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OS2 Discussion Forum Volume 9212 Issue 01 - Part I

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Published in 
OS2 Discussion Forum
 · 5 months ago

OS/2 Discussion Forum Mon, December 7, 1992 Volume 9212 Issue 01

Relevant addresses :

submissions : OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)
subscriptions : LISTSERV@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)
moderator : OS2MOD@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)


Dirk Rober Karel Van der Haegen
(files distribution) (forum distribution)
K.U. Leuven - C.E.S. K.U. Leuven - D.T.E.W.
Van Evenstraat, 2 B Dekenstraat, 2
B-3000 Leuven B-3000 Leuven



Today's topics:
No index included in this issue


Date: Mon, 07 Dec 92 12:00:00 +0100
From: Moderator of OS/2 Discussion Forum <OS2MOD@BLEKUL11>
Organization: K.U. Leuven university, Belgium, EUROPE
Subject: The reappearing list disappeared again ...

Don't blaim your system engineers, don't blaim the Internet, ... You
did not receive any issue from us since the 921003 issue of Oct., 23.
We will make up with this huge issue, of which of course some of the
items will be outdated ...
As you may recall we only sent out one issue in September (920901),
afterwards 3 issues in October (921001, 921002 and 921003) and none
in November. The work to compile this information needs to be done
manually and is very time consuming ... We'll try to keep this list
alive in the forthcoming period but are thinking about the possibility
of burying the list as well. Any ideas to reduce the workload, any
comments about what you judge as useful, and what not in this list,
and all offers to help us out are very much appreciated.
Please do respond as much as possible so that we can evaluate our
efforts and make appropriate changes to the list and the way we compile

This issue contains over 2800 lines of information, questions and
answers based on what we received in the Oct. 23 - Dec. 08 time frame.
You will receive this issue in 3 seperate parts to avoid problems with
size limited gateways (usually 100000 bytes or 1500 lines ...).

Dirk Rober Karel Van der Haegen


Date: Mon, 07 Dec 92 12:00:00 +0100
From: Moderator of OS/2 Discussion Forum <OS2MOD@BLEKUL11>
Organization: K.U. Leuven university, Belgium, EUROPE
Subject: New files on LISTSERVer

This is a list of new or updated OS/2 related files available from the
LISTSERV of the OS/2 Discussion Forum at BLEKUL11.

* File donated by (the author:) Turgut Kalfaoglu <TURGUT@FRORS12.BITNET>

filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
BIGSORT ZIP 32-bit Sorting program

* New Files from

filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
RXMATH ZIP Basic Math functions for OS/2 2.0 REXX
SHFTRN ZIP Start full screen OS/2 programs before PM loads
14ADDB1 ZIP Beta Ultrastor 14F OS/2 2.0 device driver
24ADDB1 ZIP Beta Ultrastor 24F OS/2 2.0 device driver
3DMAZE ZIP Generates 3-D mazes with solutions
ALARM201 ZIP Alarm clock/task scheduler for WPS, version 2.01
AT2-14A ZIP Send AT commands to your modem from the command line
ATI-11 ZIP ATI VGAWonder display drivers (work with OS/2 2.0)
AV109 ZIP 1.x PM archiver viewing/launching/maintenance util
AV133 ZIP PM archive ivewing/launching/maintenance utility
BEAV-2 ZIP Beav 1.33 binary file editor (32-bit)
CBTOOLSX ZIP Carlsberg tools-variety of system-related utilities
CDSYS ZIP CD-ROM driver for unsupported drives
COMM2211 ZIP Latest COM driver beta, fixes blowoff due to TE/2 bug
CSET2CA ZIP Labels for C-Set/2 CSD 22
CSET2CB1 ZIP C-Set/2 CSD 22 Disk #1 (requires loaddsk)
CSET2CB2 ZIP C-Set/2 CSD 22 Disk #2 (requires loaddsk)
CYRIX ZIP Driver for Cx486DLC cache hardware
DDE4BE ZIP Fixes for IBM IPMD debugger (lockup, traup & shutdown)
DHRFF10 ZIP Directory list and file find version 1.0 (32-bit)
DHRGCD ZIP Global Change directory version 1.01
DIRMAN20 ZIP OS/2 WPS directory and file manager
DIRSTAT ZIP Show Token-Ring adapter info in PM window
DSIZ32 ZIP Directory size and file count utility
DSKST101 ZIP Display continually updated disk drive stats
ELEPHANT ZIP Icon-size animated dancing elephant
ELM23EXE ZIP Elm 2.3 mail reader (32-bit)
EPM-SPEL ZIP Spell checker add-in for EPM editor
ET400-20 ZIP OS/2 2.0 drivers for Focus VGA 4000/VGA 4000+
FAN_120 ZIP File announcement utility, echo mail via TIC file
FF143 ZIP File find utility version 1.43, HPFS aware
FLIP ZIP A PM dice game (32 bit)
FOLDERS ZIP A set of icons for folders
FONTUTIL ZIP PostScript Type 1 font conversion utilities
FORTH004 ZIP KA9DGX Forth for OS/2 2.0
FORTUNES ZIP Prints a random fortune for the day (REXX)
FS2 ZIP OS/2 2.0 file size calculation and reporting utility
GENFLD ZIP NetWare WPS Folder/Program Builder
GS252PM ZIP Ghostscript 2.5.2 (Postscript) interpreter
HOOKKBS ZIP Hooking the keyboard in OS/2 2.0 & assigning hotkeys
HPFSTEST ZIP Preliminary fix for HPFS problems w/a BBS & Squish
HPLANB ZIP OS/2 & DOS drivers for HP 27245A, 27250A & 27247A
HRDCD2XL ZIP OS/2 2.0 Plus Hardcard IIXL Drivers
ICPAUSA ZIP PM PS/2 configurator and pricer
INIMNT1D ZIP INI file maintenance utility version 1.1d
ISLITE ZIP Ispell-lite, text mode spell checker
KDEBUG ZIP OS/2 2.0 Kernel Debugger Enhanced Documentation
KSH47ALP ZIP Alpha version of korn shell (32-bit)
KWQ_10 ZIP KWQ Mail/2 1.0, 32-bit QWK OS/2 PM Mail Reader
LOCKBOOT ZIP Enable/disable system lockup upon bootup
LPTMAZE ZIP Generate 3-D mazes on a printer
MATH ZIP Math flash card program
MEMS204 ZIP Display amount of free memory and swap space
MR2_130 ZIP MR/2 version 1.30, a QWK compatible mail reader
MR2_132 ZIP MR/2 version 1.32, a QWK compatible mail reader
NENSC113 ZIP Nenscript 1.13 ASCII-->Postscript translator
NH30J023 ZIP Nethack 3.0j adventure D&D type game
NH30JOS2 ZIP Nethack 3.0j adventure D&D type game
NOV92 ZIP Ultimate OS/2 Game source code - November 1992
NSD201 ZIP Novell Service Diskette #1 for NW WorkStation Kit
OBKUP340 ZIP OBACKUP 3.40 multi-threaded backup utility
ONEXIT ZIP Runs a .CMD or .EXE file during shutdown
OS2-ICON ZIP A collection of over 1000 icons
OS2-TSL ZIP Trantor SCSI drivers for OS/2 2.0
OS201INF ZIP Demo version of Using OS/2 2.0 Applications
OS22BOUN ZIP Deskpic picture - bubbling OS/2 champagne bubbles
OS2BMP ZIP 2 bitmaps of the OS/2 logo done in gray relief
OS2BOUNC ZIP Deskpic picture - bouncing OS/2 logos
OS2MAZ ZIP Display 3D mazes on VGA without PM
OS2MORIA ZIP Moria 5.5 adventure D&D-type game
OS2SPD ZIP NEC Powermate 386/25si device driver for turbo mode
OS2WORLD ZIP OS/2 BBSes around the world
OSDEMO ZIP Demo of Open Shutter screen capture
PERL4035 ZIP Perl 4.0.35 (32-bit)
PHONEAT4 ZIP Incoming telephone call alerter/dailer
PJ04056 ZIP PJ04056, fix for problems w/2456 SCSI scanner
PMCARDSR ZIP Cardfile for Presentation Manager
PMMATH ZIP Elementary school math program version 2.0
PMSPELL ZIP Elementary school spelling program version 2.0
PMX02205 ZIP IBM TCP/IP 1.2.1 CSD level 2205 - X Windows
PORSCH ZIP Porsche 944 BMP
PROGCSD ZIP IBM TCP/IP 1.2.1 CSD level 1882 - Programming Toolkit
PS-UP241 ZIP Print ASCII text files on Postscript printers
PS2AST61 ZIP PS/2 Assistant - OS/2 Information, 61st Edition
PSFAX2 ZIP A utility for sending out faxes via a Supra FaxModem
PSPM2 ZIP Graphics display of processes, selective kill
QFORMAT ZIP Quick floppy formatter
REDSKIN ZIP Washington Redskins BMP
SATISFAX ZIP Tips & techniques for Intel SatisFAXion FAXmodem
SBOS2V09 ZIP Sound Blaster/Sound Blaster Pro driver w/utils (beta)
SDPLUS ZIP System shutdown plus mini-app
SFOS2 ZIP OS/2 utility for Northgate Omnikey keyboards
SKEL32 ZIP How to write a 32-bit program using TASM
SLIDER2 ZIP How to use sliders in PM
SMARTIES ZIP Deskpic pictures - smarties candies fill screen
SMARTVU ZIP Enables the SmartVU display on Dell computers
SOM-NT ZIP Introduction to Object Oriented Programming and SOM
SOM-OV ZIP High level overview of SOM
SOM-QA ZIP Some commonly asked questions on SOM
SOMCLA ZIP A discussion of Class Objects in SOM
SOMFTN ZIP Complete slides/documentation from SOM FTN
SONNET ZIP Shakespeare sonnets in INF viewable format
T1K-16 ZIP Trident 1024x768 16 color display drivers
T1K-256 ZIP Trident 1024x768 256 color display drivers
T800-16 ZIP Trident 800x600 16 color display drivers
T800-256 ZIP Trident 800x600 256 color display drivers
TINF30 ZIP Listing of OS/2 products (.INF format) version 3.0
TRIDFIX ZIP Latest fixes for Trident display drivers
TRIDUTIL ZIP Trident display board utilities
TRNEXE10 ZIP Threaded news reader for use with UUPC
VGA132 ZIP 132 column (text) VGA display driver
VSBD386 ZIP Missing Sound Driver for WinOS/2 v3.1 beta
WF2CSD3 ZIP IBM WorkFrame/2 1.0 CSD 3, interim fix for link/lib
WF2FIXB1 ZIP IBM WorkFrame/2 CSD (requires loaddskf)
WFDOC ZIP Workframe/2 interface docs and sample programs
WINICON ZIP Convert Windows icons to OS/2
WNBFF13A ZIP A port of Unix biff for use with UUPC & Windows
WORM ZIP Deskpic picture - colorful worms erase screen
WPSBK4 ZIP WPS Backup Version 4-save/restore WPS settings
WPSDBG ZIP SOM/WPS debugging tool
WPSICONS ZIP Some nice icons for WPS, more subtle than most
X25CSD ZIP IBM TCP/IP 1.2.1 CSD level 2252 - X.25 Support
XFER ZIP Easel file transfer local app supporting x/ymodem
YOWZA ZIP A full-featured screen-saver for OS/2 2.0
ZOO21-32 ZIP ZOO 2.1 (HPFS/FAT aware) - 32-bit version
NIKON213 ZIP Nikon II, WPS screen capture program, version 1.2
CURS13-3 ZIP PC CUrses 1.3 for OS/2 2.0 with Watcom C/386 9.0
FLXTXT11 ZIP Print files in a variety of fonts and page setups
OS_SCB97 ZIP McAfree and Virus Scan for OS/2 (BETA!)
PMDVL2 ZIP An integrated programming shell for PM
SBOS2-NE ZIP Sound Blaster/Sound Blaster Pro driver w/utils (beta)
SC621 ZIP SC Spreadsheet 6.21 for OS/2 2.0 with Watcom C/386
2UPPRT ZIP Print 2-UP on IBM 40x9 LaserPrinter
3C507-92 ZIP 3Com EtherDisk for EtherLink 16 & 16 TP Adapters
CDISK ZIP Companion disk for Writing OS/2 Device Drivers in C
CPUMON3 ZIP OS/2 system performance monitor
CPYINI2 ZIP Make a copy of OS2.INI/OS2SYS.INI, reducing their size
DISKUT ZIP PM clock/date display w/disk & file utilities
IMSHOW ZIP BMP, GIF viewer with palette manager support
MACUTILS ZIP Utilities for Macintosh files, archives & fonts
MMV-32 ZIP Move/copy/append/link multiple files w/wildcards
MPUDD103 ZIP Generic MIDI MPU-401 drivers, version 1.03
PARI386 ZIP Fast high-precision calculator for number theory
WPSBK7 ZIP WPS Backup Version 4-save/restore WPS settings

* New Files from comp.binaries.os2

filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
HPDJET ZIP OS/2 HP Deskjet Driver (beta) v13.352
OS2ACAD ZIP Updated Phar Lap Dos Extender for AutoCAD 386 R12
OS2CDROM ZIP OS/2 2.0 CD-ROM Device Driver Beta Installation and Suppor
PBMPLUS ZIP PBMPLUS FOR OS/2 2.0 icc version
PMDRAW2 ZIP Beta Version of PMDRAW for Professional Developer's Kit
SOX-32 ZIP First beta run of porting SOX SOund eXchanger to OS/2 2.0
SP16MB ZIP Debug OS2LDR to check support for > 16Mb (req SP)
BASECSD1 ZIP IBM TCP/IP version 1.2.1 CSD level UB02274 - Disk 1
BASECSD2 ZIP IBM TCP/IP version 1.2.1 CSD level UB02274 - Disk 2
BASECSD3 ZIP IBM TCP/IP version 1.2.1 CSD level UB02274 - Disk 3
VGALIB ZIP VIO direct graphics library and demos

All new files are ZIP files. Depending on the gateways between BLEKUL11
and your site it might be necessary to specify extra options :

To get the normal ZIP file send the following command to our LISTSERV :


(Where fn is the name of the file you want.)

To get an XXENCODED ZIP file (use this if your gateways have trouble
with binary files) use the following command :


To get several small XXENCODED files (use this if your gateways limit
the size of files) :

GET fn ZIP f=XXE,split

Our disk is also accessible by anonymous FTP at
The OS2 files are available in the ANONYMOU.201 directory. To get a
list of files get the O2.FILELIST in the (default) ANONYMOU.191

Note: Use Info-ZIP UNZIP v5.0 to unzip !!

These files are distributed AS IS, we can not guarantee anything about
their working.

* For a complete list of all OS/2 files available at LISTSERV@BLEKUL11 *
* get the OS2INDEX ZIP. *
* For a list of all new (last 3 weeks) OS/2 files available at *

We still welcome all OS/2 related files for distribution on our LISTSERV.
Send your files to OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET /
we will arrange everything for distribution.


Date: Tue, 27 Oct 92 19:07:00 -0800
From: hodges@ampere.EE.UCLA.EDU (
Subject: *** HOOPS FOR OS/2 ***

Engineers and scientist running OS/2 have undoubtedly run into the
same ironic situation that I currently face: there is no simple way to
do graphics programming in OS/2. Since most technical programmers are
running Fortran, about the only practical option is to run a DOS compiler
out of the DOS box, and this is not really an option either because bugs
in DPMI prevent many packages (e.g. Lahey Fortran) from performing
graphics calls. Watcom has a PM programming interface but there is
no documentation to indicate how it works. The only true option has been
to buy the Workset/2, learn C and learn the Presentation Manager API.
Having spent some time in this endeavor reminds me of taking German
in Texas years ago: it is a logical but complex language, and ultimately
I could not find others nearby who spoke German. Since my particular work
did not require German, it was not worth the effort.

One possible solution I have located is the Hoops graphics system from
Ithaca Software. According to Ithaca, this package supports graphics
calls into the PM environment from either 32-bit Watcom Fortran or C (the
native OS/2 compilers are supported). Based on the tutorial and sample
code supplied by Ithaca, this appears to be a reasonable way to generate
graphics programs - especially for scientific and engineering purposes.
One can also use the PM API functions (but this gets you back into
mountains of documentation written in IBMese).

HOOPS is an object oriented graphics architecture which includes a
graphics database, rendering engine and an event manager. The interesting
aspect of this is that programs written using the HOOPS graphics library
are (source code) transportable across a remarkably wide range of GUI
platforms. Thus, one can write a program in OS/2 and later recompile and
run it on, say, an RS/6000 if more "horsepower" is needed to run it.

The cost of HOOPS is a good news-bad news story. Licenses are rather
expensive (bad news) but they have a great academic discount. I have not
yet ordered it, but am seriously considering doing so - will give some
info on it later once I get first hand experience.

For those interested in HOOPS, contact:

Ithaca Software
1001 Marina Village Parkway
Alameda, CA 94501
(510) 523-5900

If you are interested in academic discounts, the guy I spoke with is
Yanick Fluhmann, Educational Accounts Manager (

Hope this information is helpful.


Date: Tue Oct 27 16:31:59 GMT 1992
From: Mike O'Carroll <>
Subject: DosQueryDOSProperty

Although I have CSet/2 and the Developer's Toolkit, I can find nothing
in the .inf files about the above or related calls. Should they be

Mike O'Carroll, Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering,
The University, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK
E-mail: mike@ee.leeds[]
UUCP: ...uunet!mcsun!uknet!lena!mike


Date: Wed Oct 28 10:38:11 GMT 1992
From: Mike O'Carroll <>
Subject: winos2

This may be sacriledge, but has anyone done a file manager for winos2? :-)

Mike O'Carroll, Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering,
The University, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK
E-mail: mike@ee.leeds[]
UUCP: ...uunet!mcsun!uknet!lena!mike


Date: Wed, 28 Oct 92 13:05:22 +0100
From: Dirk Rober <FDAAA11@BLEKUL11>
Organization: K.U.Leuven (Belgium)
Subject: Info-ZIP UNZIP.

We (and other lists or ftp sites) have changed the ZIP format used. Our
list now uses Info-ZIP ZIP v1.9. To unzip our files you should use
Info-ZIP UNZIP v5.0. The old PKUNZIP might still work on some of our older

The Info-ZIP utilities are availble from our list.

UNZ50X16 ZIP Info-ZIP generic UnZip utility (16 bit)
UNZ50X32 ZIP Info-ZIP generic UnZip utility (32 bit)
ZIP19X16 ZIP Zip 1.9 compression and file packaging utility (16 bit)
ZIP19X32 ZIP Zip 1.9 compression and file packaging utility (32 bit)

In case of problems do not hesitate to contact us.


Date: Thu, 29 Oct 92 17:41:36 SET
From: Lode Goukens <PS890866@FPSW.UFSIA.AC.BE>
Organization: University of Antwerp - UFSIA - Faculteit Pol. & Soc. Wet.
Subject: pmcamera

I have some problems with loading pmcamera from a diskette into OS/2 2.01.
Can you help me? I want to be able to send to the OS2 list, but I want to read
it in Netnews (my mailbox is submerged).


Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1992 22:31:00 UTC+0100
Subject: Sytos 1.35 for OS/2 2.0

Does anyone know the list of tape backup devices that Sytos 1.35
for OS/2 2.0 supports ? .

OS/2 in '92

Inigo Losada Iglesias
CIS : 100010.2301
Fidonet : 2:344/3.417


Date: 31 Oct 1992 21:46:18 -0400 (EDT)
From: "JEFF T. DONVILLE" <9005025@SSCvax.CIS.McMaster.CA>
Subject: PMComm

Well, I downloaded PMComm from the EARN (blekul11) listserv and got it running
on my machine. The only problem is that I like this software very much and I
want to register for the full-blown version - if I could find the people that
made it. Apparently, their telephone # has changed (not surprisingly) but
I also suspect (I don't want to risk a cheque) that their address as given in
the accompaniying (?) documentation has changed as well. So: I'm looking for
the following people/person/entity:::

Multi-net Communications

they make PM Comm, a native OS/2 comm program. If you have a registered copy
of PM Comm I would be ecstatic (no hyperbole at all) if you could drop me a
line as to where they are hiding out these days (of course an offer on the
software would be nice - unexpected, but nice :-) ).

If you haven't tried this software, but you are looking for a comm program
that runs in the PM then maybe you should check it out (The only things I
don't like about the shareware version are that 1) no ZModem
2) the VT100 emulation needs work so that all the function keys are PF
3) no Kermit (which is the only protocol the mainframe at school supports

But as the copy at blekul11 is dated 1990, things should be much improved for
the current version (we hope!!!)

Thanx to all in advance

Jeff T Donville Civil Engineering @ Computer Systems III (of V) -
I'll graduate one of these years...

P.S. How 'bout those (World Champion) Blue Jays?! Wotta team!


Date: 03 Nov 92 16:04:27 EST
From: David John Marotta <djm5g%Virginia.EDU@dmt03.mcc.Virginia.EDU>
Subject: IPMD with CSet2 folds up on one .EXE file

We are using the CSet2 with IPMD. All of us are debugging files on a server
drive redirected as P: for all of us. With one of our workstations, IPMD
works for all the .EXE files fine, except one, where it starts up, but
right before it should show the source files it folds up and quits.

The config.sys file looks correct, and the .EXE file can be debuged from
other workstations except this one (which is the one which is compiling
and working on it). No error messages are given.

Does anyone have any ideas at solving our problem?


David John Marotta, Medical Center Computing, Stacey Hall
Univ of Virginia (804) 982-3718 wrk INTERNET:
Box 512 Med Cntr (804) 924-5261 msg BITNET: djm5g@virginia
C'ville VA 22908 (804) 296-7209 fax IBM US: usuvarg8


Date: Tue, 03 Nov 92 14:50:56 COL
From: "Raul E. Barragan Noriega" <RBARRAGA@UNALCOL>
Subject: Configuration advice wanted

I am upgrading my IBM PS/2 Mod 8580A16 from 8 Mb RAM and 160 Mb
SCSI hard disk, to 16 Mb RAM plus a second 160 Mb SCSI disk.
The PS/2 is configured with OS/2 version 2.0 and HPFS. The first
disk has one hard file and I am planning format the second disk
(disk D) also as one hard file.

I would appreciate your recommendations oriented to know what
changes should be made in the CONFIG.SYS file in order to optimize
the performance of the stand alone station, without reinstall the
entire operating system.

Currently, some (probably) pertinent parameters of the CONFIG.SYS
file, are:

Thank you,

Raul Barragan
Universidad Nacional de Colombia



Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1992 14:42 MST
From: John Stratton <JSTRATT@SSB1.SAFF.UTAH.EDU>
Subject: IBM's TCP/IP for OS/2

I am relatively new to OS/2 and brand new to TCP/IP and have a question for
those more experienced than I. I am running OS/2 2.0 and would like to have
FTP services & perhaps run a mail server using TCP/IP. I am having a hard
time getting much info on what is provided by IBM's TCP/IP for OS/2. I
understand there is a base product plus various other options ( NFS, x.25,
programmer toolkit etc. ) Can someone enlighten me as to what is included
with the base product? Would LWP for OS/2 do the same thing for me at a
comparable price? Any thoughts are welcomed.

John Stratton
135 Student Services Building
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
Phone: (801) 585-3227
Fax: (801) 585-3034


Date: Wed, 21 Oct 92 07:53 EDT
From: Konstantinos Piperis <kostas@bklyn>
Subject: Sytos Plus problems : a solution

For those you have problems with Sytos Plus 1.34 for OS/2 1.3x

Like most of you, I also had similar problems with the IBM 3532-023
2.3 Gb tape drive(s).

After speaking with Sytron Corp., I found out that the tape drives
are not really made by IBM. The drive itself is made by Exabyte (spelling?)
and the outside case made by IBM. I was made aware of this, since the
QFA option was shaded out.

Furthermore, If you ger an error message "cancelled due to block size",
older tape (IBM) drives models write different block size, check with IBM
on the firmware of the drive, and consult Sytron Corp.

My configuration is similar to ones some of you posted.

-IBM PS/2 95
-IBM 3532-23 2.3Gb Tape Drive
-Sytos Plus v1.34

The problem I had was with the scheduler, Sytron Corp. suggested
removing the scheduler, and installing it again. The procedure is:

1- Goto the SYPLUS directory
2- Run SYPLUS /R
3- A message should appear saying the scheduler has been removed
4- Goto the SYPLUSSYFILES directory
5- Delete the SYPLUS.SCH file (this is contains the scheduled events)
6- Start Sytos Plus
9- Select F5 to add an Event
10- Add event
11- Minimize Sytos

If the icon does not appear with the hour and minute hand, try issuing
the command:


If this does not help, you may have to reboot your system, thus clearing
its memory. Some how it is affected.

I have received the latest version of Sytos Plus v1.35 for OS/2 2.0 & 1.3,
but have not done any testing yet....but some of the new features are:

a. OS/2 Version 2.0 Support
b. LAN Server 2.0 Support
c. Progress Indicator
d. IBM PS/2 Rewritable Optical Drive Support
e. Removable Logical Device Support: IBM PS/2 3.5" Rewritable Otical Drive
f. Fixed Logical Device (Fixed Disk) Support
g. IBM PS/2 2.88 MB Diskette Drive Support
h. Restoring Directory Information
i. Using Text files for selection sheets and redirection sheets
j. Installing Additional Drivers
k. "Full OS/2 Restore" Default Procedure

I am not advertising the product, I thought some of you might want to know
that the new features are.

Hope this helps,


Date: Tue, 17 Nov 92 21:43:22 EDT
From: Gilad Bernadsky <MCRGILAD@VM.UoGuelph.CA>
Subject: Is the current service pack THE right one?

Approximately a month ago (William Unruh) writes:

>>I just spoke with the IBM BBS SYSOP here in Vancouver, and the CSD was
>>withdrawn 25 min ago.
>Here is the text that the IBM Vancouver BBS had a few mins ago.
>OS/2 2.0 Service Pack Not Recommended
>Submitted by OS/2 Information Svcs, 3597, CORE at WATSON
>On Tuesday, IBM released a "service pack" for OS/2 2.0 that contains
>a number of bug fixes, as well as an updated 32 bit graphics engine.
>OS/2 Information Services recommends that you do ** NOT ** install the
>service pack at this time. Although some significant bugs are fixed,
>the service pack introduces many new problems that may adversely affect
>your system. Some of the more serious problems include:

I would appreciate having some clarification regarding the SP for OS/2 V2.0.
My questions are:
1) Is the present CSD at anonymous ftp the
"recommended" release?
2) I am puzzled how most of the files spgxxx.dsk can be copied onto a 3 1/2
HD diskette while their size are 1.47Mb. (I tried, and it can be done only
after compressing them). How should I copy them to the diskettes and
install the pack?

Another question: how can I get the up to date logged forum discussions?

Thanks for your time,


Date: 21 Nov 1992 14:43:45 -0400 (EDT)
From: "JEFF T. DONVILLE" <9005025@SSCvax.CIS.McMaster.CA>
Subject: Borland Pascal

I heard from a friend that Borland is releasing a new Pascal compiler
which will apparently produce apps for DOS, Windoze, AND OS/2!! Can anyone
confirm this, and if so, will it be possible to produce 32-bit PM and non-PM
apps with this product?
Also, any word on when IBM will be re-releasing the Service Pack? Win31

support would be really handy - especially for those who want to try OS/2 but
need win31 to run their special apps (eg MIDI software).
Until Death catches up with Rincewind and the Luggage, make mine OS/2!




Date: Mon, 23 Nov 92 13:54:52 NFT
From: Turgut Kalfaoglu <TURGUT@FRORS12.BITNET>
Subject: new bigsort ready

Hi. I just stored a new copy of bigsort on, as
/pub/uploads/bigsort.zoo. This 32-bit program allows you to sort
any file, of any size. It has the same options as OS/2 SORT, plus,
options for stating that the field to sort is a date field, and
case-insensitive sort. I am appending the description file below:

Bigsort Version 3: An in-memory sort for large files.

(C)1988-92 Turgut Kalfaoglu

User-Supported software: Please register your copy.

This program enables you to sort any file, using a syntax that is a
superset of system's SORT command. It can sort on date fields, starting
from any column in the file, and accepts reverse sort flag with all
options. The lack of any static memory allocation allows the program to
handle files of any size.

This program is also available for DOS, but that version is limited to
sort sizes of approximately 550K. No further support for the DOS version
is planned at this time.

This program requires OS/2 2.0 since it's a 32-bit application.


BIGSORT [options] < inputfile > outputfile

if you omit the '< inputfile' part, BigSort will wait for an answer from
the keyboard. If that is what you wish, enter the data, separating each
one by a RETURN character, then enter CTRL-Z to finish entry.

if you omit '> outputfile' part, BigSort will send its output to the

Program's informational messages, such as copyrights, are always directed
to the 'stderr', ensuring that they are no accidentally inserted into the
output file.

To view online help, type


* Options

The options that are present in this version are:

/+nnn where nnn's are a number, will cause BigSort to start sorting
items from that column.

/R Reverses the sort order. The sorting order will be ZYXW...DCBA if
you use this option. Also applicable with the date options.

/I Ignore case. Without this option, A comes before a, and Z comes
before a! Use this option to prevent this.

/DDMMYY Signals bigsort that the field to sort is a date, in the
format of: DD/MM/YY. The separators can be anything: slash,
/MMDDYY Signals bigsort that the field is a date, in the format
/YYMMDD Signals that the field is a date, Year/Month/Day format.

/V Makes BIGSORT explain what is being done. Also shows time
/Snnnn Tells BIGSORT that the file to be sorted is smaller than nnnnn
lines. Default value is 100000.

Source code in very-portable-C is available for $10, send SASE and a
blank disk. (Only registered users can order source code).

Filesize considerations: This program can sort any file of any size.
(The only limitation is that none of the lines in the file must be longer
than 10 kilobytes.) However, if the file is longer than 100,000 lines,
the program needs to be told to reserve a large index space for it. This
is done using the /S option. Let's say your file is 500,000 lines long,
and you expect it to grow even more. (Note, this is not the file size in
bytes -- this is the number of lines in file). You could add /S800000
option to your command so that BIGSORT can process your file until it
reaches 800 thousand lines in length.

Performance Considerations: On an idle 386/33 with 8MB memory, you can
expect a sort time of under 1 minute (including read/write to hard disk)
for a file of 3 megabytes. As the filesized increases, and your RAM
decreases. your system may start paging which affects sort time.

If you have any questions, comments, modification requests or site
registrations, please contact me at:

Turgut Kalfaoglu
1378 Sokak 8/10
Izmir 35210

TURGUT@FRMOP11.BITNET e-mail addresses as well.


Date: Wed, 2 Dec 92 17:57:24 CST
From: markj@saintjoe.EDU (Mark Johnson)
Subject: Gateway CD ROM

I'm thinking of buying the Sony-built CD ROM that Gateway 2000
is offering for their machines, but they do not as yet have the
OS/2 drivers for it. Does anyone out there have this CD ROM, and
how have they gotten it to work?

Mark Johnson
// Mark F. Johnson //
// Box 915 //
// St Joseph's College //
// Rensselaer, IN, 47978 //
// InterNet: //


Date: Wed, 2 Dec 92 16:45:15 AST
From: Peter E Jacobs <jacobs@PEJOS2.CSD.UNB.CA>
Subject: FAX/Modem support

An OS/2 user is trying to find a FAX/Modem and software that will operate
properly in FAX mode under OS/2. He has tried the Intel Satisfaction and
is now testing the Hayes Optima 14.4. In both cases he has attempted to
use the DOS software that was bundled with the product and they fail to
send a FAX.

1. Has anyone successfully adjusted the DOS session settings to allow the
bundled software to work? If so, how?
2. What OS/2 FAX software is available and what FAX/Modems does it work
with? The FAQ mentions BitFAX and FAX/PM, but provides no vendor
information. Is there any public domain software available?

+Peter E. Jacobs, Systems Engineer, Computing Services +
+University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada +
+Postal Address: P.O. Box 4400,Fredericton NB E3B 5A3 +
+Bitnet/Netnorth: JACOBS@UNB +
+CA*net/Internet: JACOBS@UNB.CA +
+Phone: (506) 453-4573 FAX: (506) 453-3590 +


Date: Wed, 02 Dec 92 07:36:45 EST
From: Joel Saunders <RJFS@SNYCENVM>
Organization: Research Foundation OF SUNY
Subject: DOS 5, OS/2, Boot Manager, and 2 IDE Drives

I currently own a 50 MHz 486 DX that has a Conner CP3204F IDE drive (210 MB)
partitioned as follows:

Boot Manager ----> 1 MB
DOS v5.00 ----> 159 MB
OS/2 v2.0 ----> 50 MB

I want to add a Seagate 1480A IDE drive (410 MB) as a second drive.

My first attempt was to partition the second drive as follows:

DOS v5.00 ----> 100 MB
OS/2 V2.0 ----> 210 MB
OPEN (Possibly SCO UNIX) ----> 100 MB

The partitioning via FDISK went well and I could format the DOS and OS/2
partitions on the second drive. However, I also encountered the following

1: I could no longer start DOS V5 from the BOOT MANAGER, it would just hang.
2: OS/2 would function fine.

Is there a problem with trying to partition drives in this manner?
I'm using OS/2 more and more each day, but still have a requirement to keep
my DOS environment intact.

Are there any suggestions? If it requires repartitioning the first and/or
second drive, is their any way to back up my OS/2 partition to a Colorado
120MB tape drive. Colorado software is still unable to to run under OS/2..
It times out.

Currently, I have the second drive disconnected and am using the Conner drive

I am open to all ideas.

Thanks..... Joel


End of OS/2 Discussion Forum 921201 - Part I

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