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OS2 Discussion Forum Volume 9208 Issue 03

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OS2 Discussion Forum
 · 12 Jul 2024

OS/2 Discussion Forum Mon, August 17, 1992 Volume 9208 Issue 03

Relevant addresses :

submissions : OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)
subscriptions : LISTSERV@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)
moderator : OS2MOD@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)

Today's topics:
New files on LISTSERVer
Lan Manager 2.1 vs. IBM OS/2 2.0
Re: A: Driver seeking doesn't stop
Fix list from
lptn: and lptn.os2:
Can you write a program that calls (DOS and Windows programs)?
"OS/2 Monthly" Sep '92 code available
Hercules + VGA Dual Display?
COM4/IRQ5 problem?

Feed from the Listearn OS2-L OS/2 Non-Editored Discussion List :

Borland NewsLetter: ObjectVision "pour" for OS/2
Re: Borland NewsLetter: ObjectVision "pour" for OS/2
Reply to "Re: Borland NewsLetter: ObjectVision "pour" for OS/2"
Microsoft revenues
Re: ea data. sf
How to search the database (was Damaged Config.sys)
Can you write a program that calls (DOS and Windows programs)?
Re: Can you write a program that calls (DOS and Windows

Feed from the Usenet (UUCP/Internet) comp.os.os2.* newsgroups :

Sytos (tape backup) for OS/2 2.0 to be avail. next week
IBM OS/2 news at PC92
OS/2 News of Interest (Infoworld)
Rumors Confirmed? OS/2 Article from Computer Reseller
OS/2 Ads in Hongkong


Date: Mon, August 17, 1992, 12:00:00 +0200
From: Moderator of OS/2 Discussion Forum <OS2MOD@BLEKUL11>
Subject: New files on LISTSERVer

This is a list of new or updated OS/2 related files available from the
LISTSERV of the OS/2 Discussion Forum at BLEKUL11.

* File donated by Bernt Karasch

filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
P2C4OS2 ZIP Pascal to C translator for OS/2 2.0

* File donated by (the author:) The Time Traveler <HE891C@GWUVM>

filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
SEP92 ZIP OS/2 Monthly: July 92, Source code

* New Files from

filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
GS25OS2 ZIP Ghostscript 2.5 beta 1 (postscript) interpreter
PMFRA2 ZIP FRACTINT version 17.2 fractal generation engine
SIMPLEX2 ZIP Simplex bulletin board system
SPICE2G6 ZIP Spice 2G.6 electrical circuit simulator
THEOS2_E ZIP THE full-screen text editor, based on VM/CMS XEDIT

All new files are ZIP files. Depending on the gateways between BLEKUL11
and your site it might be necessary to specify extra options :

To get the normal ZIP file send the following command to our LISTSERV :


(Where fn is the name of the file you want.)

To get an XXENCODED ZIP file (use this if your gateways have trouble
with binary files) use the following command :


To get several small XXENCODED files (use this if your gateways limit
the size of files) :

GET fn ZIP f=XXE,split

Our disk is also accessible by anonymous FTP at
The OS2 files are available in the ANONYMOU.201 directory. To get a
list of files get the O2.FILELIST in the (default) ANONYMOU.191

Note: Use PKUNZIP -d to unzip !!

These files are distributed AS IS, we can not guarantee anything about
their working.

* For a complete list of all OS/2 files available at LISTSERV@BLEKUL11 *
* get the OS2INDEX ZIP. *
* For a list of all new (last 3 weeks) OS/2 files available at *

We still welcome all OS/2 related files for distribution on our LISTSERV.
Send your files to OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET /
we will arrange everything for distribution.


Date: Fri Aug 14 11:37:09 BST 1992
From: Mike O'Carroll <>
Subject: os2tape

There has been some talk of PMTAPE, and fixes for it, but is it possible
to use OS2TAPE on 2.0? It doesn't look promising so far!

Mike O'Carroll, Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering,
The University, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK
E-mail: mike@ee.leeds[]
UUCP: ...uunet!mcsun!uknet!lena!mike


Date: Fri, 14 Aug 92 14:30:23 +0200
From: (Jochen Ruhland)
Subject: Lan Manager 2.1 vs. IBM OS/2 2.0

May I user the LM 2.1 OS/2 Client to access a LM 2.1 Server ?

I tried the usal way:
LAN MAN OS/2 Setup in A:
Open Drive A: Folder
Install the normal (1.3) Way
Install pulls in all the Files, Modifies CONFIG.SYS


OS/2 hangs after or when installing the 3Com Driver

Any Suggestions?
Thanks in Advance
Forschungsgruppe Neuronale Netzwerke
Jochen Ruhland
Heinrich-Plett Str. 40
D-3500 Kassel
Tel.: 0561-804-4376
FAX : 0561-804-4244


Date: Fri, 14 Aug 92 14:10:32 +0200
From: (Jochen Ruhland)
Subject: Re: A: Driver seeking doesn't stop

When starting a DOS command in NC, NC itself first starts a COMMAND.COM
to do that task. To find COMMAND.COM it loks after the Env-Variable COMSPEC.
Try looking after that Variable.

Hope that helps

Forschungsgruppe Neuronale Netzwerke
Jochen Ruhland
Heinrich-Plett Str. 40
D-3500 Kassel
Tel.: 0561-804-4376
FAX : 0561-804-4244


Date: Fri, 14 Aug 92 09:34:27 EDT
From: Philip L Philips <PHILIP@MITVMC>
Subject: Fix list from

In the Monday August 3 issue of the OS/2 Discussion Forum there was
a section titled "fix list from" submitted by
Jeffrey Spencer.

I refer to his item called:

> Replacement HP Laser Jet Windows drivers


> See README file in ZIP for further details. This driver will print up
> to 6 times faster.

I have received this package and in reading the README file it states

"This is the 3.1 WINDOWS level of the HP LASERJET driver. In some
applications performance was seen to be several times faster than
the previous 3.0 WINDOWS HP LASERJET driver which was shipped with
GA level of OS2 2.0"

Has anyone installed this product and if it is a 3.1 level product does
it work with the 3.0 version that is in WIN0S2?

Instructions are to copy the files into OS2\MSDOS\WINOS2\SYSTEM and has
no warning or indication that it is or is not compatible.

- Philip L. Philips PHILIP@MITVMC.MIT.EDU (617) 981-2372 FAX (617) 981-2025
Masssachusetts Institute of Technology, Lexington, MA U.S.A.


Date: Tue, 18 Aug 92 14:11:29 MEZ
From: Klaus Hahn <I3160901@DBSTU1.RZ.TU-BS.DE>
Organization: University of Braunschweig, Germany
Subject: lptn: and lptn.os2:

Could someone please tell me the difference -if any- between the lpt-
and lpt.OS2-ports that the system gives me when i install winOS2 -
printer-drivers ? My system lets me choose between lpt1.os2 and lpt2.
os2, and lpt1-lpt3. BUT i'd like to use three printers under winOS2,
one physically connected to my computer and two remote printers via MS-
Lan Manager (which works well under OS2 2.o up to now). Any hints ?

- Klaus.

Klaus Hahn
Dept. of Psychology
Spielmannstr. 19
D-33oo Braunschweig, Germany

bitnet : i3160901 at dbstu1
internet: i3160901 at


From: (Raymond M. A. Erdey)
Subject: Can you write a program that calls (DOS and Windows programs)?
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 92 8:36:35 CDT

I need to write a menuing program (Similar in nature to Automenu) for OS2.
I have BorlandC 3.1... And have written MS-Windows 3.0 code (runs greate under
OS2)... My question is, can I write a Program [Windows or OS2 specific] (to
be run under OS2 2.0) that can call other programs (DOS, OS2 and MS-Windows).
And if so, anyone know what calls can do it...
Raymond M. A. Erdey
Department of Computer Science
Box 870290
University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0290

(205) 348-7373 (Internet)


Date: Tue, 18 Aug 92 22:58:12 EDT
From: The Time Traveler <HE891C@GWUVM>
Subject: "OS/2 Monthly" Sep '92 code available

I just uploaded the source code to the Sep '92 installment of my column
in "OS/2 Monthly". The file is called SEP92.ZIP

Note that the code is kinda buggy. You can't select a file using the
list box - you have to type the name in the entry field. Also, I am
skipping the October issue. In the November issue I will talk above the
problems in September issue.

The Time Traveler
I'm moving through some changes a.k.a. Timur Tabi
I'll never be the same
Something you did touched me Bitnet: HE891C@GWUVM
There's no one else to blame - Yes


Date: 19 Aug 1992 15:38:43 -0200
Subject: Hercules + VGA Dual Display?

I am having problems with Hercules graphics in a DOS full screen
session: My computer is a 486(33Hz) clone with a Tseng Labs ET4000
SVGA setup. I have the 6.412 kernel revision, and I have tried this
with both 15th May 1992 version of VSVGA.SYS and the 5th June 1992
version, with SVGA ON and SVGA OFF, but all to no avail.

The session starts a batch file which executes a VMODE utility that
puts the display into 'Hercules' mode. The batch file then starts the
application which requires the Hercules display. The batch file ends
with another call to VMODE to return to VGA mode before the session
ends. This works fine if I boot up from the DOS partition but when
started from the WPS there are two annoying problems:
1) The application writes directly to Hercules display
memory using both pages at 0B000h, and 0B800h. However,
only writing to page 0B000h works. Writing to the other
page is messed up.
2) Occasionally the application crashes. Then the second VMODE
command is skipped and we land back in OS2, but now the
display has lost synchronization.

To steer around this, I have also tried installing a second (Hercules)
display controller. I had this setup on my old 286 machine, and it
worked fine there (you have to disable part of the VGA display memory).
I tried it on the 486 when booted from DOS and it worked also, but under
OS/2 it would only work for text mode - graphics displays were
completely corrupted.

Can anybody give me some suggestions or information about this?
Has anybody tried this kind of thing and got it to work, perhaps
with a different kind of SVGA chipset?

Frank Bokhorst
Psychology Department e-mail:
University of Cape Town
South Africa


Date: Wed, 19 Aug 92 19:11+0100
Subject: COM4/IRQ5 problem?

Hello dear friends!

I hope this is the right address to turn to, when you get stuck.
Here's my problem:

I have an ISA BUS 486/33 computer and following is the hardware
configuration of my SERIAL ports:

COM1: 3f8, 4 (mouse)
COM2: 2f8, 3 (modem - 16550AN)
COM3: not pressent
COM4: 2e8, 5 (TNC)

here's also a part of my CONFIG.SYS:


Under MSDOS it all works fine, and at the same time too (DESQview), but
under OS/2 2.0 I can't use my TNC. I found out, that a lot of characters
are being lost on COM4 even when the DTE speed is as low as 300 bps. I
tried to use COM1 instead of COM4 for my TNC and it worked OK at 9600
bps (but then I can't use the mouse :( ). My modem on COM2 works OK even
at 57600 bps. I know that IRQ5 is a non-standard setting for COM4, but
is there any other way to make 3 serial ports work under OS/2 2.0 at the
same time on ISA machine?

And another thing: OS/2 sessions do not know anything about COM4 (MODE
COM4 doesn't work). Only DOS programs that use UART directly, when
configured to use 2e8/IRQ5 "work" in this strange and unusable way. I
don't have a LPT2 port, so IRQ5 should be free!

Thank you for your answers.


Feed from the Listearn OS2-L OS/2 Non-Editored Discussion List :


Date: Tue, 18 Aug 92 14:00:26 GMT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12.BITNET>
From: Turgut Kalfaoglu <TURGUT@FRMOP11.BITNET>
Subject: Borland NewsLetter: ObjectVision "pour" for OS/2

I just got a copy of the French Borland Newsletter, called Language
Express. I skimmed thru it until I found "ObjectVision For OS/2 2.0".
It talks about it being available soon with new functions, and
"better performance."

Let me quote some more:

"Objectvision will offer the same functions under OS/2 2.0 as Windows
version, and it will have new features and its performance will be
better. It is a 32-bit implementation, and multiple threads are used.
Function extensions will include (Sorry, I'm doing word-by-word translation)
REXX and connections to the Database Manager for OS/2 and DB2 of IBM.
Compatibility of platforms will be preserverd so that the apps can be
used on other platforms unchanged, excluding the limitations due to
functionality of specific platforms."

I guess they mean things like lack of Rexx under Windoze with this
last statement.

On the last page, it shows a chart of Borland's revenues compared with
Microsoft for 1991/1992 period:

July/Sep 91: (Bar chart of millions :)
Borland: $16 million ****************
Microsoft: $13 million *************

Jan/Mar 92:
Borland $28 million, ****************************
Microsoft $10 million. **********

Microsoft looks in trouble!

Oh, just found someting else - It says Borland C++ for OS/2 is due during
the second half of this year! That's good news - it probably means
"in a few months.." Regards, -turgut


Date: Tue, 18 Aug 92 07:56:20 PDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12.BITNET>
Subject: Re: Borland NewsLetter: ObjectVision "pour" for OS/2

This must be France only, Microsoft world-wide is probably more like $13
billion than $13 million. Any comments?


Date: Wed, 19 Aug 92 12:32:33 EDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12.BITNET>
From: John DeCarlo <m14051@MWVM.MITRE.ORG>
Subject: Reply to "Re: Borland NewsLetter: ObjectVision "pour" for OS/2"

I suspect the revenues are from/for language products only.

Internet: (or
Fidonet: 1:109/131


Date: Thu, 20 Aug 92 08:30:24 CET
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12.BITNET>
From: Turgut Kalfaoglu <turgut@EARN-PS.CIRCE.FR>
Subject: Microsoft revenues

Dave: The chart is in yearly quarters, so it must be their revenus per
quarter? (Borland=$M28 for its last quarter, so about $M112per year?
vs. Microsoft = $M10 for its last quarter, so about $M40 per year?)

The microsoft chart is dipping quite fast - it starts at $14M for
July-Sep 91, and comes down to about $M10 for Jan-Mar 92.

Does it sound better now? Regards, -turgut

Turgut Kalfaoglu, Server Programmer, European Academic Research Network
BITNET: turgut@frors12.bitnet or turgut@frmop11.bitnet


Date: Tue, 18 Aug 92 14:40:17 CDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12.BITNET>
From: "Phillip E. Parker" <PPARKER@TWSUVM.UC.TWSU.EDU>
Subject: Re: ea data. sf

NOTE the spaces in this file name: ea data. sf There are *two* spaces,
between "ea" and "data" AND between "." and "sf". You can usually manipulate
it from a DOS command line by substituting "?" for the spaces, as
ea?data.?sf. From an OS/2 command line, use "ea data. sf" quoted string.
The quotes are necessary from the OS/2 command line for any name containing
This file is used on FAT volumes to contain the extended attributes
which are located in the file on HPSF volumes.

% Phillip E. Parker
% __ 2 Math. Dept. Bitnet: pparker@twsuvm
% |__) Wichita St. Univ. Internet:
% | Wichita KS 67260-0033 Fax: 1-316-689-3748


Date: Wed, 19 Aug 92 08:06:57 CET
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12.BITNET>
From: Turgut Kalfaoglu <turgut@EARN-PS.CIRCE.FR>
Subject: How to search the database (was Damaged Config.sys)

Bill: Everything, every message sent to this list is archived. You can
search for keywords within the archives using this method:

1) Create a mail file to LISTSERV@FRORS12.BITNET (or
2) Put these inside it:

SEARCH something OR other AND somethingelse IN OS2-L

The syntax is pretty rigid, but the SEARCH line can get very involved,
if desired. You can use paranthesis, and there are many more options
like 'BEFORE' or 'AFTER' or 'SOUNDSLIKE'. But for most purposes, the
above is enough. You can also use paranthesis in the SEARCH line to
clarify the AND, OR things.

Regards, -turgut

Turgut Kalfaoglu, Server Programmer, European Academic Research Network
BITNET: turgut@frors12.bitnet or turgut@frmop11.bitnet


Date: Tue, 18 Aug 92 15:46:23 CET
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12.BITNET>
From: Turgut Kalfaoglu <turgut@EARN-PS.CIRCE.FR>
Subject: Can you write a program that calls (DOS and Windows programs)?

Ray: Sure. You can write it in any language you wish. There is an OS/2
function called DosExecPgm() that allows you to invoke any program you
wish. For a menuing program, it might be easier to use Rexx - since it's
so easy to write, and speed is not of essence. Besides, calling another
program is really simple.. Like, here is something for you:

/* This needs to be the first line - a comment line */

Do Forever
Say 'Please select option:'
Say '1. WordPerfect'
Say '2. Lotus'
Say '3. Exit to OS/2 prompt.'
Parse pull something
parse var something number options
When number= 1 Then Do
'CD \WP'
'WP' options
When number= 2 Then Do
'123' options
When number = 3 Then Exit
Otherwise Do
Say 'Blah! Type something between 1 and 3!'
End /* select ends */
End /* do forever ends */

Turgut Kalfaoglu, Server Programmer, European Academic Research Network
BITNET: turgut@frors12.bitnet or turgut@frmop11.bitnet


Date: Tue, 18 Aug 92 16:35:05 +0200
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12.BITNET>
From: "gerard persoon Tel 010-4137373"
Subject: Re: Can you write a program that calls (DOS and Windows

Starting other programs from an OS/2 program is easy:

For OS/2 programs: use the C library calls,

For Dos/Windows programs the easiest is to use the OS/2 command
"start" to start these. for example:

system("start \autoexec.bat");

With start you can use all its options to start a program in background,
foreground, minimized, full screen etc.

Less easy, but also possible is DosStartSession.

Gerard Persoon


Feed from the Usenet (UUCP/Internet) comp.os.os2.* newsgroups :


Organization: CARD
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1992 15:33:10 GMT

>From IBMLink yesterday...


WHITE PLAINS, N.Y., August 17, 1992 . . . IBM's new OS/2* Version 2.0
will hit the airwaves tomorrow in an aggressive television campaign
designed to raise the visibility of the company's advanced operating
system with personal computer users.

The 30-second advertisement will run for six weeks on a variety of
network programs, including the U.S. Tennis Open, Good Morning America
and 20/20, and cable outlets such as CNN, ESPN and A&E.

"New Heart" advises, "If a computer's at the heart of what you do,
OS/2 should be at the heart of your computer."

"We're always looking at ways to expand the OS/2 user base and feel
television affords us this opportunity," says Michael Coleman, vice
president, IBM's National Distribution Division.

The OS/2 2.0 print campaign continues in PC trade publications,
consumer and general press, national and local newspapers, as well as
the Prodigy on-line information service. A new print advertisement
with the headline, "You'll Never Need One of These With OS/2" and a
picture of a crash helmet, breaks today.

OS/2 2.0 is IBM's 32-bit operating system that supports DOS, Windows**
and OS/2 applications in a single package. This advanced platform
offers true multitasking -- allowing concurrent execution of multiple
software programs -- and enables users to choose from tens of thou-
sands of applications.

The OS/2 TV and print campaigns are produced by Lintas: New York.

# # #

* Indicates trademark or registered trademark of the
International Business Machines Corporation.

** The following is a trademark of indicated company:
Windows (Microsoft Corp.)


From: (Kyler Laird)
Subject: Sytos (tape backup) for OS/2 2.0 to be avail. next week
Date: 18 Aug 92 21:46:35 GMT
Organization: Purdue University Engineering Computer Network

I just spoke to a tech at Sytron. He said that they'll have 32-bit
Sytos in stock next week. Although some adapter drivers are not yet
available, the Adaptec 1542B is supported.

I'm back to using OS/2 1.3, so this doesn't thrill me much...but I
think it may help some people.



From: (Tom J Parry)
Subject: IBM OS/2 news at PC92
Date: 18 Aug 92 00:57:10 GMT
Organization: Monash University, Melb., Australia.

Last Friday I went to PC92 (that's the Australian computer show, in
Melbourne last week). IBM had a HUGE stand, made up of GIANT OS/2 boxes
stretching up to the ceiling. They were throwing OS/2 at people for $99
(normally about $160) and at one stage had 4 people serving at the sales
counter and were still undermanned!

There were people from Lotus and other companies around showing off the
OS/2 apps (apparently Lotus is bringing out one mega-huge package later
in the year, spreadsheet, word processor and something else, all 32bit
in one package).

I was very impressed with the DEMO. They had a PS/2 with XGA running
Wing Commander 2 in a 256 colour window with a video playing in the
corner and a couple of other apps around. They were switch WC2 from
window to full screen effortlessly and I haven't seen ANYTHING as fast
as that coing out of OS/2. That machine was flying (no pun intended).
That hardware combination was awesome.

One very interesting thing one of their guys told me was that in
November (IBM US says september, so OZ say November :-) they will be
doing a complete product replacement for the 32bit engine and WIN3.1
support (among other things). It is not an upgrade, nor is it a CSD, but
a complete replacement - Don't know how they plan to do it.

One very amusing anecdote: When walking past the Microsoft stand
(demonstrating 3.1 - no NT in sight - and if I see another mahcine
playing WIN3.1 solitaire again I will smash it. We got so sick of it we
started deleting it from machines or making it run minesweeper instead
:-). Anyway, walking past the MS stand, one of the demonstrators opened
a cupboard to get something out of the back of the stand, and what shuld
I see, but a PC running OS/2! I was very amused. I made a comment about
MS running OS/2 and she mumbled something under her breath abou it not
being a problem. I thought it was very funny.

Tom J Parry.
Your reality is a figment of my imagination.


Subject: OS/2 News of Interest (Infoworld)
From: (Timothy F. Sipples)
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1992 13:46:07 GMT
Organization: Dept. of Econ., Univ. of Chicago

Infoworld now reports that Artisoft, makers of LANtastic, are now
working on "OS/2 connectivity" for their peer-to-peer network.

If you are interested in such a product I suggest you (politely)
badger the company periodically to ask about the status of their work.

Get the OS/2 FREQ. ASKED QUESTIONS LIST | Timothy F. Sipples
from, anonymous ftp, | Internet:
directory pub/os2/all/faq, or from | Dept. of Econ., U. Chicago, 60637
LISTSERV@BLEKUL11.BITNET (send "HELP"). | Tsongas > Perot > Clinton. Yay.


From: (MacroMan)
Subject: Rumors Confirmed? OS/2 Article from Computer Reseller
Date: 18 Aug 1992 10:47:45 -0500
Organization: Kansas State University

I spotted an interesting article on the future of OS/2 in a
recent (August 3) Computer Reseller News. It's too long and
probably illegal to quote the whole article here, but here's
the general gist:

IBM plans to make OS/2 scalable for client/server support.
The changes, according to John Soyring, director of IBM's
software development programs, include using the MACH 3
kernel for reduced memory usage and "seamless ties to
it's AIX brand of UNIX". Whatever seamless ties are.
POSIX compliance to allow OS/2 to run on mutiple platforms,
mutiple processor support, and TCP/IP protocols are built-in.
All this could be available as soon as next year.
The MACH 3 kernel will also be used in IBM's AIX UNIX,
"allowing the systems to be tightly integrated and letting
users of both systems share a single database, which is
currently under development."

Ok, OS/2 - Windows NT flamers, have at it :)

Bruce White(
"I live like I type - Fast, and with a lot of mistakes"


From: (roy schmidt)
Subject: OS/2 Ads in Hongkong
Date: 19 Aug 92 06:25:13 GMT
Organization: The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Today's (19 Aug) South China Morning Post contains a full-page ad for
OS/2. The headline reads: "IT's not about making better windows, it's
about opening new doors." Readers are encouraged to obtain more
information by faxing their business card to one of the Hongkong reps.

I was beginning to feel all alone over here. Should have LOTS of
company in a few months! :-)

Roy Schmidt SCHMIDT@USTHK.bitnet after 7/15 | #include <disclaimer.h>
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | /* I didn't say it,
School of Business and Management | nobody saw me say it,
**Presently disguised as a Hoosier** | you can't prove it! */


From: (Larry Margolis)
Subject: EPM
Date: 18 Aug 92 23:31:07 GMT
Organization: The Village Waterbed
Disclaimer: This posting represents the poster's views,
not necessarily those of IBM

In <> (Les Chan) writes:
> In article <>,
> Larry Margolis <> writes:
> |>Multiple copies are not required; as I mentioned, you can delete the (5.50)
> |>EPM.EXE and *.ex in \os2\apps, and ETK*550.DLL in \os2\apps\dll, and only
> |>use the 5.51 version.
> Do you really mean to delete \os2\app\*.ex or \os2\apps\epm*.ex?

I really mean \os2\apps\*.ex

> What are these .ex files and what do they do?

EPM.EX - The main .ex file (compiled macro code, interpreted at run time)
EXTRA.EX - Additional stuff that wouldn't fit into the (64k max) EPM.EX
E3EMUL.EX - File load and save routines, including host support*
BOX.EX - The BOX** command is external
DRAW.EX - The DRAW** command is external
GET.EX - The GET** command is external
HELP.EX - A stand-alone .ex file used by the "Quick Reference" browser.
PUT.EX - The PUT** command is external
EPMLEX.EX - Spelling support, for users that have LEXAM.DLL from OS/2 TCP/IP
or some other product that includes it.

For completeness, I probably should mention the LaMail .ex files:
EPMLIST.EX - The main .ex file
LAMEXTRA.EX - Equivalent of EXTRA.EX, but renamed to avoid conflict
MAILLIST.EX - The bulk of the mail-handling code.

* I hope everyone knows that you can edit VM and MVS host files with
EPM and Communications Manager - just enter in the initial Open or
Add File dialog HA:PROFILE EXEC A or HB:''

** See the online documentation for details on this command.

Larry Margolis, MARGOLI@YKTVMV (Bitnet), (Internet)



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