BefanaRomanA goddess of winter who was kind
Beg-tseLamas / TibetA war god
BegochiddyNavahoThe great god
BehanzinFon [Benin]The fish god
BehemothHebrew / ChristianApocalyptic beast of Jewish eschatology (Job 40)
BeherEthiopiaA sea god
BeiweSaami / LaplandA goddess of the summer solstice & war
BelPalmyra [Syria] The supreme god & sky god
Belata-CarduGaulA god of the destruction of your enemies
BelatucadrosBritainThe war god
BeleAlua Ghana A tree goddess
BeleSudan[Africa] A god of fear, mischief & trickery who gave fire & water to mankind
BelenosBritain / GaulThe god of hot springs who replaced his mother Sirona
BelenusPan-CelticA god maybe of fire & sun who was charged with the welfare of sheep & cattle
Belet-Seri / Belitsari Babylon / AkkadiaThe underworld goddess that kept track of the dead coming through
BelialChristianity / JudaismA name of the devil
BeliarChristianity / JudaismA name of the devil
BeliliMesopotamiaA moon goddess
BelinusBelenosPan-CelticA god maybe of fire & sun who was charged with the welfare of sheep & cattle
BelisamaBritain Celtic A god of the Ribble & Mersey rivers
BelisamaGaulA goddess of crafts & the forge
BelitIlani Babylon A goddess of warriors
BelitSeri Babylon A goddess of justice & fairness
Belit-Ili Babylon / AkkadiaA mother goddess
BellaPenu Khond [India] A local deity [Orissa]
BellonaCappadociaA goddess & a member of the retinue of Kybele
BellonaRomanA goddess of war As well as a mother goddess
BelobogBelun[Slavic] The god of happiness, luck, & order
BendisThraceA goddess of the moon & a mother goddess
BengGypsyThe name for the Christian devil
BentakumariIndiaA goddess of water
BentenJapan / ShintoThese are the seven principal gods of luck, there is a one female involved however
Benten-SanJapan / ShintoThe only goddess among of the seven deities of good fortune
BenuEgyptA sun god in a bird like form
Benzi-Ten / Benten / Benzai-TennoJapanThe goddess of eloquence, language, arts, fortune, water, & knowledge
BeraPennu Khond [Bengal] A vegetation goddess
BerchtS. German A goddess, later a frightful spirit
BerchtenGermanThese demons resided in alpine areas
BerecyntiaGaulAn earth goddess

BereginySlavicA goddesses of hunting
BereguniSlavicRiver nymphs accused of stealing newborn children
BerekyndaiPhrygiaThe attendants of Kybele
BereniceEgyptA goddess of Coma Berenices
BeroeGreekThere are two of these named Oceanids
BerthaNorseA goddess of spinning
BeruBrazilThe butterfly demon who appears at the female puberty rites
BesEgyptA god of childbirth, food, love, marriage, luck, recreation, relaxation & sleep
BestlaNorseA goddess
BethelPhoenicia / W. Semitic A local tutelary god first mentioned in the Ras Samra texts
Bhadra Hindu / PuranicA goddess & attendant of Siva
BhagaHindu / VedicA god of prosperity, good luck & marriage
BhagavanIndia [N.Cent.] A tutelary god
Bhaiarva Hindu / PuranicA minor form of Siva
BhairaviHinduThe goddess of terror
BhaisajyaguruBuddhist / Lamaist[Tibet] A physician god & medicine buddha
BhananiIndiaThis is the goddess of female energy who is both terrible & kind
Bharani Hindu / Epic / PuranicA minor goddess of misfortune
BharatMata Hindu A modern Hindu mother goddess
BharatiHinduA minor goddess of sacrifices
BhavanavasiJain [India]A generic name given to deities that look youthful
BhavaniIndiaA goddess of midwives
BhimaBuddhist / MahayanaAn attendant goddess of Buddakepala
Bhima Hindu / Puranic / EpicA warrior & rain god
Bhimsen Hindu / Puranic / EpicA warrior & rain god
BhimulPen Hindu / Puranic / Epic A warrior & rain god
BhrkutiBuddhistA female deity
Bhrkuti-TaraBuddhist / TibetA mother goddess & Buddha designate
BhumiBuddhist / VajrayanaThe collective name for a group of deities
BhumiDevata India A vegetation goddess
Bhumidevi Hindu / Epic / PuranicA fertility goddess
Bhumiya Hindu / Vedic / PuranicA fertility & guardian god of the fields
BhutIndiaA rather nasty evil spirit so don't irritate it
BhutadarmaBuddhist / MahayanaA demonic god
BhutamataHinduA terrible goddess, a frightening form of Parveti
Bhutas Hindu [India] A group of demons in Indian Hinduism
BhuvanesvariHinduA goddess, 1 of the 10 mahavidyas
Bi-harBuddhist / Lamaist[Tibet] A guardian deity who fends off demons
BiaGreekA goddess of force
BibesiaRomanThe god of beverages at a meal
BibiGypsyA goddess of healing & cholera
BiblysGreekA goddess of fountains
BiddyMannion Irish A goddess of midwives
BidhgoeCelticA goddess of love & of sexuality
Biegg-OlmaiLaplandThe wind man
Big HeadsIroquois
Demonic deities
BikehHozhoNavaho A goddess of happiness
BilaAus.A goddess of war
BileIrishThe god of death
BilikuAgoddess of fire
BilwisGermanA nature spirit
Bimbo-GamiJapanA god of poverty
BingYiChina He is the divine ruler of all rivers
BintangBorneoA goddess of love
Binzuru-SonjaJapanA god of fine vision & curing who is unable to escape pain, therefore he helps others to do so
Birdu Babylon / AkkadiaA minor underworld god
BisalMariamna India A goddess of war
BisamIndiaA goddess of health, Diseases
BishamonJapanHe is one of the 7 gods of luck & the
Bishamon-TenJapanA god of wealth & protector of human life that chases demons
BishamontennoJapanA god of wealth & protector of human life that chases demons
TiamontennuJapanA god of wealth & protector of human life that chases demons
BitolMayaA sky god [1 of 7] that helped create the world & its mortals
BladudWalesThe sun god
Blathnat Irish / WalesThe maiden form of the triple goddess
BlidScandinaviaA goddess of happiness
BlueJayChinook [PNW] The creator god
BoDhu Irish A black cow goddess
BoEwe[Benin] A god & a protector of warriors
BoFind Irish A white cow goddess
BoHsian China / Tao A counterpart of Buddhist Samantabhadra
BoRuadh Irish A goddess who helped bring fertility to barren Ireland
Boann / Boand / BoannanIrishThe goddess of the River Boyne
BochicaChibcha[SA] The supreme sun & law god
BodbDearg Irish A son of the Dagda that became the ruler of the gods
BodbIrishA goddess of war & part of a trinity
Bodb the RedIrish
A son of the Dagda that became the ruler of the gods
BodhidharmaBuddhistChina A monk worshipped as a god
Bodua CelticA war goddess
BodvaIrishA goddess of war & part of a trinity
BoeNorseA son of Odin
Boibhniu CelticA god Blacksmiths
BoinneGuary Irish A guardian god / spirit of Bruigh
BoiunaBrazilA much-feared serpent goddess
BokwusKwakiutlA wild spirit of the woodlands
BolbeGreekA lake goddess
BoldogasszonyHungaryA virgin goddess & protector of women & children
BolonTiKu Maya A collective name for the the nine underworld gods that are not well defined
BolontikuMayaA chthonic underworld god
BolverkNorseA name of Odin
BomaziBushongo[Congo] An ancestral deity
BombatKamayan Hindu [Gaya] A local deceased goddess
BomoRambiZimbabwe A moon goddess
BomongMinyongA goddess of war
BomuRambiZimbabwe A moon goddess
BonaDea Roman A goddess of fertility, great prophecy, the dispenser of healing herbs, rather prim & chaste
BonaMater Roman The goddess of nature & fertility & childbirth
BonchorBderber[N. Tunisia] A god
BonusEventus Roman A god of success(luck) in one's enterprises
BooraPennuKhondi [India] A god of light that created the earth goddess & they made the other great gods
BorNorseA primordial god
BoraspatiniTano Batak An earth spirit
BoreasGreekThe god of the North wind
BorghildNorseA goddess of the moon
BormanusBritain / GaulThe god of hot springs who replaced his mother Sirona
BormanusCeltic / BretonThe god of hot springs
BormoniaRomanA goddess of healing
BorvoBritain / GaulThe god of hot springs who replaced his mother Sirona
BoucalouFon [Benin] She is the primordial creator
BoyneIrishA river deity
Brag srin mo Tibet A goddess of fertility & an ancestral goddess
BragiNorseA god of poetry & eloquence
Brahani Hindu / Puranic / EpicA mother goddess
BrahmaHinduThe father of gods & men, creator of the universe & first god the trinity, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva
BrahmanHindu / VedicA goddess of astronomy, science, education, wisdom, eloquence & rivers as well as the creator of immortality
BrahmaniHinduA mother goddess
BranabLlyr Celtic He is a god of the dead & can restore life
BrangwaineWalesA goddess of love
Branwen Irish / Manx / WalesThe Venus of the Northern Seas & a goddess of love
BreathmakerSeminoleThe deity who taught men how to fish & dig wells
BrekstaLithuaniaA goddess of the darkness
Brenos CelticA war god
Bres Irish Celtic A god of fertility & agriculture
BresMaclatha Irish A vegetation god
Bress Irish Celtic A god of fertility & agriculture
Brhaspati / Brihaspati / Bramanaspati Hindu / VedicA god, intermediary between humans & the other gods
Briant CelticA goddess of the river which holds her name
BridgetPan-CelticThe goddess of the seasons, doctors smiths, poets, & women in childbirth
BrigantiaBritainThe goddess of the rivers Braint & Brent & a tutelary & sovereignty goddess
Brigantis CelticYet another moon goddess
BrighidCelticA goddess of education, healing, sore eyes
BrighidGaelicA goddess of metal working
BrigidPan-CelticA goddess of healing, fertility, & patroness of smiths In Ireland she was known as the daughter of the Dagda & wife of the
BrigitIrishA fertility goddess
BrigitPan-CelticThe goddess of the seasons, doctors smiths, poets, & women in childbirth
BrihaspatiIndiaThe god of incantation & ritual
BrimoGreekA death goddess
BrisayaAmoon goddess
BritanniaBritainThe genia Lor of Britain
BritomartisCreteA virgin huntress goddess
BrizoGreekA goddess worshiped as a prophet Delos
BromeGreekAnother nymph who was a nurse for Dionysus
BromiosGreekSee Dionysus
BromoBritain / GaulThe god of hot springs who replaced his mother Sirona
BronachIrishA goddess linked to forgotten Samhain rituals
BronoNorseA god of light
BrownieScotlandA benevolent Scottish goblin similar to continental elves & kobolds
bTsan / bCanTibetDemons
BuadzaGan / Ghana[W. Africa] The god of the wind
BubastisEgyptA goddess of childbirth
BubilasLithuaniaA goddess of bees
BubonaRomanThe goddess of horses & cattle She was the counterpart of the Celtic goddess Epona
BubrostisSmyrna[Asia Minor] A goddess of ravenous hunger
BuddhaIndiaHe was deified after his death
BuddhaalocanaBuddhist / ShingonA goddess & female Buddha
BuddhabodhiprabhavasitaBuddhistA goddess, 1 of the 12 vasitas
BuddhaherukaBuddhistThe First & oldest meditation Buddha
BuddhakapalaBuddhist / MahayanaA god
BuddhiHinduA goddess rarely mentioned
Budha Hindu / Vedic / Epic / Puranic / BuddhistAn astral god
BudhiPallienN. India A forest goddess
BugaTungus[Siberia] The supreme god
BugadyMusunEvenki [Siberia] The goddess that was the mother of all animals
Bugid Y AlbaPuerto Rico / Haiti
A god of war
BukNuer[Sudan] A river goddess
BukuW. Africa A sky god
Bukuraedheut Albania A beneficent fairy like being
Bukurieqiellit Albania The name for the god of Abraham
BulaingKaradjeriAus. A goddess
Bulan Indonesia / MalaysiaA moon goddess
BulaneMozambiqueA god of water
BulucChabtan Maya A god of war affiliated with human sacrifice
BulugaAndaman Is. A god
BumbaBoshongo[Bantu S. Africa] The supreme god & creator, he vomited everything into existence
BumeraliAus.A goddess of physical prowess
BunbulamaAus.A goddess of rain
BunosiMelanesiaA culture god
BunziZaire [Africa]A rain goddess
BuriNorseOne of two primordial beings
BurijasKassite [Iraqn] A war god
BuriyasKassite [Iran]A war god
BurrNorseA primordial god
BussumarusContinental Celtic A god, identified with the Roman Jupiter
ButchoBuddhistA goddess
ButoEgyptA cobra god of Lower Egypt & justice
BuxenusGaulThe god of box trees
ByblisNyhmphThis Byblis or Biblis fell in love with her brother and was refused. Or else she was innocent and it was her brother who conceived a passion for her. Because of this she was consumed by her own tears and transformed into a fountain, or else she was turned into an Hamadryad Nymph, by the NYMPHS. Others say she killed herself.
ByelobogSlavicA white god
BielbogSlavicA white god
ByelunSlavicA deity similar to Bielbog
Byggvir&Beyla Norse A minor Norse god & goddess
C'baluYoruba[Africa] A rain god
C(co)chimetlAztecA minor God of merchants that & commerce
Cathea Mojave [SW USA] The goddess of love
CabaguilMayaA god who helped create the world & mortals
CabeiriAsia Minor Deities of Asia Minor Also Greek mystic deities whose worship was prominent in the Aegean
CacaRomanA goddess of the hearth
CacochMayaA creator god
KacochMayaA creator god
CacohMayaA creator god
CacusItalyA pre-Roman god of fire that became fire breathing demon
CaerIbormeith Irish Usually thought of as a goddess of sleep & dreams
Cagn'Kalahari / Mantis / Bushmen [S. Africa] The supreme god & creator
!Kaggen'Kalahari / Mantis / Bushmen [S. Africa] The supreme god & creator
CaiaCaeciliaThe deified mortal Princess Tanaquilm represented healing
CailleachBeara Irish Celtic A goddess represented as an old hag
CailleachBheur Irish Celtic A goddess represented as an old hag
Caillech Irish / Scotland / ManxA goddess of winter in her destroyer aspect
Cailleach Irish / Scotland / ManxA goddess of winter in her destroyer aspect
Carlin Irish / Scotland / ManxA goddess of winter in her destroyer aspect
Mala Irish / Scotland / ManxA goddess of winter in her destroyer aspect
Liath Irish / Scotland / ManxA goddess of winter in her destroyer aspect
CaireenIrishA protective mother goddess
CaishenChinaThe god of wealth
CajolomMayaThis god of the sky is also one of the seven that helped create the the world & humans
CakraHinduThe mind of the creator
CakrasamvaraTantricA god of initiation
CakresvariJain [India]A goddess of learning
CakulhaMayaA god of the lessor lightning bolts
Caliadne.ANaiad, one of the many wives of Aegyptus
CalliopeGreekThe Muse of of poetry & eloquence
CalliphaeiaOneof the Ionides Nymphs in Elis. They were believed to cure diseases. (These were: Calliphaeia, Synallasis, Pegaea and Iasis.)
CallirrhoeOneof the three Naiads who are at the origin of the Tyrian race. They were joined to sons of the soil
CallistoGreek[Arcadia] A local goddess
KallistoGreek[Arcadia] A local goddess
CallyBerry Irish A maiden goddess
CaloungerBrazilShe is a death goddess & / or a sea goddess
CalybeMotherof Bucolion, the first son of King Laomedon of Troy, offspring of a secret love.
CalypsoGreekThe nymph who kept Odysseus captive for seven years
CalypsoNymphand goddess.
Cam-srinLamas / TibetA war god
CamaHinduA god of young love
CamaxtliAztecA god of war & fire as well as of one of of the 4 gods that created the world
CamaxtliMayaHe is a god of fate
CamaxtliAztec / ChichimecA god of hunting & of fate
Mixcoatl-CamaxtliAztec / ChichimecA god of hunting & of fate
CamazotzMayaThe revered vampire bat god
CamenaeItalyA goddesses of springs & wells
CamenaeRomanAn oracular goddesses of springs & rivers
KamenaeRomanAn oracular goddesses of springs & rivers
CamillaItalyA goddess of fire
CamoenaRomanThe goddess of singing
CamozotzMayaThe bat god
CampestresGaul / RomanThe name of a lost goddess of fields
CamulosBritain Celtic A war god
CamundaHinduA goddess a form of Durga
CanCongChina A god of silkworm culture
Canda Hindu / Puranic / VedicA demoness & a form of Durga one of the nine navadurgas
CandaliBuddhist / TibetA goddess of terrible appearance
CandamiusRoman / IberiaAn astral god
Candanyika Hindu / Puranic / EpicAnother distinctive form of Durga
Candavati Hindu / Puranic / Epic A goddess, a form of the goddess Durga & one of the nine navadurgas
CandeliferaRomanA goddess of birth
CandesvariBuddhist / MayhayanaA minor goddess who stands upon a corpse
CandfrasekharaHindu / PuranicA form of a god Siva
CandiIndiaThe goddess Durga in her moon form
CandikaHindu / Puranic / EpicA goddess of desire
CanditSudanThe goddess of streams
CandograHindu / Puranic / EpicA goddess, a distinctive form of Durga
CandraBuddhistTibet A female deity of literature
CandraHindu / Puranic / Epic / BuddhistA planet god commonly affiliated with the moon
CandrasekharaHinduA god a form of Shiva
CandsveraHindu / Puranic / EpicA Minor God & benevolent aspect of Siva
CanidiaGreekA moon goddess that was also a sorceress
CankilikkaruppanHindu / Dravidian / TamilA local god
CanolaIrishBelieved to be one of the oldest of the Irish deities
CaoDaiVietnam The supreme god
CaoGuo-jiuChina An immortal that was the patron of actors
CaolainnIrishA goddess of wisdom healing & fertility
CapakanMayaThe god of earthquakes & mountains
CarcikaBuddhist / Mahayana India A goddess
CardaGreekA river nymph & virgin hunter
CardeaRomanA goddess of thresholds & door-pivots
CaridadAfrica / Caribbean / S.& C. America She is the goddess of sweet water
CarikaBuddhistA goddess of the repetitive chant
CariociecusRoman / IberiaA war God
CarlinScottishA goddess of winter & Shaimin
CarmanIrishA destructive witch & the goddess of evil magic
CarmeGreekA nymph & companion of Artemis
CarmentaRomanA goddess of fate or fortune, childbirth & midwives, prophecy & springs
CarmentesRomanA minor goddesses of birth
CarmentisDaughterof the River God Ladon. Carmentis was skilled in the art of divination. She was the first to foretell how great Aeneas' line would become. She was mother by Hermes of Evander, the wisest man among the Arcadians. Evander Emigrated to Italy and founded a city, Pallantium, on the banks of the river Tiber.
CarnaRomanA goddess of bodily organs
CarneBritain / CornwallMost likely another version of Herne
CarpoGreekIn some versions a Horae
KarpoGreekIn some versions a Horae
Carravogue Irish / BritainA goddess of winter from County Meath Crone
CarridwenWalesA moon goddess
CarthagoATyrian Nymph, daughter of Heracles.
CaryatisGreekA goddess of healing
CassotisANymph of Parnassus from whom a spring at Delphi received its name.
CastaliaGreekA goddess of springs
CatanaIrishA mother goddess associated with fertility & the primordial mother
CatequilInca [SA]A god of lightning & thunder
CathEtruscanA sun god
CathubodiaBretonA version of the Irish earth goddess Banbha
CathuboduaPan-CelticA war goddess
CaturixGaulA war & tribal god
CaturmurtiHindu / Puranic / EpicA specific form of Vishnu [4 faces]
CauriBuddhist / TibetA goddess of terrifying appearance
Cautes&Cautopates Persia Two companions of the god Mithra
CauthaEtruscanA sun god
CavillacaPeruA virgin goddess that was preggers by a sneaky god
CeAcatlAztec A creator god
CeachtIrishA goddess of medicine
CebhfhionnIrishA goddess of inspiration
CeiuciBrazilA star goddess who created all animals
CeledonesGreekA goddesses of happiness
CenkalaniyammalHindu / Davidian / TamilA local goddess that guards the paddy fields
CenteocihauatlAztecShe was the patron of doctors & midwives
CenteocihuatlAztecA maize goddess
CenteotlAztecA maize & fertility god
CenteotlAztecHe is the maize god
Centzon-TotochtinAztecThese are the party gods, a drunken & immoral group that meet frequently that a blast
CentzonuitznauaAztecThe gods of the southern stars
CeresAfricana / CeresPunica N. Africa A goddess of the harvest
CeresRomanA grain goddess
CeridwenWalesA goddess of inspiration & the hag aspect of the mother goddess
CerklicingLatviaA god of fields & grain
CernobogSlavicA Black god of chaos & the night
CernunnosPan-CelticA god of fertility & the horned god
CernunnosRomanA god of prosperity [yes this appears to be the Celtic god as well]
CerridwenBritishA goddess of mountains
Cerridwen CelticA goddess of fertility
CerridwenWales / ScotlandA moon, grain, education & healing goddess
CessairIrishA well known pre-Celtic mother goddess
CethlionIrishA goddess of the sea & the Formorians
CetoCetois identified as a Naiad, and as her parents are Oceanus & Tethys she is counted as one of the OCEANIDS. Astris, one of the HELIADES, is said to be her daughter by Helius.
CetoGreekA goddess of the sea
CgheneIsoko [S. Nigeria] A creator god with no material aspect, but a nice guy, no temple or priest
Ch'angEChina A goddess of the moon
Ch'angOChina A goddess of the moon
Ch'angTsaiChina A god of the spleen
Ch'engHuangChina A god of the land,ditches, moats & the people
Ch'I-YouChinaA god of weapons, dancers, smiths & war
Ch'ihSungtzu China Lord of the rain
Ch'in-Shu-PaoChinaA guardian god
Ch'ingLungChina A god of the lungs
Ch'ungLingyu China A god of the nose
ChacMayaA god [s] of lightning, rain, thunder, wind & fertility
ChacMayaA rain god, the equivalent of the Aztec Tlaloc Later Chac appears as Chac-Xib-Chac, one of the four gods associated with the fou
ChacMol Maya A god [s] of lightning, rain, thunder, wind & fertility
ChacUayab Xoc Maya A fish god, both the devourer of drowned fishermen & the provider of the fishermen's catches
ChacXibChac Maya A god of sacrifice & war
ChahuruPawnee [M. USA] The spirit of water
Chaitanya Hindu / PuranicA mendicant god
ChakwainaOkya Zuni [SW USA] A goddess of childbirth
ChalchiuhtlatonalAztecA god of water
ChalchiuhtlcueAztecA goddess rain & storms, violence, vitality, lakes, whirlpools, rivers, water , love, beauty & youth Don't make this one mad whatever you do.
ChalchiutotolinAztecA god of pestilence
ChallalammaIndiaA goddess of buttermilk [?]
ChalmeacacihuitlAztecA minor underworld goddess
ChalmecacihuiltAztecAn underworld goddess
ChalmecatlAztecAn underworld god
ChalmetcalAztecA minor underworld god
ChamaHinduA god of young love
ChamerMaya[E. Guatemala] A god of death
ChamundaHinduA goddess a form of Durga
ChanHs'ienChina The guardian god of children he had been a mortal King
ChandaHinduA demoness & a form of Durga one of the nine navadurgas
ChandanayikaHinduA goddess a form of Durga & one of the nine navadurgas
ChandavatiHinduA goddess, a form of the goddess Durga & one of the nine navadurgas
ChandesvariBuddhist India A minor goddess
ChandiHinduA form of Hindu Sakti
Chandika Hindu / Puranic / EpicA goddess of desire
ChandograHinduA goddess a form of Durga & one of the nine navadurgas
ChandraVedicA god of the moon
ChandrasekharaHinduA god a form of Shiva
Chang FeiChina
A god of war & butchers who rules over autumn & winter
Chang Hs'ienChina
A protective god of children
Chang HsienChina
A god of dreams & of pregnancy
ChangKuo-lao China / Tao A deity one of the Pa-Hsien
Chang PanChina
A god of masons
Chang T'ien-shih China / Tao A god of the afterlife & exorcism
Chang Tao Ling China / Tao A god of the afterlife & exorcism
Chang XiChina
A moon goddess
Chang XiaChina
A goddess of the moon
Chang YongChina
A goddess of justice
ChangingWoman Navaho [SW US] A moon-deity, mother of the sun
ChangoAfricaA warrior god that defends mortals against enemies that want the land, wealth & women
ChanticoAztecShe is the goddess of hearth fires & volcanoes.
ChanticoMayaA goddess of hearth fires, the home & fertility
ChaosanNiang China A goddess of wig salesmen
ChaoT'engk'ang China A god of the bowels
ChaobMaya[Lacandon] The wind gods
ChaosBabylonThe mother of the gods
CharcikaBuddhist / Mahayana India A goddess
CharicloMotherof the famous seer Tiresias.
CharisGreekA minor goddess
CharitesRomanThe name for the Graces normally a trinity though the numbers varied
CharontesEtruscaThe demons of death
CharunEtruscanA demon of the underworld
ChascaInca[SA] The goddess of the dawn, a real looker
ChattrosniaBuddhistA god
ChattrosnisaIndiaBuddhist A god, one of the eight usnisa deities
ChaturmaharajasBuddhistThe four great kings
CaturmaharajasBuddhistThe four great kings
ChaturmurtiHinduA god, a form of Vishnu
CaturmurtiHinduA god, a form of Vishnu
Chaya Hindu / Puranic / EpicA reflection of the goddess Sanjna
ChebeldeiSiberiaThese are the inhabitants of lower world
ChemoshMoab[Jordan] The head god as well as a war god
ChenJen China / Tao Spiritual beings
ChenKaoChina A god of the ears
ChengSanKung China A god of fishing
ChengYuanho China A god of strolling singers
Cheng-huangChinaThe earth gods, guardian deities of cities, walls & ditches
Ch'engHuangChina The earth gods, guardian deities of cities, walls & ditches
ChensitEgyptA goddess of the twentieth nome of Lower Egypt
Chenti-chetiEgyptHellenistic A crocodile god that became a falcon
Chenti-irtiEgyptA falcon god of law & order
ChepreEgyptA sun god in the form of a scarab
ChepriEgyptA sun god in the form of a scarab
ChernobogSlavicA Black god of chaos & the night
ChertiEgyptThe ram god of the underworld worshipped from ca. 2500 BCE
CherubMesopotamiaThese are the guardians of important places & they intercede both with & for the gods
Chhihofwarg tzu China A god of rain
ChiGuoChina / Buddhist One of the four Buddhist guardians of the world
ChiPoChina A god of the winds
ChiSungTzu China A rain god
ChiYuChina The inventor of metalworking, weapons & armor
ChiaChiboaA moon goddess
ChianMotherof Chios.
ChiangChinaA goddess of agriculture
ChibchacumChibchaThe god of farmers & merchants
ChibiabosAlgonquin [US / Canada]The brother of Nanabush
ChibiliasMayaA goddess of the rainbow
ChibiriasMayaAn earth goddess who sends the rain & paints the earth
ChiccanMayaThe rain gods
ChickcharneyAndrosIs / Bahamas A small furred / feathered spirit of the forest
ChicoahuiAztecA god of lapidaries
ChicomecoatlAztecThe maize goddess of the Middle Culture period Her festival was in September, when a young girl representing the goddess was sacrificed
ChicomecohuatlAztecThe maize goddess of the Middle Culture period Her festival was in September, when a young girl representing the goddess was sacrificed
ChicomenochtliAztecA god of painters & solar pleasure [not my claim]
ChiconahuiAztecA hearth goddess & guardian of the household
ChiconahuiehecatlAztecA minor creator god
ChieChibcha[SA] A fun loving goddess
ChihJihChina A god of the day
ChihNiiChina A goddess of spinning
ChihNuChina A star goddess of weaving
ChihSung-TzuChina The lord of the rain
Chih-YuChinaA divine inventor of war & weapons
ChikaraKorekore[N. Zimbabwe] A sky god
Childofthe Water Navaho / Apache A hero god
ChimalmatMayaA goddess of the Little Dipper
ChimataNoKami Japan A god of crossroads, roads & footpaths
ChimeraGreekA goddess of volcanoes
ChiminaguaChibcha[SA] Another omni-potent god that created the earth in a rather simple matter
ChinhuaNiang niang China A god of drums & violins
ChingLingTzu China A god of tea
ChingichnichCalif.[SW PSW USA] The creator
ChinnamastakaHindu / Puranic / EpicA goddess, a headless form of Durga
ChinnintammaIndiaA goddess of households
ChioYuanTzu China A god of the brain
ChipiripaCurraThe rain god
ChirakanIxmucane Maya One of the new goddess formed by the 4 gods that made the world
ChitraHinduA goddess of misfortune
ChiuacoztlNahuA goddess of childbirth
ChiukeIbo[Nigeria] A sky & creator god accepted as the source of all that is good
ChiutaTumbuka[Malawi] The supreme sky god
ChlausHaistic Irish An ancient goddess of unknown function
ChlorisGreekA goddess of flowers
ChlorisMotherof the flowers (Flora).
ChnubisRomanA syncretic god
ChnumEgyptA ram god that protects the source of the Nile
ChnumuEgyptA ram god that protects the source of the Nile
ChokmahIberiaA goddess of order & wisdom
CholNuer [Sudan]A rain & thunderstorms god
CholmusSiberiaThe creator of animals
ChonsEgyptA moon god
ChonsuEgyptA god of the moon
ChontamentiEgyptThe god of the dead
Chonti-amentiuEgyptThe god of the dead
ChormustaMongolThe high god
ChorsBalkinsE. Slavic The sun god
ChortiMaya[E. Guatemala] The rain gods
Chos-SkyonBuddhist / TibetA tutelary guardian deity
ChouWangChina A god of sodomy
ChowaIndiaA goddess of health
Christalline HaitiAn evil sea goddess
ChronosGreekA god of agriculture, he did a temporary tour as king of the Titans
ChronusGreekA god of agriculture, he did a temporary tour as king of the Titans
A Nymph whose tutelary snake punished Philoctetes for having profaned the soil of her shrine.
ChuJungChina A god of fire & the celestial executioner
ChuLungChina A day / night deity
ChuNiaoChina A god of the heart
ChuYingChina A god of the eyes
ChuangMuChina A goddess of the bedroom
ChuginadakAleut[Bering Straits] A goddess of fire & volcanos
ChuhKamuyChina A moon goddess
ChukuIbo[Nigeria] A sky & creator god accepted as the source of all that is good
ChulTaticChites Vaneg Maya A creator god, some say the god of Abraham
ChulaveteMexicoA goddess of the morning star
ChunT'iChina A goddess of the dawn & warriors
ChundaBuddhistA goddess of happiness
ChungK'uei China / Tao A god of the afterlife & exorcism
ChungkueiChina A protector of those who travel & god of examinations
ChungLiuChina A god of eaves
Chung-liCh'uan China / Tao An immortal
ChupChumashA goddess of the wind & rain
ChupKamuiAinu A goddess of war & the sun
ChweziNyoro[N. Uganda] The hero gods
CianIrishA god of medicine
CihuacoatlAztecA goddess whose roaring signaled war
Cihuacoatl-QuilaztliAztecA chthonic creator goddess with a rather unique way of creating humanity
CihuatetoAztecWomen that die in childbirth gained eternal life & became spirits that accompany the sun
CineiChukchi [Siberia]A sea goddess
CinteotlAztecA maize & fertility god
CinteotlNahuThe god of Maize
CinxiaRomanA minor goddess of marriage [She worries over the attire of the bride after the wedding]
CipactliAztec / MexicoA primordial goddess of water
CirceGreekA goddess of healing & of herbs
CistaPersiaA goddess of the morning star
CitBolonTum Maya A god of medicine
CitCacCoh Maya A god of war iconised as a red Puma
Cit-Bolon-TumMayaA medicine god
CitalatonacAztec / MexicoA creator god
CitipatiBuddhistThe graveyard demons
CitlalatonacAztecA creator god
CitlalicueAztecA creator goddess & the goddess of Milky Way
CitlatonacAztecA primordial creator god that rules in the 13th heaven
CitraHindu / Puranic / EpicA minor goddess of misfortune & a malevolent astral deity
CitrasenaBuddhist / MayhayanaA goddess
CittavasitaBuddhistA minor goddess
CiuacoatlAztecAn earth goddess
CiuateoteoAztecThey are underworld spirits
CizinMaya [Yucatec] A god of death
Clairm'e Haiti / VodunA river loa
Clairmezin'e HaitiA river goddess
CleioGreekThe muse of historical & heroic poetry
ClementiaRomanA goddess of mercy & clemency
A Naiad, wife of Lelex, first king in Laconia who arrived from Egypt.
CleodoraMotherby Poseidon or Cleopompus of Parnassus after whom Mount Parnassus was named.
CleoneGreekA goddess of water
CleurcaGreekA river nymph & virgin hunter
ClioGreekThe muse of historical & heroic poetry
Cliodna Irish / ScotlandA goddess
ClitumnusScotlandA prophetic river god in the province of Umbria whose river waters was said to heal illnesses of all sorts
ClitunnoScotlandA prophetic river god in the province of Umbria whose river waters was said to heal illnesses of all sorts
CloacinaRomanA goddess of sewers
CloniaWifeof the very rich man Hyrieus.
ClotaScotland / England / WalesA goddess & namesake of the River Clyde
ClothoGreekOne of the Moreia
ClymeneWifeof Parthenopaeus, one of the SEVEN AGAINST THEBES.
CnossiaMistressof Menelaus and mother by him of Xenodamus.
CoatlicueAztecA goddess of earth & fire & mother of the gods
CoatrischieCuba / TainoA goddess of water, winds, & storms
CocaMamaPeru A goddess of health, happiness & the coca plant
CochaPeruA goddess of rain
Cochimetl / CocochimetlAztecA god of merchants & commerce
Cocidius CelticA war god
CocidiusN. Britain Celtic A hunting goddess
CocijoZapotec [Mexico] A rain god
CocomamaPeruA goddess of health & happiness who was a promiscuous woman cut in half by jealous lovers
CoeusGreekA Titan
ColNuer [Sudan]A rain & thunderstorms god
ColelCab Maya A chthonic earth goddess
CollatinaRomanA goddess of landscaping of hills & dales
ColledaKoliada [Serbia] The goddess of the winter solstice
Colop U UichkinMaya
A sky god
Conchenn CelticA goddess of love
ConcordiaRomanA goddess of harmony & peace
CondatisBritain Celtic A river god
CondwiramurWalesA goddess of sovereignty
ConfuciusChinaA philosopher who came to be worshipped as a deity not long after his death in 174 BC
ConirayaQuechaThe creator of all things & founder of agriculture
ConsentesDii Roman The twelve chief Roman deities, Jupiter, Apollo, Neptune, Mars,Mercury, Vulcan, Juno, Diana, Minerva, Venus, Ceres & Vesta
ConsentesRomanA god of flocks, herds & of shepherds
ConsusRomanA god of counseling & negotiation
CopiaRomanA goddess of prosperity
Corb Irish Celtic A god, one of the Fomors
Corchen Irish / ManxA goddess of which very little is known
CordeliaWalesA goddess of summer flowers & the sea
CoreGreekA goddess of springtime
CoronisGreekA nymph
CorraScotlandA goddess of prophecy
CorusRomanA wind god representing the NW wind
CotiBushman [Africa]A goddess of hunting
CotysPhrygianThe earth goddess who presided over debauchery
CotysThraceA goddess who enjoyed orgiastic rites
CotyttoThraceA goddess who enjoyed orgiastic rites
CoventinaBritain Celtic Goddess of water, springs & healing
CoventinaScotlandOne of the most potent of the river gods
CoyolxauhquiAztecA moon goddess
CoyotePan-W.USA A demigod / creator / trickster
CranaeANymph from near an ancient grove of Alernus near the Tiber. She had many suitors and when requested pretended to follow them but always deserted them. Was given by Janus the control of hinges for the maidenhood he took.
CratosGreekA god of strength
CredneIrishA god of metallurgy & smithing
CreiddyladWalesA goddess of summer flowers & the sea
Creidhne IrishA god Metal working
CreudyladWalesA goddess of summer flowers & the sea
A Naiad, daughter of Gaia. Mother by the River God Peneus of Hypseus, King of the Lapiths and of Stilbe.
CrionisGreekOne of the many river gods
CriusGreekA Titan
CrnobogSlavicA black god of death
CrnoglavSlavicA black god of death
Crobh Dearg
A Nymph in the train of Artemis.
CrommCruaich Irish An ancient deity
CroneIrishThe third aspect of the Trinity. the Triple goddess
Cronos Celtic
A minor harvest & sun god
CroveDairg Irish A war goddess
CrowTlingitAlaska USA The creator bird
CuChulain Maya A goddess
CubaRomanA goddess children's sleep & infants
CuchulainnMayaA goddess
CueravaperiMexicoA goddess of rain & drought
CulsuEtruscaA demoness who guards the entrance to the underworld
CumHau Maya A god of death
CundaBuddhistTibet A female deity of literature
CuninaRomanA goddess of infants who are in the cradle
CuntiBuddhistTibet A female deity of literature
CupidRomanThe god of love
CuraRomanA goddess of healing
CurchePrussiaHe is a god of grain
CurcheTeutonicA god of fertility & agricultural abundance
CuretesCreteSemi-divine beings
CutziThe Americas A moon goddess
Cuvto avaRussia A tree goddess
A Naiad who opposed Hades when he ravished Persephone. She dissolved away in tears.
CybebePhrygiaA mother & fertility goddess of the mountains
CybelePhrygiaA mother & fertility goddess of the mountains
CyhiraethWelsh Celtic A goddess of streams that became specter haunting woodland streams
A Naiad, after whom Mount Cyllene is named. According to some mother of the impious Lycaon, but according to others his wife.
CymeinfollWalesA war goddess
CymideiWalesA war goddess
Cymodoce was once a ship and was transformed into a Sea-Nymph
An immortal Nymph, one of the nurses of Zeus.
CynosuraGreekA goddess of midwives
CyreneThessalyA nymph
CythereaRomanA goddess of love, beauty, springtime, vineyards
CzarnobogSlavicA Black god of chaos & the night
CzernebochSlavicA Black god of chaos & the night
DaFon [Benin] The snake god

Da-shi-zhiChinaBuddhist A female Bodhisattva
DabaibaPanamaA goddess of lightning & thunder
DabogBalkans / S.RussiaBefore Christians he was a sun god, alas, now he's reduced to a diabolic personality
DabogSlavicA god of the sky, wealth & war
DadimundaBuddhist [Sri Lanka] He was the treasurer for another God
DaeiraGreekA goddess of knowledge
DaemonGreekThe name for beings that intermediate between gods & humans
DaemonesGreekA family of elemental & have fields, forests, mountains, oceans, streams, lakes, valleys, desert, some towns & they are immortal
DaenaIranThe goddess who meets the souls of the dead
DaevasIranThe powers of evil
DaevasPersiaRather malevolent spirits
DagaPhilistinesW. Semitic A grain god
Dagan Babylon / Akkadia / CanaanA fertility & grain god
DaganKafir [Afghanistan]A local supreme god
DagdaIrishA god of the earth
DaghdhaIrishThe god of the earth, death, rebirth & long life
DagonHebrewThe name for the West Semitic god Dagan
DahhakIranAn evil spirit
DahoPyrenean [NW Spain] A deity
DahudAhesBritain A goddess of debauchery
DahutBritainA goddess of debauchery
DaikokuJapanA god of wealth & happiness
DaimonGreekThe name for beings that intermediate between gods & humans
DaiomonGreekA member of the Daemones family
DaityasHinduThe demonic sons of the goddess Diti
DajiChinaA goddess of justice
DajojiIroquoisA manitou of the west wind
DakiniBuddhistDemonic beings possessing magical powers & capable of flying through the air
DakiniGuru Tibet A goddess of teaching
Daksa Hindu / Vedic / PuranicA sun god
Daksha Hindu / Vedic / PuranicA sun god
DaktyloiGreekDemonic beings who were associated with the working of metal
DalaKadavara Buddhist [Singhalese] A demon, bringer of illness & misfortune
Dali Russia/ GeorgiaA goddess of the hunt
DamaHuliInvisible deities which control the weather, attack people & cause illness, sterility or death
DamaraBritainA fertility goddess associated with Beltane
Damballah HaitiA goddess of sweet waters
DamgalnunaSumeria / Babylon / AkkadiaThe mother goddess who whelped Marduk
DamkinaSumeria / Babylon / AkkadiaThe earth mother goddess
DamonaIrish Gallic A goddess, known as the Divine Cow
DamuSumeriaA god of exorcism
DanFon[Benin] The snake god
DanMahi [Benin]A goddess of order & the rainbow
DanaAna Irish A mother goddess associated with fertility & the primordial mother
DanaIrishA mother goddess associated with fertility & the primordial mother
DanaidsGreekThe goddesses of fountains & water
DanaisMotherby Pelops of Chrysippus. Laius (Oedipus' father) fell in love with this illegitimate son of Pelops and carried him off. However, Pelops recovered him through war.
DanannIrishThe major mother goddess
DanaparamitaBuddhistA philosophical deity
DanavasIndiaThey are half divine / half demonic beings
DanhFon[Benin] The snake god
DanuGreekThe Aegean mother goddess
Danu Hindu / VedicThe primordial goddess
DanuIrishThe major mother goddess
DanusGreekThe father of the Danaids, 50 beautiful women
DaphneGreekAn oracular goddess & mountain nymph
DaphnisIn the earliest times, the prophetess of Gaia in Delphi.
DaragoPhilippineA goddess of fire & volcanos
DaramulumAus.A lunar being & mediator between the creator & humans
DaramulunKamilaroi / Wiradyuri [Aus]A god of all things & master of life death
DarkGoddess Hittite One of the Hittite deities who sat under the Hawthorn tree awaiting the return of Telipinu
DaronwyWalesThis god appears only in the songs / book of Taleisin
DarzamatLatviaA goddess of the gardens
DashizhiChinaA goddess of knowledge
Dasyus Hindu / VedicOne of the races of the Asuras
DatinN. Arabia A god mentioned in inscriptions but what he did no one knows
DattasLuwainA storm god
DavasPersiaRather malevolent spirits
Daya Hindu / PuranicA goddess who oddly enough is considered a minor aspect of the god of Visnu
DayangRacaBorneo A goddess of fire
DazbogSlavicA god of the sky, wealth & war
DazhbogSlavicA god of the sky, wealth & war
DazimusSumeriaThe goddess of healing
DdraigGoch Welsh The red dragon that represents the god Dewi
DeaArduinna Britain A goddess of woodlands & animals
DeaMatrona Celtic A deity of the source of the Marne
DeaRomanThe goddess of the fields
DeaSequana Celtic A deity at source of the Seine
DeaeMatres Britain The mother goddesses, a trinity of earth goddesses
DebenaCzechoslovakiaA goddess of the forests
DebenaSlavicA goddess of hunting
DechtereIrishA trinity unto herself
DechtireIrishA trinity unto herself
DecimaRomanA goddess of birth that watches over the pregnancy
Dedun Egypt / NubiaA god of wealth & incense
Dedwen Egypt / NubiaA god of wealth & incense
DedwinNubianA god of riches & incense that was nailed by the Egyptians
DeimosGreekThe god of terror & panic
DeinoGreekOne of the Graiae
DeiopeaGreekA Nymph
DeklaLatviaA goddess of midwives
DelGypsyThe highest being / god
DemarusTyreThe father of Melkart, god of Tyre
DemeterGreekA goddess of agriculture, grain, autumn, the earth & fertility
DemogorgonGreekA mysterious spirit / creator god
DenaIran / PersiaA goddess
DendritusGreekA goddess of the tree
DengDinka[Sudan] A sky, rain & creator god
DeniIndiaThis is the goddess of female energy who is both terrible & kind
DeohakoSeneca [NE US SE Canada] The spirits of maize, beans & gourds
DercetiusIberiaAn ancient mountain deity
DercetoGreekA goddess of fertility
DercetoMysiaA mother goddess
DercetoPhoenicia / W. Semitic A mother goddess
DergaIndiaThis is the goddess of female energy who is both terrible & kind
DerketoChaldeaA moon goddess associated with fertility
DespinaGreekA nymph
Deus Christian / Anglo-Saxon / Germanic / RomanClaimed to be the creator god around 325 C.E., still in vogue by the Christian sect
DevArmeniaSpirit beings
Deva / Plural Dev or Devas Hindu / Vedic A term for a god
Devaki Hindu / Puranic / EpicA mother goddess
DevanaCzechoslovakia [Slavic]A goddess of the hunt
DevanandaJain [India]A mother goddess of happiness & joy
DevapurohitaHinduAn astral god associated with the planet Jupiter
DevaputraBuddhistThe gods of the lower rank
DevasIndiaSome gods at perpetual war with the demons
DevasIranThe powers of evil
DevasPersiaRather malevolent spirits
Devasena Hindu / PuranicA goddess
DevelGypsyThe highest being / god
DeverraRomanA goddess of birth & verse
DeviHinduA twelve armed warrior goddess
DeviIndiaThese are female deities
DevingIching Latvia A god of horses
DevonaBritonA goddess of the rivers of Devon
DevsPersiaRather malevolent spirits
DewiRatih Bali A moon goddess
DewiShri Bali The rice goddess
DewiWalesA god
DewuWelshThe red dragon that represents the god Dewi
DewyCanaanA goddess rain
DhakeshvariHinduThe Hidden Goddess
DhanadaBuddhist / MahayanaA goddess
Dhanistha Hindu / PuranicA minor goddess of misfortune & malevolent astral deity
Dhanvantari Hindu / Vedic / Puranic / EpicA sun god that later became an avatar of the god Visnu
Dhara Hindu / PuranicAn attendant god
DharaniHinduA minor goddess & avatar of Lakshmi
DharmaHinduA god of justice, righteousness & virtue
DharmadhatuvagisvaraBuddhistA god of the law
DharmakirtisagaraghosaBuddhist / Lamaist Tibet A physician god & a medicine buddha
DharmameghaBuddhist / VajrayanaA goddess, one of twelve deified bhumis
DharmapalaBuddhist / VjrayanaA minor goddess concerned with law
FuHa China A group of eight protective deities
DharmavasitaBuddhistA goddess one of a group of twelve vasitas
DharniPinnu India A goddess of health
Dharti Mata Hindu / Puranic A mother goddess
DhatBadan Yemen The primary goddess
Dhatar Hindu / PuranicA sun god
DhavajagrakeyuraBuddhist / MahayanaA goddess that sets on a sun throne
DhisanaHinduA minor goddess of prosperity
DhonnWalesA goddess that is called a god of death
DhritarashtraBuddhistOne of the four Buddhist guardians of the world
DhrtiJain [India]A minor goddess that apparently just hangs around
Dhruva Hindu / Puranic / EpicAn astral god
Dhu-SharaNabataeanA deity
Dhumavati Hindu / Puranic / EpicAnother goddess
Dhumorna Hindu / Puranic / EpicAnother goddess
Dhumravati Hindu / PuranicA rather terrible goddess, walks around with a skull in the hand
DhupaBuddhist / Lamaist [Tibet] A mother goddess an astamataras
DhupaBuddhist / MahayanaA minor goddess & a censor
DhupataraBuddhist / MahayanaA goddess
DhurjatiHinduA god a manifestation of Shiva
DhvajosnisaBuddhistA god apparently a guardian deity
DhyanaparamitaBuddhistA philosophical deity
DhyaniBuddhas Buddhist The five meditating Buddhas
Dhyani-BodhisattvasBuddhistThe five bodhisattvas of meditation
DhyanibuddhaBuddhistA generic name for a spiritual or meditation Buddha
DhyanibuddhasaktiBuddhistA collective name for a specific group of goddesses
Di Jun China A god of the eastern sky
Di Zhang Xia China The Lord of Summer & music
Di-zangChinaThe bodhisattva of hell
Dia Griene Scottish A goddess of war
DiaRomanThe goddess of the fields
Diablesse HaitiA goddesses of justice
DianCecht Irish A god of crafts & healing
DianaGreekA goddess of childbirth, chastity, virginity, fertility, hunting, the moon & the sky
DiancechtIrishA physician magician of the Tuatha Dian Cecht
DiangShilluk [Sudan]A cow goddess
DiceGreekA goddess of justice
DictynnaCreteA mother goddess
DidiThakrun Hindu A plague goddess associated with cholera
DiespiterRomanThe chief god, originally a sky & light god now a god of astronomy, Jupiter, light, lightning, thunder, weather, wisdom
Dievadeli Latvia Twin deities
DieviniLativaA group of minor gods
DievsLatviaThe sky god
DigambaraBuddhist / TibetA goddess
Dii Mauri Moor [N. Africa] They were redeemers, immortals, & exalted deities that were almost never named
Diiwica / DilwicaSerbiaAnother goddess of the hunt
DikeGreekA goddess of justice & one of the Horae
DikkumaraJain [India]A god associated with rain & thunder
Diksa Hindu / Puranic / EpicA goddess
DilIrishA goddess
DilmunSumeriaThe god of fresh water
DilwicaSlavicA goddess of hunting
DimmeSumeriaA female demon of fever & diseases of infants
DinawaganPhilippineA goddess of health & healing
DinditaneHuliA fertility god of gardening
DingurmakhMesopotamiaA goddess
DiomedesGreekAn ancient war god [Argos]
DionRomanA goddess of love, beauty, springtime, vineyards
DioneGreekAn ancient earth goddess
DionysosGreekThe god of altered states, wine, ecstasy, revelry & nature
DionysusGreekThe god of altered states, wine, ecstasy, revelry & nature
DionysiusGreekThe god of altered states, wine, ecstasy, revelry & nature
DiopatraA Naiad Who according to rumor Poseidon was in love with
DioskouroiGreekTwin gods see Castor & Pollux
DipaBuddhist / TibetA goddess of light
Dipa TaraBuddhist / Mahayana A minor goddess
DipankaraBuddhist / TibetA deity that is one of the minor group of Buddhas
Dipti Hindu / PuranicA minor goddess
Dirghadevi Hindu / Puranic / EpicA goddess
DironaBritainA goddess of beneficial hot springs
DironaContinental Celtic A goddess of the Mosel Valley
Dis CelticCaesar's name for the supreme god of the Celts
DisPater Gaul A god whose name means the father
DisPater Roman A god of the infernal regions
DisRomanA god of the infernal regions
DisScandinaviaA goddess of drinking
Disa Hindu / Puranic / EpicA minor goddess & the momma of the minor creation god Sarga
DisaniAfghanistanThe supreme fertility & mother goddess
DisciplinaRomanA goddess of discipline
DiscordRomanThe goddess of strife
DiscordiaRomanThe goddess of strife
DisirGerman / NorseA goddesses of fertility & destiny
DisirNorseA collective name for guardian goddesses
DispaterGaulA god whose name means the father
DitiHinduA goddess of the earth
DiusFidius Sabine [Italy] A sky god
DiviriksLithuaniaThe deity of the rainbow
Divonia Celtic / GaelicA fertility goddess associated with water
DiwaliBhil / IndiaA goddess of happiness & merriment
DjakombaBantu [Africa]The creator, who was really three in one
DjallAlbaniaA name for the Christian devil
DjanggawulsAus.The goddesses of fertility that messed up & created humanity & of vegetation
DjataNgadju-Dayak [Borneo] A goddess
DjebautiEgyptA local god
DjehutiEgyptA moon god of astronomy, science, death, education, wisdom, geometry, law, magic, mathematics, medicine, & surveying
DjhowteyEgyptA moon god of astronomy, science, death, education, wisdom, geometry, law, magic, mathematics, medicine, & surveying
DjigonaseeHuron [US / Canada]A goddess of justice, fairness & peace
Djila'qonsHaida [PNW]A sea goddess
dMu-bDubTibet / BonA sky god & the head of the ancient pantheon
DodaSerbiaA goddess of rain
DodolaSerbiaA goddess of rain
DogumrikKafir [Afghanistan]A local warrior & guardian god
DohYenisi [Siberia]A rather good magician that could fly over the waves, become weary, then create islands to rest on, almost god like
DohitMoseteneThe god that created the first human from clay
Dola Russia / SerbiaA goddess of fate
DolichenusSyriaA god of weather & war
Dolya Russia / SerbiaA goddess of fate
DomfeKurumba [Africa]The god of rain & wind
DomnuIrishA goddess of the Formorians
DomoviSlavicThese are domestic spirits, sadly not the sipping kind
Domovoi / DomovoySlavicA household spirit
DonWalesA goddess that is called a god of death & the chief mother goddess
DonarGermanA god of the sky & thunder
DonarNorseA god of war & of the sky, thunder , storms, sea journeys & the administration of justice
DonbittirOssetianA god of waters & fish
Dong-yoDa-diChina A helper of sky god
DongoSonghoi [Africa]A god of thunder
DonnIrishAn underworld god

DonnWalesA goddess that is called a god of death
DonuWalesShe is the chief mother goddess
DorinaNigeriaA goddess of hunting
DorisGreekA sea goddess
DorjeNaljormaTibet A goddess of happiness
Dornoll CelticA goddess of physical prowess
DouMouChina A goddess North Star, health & diseases & justice
DoudounNubiaThe god of the Nile cataracts
DoushenChinaA goddess of justice
DovomikSlavicThese are domestic spirits, sadly not the sipping kind
Drag-gshedTibetThe eight terrible gods
DragoniAlbaniaA god of thunder & lightning
DroseraTyrian Naiad One of the three that are at the origin of the Tyrian race who, like her sisters, was stuck with a farm boy for a mate
Druantia CelticA goddess
DrudenGermanA female demon
DrugHindu / VedicA class of demons
DryadesGreekWoodland nymphs
DryadsGreekWoodland nymphs associated with the oak tree
DryopeGreekA goddess of water
DryopeGreekNymph she is accused of rape
DsahadoldzaNavahoA fiery god of earth & water
Du'uzuDunatis Celtic A god of fortifications
Du-lHalasa SW Arabia A god that was demoted to the rank of an idol
DuaEgyptA god of the future that protects the stomach of the dead
DuamutefEgyptA funerary god
DuanLuteh Irish A moon goddess
DubhLacha Irish An early goddess of the sea
DudTibetHeavenly spirits
DuellonaRomanA goddess of war As well as a mother goddess
DugboSierraLeone The chief god of the earth
DugnaiLithuaniaA goddess of baking & kneading & liquor
DuhaDeo Hindu A minor god the bridegroom
DuillaeIberiaA fertility & vegetation goddess
DumuziMesopotamiaThe god of fertility
DumuziSumeriaA shepherd god & the Jewish Tammuz
Dumuzi-AbzuSumeriaThe city goddess of Kinirsha
Dumuzi-AmaushumgalanaSumeriaA fertility god of the orchard regions
DumuziabzuSumeriaThe city goddess of Kinirsha
Dunatis CelticA god of fortifications
DunawaliHuliAn evil goddess
DundraNorway / GypsyThe god sent to earth as a human who was supposed to reveal the secret laws he stayed over in the moon
DunneEninTungus [Siberia] A goddess of the sky, fire that ruled over the clan territory
DurKassite [Iran]An underworld god
DurangamaBuddhist / VajrayanaA minor goddess
DurgaHindu / PuranicA goddess of fire & a vengeful warrior
DurjataBuddhist / MahayanaThe minor goddess that waits on the god Buddhakapala
DusaraW. Semitic A local god associated with vegetation & fertility survived until about 500 C.E.
DusaresNabataeanThe chief god
DutturSumeriaThe goddess of ewes
DuziKafir [Afghanistan]A local god known only from of an altar stone, but he did like male goats as a sacrifice
DvorovoiSlavicThe god of the courtyard
Dwyn CelticA god of love
DwynKazobaBaziba [Africa] He is in the god of the sun & as well as the moon
Dwynwen CelticA god of love
Dyaus Hindu / VedicAn ancient sky & rain god that is ignored now
DyausPitar Hindu / Vedic / India The creator god
DyaushIndiaThe first supreme god
DylanBritainA guardian deity of the mouth of the River Conway
DylanWalesA sea god
DzalarhonsHaida [PNW]A goddess of fire & volcanoes
DzivaAfricaA goddess of justice
DzivaguruKorekore [Africa]The great earth goddess
DziwozonyPolishA goddesses of healing, herbs & love
EAlom Maya A primeval creator goddess
EQuhalomMaya / Quiche A primeval creator god
Ea Babylon / MesopotamiaThe god of wisdom, spells, incantations, & the seas
EacusIberiaA weather god
EadonIrishA goddess of poetry
Easal Irish / ManxA god of abundance & prosperity
EastreGermanA goddess of healing
EateBasqueA god of fire & storms
EbechCanaanA mountain god that lost a fight, fatally so
EbhlinneIrishA goddess of Munster & midsummer
EbisuJapanA god of fishermen
EblisIslamThe chief of the evil spirits
EboreAfricaA sky god
EcYenisei [Siberia]The high god
EcecheiraGreekA goddess of armistices & peace
EchenaisEchenaisbade her lover Daphnis never have to do with mortal women if he disobeyed, his fate would be to lose his eyes, which in time came to pass.
EchoGreekA mountain nymph
EchraidheIrishA goddess of war
EchtgheIrishBelieved to be another form of Dana Aughty
Edain CelticA goddess associated with riding
EdekeTeso [Uganda]A god of disasters
EdesiaRomeA goddess of food preparation
EdinkiraAfricaA tree goddess
EdusaRomanA goddess of infants who are weaning
EeloolthDuwamish [PNW] A mountain goddess
Ee-A-oGnostic Christian A primordial being
YaoGnostic Christian A primordial being
EfritArabia[Ancient] The second most powerful order of Jinns
EgataBasqueA god of fire & storms
EgeriaNymphand goddess. She took care of Hippolytus, son of Theseus, after he was raised from the dead, until he changed his name and became Virbius. She used to visit Numa (the second king of Rome who is said to have visited Pythagoras) and instruct him in the art of reigning.
EgeriaRomanA goddess of childbirth of midwives, fountains & justice
EgresKarelian [Finland]A fertility god in charge of the the turnip crop
AkrasKarelian [Finland]A fertility god in charge of the the turnip crop
EgungunoyaYoruba [Africa] Another form of the goddess of divination
EhacatlAztecA god of education & the wind
QuetzalcoatlAztecA god of education & the wind
EhiEgyptA god of the sistrum
Eibhir Irish / ManxLikely a forgotten sun goddess
EidotheaMotherof Cerambus, who was borne up into the air on wings by the NYMPHS. Cerambus escaped The Flood of Deucalion undrowned. Or perhaps he insulted the NYMPHS and was changed by them into a beetle.
EileithyiaGreekA goddess of childbirth
EileithyiaGreekA goddess of childbirth
EilethyiaGreekA goddess of childbirth
EirNorseA minor goddess of healing
EirScandinaviaA goddess of mercy & teaching
EireIrishOne of the trinity of the Tuatha De Danann & a fertility goddess
EireneGreekA goddess of peace & one of the Horae
EithinohaIroquoisThe name for the earth manitou
EithneIrishAn old goddess
EthleenIrishAn old goddess
EthlinnIrishAn old goddess
EthniuIrishAn old goddess
EjiOgbeYoruba [Nigeria / W.Africa] A god that is king of the pantheon
EkChuah Maya A god of war & commerce
EkMayaA Babob
EkYakimtolsilBella Coola [BC Canada] The creator goddess that lives in the upper heavens & controls the earth, she is never prayed to
EkaAbassi Africa The creator of life
EkadasarudaHinduThe group of gods that are forms Rudra
EkahauAztecA god of commerce
EkahauMayaHe is the god of travelers & merchants
EkajataBuddhistA terrible deity of Buddhism
Ekarudra Hindu / Puranic / EpicA minor deity
EkastakaIndiaA goddess of healthy children
EkchuahMayaA god of traveling merchants
EkChuah Maya A god of traveling merchants
EkhiBasqueThe personification of the sun
EguzkBasqueThe personification of the sun
EkinebaAfricaA goddess of teaching
EkkekkoQuechaThe god of good fortune
El 'ElyonCanaan / Semetic The supreme god who ruled Canaan for many years
ElCanaan / SyriaThe head of Ugartic pantheon, father of the gods
ElSyriaA storm god found in the myths of Canaan & the early Ap'iru invaders
El'ebCanaanA primordial god
ElagabalSyriaA local sun god of Emesa
ElagabalusSyriaA local sun god of Emesa
ElaineWales / BritainThe maiden aspect of the goddess
ElaisGreekOne of the Oenotropae
ElasiiGreekThe goddesses of healing & epilepsy
ElatSemiticA goddess a female form of El
ElathSemiticA goddess a female form of El
ElbenGermanNature spirits
ElectryoneGreekA moon goddess
EleithyiaGreekA goddess of childbirth & midwives
ElelPuelche [Argentina]A malevolent demonic being
ElemiiYoruba [Nigeria]A creator god to whom the souls of the dead are expected to make a confession
ElenaRussiaA goddess of fire
EleosGreekA goddess of peace & mercy
EleutoGreekA goddess of childbirth
ElgabalSyriaA local mountain god with solar links
ElihinoCherokeeThe earth goddess
ElimJudaicA term for the lower order of gods
EljonSyriaA god
ElkunisraCanaan / HittiteA creator god
Ellaman Hindu / Dravidian / TamilA goddess of passage, an astral deity
EllatMesopotamiaThe supreme goddess of the underworld
EllatW. Semitic An underworld goddess
EllelHittiteA god
ElliScandinaviaA goddess of old age, she slowed Thor down
Ellil Babylon / AkkadiaA creator & air god
EllilSumeriaA god of earth & wind
EllilusHittiteA god
EloaiGnostic Christian A primordial being
ElohimHebrewOld Testament expression for gods
ElohimSemiticGods [plural]
ElomS. Hebrew Personification of the moon among the S. Hebrews
ElphameScotlandA goddess of death & disease
ElphaneScotlandA goddess of death & disease
ElpisGreekA goddess of happiness
EmanjahTrinidadA river goddess & teacher of children
Eme'mqutKoryak [Siberia]An animistic spirit
EmeliHin Tuareg [Sudan] A creator god & generic term meaning Lord
Emer CelticA goddess of wisdom
EmesSumeriaA vegetation god
EmmaO Japan / Buddhist A god of death & lord of hell
EmpousaeGreekA demoness
Empung Luminuut N. Celebes Is.[Sulawesi] A goddess that gave birth to the sun god
EnIllyriaA god
EnItalyA god who was demoted to a demon by the Christians
En-uruBabylonEnki as the god of ablution magic
EnbiluluSumeriaA god of irrigation, agriculture & the underworld
EnceladusGreekA Titan
EndouellicusIberiaA healing god
EndukuggaSumeriaThe god of the Underworld
EndursagaMesopotamia / SumeriaA herald god
EnekpeAfricaA goddess of the family & guardian of destiny
Enki Babylon / MesopotamiaThe god of wisdom, spells, incantations, & the seas
EnkiSumeriaThe god of fresh water, wisdom & purification
EnkimduSumeriaThe farmer god of canals & ditches
EnlilSumeriaA god of earth & wind
EnmesarraAkkadia / Babylon / MesopotamiaThe god of law
EnmesharraSumeriaA god of underworld
EnneadEgyptThe Heliopolis pantheon as a group
EnnugiMesopotamiaThe attendant & throne bearer god
EnodiaGreekA goddess of crossroads & gates
EnsharMesopotamiaA deity
EntenMesopotamia / SumeriaA fertility & a guardian god of farmers
EnuduGisha [Uganda]A god of plague, specifically smallpox
EnunakiSumeriaThe lower order of gods
EnurraMesopotamiaThe god of war, wells, canals, the South Wind, thunderstorms, floods & the plough
EnyaliusGreekA minor Greek god of war
EnyoGreekA goddess of war & waster of cities
EnzuMesopotamia / Babylon / AkkadiaA god
EochaidhIrishThe god of the earth, death, rebirth & long life
EosGreekA goddess of warriors & of the dawn
Eostre CelticA goddess of spring & for whom the Ostara Sabbat is named for aka Easter
EpetEgyptA goddess of healing, childbirth, children
EpimeliadsProtectorsof sheep.
EpimetheusGreekA minor creator god
EponaPan-CelticA goddess of horses, mules, & oxen
EposBritainA god often seen as a male form of Epona
ErahCanaanA moon god
EranoranhanHierroIs.[Canary Is.] The protector of men only
EratoADryad, wife of Arcas, according to some.
EratoGreekThe Muse of lyric poetry & mime
Erce CelticThe earth mother & harvest goddess
ErdaGermanA very old & wise earth goddess
ErebosGreekA primordial deity, different
ErechtheusGreekAn earth or ancestor spirit Athens
EreshkigalAkkadia / SumeriaA goddess of the underworld
EreskigalAkkadia / SumeriaA goddess of the underworld
ErgeBasqueA spirit which takes men's lives
Erh-LangChinaA guardian god who chased away evil spirits
Eriofthe Golden Hair Irish A virgin goddess of the Tuatha De Danann
ErichthonosGreekAn earth or ancestor spirit Athens
EridanusGreekA river god
ErinIrishOne of the trinity of the Tuatha De Danann & a fertility goddess
ErinyesGreekThe goddesses of justice
Erinyes [sing. Erinys] Greek They are avenging goddesses
ErisGreekA goddess of discord & strife
ErishkigalMesopotamiaThe supreme goddess of the underworld
ErishkigalSumeriaA goddess of the underworld
EriskegalAllatu / BabylonShe is one of the divinities who ruled the netherworld
EriuIrishOne of the trinity of the Tuatha De Danann & a fertility goddess
ErkilekInuitA malevolent hunting god
ErlikAltaic [C. Asia] The king of the dead
ErlikSamoyed [Finland]A god of the netherworld
ErmutuEgyptA goddess of childbirth, midwives, fortune, grain, milk, harvest & nursing babies
ErosGreekA god of love & fertility
ErotesGreekBoy like gods in late Classical art & poetry
ErraAkkadia / Babylon / MesopotamiaA war god
EruaAkkadiaShe was the goddess of pregnancy
Erzuli Mapiangueh Haiti A goddess of justice
Erzulie HaitiA goddess of health, clothes, flowers, jewelry, of fertility, love, virginity, beauty & sex
EsKet[Siberia] A sky & creator god that fashioned humans from clay
EsaraHittite / Syrian / MesopotamiaA goddess
EscehemanArapaho [W. US] Grandmother earth
EschetewuarahaChamacocoThe goddess of rain
EschuYoruba [Africa]These deities are messengers between gods & mortals, not very nice either
EseasarAfricaAn earth goddess
EsenchebisGreekThe name for Isis of Egypt
EsharaChaldeaThe goddess of war & of productive fields
EshmunCanaanThe god of healing
EshmunPhoeniciaA god of health & healing
EshuYoruba[Africa] A trickster god & divine messenger
Eshu-ElegbaYoruba[Africa] A trickster god & divine messenger
Eshu-ElegguaYoruba[Africa] A trickster god & divine messenger
EsmunPhoeniciaA god of health & healing
A harvest / woodcutter god
EstanatlehiNavajoA goddess participating in the creation of the world
EstarMesopotamia / Babylon / AkkadiaA goddess of fertility & war known as the star of heaven
EstsanatlehiNavahoA goddess of change, fertility & the sky
EsuEdo / Yoruba [Benin]A god of passage that stands at the gates of home of the gods
EsusBritain / GaulA harvest / woodcutter god
Esus CelticThe war god that may have been a tree god
EtainIrishA goddess of war
Ethemea Ethemeawas struck with the arrows of Artemis for having ceased worshipping her and taken alive by Persephone to the Land of the Dead. Ethemea consorted with the ruler of Cos Meropes, who was turned into an eagle by Hera, and they had a child Eumelus who was turned into a raven by Hermes.
EtugenMongolA virgin earth goddess
EuedokusBabylonHe is the god of the sea, a rather nice fellow
EueucoyotlAztecA god of fertility, sex, pleasure, sorrow & spontaneity
EumenidesGreekThey are avenging goddesses of justice
EunomiaGreekOne of the Horae & a goddess of order
EunostosGreekThe goddess of flour mills
EuphrosyneGreekA goddess of happiness & one of the graces
EurosGreekA god of the east wind
EurybiaGreekA sea goddess
EurydiceGreekA mountain valley nymph with a sad love story [ aren't they all?]
EurynomeGreekA goddess of the sea & in one account she is the goddess of all creation
EuryphaessaGreekA minor Titan
EuryteEuryteis mother of Halirrhothius, who was killed by Ares while attempting to violate Alcippe.
EuterpeGreekThe Muse of lyric poetry & music
EutychiaGreekA goddess of happiness
EvakiAmazon [S.A.]A goddess of the night
EvanEtruscanConsidered female, a being that is one of the Las
EvanderRomanA minor god
EvandrusRomanA minor god
EwaunaCoquille [PNW]A creator goddess
EziliFon / Haiti / Vodun / W.Indies A goddess who represents wisdom & beauty & love
FaBeninThegod of destiny
FabulinusRomanThe god of infants
FacheaIrishA goddess of poetry & patron of bards
FaduSociety Is. The personification of the moon
FagusGaul / PyreneanThe god of beech trees
FaivarongoTikopia [Polynesia]A god of sailors
PapaPolynesiaAn earth goddess
FalacerRomanA deified Roman hero
FamaRomanA goddess of fame & rumors
FamienGuineaA god of fertility of Guinea
FanK'ueiChina A god of butchers
Fand CelticA goddess of happiness & pleasure
FandIrishA goddess of healing & the ocean
FaragvoulPuerto Rico / Haiti A votive god
FaravaiMicronesiaA son of the sea god
FaroBambara [W. Africa] A river god that brought order to the world when it was created
The god protects people from envy, evil, black magic, illness & demons One god does it all
FateRomanA goddess of fate
FatiSociety Is. The personification of the moon
FatitAlbaniaThe female entitys that are in charge of the individuals destiny
FatuaRomanThe goddess of nature & fertility & childbirth
FaumeaPolynesiaA goddess of fertility
FaunaRomanA goddess of fertility, great prophecy, the dispenser of healing herbs, rather prim & chaste
FaunaRomanThe goddess of nature & fertility & childbirth
FaunusRomanA god of crops, herds & fertility
FaustitasRomanA god of crops, herds & fertility
FavonusRomanThe god of the W. wind
FeGai [Ivory Coast] A tutelary god
Fe'ePolynesiaThe god of the dead
FeaIrishA war goddess
FebrisRomanA goddess of healing & fevers
FebruusEtruscaAn underworld god & generally a god of purification
FebruusRomanA god of purity
FecunditasRomanA personification of fertility
Fei Lien China A god of the wind
FelicitasRomanA goddess of good luck & happiness
FeneHungaryEither a demon or a place where demonic beings hang out, or both
Feng BoChina
A god of the wind
Feng P'o-p'oChina
A goddess of the winds
Feng Pho PhoChina
A goddess of the winds
Feng PoChinaChina A sky god of the wind
Feng-Po-PoChinaA goddess of the winds
FengboChinaAnother god of the wind
FenjaScandinaviaA goddess of physical prowess
FeroniaEtruscaA fertility goddess representing sexual fire
FeroniaRomana goddess of orchards & woodland, tames wild things, & frees slaves
FewiLianChina A god of the wind
FidealScottishA goddess of water
FidesRomanA goddess of fidelity, honesty, oaths & public trust
FidiMukulluBena Lulua [Zaire] A creator god
FidiusDius Roman The god of the oaths
FinncaevIrishThought to be a goddess of love & beauty
FinuweighPhilippineA creator god
Finvarra / FionnbharIrishA strong god
FinweighBilanThe god who made man.
Fionn MacCumhal Irish / Manx / Scotland
An ancient giant god / warrior
FirBolg Irish The early gods of Ireland
FirbolgsIrishThe early gods of Ireland
FjorgynNorseA goddess from the poetic edda
FjorgynNorse / IcelandA god mentioned in Snorri's Edda
FlidaisIrishThe ruler of wild beasts of the forests\woodlands
FloraRomanA goddess of gardens, plants, flowers, love, prostitution, spring & youth
FluoniaRomanThe goddess of menstruation
FoChinaA name for Buddha
FodlaIrishA goddess who was part of the trinity
FollaGermanicA goddess of healing
FomoreIrishA race of gods
FomoriansIrishA race of gods
FomoriiIrishA race of gods
FonsRomanA goddess of fountains
FontusRomanA god of springs
A rarely mentioned household god of thresholds
FornaxRomanA goddess baking & grain
ForsFortuna Roman A goddess of fate & chance, earlier of prosperity She was an equivalent of the Greek goddess Tyche Her symbol was the wheel of
ForsetiNorseA god of justice
FortunaRomanA goddess of fate & chance, earlier of prosperity She was an equivalent of the Greek goddess Tyche Her symbol was the wheel of
FotlaIrishA goddess who was part of the trinity
Foto-TamaJapan / ShintoAn ancestral god
FrauHolle German A goddess of winter
FrausRomanA goddess & the personification of treachery
FravartinIranInteresting, the concept denotes the spirit of the pre-existence of the believer that watches over him as a protective spirit
FravashisPersiaAncient guardian angels
FravasiIranInteresting, the concept denotes the spirit of the pre-existence of the believer that watches over him as a protective spirit
FravasiPersiaAncient guardian angels
FreyNorseA god of rain, weather, seafaring & war
FreyScandinaviaA god of fertility & prosperity
FreyaGermanA goddess of fertility, love, beauty, sex & youth
FreyaNorseA goddess of rainbows & war
FreyaScandinaviaA goddess of spring & magic
A goddess of love (sex) & fertility
FreyrNorseA god of fruits, thriving crops & peaceful prosperity
FriggNorse / GermanicA goddess of fertility & marriage
FrijaNorseA goddess of love (sex) & fertility
FrimlaNorseA virgin goddess
FrjorgynNorse / GermanA goddess with no known culty
A god of abundance of fruit
Fu HsiChina
A god of fishing nets,vegetation, of happiness & the inventor of writing
Fu HsingChina
A god of Happiness
Fu ShenChina
A god of happiness
FudoJapan Buddhist A god of wisdom
FudoMyoo Buddhist The god who protects against catastrophes
FuflunsEtruscaA god of gaiety & vitality
FujiAinu / JapanA goddess of fire & volcano & chief goddess
FujinJapan / ShintoA god of winds
FukurokujuJapanA god of luck & the star god
FulgoraRomanA goddess of lightning
FullaGermanicA goddess of healing
FullaNorseA goddess
FuriaeRomanThe goddesses of justice
FuriesRomanThe goddesses of justice
FurinaRomanA goddess of thieves
Futsu-Nushi-No-KamiJapan / ShintoA god of war
FutsunushiJapanA god of fire & lightning
FuwchFrech Wales A goddess of happiness
FylgirGermanProtective spirits
FylgjaGermanProtective spirits
FylgjurGermanProtective spirits
GaFon [Africa]A god of metal
Ga Oh Iroquois The Manitou of the winds & a giant cannibal
Ga'n Chiricahua Apaches [SW US] Spirits associated with the mountains
GabetaLithuaniaA spirit of fire
GabietaLithuaniaA spirit of fire
GabijaLithuaniaA spirit of fire
GabjaujaLithuaniaA grain goddess
GabrielHebrew / ChristianAn archangel that was rather busy as a messenger from the God of Abraham, he also toots the trumpet that signifies the end of the universe
GadCanaanA god of fortune
GadPunicA god of unknown qualities, but likely concerned with chance & / or fortune
GaeaGreekThe earth goddess & first born of chaos
GagananjaBuddhistA god
GaheChiricahuaApaches [SW US] Spirits associated with the mountains
GaiaGreekThe earth goddess & first born of chaos
GainginPapuaPrimordial beings
GainjinPapuaPrimordial beings
Gajavahana Hindu / Davidian / TamilA form of the god Skanda
Gal Bapsi Hindu / Davidian / Tamil A local god that can expiate sins, but it is rough
GalateaGreekOne of the Nerides
GalateaItalyA nereid of Sicily
Galla Babylon / mespotomian / Sumeria Minor underworld gods
GalluAkkadiaA demon of the underworld
GamabDamaras [Africa]The supreme god & creator of the world who lives beyond the stars
Ganapati Hindu / PuranicA god of education, wisdom, luck, prosperity, & prudence
GanapatihrdayaBuddhist / MayhayanaA minor goddess
GanaskidiNavahoA god of harvest & mists
Ganda TaraBuddhist / Mayhayana
A minor goddess
GandarewaPersiaA water demon who tries to devour all good things of creation
GandhaBuddhist / TibetA goddess
GandhariJain [India]A goddess of learning
GandharvasHinduGods of the air, the rain-clouds & the rain
Ganesa Hindu / PuranicA god of education, wisdom, luck, prosperity, & prudence
Ganesha Hindu / PuranicA god of education, wisdom, luck, prosperity, & prudence
GangaHinduA goddess of healing, rivers & happiness
GangirMesopotamia / SumeriaA goddess
GaniklisLithuaniaA god of shepherds
GannaDamaras [Africa]The supreme god & creator of the world who lives beyond the stars
GanymedeGreekA mortal boy that was given immortality & the job of cup bearer to the gods
GaoYaoChina A god of judgment
GaomeiChinaAn ancient goddess [first mother] later changed into a male divinity
GapnSyriaThis god appears as a messenger of Baal & is absent in ritual texts
GarbhOgh Irish A giantess & goddess of the hunt
GarduaHindu / VedicAn archaic sun god
Garmangabi(s)Suevi [German]A beneficent goddess
GarmangabisBritainA tutelary goddess who came to Britain with the Romans
GartiaeRomanThe Roman version of the Greek graces
GarudaIndiaThe Prince of birds that lets Visnu ride on his back
GasuekoBasqueThe lord of darkness that may prove friendly & helpful, but he may also appear as a devil
GatumduSumeriaA mother goddess of Lagash
GatumdugMesopotamia / Sumeria / Babylon / AkkadiaA fertility goddess as well as the tutelary goddess of Lagas
GauekoBasqueThe lord of darkness
GaunabDamaras [Africa]The supreme god & creator of the world who lives beyond the stars
GaunabKohl / Hottentot / Namibia [S.Africa] A malevolent God of darkness as well as the god of of of the black heaven
GauriHinduA form of the mighty Durga & a goddess of spring
GauriJainA messenger goddess
GauriSankar / IndiaA mountain goddess
GavidaIrishA minor god of the forge
GawaDamaras [Africa]The supreme god & creator of the world who lives beyond the stars
GayatriHindu / VedicA goddess of astronomy, science, education, wisdom, eloquence & rivers as well as the creator of immortality
GbeniPoro[W. Africa] The chief deity or masked spirit
GeBeninThe moon god
GeGreekThe earth goddess & first born of chaos
GeGuChina A goddess of health & medicine
GebAnearth god
GebeleizisThraceA god of thunderstorms
GebjonScandinaviaA goddess of healing
GeezhigoQuaeOjibiwa She was the sky mother
GefionGermanA goddess of fertility
GefionNorseA goddess to whom virgins went after death
GefjonNorseA goddess to whom virgins went after death
GefjunNorseA goddess to whom virgins went after death
GekkaO Japan The god of marriage
GendenwithaIroquois[NE US / Canada] A goddess of the dawn & the morning star
GenetaskaIroquois[NE US / Canada] A goddess of justice, fairness & of peace
GeniiEtrusca / RomanThese are the protective spirits that guide human beings, no one knows why
Genita-ManaThegod with the power over life & death
GeniusLoci Roman Tutelary spirit of a particular place
GeniusRomanA protective god or spirit of individuals, clans, groups & the state
GerasGreekThe goddess of old age
GerovitusW. Slavic A war god
GerraMesopotamia / Babylon / AkkadiaThe god of fire
GeshtinannaSumeriaThe scribe goddess
Gestin(I)annaSumeriaThe scribe goddess
GestuAkkadia / Babylon / Mespotomian / SumeriaA minor God of the intellect whose blood was used in the creation of mankind, after his death of course
GeusTasan Iran A god accused of creating cattle
GeusUrvan Iran A god that protected cattle
GeushUrvanZorasterism He assists the Amesha Spenta
VohuManabZorasterism He assists the Amesha Spenta
GeyagugaCherokeeThe moon spirit
GhananMayaAn agricultural god
GhantakarnaHindu / Puranic / EpicA god of healing
GhantapaniBuddhist / MayhayanaA god running a round with a bell in his hand
GhasmariBuddhistA goddess of rather terrifying appearance
GhedeVodunA god of death, & of fertility & love
GhentuHinduA minor God
GibilMesopotamiaA Fire God
GibilSumeriaA god of fire & light
GibiniGishu [Uganda]A plague god associated with of the smallpox god
GidjaAus.A god of the moon
GilgamesSumeriaAn King of Uruk who was deified & considered a god of the underworld
GilgameshSumeriaA hero, later deified
GillianBritishA goddess of spring

GiltineLithuaniaA goddess of death, her preferred method is either strangulation or suffocation
GiriputriBaliA goddess of mountains & water
GirraMesopotamiaA Fire God
GirruMesopotamiaA Fire God
GirruSumeriaA busy fellow, he is the god of fire & light & patron of civilization
GishKafir [Afghanistan]The god of war
GishzidaSumeriaA chthonic god
GiszidaAkkadia / Babylon / Mesopotamia / SumeriaA god
GitaBuddhist / TibetA mother goddess
GitcheManitouAlgonquin / Lenape The Great Spirit, the All Father
GlauceGreekNurse of Zeus.
GlaucusGreekThis sea god went around muttering prophesies
GlaukosGreekA sea god, a rather bizarre story like many other god claims
GletiBeninThe moon goddess
GlispaNavahoThe spirit that gave the healing chant to the people
GlooscapAlgonquin[NE US SE Canada woodlands] A cultural hero & creator god
GluscapAlgonquin[NE US SE Canada woodlands] A cultural hero & creator god
GluskabeAlgonquin[NE US SE Canada woodlands] A cultural hero & creator god
GluskapAlgonquin[NE US SE Canada woodlands] A cultural hero & creator god
GlykonGnostic-MitharicThe reincarnation of Asklepios
GnomesPan-EuropeanDemonic beings that inhabit woods, mountains & water
GnoweeAus.A goddess of war
gNyanTibetThe spirits of trees & stones
Gobannon CelticHe is a blacksmith type god
GobnuIrishA god of skills to include Ale brewing
God Christian / Anglo-Saxon / Germanic / RomanClaimed to be the creator god around 325 C.E., still in vogue by the Christian sect
GoewinWalesA goddess of sovereignty
GoewynWalesA goddess of sovereignty
GofannonWelshHe is a smith god that was invoked to help clean the plowshare
GogIrishThe consort of Magog
GogaMelanesiaA goddess of fire
GohoneIroquois [NE US / Canada] The spirit of winter
GoibbiuIrishHe is the god of the blacksmiths craft
Goibniu CelticA smith god
GoleuddyddWalesA goddess
GollveigNorseA name adopted by Odin when in disguise
GomajN.Amer. A moon spirit
Gon-PoNag-PoTibet A god of many names
Gonaqade'tChilat [US PNW] A sea god
Gong GongChina
This is the devil that lets loose the great flood & is the opponent of the ruling god
GorAfricaThe god of thunder
GoraknathHinduA guardian God that is an avatar of Siva
Gott Christian / Anglo-Saxon / Germanic / RomanClaimed to be the creator god around 325 C.E., still in vogue by the Christian sect
GouBeninThe moon god
Gou Mang & Ru Shu China
These are the messengers of the sky god
GovannonWelshHe is a smith god that was invoked to help clean the plowshare
Gozu-TennoJapaneA god of plague
GracesRomanThese are the Roman version of the Greek Charities
GraeaeGreekThe three old women or gray ones
GrahamatrkaBuddhistA goddess whose name means demon mother
GrahamatrkaNepalA goddess & stellar deity
GraiiGreekThe three old women or gray ones
Grainne Irish / Manx / ScotlandA master herbalist & sun goddess
GramadevataIndiaA generic term for the local tutelary gods
GramnnosBritain / GaulThe god of hot springs who replaced his mother Sirona
Grannos CelticA god of healing & springs
GrannusPan Celtic A god of healing, associated with mineral springs
GrannusRomanA god of healing affiliated with hot springs & mineral waters
GratiaeRomanThese are the Roman version of the Greek Charities
GrdhrasyaBuddhistA minor goddess whose name translates to face of a vulture
Great Father Celtic The Horned god, the Lord
Great Mother Celtic The Lady represents the female principle of creation
GrhadeviIndiaA god of the household
GrianIrishA faery goddess from County Tipperary & a goddess of war
GridScandinaviaA goddess of strength
GrimnirNorseA name adopted by Odin when in disguise
GrismadeviBuddhist / TibetA seasonal goddess
GroaScandinaviaA goddess of healing
gSan Sgrub Bon [Tibet] A god that was absorbed into a variety of Yama in Lamaism
gShen nongBon / Tibet
He is the god of white light
gShen rabBon / Tibet
A supernatural being remote from the world
gShen-Lha-OdkharBon / TibetHe is a god of light
gShen-RabBon / TibetThe supreme god
GuaGa [W. Africa] A god of agriculture, blacksmiths, & thunder
GuabancexCaribbean / TainoA goddess of the winds & rain
Guabonito HaitiThe sea goddess who teaches people about medicines & health
GuaireIrishA guardian god / spirit of Bruigh
GuamaonoconAntillesMother Earth
GuanYinChina The goddess of mercy
GuanyinChinaThe goddess of mercy
GubabaCarchemish / LuwianA goddess that became Cybele
GucumatzMayaQuiche A serpent god who gave humanity agriculture & civilization
Guedel'Oraille Haiti A goddess of violent storms
Gueu-PillanAruucania [Chile]The supreme God
GugulannaMesopotamia / SumeriaA minor underworld god
GuhyasamajaBuddhistA protective deity
GuiXianChina Demonic beings
GujeswariIndiaA mother goddess
GujoKafir [Afghanistan]A tutelary god
GukumatzMaya / QuicheA sky god
Gul-asesHittiteThese goddesses apparently are the scribes of the gods that dispense good, evil, life & death
Gul-sesHittiteThese goddesses apparently are the scribes of the gods that dispense good, evil, life & death
Gula Babylon / SumeriaA mother goddess of creativity, fire & with the power to inflict / cure disease
GulaBau Babylon / Sumeria A mother goddess of creativity, fire & with the power to inflict / cure disease
GulaAkkadia / MesopotamiaA fertility goddess as well as the tutelary goddess of Lagas
GulissaMata Hindu / Puranic / Epic A mother goddess who became a goddess of evil intent, inflecting sickness
GulliveigNorseA goddess / sorceress of the Vanir race of gods
GullveigNorseA name adopted by Odin when in disguise
GuluBuganda[Africa] The king of heaven
GuluDinka [Africa]The creator god
GumLinChina A river goddess
GunabHottentotThe god of evil
GunguAmoon deity
GunuraMesopotamia / Sumeria / Babylon / AkkadiaA god whom nothing is known about, duty wise
Gur-GyiMgon-PoBuddhist / Tibet A god of tents
GuruhiGambiaThe evil god
GurzilTripolitaniaThe bull god
GusilimMesopotamia / SumeriaA god
GutaHungaryA demonic being that represents the seamy side of life
GwaluYoruba [Africa] A rain god
Gwen CelticA goddess of happiness & smiles
GwendionWalesA god of war
GwennTeirBronn Celtic A goddess of motherhood
GwyddnoWalesAt one time he was a sea god
GwydionWalesA warrior / bardic / magician god
GwydyonWalesA god of war
Gwynn ApNudd Wales
King of the fairies & the underworld
Mother of Antiphus and Mesthles, leaders of the Maeonians against the Achaean invaders during the Trojan War.
GyhldeptisTlingit / HaidaA kindly forest goddess
GymirNorseThe possible ruler of underworld
HaEgyptA guardian god of the West
HaWenNeyu Iroquois [NE US / SE Canada] The great spirit.
Ha'iakaHawaiiSister of the goddess Pele
Ha-ShemHebrew [Hellenistic]Used to replace the written Yahweh
HabetrotBritainA goddess of healing & spinning
HabetrotCelticA goddess of spell casting on the wheel of the year
HabiessoAfricaA god of thunder
HabondeBritainA goddess of abundance & prosperity
HabondiaGaulA goddess of abundance & prosperity
HacauitzMayaA mountains god
Hacha'kyumMaya / LacandonThe god of the real people
HachacyumMayaThe creator the world who was helped by three other gods
HachimanJapan / ShintoA god of war & peace
HactcinJicarillaApache Primordial beings
HadW. Semitic A god of storms, thunder, & rain
HadadCanaanA storm god
HadadCanaan / SemiteThe god of lightning, thunder & storms
HadadW. Semitic A god of storms, thunder, & rain
HadakaiIndiaA goddess of health & Rabies
HaddaW. Semitic A god of storms, thunder, & rain
HadduW. Semitic A god of storms, thunder, & rain
HadesGreekA god of death & one of the Olympian gods
HadranusSicily [pre-Hellenic]A god associated with Mt. Etna
HadurHungaryA war god
HaeSoon Korea Korea A goddess of war
HafozaJateThe god of thunder & lightning
HagnoArcadianNymph, nurse of Zeus.
HahEgyptThis god was the bearer of heaven
HahanaKu Maya A messenger god
HahgwehdiyuIroquois[NE US / SE Canada] The god of goodness
Haili'laHaida [PNW]A plague god associated with small pox. Interesting history. Cool
HainuweleWemale[Moluccas] A demi-deity
HalaKassiteA goddess of healing
HalahalaBuddhist / MayhayanaA god of poison
HaldiUrart [Armenia]A tutelary god
HaldiUrartu[Antolia] The national god
HalkiHittiteA god barley & grain
HalsodyneGreekA sea goddess
HaltiaFinno / UgricA goddess of healing
Hamvareti Persia A goddess of mist
HamadryadesGreekTree spirits whose existence is restricted to the tree that the guard when it dies they die, their names were Atlantia and Phoebe
HamavehaeRoman / RhinelandA trinity of mother goddesses
HamedicuHuron [US / Canada]The High god
Hami-Yasu-HimeJapan / ShintoThe goddess of potters
HammonEgyptHe was a sky god that evolved into the sun god
HammonLybiaA god of the setting sun
HanHsiangChina One of the eight Immortals of Taoism
HanXiang-Zhi China / Tao An immortal being, there were eight
HanXiang-ziChina 1 of the 8 immmortals
HanaNorseA god of silence
HananimKoreaA god of the sky
HanghepiWiDakota [N. Cent NA] The Moon god
HanhauMayaA god of underworld, Mitnal
Hani-Yasu-HikoJapan / ShintoThe god of potters
Hani [s]Mesopotamia / Babylon / AkkadiaA minor god
HannahannaHittiteA god of agriculture & the sky
HannahannasHittite / HurrianThe mother goddess
HanoBella Coola [Canada PNW] A goddess of teaching
HansaHindu / PuranicA god, a minor avatar of Vishnu
HanumanHinduPuranic / Epic
HanumatHinduPuranic / Epic
HanwasuitHittiteThe tutelary goddess
HanwiOgalala [US / Canada]A goddess of the dawn & twilight
HaoCh'iuChina A god of the heart
HaoJanjero [Ethiopia]A god that resided in the river Gibe
HaokahSiouxA thunder manitou He was also a manitou of hunting
HaomaIranA plant that suffered the indignity of being deified, its sap was an intoxicating drink used in a sacrificial ceremonies
HapEgyptA god of the Nile associated with the annual floods which were responsible for the fertility of the adjacent lands
Hapantalli / Hapi / HapyEgyptA god of the Nile, fish, barley, grain, herbs, water, dew, & fertility
Hapantalliyas / HapantalliHittiteHe took his place at the moon god's side
HapiEgyptA god of the Nile associated with the annual floods which were responsible for the fertility of the adjacent lands
HapyEgyptA god of the Nile associated with the annual floods which were responsible for the fertility of the adjacent lands
HarEgyptA sky god
HarWer Egypt In this form Horus battled against Seth
Har-em-akhetEgyptA form of Horus as a sun god
Har-MauEgyptA form of the god Horus
Har-nedj-itefEgyptA special form of Horus
Har-pa-kheredEgyptHorus as a child
Har-sa-isetEgypt A form of Horus
HaraHindu / PuranicAn avatar of Siva
Hara-Yama-Tsu-MiJapan / ShintoA mountain god concerned with the wooded slopes
HarachteEgyptThe god of the morning sun
HarakhteEgypt[Hellenized] Horus at Heliopolis
HarakhtiEgypt[Hellenized] Horus at Heliopolis
HardaulHinduA plague god, he protected against cholera
HarendotesGreekA form of the Egyptian god Horus that guards & protects his father
HariHindu / Puranic / EpicA minor incarnation of the god Visnu
HariIndiaHe is the god of the sun & guardian of the universe
HariharaIndiaThe twin divinity composed of Visnu & Siva
HarimellaScotlandA goddess of Tungrain origin
HaritiBuddhistA plague goddess associated with smallpox
HaritiHindu / Puranic / EpicA mother goddess
HarmachisGreekA form of Horus
HarmakisEgypt[Hellenized] Horus as symbol of resurrection, linked with the setting sun
HarmertiEgyptA tutelary god of Seden & a form of Horus
HarmoniaAnymph, beloved of Ares, who between them were teh par4ents of the Amazons
HarmoniaGreekA goddess of justice
HaroerisGreekAnother form of Horus, but this time as an adult
HarpocratesGreekThe god of silence & secrecy
HarpreEgyptThis god's job was to protect the king from illness & misfortune
HarsaHinduA goddess
Harsaphes Egypt [Hellenized]A ram headed god of fertility & water
HarsieseEgypt[Hellenized] A form of Horus
HarsiesisEgypt[Hellenized] A form of Horus
HarsomtusEgypt[Hellenized] A form of Horus & god of Dendara
HartiChina / JapanA demoness that Buddha converted to a goddess she now protects children instead of eating them
Harun&Haruna Morocco Water spirits
Hasam [m]eliHittiteHe is the god of blacksmiths & of the craft of wrought-iron
HasamelisHittite / HurrianHe is a god who can protect travelers
HastaHindu / Puranic / EpicA minor benevolent goddess of fortune
HastbakaNavahoThe oldest male of the spirits
HastebaadNavahoThe chief of the female spirits
HastehoganNavahoThe chief male spirit of the house
HastseltsiNavahoThe male spirit of racing.
HastseoltoiNavahoThe female spirit of hunting
HastseziniNavahoThe male spirit of fire
HastshehoganNavahoA house spirit
HastsheyaltiNavahoThe spirit of dawn & the east
HatasaBuddhistA horse goddess
HatdastsisiNavahoThe benevolent male spirit that helps cure disease
HathorEgyptA goddess of procreation, sexuality, romance, trees, poetry, music, alcohol, childbirth, infants, death, fertility, love, marriage, beauty, joy & the sky
HatmehytEgyptA fertility & guardian goddess of fish & fisherman
HatmehitEgyptA fertility & guardian goddess of fish & fisherman
HatshepsutEgyptA goddess of justice
HattiHinduA plague goddess associated with cholera
HattiHittiteThe throne goddess
HatuibwariSolomonIs The serpent god
HaubasS. Arabia A god that may be a particular form of Attar
HauhetEgyptA primordial goddess, one of the Ogboad
HaukimS. Arabia A local god thought to be concerned with arbitration & the law
HaumeaPolynesiaA god of wild plants & the goddess of childbirth, midwives & of fertility
HaumiaPolynesiaA god of wild plants & the goddess of childbirth, midwives & of fertility
HaumiatiketikePolynesia / MaoriA vegetation God
HauravatatZoroastrianOne of the beneficent immortals
HaurunCanaanA fiery earth god
HaurvatatZoroastrianOne of the beneficent immortals
HaveaLoloFonua Polynesia A goddess of intercourse
Haya-JiJapanThe God of the winds
Haya-Tsu-Muji-No-KamiJapan / ShintoA god of whirlwinds
HayagrivaBuddhistA fierce Buddhist protective deity
HayagrivaBuddhist / TibetThe patron god of horses
HayagrivaHindu / Puranic / EpicThe most important incarnation of Vishnu
HayasaHinduA horse god, could be Hayangriva in disguise
HayasumMesopotamia / Sumeria / Babylon / AkkadiaA minor god of uncertain function
HazziHittiteA mountain god invoked in treaties as responsible for oaths
HeBoChina He is the divine ruler of all rivers
HeXian-guChina A female member of Chinese 8 immortals
HeXian-Ku China / Tao One of the eight immortals
HeZur Egypt A baboon god accepted as a manifestation of Thot
HeaMesopotamia / UgaritThe goddess of wisdom
HeammawihioCheyenne [W.US] The great spirit
HebatHurrianThe chief goddess & sun goddess
HebeGreekA goddess of beauty, wine spring & youth as well as the cup bearer of the gods
HecaergeGreekA naiad of Artemis
HecaergeGreekA goddess of archery
HecateGreekA goddess of agriculture, black magic, witchcraft, crossroads, fertility, the moon, night, & wisdom
HedammuHurrianHe is a snake demon that resides in the sea & he is constantly hungry
HedetetEgyptShe is the scorpion goddess found in the Book of the dead
HedrunScandinaviaA goddess of intoxicating mead
HegemoneGreekA goddess of plants & responsible for their fruition
HegetoriaMotherby Ochimus of Cyrbia. After her Cyrbe in Rhodes is called, which was destroyed by the Flood. Ochimus is the oldest of the HELIADES and their king.
Hegir-NunaMesopotamia / SumeriaA goddess
HehEgyptA primordial god of infinity
HehaEgyptA god of magical words
HehetEgyptA primordial goddess of the immeasurable
HeimdalGermanA god of warriors
HeimdallNorseA god of fire & light
HeitsiHottentot [Africa]This dying god is the god of the hunt
Heitsi-EibibHottentotA benign sorcerer god
HekaEgyptThe personification of magic with shrines in / around of Memphis
HekateGreekThe chthonic goddess of the moon & pathways as well as nocturnal evil
HeketEgyptA goddess of childbirth & midwives
HekoolasMiwokA goddess of war
HektEgyptA goddess midwives
HelNorseA goddess of the dead
Hel [i]GermanA goddess of death
HelenGreekShe originated as goddess of vegetation
HelenaGreekA Moon goddess & healer
HeleneGreekShe originated as goddess of vegetation
HeliaGreekA sun goddess
HeliceGreekNymph nurse of Zeus [there were rather a lot of them]
HeliogabalusSyria [Hellenized?]A local sun god of Emesa
HeliosGreekThe sun god
HeliusGreekThe sun god
HelleGreekA sea goddess
HelohaChoctaw [SE USA] A spirit [female] of thunder
HemantadeviBuddhist / TibetThe goddess of winter
HemenEgyptA falcon god
HemeraGreekA goddess of the day
HemsutEgyptA goddess of fate & newborn babies
HemusetEgyptA goddess of fate & newborn babies
HendursagaMesopotamia / Babylon / AkkadiaThe god of law
HendursangaSumeriaA god of justice & law
HengEChina A goddess of the moon
HengHuron [US / Canada]The spirit of thunder
HengoChina A goddess of the moon
Heng-Ha-Erh-ChiangChinaA guardian gods of Buddhist temples
Heng-OChinaA goddess of the moon
HenkhesesuiEgyptA ram headed, winged, beetle god of the east wind
HenoIroquois[NE US / Canada] The sky god & the spirit of thunder
HenwenWalesA goddess
HeosphorosGreekA god of the morning
HepEgyptA god of the Nile associated with the annual floods which were responsible for the fertility of the adjacent lands
HepatArrinaA sun goddess of Arinna
HepatuHurrian / HittiteA sun goddess
HephaistosGreekA god of fire & patron of blacksmiths
HephaestusGreekA god of fire & patron of blacksmiths
HephaestosGreekA god of fire & patron of blacksmiths
HeqetEgyptA goddess of childbirth & midwives
HeraGreekA goddess of childbirth, marriage, motherhood, of the sky, & storms
HerabeHuliA god who causes insanity.
HeraktesEgypt[Hellenized] Horus at Heliopolis
HerculesRomanHe was a god of merchants & traders
HereGreekA goddess of childbirth, marriage, motherhood, of the sky, & storms
HereKetit Egypt A lion headed goddess who breathes fire on the evil deceased
HerensugueBasqueA devilish spirit
HeresCanaanA sun god, equivalent to Shamash
Heret-KauEgyptAn underworld goddess of the old kingdom
HerisefEgyptThe Primeval ram god of Middle Egypt from Hnes [Ihnasya el-Medina]
HermanubisEgypt[Hellenistic] A syncretic deity with Hermes & Anubis
HermanubisEgyptA god of the dead in the cult of Isis
Hermaphroditos / HermaphroditusGreekAn androgynous deity
HermesGreekA god of athletes, sport, gambling, commerce, communications, eloquence, luck, medicine, oratory, roads, wind, travelers, messenger to the gods, "The Good Shepherd", herds, flocks
HermodNorseThe messenger god
HermodrNorseThe messenger god
HermodurNorseThe messenger god
HermusRomanA river god
HerneBritish / Anglo-SaxonAn underworld god & leader of the phantom hunt
HeronEgyptA minor Egyptian deity
HerosThraceAn underworld god who is also a horseman
HerovetSlavicThe god of the army
HerseGreekThe goddess of the dew
HershefEgyptThe Primeval ram god of Middle Egypt from Hnes [Ihnasya el-Medina]
HersiliasRomanShe was deified by Juno
Heru-Em-AkhetEgyptHorus as symbol of resurrection, linked with the setting sun
HerukaBuddhist / MayhayanaA god, one of the more popular in the pantheon
HerysafEgyptThe Primeval ram god of Middle Egypt from Hnes [Ihnasya el-Medina]
HeryshafEgyptThe Primeval ram god of Middle Egypt from Hnes [Ihnasya el-Medina]
HesatEgyptThe goddess of birth & a minor guardian of pregnant & nursing mothers
HesperidesGreekThe nymphs that guarded the golden apples, they did not do well
HesperosGreekThe god of the evening star
HesperusGreekThe god of the evening star
HestiaGreekShe was the virgin goddess of the hearth, family, peace, prosperity, stability & community
HetepEgyptA god of peace & happiness
Hetepes-SekhusEgyptAn underworld goddess
HetepetEgyptA cult center / goddess
HettsuiNoKami Japan The goddess who protected & provided for the family
HevajiraBuddhist / MahayanaA god equivalent to the Hindu Siva
HevajraBuddhistA fierce protective deity
HeviossBeninAgod of thunder
HexchuchanMaya / ItzaA god of war
HexeGermanA goddesses of curing illness
HeyvosoBeninAgod of thunder
Hez-urEgyptA baboon god
Hi'linaHaida [PNW]The tribal god that represents the Thunderbird
Hi-Hiya-HiJapan / ShintoThe sun god
Hi-No-Kagu-TsuchiJapan / ShintoA fire god whose birth caused the death of the primordial goddess Izanami
HieromnemeANaiad, daughter of the River God Simois. Some say she is the mother of Ganymedes.
HihankaraLakota [US / Canada]A goddess of the Milky Way
HiisiKarelin [Finland]A pre-Christian tree god that of course was demoted to mean devil, but in the eight minor sense
HikeEgyptThe personification of magicwith shrines in / around of Memphis
HikoboshiJapan / ShintoAn astral god
HikuleoPulotoA goddess of the underworld
HilaInuitA god of weather
HilaeiraGreekThe goddess of brightness
HilalArabicA god of the new moon
Himalia?A goddess invoked to bless the harvest
HimaliaGrekMother by Zeus of Cronius, Spartaeus and Cytus.
HimavanHinduA mountain god & the apotheosis of the Himalayan Mountains
Hime-GamiJapan / ShintoA god of war & peace
Hime-O-KamiJapan / ShintoA god of war & peace
HimerosGreekA god of sexual desire
HimerusGreekA god of sexual desire
HimivatHinduA mountain god & the apotheosis of the Himalayan Mountains
HinNewIreland Is. The supreme being [female] who is androgynous
HinaHawaiiA goddess of the moon, fertility & healing herbs
HinaNewIreland Is. The supreme being [female] who is androgynous
HinaPolynesiaA moon goddess
HinePolynesiaA goddess of darkness & death
HinetitamaMaori [N.Z.] A goddess of the dawn
Hine-Ahu-OnePolynesia / MaoriA chthonic goddess
Hine-Ata-UiraPolynesia / MaoriThe goddess of light
Hine-Nui-Te-PoPolynesia / MaoriA chthonic goddess of night & the underworld
Hinglaj [-Mata]HinduA mother goddess
HinkonTungus [Siberia]A hunting god & the controller of all animals
HinoIroquois[NE US / Canada] The sky god & the spirit of thunder
HinokagutsuchiJapan / ShintoHe is the fire god whose birth killed the goddess Izanami
HintubuhetNewIreland Is. The supreme being [female] who is androgynous
HinuIroquois[NE US / Canada] The sky god & the spirit of thunder
HinunIroquoisA thunder spirit
HippolytusGreekA minor god
HipponaRomanThe goddess of horses
Hiranyagarbha Hindu / VedicA god of creation& a primordial being
Hiranyakasipu Hindu / IndiaA demon that held the earth prisoner, under flood waters
HiribiCanaanThe goddess of summer
HiroEaster Is. The god of rain & fertility
HirukoJapanA god of the morning sun & guardian of children's health
Hisa-MeJapanThe female devils of the land of the dead
HisakitaimisiCreek [SEUS] The controller of life
HittauaninKarelian [Finnish]A hunting god & the guardian of hare hunters
HittavainenKarelian [Finnish]A hunting god & the guardian of hare hunters
HlinNorseA goddess of consolation
HlinScandinaviaA goddess of summer
HlodinIcelandA goddess of earth & fertility
HlodynIcelandA goddess of earth & fertility
HlothynNorseA goddess from the poetic edda
HminBurmaA demon of ague
HnossaScandinaviaA goddess of infatuation
HoHsien-ku China / Tao 1 of the 8 Immortals
HoMasubi Japan A god of fire
Ho-Musubi-No-KamiJapan / ShintoA fire god
Ho-PoChina / TaoA god that controls all rivers especially the Yellow River
HoaTapuTahiti A god of war
HoatziquiMexicoA goddess of justice
HobasS. Arabia A god that may be a particular form of Attar
HodNorseA god of winter
HoderNorseThe blind god
HodrNorseThe blind god
HodurNorseThe blind god
HoenirGermanThis god gave all mortals the five senses
HoenirNorseA god identified in the poetic edda
HokewinglaDakota [N. Cent NA] A turtle spirit
Hokushin-O-KamiJapan / ShintoAn astral deity, Ursa Minor
HoldaGermanShe is the goddess of beauty & love
HoldynNorseA goddess from the poetic edda
HoliIndiaA goddess of happiness & merriment
HolleGermanA goddess of witches
Holly King & Oak KingCeltic
Two sacrificial gods
HonabeHuliThe primeval goddess
HonirNorseThis is the god that gave humans & their understanding & feelings
HonosRomanThe god of military honors
HonusRomanThe god of military honors
HoodedSpirits Celtic A trinity of deities
HorBehdetite / Behedti Egypt A local form of Horus from the Delta region
HorEgyptA sky god
Hor-HekenuEgyptIn this form Horus is the lord of protection
HoraGreekA goddess who attended Venus she represented beauty personified
HoraGreek Her body was half-human and half-snake
HoraRomanA goddess of beauty
HoraeGreekThe goddesses of order & the seasons, all three of them
HoragallesLaplandA weather god, a local version of Thor
HoraiGreekThe goddesses of order & the seasons, all three of them
HorkosGreekThe god of oaths
HortaEtruscaA goddess of agriculture
HorusEgyptA god of prophecy, healing, music, art, war, victory, light, the north & the sky
HosiaGreekA goddess of holy rituals
HoteiJapan / ShintoAnother of the Seven gods of Luck
HotogovMailganBuriat [Siberia] A goddess of heaven at night
HotoruPawnee [M. USA] The wind spirit
Hotr [a] Hindu / VedicA minor goddess of sacrifices
HouChiChina The Lord of abundant harvests
HouIChina The Lord Archer
HouT'uChina A god of the earth
HoursEgyptUnderworld goddesses they are the 12 daughters of Re
HovAva Russia The moon goddess
HowChuChina She is the goddess of the air
HoyKongChina A goddess of Ursa Minor
HrsikesaHinduA god & a minor avatar of Visnu
HsiHoChina A solar female deity, who gave birth to suns [ten to start with]
HsiLingsu China The god of silk
HsishenChina A god of joy
HsiShihChina A goddess of face cream
HsiWangMu China A mother goddess & former demoness of the Western Paradise & female energy
HsiaoWuChina The god of prisons
HsiehT'ienchun China A god personification of the planet Saturn
HsienChina / TaoThe 'immortals'
HsienNungChina A god of agriculture
HsienSeChina A god of agriculture
HsuCh'angChina A god of archery
HsuanT'ien China / Tao An astral god of war
HsuanWenhua China The god of hair
Hsuan-T'ien-Shang-TiChinaThe god of the Dark Heaven & the Regent of water
HuEgyptA primeval god personifying authority born from a drop of blood
HuShenChina A god of hail
HuTuChina A goddess of the summer solstice
HuaHsienTao A flower goddess
HuacaPeruA spirit being
HuacasPeru / BoliviaAny natural object that has an obvious supernatural manifestation
HuanYangch'ang China A god of the heart
HuanacariInca [SA]A guardian spirit
HuangFei-hu / FeiChina The chthonic god that became the judge of the dead
HuangT'ingChina A god of the spleen
HuangTiChina A god of architecture & an astral god that invented the compass
Huang-diChinaThe mythical yellow emperor
HubalArabicA local tutelary & oracular god
HubanElamite [Iran]A tutelary god
HubrisGreekA god personifying lack of restraint
HuehuecototlAztecA minor god, one of sexual lust
Huehuecototl-CoyotlinahualAztecA minor god of feather workers
HuehueteotlAztec"An alternative name of Xiuhtecuhtli the god of fire
HuiracochaInca [SA]The supreme deity accused of a virgin birth & creator of of the world
HuitacaChibchaA goddess of intoxication & the moon
HuitzilopochtliAztecHe is a god of war & the sun as well as the patron god of the
HuitzlilpochtliMexicoThe head god
HuitznahuaAztecCollectively, the remaining brothers of the war gods that were defeated
HuixtocihuatlAztecA goddess of the ocean & salt
HulkaDevi Hindu A goddess of cholera
HullaAnatoliaA goddess & daughter of Wurusera
HumbanMesopotamiaThe supreme deity
HunHau Maya A god of death
HunHunapu Maya A creator god
HunItzamna Maya Another creator god of water, agriculture, drawing, healing, medicine & the moon
HunNal Maya A god of maize
Hun-HunapuKiche[Maya] The divine twin of Vukub-Hunapu
HunabKu Maya The most important creator god & the greatest deity in the pantheon
ItzamnMayaThe most important creator god & the greatest deity in the pantheon
HunahpaUtiu Maya Yet another god that helped create humans
HunahpuGutch Maya He is one of the 13 gods that mistakenly created humans
HunahpuVuch Maya A goddess of hunting
HunapuMayaQuiche The creator god
HuncameMayaQuiche The co-ruler of Xibalba
HungSingChina A guardian God of of fishing boats & their crews
HunhauMayaA god of death
AhpuchMayaA god of death
HunthacaAmoon goddess?
HuntinXhosaA tree spirit
HuoPuChina A god of fire
HurkiA moon goddess?
HurabtilElamite [Iran]A god known only from being mentioned in Akkadian texts
HuracanKiche Maya A creator god that fashioned the first humans
HurakanKiche Maya A creator god that fashioned the first humans
HurriHurrianThe bull god
HurrisHurrianThe bull god
HurucanKiche Maya A creator god that fashioned the first humans
HuruingWuhtiHopi Creator god / gods of the Hopi Indians
HurukanKiche Maya A creator god that fashioned the first humans
HuveaneBasuto[Leshoto] A Creator god
HuviBushmen [Africa]The supreme god
HuviOvimbundu [W.Africa]A god of hunting
HuzayuiEgyptA serpent headed, winged god of the west wind
HvarPersiaA sun god
HyadesGreekDaughters of Atlas & Pleione that became stars
HyakinthosGreekAn ancient pre-Hellenic god of vegetation
HyaleNymphin the train of Artemis.
HyaninthosAgod of vegetation
HydriadsGreekWater nymphs.
HygeiaGreekA goddess of health
HygieiaGreekA goddess of health
HymenGreekThe god of marriage
HymenaeusGreekThe god of marriage
HymenaiosGreekThe god of marriage
HyperionGreekThe Titan god of primordial light
HypermnestraGreekA goddess of water
HypnosGreekThe god of rest and / or sleep
HypsistosGreekA local god of the Bosporus area
IChinaA god of bowmen, often called the 'excellent archer'
I'lenaKoryak [Siberia]An animistic spirit
I-TiChinaA god of wine
IacchusGreekA god that might be demon & / or a demon that might be god
IaeBrazilA god of the moon
IakchosGreekA god that might be demon & / or a demon that might be god
IalonusCelticA fertility god
IambeGreekA goddess of happiness
Ianagi & Izanami Japan
The god & goddess that created
IapetosGreekA Titan god who now hangs out in Tartarus
IapetusGreekA Titan god who now hangs out in Tartarus
IarilaRussiaA fertility goddess
IasisGreekOne of the Ionides, nymphs believed to cure diseases Calliphaeia, Synallasis, & Pegaea were the others
IasoGreekA goddess of healing & medicine
Iatiku & Nautsiti Acoma [PNW]
The sisters who created man
IbathIrishA Nemed who is believed to be a Tuatha ancestor / father god
IcaunaCelticThe river goddess of the river Yonne [Brittany]
IcciSiberiaAnimistic spirits
Iccovellauna CelticA water goddess
IchpuchtliAztecA goddess of lust & pleasure
IctinikeSiouxThe son of the sun god expelled from heaven for his deceit & trickery
IdaHinduShe is the goddess of prayer & devotion that was a man that turned into a woman, really
IdaTen Japan This young god protects monasteries & is rather quick
Wife of the River God Scamander.
Nurse of Zeus. Daughter of Melisseus, King of Helicon.
IdemHuvaFinnish / Ugric A goddess of autumn
IdliragijengetInuitA sea goddess
IdlirvirisongInuitThe demonic cousin of the sun
IdotheaGreekA goddess of the sea
The goddess that guarded the golden apples of youth
The goddess that guarded the golden apples of youth
IdunnNorseThe goddess that guarded the golden apples of youth
IegadPelew Is. This is the god that is guilty of bringing light to earth
IemaparuPuebloKachina? Corn mother
IfaYoruba [Africa]The god of wisdom, knowledge & divining
IfruRoman / N. Africa A god known from an inscription at Crita
IgaehinvdoCherokeeThe sun goddess
IgalilikInuitA very tough hunting spirit
IgalukInuit [Alaska] The god of the moon
IgigiAkkadia / Babylon / Mespotomian / SumeriaThe collective name for the group of younger sky gods
IgnerssaukInuitA sea god, generally benevolent
IgnirtoqInuitThe goddess of lightning
IhP'en Maya A chthonic fertility god, concerned with the growth of plants as well as family, property & other wealth
IhiEgyptA god of the sistrum
IhiTahitiA goddess of learning, of wisdom
IhoihoSociety Is. The creator god that created everything including the primeval waters
IhyEgyptA minor god of music
IkalAhau Maya A chthonic death god, that strangely enough, is considered to inhabit Christian church towers in Mexico
IkasAlgonquin [US / Canada]Mother Earth
IkengaIbo [Nigeria]A god of fortune, a benevolent deity
IktomiLakota [N. plains / woodlands US] The trickster demi-god called spider
IkuNigeriaA god of death
Iku-Ikasuchi-No-KamiJapan / ShintoThe most significant of the eight thunder deities, A god of thunder
Ikvaku Hindu / VedicAn ancestral sun god, the creator god
IlCanaan / Lebanon / SyriaThe creator god
IlSemiticA name for god, similar to El
Il-a-biUgaritThe father god
Ila Hindu / VedicA minor goddess of sacrifices
IlaalgeW. Semitic A local god
IlabratMesopotamia / Babylon / AkkadiaA minor god, heavy into politics
IlahS. Semitic A moon god
IlamatecuhtliAztecA fertility / mother goddess
IlankakaNkundo [Africa]A sun goddess
IlankakaZaire [Africa]A goddess of war
IlatPokot / Suk [Africa]The rain god
IlazkiBasqueThe name for the feminine moon
IlithyiaGreekA goddess of childbirth
IllapaInca [SA]He is the god of lightning, thunder & rain storms
IllarguiBasqueThe name for the feminine moon
IllujankaHittiteA snake demon
IllyapaInca [SA]He is the god of lightning, thunder & rain storms
IlmaFinlandA god of the air
IlmarinenFinlandA creator, sky & smith god
IlmatarFinlandHe is the god of the earth
IlumqahS. Arabia The goddess of morning & evening star
IlumquhArabic / SabaeanA moon god
Ilyap'aInca [SA] A god of storms
IlythiaGreekA goddess of childbirth
ImMesopotamiaA storm god
ImanaBanyarwanda [Burundi E. Africa] The chief god
ImazumaJapan / ShintoThe goddess of lightning
ImdugudAssyriaThe god of thunder & storms
ImhetepEgyptA god of learning, healing, embalming, medicine, learning, sleep etc
ImhotepEgyptA god of learning, healing, embalming, medicine, learning, sleep etc
ImiutEgyptA protective deity of underworld
Immap Ukua Inuit [E. Greenland] A sea goddess, momma to all of the sea creatures
ImmatKafir [Afghanistan]A demonic god that had a thing for virgins
ImoAfricaA goddess of justice
ImprocitorRomanA minor god of agriculture that worried over harrowing of the fields
ImraKafir [Afghanistan]A creator god that is still worshipped today
ImraKafirstan [Hindu Kush] The supreme god
ImsetEgyptThis god is a funerary god charged with the care of the liver of the deceased
AmsetEgyptThis god is a funerary god charged with the care of the liver of the deceased
ImsetiEgyptThe protector of the liver of mummified dead
In-ShushinakIranThe principal Elamite god

InaBrazilA dolphin goddess who lives in the Amazon River
InaPolynesiaA moon goddess
Ina'hitelanKoryak [Siberia]A guardian spirit that supervises the skies
InanaMesopotamia / SumeriaA goddess of fertility, love & war
InannaBabylonShe was the goddess of sexuality, love & war
InannaMesopotamiaA goddess of fertility, of love
InannaSumeriaThe goddess of love, war, heaven, light, long life, & the moon
InanupdikilePanamaA goddess of rain
InarHittiteA goddess of wild animals of the steppes
InaraHittiteA goddess of wild animals of the steppes
InarasAnatoliaA goddess of liquor
InarasHittiteThe goddess of the wild animals of the steppe
InariJapanA god protecting rice cultivation, god of prosperity
IndarIranThe god of warfare, courage & bravery
IndrKafir [Afghanistan]A tutelary & weather god
Indra Hindu / VedicThe chief god of war & of fertility
IndraIranOne of the seven Daevas & the personification of apostasy
IndraniHindu / Eoic / Puranic / VedicA goddess of wealth
InemesMicronesiaA goddess of love & of sexuality
InfoniwooTaiwanA god of generation
IngAnglo-SaxonAn ancestral god
IngIngwaeones[German] The divine progenitor & the title of the god Frey
IngheanIrishThe goddess of summer & a part of the trinity
CrobhIrishThe goddess of summer & a part of the trinity
DeargBhuidhe Irish The goddess of summer & a part of the trinity
IngumaBasqueA spirit of death that enters people's homes by night & strangles them
IniEgyptA goddess of justice
IniHeret Egypt She is the goddess of mediators, diplomats, statesman's & other professional liars
IniniSumeriaThe goddess of love, war, heaven, light, long life, & the moon
InkanyambaZulu [S.Africa] A storm god, deals directly with tornadoes
InkosazanaZulu [S.Africa] A goddess of education, rain, the rainbow & mist
InmarFinlandUgric Votyak [Udmurt] The sky god
InmutefEgyptA minor canopic god
InnaAfricaA goddess of justice
InnanaSumeriaThe goddess of love, procreation, & war
InshushinakIranThe principal Elamite god
InsitorRomanA god concerned with the sowing of crops
IntaAztecA god of fire who is associated with paternalism
IntercidonaRomanA goddess of midwives
IntiInca / Quechua [SA]A god of war & the sun
InuatInuitThese are the spirit beings that reside with all living creatures & maintain the lamp of life
InummutefEgyptA minor canopic god
InuusRomanThe god of herds
IoN.Z.The chief god who appears to be known only to the nobility & the priests
IoskehaIroquois / Huron[NE US / SE Canada] A creator spirit
IouskehaIroquois / Huron[NE US / SE Canada] A creator spirit
IpalnemohuaniAztecThe supreme deity
IpetEgyptA hippopotamus goddess
IpiEgyptA hippopotamus goddess
IpyEgyptA mother goddess that occasionally will wet nurse the king
IreneGreekA goddess of peace
IretarguiBasqueThe name for the feminine moon
IrisGreekThe goddess of the rainbow, & messenger of the gods
IrminGermanAn old god associated with the Herminones, might be a war god
IrmiongotGermanThis god, possibly Irmin, is found in The Hildebrandslied, strangely the poem shows Christian influence
IrsirraHurriteShe is the goddess of fate
IruwaChaga[E. Africa] The sun god
IruwaKenya [Africa]A sun & war god
IrvunCongo / Tanzania / CameroonA sun god
IsaBuddhistA guardian deity
IsaHindu / PuranicAn aspect of Siva
IsainenFinlandThe god of thunder, rain storms, weather & the sky
IsakakateCrow[W. US] The supreme being
IsambaAfricaA moon goddess
IsaraHittite / Syrian / MesopotamiaA goddess
IsaraMesopotamia / Babylon / Akkadia / W. Semitic A goddess of marriage & childbirth she dealt with the enforcement of oaths
IsdenEgyptA god known from the the Middle Kingdom & later
IsdesEgyptA chthonic god of death
Isdustaya&Papaya Proto-Hattic A goddesses of fate
IsesAfricaA goddess of bow & arrow
IshharaHittite / Syrian / MesopotamiaA goddess
Ishi-Kori-DomeJapan / ShintoA god / goddess of stonecutters
IshkurAkkadia / SumeriaA god of rain & thunderstorms
IshkurMesopotamiaThe god of rain
IshtanuHittiteA sun god
IshtarBabylonShe was the goddess of sexuality, love & war
IshumMesopotamiaA fallen god of the underworld
IsiIndiaA goddess
IsinuMesopotamiaA Janus-headed god
IsisEgyptA goddess of childbirth, death, the earth, fertility, marital devotion, motherhood, healing, home, magic, the moon & the mother goddess
IskurHittiteA weather god
IskurMesopotamia / Sumeria / IraqThe chief rain & thunder god
IslandofFlame Egypt Though not a god, without yet it eight gods would never have came into being
IsmenisConsortedwith Faunus and their son Crenaeus was a defender of Thebes against the SEVEN. Crenaeus was killed by Hippomedon at Thebes.
IsmudMesopotamia / SumeriaA dual faced messenger god
IsrafilIslamThe angel that blows of the trumpet of doom at the last call for of the universe
IssakiHindu / Puranic / EpicA goddess walking around with a headless child
IssitoqInuitThis god looks for those that break the rules
IstadevataBuddhist / TibetA tutelary god
IstadevataHinduA generic title for a personal God or a house icon
IstanuHittiteA sun god, a creator & judge
IstarMesopotamia / Babylon / AkkadiaA goddess of fertility & war known as the star of heaven
IstaranMesopotamiaA divine judge & doctor
IstaranSumeriaA tutelary god of the city of Der
IstenEgyptA god known from the the Middle Kingdom & later
IstenHungaryA supreme god
IstustayaHittiteOne of the deities who awaited the return of Telipinus
IsumMesopotamia / Babylon / AkkadiaA minor god, possibly a god of fire
IsvaraHinduAn epitaph of Siva
IsvaraSanskritThe designation for supreme world ruler
Itaba HaitiAncestor goddess
ItalapasChinook [PNW] The name for the trickster / creator deity Coyote
ItchitaYakut [Siberia]This goddess of the earth prevents illness
IthmCanaanThe god of herds, usually sheep
IthomeNurseof Zeus, according to the Messenian account.
ItondeMongo / Nkuando[Zaire] The god of death & hunters
ItuanaBrazilA goddess of the afterworld who returns the souls of the dead to newborns
ItzamCab Maya A chthonic earth god as well as a god of fire
ItzamNa Maya Another creator god of water, agriculture, drawing, healing, medicine & the moon
ItzamnaMayaA moon god & god of healing
Itzananohk'uMayaA god of Lacandon
ItzcoliuhquiAztecA god of volcanoes, destruction & of the night
Itzcuintli-ChanticoAztecA god of lapidaries
ItzcutintliAztecA guardian goddess of the home
ItzlacoliuhqueAztecThe god of blindness, cold, & obstinacy
ItzliAztecA stone knife god of sacrifice & justice
ItzpapalotlAztecShe is a goddess of agriculture
Itzpapalotl-ItzcyeyeMexicoA minor mother goddess who was found only in the Valley of Mexico
Iubdanofthe Faylinn Irish An Ulster god
IunoRomanThe chief goddess of marriage, motherhood & childbirth
IunonesGreekThe goddesses of femininity
IuppiterRomanThe chief god, originally a sky & light god now a god of astronomy, Jupiter, light, lightning, thunder, weather, wisdom
IusaasEgyptA creator goddess
IustitiaRomanA goddess of justice
IuturnaRomanA goddess of springs & who was real handy in times of drought
IuventasRomanThe goddess of youth in particular young men of military age
IxAhau Maya A moon goddess
IxCh'up Maya A goddess of the moon
IxChebelYax Maya A goddess, patroness of weaving, teaching, childbirth, the moon, sexual relations, storms & water
IxChel Maya She is the goddess of the moon
IxKanan Maya The vegetation goddess that takes care of bean plant
IxKu Maya A goddess of rain
IxZacalNok Maya The inventor of weaving as well as a creator goddess
IxbalanqueThisgod of the moon is also be twin of Hunahpu
IxchelMayaA moon goddess, patroness of womanly crafts
IxcozauhquiAztecAssociated with paternalism & A god of fire
IxmucaneMayaYet another of the 13 gods that created humans
IxnetliAztecA goddess of weavers
IxpiyacocMayaThis god is also guilty of creating humans
IxpuztecAztecA minor underworld god
Ixquimilli-ItzlacoliuhquiAztec / MexicoA god of justice
IxtabMayaA goddess of the hanged & guardian of suicides
IxtabMexicoA goddess of justice
IxtliltonAztecHe is the god of healing, feasting & games
IxtlitonAztecA god of medicine & good health
Ixzaluoh / IxazalvohMayaA water goddess, inventor of weaving
IyaLakota [US / Canada]The the spirit of all that is evil
IyatikuNavaho / PuebloShe is the mother of maize & humans
IzanagiJapanA creator god
Izanami-No-Kami / IzamnamiJapan / ShintoA primeval goddess who died & giving birth to the fire god
IzhaIndia Iran The goddess of sacrifice
IzquitecatlAztecA fertility god personified by the Maguey plant
Janeb'aSamoyed [Siberia] A benevolent earth goddess
Ja'uSyriaAn ancient god
JabruElamite [Iran]A sky god, a rather minor one
JaganmatriHinduAnother name for Durga
JagannathHinduAn epitaph for Krishna
JagaubisLithuaniaA fire god
JahEgyptA moon god
JahveIsraelThought to be a mountain god prior to becoming the god of Israel, Mount Sinai is his suspected mountain
JahvehIsraelThe last god of Israel
JahweIsraelThe last god of Israel
JakombaBangala [Zaire]A god of morality that controls human thought
JalandharaHinduAn Asura or demon
JamainaBrazilAn ocean goddess pictured as a mermaid
JambhalaBuddhist / MayhayanaA god of riches that may stand upon a man or a conch
JammCanaan / PhoneciaA god of war
JammaPhoenicia / CanaanA god of of water, seems to be primarily a sea god
JamshidThename in the Shahnameh for Yima
JanaRomanA minor moon goddess
JanardanaIndiaHe is the god of the sun & guardian of the universe
JanavasitaBuddhistA minor goddess affiliated with knowledge or the control of knowledge
JandiraBrazilA sea goddess
JanguliBuddhist / TibetA goddess invoked for snakebite
JanusRomanThe two faced god of beginnings, arches, doors, entrances & gates
JarSub Turkey This is the god of the universe
JarihCanaanA moon god
JarinaBelem / BrazilA goddess of happiness, joy & a tree goddess known for the ability to do serious drinking
JarovitSlavicA war god
JarriHittiteThis god of plague & pestilence was also a god that helped the king in battle
JasoGreekA goddess of health & recovery
JataBorneoA goddess of the sky
JawheIsraelThought to be a mountain god prior to becoming the god of Israel, Mount Sinai is his suspected mountain
JawiSyriaAn ancient god
Jaya-VijayaHindu / Puranic / EpicA twin goddess, possibly forms of Durga
JayakaraBuddhistA god that rides in a cage drawn by Cockatoos
JayantaHindu / Puranic / EpicA god who is one of the 11 forms of the god Rudra
JayataraBuddhist / MayhayanaA minor goddess
JedzaPolandThe equivalent of Baba Yaga
JehovahIsraelThought to be a mountain god prior to becoming the god of Israel, Mount Sinai is his suspected mountain
JenAnChina The god of robbers
JessisSlavicAn early deity of Jupiter
JetaitaYamama [Tirerradel Fuego] Earth spirits of the fearful type
Jezi-BabaE.Europe An ogress portrayed as traveling through the air, but not on a broom
JiaShiChina A goddess & stellar deity
JianLaoChina / Buddhist A god of the earth & of permanence
JikokuJapanThe guardian of the east
JimmuTenno Japan He is the founder of the imperial dynasty who were believed to be divine
JinnArabicA class of demonic beings that started out as a nature spirits
JizoBosatsuChina / Japan The great protector of suffering humanity
JizoJapanA Buddha of great compassion
JnanadakiniBuddhist / MayhayanaA goddess associated with, or whose name means, knowledge
JnanaparamitaBuddhistA philosophical deity
JodamateLatvia The mother of the evil one
JogahIroquois[NE US / Canada] The dwarf nature spirits
JohEgyptA moon god
JokAfricaA creator god
JokinamLakeAlbert / E. Africa A lake god
JokwaAsianA goddess of justice
JordGermanAn earth goddess
Jori-ToremVogulThe goddess of the foreman who supervised Num's work
JorojinJapanA god of longevity
JotenGermanDemonic beings
JotunGermanDemonic beings
JoveRomanAn alternative name for Jupiter
JoveRomanThe chief god, originally a sky & light god now a god of astronomy, Jupiter, light, lightning, thunder, weather, wisdom
Jubbujangsangne Brazil The goddess of the Jurema, a sacred tree
JuckShilluck [Africa]This is the creator of the world
JuesaesJusas / IusasEgypt
JugatinusAgod of mountain ridges & marriages, which both start with the letter M Otherwise there is no connection
JuggernautHinduThe god whose name means Lord of the World
JuichimenJapan / BuddhistA god of mercy
JulanaJumuThe chief god
JulunggulAus.A creator god that was the bringer of culture & identified with of the rainbow-snake
JulunggulAus.A goddess of initiations & waterfalls
JumaMari / Finnish / UgartThe sky god whose name is also associated with spirits of earth, water, wind, & the home
JumalaFinlandA sky & thunder god, later name of the Christian god
JumalaRussiaA goddess of war
JumisLatviaA god of fertility
JumitEgyptA local goddess of El Tod
JunitEgypta goddess
JunkgowaAus.An ancestor goddess who lived during the dreamtime & a goddess of the sea
JunoCaelestisCarthage Roman The tutelary goddess of Roman Carthage
JunoRomanThe chief goddess of marriage, motherhood & childbirth
JunrojinJapan / ShintoA god of luck, one of seven
Juok&Bunzi The creator of all men
JuokShilluk[E. Africa] The creator god
JupiterRomanThe chief god, originally a sky & light god now a god of astronomy, Jupiter, light, lightning, thunder, weather, wisdom
JupiterValensPhonecia [Roman] The god of fertility & the underworld
JuppiterRomanThe chief god, originally a sky & light god now a god of astronomy, Jupiter, light, lightning, thunder, weather, wisdom
JurasMateLatvia A goddess of the sea
JurasmatLatviaA goddess of the sea
JurateBalticA goddess of the ocean
JurojinJapanA god of longevity
JustitiaRomanA goddess of justice
JuternaRomanA goddess of healing & springs invoked during drought
JuturnaRomanA goddess of healing & springs invoked during drought
JuventasRomanThe goddess of youth in particular young men of military age
JvartaharisvaraHinduA plague god associated with malaria
JwSyriaAn ancient god
JyeshthaHinduThe goddess of bad luck
JyotiskaJain [India]The stellar gods, there are five classes
K'aiLuShen China A deity who sweeps away evil spirits
K'daaiYakut [Siberia]A fire demon that originally worked in wrought iron
K'inMayaA sun deity
K'pop'alaE.Georgia A protective god
K'ueiHsingChina A god of examinations
KaAhuPahay Hawaii A goddess of the ocean
KaAtaKilla Peru A moon goddess
KaTyeleoSenufo [Ivory Coast] The supreme god
Ka'cakAsiatic Inuit A sea spirit & of rather unpleasant habits
Ka-ata-killaPeruA moon goddess Queen of the giants
KaangBushmen [Africa]The supreme god
KabandhaHinduThe chief demon & the epic of the Ramayana
KabeiroiGreekThe blacksmith gods
KabirroiGreekThese vegetation deities, are commonly thought of as twins
KabrakanMayaAn earthquake god
KabtaMesopotamia / SumeriaThe god of bricks
KachinaHopiThese spirits are messengers between humans & the major spirits
KadesCanaanA fertility goddess usually shown sky clad
KadiAssyriaThe goddess of justice
KadiDerA goddess of justice
KadluInuitThe thunder spirit [female]
KadruHindu / Puranic / EpicA goddess that was the mother of the Nagas [snake demons]
KaguZuchi Japan A god of fire
Kagu-tsuchiJapanA fire god
KahdirN. Africa A vegetation god that got his immortality by drinking from the well of life
KahilArabiaA god
KahilanArabiaA god
KahindoZaire [Africa]A goddess of fire
KaiYum Maya A god of music
KaiamunuPapua / New Guinea A demon that plays a large part in initiation ceremony for boys
KaikaraBunyoro [Uganda]A harvest goddess
KaitabhaHinduA demon which tried to attack Brahma, not a good move
KakaMesopotamia / Babylon / AkkadiaAnother minor god with political pull
Kaka-GuiaVoltaThe funerary god
KakakuJapan / ShintoA river god invoked to protect houses against fire
KakiaGreekA goddess of vice
KakupacatMayaA war god with a shield of fire
KalaHindu / Puranic / VedicA god of death
KalacakraBuddhist / Mayhayana / TibetA tutelary god that is personally selected
KaladutiBuddhist / MayhayanaA goddess whose name means messenger of death
KalavikarnikaHindu / PuranicA fever goddess
KaldasRussiaA goddess of cattle
KaliHinduA goddess of cemeteries, destruction & death that helped dance the universe into existence in one aspect
KaliIndiaThis is the goddess of female energy who is both terrible & kind
KaliJainA goddess of learning
KaliMa Hindu A goddess of cemeteries, destruction & death that helped dance the universe into existence in one aspect
KalikaBuddhist / MayhayanaA goddess common often seen standing upon a corpse
KalikaHinduA goddess of cemeteries, destruction & death that helped dance the universe into existence in one aspect
KalisiaPygmy [Zaire / Congo]A creator god that is the guardian of hunters & the jungle forests
KaliyaHindu / Puranic / EpicA minor serpent god, a Naga
Kalki [n]Hindu / Vedic / Puranic / EpicThis god will be the 10th avatar of Visnu that rewards good & punishes people
KallingeniaGreekA rather obscure goddess of birth
KalmaFinlandA goddess of death
KaltesUgric[Siberia] A goddess
KaltesVogul / SiberiaA goddess of birth
KalteshUgric [W.Siberia] A goddess concerned with the birth & destiny of the child
KalumbaLuba[Zaire] The creator god
KalungaNdonga[Angola] The supreme being
KalvisBalticThe heavenly Smith of Baltic religion
KalypsoGreekAn immortal nymph
Kam-PoTibet / BonA sky god & the head of the ancient pantheon
KamaHindu / Puranic / IndiaA god of love & carnal desire
Kama-GamiJapan / ShintoThe god of potters
Kama [Deva]Hindu / Puranic / IndiaA god of love & carnal desire
KamadoNoKami Japan / Shinto The god of kitchen stoves
Kamado-gamiJapanThe gods of the hearth
Kamakshi Hindu / VedicA benign aspect of the goddess Parvati
KamaksiDravidian / TamilA goddess
KamalaHindu / Puranic / EpicA goddess
Kamapua'aPolynesiaThe hog man
KambelMelanesiaA sky god
KamenaeItalyA goddesses of springs & wells
Kami-mi-masubiJapanA goddess
Kami-MusubiJapanA goddess
Kami-Musubi-No-KamiJapan / ShintoA third creator being in the primordial a list of deities, this being was born alone in the cosmos & its presence remains hidden from humans
Kami-NariJapanA god of rolling thunder
KaminiBuddhist / MayhayanaA minor goddess
Kamo-Wake-IkazuchiJapan / ShintoOne of the many rain gods
KamosMoab[Jordan] The chief god
Kamrusepa [s]HittiteShe is the goddess of magic & healing
KamuiAinu [Japan] The sky god
KanuUayeyab Maya He is the god who guarded cities.
Kan-xib-yuiMayaThe god who recreated earth
Kana-Yama-Hime-No-KamiJapan / ShintoA goddess of miners with a very sad birth story
KanaloaHawaiiA god of the ocean
Kanank'ashMayaA forest deity of the modern Maya people
KaneHawaiiThe god of the forests & trees
KangalogbaPokot / Suk [Uganda]A primordial female spirit personified in the dragonfly
KanikanihiaHawaiiA goddess of love
KankarMata Hindu / Puranic / Epic A mother goddess that became a mother of evil intent
KannanHindu / Puranic / Epic / TamilAn incarnation of Vishnu known as the dark one
KannonJapanA form of the bodhisattva
KantatmanHindu / Puranic / EpicA rather obscure god, of medicine it is thought
KantiHindu / Puranic / EpicA goddess whose name means desire
KaoKuo-Jiu China / Tao An immortal being, the tutelary god of actors
KapaliHindu / Puranic / EpicA god, one of the 11 forms of Rudra
KapoHawaiiA goddess of abortions, fertility, childbirth & midwives
KappaJapanWater demons / spirits
KapuaHawaiiThe divine tricksters or mischief makers
Karai-ShinBuddhist / JapanA god of lightning
KaralkalAmmaiyar Hindu / S. India A local mother goddess
KareiAndaman Is. The goddess of thunder & storm
KareiSemang[Malaya] The supreme being
KarhuhasHittite / LuwianA god
KariSemang [Malaya]The supreme God who lets you know he is mad when it thunders
KariniBuddhist / MayhayanaA fear goddess
KarkotaHinduA snake god
KarmavasitaBuddhistA minor goddess that personifies the discipline of spiritual regeneration
KaroraArandanThe creator
KartaLatviaA goddess of destiny, only known from oral / folk tradition
KartikeyaHindu / VedicA god of war
KarttikeyaBuddhistA god
Karttikeya Hindu / Puranic / EpicA god of war & a form of Skanda
Karttiki Hindu / Puranic / EpicA mother goddess
KaruilessiunesSyria The old divinities taken over by the Hittites
KashkuProto-HatticA moon god he is appeased with sacrifices of sheep
KaskuHittite / HurrianA moon god known from inscriptions
KaskuProto-HatticA moon god he is appeased with sacrifices of sheep
KasyapaHindu / Puranic / VedicA primordial god & divine messenger
KatahziwuriHittiteShe is the goddess of magic & healing
KatargamaTamil [SriLanka] A tutelary god
KataviNtamwezi [Tanzania]A demonic being who is chief of the water spirits
KatavulTamil [S.India / Sri Lanka] Such a supreme god that he was the ultimate creator all that exists in the world & able to judge humanity & to reward or punish at well
KatayanaHindu / PuranicA form the goddess Durga or Parveti
KatharUgartThis god not only built the Palace of Baal, but is responsible for architects, artisans & weapons makers
KathiratCanaanThe wise goddesses
KatkochilaWitun[Cal. USA] A god
KatoyallaInca [SA]He is the god of lightning, thunder & rain storms
KatsinasAcoma[Cal USA] The children of Iatiku who could bring rain & food
KattakjuInuitA goddess of healing
KatyayaniHindu / PuranicA form of the goddess of Durga or Parveti
KaukasLithuaniaA spirit being, some type of goblin that brings good luck who is also bound to the notion of a dragon guarding treasure
KauketEgyptA primordial goddess, one of the eight that represent chaos
KauluPolynesiaA trickster god
KaumauriHindu / Puranic / EpicAnother goddess that later became considered a goddess of evil intent
KaumudiHinduThe goddess of the light of the moon
KautarSyriaA god blacksmiths
Kavra'nnaChukchi[E. Siberia] A sun spirit, female type
KawaNoKami Japan A god of rivers
KayaNuHima Japan The goddess of herbs
KazyobaNyamwezi [Tanzania]A sun god held to be the creator & tutelary deity of the tribe
Ke'letsChukchi[Siberia] The demon of death
KebAnearth god
KebechetEgyptA chthonic snake goddess
Kebechsenef / KebehsenufEgyptA funerary god responsible for at the lower portion of the body
KecaAba Russia A goddess of war
KedeshSyriaA goddess of nature, whose cult was orgiastic
KeelutInuitAn evil earth spirit
KefaEgyptA goddess of the Great Bear
KekEgyptA primordial god, one of the eight representing chaos
KeketEgyptA goddess of darkness associated with the the island of flame
KektKen Egypt A goddess of love
KeleDe Irish A very old goddess
CeileDe Irish A very old goddess
KelpieScotlandA very bad tempered water spirit with only one eye & that likes to kill humans
KematefEgyptAn epitaph for the primeval god Amun
KemosMoab [Jordan]A tutelary god
KemurEgyptThe Black Bull the venerated at Athribis
KemwerEgyptThe Black Bull the venerated at Athribis
KeneunIroquois[NE US / SE Canada] The chief of the Thunderbirds an invisible spirit
KengLiSsu China A god of robbers
KengYencheng China Another god of robbers & thieves
KenosTierra del Fuego This god & was sent to earth by the supreme god, supposedly to bring order into the world. He goofed up & created humans
Ker-plKeres / Cer Greek A destructive or malevolent female spirit
KeresGreekThese were rather evil demons
KeretCanaanThe son of the great god El
Keret'kunChukchi [Siberia]A god of the sea
KeretkunChukchi [Siberia]A god of the sea

Keri & KameBacairi [1st nations]
These brothers are accused of creating the human race
Kerridwen CelticShe stands accused of being a goddess of inspiration & knowledge
KesavaHinduThis God is a minor avatar of Visnu
KesavaIndiaHe is the god of the sun & guardian of the universe
KesiniBuddhistA goddess
KetchimanetIowa / Fox [Plains US] The Great Spirit
KetqSkwaye Huron [US / Canada] The creator
KetuaNgbandi [Zaire]A god of fortune invoked at daybreak
KeyemeTaulipsang [S. America] The god & lord of the animals
KhadauAmur [Siberia]The creator god, neat story
KhadomaTibetA goddess of knowledge
KhandobaHinduA form of the god Siva
Khasa Hindu / VedicA minor goddess that controls the spirits of forests
KhasaparnaBuddhistA god
KhasarpanaIndiaA form of the Bodhisattva
Khasarpana-LokesvaraIndiaA form of the Bodhisattva
KhebiesoEweThe god of lightning
KhemEgyptA god of life & growth in nature, vegetation, animals, fertility
Khen-MaBuddhist / TibetA goddess that is the controller of the earth's demons
Khen-PaBuddhist / TibetA god that controls the demons of heaven
KhentimentiuEgyptThis is the god that rules the destinies of all of the dead
KheperEgyptA sun god in the form of a scarab
KheperaEgyptA sun god in the form of a scarab
KhepraEgyptA sun god in the form of a scarab
KhepriEgyptA sun god in the form of a scarab
KhertyEgyptThe ram god of the underworld worshipped from ca. 2500 BCE
KhesefEgyptA lion god who repels feelings of lust
KhioN.Z.The chief god who appears to be known only to the nobility & the priests
KhipaHittite / HurrianA tutelary deity
KhnemuEgyptA smith god who forms humans on his potter's wheel
KhnumEgyptA smith god who forms humans on his potter's wheel
KhoBushmen [Africa]The supreme god
KhonsHor Egypt A god of healing & the moon, those who travel at night, & expels demons
Khons [u]EgyptA god of healing & the moon, those who travel at night, & expels demons
KhonsuEgyptA god of healing & the moon, those who travel at night, & expels demons
KhonuumPygmies [Africa]The chief god
KhoromozitelSlavicThese are domestic spirits, sadly not the sipping kind
KhorsSlavicA god of health & hunting
KhosaadamYenisei [Siberia]She was driven out of heaven to become an eater of souls
KhovakiTungus [Siberia]This entity is guilty of being the creator of the world
KhshathraVairya Persia The god of minerals & metals that ruled over war
KhuBushmen [Africa]The supreme god
KhuzwaneLovedu[Bantu Transvaa] A creator deity
KhwarenahPersiaA bit of a strange definition, possessed by all mortals yet it is of fire which dwells in water
Khyung-GaimGo-CanBuddhist / Tibet / Bon A local god
KiFudoBuddhist A deity
KiMesopotamia / SumeriaA chthonic principal, feminine in nature
Ki'iHawaiiaThe creator god or first created man
Ki'njenYukaghir [E.Siberia] This sky spirit is in charge of keeping an accounting of the time
KiandaKimbundu [Angola]The god of the sea & fish
KiantoLacandon Maya This is the god of foreigners & all diseases
KibukaBuganda [Uganda]The god of war
KichijoTen Japan She is a goddess of good fortune & beauty
KigatilikInuitA delightful fanged demon that has no love of priests
KiheWahineHawaii A kindly goddess of demons, who from the the goodness of her heart is also a goddess of lizards
KihoTumuTuamotu Archipelago The supreme god
KikiMesopotamia / SumeriaA chthonic principal, feminine in nature
KikimoraSlavicA female household deity
KilibobOceanicA trickster god
KilyaInca [SA]A goddess of marriage
KingWanChina A god of luck
KinguAkkadiaA demon mentioned in the creation epic
KinguBabylonHe is in the husband / son of Tiamat
KinharinganDuisun[Borneo] A creator god
Kini'jeYukaghir [E.Siberia] This sky spirit is in charge of keeping an accounting of the time
KinichKakmo Maya A sun & war god
KinnarW. Semitic A musician god
KinnaraIndiaA group of spirit beings that looked like birds with a human head
KinyrasCyprusThe god of iron-smelting
Kipu-TyttoFinlandThe goddess of illness
KiriAmmaSri Lanka A goddess of healing & childhood diseases
KirtiHindu / Puranic / EpicA goddess
KisEgyptThe god of Kusae
KisarAkkadia / Babylon / Mesopotamia / SumeriaAprimordial god / dess
KisboldogasszonyHungaryA virgin goddess & protector of women & children
KisharMesopotamiaA female principle
KishiMojinJapan / Buddhism The goddess of motherhood
KishimoJinJapan / Buddhism The goddess of motherhood
KishijotenJapanA goddess of good luck
Kishimo-jinJapanA goddess that changed her mind, maybe
KishimojinJapanA demoness converted by Buddha
KisinMayaHe is the evil earthquake spirit
Kiskil-lillaSumeriaA night demon
KitanitowitAlgonkian[NE US SE Canada] He is supreme & present everywhere in the universe & invisible, like most gods
KitchkiN.A.A Manitou
KitckiManitouAlgonquin [NE US SE Canada] The supreme being
Kiya'marakInuitA supreme being that remains out of touch, distant & remote as regards ordinary mortals
KiyoHime Japan A goddess of justice
KlioGreekThe muse of historical & heroic poetry
KloanthesHellenized Roman Egypt A youthful god of Panoplois
KlotesGreekA goddess of spinning
KlothoGreekThe goddess of spinning
KnSgni India A goddess of war
KnephEgyptA smith god who forms humans on his potter's wheel
KnpuaHawaiiGeneric term for the demigods of Hawaii, as opposed to the Akua,the gods proper
KoHsienWeng China A god of jugglers
KoboldGermanA mischievous household spirit
KodamataIndiaA goddess of health
KodoyanpeMaidu[Cal. US] A deity
KoevasiMelanesiaA snake goddess
KokolaAfricaThe guardian god who hides in a cave on the shores of Lake Victoria
KokomikeisBlackfoot [NA]The moon goddess mother of the Morning Star
Kokopell'ManaHopi [SW USA] A goddess of fertility
KokyanHopi [SW USA] The creator goddess who created humans, plants, & animals
Kolanthes Egypt / Greek / RomanA god
KoliasGreekA goddess of foothills
Kollapura-Mahalaksmi Hindu / PuranicA goddess
KolpiaPhoeniciaThe creator god
KombuBantu [Africa]This is the god of creation
KomodiaGreekA goddess of happiness & amusement
KomokuJapanThe guardian of the south
KomorkisBlackfoot[N. Plains US] A moon goddess
KompiraJapanThe name for Kuvera, Hindu god of wealth
KonPeruHe is the god of all the desert
KondosFinlamdThe god of sowing & young crops
KongdeChinaA goddess of justice
KongsimKoreaA goddess of healing
KonoHanaSakuya Japan A goddess of spring
Kono-Hana-Sakuya-Hime-No-KamiJapan / ShintoA mountain goddess
KorawiniPaiute [W. USA] A goddess of intercourse
KoreGreekA goddess of springtime
KornjunferGermanA goddess of grain
KorobonaCarib [C.Amer.] A goddess of lakes
KorosGreekA goddess of extravagant joy & exuberance
KorravaiDavidian / Tamil [S.India / Sri Lanka] A war goddess
KorrawiTamil [India / Sri Lanka] The goddess of battle & victory
KorriganFrenchA goddess of underground springs
KorybantesAsiaMinor / Greece The demonic companions of Kybele
KostrubonkoRussiaA god of spring
KotarSyriaA god blacksmiths
KotharCanaanA god Blacksmiths
KotharuKhasis Canaan The god of crafts
KotisriBuddhistA mother goddess that is called the mother of 7000 Buddhas, busy girl
Koto-Shiro-NushiJapan / ShintoA god of love
KottaveiIndiaA goddess of war
KotysThraceA goddess whose worship spread throughout Greece & Italy
KouNjamiSiberia A goddess of war
KouretesGreekForest deities
KourothropisGreekA really obscure goddess, who wet nursed, this goddess is known only from ritual texts
KovasLithuaniaA god of war
KratesisGreekA goddess of victory
KratosGreekA god of strength
KrishnaHinduAn avatar of Vishnu & a ladies man
KrittikaIndiaA goddesses of the Pleiades
KrodhadevatasBuddhistThese are the gods of terror
KronosGreekA god of agriculture, he did a temporary tour as king of the Titans & a former supreme god
KronosPre-GreekA fertility god celebrated by of harvest festival of Kronia
KronusGreekA god of agriculture, he did a temporary tour as king of the Titans
KrosdariHinduA rather emancipated goddess
KRSNAHindu / Puranic / Epic / TamilAn incarnation of Vishnu known as the dark one
Krttika [s]Hindu / Puranic / EpicA minor malevolent goddess / es
KrtyaHinduA goddess of witchcraft
KrumineLithuaniaA god of grain
KsamaHindu / Puranic / EpicA minor goddess
KsantiparmataBuddhistA philosophical deity
KshumaiKafir [Afghanistan]A beneficent fertility goddess
KsitigarbhaBuddhist / MayhayanaA goddess whose name is womb of the earth
KuHawaiiA god of power, war & warriors
KuUasaFinland He is a god of water
Ku'nkunxuligaMa'maelegae [BC Canada] A tribal god & personification of the Thunderbird
Ku'urkilChukchi [Siberia]Not only god, but a powerful Shaman & the first man
KuanTiChina A god of literature & fortune telling
KuanYin China / Tao A benign guardian goddess, probably of Indian origin
Kuan-yinChinaBuddhist A bodhisattva, goddess of mercy
KuanjaAngolaA goddess of hunting
KuatBrazilA god of the sun & war
KubabaAnatolia / SyriaThe chief goddess of the Neo Hittites
KubabaCarchemish / LuwianA goddess that became Cybele
KubabaKishThis goddess, a former barmaid, reigned as queen of the third dynasty for 100 years
KuberaHindu / Puranic / Vedic / EpicHe is the guardian of the north as well as a god of riches
KubjikaHinduA goddess of writing
KubuddhiHinduA minor goddess whose name means stupid, she ran around with Gansea
KucumatzKiche[Maya] A god that created all things from itself
KukumatzKiche[Maya]The supreme god
KudKoreaA dark & evil principle
KudiaSiberiaHe is a sky god
KueikuTzu China Another god of fortune telling
KueiShingChina A god of literature presides in Ursa Major
KujakuMyooBuddhist He gives protection against drought & protects against all evil
KujakuMyoo Japan Buddhist A deity of Japanese esoteric Buddhism
KujuYukaghir [Siberia]A benevolent sky spirit that supplies food
Kuk&Kauket Egypt Primeval gods
KukEgyptA primeval god, one of a pair
KukalikimokuPolynesiaA god of war
KuksuPommo[Cal. USA] A god
Kuku-Ki-Waka-Murpo-Tsuna-Ne-No-KamiJapan / ShintoThe god that guards the home & its environs
Kuku-Toshi-No-KamiJapanThe god responsible for a harvest of full grown rice, his shrines are often served by
KukudhiAlbaniaThis female demon of sickness had an unhappy life at as a human
KukulcanMayaA storm god & supreme god that gave us the calendar he started life as a god of the Toltec
KukuthAlbaniaThis is a female demon of sickness had an unhappy life at as a human
KulVogul / OstiakThese are nasty water spirits that are not only selfish, for a lark they inflict sickness on humans
KuladeviHinduA goddess
KulikaHinduA Naga
KulisankusaJain [India]A goddess of learning
KulisevariBuddhist / MayhayanaA goddess often shown with a corpse
Kulla Babylon / AkkadiaA god of builders & responsible for the creation of bricks
KulshedraAlbaniaA female demonic individual that may be either an enormous hag with pendulous breasts & / or a dragon like monster that spits fire
Kumarbi [s]Hittite / HurrianThe creator / father of the gods
KumariHindu / VedicA demonic aspect of Parvati & an epitaph of Durga
KumokumsModoc [S.Oregon USA] The creator god
KumushModoc[S. Oregon US] A sky god
KunAymara[Bolivia] The snow god & main deity
KunLunChina While on earth he is the lord of the sky's capital or something like that
Kuntubzan po Tibet The head god in the Bon pantheon
Kun-RigBuddhist / TibetA god associated associated with the prayer wheel
Kunado-No-KamiJapan / ShintoA guardian deity of roads & crossroads
KunapipiAlawa [Aus.]A type of magna mater, rather unpleasant who is still a part of the rite of passage for males
KundaliniAztecA mother goddess responsible for provision of all food from the soil
Kuni-Toko-tachiJapanThe first god
Kuni-Tsu-KamiJapanThe name of the Japanese gods of earth
KunitokotatchiJapan / ShintoThe chief deity
KuntubXanPo Tibet / Bon This god was the head of the pantheon
KuoTzui China Another god of happiness
KupalaSlavicA goddess of herbal lore, long life,water, witchcraft, sorcery & sex
KupaloRussiaA midsummer goddess
KupaloSlavicA goddess of fertility, sex & fire
KupapaCarchemish / LuwianA goddess that became Cybele
Kura-OkamiJapanA god of rain & snow
Kura-Okami-No-KamiShintoA rain god that may also cause snow falls
KurdalaegonOssetian [Caucusmtns.] The god of all blacksmiths with a strange job
KurdaligonOssetian [Caucusmtns.] The god of all blacksmiths with a strange job
KuretesCreteDemons associated with vegetation
KurkePrussiaHe is a god of grain
KurkilMongolian[Siberia] A raven creator god
Kurma [vatara]Hindu / Puranic / EpicAn avatar of Visnu
KurukallaBuddhistA goddess, usually of terrifying appearance
KurukallaHinduA goddess, one of the Tantric deities
KurukallaTibetA goddess of riches
KurukullaBuddhistA goddess
KuruntaHittiteHe is a god of rural areas
KusAkkadia / Babylon / MespotomiaA chthonic underworld god & the god of herdsmen
KusagBabylonNot only is he the patron god of priests he is the high priest of the gods
Kushi-Dama-Nigi-Haya-HiJapan / ShintoA sun god, the apotheosis of the morning sun
Kushi-Iwa-Mado-no-MikotoJapan / ShintoThis guardian god protects entrance gates
KusorPhoeniciaA god of many talents, controller of the seasons
KusorSyriaA god blacksmiths
KusuhHittite / Hurrian / AnatoliaThe moon god
KutkhuKamchadal [SESiberia] A male & guardian spirit
KutkinnakuKoryak [Siberia]This is the spirit that taught mankind to hunt & catch fish in addition to giving them the fire stick & the shamans drum
KuveraHinduA spirit-leader
KvasirNorse / IcelandA minor god of wisdom
Kwammang-aBushmen[C. Africa] The god
KwanYinChina A goddess of childbirth, compassion & mercy
KwannonChinaBuddhist A bodhisattva, goddess of mercy
KwanonnBuddhist / JapanA form of Avalokitesvara
KwekuAkan[S. Ghana] The supreme creator god
KwothNuer [Sudan]The creator god
KyalaNyakyusa[SW Tanzania] The creator god
KyanwaNiger [Africa]A goddess of hunting
KybebePhrygian[NW Turkey]
KybelePhrygiaA mother & fertility goddess of the mountains
KybelePhrygian[NW Turkey]
KyreneThessalyA nymph
KyumbeZaramo [Tanzania]He created all living things on the earth
L'etsa'aplelanaBellaCoola [PNW Canada] The goddess who initiates the shamans
La Babylon / ChaldeaA moon goddess
LachesisGreekOne of the fates
LactansRomanThe god of agriculture
LactanusRomanThe god of agriculture
LacturaGreekA grain goddess
LacturnaThegoddess of growing wheat
LadaLyciaA mother or fertility goddess
LadaSlavicA goddess of happiness & love
LadyofCharity Africa / Caribbean / S. & C. America She is the goddess of sweet water
LahamaSumeriaA water-demon
LahamuAkkadia / Babylon / MesopotamiaAprimordial deity
LahamuSumeriaA water-demon
LaharBabylonThe god of cattle
LaharSumeriaA goddess of sheep
LaheBasqueA goddess of health
LahmuMesopotamia / Babylon / AkkadiaAnother primordial deity
LahuratiElamite [Iran] Yet another god
LaiChoChina A god of agriculture
LaimaLatviaA goddess of human fate
LaimaLithuaniaA goddess trio of life & good fortune, the fates
LakaHawaiiA goddess of virgin land, song & dance
LakshimiIndiaShe is the goddess of beauty & wealth, but very fickle & claims no god can sustain her for very long
LakshmiHindu / VedicA goddess of love & beauty
LaksmanaHindu / Puranic / EpicA god the younger brother of Rama
LaksmiHindu / Puranic / Epic / IndiaA goddess of agriculture, love, beauty, prosperity, Lotus flowers, wealth, & pleasure
Lalaia'ilBella Coola [Canada PNW] The Manitou that initiated the shaman
LalbaiIndiaA goddess of healing & cholera
LalitaIndiaA goddess of happiness, playfulness
LalitaTripurasundaiTantric [India] She is the symbol of cosmic energy & the secret ruler of the world
LamaHittite / LuwianA protective god
LamaSumeriaA feminine benevolent protective demon that later became the half man & half bull guardian of palace entrances
LamariaSvan[W. Caucasus] A goddess of the hearth
LamatsuAkkadiaA demoness of fever & disease among infants
LamiaGreekShe is a vampire type spirit who stole small children & sucked people's blood, currently accepted in modern Greece
LanCai-heChina One of the 8 Immortals of China
LanKai-He China / Tao An immortal being
LandvaettirNorseThe guardian spirits of a place or country
LaoLangChina A god of actors
LaoT'ienYeh China [Sung] The Sung high god
Lao-TzeChinaA mortal who was shamed with being made into a god with a rather bizarre birth, out of his mother's arm pit
LapisRomanA name given to Jupeter
LarRomanA god of the house
LaraA Naiad daughter of the River God Almo. Lara could not hold her tongue and reported to Hera that Zeus loved Juturna. For this Zeus wrenched from her the indiscreet tongue, and told Hermes to take her to Hades as she was to become an infernal Nymph. In this way she became Tacita, The Silent Goddess (Dea Muta). Lara consorted with Hermes and gave birth to the LARES, twin brothers, who guard the crossroads and ever keep watch in the city.
LaranEtruscaA war god
LaresCompitales Roman The guardian deities of crossroads wit a festival on January 5
LaresFamiliarus Roman The tutelary deities of the home & the family, particularly associated with the hearth
LaresRomanHearth deities, they are unique to the Romans
LaresViales Roman The tutelary deities of travelers
LarundaSabineAn earth goddess
LarveRomanThese are evil spirits of the dead with two festivals one on nine November & 1 on 13 May
LasasEtruscanGoddesses, the fates
LaseoTorjadjas[Celebes Is.] The sun god & divine ancestor
LasghusyamalaHindu / PuranicA minor goddess
LaskowiceSlavicThe forest spirits
LeshciaSlavicThe forest spirits
LassairIrishA goddess of midsummer
LassuAkkadiaA benevolent demon, guide of worshippers
LasyaBuddhist / TibetA mother goddess
LatiaranIrishThe youngest of the three sisters who made up a triune goddess & a goddess of autumn & fire
LatipanCanaanA creator god
LatisBritainA lake goddess who later became a goddess of ale & mead
LatmikaikPelew Is. This goddess of the sea is the co-creator co-ruler of the world
LatonaRomanThe counterpart of the Greek Leto
LatponPhoeniciaA god of wisdom
LaturDanoNias Is.[Indonesia] This is the counterpart of their supreme god which causes sickness, death & bad weather
LauAndaman Is. These are spirit beings that are created when an islander dies
LaukaMate / LaukamatLativa A goddess of agriculture
Laukika-DevatasHinduThe generic name for gods known from local folklore
LaukosargasPrussiaHe is a god of grain & the fields
LaumeLithuania / PrussiaThis entit, usually sky clad, enjoys helping people & protects orphans, she became demonized
LavernaItalyA chthonic underworld goddess
LeFayWales A goddess of the sea & of the Isle of Avalon
LeTkakawashKlamath [PNW] A bird goddess
Lebien-PoghlYukaghir [Siberia]Animistic owner god & chief protector of the earth
LedaAnatoliaA mother goddess
LegbaFon [Benin]A god of fate
Legba HaitiA god of the sun & war
LegbaYoruba [Africa]These deities are messengers between gods & mortals, not very nice either
LeiKungChina A god of thunder
LeiTsuChina A god of innkeepers
Lei-ziChinaA goddess of thunder
LelwaniHittite / HurrianA chthonic underworld goddess
LempoFinlandA god of frenzied of love
LemuresRomanThese are evil spirits of the dead with two festivals one on nine November & 1 on 13 May
Lendix-TeuxChilcotin [BC Canada] A tutelary god that educates the human race
LennaxidaqKwakiutlA goddess of wealth & luck
Lenus CelticA god of healing
LesaSE Africa A creator god
LeshySlavicA god of the forest
LetheGreekShe is the goddess of oblivion
LetoGreekA Titaness of healing
LetoRomanThe counterpart of the Greek Leto
LeucetiosContinental Celtic A thunder god
LeucosiaGreekA nymph that did the Siren act
LeucotheaGreekA sea goddess who protects her worshippers from being shipwrecked
LevarchamIrishA goddess of physical prowess
LezaBantu [Zimbabwe]The chief god
LhaBuddhist / TibetBon A generic term for the gods
Lhamo / Lha MoBuddhist / Tibet
A goddess of the Bon pantheon
LiChinaA divine lord of fire
Li Lao chunChina
A god of farriers & of leather workers
Li No ChaChina / Tao
The guardian god that was born from human parents
Li Thieh-Kuai China / Tao An immortal being
Li Tie-guaiChina
1 of the 8 Immortals of China
LianjaNkundo [Zaire]A god
LibanIrishA goddess of lakes
LibanzaUpotos / Bangala [Zaire]A creator god
LibentinaRomanA goddess of lust she attended Venus
LiberItalyA chthonic god of fertility with a festival, the Liberalia, on March 17th
LiberPater Roman The god of human & agricultural fertility
LiberaItalyA fertility goddess of spring
LiberalitasRomanThe god of generosity
LibertasRomanA goddess of freedom & constitutional government
LibitinaRomanThe goddess of death & funerals
Lietna'igrinChukchi [SESiberia] The female spirit of the dawn
Lietna'irginChukchi[E. Siberia] The spirit of the dawn
LigeiaGreekA nymph who sang to wreck the ships of sailors with her sister
LilithJewishA rather startling young lady started out as a wife & became a demoness
LilithMesopotamia / SumeriaA goddess of storms
LilituBabylonA nocturnal demoness who lingers on as the Jewish Lilith
LiluriSyriaA mountain goddess, part of a pair with the weather god
LiluriSyriaA mountain goddesses who accepted a bull for a sacrifice
LimentinusRomanOne of the very rarely mentioned household gods who was responsible for protecting lintels a staple in Roman cooking
LimnadesGreekA goddesses of lakes, marshes, swamps
LimnaeeGreekA nymph of the Ganges, mother of Athis & killed in Ethiopia by Perseus
LinaGreekA goddess of weaving
LingaHinduA phallic form of Siva
LipseGreekA wind goddess
LirIrishThe sea god
LiriopeMother,by the River God Cephisus, of Narcissus who fell in love with himself or with his sister and was transformed into a flower. But others say that Narcissus was son of Endymion & Selene.
LisaBeninThe Chameleon deity
LisaFon[Benin] A sun god
LitaeGreekA goddesses of justice
LitavisBritainA god of the forge
LiuChinaA god of crops
LiuMengChina A god of agriculture
LiuPeiChina A god of basket makers
LjeschiSlavicThe fauns & satyrs of the forest
LjubiAlbaniaA demoness that would cause drought unless a virgin was sacrificed to her
LlaesgyfnewidWalesA battle god
LlasarWalesA battle god
LleuIrishA god of commerce, magic & war
LleuLlawGyffes Welsh A hero god
LlornaSpainThis female spirit lures people to their death, normally, drowning in bogs, swamps, etc.
LlyrWelshThe sea god
LoShenChina A goddess of rivers
LoTsuTa Hsien China A god of barbers & beggars
LoYuChina The god of tea
Lo'cilYukaghir [Siberia]A hearth spirit
Lo'cin-coro'moYukaghir [Siberia]A hearth spirit
LoaPuerto Rico / Haiti Spirit beings that were imported by African slaves
LobaDuala [Cameroon / W. Africa] The sun god
LocanaBuddhist / MayhayanaA goddess
LocoHaiti / VodunA god of healing
LodurNorseA god that helped create the first human beings
Lodur [r]GermanA creator god mentioned in the creation myth
LodurrNorseA god that helped create the first human beings
LofnNorseA goddess of illicit unions
LofnScandinaviaA goddess of love
LogiNorseA personification of fire
LogiaIrishA goddess of the Lagan River
LogosChristianThe principle embodied in the flesh by Jesus the Christ
LogosGnostic Christian The word coming from the mind of their god
LogosGreekThe primordial spirit of reason
LohaKlamath [PNW]A beneficent goddess portrayed as a beautiful woman
LohasurDevi India A goddess of the forging of iron
LokapalasHindu / Vedic'world-guardians'
LokesvaraBuddhistA generic name for a group of deities such as Siva & Visnu
LokiNorseA trickster & mischief god, considered an evil god
LokiScandinaviaA god of fire
LokoFon [Benin]A god of trees
LomoNgbandi [Zaire]The goddess of peace she is invoked at sunrise every day
Lono&Laka Polynesia The gods to whom the first fruits are offered
LonoHawaiiA primordial god of agriculture, peace, rain, clouds & the sky
LooWitKlickitat [PNW] A goddess of fire, volcanoes
LopematLatviaThis is the goddess that created cattle
LotIrishA hideous war goddess of physical prowess & strength
LothurNorse / IcelandThe god of physical senses
LotisThisNymph transformed into a lotus while fleeing from the phallic deity Priapus.
LoucetiusGaulA war & tribal god
LouhiFinlandA goddess of the ocean & winter
LowaMicronesiaA creator god
Lowalangi / LowalaniNias[Indonesia] The god of world above & source of anything good
LoxoDaughterof the North Wind Boreas. A Naiad in the train of Artemis.
LuHsingChina A god of employees, justice & salaries & another of the three gods who were known as Fu Shou Lu
LupanChina A god of carpenters
LuTong-Pin China / Tao An immortal being, he is the tutelary god of barbers
Lu-HsingChinA god of salaries & employees
LuaRomanA goddess who protected things purified by ritual
LuameravaAfricaA goddess of sexual desire
LuandinhaBrazilA water goddess pictured as a snake
Luaths Lurgann Celtic A warrior goddess
Luaths Lurgann Irish A goddess of midwives
LubangaBuynyopro [Uganda]The god of health
LubangalaBakongo [Zaire]The rainbow god
LuchtainIrishA Minor war & death god
LuchtarIrishA Minor war & death god
LuchtarLud Irish / Wales The chief god
LuciferGnostic Christian Depending upon who you believe, he is either of the firstborn son of God or the Devil
LucinaRomanA goddess of childbirth
LudBritainThis god is London's name sake
LudIrishHe is a primary god, one who helped defeat the Formain gods in battle
LudWalesThe chief god
LuddBritishA god of the ocean, war & light
LugIrishA god of commerce, magic & war
Lugal-IrraMesopotamia / Sumeria / Babylon / AkkadiaA chthonic underworld god
Lugalbanda / LugulbandaSumeriaA deified king of Uruk
Lugeilan / LukCaroline Is. He is a god of knowledge
LughIrishA god of commerce, magic & war
LughLamfotaof the Long Arm / Hand Irish A deity
LugusIrishA god of commerce, magic & war
LukCaroline Is. The high god
LukelangCaroline Is. The high god
LulalMesopotamia / Sumeria / Babylon / AkkadiaA god whose job is not known
LulongBorneoThe goddess of love
LunaRomanThe moon goddess
LunangKafir [Afghanistan]The patron goddess of the Prasun river
LungWangChin A dragon-king
LungYenChina A god of the liver
LuonnotarFinlandA goddess of the ocean
LuotHozjitSaami / Lapland A goddess of summer
LupanChinA god of carpenters
LupercaRomanA goddess of pregnancy
LupercusRomanA god of flocks & fertility & wolves, whose festival the Lupercalia is on February 15th
LupiAymara [Bolivia] The sun god
LurBasqueThe earth goddess & mother of the sun as well as the moon
LutinusRomanA god of fertility
LuxoviusCelticA god of healing
LychieSlavicThe fauns & satyrs of the forest
A Nymph in the train of Cyrene.
LykurgosGreekThe name of a fruit tree god of N. Arabia
LymphaRomanA goddess of healing waters
LyssaGreekA goddess of intoxication
MaAnatolia / TurkeyA fertility & vegetation goddess
MaCappadociaAn earth & mother goddess
MaEgyptA goddess of justice
MaEmmaBaltic A goddess of Midsummer
MaKielaBakongo [Zaire] The deified head of a mortal women
MaKuChina The goddess of springtime
MaShiChina A goddess & stellar deity
Ma'atEgyptA law & order goddess of cosmic harmony, truth & justice
Ma-EnyoAnatoliaA mother goddess
Ma-MienChinaA bureaucrat of the underworld
Ma-zuChinaA sea goddess that is a benevolent guardian of fisherman
MaaEgyptHe's the god of sight, sun god of the Nile Delta, & the midsummer
MaahesEgyptHe's the god of sight, sun god of the Nile Delta, & the midsummer
MaatEgyptA goddess of justice, truth & stability
MaatEgyptA law & order goddess of cosmic harmony, truth & justice
MabCelticShe is the goddess of grains a fairy queen of Connaught
MabbWalesA warrioress believed to be a Welsh version of the Irish Queen Maeve & a goddess of midwives
MabonCelticA Minor sun god, who also ironically represses, of freedom, harmony & unity
MacGreine Irish A kingly god
MacarditDinka[Sudan] A demon spirit
MacCecht Irish The god of the plough for the Tuatha De Danann
MacCuill Irish A minor sea god of the Tuatha De Danann
MacGreine Irish A minor sun god of the Tuatha De Danann
Macha CelticA goddess of war, one aspect of the triple Morrigan
Macha [s]IrishOne of the aspects of the triple Morrigu, also a goddess of fertility, festival &, sports & war
Machenti-irtiEgyptA falcon god of law & order
MacuilxochitlAztecAn alternative name for Xochipilli the god of music & dancing
MadalaitOceaniaA creator goddess
MadbIrishShe was once a powerful goddess
Mader-AtchaFinlandA sky & thunder god, later name of the Christian god
MadhavaIndiaHe is the god of the sun & guardian of the universe
MadhukaraBuddhistA god with a sweet name, honey maker
MaeveIrishA mother goddess who is the apotheosis of the land
MafdetEgyptA minor goddess who is a guardian against snakes & scorpions
MaghMor Irish A Fir Bolg princess / goddess
MaghaHindu / Puranic / EpicA benevolent minor goddess of fortune
MagniGermanThis is a god of the future who has not yet arrived & a son of Thor
MagogIrishA mountain deity
MahPersiaA god, the progenitor of the cow who also presides over tides & time as well as a moon god
Maha-GanapatiHindu / PuranicThe elephant god, this time with 10 arms
Maha-SarasvatiHindu / PuranicA goddess, an emanation of Laksmi
MahabalaBuddhist / MayhayanaA god, a rather fearsome emanation of Amitabha
MahabjaHindu / PuranicA snake god a Naga
MahadevaHindu / Puranic / VedicA rather important aspect of Siva
MahakalaBuddhistThe guardian god of science & tents
MahakalaHindu / Puranic / VedicA destructive aspect of Shiva as the Lord of all time
MahakaliHinduA form of the goddess Kali
MahakaliIndiaShe is not only in the divine mother, goddess of war, passion, & wisdom but she is the Supreme creator of the universe
MahakaliJain [India]A goddess of learning
MahakapiBuddhistA god & epitaph of the Buddha from a prior incarnation as an ape
MahalMata Hindu / Puranic / Epic A mother goddess
MahalbiyaHausa [Africa]A goddess of healing, fevers, ulcers
MahalkakshmiIndiaShe is not only in the divine mother, goddess of war, passion, & wisdom but she is the Supreme creator of the universe
MahamanasikaJainA goddess of learning
MahamantranusarniBuddhistA guardian goddess
MahamatarasHinduA group of goddesses
MahamayuriBuddhist / Mayhayana / HinduA snake god
MahapadmaHinduA snake god
MahapararinirvanamurtiBuddhistA god
MahaprabhuIndiaA tutelary god
MahapratisaraBuddhistA guardian goddess
MahapratyangiraBuddhist / MayhayanaA goddess
MahapurushaHindu / VedicA name of Vishnu
MaharaksaBuddhistA group of guardian goddesses
MaharatriHindu / Puranic / EpicA goddess associated with Kali & Kamala
MahasahasprramardaniBuddhistA goddess
MahasarasavatiIndiaShe is not only in the divine mother, goddess of war, passion, & wisdom but she is the Supreme creator of the universe
MahasitavatiBuddhistA guardian goddess
MahasktiIndiaShe is not only in the divine mother, goddess of war, passion, & wisdom but she is the Supreme creator of the universe
Mahasri-TaraBuddhist / MayhayanaA goddess
MahasthamparataIndiaA god of knowledge
MahatalaDayak[Borneo] The god
MahataralDayak[Borneo] The god
MahavidyaBuddhist / MayhayanaOne of the collective name of a group of goddesses
MahaviraHinduA honorific for Vardhamana
MahayasaBuddhist / MayhayanaA minor goddess
MahcinatraBuddhist / Mayhayana / TibetA goddess
MahendraHinduan epiteht of Indra
MaheoCheyenne [USA]The creator manitou he lived in the void & created the primordial water of life
MahesEgyptA sun god normally worshipped in the region of the Nile delta
MahesvariHindu / Puranic / EpicA mother goddess that ended up being regarded as a spirit of evil intent
MahesvariIndiaShe is not only in the divine mother, goddess of war, passion, & wisdom but she is the Supreme creator of the universe
MahiHindu / VedicA minor goddess of sacrifice
MahisaHindu / Puranic / EpicA demonic god
MahisasruramardiniHindu / PuranicA form of the goddess Devi
MahiuikezPolynesiaA fire God
MahoPenetaMandan [USA plains] The great spirit
MahodadhiBuddhist / MeolaA minor goddess
Mahr Slavic / GermanA demonic being similar to an Alp
MahremAuxmite [Ethiopia]The head of the pantheon responsible for war
MahuFon [Africa]She is the supreme goddess of the earth as well as a goddess of the moon & fertility
Mahui-IkePolynesiaA goddess of fire & the Underworld
MahuikePolynesiaA goddess of fire & the Underworld
MahuikaPolynesiaA goddess of earthquakes who rules the edges of the underworld
MaiTurkeyShe is the goddess of hearth, home, fire, fertility & a blonde
MaiaGreekA goddess of midwives, the night sky, spring, fertility & fire
MaiaRomanA goddess of growth whose cult was associated with that of Vulcanus
Maitresse Amelia Haiti / Vodun The loa of Haiti
MaitreyaBuddhistThe name of future Buddha
MajaSioux [C. USA] Earth mother
MajasGars Lativa A household god
MajestasRomanA goddess of honor & reverence
MajuBasqueA divine spirit
MakeMakeEaster Is.[Polynesia] A god of birds
MakemakeEaster Is. [Polynesia] A god of birds
MakunaimmaCarib [C.America] He is the creator of the heavens, humans, & animals in no particular order
MalDravidian / TamilHe is a pastoral god whose name means either the the great one or the dark one
MalIrishShe was the goddess who ruled the hag's headland
MalaBuddhist / TibetA mother goddess
MalakbelN. Arabia A solar & vegetation god
Malamanganga'ePolynesiaA creator being that was a personification of light
MalamangangaifoPolynesiaThe other creator being that was a personification of light
MalikN. Arabia A tutelary god, this name is found among other Semitic people & used as a designator for a god
MallinaInuitThe sun goddess
MalsumAlgonquian [NE US / SE Canada] The evil twin brother of Gluskap
MalsumAlgonquin [US / Canada]A destructive brother of Gluskap
MamMayaA god of evil
MamMopanThe rain god
Mama AllpaPeru The goddess of the harvest
Mama CochaInca / Peru
A goddess rain, wind & the ocean
Mama KilyaInca [SA]
A moon goddess
MamaKoreaA goddess of healing
MamaMesopotamiaA goddess
Mama PachaInca [SA]
A goddess of autumn
Mama QocaInca [SA]
A goddess of the ocean
Mama QuillaInca [SA]
The goddess of the moon
MamaSumeriaA goddess of drunkenness & midwives
MamakiBuddhistA goddess
MamaldiAmur [Siberia]She is the co-creator of earth with a different story indeed
MamersRomanThe god of war & agriculture
MamiBabylonThis mother goddess created humankind
MamiMesopotamiaA goddess
MamiSumeriaA goddess of drunkenness & midwives
MamituMesopotamia / Babylon / AkkadiaThe goddess of treaties & oaths, as well as a judge in the underworld
MamlamboZulu [S. Africa] The goddess of rivers
MamuriusRomanThe god representing the old year during the festival on March 15
ManabozhoAlgonquin [US / Canada]The creator & good spirit
ManabozoMenomeni [NA] A redeemer & a trickster a rabbit on earth
ManibozoMenomeni [NA] A redeemer & a trickster a rabbit on earth
Nena-bu-shuMenomeni [NA] A redeemer & a trickster a rabbit on earth
ManangJabanBorneo A goddess of health
Manannan CelticA god of fertility & the ocean
Manannan mac Lir Irish
The god of the sea
Manannan Mac Lir [Llyr]Wales
He was a shape shifter
ManasaHinduThe goddess of snakes who grants fertility to sterile moral females
Manasa-DeviHinduA serpent goddess
ManasiJainA goddess of learning
ManatPalmyra Arabia A nemesis & one of the daughters of Allah
ManaviJainA goddess of learning
ManawatW. Semitic The goddess of destiny
ManawyddanWalesA sea god
MancoCapac Inca / Quechua [SA] A god of war & the sun
Manda d-Hiia Mandaean / Christian [early] This god is concerned with teaching of life, redemption & a savior / redeemer

MandaIndiaHe is a divine & regent of the planet Saturn
MandahArabicA collective of guardian gods that took care of irrigation
Mandanu Babylon / AkkadiaThe god of divine judgment
MandulisNubiaA sky god
ManesRomanHearth deities who just happen to be the spirits of the dead
MangChini China The goddess of the womb
MangShenChina A god of agriculture
MangalaHinduA goddess, a form of Parveti
MangallaIndiaA stellar deity that rules the planet Mars
MangalubulanBatakThe god of thieves.
ManiGerman / Norse / IcelandA moon god
ManiaEtrusciaWith Mantus, A guardian of the underworld
ManiaRomanThe goddess of the dead
ManibozhoAlgonquin [US / Canada]He is the god created the earth & humans as an after thought
ManidharaBuddhist / MayhayanaA minor god
ManitoLanapei / Algonquin / Lakota / OjibiwaEtc The Great Spirit
ManitouLanapei / Algonquin / Lakota / OjibiwaEtc The Great Spirit
ManituLanapei / Algonquin / Lakota / OjibiwaEtc The Great Spirit
ManjughosaBuddhistBengal / Nepal A form of bodhisattva
ManjusriBuddhistA bodhisattva
ManmathaDravidian / TamilA form of god of carnal love
Manohel-TohelMayaThe creator god
MantchuMuchangu [Africa]Strange but by teaching humans how to make clothes & covering their bodies he ended up being the god of dressmakers
MantisBushmanThe creator god
ManturneaRomanThe goddess who kept the couple together throughout marriage until their death
ManuHindu / VedicThe primordial creator god
ManuIndia / Iran / GermanThe progenitor of the human race
ManungalMesopotamia / Sumeria / Babylon / AkkadiaA chthonic underworld god
ManuziSyriaA mountain goddess, part of a pair with the weather god
ManzasiriKalmyk [W. Mongolia] The primeval god from whose body the world was formed
Mao MengChina
A god of astronomy, Jupiter, Mercury
MaoPersiaA moon god
MaponosBritishA tribal god
Maponos CelticA god of youth
MaraBuddhistA goddess of death / the evil principle
MaraNorseDefinitely a goblin to fear, he seizes males while in their beds & removes all speech & motion
MaramaPolynesia / MaoriThe moon goddess
MarawaMelanesiaThe spider god responsible for the introduction of death
MarchociasMedievalEurope He is a prince of the hellish realms, supposedly one of the angels that followed Satan
MarciaProbaBritain A warrior queen goddess
Marduk Babylon / MesopotamiaThe fertility god & the lord of all the gods
Maret-JikkyBotocudo[Brazil] The supreme goddess
MaretkhmakniamBotocudo[Brazil] The supreme god
MargawseWales / BritainAn aspect of the goddess
MariBasqueThe supreme mother goddess
MariBuddhistThe deification of literature
MariDavidian / TamilA rain goddess & the goddess of smallpox
MariM.East A mother & sea goddess
MariMai Hindu A plague goddess associated with cholera
MarianM.East A mother & sea goddess
MarianaBelemA goddess of healing & protector of sailors
MarianaBrazilA goddess of love
MaricaALaurentian Nymph. According to some she was mother of King Latinus of Latium, who was succeeded by Aeneas.
MariciChina / BuddhistA solar goddess
MaridArabiaThe most powerful class of jinn
Marieaim'eMartinique A goddess of disease
MarinaSlavicA goddess of the moon
Marinette HaitiAn earth goddess
Marishi Ten Japan The goddess of dawn & warriors
MariyammanDravidian / TamilA plague goddess with a bizarre form of penance
MarmalikKafir [Afghanistan]A chthonic underworld god
MarmarRomanThe god of war & agriculture
MarnasGaza[Palestine] The god of Gaza in Palestine until Christian times
MarnasN. Arabia A local tutelary god
MarruniMelanesiaA god of earthquakes
MarsRomanThe god of war & agriculture
MarspiterRomanThe god of war & agriculture
MarsyasAsia Minor A woodland satire that was flayed to death by Apollo
MarsyasPhrygiaA demon
MartuMesopotamia / SumeriaA tutelary god of Ninab
MartuW. Semitic A minor mountain god
MarumdaPomo[Cal. USA] A creator god
MarunogereKiwi-Papua [NewGuinea] A very popular fellow, he taught people to make their houses but most importantly he created the sexual parts of women, but not claimed to be a god
MarutganaHindu / Vedic / IndiaStorm gods
MarutsHindu / Vedic / IndiaStorm gods
MarzanaPolandA goddess of winter
MasauwuHopiA god of fire, war, death, & the night
MasayaNicaraguaA goddess of fire, volcanoes & earthquakes
MaslumAlgonquian[NE US / SE Canada The evil twin brother of Gluskap
MassassiZimbabweA goddess of the morning star
Massim-BiambeMundag[Congo] An omnipotent creator god
MasterofWinds Iroquois [NE US / Canada] A god of the winds
MatSlavicThe earth goddess
MataHinduThe primeval mother goddess
MataraHinduThe mother goddess applied to the divine mothers
MatarasIndiaA Group of goddesses
MatarisvanHindu / Vedic / EpicThe messenger of the gods
MaterMatula Italy A sky goddess
MaterMatuta Roman A goddess of the dawn & seafaring
MatergabiaeLithuaniaA goddess of fire, & the home
MathMathonwyWelsh The god of sorcery
MathitEgyptA tree goddess who helps the dead climb to heaven
MathonwyWalesThe father god
MatiSyraZemlya Slavic A goddess of the earth & justice
MatlalcueyeAztecA minor fertility goddess
MatresGualA mother goddess
MatresRomanTriads of mother goddesses
Matrona CelticA goddess of the Marne River
MatronaeGualA mother goddess
MatronaePan-CelticThese are the trinity of mother goddesses that oversee fertility, they prefer peace, tranquillity & kids
MatronitIberiaA goddess of chastity, promiscuity,& motherhood
MatsuoJapan / ShintoThe God of Sake brewers
MatsyaHindu / Puranic / EpicAn incarnation of the god Visnu
MatukuTagoTago Polynesia The shark who bit off the head of Wahieroa
MaturaRomanGoddess of Flowering Wheat
MaturaiviranHinduA locally worshipped god with an interesting story
MauiPolynesiaA culture hero & sun god & a trickster
MavorsRomanThe god of war & agriculture
MawuEwe[Tongo] The sky god
MawuFon [Benin]A goddess of peace, joy, motherhood. happiness, & the sky
Mawu-LisaFon[Benin] The god & goddess
MayaHinduA goddess of illusion
Maya [devi]BuddhistA mother goddess
MayahuelMexicoA goddess of the night sky & of drunkenness
Mayajalakrama-KurukullaBuddhist / MayhayanaA goddess
MayauelAztecThe goddess of pulque
MayavelIndiaAnother goddess of children
MayetEgyptA law & order goddess of cosmic harmony, truth & justice
MayinTuingus[Siberia] A benevolent, remote, supreme god
MayonDravidian / TamilA creator god
MazzikinJewishThese are rather evil spirits that like to make things rough for humans
MbaSudan[Africa] A god of fear, mischief & trickery who gave fire & water to mankind
MbitumboBaule[Ivory Coast] A creator & guardian god
MbombaBantu [Africa]The creator, who was really three in one
MbombaMongo / Nkundo[Zaire] The creator god
MbombeNkundo[Zaire] The mother goddess
MbongoNgbandi [Zaire]A river god
Me'mdeye-Ecl'eYukaghir [Siberia]Known as the father of fire, a fire spirit
MechitEgyptA lion goddess
MecuriusRomanA god of astronomy, commerce, messengers, eloquence & sidelines as the messenger of the gods
MedbIrishA goddess of sexuality, intoxication & war
MedeiaThraceA version of an ancient Thracian goddess
MedeineLithuaniaA goddess of the woods
MedhaBuddhist / MayhayanaA minor goddess
MedhbhIrishA goddess of sexuality, intoxication & war
MediciManichaeanThe goddess of light
Meditirina / MeditrinaRomanA goddess of healing her festival is the Meditrinalia on October 11
MedrEthiopiaAn earth spirit
MefitisRomanThe goddess of sulfur springs & stenches in general
MegaeraofEumenides Greek A goddess of justice
MeghandaHinduA minor god
MehenEgyptA serpent god
MeherArmeniaA sun god that was closely linked with Mithra
Mehet-uretEgyptA minor cow goddess of the creation accounts
Mehet-WeretEgyptA minor cow goddess of the creation accounts
MehitEgyptA lion goddess
MehrArmeniaA sun god
MehturtEgyptA goddess of the sky
MeiboiaGreekThe bee goddess
MeidenLithuaniaHe is the god of forest & animals
MeilichiaGreekAn underworld goddess
MejdejnLithuaniaA goddess of the woods
MeleagantCornwallThe god of the summerland [the otherworld]
MeleteBoeotian[Greece] The Muse of practice
Meliad.Motherby Silenus of the Centaur Pholus. Silenus, one of the SATYRS, was the adviser and instructor of Dionysus. .
MeliadsGreekNymphs associated with ash trees
MelicertesGreekA palaemon adopted from the Phoenician Melkart
MelieBithynianNymph. Mother by Poseidon of Amycus, King of the Bebrycians, who compelled strangers to box as a way of killing them. He was himself killed by the Argonaut Polydeuces, who is one of the DIOSCURI. Melie was as well mother of Mygdon, who also was King of the Bebrycians and once fought with Priam against the AMAZONS. Mygdon was killed by Heracles.
MelinoeGreekAn underworld goddess
MeliteANaiad, daughter of the River God Aegaeus. Some say she was mother of Hyllus, son of Heracles. Hyllus killed Eurystheus and later sought to effect the return of the HERACLIDES to the Peloponnesus.
MelkartCarthage / TyreThe chief god of Tyre & of Carthage
MelkartPhoeniciaA rather busy god in charge of travelers, sailors, colonies & the city of Tyre who, like the Phoenix, is regenerated by fire
MellaZimbabweA goddess of healing
MelloniaRomanThe goddess of bees & honey
MelobosisGreekA goddess of beneficence
MeloniaRomanThe goddess of bees & honey
MelpomeneGreekThe Muse of tragedy
MelqartCarthage / TyreThe chief god of Tyre & of Carthage
MelqartPhoeniciaA rather busy god in charge of travelers, sailors, colonies & the city of Tyre who, like the Phoenix, is regenerated by fire
MelqartTurkeyA heroic tutelary god
MelusineBritain / ScotlandA serpent goddess
MelwasCornwallThe god of the summerland [the otherworld]
MemLoimisWintun [Cal. US] A goddess of water
MemeZaire [Africa]A goddess of healing
MenAscaenusAntioch / Asia Minor A local tutelary god
MenPhygia Turkey [Asia Minor] A moon god that ruled over the heavens & underworld
MenShenChina The two guardians of doorways
MenaHinduA mountain goddess
MenaRomanThe goddess of menstruation
MenahkaMandan [M.USA / Canada] The sun god
MenchitEgyptA lion goddess of slaughter
MeneGreekThe goddess of the moon & stars
MenechenAruucania [Chile]The supreme God
MenervaEtruscaA goddess
MenessLativaA moon god & the guardian of travelers & military expeditions
MengChinaThe goddess of underworld
MengP'oChina The goddess of underworld
MengPoChina A goddess of justice
Meng-T'ienChinaA god of the writing brush
MenhitEgyptA lion goddess of slaughter
MeniPhoeniciaThe god of luck, both good & bad
MenodiceDaughterof Orion and mother of Hylas. .
MenrvaEtruscaA goddess
MensRomanA goddess of menstruation
MenthuEgyptThe war god of Upper Egypt from Thebes
MentuEgyptThe war god of Upper Egypt from Thebes
MenuEgyptA god of potency, fertility, thunder, reproduction, roads & the sky
MenuLithuaniaThe moon god
MenulisLithuaniaThe moon god
MenzabacMayaA weather god that causes the rain by sprinkling black dye on the clouds, he has a side line as a fever god & the keeper of good souls
Mephistopheles / MephistoChristianThe devil as found in the literature for magic & necromancy from the middle ages
MephitisRomanA goddess of healing & poisonous gases
MerciaRomanThe goddess who personified laziness
MercuryRomanA god of astronomy, commerce, messengers, eloquence & sidelines as the messenger of the gods
MereAmaFinland A goddess of the ocean, streams & brooks
MeresgerEgyptA chthonic underworld goddess who brings illness & death to the disrespectful
MeretEgyptA goddess of song & rejoicing as well as the treasury
MeretsegerEgyptA chthonic underworld goddess who brings illness & death to the disrespectful
MerinAlbaniaThe female entitys that are in charge of the individuals destiny
MerodachBabylonA sun god
MeropeGreekA goddess of the Pleiades
MertEgyptA goddess of song & rejoicing as well as the treasury
MesAnDu Mesopotamia / Sumeria / Babylon / Akkadia A god
MesLamTaea Mesopotamia / Sumeria / Babylon / Akkadia The god of war
MesedeMelanesiaA god of archery
MeskhenetEgyptThe goddess of childbirth, prophecy, childbirth, reincarnation, fate & justice
MeskhentEgyptThe goddess of childbirth, prophecy, childbirth, reincarnation, fate & justice
MesenetEgyptThe goddess of childbirth, prophecy, childbirth, reincarnation, fate & justice
MeshkentEgyptThe goddess of childbirth, prophecy, childbirth, reincarnation, fate & justice
MeskhoniEgyptA goddess birth & midwives
MeslamtaeaSumeriaA god, possibly of war
MeslamtaeaSumeriaAn underworld god
Meslamta'eaSumeriaAn underworld god
MessorRomanA minor god concerned with the growth & harvesting of crops
MestaEgyptThe protector of the liver of mummified dead
MetatronJewishThe demon / angel of countenance & custodian of strength
MeterGreekThe mother goddess
MetisGreekOne of the of the oceanides, a goddess of justice & wisdom
MetsakaHuichol [Mexico]A moon goddess
MetztliAztecA moon god
MexitliMexicoThe head god
MezaMateLatvia A nature deity
MezadevaLatviaHe is the god of all forests
MezamatLatviaShe is the goddess of all forests
MezamateLatviaShe is the goddess of all forests
MezavirsLatviaHe is the god of all forests
MezzullaAnatoliaA goddess
MhayaTanzaniaA goddess of deserted lovers
MhsalaHinduA minor goddess considered to be a form of Parveti
MiloFo China The coming Buddha
Mi-kura-Tana-KamiJapan / ShintoA domestic guardian god that looks after storehouses
Mi-loFoBuddhist China The name of the Bodhisattva Maitreya
Mi-Toshi-No-KamiJapan / ShintoThe harvest god of rice
Mi-Wi-No-KamiJapan / ShintoThe god of wells [1 of 3]
MiaoHuChina A god of agriculture
MicapetlacoliAztecA minor chthonic underworld goddess
MichaboAlgonquinThe founder of the human race
MichabonOttawa [Canada]This god is guilty of creating humans from animals
MichaelHebrew / ChristianThis is the Prince of angels that fought for Israel , according to christians, he is an archangel
Michi-No-KamiJapan / ShintoThe gods of passage associated with road & crossroads
MictecachiuatlAztecThe chthonic underworld god, one of two
MictlancihuatlAztecThe goddess of the underworld
MictlantecuhtliAztecThe god of the underworld
MidaGreekA goddess of oaths
Mideia.Motherof Aspledon after whom the place Aspledon near Boeotian Orchomenus was named.
MiderIrishThe chieftain god of the Underworld that appears in polymorphic form
Midgard-snakeNorseA demonic being of the world-ocean
Midgard-serpentNorseA demonic being of the world-ocean
MidirIrishThe chieftain god of the Underworld that appears in polymorphic form
MihosEgyptA lion god of Lower
MihosEgyptHe's the god of sight, sun god of the Nile Delta, & the midsummer
MihrArmeniaA sun god
Mika-Hiya-HiJapan / ShintoA sun god, subservient to the sun goddess
MikalCyprus[Phoenician] A god
MikalPhoeniciaA local goddess
MilcomAmorite [W.Semitic] The god mentioned in 1 King 11:5 worshipped by King Solomon
MilkGilyaks [Siberia]These are devils of exactly what I am not sure but you best not irritate them
MilkastartW. Semitic A local tutelary god of the from Umm el-Ammend
MilkomAmmonite [E.Jordan] He is the chief god, & may have of been worshipped by King Solomon under a different name
MilomAmorite [W.Semitic] The god mentioned in 1 King 11:5 worshipped by King Solomon
MiluMangaia[Polynesia] A god of the underworld
MimingNorseA forest god
MimirNorseA god / demon of knowledge & wisdom
MinEgyptA god of potency, fertility, thunder, reproduction, roads & the sky
MinJokUganda A goddess of rain
MinabozhoAlgonquin [NEUS E. Canada] This clumsy god fell into the sea
MinaciHinduA goddess
MinaksiHinduA goddess
Minato-No-KamiJapan / ShintoThe god of river mouths & estuaries
MinepaMacouaA god of evil
MinervaRomanA goddess of astronomy, science, inventing, medicine, painting, thinking, wisdom, war & sculpture
MingShangChina The god of the eyes
MingaBengaleShongon [Africa]
MinonaFon [Africa]A goddess of teaching
MinosGreekOne of the three judges of the underworld
MinuEgyptA god of potency, fertility, thunder, reproduction, roads & the sky
MirEgyptA god of sex
MirSusneKhum [Siberia] The sun god
MirabichiOttawa [Canada]He is the god of water
MirahuatoPeruA goddess of health
MiritatsiecCrow [US]A goddess of healing
MirsaGeorgia / Mingrelan [Caucasus] A god of light & responsible for fire
MiruMangaia[Polynesia] A god of the underworld
MirumeJapanA goddess of justice
MishorUgaritA diety of justice
MisorPhoeniciaA god credited with the discovery of salt
MithraPersiaA god of war & light that had all the trappings of Christianity from 400BCE-200CE
MithrasRomanA god of soldiers & war, thought to be an adoption of the Persian Mithra
MitiKoryak [SWSiberia] A maternal spirit
MitraHindu / Puranic / VedicA minor sun god of light & wisdom
MixcoatlAztecA god of astronomy, stars, hunting & of the underworld
Mixcoatl-CamaxtliAztecA god of war, hunting & fire
MiyatanzipaHittiteOne of the deities who awaited the return of Telipinu
MiysisEgyptA lion god of Lower
Mizu-Ha-No-MeJapan / ShintoThe senior water goddess who came about from the urine of the primordial creator goddess
MkulumncandiSwazi[Swaziland] The creator god known as the great first one
MlentengamunyeSwazi[Swaziland] The messenger god
Mlk-AmuklosSyria / Palestine / CyprusA heroic god known from about 1100 B.C.E.
MnemeBoeotia[Greece] The Muse of memory
MnemosyneGreekThe goddess of memory
MoHiHai China He is a god of water
Mo-LiBuddhistChina Temple guardians
Mo-LiChinaThe Heavenly Kings
ModgudNorseThe guardian of entrance to Hel
ModiGerman / NorseThis son of Thor is a god that has yet to arrive
ModimoTwana [Botswana]A universal god, possibly monotheistic
ModjajjiLovedu [Africa]A goddess of rain immortalized in the book, She by Rider Haggard
ModronWalesGreat Mother she is one of the most powerful of the mother goddesses
MoeraeGreekThey are supreme even over the gods of Olympus
MogRuith Irish The sun god
MogounosRoman / GallicA local tribal deity
MohiniHindu / Puranic / EpicA minor incarnation of Visnu
MoiraGreekThey are supreme even over the gods of Olympus
MoiraiGreekThey are supreme even over the gods of Olympus
MoisaiGreekThe goddess of the arts & sciences
MokosE. Slavic A goddess of fertility, healing & sheep
MoleaRomanThe goddess of grindstones for grain milling
MolekAmoriteA god of fire that children were sacrificed to IAW 1 Kings11:7 & 2 Kings 23:10 only
MolochAmoriteA god of fire that children were sacrificed to IAW 1 Kings11:7 & 2 Kings 23:10 only
MolochCanaanThe sun god & war
MomaUitoto[SA] A god that originally was the creator of mankind & the apotheosis of the moon
MomboWaNdhlopfu Ronga [Mozambique] A tutelary god that lives in & controls the forest
MomosGreekThe personification of blame & censure
MomuScotlandA goddess of wells & hillsides
MomusGreekThe personification of blame & censure
MonKafir [Afghanistan / Hindukush]A warrior god & hero from prehistoric origins & around today
MondaminChippewa[C.N. Woodlands US] The maize god
MonetaRomanA minor goddess of prosperity, the spirits of the mint
MonjeYoruba [Africa]A goddess of rivers
MonjuBosatsu Japan A god of education
MonosGreekThe god of pain & sarcasm
MontEgyptThe war god of Upper Egypt from Thebes
MonthEgyptThe war god of Upper Egypt from Thebes
MontuEgyptThe war god of Upper Egypt from Thebes
MoombKikuyuThe creator goddess
MorIrishA sun goddess
MorganIrishThe Crone aspect of the goddesses who were a trinity responsible for war & ghosts
Morganes CelticThese are female water spirit
MorgayScotland / BritainA harvest goddess
A Nymph who having seen Tylos dead, asked Damasen for help in order to kill the serpent which had killed Tylos. She could restore Tylos to life using a lifegiving herb (the flower of Zeus) in the same manner as a second serpent had done to give life back to its male partner, the first serpent which had killed Tylos.
MoriesGreekThey are supreme even over the gods of Olympus
MorongoZimbabweA goddess of the evening star, love & sexuality
MorosGreekThe god of doom
MorpheusGreekA god of dreams by humans
MorriganIrish A battle goddess
MorrighanIrishThe Crone aspect of the goddesses who were a trinity responsible for war & ghosts
MorriguIrishA battle goddess
MorsRomanA minor god of death
MortaRomanThe goddess of death
MoruadhIrishA goddess of the sea
MorvaAndamanIs.[Indian Ocean] They are invisible sky spirits
MoschelLatviaHe is the god of cows
MotCannan / PhoeniciaThe god of drought,infertility & death
MotikitikMelanesiaA hero god
MotsesaMozambiqueA goddess of water
MousaiGreekThe goddess of the arts & sciences
MoyocoyaniAztecA minor god of universal power
Mrantna'irginChukchi [E.Siberia] The spirit of the dawn, one of four
Mratna'igrinChukchi [SESiberia] The female spirit of the dawn
MrgasirasHindu / Puranic / EpicA minor goddess of fortune
MuGong China / Tao A god of the immortals
MuKingChina A god of fire
MuTibetBon A heavenly spirit
Mu'AllidtuPhoenicia / BabylonA goddess of fire, childbirth & fertility
MuatiMesopotamia / SumeriaA rather obscure local god associated with the island paradise of Dilmun
MucalindaBuddhistA tutelary god of the lake near Bodh Gaya
MueragbutoNewHebrides The divinity that ate coconuts to spite Takaro, it was a bad move
MugasaBambuti[C. Africa] The sky god
MugashaBaziba [Africa]He is the god of water
MugiziBunyoro [Uganda]The guardian deity of Lake Albert
MuguBambuti[C. Africa] The sky god
MuhingoBunyoro [Uganda]The god of war
MuireartachIrishA goddess of the ocean
MuireartachScotlandA battle goddess
MujajiLovedu [Africa]A goddess of rain immortalized in the book, She by Rider Haggard
MukasaBuganda [Uganda]A beneficent god for he demanded no sacrifices
MulaDjadiToba-Batak [Sumatra] The creator god
MulaHindu / Puranic / EpicA malevolent Naksarta
MulhalmoniKoreaA goddess of healing, eye diseases & water
MulindwaBunyoro[Uganda] The tutelary goddess of the tribal chiefs
MulliltuMesopotamia / Babylon / AkkadiaA goddess
MulloBritain / RomanThe patron deity of teamsters & associated with Mars
MulukuMacous[Zambesi] The supreme god
MulunguSwahili [E.Africa] The creator god
MumaPaduraRomania / Slavic A wood sprite
MummuMesopotamiaA craftsman god
MundihArabicA collective of guardian gods that took care of irrigation
MungoGiryama[Kenya] The chief god
MunguGiryama[Kenya] The chief god
MunguSwahili [E.Africa] The creator god
MunisvaraHindu / DravidianA demigod that started out being a deified saint
MunjenMalikKafir [Afghanistan] A chthonic earth god
Munkata-No-KamiJapan / ShintoThe sea gods [3] that protected seafarers
MunumeBunyoro [Uganda]The weather god
MurajaBuddhistA goddess of music
Murigen Irish / Scotland / ManxA lake goddess associated with deluge legends
MurugaDravidian / TamilA creator god
MurukanCeyonDravidian / Tamil
MusaSonghay[Upper Niger river] A spirit
MusaeGreekThe goddess of the arts & sciences
MusdammaMesopotamia / SumeriaA god of buildings, including houses
MusesGreekThe goddess of the arts & sciences
MushdamaMesopotamiaThe god of architecture
MusisiNdonga[Angola] A messenger god
MusoKoroniBambarra [W. Africa] A chthonic fertility goddess of disorder
MutEgyptThe chief goddess of Thebes
MutaRomanThe goddess of silence
MutinusRomanA fertility god depicted as ityphallic [a phallus] invoked by women seeking to bear children
MuttalammanDavidian / TamilA plague goddess identified with smallpox
MutuAssyriaHe is the personification of death & the god of the underworld
MutunusRomanA fertility god depicted as ityphallic [a phallus] invoked by women seeking to bear children
MutyalammaDavidian / TamilA plague goddess identified with smallpox
MwaliShona[Zimbabwe] The unknowable supreme being
MwariShona[Zimbabwe] The unknowable supreme being
MyesyatsSlavicA god of the moon
MyhsEgyptHe's the god of sight, sun god of the Nile Delta, & the midsummer
MylittaPhoenicia / BabylonA goddess of fire, childbirth & fertility
Myoken-BohdisattivaChinese / BuddhistAn astral god, the apotheosis of the pole star
MyrrahPhoeniciaThe fertility goddess that whelped Kinnur
MystisGreekA goddess of teaching
NaCha China / Tao The guardian god that was born from human parents
NaNaBaraclou Fon [Benin] She is the primordial creator
NaNgutuW. Africa The guardian deity of warriors slain in battle
NaPa'Blackfoot [W. USA / Canada] The creator who was not a very nice entity, rather human in his actions
NaPe'Blackfoot [W. USA / Canada] The creator who was not a very nice entity, rather human in his actions
NaYe'NezNane Apache [SW USA] A beneficent god
Na'chitna'igrinChukchi [SESiberia] The female spirit of the dawn
Na'ininenKoryak [Siberia]A benevolent creator being
NaakiFinlandA spirit of the waters
NaamahCanaanA goddess of fertility, sex
NaasIrishA goddess who died in county Kildere
Nabu Babylon / Mesopotamia / AkkadiaA god of speech & the scribe & herald of the gods
NabudiOceaniaThe goddesses of illness
NachundeElamite [Iran]A sun god
NachunteElam [Iran] A sun god of truth & justice
NaconMayaHe is the god of war
NaeniaRomanA god of the dead especially for the aged people
NagadyaUgandaA goddess of drought & rain
NagakumaraJainOne of the group the gods with the title of bhvanavasi that were associated with rain & thunder
NagarajaHinduA snake god one of the deities that were worshipped prior to 1700 BCE
NagawonyiUgandaA goddess of drought
NagboldogasszonyHungaryA virgin goddess & protector of women & children
Nagenatzani&Thobadestachin Navajo The twin sons of the sun
NaginiJain [India]A goddess
NagualAztec / C.America This is a personal tutelary spirit
NahhundiElam[Iran]A sun god of truth & justice
NahiN. Arabia A guardian God of benevolent nature
NahualAztecA generic name for a personal God
NahutiEhecatlAztec A minor water god
NahutiOllinAztec A creator god
NaiGan [Ghana]A god of the ocean
NaiNoKami Japan The god of earthquakes
Naiad [s]GreekAny nymph who presided over brooks , springs or fountains
NaigameyaHinduA god usually shown with the head of a goat
NaionuemaUitoto[SA] This god created the earth from its own imagination
NairIrishA goddess best known for escorting High King Crebhan to the Otherworld
NairamataBuddhist / MayhayanaA goddess
NairyosanghaIranA god of fire
NajadeSlavicThese are water nymphs
Naka-Yama-Tsu-MiJapanA god of mountain slopes
NakaaGilbert Is. A god, guardian of tree life & the fish trap
NakaweHuchol [Mexico]The earth goddess
NakiwuloAfricaA goddess of justice
Naksatara [s]HinduA group of astral goddesses
NamasangitiBuddhistA god
NambiMasaiA goddess of love & of sexuality
NambiUganda [Africa]A goddess of the sky
NamitaPapua [NewGuinea] This primeval goddess impregnated herself
NamitePapua [NewGuinea] This primeval goddess impregnated herself
NammuSumeriaThe goddess who gave birth to the heavens & the earth
NampaSenegalA personal fetish spirit of Senegal
NamtarSumeriaThis is the messenger of death, that may be a deity & or demon
NamtaruAssyriaA god of plagues
NamuciHniduOne of the greatest of the Asuras
NanchiHsien weng China The god of longevity
NanNanFon [Benin] She is the primordial creator
Nan-SgrubBuddhist / TibetA god, a form of Yama
NanaArmeniaA mother goddess
NanaAshanti [Africa]He is the god of rain, wind, sun, moon, night & sleep. You might say he is a busy sod
NanaBabylonA goddess of spring
NanaBarukuFon [Benin] She is the primordial creator
NanaBulukuFon [Benin] She is the primordial creator
NanaBurukuCuba An earth & water goddess
NanaFon[Benin] She is the primordial creator
Nana-BouclouEwe[Benin] The primeval god
NanabohozoOjibwa [USA / Canada]A god that influences the success or failure of hunters
NanabozhoAlgonquin [US / Canada]The creator & good spirit
NanabushAlgonquin [US / Canada]The creator & good spirit
NanahuatlAztecA creator god
NanahuatzinAztecThis god of courage & bravery was a small leper god who was the father of the sun
NanaiSumeriaA stellar deity
NanajaMesopotamia / Babylon / AkkadiaA war & fertility goddess
NananBouclouEwe [Africa] A god of herbs & medicine
NanauatzinAztecA god of disease
NandiIndiaA goddess of happiness & joy
Nandi [n]HinduA bull god
NangLhaTibet A house god
NanghaithyaPersiaThe god of fire & messenger between gods & men
NannaGermanA goddess of plants & flowers
NannaMesopotamia / Sumeria / IraqA moon god
NannaNorseA goddess
NannaNorseA goddess of the moon
NanookInuitThe bear god
NanseBabylonA goddess of justice, water & canals
NanseSumeriaShe is the tutelary goddess of Lagas also of soothsaying & interpreting dreams
NantosueltaGallicThe goddess of water
NantosueltaMediomatrici[Gaul] A protective & water goddess
NanuqInuitThe bear god
NapaeaeGreek / RomanThese are animistic spirits of the valleys feminine in nature
NapirElam [Iran]The moon god
NappatecuhtliAztecThe minor god of mat makers
NappinnaiHindu / Dravidian / TamilA local goddess
NaraHindu / Puranic / EpicA minor incarnation of the god of Visnu
NaradaGandharvas[Hindu] The chief god
NaradaHindu / Epic / Vedic / PuranicA minor but popular god
NaradattaJainA goddess of learning
NarakaHinduAn evil Asura
NarasinhaHindu / Puranic / EpicAn incarnation of the god Visnu, #4 to be exact
NarasinhiHindu / Puranic / EpicA mother goddess
NarayanaHindu / Puranic / EpicA creator god
NarayanaIndiaHe is the god of the sun & guardian of the universe
NareauGilbertIs.[Melanesia] A creator god commonly called Lord Spider
NariSlavicDemonic beings
NarishaChristianGnostic / Manichaean He is the god of the the world of light
NascioRomanA goddess of childbirth
NasrArabiaA god that is not known much his name means eagle so he may be a sky god
NastasijaRussiaA goddess of sleep
NatScandinaviaA goddess of happiness
NatarajaHindu / PuranicA form of Siva
NathIrishA goddess of wisdom
NathaBuddhist [SriLanka] A tutelary god, one of the four chief gods
NathumEtruscaA goddess of justice
NaumMayaThe god who created mind & thought
NaunetEgyptA primordial goddess one of the eight Ogdoad
NavSlavicThese spirits are generated by mortals that die tragically and / or too soon
Navadura [s]HinduA generic title for the nine forms of the god of Durga
NavkySlavicA goddesses of water
NawandyoUgandaA goddess of healing
NayakayaShilluk [Sudan]The crocodile goddess
NayenezganiNavahoThe most powerful war god
NazambiBakongo [Zaire]The creator god
NazapaNgbandi [Zaire]The creator god that is invoked at the sunrise
NdaraSulawesi Is. The god of the underworld.
NdaulaBunyoro [Uganda]A plague god associated with smallpox
NdauthinaFijiA god of adultery, fire, fishing & seafaring
NdegeiFijiThis is the serpent god of earthquakes
NdengeiFijiA serpent god with stone flesh
NdjambiHereo [SWAfrica] A sky god who's name is generally forbidden to be spoken by women
Ndyambi-KarungaBantu / Hereo [Africa]A rather busy god, one of the sky, sea, earth, rain, dead, growing crops, & law
KalungaBantu / Hereo [Africa]A rather busy god, one of the sky, sea, earth, rain, dead, growing crops, & law
NzamiBantu / Hereo [Africa]A rather busy god, one of the sky, sea, earth, rain, dead, growing crops, & law
Ne'nenk'nenkicexKamichadalThe Christian God
NeairiaGreekAn underworld goddess
Neb-hutEgyptA goddess of the dead
NebethepetEgyptA local primordial goddess
NeboAssyriaThe god of teaching, writing & wisdom
NeboHebrewOld Testament name for Nabu
NeboMesopotamiaA god of speech
NebthetEgyptA goddess of the dead
NebtuuEgyptA local goddess
NebetuEgyptA local goddess
NecessitasRomanA goddess of destiny
NechbetEgyptA tutelary goddess of Upper Egypt
NechbetUpper Egypt A tutelary goddess of the monarch
NechmetawajEgyptA goddess
NedaMessianNymph & nurse of Zeus did I mention she is really old, like the oldest of the nymphs
NediyonDavidian / TamilA creator god
NeferhorEgyptOne of a triad of gods
NefertemEgyptA god of sunrise, perfumes, ointments, virility, pleasure & Lotus flowers
NefertumEgyptA god of sunrise, perfumes, ointments, virility, pleasure & Lotus flowers
NegafokInuitThe cold weather spirit
NegunMesopotamia / SumeriaA minor goddess this week
NehalenniaBritainA goddess who was the patron deity of sea traders
NehalenniaGermanA goddess of fertility & the ocean
Neheb-kaEgyptA goddess of justice
NehebkauEgyptA snake demon that served the sun god that became a primeval god & the lord of the eternal time
NehebkhauEgyptThe snake god from the pyramid texts
Nehebu-KauEgyptThe snake god from the pyramid texts
Nehmet-awaiEgyptA goddess
NeitEgyptA creator, war & domestic arts goddess
NeitIrishA god of war
NeiterogobMasai [Africa]She is the goddess of the earth
NeithEgyptA goddess of the east, women, sorcery, the home, healing, war, hunting & weaving
NejmaMoroccoA goddess of healing
NekhbetEgyptA tutelary goddess of Upper Egypt
NekkerGermanicThis lovely water sprite warns sailors when they are in danger of drowning
NekmetAwai Egypt A goddess of justice
NelaimaLatviaA goddess of destiny
NemainIrishShe is one of the triune crone goddesses of battle who were a trinity responsible for war & ghosts
NemausisGaulA god of water who has a sacred spring at Nimes in France
NemesisGreekA goddess of anger, fate & justice
NemestrinusGreekA landscaping god
NemetonaBritainA guardian goddess of all sacred places, especially groves
NemglanIrishA bird god who fathered Conaire Mor
NemuKai[New Guinea] The primordial demigods
NenaunicMasaiA god of storms
NenaunirMasaiA god of storms
NenunEgyptA falcon god
NenwenEgyptA falcon god
NeogaIroquois[NE US / SE Canada] A goddess of the winds
NeperEgyptA god of grain [barley & Emmer wheat]
NepheleANymph in the train of Artemis.
NephorosEgyptOne of a triad of gods
NephthysEgyptA goddess of death, war, of warriors
NepitEgyptA grain goddess
NepthysEgyptA goddess of the dead
NeptuneItalyA god of irrigation & flowing water
NeptuneRomanThe god of the sea
NeptunusItalyA god of irrigation & flowing water
NeptunusRomanThe god of the sea
NereidGreekAny one of the of the fifty sea nymphs
NeretEgyptA vulture goddess of strength, fear, & theft
NereusGreekA Minor sea God
NergalAssyria / BabylonOne of the divinities of the netherworld & a god of war & death
NergalMesopotamiaA god of plague & a chthonic underworld god
NerioSabineA goddess
NeriosangPersiaThe messenger god
NerrivikInuitA sea goddess The mother of all sea creatures, hunters & fishermen invoked her for success in hunting & fishing

NerthusDenmarkA fertility goddess who, bless her heart, was associated with peace
NesaruArikara [US Plains] The Power above
NesaruNAA sky god
NesshoueBeninbA river god
NesuFon [Benin]The tutelary god of royalty
NetEgyptA goddess of the east, women, sorcery, the home, war, hunting, weaving
NetIrishA god of war
NetchehNetcheh Egypt A god of twofold vengeance
NethunsEtruscaA god of water
Neti Babylon / AkkadiaA chthonic underworld god
Neto(n)IberiaAn ancient war god
NeuthEgyptA goddess of the sky & the heavens
NevinbimbaauMelanesiaA goddess of initiations
NextepehuaAztecA minor chthonic underworld god
NgaiMasai The creator of the universe
NgaYurak [Siberia]This god of death doubles as the god that organized this world after its creation
NgaiKikuyu / Masai [E. Africa] The supreme & creator god
NgendiFijiA fertility god
NgewoWesternTropics The creator / supreme god
Ngewo-waMemnde [Sierra Leone] The creator god
NgunuwoEwe [Togo]The fates
NgworekaraFon [Congo] The demon king
Ni ChimuPeru A sea god of significant status
Ni Huli
This god is the sole cause of leprosy.
Ni OBuddhist
The protector of the Buddhist faith
NiamhIrishAn aspect of Badb who helps heroes at death
NiamyeBaule [Ivory Coast] The supreme god
NiangniangChinaA goddess of justice
NicaeaAstaciaThe nymph That Hymnus fell in love with, bad move
NicevennScotlandA goddess associated with Samhain
NichantGros Venture [Algonquin] A god
NidabaSumeriaThe goddess of writing
NidhoggerNorseA demon of unseemly habits, namely a eater of corpses
Niha-Tu-Hi-No-KamiJapan / ShintoA fire God in that was responsible for household fires that were in the yard
NikeGreekA goddess of victory
NikkalCanaanThe goddess of the fruits of the earth
NikkalSumeriaA sun goddess, & consort of the moon god Yarih
NikkalSyriaShe is a moon goddess
NikkalUgaritA moon goddess
NikkerGermanicThis lovely water sprite warns sailors when they are in danger of drowning
NiladandaBuddhistA guardian god of the SW quarter
Niladevi Hindu / PuranicA goddess
NilalohitaHinduA god, one of the forms of Rudra
NimrodMesopotamiaThe god of war, wells, canals, the South Wind, thunderstorms, floods & the plough
NimsimugBabylonThis is the god that completes construction
NinBabylonA goddess of wisdom
NinEzanSumeria A goddess of healing
[La]GulaSumeria A goddess of healing
NinMarKi Mesopotamia / Sumeria A goddess
NinmahMesopotamia / SumeriaA goddess
NinUrMesopotamia / Sumeria A god
Nin'insinaSumeriaA local goddess of Isin
Nin'insinnaAkkadia / Babylon / MesopotamiaA fertility goddess
Nin-agalMesopotamiaThe god of smiths who chewed copper & spit them out tools
Nin-girsuSumeriaThe god of irrigation & fertility
Nin-gishzidaSumeriaA chthonic god
Nin-IlduAkkadia / Babylon / MesopotamiaThe god of carpenters & a minor tutelary deity
Nin-ImmaAkkadia / Babylon / Mesopotamia / SumeriaThe fertility goddess who is the deification of the female sex organs
Nin-sarSumeriaA minor goddess of plants
Nin-sunSumeriaA goddess of Erech [Uruk]
Nin-urtaMesopotamiaThe god of war, wells, canals, the South Wind, thunderstorms, floods & the plough
NinazuMesopotamia / SumeriaA chthonic god that is generally benevolent
NindaraMesopotamia / SumeriaA god
NindubMesopotamia / SumeriaA local god of of Lagas
NinegalAkkadia / Babylon / MesopotamiaA god of smiths, a rather minor deity
NingalSumeriaShe is of a lunar association
NingikugaAkkadia / Babylon / Mesopotamia / SumeriaA goddess of reeds & marshes
NingilinAkkadia / Babylon / Mesopotamia / SumeriaA rather obscure god
NingiramaAkkadia / Babylon / Mesopotamia / SumeriaA minor god of magic that protected against snakes
NingirsuAkkadia / Babylon / Mesopotamia / SumeriaA tutelary god
Ningis Zi Da Akkadia / Babylon / Mesopotamia / Sumeria The god of light coming from heaven & tutelary god of Gudea [Lagas]
NingursuSumeriaThe god of irrigation & fertility
NingyoJapanThis elemental, a mermaid, wards off misfortune & as well as influencing peace throughout the land
NinhursagAkkadia / Babylon / Persia / Mesopotamia / SumeriaThe goddess of the earth & creator of humans, fertility & productivity
NinhursangaSumeriaA mother, earth & fertility goddess
NinibAssyria / BabylonThis is the god of the spring & morning sun
NinigiJapanThe ruler of the earth, grandson of Amaterasu
NinilduBabylonJust another god that completes construction
NinkaranunnaAkkadia / Babylon / Mesopotamia / SumeriaA barber god
NinkarrakAssyriaA goddess of healing
NinkasiSumeriaA goddess of happiness & pleasure
NinkigalAkkadia / Babylon / MesopotamiaA chthonic god worshiped at Ur
NinkilumAkkadia / Babylon / Mesopotamia / SumeriaA rather obscure god
NinkurraAkkadia / Babylon / Mesopotamia / SumeriaA minor mother goddess
Ninlil Babylon / SumeriaA goddess of the winds & grain
NinmahAkkadia / Babylon / Mesopotamia / SumeriaA mother goddess
NinmahAkkadia / Babylon / Mesopotamia / SumeriaThe goddess of the earth & creator of humans, fertility & productivity
NinmakhSumeriaA mother, earth & fertility goddess
NinmenaMesopotamia / SumeriaAnother mother goddess
NinsharSumeriaA goddess of birth & stony ground
NinsikilMesopotamia / SumeriaThe patron goddess of Dilmun [ a mythical paradise]
NinsubarAkkadia / Babylon / Mesopotamia / SumeriaA messenger god / goddess
Ninsun [a]Akkadia / Babylon / Mesopotamia / SumeriaA cow goddess that was the tutelary goddess of Gudea
NinsunaSumeriaA goddess of Erech [Uruk]
NinsusinakIranThe national god of Ela
InsusinakIranThe national god of Ela
SusinakmAkkadiaThe national god of Ela
NintinuggaMesopotamia / SumeriaA goddess
GulaMesopotamia / SumeriaA goddess
NintuAkkadia / Babylon / Mesopotamia / SumeriaThe goddess of the earth & creator of humans, fertility & productivity
NinturBabylonThe goddess of the womb
NinturSumeriaA mother, earth & fertility goddess
NinturaAkkadia / MesopotamiaA god of thunderstorms & the plow
NinurMesopotamia / SumeriaA god
NinurtaBabylonA god of agriculture, war & thunder
NinurtaAkkadia / HurrianA warrior god
NinurtaMesopotamiaThe god of war, wells, canals, the South Wind, thunderstorms, floods & the plough
NinurtaSumeriaThe deity in charge of the violent & destructive south wind
NinurtuSumeriaThe god of irrigation & fertility
NioJapanThese are rather ugly spirits that not only protect children they prevent theft & chase evil away from monasteries, rather a nice group
NiparayaPSW USA The creator spirit
NirahMesopotamiaA snake god
NirmaliKafir [Afghanistan]A goddess of childbirth
Nirrita Hindu / VedicA god of death
NirritiBuddhistA guardian, that strangely enough, stands upon a corpse
NirritiHindu / VedicA goddess of corruption, decay, disease, healing & of destruction of evil
NirrtaHindu / VedicA god of death
NisabaMesopotamia / SumeriaThe goddess of writing & wisdom that started life as a vegetation goddess
NishanuArikara [US]The great sky spirit
NispannattaraBuddhist / MayhayanaA minor goddess
NitEgyptA goddess of hunting
NiuEgyptA god of mystery
Niu SheChina
A goddess of literacy
Niu WangChina
A god of oxen
Niu-Y'ouChinaThe spirit constable for the Yama kings
NiutEgyptA goddess of mystery
NixGermanThe goddesses of rivers
NixeGermanA water-sprite
NixiesGermanThe goddesses of rivers
NjordGermanA god of the ocean, sailors, fisherman & fertility with a nifty ship
NjordNorseA god of fertility, war, wind
NjordScandinaviaA god of fishing, prosperity & ships
Nkosi Yama'kosi Ndebele [Zimbabwe] The supreme
NkulnkuluNdebeleThe high god
No Il Ja Dae Japan A goddess of the toilet
NoctilucaGaulA goddess of magic
NocturnusRomanA god of the night
NodensCelticThe river god of the Severn estuary
NodonsCelticThe river god of the Severn estuary
NodotusCelticA minor goddess of crops
NohochacymMayaA god
NohochacyumMayaThe creator the world who was helped by three other gods
NohuichanaMexicoA goddess of hunting
NokChinaA goddess of Aquarius
Nomi-No-SukuneJapan / ShintoThe god of sumo wrestlers
Nomia gave his name to the Nomian Mountains according to the Arcadians.
NommoDogon [W. Africa] The primordial spirits that are associated of rain & fertility
NommoSudan [Africa]These twins have a strange story better than Noah's of Jewish fame
NonaRomanA goddess of birth
NonadyLithuaniaHe is of the Leader of the gods
NongKafir [Afghanistan]The god of winter & cold weather that lives in a glacier, he does not like women
NootaikokInuitThe god of icebergs
NopherosEgyptOne of a triad of gods
Norn [s]NorseA goddess of the past, one of the fates
NorovRussiaA god of grain
NortiaEtruscaA goddess of fate & fortune
NorwanWintun [Cal. US] A goddess of warriors
NosengaKorekore / Shona [Zimbabwe]A tribal god that requires an oracle
NotosGreekA god of the S. wind
NotusRomanA god of the SW wind
NoxGreekThe goddess of night

NrtyaBuddhist / TibetA mother goddess
NsongoBangala [Zaire]A moon goddess
NtoaGhan [Ghana]A goddess
Nu Ba China The goddess of drought
NuEgyptA god who personified the primeval waters
Nu Gua China The creator of the cosmos & human beings in the oldest chinese literature She became goddess of marriage with Fu-xi There are She was lessened in power later (Nu Wa means lovely woman) drowned in the East sea perhaps because as the daugher of fire she was associated with the sun
Nu Kua China A primordial goddess & inventor of the flute that created the human race
Nu Mus Da Mesopotamia / Sumeria A tutelary god of the lost city of Kazullu
Nu Wa China The creator of the cosmos & human beings in the oldest chinese literature She became goddess of marriage with Fu-xi There are She was lessened in power later (Nu Wa means lovely woman) drowned in the East sea perhaps because as the daugher of fire she was associated with the sun
Nu'tenutChukchi [E. Siberia] An earth spirit that is the owner of the world
Nu-guaChinaA creator god / goddess, & yes the ancients had no problem with that concept
NuadaBritainThis god is London's name sake
NuadhaIrishA god & one time leader of the Tuatha de Danaan
NuaduIrishA tribal god of healing & water
NubaSudan [Africa]He is the god of the sky
NuddBritainThis god is London's name sake
NudimmudAkkadia / SumeriaEnki as a creator god
NugaMelanesiaA crocodile god
NuitEgyptA goddess of the sky & the heavens
NujalikInuitShe is the goddess of all hunting on land
Nuli'rahakInuit [E. Siberia] The Sea Spirit
Arna'kuagsakInuit [E. Siberia] The Sea Spirit
NuliayoqInuitA goddess of rivers & inlets
NumSamojedicThe sky god & supreme deity
Num-TorumMansi [Vogul]He is a sky god, one not allergic to iron, & resides in the seventh heaven
NumbakullaAus.A god
NumeriaRomanA goddess in charge of numbers, counting, arithmetic & mathematics overall
NumiTaremSiberia The sky god
NummaMoiyuk Aus. A goddess of the ocean
NummoDogon [Mali] A spirit couple
NunEgyptA god who personified the primeval waters
NunbarsegunuAkkadia / Babylon / Mespotomian / SumeriaA rather obscure mother goddess mentioned in the creation taxed as the old woman of Nippur
NundaCherokeeA goddess of healing, headaches, & blisters
NunetEgyptShe is a goddess of the the ocean
NurundereKamilaroi / Wiradyuri [Aus]A god of all things & master of life death
NuskuMesopotamia / Sumeria / Babylon / AkkadiaThe god of light & fire
NuskuSumeriaA god of fire & light
NutEgyptA goddess of the sky & the heavens
NuxGreekThe goddess of night
NyalicDinka [Africa]Not only is he Lord of Spirits & supreme god, but god of the sky & rain as well
NyalitchDinka [Africa]Not only is he Lord of Spirits & supreme god, but god of the sky & rain as well
NyamaBantu[Africa] The name for animals with magic powers
NyambeBarotse[Upper Zambesi] The high god
NyambeKoko[Nigeria] The god
NyambeZambiaA god of war
NyambiBakongo [Zaire]The creator god
NyambiBarotse[Upper Zambesi] The high god
NyameAkan[S. Ghana] The supreme creator god
NyameAshanti [Africa]He is the god of rain, wind, sun, moon, night & sleep. You might say he is a busy sod
Nyami-NyamiZambesiThe guardian spirit of the Zambesi river
NyamiaAmaSenegal The god of storms, rain & lightning of Senegal
NyamweziAfricaA goddess of justice
NyankoponAkan[S. Ghana] The supreme creator god
NyankoponAshanti [Africa]He is the god of rain, wind, sun, moon, night & sleep. You might say he is a busy sod
NyasayeMaragoli[Kenya] The god
NyavireziRwanda [C.Africa] The lion goddess originally a daughter of the tribal chief
Nymph [s]GreekThese are female elementals, a lower level of the god / dess hierarchy
Nymph [s]CabiroidesNymphs that are daughters of the Cabiroi
Nymph [s]CorycianParnassian nymphs
Nymph [s]LamusidesGreekNaiads, daughters of Lamus
NyrckesFinlandHe is the god that gave squirrels from the forest, there is confusion as to exactly who or what he is
NyxGreekThe goddess of night
NzakbombaBantu [Africa]The creator, who was really three in one
NzambeBakongo [Zaire]The creator god
NzambiAfricaA goddess of justice
NzambiBakongo[Congo] The great goddess
NzambiMpunguBakongo [Congo] The great goddess
NzameBantu [Africa]The creator, who was really three in one
NzameFan[Congo] The high god
NzameNkwaBantu [Africa] The creator, who was really three in one
NzeNgbandi [Zaire]The moon god who is closely linked with women & fertility
NzeanzoSudan [Africa]He is the god of rain, metalworking, grain, & fertility
OKuniNushi Japan A god of medicine & witchcraft
O'MealNa'kwaxdax [BC Canada] A tribal spirit, the chief of the ancients who's siblings are the myth people
O-Iwa-Dai-MyojinJapan / Shinto / BuddhistA god of stone workers
O-Kuni-NushiJapanA god of medicine & sorcery
O-Kuni-Nushi-No-MikitoJapan / ShintoThe sky god as a great organizer & consolidator of the earth
O-Mi-T'oFoChina The name of Amitabha
O-Toshi-No-KamiJapan / ShintoHe heads the pantheon of agricultural gods but generally is the guardian of rice fields
O-Wata-TsumiJapanA sea god
O-Yama-Tsu-MiJapanA mountain god
O-yama-tsuniJapanA mountain god
OannesBabylonHe is the god of the sea, a rather nice fellow
OannesGreekA form of a Mesopotamian sea god
OanuavaBritainA very old Earth goddess
ObaAfricaA river goddess
ObaPuertoRico A water goddess
ObaYoruba [Africa]A goddess & protector of prostitutes
ObaratorRomanA god responsible for overseeing the fertilizing of crops
ObassiOsawHausa [Niger] The high god
ObatalaAfrica / Caribbean / S.& C. America This god is a humdinger, so powerful that he alone knows where the Great Almighty is hidden
ObatalaYorubaA sky god
ObosomYoruba [Africa]A fertility god, he makes barren women fertile & shapes the fetus in the womb
ObotoAfricaA goddesses of serenity
ObtalaW.Indies A sky goddess
ObtalaYoruba [Africa]A fertility god, he makes barren women fertile & shapes the fetus in the womb
ObumoAfricaA god
OccatorRomanThe deity responsible for harrowing the soil
OceanidsGreekThe ocean nymphs
OceanusGreekThe god of the oceans who was also a primordial god
OcelotlAztecThe sun god of the first of the five world ages [ they last for 2028 heavenly years & each heavenly year = 52 Earth years]
OcelusRoman / BritishA god of healing that became syncretized with the god Mars
OchuW.Indies A moon goddess
OchumarePuertoRico A goddess of happiness & the rainbow
OchunAfrica / Caribbean / S.& C. America She is the goddess of sweet water
OckabewisChippewa [M.USA / Canada] A messenger of the gods & teacher of mankind
OcrisiaRomanA goddess of fire
OculataRomanA goddess of healing & the eyes
OcynoeOneof the nurses of Dionysus who followed him in his Indian campaign.
OdakonBabylonHe is the god of the sea, a rather nice fellow
OdinNorseThe high god, god of wisdom, battle, death, inspiration He was the chief god of the Aesir & the husband of Frigg
OdqanMongoliaThe fire spirit
OdrasIrishA goddess of pools
OduduaYoruba [Nigeria]A creator goddess of fertility & love
OdududYoruba [Africa]He is the god of the south
OduduwaYoruba[Africa] An earth goddess & creator deity
OengusIrishA god of love
Oengusofthe Bruig Irish A god worshipped from about 500 BC-400 AD
OenoeA Greek A naiad
OenoneTroyNymphythe daughter of the River God Cebren
OgdoadEgyptThe eight primordial elements of chaos, they exist prior to the creation of the sun god & known in Middle Egypt
Ogetsunohime Shinto A goddess of food
OgiuwuEdo [Benin]The god of death that owns the blood all living things
OgmaGaulA god of education, genius, eloquence, language & magic
OgmaIrishThe chief god
OgmiosGaulA god of education, genius, eloquence, language & magic
OgmiusGaulA god of education, genius, eloquence, language & magic
Ogoun Haiti / VodunA god of war & fire
OgounNago / Yoruba [Africa] The god of iron & warfare
OgunAkka / Caribbean / S. & C. America He is the god of warriors
OgunEdo [Benin]A god of war that was sent to cut up the land to allow crops to the planted
Ogun Haiti / VodunA god of war & fire
OgunNago / Edo / Yoruba [W. Africa] A god of iron, hunting & war
OhoromoxtotilMayaThis god was the creator of the sun
OiSuk [Kenya]A god more along the lines of personal illness rather than plague
OkeVirginia [USA]An evil god whom of course the Christians declared to be a devil
OkeanidesGreekThe ocean nymphs
OkeanosGreekThe god of the oceans who was also a primordial god
OkeusVirginia [USA]An evil god whom of course the Christians declared to be a devil
Oki-Tsu-Hiko-No-KamiJapan / ShintoThe god of kitchens
OkoYoruba [Nigeria]A god of agriculture
OkuninushiJapanA god of healing & magic
OkuninushiJapanA god of medicine & sorcery
OlaBibi Hindu a local plauge goddess associated with cholera
OlelbisWintun[Cal. USA] The creator god
Olin-TonatiuhAztec / ToltecThe god of duality & a supreme deity
OllaCubaA goddess of fire
OllathairIrishThe god of the earth, death, rebirth & long life
OllinAztecA creator god
OllintonatiuhAztecA creator god
OlloatirBritainA god often seen as a male form of Epona
OlodumareYoruba [Nigeria]A creator god to whom the souls of the dead are expected to make a confession
OlojoYoruba [Nigeria]A creator god to whom the souls of the dead are expected to make a confession
OlokumCarib.A god in Puerto Rico that is a hermaphrodite
OlokumW.Indies A goddess of the ocean depths
OlokunYoruba[Africa] A god of wealth & the sea
OlorunYoruba [Nigeria]A creator god to whom the souls of the dead are expected to make a confession
OlosaPuertoRico A goddess of fishermen
OlwenWalesA goddess of summer & war
OmacatlAztecA minor god of feasting & revelry
OmeTochtliAztec A fertility god that was slaughtered & then resurrected by Tezcatlipoca
OmecihuatlAztecA creator goddess
OmetecuhtliAztec / ToltecThe god of duality & a supreme deity
OmetecutliAztecA primordial creator god that rules in the 13th heaven
OmeteotlAztecA primordial creator god that rules in the 13th heaven
OmichlePhoenicia[Hellenic] The primordial principle
OmiclePhoenicia[Hellenic] The primordial principle
OmiwaJapanA god worshipped by O-Kuni-Nushi as his protective deity
OmoikaneJapanA god of wisdom
OnamujiJapanAn earth god
OnathaIroquois[NE US / SE Canada] The spirit of wheat
OneiroiGreekThe deities considered to be the source of dreams
OniJapanDemons who seized wicked men when they died
OniYoruba [Nigeria]A creator god to whom the souls of the dead are expected to make a confession
OniataIroquois[NE US / SE Canada] A spirit of springs
OnniontHuronA snake deity
OnoMarquesa Is. The name given to Rongo
OnuavaGaulAn earth fertility goddess known only from inscriptions
Onuris Egypt [Hellenic]A god of hunting & war
OnurisGreekA form of the Egyptian god Anhur
OnyankoponAkan[S. Ghana] The supreme creator god
OonawiehUnggiCherokee A wind god
OpetEgyptA hippopotamus goddess who is protective of childbirth
OphoisEgyptA jackal & a cemetery god at Asyut
OphthalmitisGreekA goddess of eyesight
OpigenaAnancient goddess who helps in the process of a swift & safe childbirth
OpisHyperboreanNymph, daughter of the North Wind Boreas. Orion tried to rape her but she joined the train of Artemis.
OpoAkan [Ghana]The god the ocean & inland lakes & rivers
OpocchtliAztecA minor god of light a fisherman & hunters
OpochtliAztecA god of fishing & hunting
OpsRomanA goddess of fertility, prosperity & the harvest
OraAlbaniaA female protective spirit
OrahanGomera[Canary Is.] A god
OraiosGnostic Christian The primordial deity, one of seven androgynous elements born to the prime parent & ruler of the seven heavens of chaos
OrbonaRomanA goddess of healing & childhood diseases
OrcusRomanA chthonic underworld god
OrdogHungaryA god of dark forces
OreadesRomanThese ladies are the animistic spirits of the mountains
OreadsGreekNymphs of mountains & caves
OrehuGuyana [Brazil]A goddess of healing
OriYoruba [Nigeria]The god of wisdom
OrisaNlaYoruba [Africa] A sky god & creator god
OrishaNlaYoruba [Africa] A god ordered to create solid ground
OrishakoYoruba[Africa] A god of agriculture
OrishanlaYoruba [Nigeria]A creator god to whom the souls of the dead are expected to make a confession
OrithyiaGreekNymph who according to some, was grandmother of Adonis.
OrmuzdZoroastrianThe god of light & supreme goodness
OroPolynesia / TahitiA god of war
Orotal [t]ArabicA party god banished by the followers of Allah & Jesus the Christ
OrphneAvernalNymph, mistress of the River God Acheron (a river in the Underworld).
OrseisWifeof Hellen, who named Hellenes those who are called Greeks.
OrthiaSpartaA locally worshipped mother goddess
OrtziBasqueThe sky god
OrunjanYoruba[Africa] A god of the midday sun
OrunmilaYoruba [Nigeria]A god of mercy & destiny
OsandeOvimbundu [Angola]A benevolent god that is a guardian deity
OsandobuaEdo [Benin]A benign creator god that controls prosperity, health & happiness
OsanyinAfricaA god of medicine
OshallaYoruba[Africa] A god, son of the sun & husband of the earth goddess
OsheYoruba [Africa]A god of thunder & lightning
OshossiBrazilA water god
OshunAnaYoruba [Africa] A goddess of love
OshunW.Indies A goddess of love & fertility
OshunYoruba [Africa]A goddess of healing, fertility & rivers
OsirisEgyptA god of the underworld & of vegetation, fertility, burial rites & supreme god was worshipped from Ca. 3000 BCE-400 CE
OssaGreekA goddess of rumors
OssipagaRomanA goddess responsible for hardening the bones of infants
OstaraGermanA goddess of spring & the sun who gave her name to Easter
OstarakiBuddhist / MayhayanaA minor goddess
OsunYoruba [Nigeria]A river & healing goddess within a festival of the Ibo-Osun
OtMongolA goddess of marriage & the Queen of fire
OtaciBuddhist / Lamaist[Tibet] A physician god & medicine buddha
OthinnNorseThe high god, god of wisdom, battle, death, inspiration He was the chief god of the Aesir & the husband of Frigg
OthrisConsortedwith both Zeus and Apollo. By Zeus she gave birth to Meliteus, and by Apollo to Phagros. She had to expose Meliteus by fear of Hera but the child was fed by bees and he later founded the city Melite in Phthia. Phagros brought up Meliteus, as some say.
OtoHime Japan A goddess of the sea
OtrNorseThe son of Hreidmar
OuiotLuiseno[S. Ca. USA] He is the primeval father & moon god who returned three days after his death which actually happened, according to them
OuranosPhoeniciaHe is the god of fire
Ouranos / UranusGreekA god of the heavens or of the sky
OwiotLuiseno [S.Cal. US] The moon god
OxlahunTiKu Maya The generic name for the 13 sky gods who may well be worshipped today
OyaW.Indies A goddess of violent rainstorms
OyaYoruba [Africa]A warrior goddess of fire, rainstorms, justice & the wind as well as the River Niger
P'anChinlien China A goddess of brothels, lasciviousness, prostitution & sex
P'anNiangChina A goddess of vaccination
P'iChiaMa China A god of ribs
PaCanaanThe goddess of droughts
PaThegoddess of drought
Pa-bil-sagMesopotamia / Sumeria / Babylon / AkkadiaThe tutelary god of Isin
Pa-ChaChinaA protective deity against locusts
Pa-HsienChinaThe Eight Immortals
PabilsagSumeriaA god
PabilsangSumeriaA god
PachamacInca[SA] A god of the earth
PachamamaInca[SA] A goddess of fertility, good fortune, & nature
PachcammacYuncas [S.A.]This is the supreme creator god
PachetEgyptA goddess of the desert
PadmaHinduThe goddess that is the incarnation of Laksmi
PadmaHindu / Puranic / EpicA snake god
PadmanartesvaraBuddhistThis god is known as the lord of the dance
PadmantakaBuddhistA god that is the guardian of the Western direction
PadmapaniBuddhistA god, a Buddha designate
PadmasambhavaBuddhist / Tantric / TibetThis god was responsible for the introduction of Tantric Buddhism in Tibet
PadmataraBuddhist / MayhayanaA minor goddess
PadsmosnisaBuddhistA god that is connected with the guardian deities
PaeanGreekA god of healing & physician to the other gods
PaeonCreteA war god
PahPawnee[C. Plains US] A god of the moon
PahtecatlAztecA minor fertility god & concerned with brewing pulque
PaiChungChina A god of agriculture
PaiYuChina A god of the guitar
PaiawonCreteA war god
PaikeaPolynesiaA god of sea monsters His parents were Rangi & Papa
PaiowaPiaute [W. USA] She & her daughter created the first people
PairikasPersiaA goddesses of drought
PaivatarFinlandA goddess of war
PajainenFinlandA god
PajauYanVietnam A goddess of health & healing
PajonnLaplandA god of thunder
PakTai China / Tao An astral god of war
Paka'aHawaiiA god of the wind
PakhetEgyptA goddess of hunting worshipped near Beni Hassan
Pakrokitat&Kukitat Serrano [Cal. US] The creator god & sibling
PalaemonGreekA minor sea god
Palaniyantavan Hindu / Dravidian / TamilA local god
PalatuaRomaThe spirit of the Palatine hills representing city civic responsibility
PalemonGreekA human that suffered apotheosis & became a minor sea god
PalesRomanA god / goddess of sheep & shepherds, either one worked
PaliDhataratthaBuddhist One of the four Buddhist guardians of the world
Pali Kongju Korea Korea A goddess of healing
Pali Peta Hindu / Buddhist The spirits of the dead
Pali Vessavana Buddhist 1 of 4 Buddhist guardians of the world
Pali Virulha Buddhist 1 of the 4 Buddhist guardians of the world
PaliciScicly Twin Sicilian gods associated with a pair of geysers near Palagonia still known as the Lago dei Palici Their shrine became a sanctuary
PalkKoreaHe is the sun god
PallasGreekA name of Athene
PallianAus.A god

PallorGreekA god associated with panic
PalulopMicronesiaA great sea god & canoe captain of Micronesia
PamolaAlgonkianAn evil spirit of the night
PanGreekThe shepherd god depicted in human form with the legs, horns & ears of a goat
PanaInuitShe cares for the souls of the dead
PanaceaGreekThe goddess of health
PanaoKafir [Afghanistan]Not only a creator god but a generic title for deities controlling the natural world, they lived in the mountains
PancabrahmaHinduThis is the collective name for the five aspects of Siva
Pancamukha-PatradevaBuddhistA god, a beggar
PancaraksaBuddhistThis is a group of five goddesses that are invoked to grant longevity at as well as protect certain areas or villages
PandaThegoddess of opening roads & towns for the first time
PandaraBuddhistA goddess
PandariBuddhistThis goddess is in charge of fire & passion
PandiaGreekThe goddess of brightness especially the sun
PaneuKafir [Afghanistan]The seven divine brother gods
PangCheChina A goddess of justice
PansahiMata Hindu One of the seven mother goddesses that later became regarded as evil
PantangMayagBorneo A goddess of love
PaoKungChina A god of the magistrates who was a victim of apotheosis as he lived from 999-1062 CE
PaoYuanch'uan China A god of the spleen
Pap-nigin-garaMesopotamia / AkkadiaA god of war that was lord of the boundary stone
PapaHawaii / Maori / NewZealand A goddess of the earth
PapaMangaia Is. The mother of the gods
PapasPhrygia[NW Turkey] A local god
PapatuanukuPolynesiaA chthonic mother goddess that evolved spontaneously in the cosmic night
PapayaHittiteOne of the deities who awaited the return of Telipinus
PapsukkalMesopotamia / Babylon / Akkadia [Hellenistic]A messenger god as well as the gatekeeper for the remainder of the pantheon
ParaFinlandThese are the domestic spirits that can be beneficial
ParamasvaBuddhist / MayhayanaA god that enjoys trampling on Hindu gods
ParamitaBuddhistA descriptive name of a philosophical deity
Parasu-Rama / ParashuramaHinduThe sixth avatar of Vishnu
ParceRomanA pair birth goddesses became the goddesses of fate
ParePolynesiaA goddess of volcanoes
ParendiHindu / VedicA minor goddess of prosperity associated with accumulating wealth
PariaConcubineof King Minos of Crete.
PariacaInca [SA]A weather god responsible for rain & thunder,
PariskaravassitaBuddhistA minor goddess, one of those personifying the discipline of spiritual regeneration
ParjanyaHindu / VedicHe started out being a god of rain
ParnasavariAboriginal India Buddhist A goddess taken over by the Buddhists
ParsvaIndiaThis deity may have been based on a real prince that live approximately 250 years before Mahavira
ParthenopeGreekAnother nut case who sang sailors into confusion & thereby helped to wreck their ships
Parthivi Hindu / Puranic / EpicA chthonic earth goddess
PartulaRomanA goddess of childbirth
Parvati Hindu / Puranic / Epic / IndiaA goddess of the mountains that dances the cosmic dance
Parvati Hindu / Puranic / Epic / IndiaA mother goddess
ParvatiIndiaThis is the goddess of female energy who is both terrible & kind
PashtEgyptA cat goddess, healing, life & war
PashupatiHinduOne of the titles of Rudra
PasiphaeGreekA goddess of the moon
PasoweeKiowa [US]A female manitou of health & medicine
PasupatiHinduThe god of animals, an ityphallic deity
PatadharniBuddhistA goddess of passage that watches over curtains & doorways in line
PatecatlAztecA god of medicine & surgery
PatekePhoeniciaA protective deity of seafarers
PatolloBalticThe chief & war god
PatrimpasLithuaniaA god of agriculture, joy, peace, springtime
PattiniSriLanka A goddess of summer & mother goddess
PattinideviSriLanka A goddess of summer & mother goddess
PaurnamasiHinduA goddess of the full moon
PautiwaHopiThe sun god
PavaHinduThe god of the winds
PaventiaRomanThe goddess who created terror in Children
PavorAgod associated with dispelling mental distress & anguish
PaxRomanA goddess of peace
PayatamuNavahoThe god of summer fields
PazuzuMesopotamia / AssyriaThis demon represented the winds of the S.E. & was happy to bring you various illness
PdryCanaanA goddess of mist
PegaeaOneof the Ionides Nymphs in Elis. They were believed to cure diseases. (These were: Calliphaeia, Synallasis, Pegaea and Iasis.)
PegasisMotherof Atymnius, who was killed by Odysseus in the course of the Trojan War.
PeharTibet / BonA demon prince
PeithoGreekA goddess of persuasion
Peju'lpeYukaghir [Siberia]These guardian spirits look after the well being of animals under their care & benevolent to the hunter so long as he observes the rules & kills only when necessary
PekarTibet / BonA demon prince
PekkoFinlandA god of barley
PekoEstoniaThe god of barley
PeleHawaiiA goddess of fire, volcanoes & witchcraft
PellonpekkoFinlandA god of barley
PellonpekkoFinlandA god responsible for the duration & harvest of the barley, used to make beer. Under Christianity you may find him with the name of St. Peter
PemboBambarra [Africa]This is the god of agriculture, water & wisdom
PenAnnwenWales An underworld god almost synonymous with Pwyll & Pryderi
PenatesRomanHearth gods chosen by the head of household, they started out protecting the store room
PeneiosThessalyA river god
PeneiusThessalyA river god
PenelopeEvenPenelope, Odysseus' wife, has been called a Nymph, but this should be another Penelope who consorted with Hermes.
PenelopeGreekA goddess of spring
PeneosThessalyA river god
PeneusThessalyA river god
PephredoGreekOne of the Graiae
PerchtaS. German A goddess, later a frightful spirit
PerchtenGermanThese demons resided in alpine areas
PerendeAlbaniaA storm god that lets you know he is around with thunder & lightning. It was used by the Christians to identify their god in that region
PerendiIllrya [Albania]Just a another name for the god of Abraham, a storm god prior to Christianity
PereplutSlavicShe not only is the goddess of drink but of changing fortunes as well
PeriPersiaThese are spirits of great beauty that battle the evil ones as well as help morals on at the way to the land of the blessed
PeriZoroastrianismThe female demons associated with Ahriman
PeriboeaANaiad, wife of Icarius, father of Penelope, Odysseus' wife.
PerimbBrazilA moon goddess & supreme being
PeritAlbaniaFemale mountain spirits
PerkonsLatviaA god of thunder that brings beneficial rain & is a fertility god
PerkunasLithuaniaThe god of thunder & yes this is Perkons in a different nation
PerkunoBalticThe thunder god
PerkunoPrussiaThe thunder god
Peroun SlavicA god of war, justice, lightning, thunder & the Oak
PerseGreekAn underworld goddess
PersephoneGreekA goddess of death & spring
PersesGreekA Titan he was the god of light
PersisGreekAn underworld goddess
PerunRussiaThe thunder & creator god
PerunSlavicA god of war, justice, lightning, thunder & the Oak
PeruwaHittiteThis god has an epitaph as queen & but he likes horses
PetbeEgyptA god of retaliation
Petesuchos Egypt [Hellenized]A crocodile god from Fayum
PeyTamilThese are some rather unpleasant demonic beings that do odious things with the dead & wounded warriors who for a side line bring misfortune to the living
PhaethonGreekThis son of a sun god ended up as a crispy critter
PhanKuChina A god
PhanebalSemiticA youthful warrior god
PhanesGreekThe primordial sun god & the first one to emerge from the cosmic egg created by Kronos
PhantasosGreekA god of dreams by inanimate objects
PharaohEgyptA god king(s)
PharmacidesGreekA goddesses of health & drugs
PhebeleCongoThe male god who fathered man
PhemeGreekA goddess of popular rumour
PhialeANymph in the train of Artemis.
PhigaliaADryad Nymph, after whom the town of Phigalia was named.
PhobetusGreekA god of dreams by animals
PhobosGreekA god of fear & terror
PhoebeGreekA goddess of the moon
PhoebeGreekA Hamadryad
PhoebusGreekA god of enlightenment
PhorcysGreekA sea god
PhorkosGreekA sea god
PhorkysGreekA sea god
PhosphorosGreekA god of the morning
PhosphorusGreekA god of the morning
PhrixaNurseof Zeus.
PhulMata Hindu / Puranic / Epic A mother goddess that became one of the evil ones
Phyi-SgrubBuddhist / TibetHe is a form of a god Yama
PiHsiaYuan Chin China A goddess of birth, midwives & healing
Pi-Hsia-Yuan-ChunChinaThe protectress of childbirth & of women & children
PiananAztecA minor god of war
PicullusPrussiaAn underworld god that was taken over by the Christians as their devil
PicusRomanA god of agriculture
Picvu'cinChukchi[E. Siberia] The god of hunters that rides around on a sled drawn by mice
PidraiCanaan / PhoeniciaA minor fertility goddess noted in creation texts & treaties
PidrayCanaan / PhoeniciaA minor fertility goddess noted in creation texts & treaties
PienHoChina A god of jewelers
PietasRomanA minor god
PikuolisLithuaniaA god of death, the underworld & of evil
PillanAruucania [Chile]The supreme God
PilnytisLithuaniaA god of wealth
PiluitusLatviaA fertility god
PilumnusRomanA minor guardian god that oversees the protection of an infant at birth
PilwizGermanA nature spirit
PilzintecutliAztec / NahuaThe sun god & a god of war
PinenkirIranAn Elamite mother goddess
Pingi China / Tao A god that controls all rivers especially the Yellow River
PingaInuitThe goddess that takes souls of the dead to heaven
PinikirIranAn Elamite mother goddess
Pinikir [z]Elam [Iran]A mother goddess
PireneDaughterof Oebalus, King of Laconia, or of the River God Achelous. A woman who became a spring because of her tears shed in lamentation for her son Cenchrias' death. Cenchrias was killed unintentionally by Artemis. Her other child, Leches, gave his name to the Corinthian harbour of Lechaeum.
PirwaHittiteA horse god
PirwaHittiteThis god has an epitaph as queen & but he likes horses
Pishashas Hindu / VedicEvil woodland spirits
PistisHindu / VedicEvil woodland spirits
PistisSophiaGnostic Christian The primordial female force
PitaoCozobiZapotec [Mexico] The corn god
PitarasIndiaThese are immortal divine beings but theirs is not the world of of the gods
Pitari Hindu / PuranicShe's one of the consorts of Siva
Pitys.Amaiden who hated marriage and fled to escape Pan until she disappeared into the soil.
PiyusaharanaHindu / Puranic / EpicThough obscure, this is a physician god
PleiadesGreekA goddesses of the Pleiades
PlutoGreekA god of death & one of the Olympian gods
PlutoGreekAn epithet of the Greek god of the underworld, Hades
PlutonGreekAn epithet of the Greek god of the underworld, Hades
PlutusGreekHe is a minor god of riches
PoYanDari Cambodia A goddess of healing & diseases
PodaleiriosGreekA minor god of healing
PoenaGreekThe goddess of retaliation & retribution
PoeninusRoman / CelticEurope A mountain god
PolerammaTelegu [India]A plague goddess associated with smallpox
PolevikSlavicA spirit of the field
PolhymniaGreekThe Muse of song
PolluxRomanA horse god
PoloknalaiKafir [Afghanistan]A goddess of animals
PoludnitsaN. Russia A field goddess
PoludnitsaprzypoludnciaSlavicDespite the name, this is but a very small spirit concerned with the winds of summer
PolyboulusGreekA goddess of wisdom
PolydamnaEgyptA goddess of healing & herbs
PolyhymniaGreekThe Muse of song
PolymniaGreekA goddess of mimes
PolymniaGreekThe Muse of song
PolyxoANaiad. One of the many wives of Danaus, father of the 50 DANAIDS.
PomonaRomanA goddess of autumn, fruits, fruit trees, gardens & prosperity
PonYukaghir [Siberia]The Supreme creator god worshiped from prehistoric times until at least 1900 C. E.
PontosGreekA god of the sea
PorBrazilA moon god
PoreGuyana [Brazil]This god is also connected with the moon & he created the earth & all living things
PorenutiusRugenIs.[Slavic] This god was claimed to have four heads
PorpoiseGirlMicronesia A supernatural being
PortunusRomanThis god of passage was responsible for guarding the entrance of the city & the house
PoseidonGreekA god of earthquakes & the ocean
PoshjoAkkaSaami / Lapland A goddess of Winter
PosisDas Greek A sky god
PostvortaRomanA goddess of childbirth, midwives & the past
PothosGreekA god of anxiety
PothosPhoenicia [Hellenic]A primordial being
PotinaRomanA goddess of children's of beverages & drinking
PotrimpoBalticA god of fertility
PoxlomMayaA god of disease
PozaMamaSiberia A goddess of the hearth fire
PpizHiuTec Maya A god of war
PrabhaIndiaA goddess of health
PrabhakariBuddhist / MayhayanaA minor goddess
Prabhasa Hindu / Puranic / EpicAn attendant god that answered to Indra
Pracanda Hindu / Puranic / EpicA distinctive form of the goddess Durga
PradipataraBuddhist / MayhayanaA minor goddess of light
PradyummaDavidian / TamilA god of love
Prahana Hindu / Puranic / EpicA rather important mother goddess
PrahladaIndiaHe became king of the the the demons a rather roundabout way
PrajanaBuddhist / MayhayanaA goddess
Prajapati Hindu / Puranic / Epic / VedicThis god is a primordial being
Prajapatis Hindu / VedicThe children created from the mind of Brahma
PrajnaBuddhistThe female principle
PrajnantakaBuddhistA god that is a guardian of the southern direction
PrajnaparamitaBuddhistThis goddess is a personification of the religious text
PrakdeKafir [Afghanistan]A local deity
PramuditaBuddhist / VjrayanaA minor goddess
PranasaktiHinduThis goddess appears to be a rather terrifying deity that rules the centers of physical life
PrasannataraBuddhist / MayhayanaA rather minor goddess that tramples upon some
PratibhanakutaBuddhistA god
PratibhanaspratisamvitIndiaA goddess, one of context analysis
PratisamvitBuddhistA collective name for four goddesses
PratyangiraHinduA goddess of rather terrifying aspect
PratyusaHindu / Puranic / EpicAn attendant god of Indra
PraxadikeRomanA goddess of enterprise
PraxidiceGreekA goddess of justice
A Naiad, wife of Erichthonius. Erichthonius, whose body's lower part was snake-formed, became king of Athens after having expelled Amphictyon. Athena brought him up unknown to the other gods. .
Preas Eussaur Khmer [Kampuchia] This destructive god engenders a new life
Preas Eyn Khmer [Kampuchia] This is the god that built Ankor Wat
Preas Eyssaur Khmer [Cambodia] A destructive god
Preas Prohm Khmer [Cambodia] A mythical primeval god of the Khmer
PrendeAlbaniaA goddess of love
PrenneIllyrianA goddess of love
Preta Hindu / BuddhistThe spirits of the dead
PriaposPhygia / GreekA fertility god that also guarded mariners
PriapusRomanA god of the shade
PrisniHinduA goddess of the earth & darkness The wife of Rudra & mother of the Maruts
PrithiviHinduA goddess of the earth
PrithiviIndiaA god of the earth
Priti Hindu / Puranic / EpicA goddess
PrometheusGreekA god, some say a role model for the Christian Jesus the Christ
PromitorRomanA minor god of agriculture responsible for the growth & harvesting of all crops
PronoeMotherof the Trojan Lassus, who was killed by Podalirius during the Trojan War.
PronoiaGnostic Christian A primordial being, the feminine side of the androgynous parent
ProserpinaRomanA goddess of seed germination & spring
ProteusGreekA sea god
ProvidentiaRomanThe goddess of forethought
ProxumaeRomanThe generic title of a group of goddesses that were personal guardian deities
Prsni Hindu / VedicThe primordial Earth Goddess
Prthivi Hindu / Vedic / IndiaThe mother goddess of earth
Prthu Hindu / VedicThe creator god that was the head of the solar pantheon, an avatar of Visnu
PsecasGreekA Nymph in the train of Artemis.
PsezpolnicaSiberiaThis goddess really messes with people during the harvest & is called the Lady Midday
PtahEgyptA creator god Also a god of artisans, designers, builders,metal workers, architects & masons, whose skills he was said to h
Ptah-Seker-OsirisEgyptA composite funerary god
PuHsingChina A god of happiness
PuMaChina The title given to any god of high rank
Pu'guYukaghir [E.Siberia] The sun god, he is associated with justice & honorable living & will punish those who are evil
Pu-SaBuddhistChina The name of the Bodhisattva Maitreya
PuangMatowaToradja [Celebes Is.] The sky god
PuchanHinduA god of meeting
PuckN.Europe A malevolent spirit or goblin known in northern Europe Puck was his British name
PudicitiaRomanA goddess of modesty & chastity
PuguYukigar [E.Siberia] This sun god punishes all deeds of violence
PuhsienChinaA version of the Vedic sun god Pushan
PukkasiBuddhist / Vajrayana / TibetA goddess that is of terrifying appearance, why I do not know
PukkeenegakInuitA goddess of clothes-making & childbirth
PulekukwerekYurok[Cal. US] The protector of mankind
PulugAndamanIs The thunder god
PunaPolynesiaA god

Punarvasu Hindu / Puranic / EpicA minor & benevolent goddess of fortune
PuntanMicronesiaA god who existed before earth & sky the world was created from parts of his dead body
PuraGuyana [Brazil]This god is also connected with the moon & he created the earth & all living things
Purandhi Hindu / EpicA minor goddess of prosperity & childbirth
PurusaHinduA primeval creator god
PurushaHinduA primeval creator god
Purvabhahadrapada Hindu / Puranic / EpicA benevolent minor goddess of fortune
Purvaphalguni Hindu / Puranic / EpicA minor goddess of fortune
Purvashadha Hindu / Puranic / EpicA minor goddess of fortune
PusaitLithuaniaThis wood spirit is often accompanied by gnomes
Pusan Hindu / Puranic / VedicA god of possessions, physical prowess, strength
PusanIndiaThis radiant & toothless god is one that confers prosperity by means of light
PushanHinduA sun god added to the list of Adityas when they were expanded from six to twelve
PushanIndiaThis god of growth can restore any thing that is lost
PusiTikopia [Polynesia]This god is the apotheosis of the reef eel
PuskaitisLithuaniaA god of fruit
PuspaBuddhist / TibetA mother goddess
PuspataraBuddhist / MayhayanaA minor goddess
Pusti Hindu / Puranic / EpicA fertility goddess of northern India
Pusya Hindu / Puranic / EpicAnother minor goddess of fortune
PutaRomanA goddess responsible for the proper pruning of trees & shrubs
PuushaIndiaThis deity was born from a golden egg & is the entire universe, past as well as future
PwyllWalesSometimes the ruler of the underworld
PwyllPenAnnwn Wales Sometimes the ruler of the underworld
Qa'wadliliqualaDza'wadeenox [BC Canada] Not only the supreme god & the guardian of the tribe, but a river deity that insures the salmon run
QadashSyriaA goddess of nature, whose cult was orgiastic
QadashuSyriaA goddess of nature, whose cult was orgiastic
QadeshaSyriaA goddess of nature, whose cult was orgiastic
QadshuSyriaThe goddess of fertility
QaholomMayaThis god of the sky is also one of the seven that helped create the the world & humans
QaitakalninKoryak [Siberia]A guardian spirit
Qamai'tsBellaCoola [BC Canada] The creator goddess that lives in the upper heavens & controls the earth, she is never prayed to
QamaitsBellaCoola The great goddess
QandisaN. Morocco A lady demon who presides in springs & rivers
QasynanS. Arabia The god of the of smithies
QatBuryanThese are lesser deities
QatMelanesiaHe is the god of seasons, rain, tides, & darkness, & he created pigs & humans
QaynanS. Arabia A god
QebehsenufEgyptThe canopic guardian of the viscera after mummification
QebhsnufEgyptThe canopic guardian of the viscera after mummification
QebuiEgyptA four headed, winged, ram headed god of the north wind
QenqentetEgyptA goddess of memory
Qeskina'quKoryak [Siberia]The sky spirit the apotheosis of daylight
QeteshEgyptThe goddess of love & beauty
QeteshSyriaA goddess of nature, whose cult was orgiastic
QiqirnInuitA spirit in shape of a huge dog
QodeshSyriaA goddess of nature, whose cult was orgiastic
QormustaMongolThe high god
QosN. Arabia A local weather / rainbow god
QuabsoTanzaniaA goddess of health, fertility & rain
QuadesW. Semitic A fertility goddess
QuadoshSyriaA goddess of nature, whose cult was orgiastic
QuamtaXhosa[Bantu] The supreme deity
QuanYinBuddhist A goddess of knowledge
QuanYinChina A goddess of fertility
QuatBanksIs.[Melanesia] A creator god that knows how to enjoy life
QudeshetSyriaA goddess of nature, whose cult was orgiastic
QudsuW.Sumeria Uhe personification of holiness
QueenMaeve Irish She was once a powerful goddess
QueenofElphame Scotland A goddess of death & disease
QuetzalcoatlAztec / ToltecA manifestation of the sun god, he is a savior of his people as well & there is not enough room here to tell his story
QuillaInca [SA]She was the top moon goddess
QuinkiniA'quKoryak [Siberia] The founder of the world
Quinoa-MamaPeruA minor goddess
QuirinusRomanA god of war & the tutelary god of the Sabines
QuiritisSabineA protective deity of motherhood
QuootisHooiChinook [PNW] The creator goddess
QuzahArabiaA god of storms & thunder
QuzahArabic [Mecca]A mountain & weather god
RaEgyptA god of rebirth & war & the sun
RaEgyptThe sun god
RaEgyptThis sun god was also the king of all gods & mortals
RaNigeriaA goddess of lightning, Thunder
RaSociety Is. The father of the stars
RachmayCanaanA goddess of health & nurses
Radha Hindu / Puranic / Epic / IndiaA goddess of emotional love
RadogastSlavicHe is the god of the sun
RafuSen Japan A goddess of spring
RagnoPomo[Cal. US] The mother goddess
RahuHinduThe primordial cosmic deity
RaidenJapanA god of thunder shown as a red demon carrying a drum
RaijinJapan / ShintoThe weather gods, inclusive
RainhaBarbaBelem / Brazil A goddess of thunder & lightning
RajSlavicHe is a god of the earth
RajaIndaindaBatak The thunder god who is the spy & messenger of the other gods
RajamatangiHinduShe is a goddess
RakaHervey Is. [Polynesia] A god the winds
Raka Hindu / VedicA minor goddess of prosperity
Rakas Hindu / VedicNocturnal demons that harm people
Raksasas Hindu / VedicNocturnal demons that harm people
Rakshasas Hindu / VedicNocturnal demons that harm people
RaktavijaHinduThe general of the demon army
RaluvimbhaBaventa [S. Africa] The supreme god
RamaHinduA hero god, an avatar of Vishnu
Rama-ChandraIndiaHe is the god of moral virtue
Ramachandra Hindu / vedicThe seventh avatar of Vishnu
RammonSyriaA weather god
RanNorseA goddess of the sea
RanScandinaviaA goddess of the sea
Ran-dengChinaA beggar-woman & future Buddha
RanaNeida Saami / Lapland A goddess spring
RandengChinaA goddess of teaching
RangdaBalineseA goddess of fertility & of sexuality, Lust
RangiPolynesiaA sky god
RannoEgyptA god of gardens
RanuBai India A goddess of rivers
RaphaelHebrew / ChristianA rather senior archangel
RapithwinPersiaThe god of the noon day heat
RashnuIranThe personification of righteousness & the god of Ordal
RasnuIranThe personification of righteousness & the god of Ordal
RasoalaoMadagascarShe is the goddess of wild animals & the hunt, as well as a member of the Vazimba pantheon
Rat-tauiEgyptA goddess
RataPolynesiaA hero god
Rati Hindu / BalineseA goddess of fertility, love, passion & of sex
Rati mbati ndua Fiji The god of the underworld who devours the dead
Ratis CelticA goddess of protective fortifications
RatnapaniBuddhistA minor Dhyani-Bohdisattiva
RatnasambhavaBuddhistA Dhyani-Buddha
Ratri Hindu / VedicA goddess of the night
Ratu Mai Mbula Fiji A god of fertility
RaudnaLaplandA goddess
RauniFinlandA goddess
RavanaHinduThe demon King of Lanka who abducted Sita
RavenPNWThe creator / trickster
Ravi Hindu / VedicOne of the twelve Adityas
RavolaMadagascarThis goddess is the protector of tame animals & is the over seer of cattle
RazanaMadagascarThese are ancestors that have suffered apotheosis
RazanajanaharyMadagascarThis sky god helped create mortals
ReEgyptThis sun god was also the king of all gods & mortals
Re'are'aTahitiA goddess of happiness, joy
ReahuKhmer [Cambodia] This is the dark demon that pursues the sun & moon
RediyasSemiticHe is the god of water
RemantaBuddhistThe king of the horse gods
RenenetEgyptA goddess of fortune, grain, milk, harvest, nursing babies
RenenutetEgyptA goddess of fortune, grain, milk, harvest, nursing babies
RenpetEgyptA goddess of youth & springtime
RephaimSyriaThese chthonic beings were tied in with fertility
RepitEgyptA fierce lioness goddess
ReretEgyptA goddess, she appears to be a goddess of maternal fertility
ResefCanaan / PhoeniciaA god of lightning & plague whose name means fire
Resep [A]MukalCanaan / PhoeniciaA war & plague god that originated in Syria
ResephMikal Phoenicia A god of lightning & thunder
Reshef Egypt / CanaanAnother god of war
ReshephEgyptA vegetation god regarded as a warrior worshipped in the Nile Delta region
MekalPhoeniciaThe god of plague & of the underworld
ReshpuEgyptA vegetation god regarded as a warrior, worshipped in the Nile Delta
RevantaHinduA god of hunters
Revati Hindu / Puranic / EpicA minor goddess of fortune
RhadamanthysCreteAn underworld god
RhadamanthosCreteAn underworld god
RhadamantusCreteThe god of justice
A Nymph in the train of Artemis.
RheaGreekA primordial goddess of childbirth, earth, fertility, mountains
RhedaGermanicA goddess of spring
RheiaGreekA primordial goddess of childbirth, earth, fertility, mountains
RheneCylleneA nymph
RhiannonWelshA death & chthonic goddess of birds & horses
RibhusHinduCraft gods, equestrian & solar deities
RibhusIndiaA a trinity of gods of inferior rank
Riddi Hindu / Puranic / EpicA goddess
RiddihivasitaBuddhistA minor goddess
RigantonaWelshA death & chthonic goddess of birds & horses
RigenmuchaBaining [Papua] The supreme being
RigenmuchaNew Guinea A god
RigisamosGaulA war & tribal god
RigisamusRomanA god of war
RimmonBabylonAnother sun god
RimmonSyriaA weather god
RindNorseA goddess
RindScandinaviaA goddess of winter
RindaNorseA goddess
RindaScandinaviaA goddess of winter
RindirScandinaviaA goddess of winter
RindrNorseA goddess
RisahbaJain [India]He is the first herald of salvation
RitonaRomanThe goddess of river fords
rMuTibet Bon A heavenly spirit
RobigoRomanA grain goddess
RobigusRomanA grain god [mildew or wheat rust]
RoburGaulThe god of oak trees
Rock-SeneSerer [Gambia] A god
RodSlavicThe demons of judgment, fortune, destiny
RodasiVedicA goddess of lightning
RodienistaSlavicThe demons of judgment, fortune, destiny
Rohini Hindu / Puranic / EpicA minor goddess of fortune
RohiniJainA goddess of learning
RomaRomanThe goddess personifying Rome
RomulusRomanLegendary founder of Rome apotheosized as the god Quirinus
Rongerik & Rongelap Marshall Is.
Divine brothers & eponymous gods
RongoPolynesiaA god of cultivated foods
RongommatanePolynesiaThe god of agriculture, especially the sweet potato
RosmertaCeltic / GaulA goddess of healing, water, & sacred springs
RouaSociety Is. The father of the stars
RozanicaSlavicA goddess of winter
RozanitsaSlavicThe demons of judgment, fortune, destiny
Rsbha Hindu / Puranic / EpicThis god is an unusual avatar of is the god Vishnu
RuPolynesiaa minor god
RuaTahitiA god of craftsmen
RubangaAlur [Uganda]The creator god
RudaN. Arabia A tutelary god, an androgynous being
RudiobusGaulThought to be a horse god
Rudra Hindu / VedicA god of death, disease, healing, jungle, lightning, storms, thunder & the wind
RudracandraHinduA distinct form of the goddess Durga
RuduN. Arabia A tutelary god, an androgynous being
RugabaUgandaA god of the sky
RugievitRugenIs.[Slavic] A local war god
RugiuBobaLithuania A goddess of autumn
RuhangaBunyoro [Uganda]This creator god was the initiator of the world, regarded as distant & never invoked
RukkoMandan [M. USA] The creator
Rukmini Hindu / Puranic / EpicA goddess who is avatar of Laksmi among other things
RuminaRomanThe goddess of all nursing mothers & suckling infants
RuncinaRomanA goddess of agriculture who presides over weeding
RundasHittite / HurrianA god of fortune that is associated with hunting
RuoiniBuddhist / MayhayanaA minor goddess
RusalkaSlavicThe water & woodland goddesses
RusalkiRussiaThey were water nymphs & not nice
RusalkiSlavicThe water & woodland goddesses
RusinaRomanA goddess of fields & open country
RussalkaRussiaThese ladies protect national heroes, a bit odd that
RutiEgyptA pair of lions worshipped in Letopolis
RutuLaplandThe christian devil
RuwaDjaga[Kilimanjoro] The high god
RwewtiEgyptA lion god who guards the temple of heaven
RyangombeBaziba [Rwanda / E.Africa] The tutelary god & ancestral deity who protects cattle
Ryo-WoJapanThe dragon-king, god of the sea
RyuginJapanA dragon god of the sea
RyuhwaKoreaA goddess of water
RyujinJapanA dragon god of the sea
SaKono [E.Guinea] A creator god, one of a pair of creator deities
Sa-ZenTibet / BonA sky god & the head of the ancient pantheon
SabaothGnostic Christian A creator god
SabaziosPhrygiaThrace A god of agriculture
SabaziusPhrygiaThrace A god of agriculture
SaberRomanThe god of the oaths
SabosPhrygiaThrace A god of agriculture
SabrinaBitainA river goddess
SachmetEgyptA goddess of war
SachmetEgyptA lioness goddess of Memphis
SaciIndiaA goddess of physical prowess, strength
Sadaksari [Lokesvara]Buddhist / Lamaist / TibetA variety of Avalokitesvara that is incarnate in each succession of the Dali Lamas
SadarnunaSumeriaThe goddess of the new moon
Sadbhuja-SitataraBuddhistA god
SaddaiHebrewAn epithet of Yahwe
SadhumatiBuddhist [Vajrayana]A minor goddess
SadhyasHinduThe minor gods who guard the rites & prayers of greater gods
SadrapaSyriaA god of healing
SadwesPersiaA goddess of rain, storms, thunder, lightning, hail, snow
Sae-No-KamiJapanA collective name for guardian gods of the roads
SafaOssetians [Caucasus]The god of all weapons
Safekhaabut Egypt A goddess of knowledge
SagaNorseA goddess of history
SagaScandinaviaA goddess of knowledge & waterfalls
SagaramatiBuddhistA god
SagbataFon [Benin]A god of smallpox & the earth
SaharSemiticA moon god
SahirimHebrewThese were demons that resembled goats
SahsnotE. Saxon A tutelary god, at one time required to be denounced at Christian baptism
SahteTuileyone [Cal. US] An evil spirit
Sai'AlQuan Nabataean / W. Semitic A local guardian god the protector of caravans
SaitadaCelticA goddess of mourning
SaitanArabicAn epitaph of Satan
SajaraSonghai [Africa]The rainbow god
SajigorKalas [Hindu-Kush]A god
SakarabruAgni[Guinea] The god of medicine, justice & retribution
SakhadaiNoinSiberia A god of fire
SakhmetEgyptA lioness goddess of Memphis
Sakka [n]Mesopotamia / Babylon / AkkadiaA patron god of herdsmen & cattle
SakpataBeninThe god of smallpox, ruler of the earth
SakraBuddhistA god
SakraJain [India]A divine Prince in the pantheon
SaktiBuddhist / JainA personification of a god
Sakti Hindu / Puranic / Epic / IndiaA goddess of the mountains that dances the cosmic dance
SakyamuniBuddhist / TibetA god, the historical Buddha
SakyamuniJapanA name for Buddha
Sala Babylon / AkkadiaA war goddess
Sala(s)MesopotamiaA goddess
SalaciaRomanThe goddess of the ocean deeps
SalagramaHinduA form of the god Visnu
SalemUgaritThe god personifying Venus
SalevaoPolynesiaThe primordial god of rocks
SalimSyriaThe god of the evening / evening star
SalimUgaritThe god personifying Venus
SalmofMahram N. Arabia A local tutelary god maybe one of peace
SalmanN. Arabia A local tutelary god maybe one of peace
SalmacisGreekA goddess of fountains & spring
Salmacis.The Naiad who fell in love with Hermaphroditus. Their bodies were united in one.
SalmanN. Arabia A god
SalmaoneGreekA mother goddess
SalmonisANymph ancestor of Jason, captain of the ARGONAUTS.
SalmoxisGetae / Dacian[Thrace] The supreme god
SalusRoman / SabineA goddess of health, prosperity & public welfare
SamaDavidian / TamilAn obscure heroic god
SamaelGnostic Christian The creator god aka the blind god
SamaelJewish / ChristianAn angel in apocalyptic writings supposedly involved with Lilith
SamantabhadraBuddhistOne of the great Bodhisattvas
SamantaorabhaBuddhist / VjrayanaA minor goddess
SamasMesopotamia / Babylon / AkkadiaThe sun god & patron deity of Sippa & Larsa
SambaHinduA heroic god
SambaraHindu / VedicOne of the Asuras
Sami'yailaBellaCoola [BC Canada] The sun god that is the ruler of the lower heavens
SamielJewish / ChristianAn angel in apocalyptic writings supposedly involved with Lilith
SamkarsanaDravidian / CamilleA local lost form of Balarama
SamkhatBabylonA goddess of happiness & joy
SammaelJewish / ChristianAn angel in apocalyptic writings supposedly involved with Lilith
SampsaFinlandThe goddess of vegetation
SampsaPellervoinenFinland He is the god of planting & the sowing of seed
SamsS. Arabia A sun goddess in the south & god in the north
SamundraIndiaA goddess of rivers
SamvaraBuddhist / MayhayanaA god
SamvaraTantricA god of initiation
SanCh'ing China / Tao The three great gods
SanChouNiang Niang China A mother goddess first deified during the Sung dynasty
San-DuiBuddhist / TibetA tutelary god
SanctusRomanThe god of the oaths
SandaLuvianA god
SandhyaHindu / Puranic / EpicA goddess
SangariosPhrygiaA river god
SangariusGreekA river god
SangariusPhrygiaA river god
SangoYoruba [Africa] The god of thunder
SaniHindu / BuddhistAn astral god
SaniIndiaHe is a divine & regent of the planet Saturn
SaningSariJava The rice mother goddess
SanjnaHinduA goddess of warriors
SanjuKafir [Afghanistan]A harvest goddess
Sankari Hindu / Puranic / EpicA mother goddess
Sankha [pala] Hindu / Puranic / EpicA snake god
SanmukhaHindu / Puranic / EpicA god, a form of Skanda
SantaHindu / Puranic / EpicA mother goddess
SantanaHinduA minor goddess
SantoshiMata Hindu A mother goddess of recent origin, about 1960
SanuKafir [Afghanistan]A god
Sao ch'ing Niang Niang China
A goddess of brooms & fair weather
SaoGreekA goddess of sailing
SaoneCelticA river deity
SapasCanaana sun god
SapasW. Semitic A sun god
SapientiaRomanA goddess of wisdom
SapsUgaritA goddess of the sun
Saptanatra Hindu / Puranic / EpicThe generic title of the seven deities of evil influence
Sar&Salim Syria The deities of morning & evening
SarAkkaSweden A goddess of midwives
SarSyriaThe god of the dawn
Sara Babylon / AkkadiaA Minor war god
SaraMesopotamiaA god of town of Umma
SaraddeviBuddhist / TibetA fertility & vegetation goddess associated with autumn
Sarama Hindu / Puranic / Epic / VedicAn attendant goddess of the god Indra
Saranya Hindu / VedicA primordial goddess
SaranyuHinduA goddess of clouds
SarapisEgypt[Ptolemaic] A syncretic god
Sarasvati Hindu / VedicA goddess of astronomy, science, education, wisdom, eloquence & rivers as well as the creator of immortality
SarasvatiIndiaOriginally a river goddess then of speech,eloquence & wisdom
SaravakarmavaranavisodhaniBuddhistA god of literature another deification of text
SarkanyHungaryA weather demon that can even turn people into stone
SarpanituAkkadiaShe was the goddess of pregnancy
SarraItuMesopotamia / Sumeria / Babylon / Akkadia A fertility goddess who was a tutelary goddess of the city of Su-Sin
SarrahituMesopotamia / Sumeria / Babylon / AkkadiaA fertility goddess who was a tutelary goddess of the city of Su-Sin
SarritorRomanA minor god of agriculture who was invoked during the growing & harvesting of crops
SarrumaHittite / HurrianA god
Sarvabuddharma-KosavatiBuddhistA god of literature, the deification of texts
SarvakarmsvaranavisodhaniBuddhistAnother god of literature
SarvanaranaviskambhinBuddhistA god, a spiritual meditation buddha
SarvasokatamonirghatmatiageBuddhistA god, another spiritual meditation buddha
SarvastramahajvalaJainA messenger goddess
SasaHinduThe thousand headed snake god
SasabonsumAshanti[Africa] A forest demon
SasuratumCanaanThese are midwife goddesses, they are seven in number
Satabhisa Hindu / Puranic / EpicA minor goddess of fortune that is not very nice at all
SatanChristianBit of an evil god, or at least an entity with god like powers
SatanJudeo-ChristianA devil
SataranMesopotamiaA divine judge & doctor
Sataruri Hindu / PuranicA minor goddess that was the victim of incest
SatetEgyptA goddess of waterfalls
SatetEgyptThe goddess of first cataract of Nile
SatiEgyptA goddess of waterfalls
Sati Hindu / Puranic / Epic / IndiaA goddess of the mountains that dances the cosmic dance
Sati Hindu / Puranic / Epic / IndiaA mother goddess
SatisEgyptA minor goddess of fertility
SatjitEgyptA goddess, a guardian of the southern frontier
Satrughna Hindu / Puranic / EpicA minor god
SaturnRomanA god of agriculture, seeds, astronomy, Saturn, education
SaturnusAfricanus N. Africa [Roman] A god of Roman North Africa
SaturnusRomanA god of agriculture, seeds, astronomy, Saturn, education
Satyabhama Hindu / Davidian / TamilA goddess
Satyarupa Hindu / VedicA goddess of astronomy, science, education, wisdom, eloquence & rivers as well as the creator of immortality
SatyrGreekA generic term for woodland gods & divine beings
SauleLatvia [Baltic]The sun goddess
SauleLithuaniaA god of war
SaurvaIndiaOne of the seven main Daevas
SausgaHurrianA goddess, love & fertility & war
SauskaHurrianA goddess, love & fertility & war
SauskaMesopotamiaA goddess of healing
SavakiTungus [Siberia]This entity is guilty of being the creator of the world
SavariBuddhist / TibetA goddess of terrifying appearance, or so it is said
Savati Hindu / Puranic / EpicA minor benevolent goddess of fortune
SaveaSi'uleo Polynesia He is the god of the dead
Savitar Hindu / VedicA god of war & the sun that oversees the whole span of heaven
Savitri Hindu / VedicA goddess of astronomy, science, education, wisdom, eloquence & rivers as well as the creator of immortality
SavpayanjihaBuddhistA god, a spiritual meditation buddha
SawuskaHurrianA goddess, love & fertility & war
SaxnotE.Saxon A tutelary god, at one time required to be denounced at Christian baptism
SayEgyptA minor god of destiny
ScabiesRomanA god associated with itching disease
ScamanderGreekA river god
Scanda Hindu / Puranic / EpicA god of war & a form of Skanda
ScathachIrishThe goddess that taught warriors the art of war
ScathachScotlandA goddess of the underworld
SceafNorseThe child god who founded a kingdom in Denmark
SchetewuarhaBrazilA goddess rain
ScotiaGreekA sea goddess
SeFon [Africa]A supreme god
Se'irim / SahirimHebrewOld Testament goat demons
SeaxneatE.Saxon A tutelary god, at one time required to be denounced at Christian baptism
SebEgyptAn earth god
SebethisMotherof Oebalus, an ally of Turnus against Aeneas in Italy. Her husband was Telon, King of Teleboan Capreae Isle of Capri.
SebettuAkkadiaThis group of demons has some benign & others malignant
SebittiMesopotamia / Babylon / AkkadiaThe collective name for the minor war gods
Sechat-HorEgyptA cow goddess
SeciaRomanA goddess of stored seeds
SecuritaRomanThe guardian goddess invoked to ensure continuing stability of the Roman Empire
SedEgyptThe guardian god that was popular as a personal deity & a savior god
SedimHebrewOld Testament demons
SedinEgyptThe guardian god that was popular as a personal deity & a savior god
SednaInuitThe goddess of the sea & its creatures
SeduBabylonA kind & helpful demon
Sefkhet-AbwyEgyptA local goddess, concerned with libraries & writing
SegetaGaulA goddess of healing of springs
SegetiaRomanA goddess of planted seeds [part of a trinity]
SegomoCelticA war god
SehuCherokeeThe grain goddess
The goddess responsible for nurturing the seed in the ground after planting
SeidesLaplandStones worshipped as gods
SekerEgyptA funerary god for the Memphis necropolis
SekhetEgyptA goddess of justice, beer, war
Sekhet-HorEgyptThe cow goddess of lower Egypt
SekhmetEgyptA lioness goddess of Memphis
SelardiArmeniaA moon god
SelardiUrartA moon goddess
SelchisEgyptA scorpion goddess of breathing
SeleneGreekThe goddess of the moon & stars
SelketEgyptThe scorpion goddess & helper of women in childbirth
Selket-hetuEgyptThe scorpion goddess & helper of women in childbirth
SelkisEgyptA goddess of scorpions as well as a guardian of coffins
SelquetEgyptA scorpion goddess of breathing
SelvansEtruscaA god
SemarglSlavicA god of barley & family
SemeleGreekA minor goddess
SemipaterRomanThe god of the oaths
SemiramisAssyriaThe goddess of love & war
SemniTheai Greek They started as typical earth goddesses of fertility
SemnocosusIberiaA war god
SemoSancus Roman A very old god
SenectaGreekThe goddess of old age
Sengen-SamaJapanThe goddess of the holy mountain Fujiyama
SenninJapanThe immortals
SentaitEgyptA cow goddess
SentantaMayaA goddess
SentiaRomanA goddess who heightens feelings
SentinusRomanThe god who gave sensation to the fetus
SenxBellaCoola [BC Canada] The sun god that is the ruler of the lower heavens
SeocosusRoman / IberiaA god of war that was popular with various troops of the
SepEgyptThis chthonic god was invoked against dangerous animals
SepaEgyptThis chthonic god was invoked against dangerous animals
SepsetEgyptA local funerary goddess from Memphis
SeptuEgyptA war god
SequanaBritainA goddess who lived beneath the rivers
SequanaGaulA river goddess of the Seine
SequenaBritainA goddess who lived beneath the rivers
Serafim Christian / JewishAncient deities / divinities with three pairs of wings
Seraph Christian / JewishAncient deities / divinities with three pairs of wings
Seraphim Christian / JewishAncient deities / divinities with three pairs of wings
SerapisEgypt[Ptolemaic] The national god
Serapis Egypt [Hellenized]A god of grain
SeridaMesopotamia / SumeriaA mother goddess
SerketEgyptA scorpion goddess of breathing
Serket [-hetyt]EgyptA minor mortuary goddess
SerqetEgyptA goddess of the morning star
Sesa [naga] Hindu / Epic / Vedic / PuranicA snake god / Naga
SesatEgyptA goddess of books & knowledge
SeseNgbandi [Zaire]A chthonic goddess that is invoked at sunrise every day
SesemuEgyptA god of oil & wine pressing
SeshaHinduThe thousand headed snake god
SeshatEgyptA goddess of writing
SeshetaEgyptA goddess of writing
SesmuEgyptA god of oil & wine pressing
SessrumnirGermanA goddess of fertility
SetEgyptA god of black magic, destruction, evil, storms, thunder, drought & chaos
SetaPokot / Suk [Kenya]A goddess of the Pleiades & a fertility goddess
SetechEgyptA god of chaos
SetekhEgyptA god of chaos
SeteshEgyptA god of chaos
SethEgyptA god of chaos
SethlansEtruscaA god of fire & blacksmiths
SetiEgyptA god of chaos
SetigiaThegoddess of planted seeds She controls sprouting & is part of a threesome
SevenMacaw Maya A god of the Big Dipper
SeyonDravidian / TamilA creator god
SezmuEgyptA minor god of the wine & oil presses
Sga'naHaida [PNW]The sea god
ShaSumeriaA double-faced god, vizier of Enki
Shadanna-Subrahmanya Hindu / PuranicThis is a form of the god Kattikeya
ShadraphaPhoeniciaHe is the god of healing
ShagponaYoruba [Africa]A god of smallpox
ShaharCanaanA god of warriors & the dawn
ShaharSemiticA moon god
ShaharUgarit [Syria]This gracious god was the son of El
ShaiEgyptA god of fate
Shai'-ha-QawmNabataeanA protective deity
ShaitEgyptA goddess of destiny
ShakplanaYoruba [Nigeria]A plague god identified with smallpox
ShakraBuddhistThe king of the gods
ShakuruPawnee [C.plains USA] A spirit of war & the sun
ShalaCanaanA goddess of storms
ShalimCanaanThe god of dusk & of warriors
ShamashAkkadiaThe sun god, god of fertility, judgment & law-giving
ShamishBabylonHe was the sun god & the god of justice
ShamsArabiaA sun goddess in the south & god in the north
ShangChienChina A god of the neck
ShangDiChina The supreme god & ancestral god of ancient China
ShangKuo-Lao China / Tao One of the eight immortal beings
ShangTiChina The supreme god & ancestral god of ancient China
ShangTi China / Tao An astral god of war
YuHwang-Shang China / Tao He is a creator god
ShangoYoruba [Nigeria]A god of war, storms, thunder & fertility
ShaniHinduAn astral god that brought misfortune
ShannonIrishThe goddess of the river Shannon
ShapashUgarit [Syria]A goddess of war
ShapashW. Semitic A sun god
ShaphUgarit [Syria]She is the goddess of the sun
ShapshuCanaanA goddess of war & the sun
SharrumaHurrianA god
ShashayaTanzaniaA goddess of the morning star
ShashtiHinduA goddess of children & childbirth
ShaushkaHittite / Akkadia / HurrianA powerful goddess
SheChiChina An earth god of agriculture, grain, land & soil
Sheela [Sheila]NaGig Irish She was most likely a protective or blessing deity
ShegerCanaanThe god of cattle
ShenChina[Chou era] A spirit divine
ShenHsuiChih China A god of medicine
ShenNungChina A god of agriculture
ShenShuChina Ancient door-guardian gods
ShenTuChina Ancient door-guardian gods
ShenYiChina This sun god is known as the divine archer for good reason
Shen-T'uChinaAncient door-guardian gods
ShengJen China / Tao The highest class of deified mortals
ShengMuChina A goddess of witchcraft
ShitennoJapan / Shinto These four gods guard the heavenly quarters
ShichiFujukinJapan / Shinto These are the seven principal gods of luck, there is a one female involved however
Shichi-FukujinJapanThe seven gods of luck
Shici-Fuku-JinJapan / ShintoThese are the seven principal gods of luck, there is a one female involved however
Shih-TienYen-WangChina The ten Chinese rulers of the otherworld
Shiko-MeJapanFemale devils
ShilupChitoOsh Choctaw [SE USA] The Great Spirit
ShimegiHurrianA sun god
ShinaTsuHime Japan A god of the wind
Shina-Tsu-HikoJapanA god of the wind
ShingLi-Kuan China / Tao One of the eight immortal beings
ShishupalaHinduEvil cousin of Krishna
ShitalaHinduA goddess of disease [smallpox]
ShiuFangChina A god of embankments
ShivaHinduThe god of the cosmic dance
ShiwannaPueblo[SW US] The rain spirits
ShiwiniUrartuA sun goddess
ShokiJapanThe chief enemy of the Oni
ShomdeKafir [Afghanistan Hindu Kush] A local creator
ShoneyBritain / Scotland / Irish / ManxA North sea deity
ShosshuAbkhaz [Caucasus]He is the god of metal workers & blacksmiths
ShotenJapanA god of commerce & wisdom
ShouHsingChina A god of longevity
ShouLaoChina A god of longevity that started out as an astral deity
ShouXingLao Tou-zi China A god of longevity that started out as an astral deity
Shou-Ts'angChinaA servant god of Kuan-Ti
Shri Hindu / VedicA goddess of love & beauty
ShuEgyptA primeval god of the atmosphere, light, war, wind
ShuiFangChina A god of agriculture
ShuiYngChina A god of agriculture
Shui-KuanChina / TaoThe deity who defends men from evil
ShunIFu gen China A goddess of drought & of famine
ShurdiAlbaniaA storm god that has been revered in recent times
ShurdiIllyriaA god of thunderstorms
ShutuBabylonA goddess of the winds
ShuwiKafir [Afghanistan]A goddess of childbirth
SiPeruA moon goddess To who children were sacrificed
SiSlavicA goddess of justice
Si'aPhoeniciaA minor attendant goddess
Si'dukuKamchadal [SESiberia] The mother spirit
Si'mskalinKamchadal [SESiberia] They are guardian spirit
SiaEgyptHe is the god of perception
SiannonIrishThe goddess of the river Shannon
SiaparamitaBuddhistA philosophical deity
SicilianMotherof Daphnis, son of Hermes. Daphnis was endowed with an unusual gift of song, and invented the bucolic or pastoral poem. His lover (Echenais, see above) bade him never have to do with mortal women if he disobeyed, his fate would be to lose his eyes. This happened when a Sicilian princess made him drunk and consorted with him. Something similar happened to Daphnis, a shepherd-boy of Ida, who was turned into a stone by a Nymph, out of jealousy.

SidaTorres Is. A culture hero & fertility god
Siddhi Hindu / Puranic / EpicA minor goddess of fortune that grants favors
SiddhiIrishThese hill people are believed to be spirits of the dead
SidheIrishThese are the old gods that live in the hills
SidoTorres Is. A culture hero & fertility god
SiduriSumeriaA minor goddess of happiness, merriment, wine making, brewing & of wisdom
SienTsangChina A goddess of silk cultivation
Sien-TsanChinaA goddess of silk culture
SifNorseA goddess of agriculture, fertility & autumn
SigooArawak [Caribbean]He is the god of mercy
SigynNorseA goddess
SihoISalo Solomon Is. A demon
Sikhandin Hindu / Puranic / EpicA minor deity, one of a group of emancipated gods
SikhinBuddhist / TibetA physician god
Sila / SilmaInuitA god of storms, energy, air, movement & curing as well as the the supreme god & the divine ruler of the universe rarely invoked or prayed at
SileniGreekThe woodland gods or spirits
SilenosGreekA minor woodland god
SilenusGreekA minor woodland god
SileweNazarataNias Is. [Indonesia] A goddess of understanding & wisdom
SiltimZoroastrianismA malevolent demon of the forests
SilvanusRomanAn ancient god of woodlands & of the countryside in general
SimigiHurrian [Anatolia]A sun god
SinBabylonThe moon god
SinHadramut [S. Arabia] The chief god
SinIrishThe patron goddess of warriors
SinaPolynesiaA moon goddess
SinannCelticA goddess of rivers
SindgundGermanA goddess of healing charms
Sindhu Hindu / VedicA river goddess
SingalaN. Arabia A local god
SingbongaBirhors [C. India] This god created the earth, the winged horse & as a afterthought humans
SinhanadaBuddhist / TibetA physician god
Sinivali Hindu / VedicA minor goddess of prosperity
SinnilktokInuitA goddess of healing
Nurse of Pan.
Sins Sga'nagwaiHaida [BC Canada]
A supreme god that gives power to all things
Sio Humis Ahopui
The rain god
SiofnNorse / IcelandA goddess listed by Snorri
SionnanIrishA goddess of the River Shannon
Sipe GialmoBon / Tibet
A mother goddess, the queen of the world
Sipe GyalmoTibet
A Bon goddess
SipyleneAnatolia / SymnraThe mother goddess worshiped in the Metroon sanctuary
SirahBabylonA goddess of banquets & rain clouds
SiraraMesopotamia / Sumeria / Babylon / AkkadiaThe goddess of the Persian Gulf
SirensGreekThese sea nymphs beautiful voices that enchanted sailors
SirisBabylonA goddess of banquets & rain clouds
SironaBritainA goddess of beneficial hot springs
SironaGaulThe goddess of astronomy
SironaGermanA local goddess of healing from the Moselle basin
Sirone Haiti / VodunA water goddess & protector of bathing children
Sirsir Babylon / AkkadiaThe guardian god of boatmen
SirturMesopotamia / Sumeria / Babylon / AkkadiaThe goddess of sheep
SisiutlPNWA snake spirit of the water
SisnaaxilBella Coola [BC Canada] The creator goddess that lives in the upper heavens & controls the earth, she is never prayed to
SisyphosCorinthia [Asia Minor] The god of the faded sun
Sita Hindu / Puranic / EpicA chthonic earth goddess
Sitala [mata] Hindu / Puranic / EpicA mother goddess of healing
SitapataBuddhistA goddess / Buddha designate
Sithnid.Motherby Zeus of Megarus who escaped the Flood in the time of Deucalion.
SiusHittiteThe sky & sun god
Siva Hindu / IndiaThe principle creative & destructive god
SivaSlavicA goddess of life
SiviniArmeniaThe sun god
Sivottama Hindu / Puranic / EpicA minor god
SiwiniUrartThe sun god
SjofnNorseA goddess of love & passion
SkadiNorse / IcelandA goddess
SkanSioux[W. Woodlands & plains US] The sky god & creator
Skanda Hindu / Puranic / Epic / IndiaA god of war & an alternative name of Kartikeya
SkuldNorseOne of the Norns
SlaineIrishThought to be a deity of healing & the medical arts
SmajSerbiaThese divinities protect the nation
Sman-blaBuddhist / Lamaist[Tibet] A physician god & medicine buddha
sMan-BlaBuddhist / TibetBon A medicine Buddha
SmertriosCelticA god of war & tutelary deity of the Treveri
SmrtiBuddhist / MayhayanaA minor god
SnegurochkaRussiaA goddess & winter
SnotraNorseA goddess of knowledge, wisdom & Virtue
Snulk'ulxa'lsBellaCoola [BC Canada] An arctypical god, rather like the Christian god in as he provided a conflict of decent & evil treatment for humans
SoEwe[Africa] A god of thunder & lightning
SobekEgyptA crocodile god
SebekEgyptA crocodile god
SebeqEgyptA crocodile god
SebkEgyptA crocodile god
SabkEgyptA crocodile god
Sodasi Hindu / Puranic / EpicA minor goddess
SodzaEwe / Hua [Togo]The sky god prayed to weekly to send rain
SofhEgyptA goddess of education
SogblenEwe / Hua [Togo]A messenger god
SogboFon [Benin]A storm god of rain
Sohobo-No-KamiJapan / ShintoThis goddess is the apotheosis of an actual scarecrow known as a Kakashi
SokarEgyptA funerary god for the Memphis necropolis
SokoNupe [Nigeria]The sky god, specifically the dark sky that precedes the beginning of the rainy season
SolNorse / IcelandThe sun goddess
SolRomanA god of war & the sun
SolalCaroline Is. He is the god of underwater world as well as the earth & sky
SolangMicronesiaThe god of carpenters
SolbonSlavicA goddess of the morning star & the evening star
SolntseSlavicA goddess of war
SomaHinduA moon god
Somaskanda Hindu / Puranic / EpicAn aspect of the god Siva & a god for all that
Somhlth Irish / Scotland / ManxA god who had no corporeal incarnation
SomnusRomanA god of sleep & dreams
SomtusEgyptThe god of Dendara
SopdEgyptA war god
SopdetEgyptA goddess who personified the Dog Star
SopduEgyptA god of the eastern frontier
SopduEgyptA war god
SopeduEgyptA god of the eastern frontier
SophiaGreek / Gnostic Christian The primordial female force of the cosmos
SophrosyneGreekA goddess of temperance & moderation
SoponaYoruba [Africa]A god of smallpox
SoranusAgod who mediated between gods & humans
Sore-GusHottentot [S.Africa] The sun / sky god
SorsRomanThe God of luck
SoseMotherof Agreus, one of the PANS who came to join Dionysus in his campaign against India.
SoteiraGreekA goddess of safety
Sothis Egypt [Hellenic]The astral goddess that heralds the rise of the Nile
SouconnaCelticA river deity
SouconnaRoman / CelticThe river goddess that was the guardian of the river Saone
SouluiHua [W.Africa] A benevolent vegetation god also in charge of medicine & music
SpadareametArmeniaA chthonic goddess concerned with fertility of the earth & death, the Christians equate her name with hell
SpeioGreekA goddess of caves
SpenakMeno Iran An adversary of Angra Mainyu
SpentaArmaitiZorastorism The female Amesha Spentas
SpentaMainyu Iran An adversary of Angra Mainyu
SpercheiusGreekA river god
SpermoGreekOne of the Oenotropae
SpesRomanA goddess of hope & gardens, happiness, & law
SpiderWomanNavaho The spirit who taught the Twin War Gods how to overcome the dangers on their journey to their father, the Sun
SpiniesisRomanThis poor minor god is charged with responsibility of uprooting thorn bushes
SporSlavicIt is the spirit of growth
SraddhaHinduA goddess of faith
SrahmanAshantiA dryad
SraosaIranA being associated with the Amesa Spentas
SraoshPersiaA divine messenger, a go between gods & mortals
SraoshaIranA being associated with the Amesa Spentas
SratW. Slavic A domestic demon
Sravana Hindu / Puranic / EpicA minor benevolent goddess of fortune
Sravistha Hindu / Puranic / EpicA minor benevolent goddess of fortune
SriTibetBon demonic beings
Sri [devi]Buddhist / TibetA goddess of terrible appearance & Royal attire
Sri [devi] Hindu / Puranic / EpicA goddess
Srikantha Hindu / Puranic / EpicA minor god considered to be an aspect of Siva
SrivasumukhiBuddhistA minor attendant goddess
SrividyavediHinduA minor goddess that likes to wear a necklace of teeth & bones
SrosIranA being associated with the Amesa Spentas
SroshPersiaA divine messenger, a go between gods & mortals
SsuChoChina A god of agriculture
SsumaHsiang ju China A god of wine merchants
SsuMingChina A god of life & death
SsuTaT'ien Wang Buddhist Four Buddhist Lokapalas, later kings of heaven
StanitakumaraJain [India]A youthful appearing god
StatulinusRomanThe god who helps the newborn to walk
SterculiusRomanA god of agriculture that would fit right in with politicians, that is, his concern was spreading the BS on the fields
StheniasGreekA goddess of physical prowess & strength
StihiAlbaniaA demoness
StimulaRomanThe god associated with inspiration
StoneGiantsIroquois / Huron [NE US & SE Canada] The monster gods
StreniaRoman / SabineThe goddess of strength & vigor who gives energy to the weak & tired
StrenuaRoman / SabineThe goddess of strength & vigor who gives energy to the weak & tired
StribogE. Slavic The god of winds & winter
StrigaeRomanBird like demons
StrigesRomanBird like demons
StrymonGreekA river god
StyxGreekThe chthonic goddess of the River Styx
SuEgyptA primeval god of the atmosphere, light, war, wind
SuadaRomanA goddess of persuasion
SuadelaRomanA goddess of persuasion
SuaixtixPrussiaA sun god
Subhadra Hindu / Puranic / EpicA goddess
SubhagaBuddhistA minor goddess
SubhamekhalaBuddhist / MeolaA minor goddess
SubigusRomanThe god of the wedding night, the nuptials
Subrahmanya Hindu / Puranic / EpicA minor warrior deity
SuccubusChristianA female demon which preys on men in their sleep
SucellosCelticA god of rivers, death & a hammer god
SucellosGualA syncretic god
SucellusGualA syncretic god
SuddhodanaBuddhistThe primordial Buddha that was the father of all Buddha's
SudremKafir [Afghanistan]A weather god created by the breath of the god Imra
SudukUgaritA god? of righteousness
SudurjayaBuddhist / VjrayanaA minor goddess
SuenSumeriaA moon god
SugaarBasqueThe snake like spirit
Sugriva Hindu / EpicThe monkey god
SuitenguJapanThe child god of the sea
SukarasyaBuddhistA minor goddess
SukkamielliFinlandA goddess of frenzied love
Sukla-TaraBuddhist / MayhayanaA goddess an emanation of all the meditation Buddhas
SuklangMalay / PhilippineA goddess of happiness
Sukra Hindu / Puranic / EpicThis astral god was the personification of the planet Venus, he tutored demons on the side
Suksma Hindu / Puranic / EpicA minor deity
SukuOvimbundu [C.Africa] The creator god of the sky, earth, rivers, people, & mountains
Sukuna-bikona / Suku-na-bikoJapanA dwarf god of hot springs & healing
Sukuna-HikonaJapan / ShintoA god of healing who helped establish the methods of healing diseases as well as a means to control & protect against beasts, snakes, insects, et all
SulBritishA goddess of hot springs, especially Bath (Aquae Sulis)
SulCelticA goddess of hot springs
Sul-Pa-eMesopotamia / SumeriaAn astral & fertility god, a personification of the planet Jupiter
Sul-utulaMesopotamia / SumeriaA rather personal tutelary god
SuleviaeRomanA goddess of passage, normally associated with crossroads
SuliniHinduA minor goddess
SulisRomanAn underworld goddess concerned with knowledge & of prophecy
SullaBritishA goddess of hot springs, especially Bath (Aquae Sulis)
SullatMesopotamia / Babylon / AkkadiaA minor god that was an attendant of the sun god
Sulman [u]Mesopotamia / Babylon / Akkadia / W. Semitic A chthonic war & fertility god
SulmanituW. Semitic The fertility goddess concerned with love & war
Sulpa'eMesopotamiaThe god of the planet Jupiter
SulsagaSumeriaAn astral goddess
SumaliniBuddhist / MayhayanaAn attendant minor goddess
SumatiBuddhistA deification of literature
SumbhaBuddhistA goddess that is the guardian of the downward direction
SumbharajaBuddhistThe god that is the guardian of the downward direction
Sumiyoshi-No-KamiJapan / ShintoThe genetic name of the sea gods that are guardians of seafarers
SummamusEtruscaA god of lightning
SummanusEtruscaA god of lightning
SumuganMesopotamia / SumeriaA god of the River plains
SumuqanMesopotamia / Babylon / AkkadiaA patron god of herdsmen & cattle
SunGodHittite / Akkadia The sun god of Heaven
SunHou-Shi / SunWu-Kong China The monkey god
SunHou-TzuChina A monkey god
Sun-PinChinaA god of cobblers
SundaraBuddhist / MayhayanaA minor goddess
Sundara Hindu / PuranicA goddess that is a prosperous aspect of Siva,
Sung-ChiangChinaThe god of thieves
SupaiInca[SA] The god of death
SuparikiritanaasriBuddhist / TibetA physician god
SuparnakumaraJain [India]A god
Sura Hindu / VedicThe goddess of wine
SuraksiniBuddhist / MeolaA minor goddess
SurangamaBuddhist / MayhayanaA god
SurarnadhadravimalaratnaprabhasaBuddhist / TibetA physician god
Suresvara Hindu / Puranic / EpicOne of the Rudra gods
SurtGermanA fire giant & opponent of the gods
SurtrGermanA fire giant & opponent of the gods
Surya Hindu / Puranic / EpicThe sun god of light & war
Sus'sistinnakoSisa[NM USA] The creator god
Susa-no-woJapanA god of the sea & storms
SusanooJapanA god of the sea & storms
SusanowoJapanA god of the sea & storms
SusdinakElamite [Iran]A god of Susa
SutHittite / HurrianA weather god
SutalidihiCherokeeThe sun spirit
SutechEgyptA god of chaos
SutekhAweather god
SutekhEgyptA god of chaos
SuwaArabiaA sun goddess
SuwaliyattasHittiteHe is a warrior god
SvadhaHinduA minor goddess
SvantevitRugen Is. [Slavic] A god of war
SvantoveitRugen Is. [Slavic] A god of war
SvantovitusRugen Is. [Slavic] A god of war
SvaraghosarajaBuddhist / TibetA physician god
SvarazicSlavicThe fire god
SvarogSlavicA god of the sky
SvarogichSlavicThe fire god
SvasthavesiniHinduAnother one of those rather ugly goddesses
Svastidevi Hindu A goddess of the home
SyamataraBuddhist / TibetA goddess
SyenS. Slavic The household guardian spirits
SyllisMotherof Zeuxippus, who became king of Sicyon when Phaestus migrated to Crete.
SylvanusRomanAn ancient god of woodlands & of the countryside in general
Symaethian.Motherof Acis who was loved by Galatea. Acis was buried by a rock hurled at him by Polyphemus, out of jealousy, and was turned into a river.
SynScandinaviaA goddess of justice
Synallasis.Oneof the Ionides Nymphs in Elis. They were believed to cure diseases. (These were: Calliphaeia, Synallasis, Pegaea and Iasis.)
SyrinxArcadiaA nymph or Hamadryad
T'aiIChina The high god of Han dynasty
T'aiShanChina A god that is the senior one in the heavenly ministries
T'aiYiChina A primordial god who was present before the cosmos was created
T'aiYuehTa Ti / Tung-Yueh-Ta-Ti / T'ai-Yo Ta-Ti China The deity of the Eastern Peak
T'aoHuaHsiennui China A guardian deity as well as the goddess of the second spring month
T'ienChinaA sky god, supreme ruler of the Zhou dynasty
T'ienChinaThe ruler of the gods
T'ienFeiChina The Empress of Heaven
T'ienLungChina A god
T'ien-KuanChina / TaoA god of happiness
T'u-tiChinaThe gods of the locality
Ti-TiChinaThe gods of the locality
T'ungChungchung China A god of the skin
T'ungLaiyu China A god of the stomach
TaPednSemang [Malaysia] A god
Ta'aroaPolynesiaThe great creator god of the sea, fishing & reptiles, the life giver of all
Ta'ataBellaCoola [BC Canada] The sun god that is the ruler of the lower heavens
Ta'labSabaeanA moon god
Ta'xetHaida [PNW]A sky god who receives the souls of those who die by violence
Ta'yanKoryak [SESiberia] The Supreme Being who does not muddle in human affairs
Ta-bitjetEgyptA goddess that protects against scorpion bite, though her symbol is the scorpion
Ta-No-KamiJapan / ShintoThe generic name of several gods of harvest
TaautosPhoeniciaThis god devolved into Thoth
TabitiScythiaA goddess of fire & queen of the animals
TacomaSalish [PNW]A manitou, female, of fresh waters
TaditkaraBuddhistA goddess of light
TagabayanPhilippineA goddess of adultery & incest
TagaroPolynesiaA primordial being & creator
TagesEtruscanAn early god of prophecy found only in newly plowed fields
TagniItalyA god of witchcraft
TagtugSumeriaA culture hero, later insulted with godhead
TaguacipaInca [SA]The god of deception
TahcITunica A goddess of war
TahitTlingitThe spirit of fate
TahitiTokerauTahiti A goddess
Tai-sui-xingChinaA god of time
Tai-Sung-JingChinaA god of temporal time, the apotheosis of the planet Jupiter
Tai-yiTaoA sky god
TaijnTotonac [Mexico]The name for a group of rain gods, still worshipped & presumed to live in ruins of El Tajin [Veracruz]
TlalocTotonac [Mexico]The name for a group of rain gods, still worshipped & presumed to live in ruins of El Tajin [Veracruz]
TaikomolYuki[Cal. US] The creator
TaillteIrishA goddess of Lughnasadh & August
TaultiuIrishA goddess of Lughnasadh & August
TailituIrishA goddess of Lughnasadh & August
TeltaIrishA goddess of Lughnasadh & August
TaioLakalaiThe moon goddess.
TaiowaHopiThe great creator
Tajikanomikoto Japan A god of strength
Takarita Polynesia A goddess of adultery
Taka-Mi-Musubi-No-KamaJapan / ShintoAnother primordial creator being
Taka-Okami-No-KamiJapan / ShintoA god of the rains in the mountains
TakamimusubiJapanThe progenitor god of the royal family
Taka-mi-masubiJapanThe progenitor god of the royal family
TakaroNewHebrides This divine absolutely forbids anyone to eat coconut
Take-Mika-Dzuchi-No-KamiJapan / ShintoThis god is one of the Raijin, a god of thunder, rain, & storms as well as a warrior
Futsu-Nushi-No-KamiJapan / ShintoThis god is one of the Raijin, a god of thunder, rain, & storms as well as a warrior
TakemikadzuchiJapanThe thunder god
Taki-Tsu-HikoJapanA god of rain
TakkirajaBuddhistA god
TakotsiNakaweHuichol [Mexico] A chthonic vegetation goddess, all plant life & the earth are hers
Taksaka Hindu / Puranic / EpicA snake god
TakuskanskanDakota [N. Cent NA] The wind spirit & a trickster
TaliesinWalesA minor barley god worshipped through the 16th century
TallaiSyriaA goddess of dew, rain
Tam KungChina
A local sea god of rain & water who will extinguish fires
Tama-No-YaJapan / ShintoThe god of jewelers
TamaraBritishA goddess of the River Tamar
TamatsPalike Tamoyeke Huichol [Mexico] The god of the wind & of air who was also a messenger of the gods, for an encore, put world into its present form & shape
TamesisBritishThe goddess of the River Thames
TammuBabylonThe sun god
Dumu-ziBabylonThe sun god
TammuzAssyriaA god of agriculture & fertility
TammuzHittiteThe harvest god
TammuzSumeriaA god of agriculture
Tan maTibet
A goddesses of health & medicine
TanaItalyA star goddess
Tana'oaMarquesas Is. The weather & chief god
TanaquilRomanA goddess of justice
TanaraYakut [Siberia]The apotheosis of the sky
TanduIndiaThis divine is a teacher of mimicry & dancing
TanePolynesiaThe god of the forests & trees
Tane [mahuta]PolynesiaA god of light, fertility & the sky
TanenEgyptPtah in an aspect of an earth god
TangChinaA goddess of justice
TangaloaPolynesiaThe great creator god of the sea, fishing & reptiles, the life giver of all
TangoHervey Is. A god of virgin birth, kinda
TanitCarthageThe supreme god of Carthage
TanitPhoenicia / CarthageThe goddess of the moon
TannusBritainThe thunder god
TanoAshantiThe river god of Togo & Ghana
Tanu'laKoryak [SE Siberia] A guardian spirit of the earth & its plants & animals, female type
TanusItalyA star god
Tao KungChina
A god of the diaphragm
Taoki-Ho-Oi-No-Kami / Hiko-Sashiri-No-KamiJapan / ShintoThe God of carpenters
TaonouiSociety Is. The goddess who was the mother of the stars by the god Roua
TapioE.Finland A forest spirit, forest god
TapioRussiaA god of forests
TarTiv [Nigeria]The chthonic earth god
TaraBuddhist / Mayhayana / VajrayanaA goddess, the epitaph of the mother of the Buddha [Maya]
Tara Hindu / Puranic / EpicA goddess of the stars
Taraka Hindu / VedicA goddess
TaranGaulThe thunder god
Taranis CelticA death goddess & mysterious sky god
TaranisGaulThe thunder god
TaranusBritainThe thunder god
TareyaWagonMohawk / Kaniengehaga [NE USA] This is the god that liberated the nation & lead them to the surface of the earth
TarhunHurrianA weather god
TarhundHurrianA weather god
TarhuntHurrianA weather god
TariPennu Khond [India] A chthonic goddess
TarpatassisHittiteThis demon staves off sickness & grants long, healthy life
TarpeiaAnancient god of death, as in the grim reaper
TarquiupInua Inuit A moon spirit
TaruHattic / Hittite / HurrianA weather god
TarvosTrigaranosGaul A bull god known by a monument on the Seine near Paris
TaruosTrigaranusGaul A bull god known by a monument on the Seine near Paris
TasenetnofretEgyptA goddess
TashmishuHittite / HurrianA god of weather
TasmisuHittite / HurrianA god of weather
TasimmetHittiteA goddess of weather & storms
Tasmettu [m]Mesopotamia / Babylon / AkkadiaA goddess
TasmisuHittite / HurrianAn attendant god
TateHautseHuichol [Mexico] She is the rain & water goddess, additionally responsible for mist & fog
TateKyewimokaHuichol [Mexico] Another rain & water goddess, who is also the goddess of grain
TateNaaliwahiHuichol [Mexico] This rain & water goddess appears in lightning & brings rain from the east
TateOteganakaHuichol [Mexico] A rain & water goddess who is also the patron of Laguna De Magdalena
TateSioux[N. & Cen. plains US] The wind god
TateVelikaVimali Huichol [Mexico] The sun goddess perceived as either a young girl or a royal eagle who holds the world in her talons, she guards it
TatenenEgyptThe primordial chthonic vegetation god, the apotheosis of the Nile silt
TatevaliHuichol [Mexico]Not only the deity of life & health, the tutelary god of shamans, he is the god of fire
TathatavasitaBuddhistA minor goddess
TathenEgyptThe primordial chthonic vegetation god, the apotheosis of the Nile silt
TatosiHuichol [Mexico]He is the the principal god of fire
Tatqa'hicinKoryak [SWSiberia] A vegetation spirit
Tatsuta-himeJapanThe goddess of autumn
TauHuichol [Mexico]The sun god of the the rising sun
TaueretEgyptA goddess of fertility, rebirth, justice, pregnancy & childbirth
TaueretEgyptA hippopotamus goddess who is protective of childbirth
Taumata-AtuaPolynesiaA vegetation god that presides over the fields
TaurtEgyptA hippopotamus goddess who is protective of childbirth
TaverikHuichol [Mexico]The sun god of the the rising sun
TawaPueblo[SW US] The sun spirit
TaweretEgyptA hippopotamus goddess who is protective of childbirth
TaweskareIroquois[NE US / Canada] The evil twin brother of Loskeha
TawhakiPolynesiaA god of thunder & lightning
TawhiriPolynesiaA god of storms & winds
TawhirimateaMaori / NewZealand A god of winds
TawiscaraIroquois[NE US / Canada] The evil twin brother of Loskeha
TawiskaroIroquois[NE US / Canada] The evil twin brother of Loskeha
TawiskaronHuron / Mohawk / Onondoga[NE woodlands US] An evil spirit
TayauHuichol [Mexico]The sun god of the the rising sun
TayauSakaimokaHuichol [Mexico] The western setting sun god
TcolawitzeHopiThe fire spirit
TeKore Polynesia The primordial void being that was the personification of darkness of chaos prior to light
Temehara Polynesia A goddess of wisdom
TePo Polynesia The personification of the primordial night being which existed in the chaos prior to light
Te-Aka-Ia-RoeHervey Is. [Polynesia] A creator being
Te-Manava-RoaHervey Is. A creator being, one of three
Te-Tanga-EngaeHervey Is. [Polynesia] A creator being
TecciztecatlAztecA moon god
TeccuciztecatlAztecA god of the moon who was unable to light the sun
Tecei'vuneChukchi [SESiberia] The female spirit of the dawn
TecuciztecalAztecA moon god
TefnutEgyptA goddess of the dawn, dew, moisture, justice & rain clouds
TegidVoelWales A water goddess that was identified by the poet Taliesin
TeharonhiawagonMohawk / OnondogaNE woodlands US] The good god
TehutiEgyptA moon god of astronomy, science, death, education, wisdom, geometry, law, magic, mathematics, medicine, & surveying
TeibasArmenia / UgartA tutelary god
TeicauhtzinAztecA patron god of Mexico as well as a minor god of war
TeisiphoneGreekOne of the Erinyes
TejosninaBuddhistA god
TekkeitserktockInuitA god of hunting & the earth
TekkeitsertokInuitThe god of the earth
TelavelLithuaniaThe star god that forged the sun & placed it in the sky
TelchinesGreekThe demon workers in metal
TelediceAllegedwife of of Phoroneus, king of what later was named the Peloponnesus and said to be the first man.
TelepinuHittiteA vegetation god called the noble god
Telepinu [s]Hittite / HurrianThe noble god of fertility
TelesphorusRomanA god of strength
TelestoAgoddess of initiations
TelikoBambara [W.Africa] He is the god of hot winds
TelipinuHittiteA vegetation god called the noble god
TeljavelikLithuaniaA heavenly smith
TellaHurrianThe bull god
TellumoRomanA goddess of agriculture, grain fields & fertility
TellusRomanA goddess of agriculture, grain fields & fertility
TelphochtliAztecTruly a potent god, universal & generally malevolent
TelphusaA Naiad who told Apollo to build his temple elsewhere. For this Apollo covered her stream with rocks.
TelphusaGreekA goddess of fountains
TelyaveliLithuaniaA smith god
TemmanguJapanA god of learning & calligraphy
TempestatesRomanA goddess of storms & wind
TenEgyptThe primordial chthonic vegetation god, the apotheosis of the Nile silt
Ten-guJapanThe mountain & forest spirits
Tenanto'mwanKoryak [S.Siberia] The creator spirit
Tenato'mniChukchee[E. Siberia] The creator spirit
TenenEgyptThe primordial chthonic vegetation god, the apotheosis of the Nile silt
TenenitEgyptThe goddess of beer
TengaAfricaA goddess of justice
TengriMongolA sky god
TengriTurkishHeavenly beings
TenguJapanThe mountain & forest spirits
TenjinJapanA god of learning & calligraphy
TenyeTe'enNiger [Africa] A goddess of marital fidelity
TeoyaomiquiAztecA god of dead & warriors
TepeuQuiche Maya The creator god
TepeyollotlAztecAn earth, cave & earthquakes god
TepozlecatlAztecA god of fertility & of drunkenness
TepuMayaThis is a god of power in the sky who assisted in creation
TepyollotlAztecLord of uncertainty
TerahSemiticAn ancient moon god
TerminusRomanA god of boundaries & landmarks
TerpsichoreGreekThe Muse of dancing
TerraMater Roman A goddess of agriculture, grain fields & fertility
TeshebaUrartuA weather god
TeshubHittiteA weather god & chief of their gods
TesubHittiteA weather god & chief of their gods
TesupHittiteA weather god & chief of their gods
TeteoinnanAztecThe mother of the gods & of healers & medical diviners
Teteoinnan-TociAztecThe goddess of midwives
TethraIrishThe Fomorian sea god & god of the otherworld
TethysGreekA demi goddess of the sea
TethysRomanA goddess of the sea
TeuhcatlAztecA hunting & local goddess of war
TeutatesGaulA war & tribal god
Tewi'xlakDza'wadeenox [BC Canada] The god of all goat hunters
TexcatlipocaAztecA supreme god one of rulers of the north, cold & darkness
TezcacoacAztecShe is a birth goddess
TezcatlipocaAztecThe chief god of the pantheon, god of night & all material things etc
TezcatlipocaNahuatlA god of summer, war, power, death & evil
Tezcatlipoca-IztlacoliuhquiAztecOne of four temple deities
TezcatzoncatlAztecA minor fertility god involved with the brewing of pulque
Th'ubanIslamA dragon like demon
Thab-lhaTibetBon A hearth god
ThakurDeo Etruscan A goddess of childbirth
ThaleiaGreekThe Muse of comedy
ThaliaGreekThe Muse of comedy
ThalloAthens[Greece] One of the Horai [spring]
ThalnaEtruscaA goddess of childbirth
Thaloque-TepictotonAztecA rain & fertility god
ThanatosGreekA god of death
ThatmanituPhoeniciaA goddess of healing
TheGreatEnnead Egypt The nine most important gods,Ra, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Seth & Nephthys
TheaGreekA goddess of the dawn, a minor Titan
TheandrosN. Arabia A god
TheandriosN. Arabia A god
ThebeGreekA nymph
TheiaGreekA minor Titan
TheisoaNurseof Zeus.
ThelpusaArcadianNymph, daughter of the River God Ladon. After her the
ThemisGreekA goddess of justice, order, fire, hospitality & human rights
ThermaiaRomanA goddess of healing springs
ThermuthisEgyptA goddess of fortune, grain, milk, harvest, nursing babies
ThesanEtruscaA goddess of the dawn
ThetisGreekA nereid
ThinitCarthageThe supreme god of Carthage
ThisbeBoeotianNymph. After her the city in Boeotia was named.
ThmeiEgyptA goddess of justice
ThoerisEgyptA goddess of health & justice
ThoosaMotherof the Cyclops Polyphemus, a huge, wild cannibal with one eye on his forehead, whom Odysseus blinded. Polyphemus was in love with Galatea but was refused by her.
ThorNorseA god of war & of the sky, thunder , storms, sea journeys & the administration of justice
ThoraBushmen [Africa]The supreme god
ThorgerdHolgabrudN. Norway The guardian goddess of northern Norway
ThotEgyptA moon god of astronomy, science, death, education, wisdom, geometry, law, magic, mathematics, medicine, & surveying
ThothEgyptA moon god of astronomy, science, death, education, wisdom, geometry, law, magic, mathematics, medicine, & surveying
ThoumeKeneKimte Cacounche Natchez [Mississippi River Valley, US] The creator god
ThoutEgyptA moon god of astronomy, science, death, education, wisdom, geometry, law, magic, mathematics, medicine, & surveying
ThuChinaAn earth god of agriculture, grain, land & soil
ThunarAnglo-SaxonThe thunder god
ThunorGermanicA god of fertility, lightning & thunder
ThunorNorseA god of war & of the sky, thunder , storms, sea journeys & the administration of justice
ThurremlinS. Wales [Aus.]A god of passage, from adolescence to manhood
DaramulunS. Wales [Aus.] A god of passage, from adolescence to manhood
ThursirGermanA giant demon
Ti Mu China The earth mother
Ti'hmarKolyma Tungus [Siberia] The supreme spirit, it became the name for the Christian god
Ti'iMarquesas / Society Is. Not only the messenger of the gods but the god of vitality as well
Ti-KuanChina / TaoThe forgiver of sins
Ti-Tsang-Wang-Pu-SaChinaA god of mercy
Ti-yaChinaThe earth mother

TiaHaida [BC Canada PNW] The god of death, by violence
TiamatBabylonA goddess of the ocean
TiamatMesopotamiaThe goddess of chaos in the creation myth
TianChinaA sky god, supreme ruler of the Zhou dynasty
Tian-zhuChina / TaoThe catholic title of gods given to each of the three holy images in a Taoist temple
TiberinusRomanA river god of the Tiber
TieEgyptA goddess of intelligence & wisdom
TieholtsodiNavahoA water monster & king of the ocean
TienChinaA sky god, supreme ruler of the Zhou dynasty
TienHouChina A goddess of the ocean
TienMuChina A goddess of lightning
TienTsun China / Tao The generic title of gods given to each of the three holy images in a Taoist temple
Tien-HouChinaThe Empress of Heaven
Tien-WangChinaThe Heavenly Kings
TienoltsodiNavahoHe is the god of oceans & fresh water he controls all waters that fall on the earth but none of those in the heavens
TiermesLaplandA thunder god
TifenuaTikopia [Polynesia]The chthonic fertility god
TikesnosnaBuddhistA god, a guardian in the northwestern quarter
TikiMarquesas / Society Is. Not only the messenger of the gods but the god of vitality as well
TikiPolynesiaThe creator god or first created man no one is really sure which
TilitrInfaluk Is. The god of song
TillaHurrianThe bull god
TiloBaranga [Mozambique]A god of the sky, thunder, rain, humor, cunning & mystery
Timaiti-Ngava-RimngvariHervey Is. [Polynesia] The primordial female principle being
TimatekoreHervey Is. [Polynesia] The primordial male principle being
TinEtruscaThe sky god He was depicted holding a cluster of lightning bolts The Romans equated Tin with Jupiter
TinHau China / Tao The goddess of the waters
Ting-jianChinaA god of judgment
TiniaEtruscaThe sky god He was depicted holding a cluster of lightning bolts The Romans equated Tin with Jupiter
TinirauPolynesiaA god of the ocean
TinnitCarthageThe supreme god of Carthage
TinnusBritainThe thunder god
TinoTaataSociety Is. The creator god regarded as the tutelary deity that created mankind
TipereaklPelew Is. He is the god of the sky
TirArmeniaA god of writing, wisdom & oracles
TirawaPawnee[C. plains US] The creator & sky god
Tirawa-AtiusPawnee[C. plains US] The creator & sky god
TirumalDravidian / TamilA creator god equated with Visnu
TistryaIranA rain god of the sea & water
TishtryaIranA rain god of the sea & water
TishtryaPersiaA god of rain & clouds
TisiphoneGreekOne of the Erinyes
TisiphoneofEumenides Greek A goddess of justice
TispakAkkadia / Babylon / MesopotamiaA tutelary god of the city of Esnumma
TitansGreekThe second group of gods of the pre-Hellenic pantheon
TithoreaPhocianNymph. After her the city in Phocis was named.
TitlacauanAztecAn aspect of the god Tezcatlipoca
TitlacvahuanAztecAn omnipotent God, universal & generally evil power
TiuBritainThe English name for the German god Tyr or Tiwaz
TiuzNorse / GermanA god of justice, sports & war
TiwBritainThe English name for the German god Tyr or Tiwaz
TiwNorse / GermanA god of justice, sports & war
TiwazMe Luvia [Antolia] The sun god of Anatolia
TiwazNorse / GermanA god of justice, sports & war
TlacahuepanAztecA patron god of Mexico & a minor god of war
TlachitonatiiuhAztecA chthonic underworld god
TlachtgaIrishA goddess of sacrifice
TlacolotlMayaA god of evil
Tlaeque-TepictotonAztecA fertility & rain god
TlahuixcalpantecuhtliAztec / NahuatlThe god of the dawn & warriors
TlahuizcalpantecutliAztec / NahuatlThe god of the dawn & warriors
TlahuizcalpantecuhtliAztec / ToltecA manifestation of the sun god, he is a savior of his people as well & there is not enough room here to tell his story
TlalocAztecA god of agriculture, lightning, rain, weather, clouds, water, springs & mountains
TlalocOlmecA jaguar god
TlaltecuhliAztecA chthonic creator goddess, the ruler of the second of the 13 heavens
TlaltecuhtliAztecAn earth monster god
Tlanzolteotl [Ixcuiname]AztecThe chthonic / earth goddess, a maternal goddess linked with sex, & in the Aztec way, personifying filth
TlauixcalpantechutliMexico / MayaThe lord of the morning star & god of the dawn
TlazolteotlAztecAn earth goddess of death, filth, love, licentiousness, sex, sport, gambling, uncertainty, witchcraft, intoxication & pleasure
IxcuinameAztecAn earth goddess of death, filth, love, licentiousness, sex, sport, gambling, uncertainty, witchcraft, intoxication & pleasure
TlitcaplitanaBella Coola [Canada PNW] A goddess of healing
Tloque NahuaqueAztec
A primordial creator god that rules in the 13th heaven
TloquenahuaqueAztecThe unknown god
Tna'ntoKoryak [SE Siberia] The spirit of the first light of dawn
Tne'sqanChukchi [SE Siberia] The female spirit of the dawn
Tnecei'vuneChukchi [Siberia]A spirit of the dawn, one of four beings that control the dawn of from different directions
TnongMenik-Semang [Malacca Peninsula] A Sun god
ToKabinanaMelanesia Brother hero gods
ToKarvuvuMelanesia Brother hero gods
To'nenileNavahoThe rain god
Toa'lalitBella Coola [Canada PNW] This god of hunters oversees hunting mountain goats
TobadzistsiniNavahoA Minor war god
TociAztecA goddess of healing
TodoteSamoyed [Siberia]A god of evil & death
TohilQuiche Maya The fire god
TokakamiHuichol [Mexico]A god of death
Toko'yotoKoryak [Siberia]A guardian spirit who is one of the owners of the world, the Pacific Ocean to be specific
TomamKet [Siberia] The bird goddess
TomitukaS.Pacific A goddess of rain
TomiyauhtecuhtliAztecA rain & fertility god
TomorAlbaniaA god of the winds as well as a creator god, he is still worshipped today
TomorIllyrianThe father of the gods
TomorrIllyrianThe father of the gods
Tomwo'getKoryak [Siberia]An archetypal creator spirit
TonacaciahutlAztecA primordial deity that is the self created, eternal, female principle
TonacatecuhtliAztecThe creator god
TonalequeAztecThis goddess is ruler of the fifth of the 13 heavens
TonanAztecA goddess of the winter solstice
TonantzinAztecThe goddess of motherhood
TonatiluhAztecThis creator god presides over the fifth world age [this is the one we are in]
TonatiuhAztec / NahuaThe sun god & a god of war
ToneniliNavahoThe rain god the controls waters from the skies
TootegaInuitA deity who looked like a little old woman
Top'tine Brazil / PeruA goddess of fire
TopielceSlavicThese spirits dwell in lakes
TopohPokot / Suk [Uganda]An astral god associated with the evening star
ToprnaticInuitThis spirit is the wisest of all & he sees all & for giggles & grins rules the sea & game
Toptine Brazil / PeruA goddess of fire
ToreBambuti[Africa] A god of the forest & wild animals
TorePygmy [Africa]The god of thunderstorms
ToremUgart [Syria]He is the god of the sky, order & balance
TorkArmeniaA mountain god
TornarssukInuitThe supreme being & master of the Tornat [the controlling deities]
TornarsukInuitThis spirit is the wisest of all & he sees all & for giggles & grins rules the sea & game
TornatInuitThese are the spirits of ancient animals & places, they are extremely dangerous to humans so leave them alone
TorngaesoakInuitThis spirit is the wisest of all & he sees all & for giggles & grins rules the sea & game
TorngasakInuitA major god, the Good Being
TorngasoakInuitA major god, the Good Being
TorngratInuitThese are the spirits of ancient animals & places, they are extremely dangerous to humans so leave them alone
ToroNgbandi [Zaire]He is the creator god
TororutPokot / Suk [Uganda]He is the creator god
TortaliNew Hebrides This god of the sun & day took at a mortal wife, bad move
TortoBasqueA fearsome Basque spirit
ToruPolynesiaA god of the chasms of the deep
TorumUgart [Syria]He is the god of the sky, order & balance
Totilma'ilMaya / TzotziAn androgynous creator being
TotolteactlAztecThis fertility god is concerned with the Maguey plant & the art of growing pulque
Tou MouChina
A goddess of justice
TouiaFatuna Tonga [Polynesia] The earth goddess, the deification of the rock deep in the earth that rumbles & gives birth to new land
ToumouEgyptNo one really knows what this god did
ToutiorixBritain / GaulThe god of hot springs who replaced his mother Sirona
Toyo Uke Hime Japan / Shinto
A goddess of foodstuffs
ToyoUke Japan A goddess of war
ToyotaMahime Japan A goddess of the sea
ToziAztecThe goddess of sweat baths
TrailokyaviayaBuddhist / MahayanaA god
Trayasrinsa Hindu / VedicThe collective name for the group of Deva gods
TriduanaScotlandA goddess of Edinburgh
TrigelawusSlavicA three headed war god of the Baltic region
TriglavSlavicA three headed war god of the Baltic region
TrikantakideviHinduA goddess of terrible appearance
TrimurtiHinduThe trinity of Brahma, Visnu & Siva
TriphisGreekThe name of Repit
Tripura Hindu / JainA mother goddess
TripurasuraIndiaA demon of three worlds
Trita Hindu / VedicA goddess
TritonGreekA minor sea god
TritonsRoman Minor sea gods
Trivikrama Hindu / Puranic / EpicA god that may have been a sun god but is accepted as an incarnation of Visnu
TrograinIrishA minor god
TroianSlavicA god of the night
TrojanuRomanThe emperor Trajan worshipped as a god under this name
TrollScandinaviaA night demon
TrowoEweThey are god created beings
TrukwinuMana Hopi A goddess of rain
Ts'ai ShenChina
A god of wealth
Ts'ai-LunChinaA god of stationers
Ts'an NuChina
A goddess of silkworms
Ts'ang ChienChina
A god of the hearth
Tsa'qamaeQwe'gsotenox [BC Canada] The god that controls salmon migration
Tsai ShenChina
A god of wealth, associated with the Mandarins
Tsao ChunChina
A god of kitchens & stoves
Tsao ShenChina
A deity
Tsao WangChina
A god of the hearth fire
TsehubHittiteThe weather god
TsentsaHuron [US / Canada]The good Creator Twin
TsetseZaire [Africa]A goddess of lightning
TshogyalmaTibet A goddess of happiness
TsiSiberiaA goddess of justice
TsichtinakoAcoma [Cal USA] The female spirit of the creation myth
Tsilah Haiti / VodunA goddess of fortune & beauty
TsoedeSudan [Africa]A god of canoe builders, smiths & fertility
TsohanoaiNavahoThe god of the sun
TsuiHottentot [Africa]A god of sorcerers
Tsui'goabHottentot [S. Africa] The rain god
Tsuki-YomiJapanA god of the moon
TsukiyomiJapanA god of the moon
TsunigoabKhoi [Namibia]The creator god of that walks with a limp & was invoked at dawn each day
TuChinaA chthonic earth goddess & fertility spirit
Tu P'ingChina
A god of robbers
TuPolynesiaA god of war & stability
Tu-MetuaHervey Is. A god of silence that had an immaculate birth
TuamutefEgyptA funerary god of a dead person's stomach
Tuatha De DanaanIrish
The main [last] family of gods
TuchaipaYuman [Cal. US] The creator of all good things
TuchulchaEtruscaAn underworld demon
Tuetates CelticA god of war
TuetatesaGaulA god of war
Tug'my'gatInuitThese are the spirits of ancient animals & places, they are extremely dangerous to humans so leave them alone
TuiChinaA goddess of happiness
TuilKamchatkapeninsula [Siberia] The god of earthquakes
TukmaJuaneno[Cal. US] The creator god
TuleSudan[Africa] A god of fear, mischief & trickery who gave fire & water to mankind
TuleZande [Sudan]The spider god who brought the seeds of all the plants on earth
TulsiIndiaA goddess of basil plants
TulungusaqInuitThe god of creation
TumatauengaPolynesiaA god of war who was given charge over mankind
TunekInuitA god of seal hunters
TungAk Mongol Different, this is the god of managers, chiefs & minor spirits
TungLuChina A god of snow & skis
TungWangKung China The ruler of male immortals
TungatInuitThese are the spirits of ancient animals & places, they are extremely dangerous to humans so leave them alone
TungrangayakInuitThis spirit is the wisest of all & he sees all & for giggles & grins rules the sea & game
TungratInuitThese are the spirits of ancient animals & places, they are extremely dangerous to humans so leave them alone
TunkanInganDakota [N. Cent NA] The sex Manitou
TunratInuitThese are the spirits of ancient animals & places, they are extremely dangerous to humans so leave them alone
TuntuAinu [Japan] The sky god
TuoniFinlandA god of the Underworld
TupanGuarani[Brazil] This is the god of thunder & lightning
TuranEtruscaA goddess of love & fertility
TureannIrishA goddess
Turiafaumea Polynesia A god of fishing & reptiles
TurmsEtruscaA psychopomp god who guided the souls of the dead to the underworld
TurreanIrishA goddess
TutilinaRomanThe goddess responsible for protecting the stored grain from spoilage & often vermin as well
TutuMesopotamia / Babylon / AkkadiaThe tutelary god of Borsippa
TvashtarrHinduThe creator & artificer god who fashions all living things
TvashtrirHinduThe creator & artificer god who fashions all living things
TvastarrHinduThe creator & artificer god who fashions all living things
TvastrHinduThe creator & artificer god who fashions all living things
TvastrirHinduThe creator & artificer god who fashions all living things
TweGhanaA lake god
TwinWarGods Navaho [SW US] The gods who journeyed to see their father, the Sun
TycheGreekA goddess of fate & fortune
TyphonGreekThis rather ugly god made Zeus mad, just once
ThyhoeusGreekThis rather ugly god made Zeus mad, just once
TyrGermanThe god of battle, originally a sky god
TyrNorsenA god of justice, sports & war
TzakolMayaHe is a sky god
TzapotlaTenanMexico A goddess of healing & herbs
TzitzimimeAztecA stellar god
TzontemocAztecA minor underworld god
TzukuShen China A god of the latrine
TzuSunNiangniang China The mother goddess with a protective role
TzultacahMayaA group led to chthonic & thunder gods
Ua-Ildak Babylon / Mesopotamia / AkkadiaThe goddess responsible for pastures & poplar trees
UacillaOssetianThe thunder & rain god
UadjetEgyptA goddess of justice
UairebhuidheIrishA bird goddess
UajytTheguardian goddess of Lower Egypt
UatchetTheguardian goddess of Lower Egypt
PerUadjitThe guardian goddess of Lower Egypt
UazetTheguardian goddess of Lower Egypt
UtoTheguardian goddess of Lower Egypt
ButoLower Egypt The guardian goddess of Lower Egypt
UanGreekA form of a Mesopotamian sea god
Uathach Irish / ScotlandA goddess who trained warriors
UbastetEgyptA goddess of healing & hunting
UbertasRomanA minor god of agriculture associated with prosperity
UcchusmaBuddhistA god
UchtsitiAcoma[Cal USA] The father of the gods
UdadhikumaraJain [India]A generic name of one of the group of deities called bhvanavasi
UeuecoyotlAztecThe god of sex & irresponsible gaiety
UgaJin Japan This serpent god is in charge of the waters & the earth's fertility
UgarSyriaA god of agriculture
Ugaracandika Hindu / Puranic / EpicA distinctive form of a goddess Durga
Ugatara Hindu / PuranicA goddess with a strange appearance, she carries a cup & a corpse on her head
UitzilopchtliAztecThe god of the sun
UixtochihuatlAztecThe goddess of salt
Uji-gamiJapanThe ancestral deities
UkatYanaA goddess of good luck
Uke-Mochi-No-Kami / Ukemochi / Waka-Uke-Nomi / Toyo-Uke-BimeJapanA goddess of fertility & food
UkkFinlandA sky & thunder god, later name of the Christian god
UkkoFinlandThe god of thunder, rain storms, weather & the sky
UksAkkaSweden A goddess of midwives
UkupanipoHawaiiThe god of sharks
UkurMesopotamia / Babylon / AkkadiaA chthonic underworld god
UlNewHebrides He is the god of the night & & the moon
UlgenC.Asia The creator god
UliPolynesiaA goddess of healing
UliliyassisHittiteHe is a minor god who removes impotence
UllGerman / NorseA god of archery, hunting & skis
UllikummiAnatoliaA demon
UllikummisHurriteThis entity even terrified the gods & grew out to a height of 27,000 mi. high, no sign has been found of him for the gods destroyed him
UllrGerman / NorseA god of archery, hunting & skis
UluTojon Yakut [Siberia] This god is called the the great white creator & lives in the third heaven, he also is the god of magicians, fire & thunder
Ulu'tuyarUluToyo'n Yakut [Siberia] A rather evil creator spirit
UmaHinduA form of the goddess Parvati
Uma Hindu / Puranic / Epic / IndiaA goddess of the mountains that dances the cosmic dance
UmaIndiaThis is the goddess of female energy who is both terrible & kind
UmaiTurkeyShe is the goddess of hearth, home, fire, fertility & a blonde
UmajYakut [Siberia]A goddess of midwives
Umashii-Ashi-Kabi-Hiko-Ji-No-KamiJapan / ShintoA creator being formed from the reeds floating on the primordial waters
UmunmutamkuBabylon1 of 2 deities that presents the offerings of humans to the gods
UmunmutamnagBabylon1 of 2 deities that presents the offerings of humans to the gods
UmvelinkwangiZulu [S.Africa] The sky god
UmvelinqangiZulu[Africa] The creator god creator god
Umvelinqangi [s]Zulu [S.Africa] The sky god
UndineRomanShe is a water spirit that is claimed to marry humans to acquire a human soul
UnegEgyptA plant god
UnelanuhiCherokeeA goddess of war
UngamiliaS.Pacific The goddess of the evening star
UngudAus.A god / goddess
UniEtruscanA tutelary goddess of midwives & the sky
UnkLakota [US / Canada]The female Manitou ancestor of all evil beings
UnkulunkuluAmazukluThe high god
UnkulunkuluKafir [Afghanistan]The creator of civilization that chose death to spread the message among mortals
UnkulunkuluZulu [S.Africa] A creator god of the sky & chief deity
UntombindeAfricaA goddess of justice
UntunktaheSioux[N. Plains / woodlands US] The water god
UnumbotteBasari[Togo] The creator god
UnutEgyptA hare goddess
UnvelingangeKafir [Afghanistan]This is the primordial god, sorry El, you were late
UnxiaRomanThe goddess of marriage that anointed the bridegroom's door
UotanKicheMayan A deified religious reformer
UpakesiniBuddhistA minor goddess
UpayapattivasitaBuddhistA minor goddess
UpuautEgyptA jackal & a cemetery god at Asyut
Upulvan Singhalese [SriLanka] The most senior of the four great gods
UraniaGreekThe Muse of astronomy & astrology
UranusGreekA Titan god
UrasMesopotamia / SumeriaA chthonic earth goddess
UrciaBasqueThe sky god
UrdNorseThe foremost of the three Norns, or Nordic fates
UreaDaughterof Poseidon. Consorted with Apollo and gave birth to Ileus
UrgelSlavicA god of the Pleiades
UrielHebrew / ChristianOld Testament angel
UrjaniHinduA goddess of physical prowess & strength
UrmeGypsyThe female spirits of fate
UrsuleHaiti / VodunA goddess of love
UrtziBasqueThe sky god
Uru'nAjyToyo'n Yakut [Siberia] A creator being that lived in the north east
UrurupuinMicronesiaA goddess of flirting, happiness & playfulness
UruzimuHittiteA deity involved in returning the lost Storm god of Nerik
UrvasiHinduA goddess of success in love affairs
Usas Hindu / VedicA goddess of warriors & of the dawn & wisdom
Ushas Hindu / VedicA goddess of warriors & of the dawn & wisdom
UshusIndiaEven though she is young & ancient & cannot die she is the goddess of light & truth who wakes the gods from their sleep
UsilEtruscanA sun god
UsinsLatviaAn astral god that was affiliated with both the morning & evening star, he sidelined with beekeepers & spring until the Christians showed up & then he became St. George
UsireEgyptA god of the underworld & of vegetation, fertility, burial rites & supreme god was worshipped from Ca. 3000 BCE-400 CE
UsloYakut [Siberia]This spirit of the mountains was one of the guardians of the natural world
UsmaBabylonThis is the two faced attendant of Ea, not a good deity to irritate
UsnisaBuddhistA god, guardian of the integration & a collective term for a group of eight gods
UsnisavijayaBuddhist / MayhayanaA primordial goddess, widely worshipped in Tibet
UsoDori Japan A goddess of singing
Utgard-LokiNorseA supernatural giant
UtixoHottentotA god of the sky, rain, & thunder
UtluntaCherokeeA goddess of physical prowess
UtoEgyptA snake goddess of Buto
Uttarabhadrapada Hindu / Puranic / EpicA minor goddess of fortune
Uttarapalguni Hindu / Puranic / EpicA minor goddess
Uttarasadha Hindu / Puranic / EpicA minor goddess of fortune
UttuSumeriaA goddess of weaving & of vegetation
UtuSumeriaThe sun god, god of fertility, judgement & law-giving
UwolowuAkpossa [Africa]A god
UzumeJapanA goddess of jollity, mirth
Va'irginChukchi [E. Siberia] The supreme being whose name means "I exist
VacBuddhistA variety of Manjusri
VachHinduThe goddess of speech & mother of the Vedas
VacHinduThe goddess of speech & mother of the Vedas
VacunaRomanA goddess of agriculture, leisure & repose
VadatajsLatviaAn evil being
Vaga CelticA goddess of the River Wye

VagisvaraBuddhistA tutelary deity of Nepal & a god of speech
VagitanusRomanThis minor god of passage was the guardian of the first cry at birth
VahagnArmeniaThe god of bravery & victory
VahguruSikh [India]The creator god
VahranPersiaA god of victory the sacred fire
VaimanikaJain [India]The generic title for a group of deities
VairacochaInca [SA]The creator god
HuiracochaInca [SA]The creator god
ViracpochaInca [SA]The creator god
VairocanaBuddhistThe First & oldest meditation Buddha
VairocanaIndiaHe is the King of the demons, a lawful individual
VairotyaJain [India]A goddess of learning
Vaisnavi Hindu / Puranic / EpicA mother goddess
VaisravanaBuddhist1 of 4 Buddhist guardians of the world
VaisravanaIndiaThis is a god of wealth
VajardakaBuddhist / MayhayanaA god
VajrabhairavaBuddhistA god
VajracarcikaBuddhist / MahayanaA goddess that stands upon a corpse
VajradharaBuddhistA god
VajradhatvisvariBuddhistA goddess
VajragandhariBuddhistA minor goddess
VajrayoginiBuddhistA goddess of initiation
VakarineSlavicA goddess of the evening star
ValentiaUmbriaA tutelary healing god of Oricum in Umbria
ValetudoItalyA goddess of health.
ValiNorse / IcelandA god that will survive Ragnarok because he as yet to be born
ValkyriesNorseSent by the Aesir
ValliHinduA goddess
ValloniaRomanA goddess of landscaping of the natural valleys in the country side
Vamana Hindu / Puranic / EpicAn incarnation of the god Visnu
VampireSlavicThe spirit of a dead person
Vanadevatas Hindu / VedicTree spirits
VanirNorse / IcelandA major group of Norse gods concerned with peace, prosperity & the fertility of the land
VanthEtruscaA female underworld demon
VaoetereFijiAn evil spirit of ironwood trees
VarNorseA goddess of marriage Vows
VaraNorseA goddess of contracts & marriage agreements
Varaha Hindu / Puranic / EpicThe third avatar of Visnu
Varahi Hindu / Puranic / EpicA mother goddess that later became one of the goddesses of evil intent
VarahmukioBuddhist / MayhayanaA minor goddess
VaraliBuddhist / MayhayanaA minor goddess
Vari-Ma-Te-TakereHervey Is. A mother & creator goddess
Varuna Hindu / Puranic / Vedic / TamilA major guardian god of the sky & water
VarunaIndiaThis ruler of the universe, creator of the world, is also the god of the sea
VaruniHinduA goddess of golden liquor
VasantadeviBuddhist / TibetA goddess of spring
VasioGaulA god
VasishthaHinduOne of the Rishis & one of the Prajapatis
VasisthaHinduOne of the Rishis & one of the Prajapatis
Vasu [s] Hindu / IndiaA generic title for the gods / deities that attend Indra
Vasudeva Hindu / VedicThe father of Krishna & Balarama
VasudharaBuddhistA female Buddha designate
Vasudhara Hindu / Puranic / EpicA fertility goddess
Vasuki Hindu / VedicA ruler of the Nagas
VasumattisriBuddhist / MayhayanaA minor goddess
VasusriBuddhist / MayhayanaAnother minor goddess
Vasya-TaraBuddhist / MayhayanaA goddess
Vata Hindu / Vedic / PersiaThe god of wind
VaticanusRomanThe god which assures that the new born infant cries out to take its first breath
VayuBuddhistA god of the northwestern quarter
Vayu Hindu / Vedic / PersiaThe god of wind
VayukmaraJain [India]A god
VazimbaMadagascarThese are spirits, spirits of those that lived there before mortals arrived
VeNorse / IcelandA god listed in the prose Edda
Ve'aiKoryak [S.Siberia] The feminine vegetation spirit & personification of the grasslands
VedAvaFinnish / Ugric A goddess of water
VedenEmoFinland A goddess of water
VediovisRoman[Early] A name for Jupiter
VediusRomanA god
VeelaBalkinsA kindly sprite of the woods
VeiovisRomanA god
VeiveEtruscaA god
VejaMateLatvia The goddess of the wind was also responsible for birds & the woodlands
VejamatLatviaThe goddess of the wind was also responsible for birds & the woodlands
Velaute'mtilanKoryak [SESiberia] He is a vegetation spirit
VelePrussiaThese are the spirits of woods & waters
Veles Russia / SlavicA god of flocks & herds, death & the underworld
VelesVoluptas Roman A goddess of sensual pleasure
VellamoFinlandA goddess of the sea
VelniasLithuaniaThe name for the Chrisitian devil
VeluMateLatvia A chthonic underworld goddess & the queen of the dead
VendaDavidian / TamilThis creator god was an ancient vegetation deity
VeniliaRomanA goddess Coastal waters
Venkata Hindu / Puranic / EpicA form of the god of Visnu
VenusRomanA goddess of love, beauty, springtime, vineyards
Veralden-radienLaplandA god associated with the world-supporting pillar
VerbeiaBritishA goddess of the Wharfe & Avon Rivers
VerbtiAlbaniaA god of fire that the Christians identified with the devil
VerdandiNorseOne of the Norns
VerethraghnaPersiaA god of victory the sacred fire
VerethragnaPersia [Iran] The god of victory, he is perceived to be present in the wind
VerevctorRomanA minor god of plowing who was associated with the sacrifices to Tellus & Ceres
VeritasRomanA goddess of truth
VerminusRomanA god with the power over disease
VerplacaRomanA goddess of family harmony
VertimnusRomanA god of change, commerce, fruits, gardens, plants, orchards & seasons
VesnaSlavicA goddess of spring
VesperRomanA god of the night
VestaRomanA goddess of the hearth fire & marriage
VestiusAlonieusNW Spain A god
VetaliBuddhist / TibetA goddess of terrifying appearance
VetisEtruscaA god
ViofWara German A goddess of healing springs
VictoriaRomanThe goddess of victory
VidyadeviJain [India]The generic title for a group of 16 goddesses that are associated with knowledge & learning
VidyadharasHinduThe attendants of Indra
VidyesvaraHinduThe generic title for the eight emancipated beings that are aspects of Siva
VidyrajaBuddhist / MeolaA tutelary god concerned with the implementation of the law
ViergeHaiti / VodunA sea goddess
VighnantakaBuddhistA god
VikramadityasIndiaHe is the god of the sun & guardian of the universe
VilaSlavicThese female water sprites protect national heroes, & they are rather good looking
VilaSloveniaA goddesses of justice
ViracochaInca[SA] The chief deity
ViracochoInca [SA]The supreme deity accused of a virgin birth & creator of of the world
ViradechScotlandA goddess of Tungrain origin
ViranakkaSaami [Siberia]A goddess of hunting
VirginiaRomanA goddess of politics
VirtusRomanA goddess of justice, virtue & valor
VirudhakaBuddhist1 of the 4 Buddhist guardians of the world
VishnuHinduThe god who rose from a subordinate position in the Vedas to become the supreme god of modern Hinduism He is the most widely worshipped
VishnuIndiaHe is the god of the sun & guardian of the universe
VisnuHinduThe god who rose from a subordinate position in the Vedas to become the supreme god of modern Hinduism He is the most widely worshipped
VisvakarmaHinduThe divine artificer, craftsman & smith
VisvapaniBuddhistA Dhyani-Bodhisattva
VivasvanHinduA sun god
VivasvatHinduA sun god
VivasvatIndiaA god of warriors
VocontiiGaulA god
VodniPanny Slavic A goddesses of rivers
VoduFon [Africa]These are the families of the gods, the sky, the earth, the thunder, & the fate gods
VohuManah Zoroastrianism One of the Amesha Spentas
VolosRussiaA god of flocks & herds, death & the underworld
VolosSlavicA god of death & commerce
VoltumnaEtruscaA chthonic god who was later elevated to the status of supreme god He was known to the Romans as Vertumnus
VolupiaRomanThe god of fear as in anxiety or alarm
VoluptasRomanA goddess of sensuality, she attended Venus
VoluspaScandinaviaA goddess of wisdom
VorNorseA goddess of contracts & marriage agreements
VorScandinaviaA goddess of knowledge, wisdom & prudence
VortumnusRomanA god of change, commerce, fruits, gardens, plants, orchards & seasons
VosegusGaulThis is the god of the Vosges forest
VotanKiche [Maya] A deified religious reformer
VouruskaskhaZoroastrianThe world ocean & sea deity
VritraHinduA demon of drought
VritraIndiaA demon that kept getting in the way
VrtraHinduA demon of drought
Vucub Caquix Quiche Maya A demon mentioned in the Popol Vuh creation myth
VulcanRomanThe god of fire, particularly of destructive fire
VulcanusRomanThe god of fire, particularly of destructive fire
Wa kon da Hondon Wachilt Celtic A minor sea goddess
WachabeOsage[NA] A bear deity
WaddMinaeanA moon god
WaddS. Arabia A moon god
WadjetEgyptA snake goddess of Buto
WagaduAfricaA goddess of physical prowess
WahKahNee Chinook [PNW] A goddess of winter
WahieroaPolynesiaA hero god
WahiniHal Polynesia The demonic mother figure
WakEthiopiaThe supreme god
WakaOromo [Ethiopia] A benign rain god
Wakahiru-meJapanA goddess of the rising sun
WakahirumeJapanA goddess of the dawn
WakanDakota[N. plains / woodlands US] The name for their gods
WakanTankaDakota [US / Canada] A collective union of the Manitous
WakatakaSioux[N. plains / woodlands US The creator god
WakinyanDakota [N. Cent NA] The thunder spirit
WakondaOmahaThe Great Spirit & divine creator
WakwiyoTewa [USA?]A goddess of the winds
WaloAus.The sun & war goddess
WalutahangaMelanesiaA spirit who was born to a mortal woman as a female snake
WangChinaA guardian of the Jade Emperor's palace door
WangMuNiang Niang China A goddess of female energy
Wang the PureChina
A god of sport & gambling
Wang-Mu-Niang-NiangChinaA goddess, keeper of the peaches of immortality
Wantu SuSudanThe supreme god
War HsuanChinaA god of robbers
War PinChina
A god of shoemakers
War Ssu miaoChina
A god of Druggists
WaraldenOlmaiLapland A world god
WaramurungundjuAus.The Mother-who-made-us-all
WardiMumiFinno / Ugric A goddess of war
Wari Ma Te TakerePolynesia
This goddess was a coconut shell divinity
WarnaScandinaviaA goddess of healing charms & war
WarrtaHinduA goddess of happiness
WaukheonDakota [N. plains / .woodlands US] The Thunderbird
WaylandAnglo-SaxonA god of blacksmiths
WaylandGermanA hero, sometimes regarded as a smith god
VolundGermanA hero, sometimes regarded as a smith god
WelandGermanA hero, sometimes regarded as a smith god
WielandGermanA hero, sometimes regarded as a smith god
WeiwoboChinaA goddess of female Energy
WeleAbaluyiaA chief god
WeleKavirondo [Bantu] The supreme deity
Wen Ch'angChina
A god of stationers
Wen-Chang-Ta-TiChinaA god of literature from the T'ang dynasty
Wen-ShuYen-K'ungChina A name of Manjushri
Wep-wawetEgyptA jackal & a cemetery god at Asyut
WepwawetEgyptThe god of war & of the funerary cult
WerSemiticA weather god of Mesopotamia
WereLuo' [Africa]A chief god
WerewolfGermanA wolf like demon
Where-AoPolynesiaA primeval god
White Buffalo Calf Woman Dakota [N. Plains / woodlands US] A messemnger fron Wanka Tanka
WhiteLadyPan-Celtic Dryad of Death
WiDakota [N. plains / woodlands US] The sun god
WidapokwiYavapaiA goddess of health & whirlwinds
WiganPhilippineA goddess of water
WildenWip German A goddesses of healing
WinonahOjibwa [USA / Canada]Daughter of the goddess Nokomis & a virgin mother
WisaakaAlgonquin [US / Canada]The creator & good spirit
WodanGermanA god of war
WodenNorseThe high god, god of wisdom, battle, death, inspiration He was the chief god of the Aesir & the husband of Frigg
WopehLakota [US / Canada]A goddess of happiness & pleasure
WosyetEgyptA protector goddess of the young
WotanGermanA god of inspiration & magic
WotanNorseThe high god, god of wisdom, battle, death, inspiration He was the chief god of the Aesir & the husband of Frigg
WotoOto / Shongo [Africa]A god of fire
WulbariKrachi [W. Africa] The supreme god
WuluwaidAus.A male rainmaker
WunekauNew Guinea The sun god
WuniDagamba [Ghana] The supreme god
WuriupraniliAus.A sun goddess
Wuru(n)katteProto-HatticA god of war
WurusemuHittiteThe sun goddess
WurusemuHatticA sun goddess queen of heaven & earth
Wuru(n)semuHatticA sun goddess queen of heaven & earth
Wuru-temuHatticA sun goddess queen of heaven & earth
WurusemuHittiteThe sun goddess of Arrina
WuruntemuHittiteThe sun goddess of Arrina
XantheGreekAn Oceanide
XanthoGreekShe is a nereid
XanthusGreekA river god
Xatel Ekwa Hungary A goddess of war & the sun
XbaquiyaloMayaA goddess
XeniaGreekA nymph
XeviosoBeninA god of thunder
XeviosoFon [Africa]A god of thunder
Xi-Wang-muChinaA goddess of immortality who ruled over a luxurious palace in the west
XianChinaSpirits & immortals
Shen-tzeChinaSpirits & immortals
Xiling ShiChina
A goddess of justice
XilonenAztecA goddess of happiness & maize
Xing TienChina
A hero or warrior god
XipeTotec Aztec A god of agriculture, plants, seeds, fertility, jewelers, sacrifice & springtime
XiuhtecuhtliAztecThe god of fire, domestic & spiritual
OtontecuhtliAztecThe god of fire, domestic & spiritual
HuehueteotlAztecThe god of fire, domestic & spiritual
Xmucane & Xpiyacoc QuicheMaya
The mother & father gods
XmucaneMayaThe goddess of childbirth
XochipiliAztecThe god of flowers, sport, love, games, feasting, maize & pleasure
XochiquetzalAztecA goddess of agriculture, fertility, love, sensual pleasure, sex, happiness, the moon & weavers
XocotlOtomiA god of fire & of the stars
XocotliAztecA dog-headed monstrous deity, associated with execution, sacrifice & misfortune He was the lord of the evening star, believed to
XoliKaltes Hungary A goddess of warriors & of the dawn
XolotlAztecA god of bad luck, monsters & magicians
XpiyacocMayaThe god of marriage
Xpuch & XtahMaya
The worlds first heavenly servants, prostitutes
XtabayMayaA goddesses of seduction
XucauOssetianThe supreme god
YacatecuhtliAztecA god of merchants
YahwehCanaanA storm / volcano god
YahwehJudaicThe god of Abraham
YajnesvaraIndiaHe is the god of the sun & guardian of the universe
Yaksha & Yakshi Hindu
The fiendish attendants of Kuvera
YakushiBuddhist / Lamaist [Tibet] A physician god & medicine buddha
YalukMayaThe head lightning god
YamCanaanA god of rivers & of the sea
YamaHinduA god of the dead
Yama No KamiJapan / Shinto
A rather busy goddess, in charge of the hunt, forest, vegetation & agriculture
YambeBakongo [Zaire]The creator god
YamiTurkeyShe is the goddess of hearth, home, fire, fertility & a blonde
YammCanaanA sea god
YammUgarit [Iran]A god of the sea
Yan WangChina
A prince of the underworld
Yan-loChinaA prince of the underworld
YanaPiaute [W. USA] She & her daughter created the first people
Yang Chen Buddhist A goddess of learning & teaching
YangombiBantu [Africa]A god of creation
Yanguang PusaChina
A goddess of healing & eyes
YansaBrazilA goddess of fire
YanwangChinaA god of death
Yao Wang China A god of medicine
Yao-shi-foBuddhist China A physician Buddha
Yao-shih-foBuddhist / Lamaist [Tibet] A physician god & medicine buddha
YaotlAztecA lord of Darkness
YaparammaIndiaA goddess of commerce
YarhibolPalmyraA solar deity
YarikhCanaanA god of the moon
YariloSlavicA god of love
YarovitSlavicA god of victory
YarrisHittiteHe is a god of pestilence
YaxcocahmutMayaAnother creator god of water, agriculture, drawing, healing, medicine & the moon
YayaZakurai Japan A goddess of spring
YayuIndiaA god of air
YeMaya Imanje / Caribbean The goddess of the deep sea
Yeba KaNavaho
The male leader of the gods
YebaadNavahoThe female leader of the gods
Yegl'ieYukaghir [Siberia]A hearth spirit
YehlTlingit [Alaska US] The creator god
YeitsoNavahoThe child of the sun, a giant in Navaho legend
YemajaYoruba [Africa] A river & lake goddess
YemanjaImanje [Brazil] She is the ocean goddess of the crescent moon
YemonjaNiger / Yoruba [Africa]She is one of the great goddesses
Yen cheng China A god of robbers
Yen LoChina
A judge of hell He was equivalent to the Hindu Yama
Yen Lo WangChina
A god of death
Yen WangChina
A judge of hell He was equivalent to the Hindu Yama
Yeng-Wang-YehChinaThe foremost of the ten Yama kings
Yerah & Nikkal Canaan
A moon god & goddess
YetlTlingit [Alaska US] The creator god
YhiKarraurThe goddess of light & creator goddess
YiChinaThis god saved the Earth by being an expert archer
YiacatechutliAztec / MexicoThe god of merchants
YimaPersiaThe god of light
YingxiNiangChina A goddess of happiness
YmojaYoruba [Africa]A goddess of rivers & of the sea
YnakhsytYakut [Siberia]A goddess of cattle
YoBambara [W. Africa] The impersonal world spirit
YoFei China An historical Chinese figure
YolkaiEstsan Navaho A goddess of war, the dawn, fire & the moon
Yonne CelticA river deity
Icauni CelticA river deity
YoskehaIroquoisThe creator of everything good
Yu Ch'iangChina
A god of the ocean wind
Yu HuangChina [Sung dynasty]
The highest of the gods
Yu Huang Shang Ti China
A god
YuLuChina Ancient door-guardian gods
YuNuChina A goddess of Leo
YuShihChina A rain god
YuTeChina A god of vaccination
YuTzuChina A god rain
Yu-ChiangChinaA god of ocean winds
Yu-diChinaThe supreme lord of heaven
Yu-qiangChinaA god of the sea
YuehFeiChina A war god
YukiOnne Japan A goddess of death by freezing
YumCaax Maya A god of maize & of agriculture in general
YumCimih Maya A god of death
YumKaax Maya A god of maize & of agriculture in general
YunT'ungChina A god of the clouds
ZabaHurriteThe god of war
ZababaKishThe chief of the gods
ZagereuisdGreekHe is the god of immortality & rebirth
ZagreusGreek [Orphism] The chief god in Orphism
ZakaHaiti / VodunA god of agriculture
ZalmoxisGetae / Dacian [Thrace] The supreme god
ZalmoxisGreekHe sometimes symbolized immortality
ZalmoxisThraceA god of thunderstorms
ZaltysLithuaniaA grass-snake deity
ZamPersiaAn earth spirit
Zam-ArmatayPersiaThe goddess of the earth
ZamamaHurrian / AkkadiaA warrior god
ZambiAngolaThe supreme being
ZambiBakongo [Zaire]The creator god
ZanaharibeRailanitraMadagascar He was the creator god & the creator of humanity
ZanaharyMadagascarHe was the creator god & the creator of humanity
ZaoJun China / Tao A kitchen god
ZaoshenChinaA god of kitchens
ZaramamaPeruA maize goddess
ZariaSlavicA goddess of beauty
ZarichPersiaOne of the female members of the Daevas
ZarpanditAssyria / BabylonAn early pregnancy goddess
ZaryaSlavicA goddess of healing waters
ZashapunaHeis the chief god of the town of Kastama
ZazavavindranoMadagascarThese are female water spirits
ZebautiEgyptA local god
ZehutiEgyptA moon god of astronomy, science, death, education, wisdom, geometry, law, magic, mathematics, medicine, & surveying
ZemeMateLatvia The creator of earth
ZemempatisLithuaniaA chthonic deity
ZemepatisLithuaniaA chthonic deity
ZemesmateLettish An earth & mother goddess
ZemlyaSyra Slavic The earth goddess
ZempatPrussiaHe is in the god of earth & cattle
ZemynaLithuaniaAn earth goddess of childbirth & life
ZemyneleLithuaniaAn earth goddess of childbirth & life
ZenenetEgyptA goddess of Hermonthis
ZephyrGreekThe god of the west wind
ZephyrosGreekThe god of the west wind
ZephyrusRomanThe god of the west wind
ZervanPersiaA god of infinite space & time
ZeusGreekThe supreme Greek god & head of the Greek pantheon
ZeuxippeGreekOne of the Oceanides
ZhangGuo-laoChina 1 of the 8 Chinese Immortals
ZhongKuiChina A god of literature & examinations
ZhonggueiChinaA god of examinations
ZhuDianBuddhist / China Gods
ZhuTianBuddhist / China Gods
ZibelthiurdosThraceA storm god
ZinSonghayA water spirit
ZinkibaruSonghoi [Africa]Though blind this Djinn is called the master of fish
ZintuhiAnatoliaA goddess
Zipakna&Kabrakan Maya The earthquake gods
ZipaltonalNicaraguaThe female spirit that is the creator of all earth
ZisaGermanA goddess of autumn
ZiuNorse / GermanA god of justice, sports & war
ZivaSlavicA goddess of life
ZiziliaPolandA goddess of love & sexuality
ZochoJapanThe guardian of the South
ZongetKhanty [Siberia]The goddess of hunting
ZoriaSlavicA goddess of morning, dawn & beauty
ZoryaSlavicA goddesses who guard the universe
ZrvanPersiaA god of infinite space & time
Zse'irimHebrewThese were demons that resembled goats
ZuAssyriaThe god of thunder & storms
ZurvanPersiaA god of infinite space & time
ZuzumKafir [Afghanistan]The god of winter & cold weather that lives in a glacier, he does not like women
ZvezdaDennitsa Slavic The morning star goddess
ZvezdaVechernyaya Slavic The goddess of the evening star
ZvorunaLithuaniaA goddess of the hunt & of animals
ZvorunaSlavicA god of hunting
ZywiePolandA goddess of health & healing

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