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OS2 Discussion Forum Volume 9208 Issue 02

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OS2 Discussion Forum
 · 5 months ago

OS/2 Discussion Forum Mon, August 10, 1992 Volume 9208 Issue 02

Relevant addresses :
1331 submissions : OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet)
DIRECT (domain)
TO OS2 (domain)
moderator : OS2MOD@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)

Today's topics:
New files on LISTSERVer
IBM OS/2 Employee Written Software Catalog
De Fragging OS2?
3270 Connections
A: Driver seeking doesn't stop
Video problems with OS/2 v2.o, ET4000
100+ things OS2 vs WIN

Feed from the Listearn OS2-L OS/2 Non-Editored Discussion List :

Re: Scary output of CHKDSK, system hangups cured!
columnists at OS/2 Monthly
How do you install video drivers for OS/2 and Win-OS/2?
Good news: Re: Bug Report: POV Ray Tracer version 1.0

Feed from the Usenet (UUCP/Internet) comp.os.os2.* newsgroups :

Re: Hello IBM, ATM fonts on watson.
Can MS LM 2.1 coexist with IBM TCP/IP 1.2.1 ?
Setting up a serial port with DosDevIOCtl
Re: Setting up a serial port with DosDevIOCtl
Ghostscript port to OS2 2.0 is available
Re: Installing LaMail's EPM eats ressources
Re: Ghostscript port to OS2 2.0 is available
Re: Ghostscript port to OS2 2.0 is available
Re: Nightly Buisiness Report
The workframe is out to get me.
The workframe is out to get me.
MSC 7.00 and extensions for OS/2


Date: Mon, August 03, 1992, 12:00:00 +0200
From: Moderator of OS/2 Discussion Forum <OS2MOD@BLEKUL11>
Subject: New files on LISTSERVer

This is a list of new or updated OS/2 related files available from the
LISTSERV of the OS/2 Discussion Forum at BLEKUL11.

* New Files from comp.binaries.os2

filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
MAN ZIP Unix man for OS/2
SMALL ZIP Small bit-mapped font for OS/2 PM

All new files are ZIP files. Depending on the gateways between BLEKUL11
and your site it might be necessary to specify extra options :

To get the normal ZIP file send the following command to our LISTSERV :


(Where fn is the name of the file you want.)

To get an XXENCODED ZIP file (use this if your gateways have trouble
with binary files) use the following command :


To get several small XXENCODED files (use this if your gateways limit
the size of files) :

GET fn ZIP f=XXE,split

Our disk is also accessible by anonymous FTP at
The OS2 files are available in the ANONYMOU.201 directory. To get a
list of files get the O2.FILELIST in the (default) ANONYMOU.191

Note: Use PKUNZIP -d to unzip !!

These files are distributed AS IS, we can not guarantee anything about
their working.

* For a complete list of all OS/2 files available at LISTSERV@BLEKUL11 *
* get the OS2INDEX ZIP. *
* For a list of all new (last 3 weeks) OS/2 files available at *

We still welcome all OS/2 related files for distribution on our LISTSERV.
Send your files to OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET /
we will arrange everything for distribution.


Date: Mon, Aug 10, 1992 12:00:00 AM
From: Moderators of the OS/2 Discussion Forum <OS2MOD@BLEKUL11>
Subject: IBM OS/2 Employee Written Software Catalog

These programs are available on all sponsored IBM BBS's and
CompuServe. The file names are the filename.ZIP listed in
this catalog.

* *
* *
* You accept these programs with the understanding that *
* the IBM Corporation makes no representations or warranties *
* as to the suitability of these programs for your particular *
* purpose, and that to the extent you use or implement this *
* program in your own setting, you do so at your own risk. In *
* no event will the IBM Corporation be liable for any damages, *
* whether consequential, incidental, or special, arising out of *
* the use of or inability to use the programs provided. *
* Please read the LICENSE which follows to determine if you want *
* to use these programs. *
* *
* Copyright the IBM Corporation, 1992, All rights reserved. *
* *

IBM License Agreement for OS/2 Tools


International Business Machines Corporation grants you a license
to use the Program only in the country where you acquired it. The
Program is copyrighted and licensed (not sold). We do not
transfer title to the Program to you. You obtain no rights other
than those granted you under this license.

Under this license, you may:

1. use the Program on one or more machines at a time;
2. make copies of the Program for use or backup purposes within
your Enterprise;
3. modify the Program and merge it into another program; and
4. make copies of the original file you downloaded and distribute
it, provided that you transfer a copy of this license to the
other party. The other party agrees to these terms by its
first use of the Program.

You must reproduce the copyright notice and any other legend of
ownership on each copy or partial copy, of the Program.

You may NOT:

1. distribute the Program over electronic networks (except
internally), or by means of electronic "bulletin boards".
2. sublicense, rent, lease, or assign the Program; and
3. reverse assemble, reverse compile, or otherwise translate the

We do not warrant that the Program is free from claims by a third
party of copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, or any other
intellectual property infringement.

Under no circumstances are we liable for any of the following:

1. third-party claims against you for losses or damages;
2. loss of, or damage to, your records or data; or
3. economic consequential damages (including lost profits or
savings) or incidental damages, even if we are informed of
their possibility.

Some jurisdictions do not allow these limitations or exclusions,
so they may not apply to you.

We do not warrant uninterrupted or error free operation of the
Program. We have no obligation to provide service, defect
correction, or any maintenance for the Program. We have no
obligation to supply any Program updates or enhancements to you
even if such are or later become available.



Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied
warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you.

You may terminate this license at any time. We may terminate this
license if you fail to comply with any of its terms. In either
event, you must destroy all your copies of the Program.

You are responsible for the payment of any taxes resulting from
this license.

You may not sell, transfer, assign, or subcontract any of your
rights or obligations under this license. Any attempt to do so is

Neither of us may bring a legal action more than two years after
the cause of action arose.

If you acquired the Program in the United States, this license is
governed by the laws of the State of New York. If you acquired
the Program in Canada, this license is governed by the laws of
the Province of Ontario. Otherwise, this license is governed by
the laws of the country in which you acquired the Program.



TINYED.ZIP Date Issued - August 11, 1992
Author: Tim Baldwin IBM United Kingdom Laboratories Ltd.

There are times even in today's world of multi-megabyte personal
computers when a quick, simple and small text editor is of benefit.
With a .EXE file of less than 9K bytes T is designed to fit that role.
For the DOS user trying to cram more and more into 640K the advantages
of small size are obvious, for the OS/2 user the speed and ability to
run when even Presentation Manager is unavailable may prove just as

CDEXPL.ZIP Date Issued - August 7, 1992
Author: Dave Thomas IBM Research Triangle Park, NC.

Features: Play including options for disc repeat, track repeat
Disc status/Counter, Eject, Pause/Stop, Skip to next/previous track.
Output to CD-attached headphones or audio card-attached speakers.
Table of contents - allows random track selection, plus a nifty way to
indicate current track via auto-selection in list.
Mini window option requires less screen space to interact with CD.
Shares CD with other well-behaved CD applications.

Requires --
- MMPM/2 (multimedia extendsions to OS/2 2.0) installed with CD support
- An MMPM/2 supported CD player that allows digital audio disc playback
- IBM 3510
- Toshiba functional equivalents to the above
- Output to speakers requires an audio card like IBM M-Audio ACPA
- Headphone support via the CD headphone jack is the default

APING.ZIP Date Issued - August 5, 1992
Author: Peter J. Schwaller IBM Research Triangle Park, NC.

APING is a CPI-C program that should be the first program you configure and
run when first configuring APPC on your computer. APING exchanges data
packets with a partner computer, and times how long the data transfer takes.
It can be used to get a coarse measure of the session setup time between two
computers, and the throughput and turnaround time on that APPC session.
APING can be used to determine whether a session can be set up between two
computers, and will display extensive error information if session allocation

ATELL.ZIP Date Issued - August 5, 1992
Author: Peter J. Schwaller IBM Research Triangle Park, NC.

ATELL is a sample program that allows a workstation user to send a message to
another workstation. ATELL is written in the C language and uses the IBM SAA
Common Programming Interface for Communications (CPI-C).

AREXEC.ZIP Date Issued - August 5, 1992
Author: Peter J. Schwaller IBM Research Triangle Park, NC.

APPC Remote EXECution. AREXEC allows you to execute any single command line
on a remote workstation. All output of the command that goes to stdout or
stderr will be routed to your screen. Full screen programs or programs that
require user input will not work properly with AREXEC.

ALPHAL.ZIP Date Issued - August 4, 1992
Author: Lionel de Lambert, IBM United Kingdom Laboratories Ltd.

Code Browser and Analysis Tool

ALPHA is a code browse and analysis program for 370 & 386 Assembler,
PASCAL, C, PL/AS etc. ALPHA provides basic browse functions and
will also draw branch flow lines, display the program call
structure, highlight keywords and expand the procedure calls in a
secondary window.

IPFCPP.ZIP Date Issued - July 16, 1992
Author: Doug Haigh, IBM Raleigh, N. C.

IPFC Preprocessor.

IPFC Preprocessor is tool to expand the capabilities of the IPF Compiler. It
provides additional function for the IPF Compiler that are necessary for both
single sourcing online documentation & hardcopy books (using BookMaster), and
single sourcing of symbols for the developer and help panel writer. IPFC
Preprocessor allows you to define symbols, create conditionally compiled
sections of documents, include C language symbols (using #define) in help
panels, create simple text macros (tags), and resolves searches for imbedded
files and bitmaps to other directories.

PMFTRM.ZIP Date Issued - July 16, 1992
|Author: Steve Blunden, IBM New Haven CN.

Async Terminal program for OS/2.

PMFTERM provides ANSI, DEC VT100(R), TTY line mode and FTTERMC asynchronous
emulation for OS/2 1.2, 1.3 and 2.0+ without CM or ES. File transfer for
IND$FILE via 3708/7171 or XMODEM for others. Logon scripting provided
including special escape characters, CIS logon, IBM NSC BBS logon script etc.
Command line interface to SEND/RECEIVE for all F/T types. Full hypertext
help. COPY from and PASTE (!!!) TO emulation sessions (ie. from an
editor session). COM1-COM4 support, run as many PMFTERM's concurrently
as you have COM ports! Just add COM01/COM02/COM.SYS to CONFIG.SYS and
talk to the world...and still use your computer while you do it!


Date: Thu Aug 6 18:18:22 BST 1992
From: Mike O'Carroll <>
Subject: os2.ini

I wanted to be able to start a machine, and have a given desktop setup,
no matter what the previous user had been doing. I know I can get
the bare desktop by holding down ctrl-shift-F1 of course, but it seemed
to me that it should be possible to get to any saved state by saving the
ini files and copying them by means of a RUN command in config.sys

I've tried this, and it *seems* to work OK. By saving the ini files for
any given desktop appearance (has to be done by booting the installation
disks) you can get to that state on every reboot.

Anyone know of any possible dangers with this? e.g. I'm not quite sure
what order things happen in config.sys?

Mike O'Carroll, Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering,
The University, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK
E-mail: mike@ee.leeds[]
UUCP: ...uunet!mcsun!uknet!lena!mike


From: Richard N. Hinton <>
Subject: De Fragging OS2?
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 92 10:17:21 CDT

Dear OS-2'ers

I have a slight problem with file fragmentation as per
a program OS2FRAG.EXE, fragmentation of about 10r so. I don't
feel like going through all that backup/restore silliness, so I
would like to know of a PC Tools type de-fragging program. I asked
Central Point Software (maker of PC Tools) about an OS-2 de-fragger
and they said they have had many requests for such a program. Since
I am using FAT files instead of HPFS, I MISTAKENLY used DOS
PCTOOLS to defrag my 130 Meg HD. Bad idea! DOS PC Tools hides
various files and directories from OS-2 and the programs have to
be re-installed, in order for OS-2 to see them. PCtools does some
kind of sneaky hide feature on DOS files under OS-2, that renders
then unreadable.
That leaves me with a question.....Is there a GOOD
file defragger out there which will work on OS-2?
Richard N. Hinton


Date: Fri, 07 Aug 92 15:51:01 MST
From: David Bear <IDDWB@ASUACAD>
Subject: 3270 Connections

I have been reading thru the OS/2 ES communications manuals and was wondering
about device support for 3270. Will the extended service be able to use
my IRMA 2 board -- I'm guessing it is sufficiently compatible with the
IBM DFT board? I really new to this so hopefully I'm not out in left field.

Also, I've been reading in the LAN Adapter protocol support guide and
have found that IBM ships drivers for the 3COM 3c503 card -- Are there
drivers also for the 3c507 card? Does IBM have them? Does 3COM, and if
so has IBM tested them? I have bought the NIC card yet, so I'm still
flexible, sort of. I am using COM1 COM2 and my mouse is on IRQ 5. So
I don't have any IRQ's below 8 left. I could try to use IRQ 2, but I've
seen that cuase trouble. Besides, I'm a purist. If I have IRQ 9, 10, 11, 12
etc., why not use it? The 3c507 card can be set to use IRQ's up to 14 I
think. So, thats why I really want to know if there are os2 drivers for
the 507?

David Bear
Office Automation
ASU COPP (602)965-8257
. I think -- therefore I am a formal system -- I think?


Date: Sun, 9 Aug 92 11:11 +0300
From: Dr. Arie Kenig <arie@hujivms>
Subject: A: Driver seeking doesn't stop

I have the following problem:
When calling NC.EXE - (Norton Commander (Dos)) the NC keeps
looking for the A: drive after each and any dos command.

I have the following hardware:
486DX 33 MHz notebook from DATAWORLD (model LP 433).
The notebook comes with a 2.5" 80 MB winchester hardisk and a 3.5"
diskette driver. It has an AMI bios with the following ID:

Any help will be appreciated...




Date: Thu, 13 Aug 92 11:11:09 MEZ
From: Klaus Hahn <I3160901@DBSTU1.RZ.TU-BS.DE>
Organization: University of Braunschweig, Germany
Subject: Video problems with OS/2 v2.o, ET4000

Since when i installed v2.o (some weeks ago), there was a constantly
blinking line of pixels at the top of my screen (multicolored, some-
times disappearing, etc.). Additionally the well-known problems: no
full-screen DOS nor Win-OS2 (error msg, program termination, video
totally out of sync, but no system breakdown, orderly shutdown possible).

I got the latest KRNL and LDR last week and installed them, I got
the latest vga-fixes from watson yesterday, but no go. DOS in a
window works ok, but the rest ... My VGA card has an ET4000, i don't
know the patch-level. Does someone know where the problem lies? Should
i dematerialize my VGA card? Or what?

- Klaus.

Klaus Hahn
Dept. of Psychology
Spielmannstr. 19
D-33oo Braunschweig, Germany

bitnet : i3160901 at dbstu1
internet: i3160901 at


Date: Thu, 13 Aug 92 13:10:34 +0300
Subject: 100+ things OS2 vs WIN

To add another feature: Did you ever try to print a complete helpfile of WIN ?
OS2 simply prints it, even if the printfile is 20MB size... :-)
Win prints at most a single topic. :-(
Hope it is not already in the file.


ALfred Jilka #
Geologic Survey, Austria # Last night the wind crashed my WINDOWS !!!


Feed from the Listearn OS2-L OS/2 Non-Editored Discussion List :


Date: Mon, 10 Aug 92 08:17:04 CET
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12.BITNET>
From: Turgut Kalfaoglu <turgut@EARN-PS.CIRCE.FR>
Subject: Re: Scary output of CHKDSK, system hangups cured!

Thanks for the info ob strange CHKDSK output..

I wanted to let the group know that I cured my problem with system
halting for no apparent reason - it was the SWAPPER.DAT. It was
happening on two systems that I work with, and I just erased their
swapper.dat, restarted, and now no more hangups for several (5) days -
whereas it used to be a daily affair.

The symptoms were easy to detect: Hard disk light comes on, system slows
down and stops within a minute, with only mouse active..

Regards, -turgut

Turgut Kalfaoglu, Server Programmer, European Academic Research Network
BITNET: turgut@frors12.bitnet or turgut@frmop11.bitnet


Date: Mon, 10 Aug 92 15:36:27 CDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12.BITNET>
From: "Phillip E. Parker" <PPARKER@TWSUVM.UC.TWSU.EDU>
Subject: columnists at OS/2 Monthly

I just talked to them and they said "As far as we know, Zachmann is not
coming on board, but we'd love to have him. Dvorak too, and you can quote
that." So I have.

PS I subscribed anyway.

% Phillip E. Parker
% __ 2 Math. Dept. Bitnet: pparker@twsuvm
% |__) Wichita St. Univ. Internet:
% | Wichita KS 67260-0033 Fax: 1-316-689-3748


Date: Wed, 12 Aug 92 08:05:53 CET
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12.BITNET>
From: Turgut Kalfaoglu <turgut@EARN-PS.CIRCE.FR>
Subject: How do you install video drivers for OS/2 and Win-OS/2?

Video drivers for OS/2 are usually installed the 'neat' way. Just go to
an os/2 prompt and type DDINSTAL. It will hum idle for 2 mins and then
come up with a screen (where do you want to install from, to, etc).

Windows? not sure. I guess you just copy over

DOS? Easy - if you want that device driver to be available to all DOS
prompts, put it in \CONFIG.SYS - yeah, OS/2 CONFIG.SYS. It's smart
enough to understand it's a DOS device driver, and load it when needed.
If you only need the driver for a particular application, try 'Open ->
Settings -> DOS Settings -> DOS_DEVICE' .Just add your driver there. To
get to the DOS_DEVICE, you use right and left mouse buttons over the
icon.. -turgut

Turgut Kalfaoglu, Server Programmer, European Academic Research Network
BITNET: turgut@frors12.bitnet or turgut@frmop11.bitnet


Date: Thu, 13 Aug 92 08:20:10 EDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12.BITNET>
Comments: Originally-From:
From: Turgut Kalfaoglu <TURGUT@FRORS12.BITNET>
Subject: Good news: Re: Bug Report: POV Ray Tracer version 1.0

Ahh! Good news! here is how to compile POV under IBM C/SET 2 32-bit
compiler for OS/2..

---------------Original message----
*** Reply to note of 08/11/92 11:11

I've heard of other people who have ported POV to C Set/2, and indeed, it
was only this morning that someone on one of our internal forums
described what he had to do to get POV to behave after compiling with
C Set/2. Apparently, you have to mask off denormal exceptions using
_control87(). Try adding the line


to the start of your code and see if it helps. If not, bundle up your
source and makefiles and send them on. We'd love to have some intensive
floating-point code for our own testing purposes anyway, so why not send
it on even if _control87() *does* work? :-)

Btw, by this time tomorrow, we should be attached to BITNET, at CSET2 at
VNET. This might make it easier for you to send us code. Thanks for
the kind words about C Set/2, too!


C Set/2 Development
IBM Canada Lab, 844 Don Mills Rd, Toronto, Ontario
"We see the fish below the ice sometimes."


Feed from the Usenet (UUCP/Internet) comp.os.os2.* newsgroups :


From: (Guenter Stueck)
Subject: Re: Hello IBM, ATM fonts on watson.
Date: Fri, 07 Aug 92 22:26:29 MEZ
Organization: Guenter's Home

ASI509@DJUKFA11.BITNET writes:

> PALEEEEZE could someone at IBM put the correct ATM WinOS2 fonts on software.
> The ones that come with OS/2 are really pretty -- for US peop
> but for us europeans who need that funny accented and dotted characters like
> \"a \"o ... it`s really hard to read our texts when all these umlauts have
> a kerning that makes them overlap half their width.

You can "repair" the fonts yourself: delete all previously installed fonts
inside ATM, erase the directories \PSFONTS and \PSFONTS\PFM. Edit all
*.INF-files - except symb.inf - on the font disk and replace all occurences of
"Pi true" with "Pi false". Then, start ATM and install the fonts again. Now
your "Umlauts" will work well.

Greetings, Guenter
| Guenter Stueck | E-Mail: or
| D-2800 Bremen | Maus: Guenter Stueck @ HB
| Germany |


From: mleiber@hpwad.WAD.HP.COM (Michael Leiber)
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1992 08:36:57 GMT
Subject: Can MS LM 2.1 coexist with IBM TCP/IP 1.2.1 ?
Organization: Hewlett-Packard Waldbronn, Germany

Does anybody know if there's a change to get MS Lan Manager 2.1 to
coexist with IBM TCP/IP 1.2.1 ? I tried various settings in config.sys,
without success. Maybe it's impossible at all. There's no word about this
theme in neither documentation (as expected).

Thanks Michael

Michael Leiber Phone: Germany (7243) 602-527
Research & Development FAX: Germany (7243) 602-414
Hewlett Packard GmbH HPDesk: Michael Leiber/HPB400/R1
Waldbronn Analytic Division Unix Mail:
Hewlett Packard Str. 1 7517 Waldbronn, Germany


From: (Rick Pack)
Subject: Setting up a serial port with DosDevIOCtl
Organization: Evans & Sutherland Computer Corp., Salt Lake City, Utah
Date: Sat, 8 Aug 1992 04:47:45 GMT

I have the IBM Workset/2 and am trying to set up a serial port using the
DosDevIOCtl function call. Apparently it's syntax has changed from past
versions of OS/2. The sample code and old (circa 1.2) manuals I have list
the parameters in a different order from that given by the Workset/2 online

Unfortunately, the online help only tells how the pointers to the parameter
blocks are passed, not what should be IN the parameter blocks.

Does anyone have any info - possibly a bit of sample code on setting the
baud rate, stop bits, etc. using this function? (... and what the heck book
does one find this stuff in?)

Rick Pack -WC7W-
Evans & Sutherland Computer Corp.
Salt Lake City, Utah
(801) 582-5847


From: rommel@Informatik.TU-Muenchen.DE (Kai-Uwe Rommel)
Subject: Re: Setting up a serial port with DosDevIOCtl
Organization: Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany
Date: Sat, 8 Aug 1992 07:01:12 GMT

In article <> writes:
> Unfortunately, the online help only tells how the pointers to the parameter
>blocks are passed, not what should be IN the parameter blocks.

The online docs *show* the parameter contents. If you open the Control
Program online manual, go to the "Generic IOCtl Commands" section.
Click on the + to expand it and then on the + left to the "Category 1
ASYNC". Then move to "Function 53H - Set DCB", double click on it. Two
windows appear, double click on "Parameter Packet" in the left window
and you are told how the structure pointed to by the parameter pointer
must be set up ...

Although the online DOCS don't mention it, there are predefined
structures for the parameter blocks in BSEDEV.H.

Kai Uwe Rommel

/* Kai Uwe Rommel --- */

DOS ... is still a real mode only non-reentrant interrupt
handler, and always will be. -Russell Williams


From: (Elber Gershon)
Subject: Ghostscript port to OS2 2.0 is available
Date: 11 Aug 92 09:19:19 MDT
Organization: University of Utah CS Dept

I just uploaded a new port of Ghostscript to OS2 2.0. The port can be found
in ( in pub/downloads as gs25os2.zoo. This
version is part of GS 2.5 beta and is not an official release. Read the
readme.os2 included. Offical release will probably be uploaded when GS 2.6
will be out.
If not interested in details you can now quit and ftp... Otherwise
stay tuned.

The port uses the EMX GCC port to compile GS and the GS display driver
as a seperate process. The two communicate via pipes that send the drawing
commands. In general, pipes can be real bottle necks for a program such as
GS which have so many drawing commands. Two steps were taken to eliminate
this potential problem:
* This implementation sends the data in binary form so no conversion to/from
ascii is performed.
* The drawing commands are buffered and sent in groups. My experience showed
that groups of more than 10 drawing commands had no affect of the overwhole
speed. Compared to groups of size 1 (i.e. every drawing command is
immediatelly sent out) an improvment of %10-%30 was found.

Since groups larger than 10 had not improvement over the total time it is
reasonable to assume that the pipe overhead is insignificant. Unfortunately,
this version is still noticably slower than the MSDOS version. It is my
opinion that the graphics drawing kernel is the current bottle neck.
Drawing to a window is slower than drawing directly to the hardware.
Interesting experiment would be to try this program using the new 32bit
graphics engine, IBM suppose to release in september, and/or try it on
display devices with hardware line drawing support and appropriate drivers.
On my ATI wonder (800x600 16 bit) with the default window size (490 580),
20Mhz 386/7SX and 8Meg, 'gsos2' takes about one minute.

Any ideas/comments/testers?


Elber Gershon
918 University village Tel: (801) 582-1807 (Home)
Salt Lake City, Utah 84108-1180 Tel: (801) 581-5642 (Work)


From: Larry Margolis <>
Subject: Re: Installing LaMail's EPM eats ressources
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1992 18:33:49 GMT
Disclaimer: This posting represents the poster's views,
not necessarily those of IBM
Organization: The Village Waterbed

In <>
FLATSCHER Rony <> writes:
> If one installs LaMail, the install-program automatically installs
> the latest version of EPM.
> On OS/2 2.0 there is already an EPM, so one ends with two different
> versions of it. The problem now is the following: If one keeps LaMail
> active a copy of LaMail's EPM is loaded and of course eats resources.

Technical correction: both LaMail.EXE and EPM.EXE use a common editor
toolkit (the ETK*.DLL) to create and control edit windows. LaMail
doesn't load EPM.

> The solution: If LaMail is being installed on version 2.0, either install
> just the LaMail-E-programs and use the installed EPM

No can do - the latest LaMail requires features of the 5.51 toolkit
(ETK?551.DLL) that are not present in the 5.50 version.

> or replace the 2.0-EPM with the newer version being on the TCP/IP disks.

The OS/2 2.0 Enhanced Editor was configured with different defaults than
the EPM that comes with OS/2 TCP/IP, so it's not clear that this is

> If LaMail is active and I was to use EPM for
> regular editing, the same in-memory-copy of EPM would be used thereby
> preserving precious memory.

You're free to delete the EPM.EXE and *.EX files from the \os2\apps
directory so that only the 5.51 version of EPM.EXE will be found.
(Thus starting EPM when LaMail is active will share the already-loaded
ETK*551 DLLs.)

Larry Margolis, MARGOLI@YKTVMV (Bitnet), (Internet)


From: (Martin Erzberger)
Subject: Re: Ghostscript port to OS2 2.0 is available
Organization: University of Zurich, Department of Computer Science
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 92 07:39:31 GMT

Hmm, the following is probably a problem of ghostscript itself and
not of the OS/2 port, but I'll ask it anyway:
ghostscript has troubles loading my original adobe type 3 fonts (.PFB)
After fiddling a bit I found that after replacing all CR in the .PFB
file with CR/LF, it worked. Of course I don't want to do this with
every .PFB file I have, so does anybody know about a solution to this
Finally a remark to the OS/2 port: Works great! Thank you for this.
The sample file takes 30 seconds on my system (20 MHZ 486SX, but with
IBM XGA and so hardware support for line drawing). I discovered a bug
so far: The PM-window containing the output never redraws itself. This
leads to a distorted window as soon as something else overlayed it and
then gets moved away.
Regards, Martin


From: (Mikael Wahlgren)
Subject: Re: Ghostscript port to OS2 2.0 is available
Date: 12 Aug 92 12:56:58 GMT
Organization: Chalmers University of Technology

In article <> (Goh Yan Pin) writes:

> I tried to run it but it keeps saying 'EMX not found'. I did set up
>the directories properly. Any ideas?

The EMX.DLL library is missing from the package. You can get it by FTPing
the emxdev.zoo file from hobbes.

Mikael Wahlgren


From: (Gordon Miller)
Subject: Re: Nightly Buisiness Report
Date: 12 Aug 92 16:49:48 CDT

In article <> writes:
>Last night (Tuesday, 8/11/92) the Nightly Business Report made mention
>of the fact that IBM had sold its 1 millionth copy of OS/2 2.0. They,
>IBM and other industry analysts, expected the millionth version to be
>sold in December of '92. They said that this signals that it may be a
>stronger force than was previously anticipated.
>In the same report they mentioned that Microsoft reports 16 milliion
>copies of Windows 3.1. Well, that is not exactly the way the
>Microsoft spokesman said it. He said that 16 million machines are
>_running_ Windows 3.1. I wonder how they know whether the machines
>are running it or if they have crashed :)?

Note that the "1 millionth copy" figure does not indicate the actual number
of copies installed on machines. You can buy ONE copy and license it for
multiple users. So the 1 million copies may represent 16 million
(satisfied) users :)

--Gordon Miller


Subject: The workframe is out to get me.
From: Dan Karipides <DK6TOPER@MIAMIU.BITNET>
Date: Wednesday, 12 Aug 1992 10:47:21 EDT
Organization: Miami University - Academic Computer Service

I'm just getting use to using the Workframe that comes with CSet/2.
Everything SEEMS nice, but I'm finding some things in the Workframe
are counter-intuative. Some problems and related questions:

(1) Say I'm editing a file in a open project; call it main.c. I then switch
to the PM helpbook to find info on a WinFunction. I return to the
workframe but my editor window is now hidden. So I click on the main.c
line of my open project. Workframe fires up another copy of the
editor that is editing the old version of main.c. The fastest way I've
found of bringing back the "real" main.c is to find some visible desktop,
do a MB1&MB2 and bring up the tasklist. This can't be the expected way
to do this. Any suggestions?

(2) And a followup to #1. Is there any easy way to switch between the
Workframe and a help window? The best way I've found is to have
the workframe about one pel from the left edge of the screen. I then
put the help window all the way to the left. By pushing the mouse all
the way to the left, I can switch to the help window. There is usually
enough of the Workframe visible to switch back. Again, is this how
the Workframe was designed or am I missing something obvious?

Thanks in advance.



From: (Tim Francis)
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 92 11:30:38 EDT
Subject: The workframe is out to get me.
Organization: IBM Canada Lab, WorkFrame/2 development
Disclaimer: This posting represents the poster's views, not those of IBM

In article <92225.104721DK6TOPER@MIAMIU.BITNET>,
Dan Karipides <DK6TOPER@MIAMIU.BITNET> writes:
>I'm just getting use to using the Workframe that comes with CSet/2.
>Everything SEEMS nice, but I'm finding some things in the Workframe
>are counter-intuative. Some problems and related questions:
>(1) Say I'm editing a file in a open project; call it main.c. I then switch
> to the PM helpbook to find info on a WinFunction. I return to the
> workframe but my editor window is now hidden. So I click on the main.c
> line of my open project. Workframe fires up another copy of the
> editor that is editing the old version of main.c. The fastest way I've
> found of bringing back the "real" main.c is to find some visible desktop,
> do a MB1&MB2 and bring up the tasklist. This can't be the expected way
> to do this. Any suggestions?

Go to the Configure->preferences menu, and select "capture tools". This
will make the editor a child of the WorkFrame, and thus allow it to float
above the WorkFrame client area. You can also use the switch list, which
is a customizable version of the WPS task list. Select Configure->
Switch list to select which OS/2 sessions appear on this pulldown. If
you've selected capture tools, they will appear in the Windows->Sessions
pulldown instead.

Alternatively, simply resize the WorkFrame client area (the main window,
with the action bar) down to only the action bar. The other dialogs
(the project windows, etc) will still display just fine, and you'll be
able to see other windows much easier.

>(2) And a followup to #1. Is there any easy way to switch between the
> Workframe and a help window? The best way I've found is to have
> the workframe about one pel from the left edge of the screen. I then
> put the help window all the way to the left. By pushing the mouse all
> the way to the left, I can switch to the help window. There is usually
> enough of the Workframe visible to switch back. Again, is this how
> the Workframe was designed or am I missing something obvious?

Most of the above suggestions apply here as well. What I do is:
- resize the client down to only the action bar
- start all/most of the help & references that I'll want, and then
use Configure->Switch list to make those the only items that show
up in the switch list.
I can now see most of the windows that I want, and even if I can't,
they are quick and easy to find on either the Switch list or the Windows

Hope that helps. -tim


From: (Norm Ross)
Subject: MSC 7.00 and extensions for OS/2
Organization: University of Waterloo
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1992 17:36:26 GMT

I just recieved the Microsloth C 7.00 extensions for OS/2 (I still write
programs for DOS) and PWB DOES NOT WORK!

I get SYS2070...the system could not demand load the applications segment

So I call MS and politely ask why doesn't this work under OS/2 2.0 and am
rudely told that this program is only meant for 1.x and basically... get lost.
Since I deleted 1.3 long ago and don't really have the time or space to
re-install it, I can't really verify if it even works under 1.3.

1) Has anyone else run MSC7.00 PWB under OS/2 2.0 and found it works?

2) Does anyone have it working under 1.3?

3) If (!1 && 2) Has MS done this on purpose?(MSC6.00A PWB still works under 2.0)

Norm Ross



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