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OS2 Discussion Forum Volume 9207 Issue 02 - Part I

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OS2 Discussion Forum
 · 12 Jul 2024

From @pucc.Princeton.EDU:OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET Fri Jul 17 08:52:21 1992 
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Date: Fri, 17 Jul 92 15:42:40 +0200
Reply-To: "Moderated discussion forum on OS/2" <OS2%BLEKUL11.BITNET@pucc.Princeton.EDU>
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From: "Moderator of the OS/2 Discussion Forum" <OS2MOD%BLEKUL11.BITNET@pucc.Princeton.EDU>
Subject: OS/2 Discussion Forum 920702 - Part I
To: Multiple recipients of <OS2%BLEKUL11.BITNET@pucc.Princeton.EDU>
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OS/2 Discussion Forum Mon, July 13, 1992 Volume 9207 Issue 02

Relevant addresses :

submissions : OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)
subscriptions : LISTSERV@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)
moderator : OS2MOD@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)

Today's topics:

New files on LISTSERVer
New version of LPTMAZE
What was the command with parameter LOADFOLDERSONLY...?
Trouble with ATI Graphics Ultra and OS/2 2.0
Guidelines for running DOS games under OS/2
speeding up windows apps

Feed from the Listearn OS2-L OS/2 Non-Editored Discussion List :

OS/2 Performance
Re: OS/2 Performance
Re: Which networking card will work with Telnet?
Re: Que's Using OS/2 2.0
FTP site for bug fixes
Re: Ati-Ultra and OS/2

Feed from the Usenet (UUCP/Internet) comp.os.os2.* newsgroups :

Re: Zachmann resigns, Wash Post, Media Note
Re: SQL Server 1.1 under OS/2 2.0 ?
Re: When comes Stacker (SuperStor)?
Re: Windows Multimedia Extensions
Re: ATM Fonts, How to use with OS/2
Re: creating a DOS session
Re: "new" books about OS/2 2.0
Re: CD-ROMs in DOS windows?
Re: CONFIG.SYS questions
Re: It won't SHUTDOWN!
Re: Cheap way to get into programming on OS/2 2.0?
The UK perspective on OS/2 2.0
Mathematica for OS/2
Os2You, m2zmodem mini review
A little primer for running DOS comm programs.
Current Patch List for OS/2 2.0 (7/13/92) from CIS
Re: Fonts on the desktop...

Date: Mon, July 12, 1992 12:00:00 +0200
From: Moderator od OS/2 Discussion Forum <OS2MOD@BLEKUL11>
Subject: New files on LISTSERVer

This is a list of new or updated OS/2 related files available from the
LISTSERV of the OS/2 Discussion Forum at BLEKUL11.

* File donated by (the author:) Jimmy Dean <CSVCJLD@NNOMED.BITNET>

filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
LPTMAZE ZIP Prints 3D mazes under 32 bit PM (inc source)

* File donated by (the author:) Turgut Kalfaoglu <TURGUT@FRORS12.BITNET>

filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
TYPEFAST ZIP PM educational game to increase typing abilities

* New Files from comp.binaries.os2

filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
ALARM181 ZIP Alarm Clock v1.81
DSKARC13 ZIP Diskette Archive v1.30.1
DVIPS ZIP 32 bit DVI to PostScript converter
FC ZIP File Commando - Norton Commander like program
HP4 ZIP Filter to print textfiles 4-up on DJ 500
HRTIMER ZIP High resolution (840 ns) timer
MR2_104 ZIP Offline mail reader for use with QWK mail packets
OS2IMG11 ZIP Diskette copy to/from Hard Disk
PRNTST ZIP Tests for proper interrupt-driven operation of LPT1
PRPCX2 ZIP Convert PCX to PostSript
PS2AST55 ZIP PS/2 Marketing/Technical/Service assistant
RAYSHADE ZIP Rayshade ray-tracer (32 bit OS/2 v2.0)
REXX20 ZIP Fixes for REXX : APARs PJ03945 & PJ04178
REXXTACY ZIP REXX to C translator
TEDP090 ZIP Small, full-screen editor for line-oriented files of up to
TURBO ZIP Fix for NEC pc's with TURBO option (APAR PJ04220)
VBIOS ZIP Fix for VBIOS.SYS (APARs PJ03709, PJ03889 & PJ03998)
WIPEDISK ZIP Save way to delete all files on a floppy.
XL2270 ZIP VM/CMS Filelist like disk utility
YATZYNET ZIP Yatzee game for PM
ZAPPED2 ZIP PM game with lightning bolts & palm trees
ZMOUSE ZIP Fix for the Wild (unsync) Mouse.

* New Files from

filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
16_TO_32 ZIP Call 16-bit APIs from 32-bit EMX/GCC programs
EAPREP ZIP A REXX script for backing up extended attribs.
EMXGDB ZIP Latest version of gdb for EMX/GCC (fixes a few bugs)
EMXGPP ZIP C++ add-in for EMX-0.8d (libg++ 2.2)
F2C01 ZIP Fortran to C translator for use with EMX/GCC compilers
FORTH ZIP A Forth interpreter
ICC2GCC ZIP Use the IBM OS/2 2.0 Toolkit with EMX/GCC compilers
MAKEIMP ZIP Some library utilities for the EMX/GCC compilers

All new files are ZIP files. Depending on the gateways between BLEKUL11
and your site it might be necessary to specify extra options :

To get the normal ZIP file send the following command to our LISTSERV :


(Where fn is the name of the file you want.)

To get an XXENCODED ZIP file (use this if your gateways have trouble
with binary files) use the following command :


To get several small XXENCODED files (use this if your gateways limit
the size of files) :

GET fn ZIP f=XXE,split

Our disk is also accessible by anonymous FTP at
The OS2 files are available in the ANONYMOU.201 directory. To get a
list of files get the O2.FILELIST in the (default) ANONYMOU.191

Note: Use PKUNZIP -d to unzip !!

These files are distributed AS IS, we can not guarantee anything about
their working.

* For a complete list of all OS/2 files available at LISTSERV@BLEKUL11 *
* get the OS2INDEX ZIP. *
* For a list of all new (last 3 weeks) OS/2 files available at *

We still welcome all OS/2 related files for distribution on our LISTSERV.
Send your files to OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET /
we will arrange everything for distribution.


From: ged17r1@ecnuxa.bitnet
Subject: Multi-tasking
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 92 19:10:39 CDT

I have set up most of what I want in OS-2, and I find that sometimes
while using Word Perfect and a Comm program, that a file transfer
dl or ul gets mixed up or cancelled when I leave or sometimes edit
a Word Perfect Document. Is there a way to "protect" this from

Richard N. Hinton


Subject: New version of LPTMAZE

I am sending a replacement for LPTMAZE ZIP in 5 parts. As before,
LPTMAZE demonstrates device independent printing by printing mazes in
three dimensions. This new version allows you to select a printer (when
you have more than one on your system). This version also supplies
documentation via a HELP option. IBM C Set/2 source is included.


From: (Raymond Erdey)
Subject: What was the command with parameter LOADFOLDERSONLY...?
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 92 11:24:46 CDT

I had a command in my config.sys file that contained LOADFOLDERSONLY
and now my config.sys file got trashed (Luckly I had an older backup;
But the backup does not contain the above statement)...
Can someone recall what the command was... Basicly It will only load
folders and not programs upon re-start... This is great if you hang
the system with a new program...

Raymond M. A. Erdey
Department of Computer Science
Box 870290
University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0290

(205) 348-7373 (Internet)


Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1992 16:07:35 +0200
Subject: os2

Greetings netters!!!!
I'm stuck in Switzerland away from my OS2 running PC (at the last minute
my girlfriend and my father teamed up talked me out of taking it with me. Good
thing, too, cuz I don't think I would have seen Switzerland if it was in my room
:-) Finnaly got a chance to listen in to the net again and I have a few

1) Could some OS/2 guru tell me a story about creating and submitting
a batch file. You your favorite fractal generating/fourier
transform/image processing and enhancing software from a batch file,
submit it from the command prompt and then issue commands to monitor
its status? I've been playing with unix here for two months so I'm
interested in equivalents/differences/methods.

2) What commands are there to see what processes are running on the machine?

3) Is there software to allow my buddy Pete to dial in with his Dos
running XT and remotely login, giving him a command prompt and redirecting
appropriate io to the modem?

4) Are video drivers for S3 boards like WIND/X from STB available yet?
If not, are they in the works?



Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1992 17:05:55 MEZ
From: Bernd Esser <>
Subject: Trouble with ATI Graphics Ultra and OS/2 2.0

Hello everybody,
i am working with OS/2 2.0 on an cacheless 386/25 with 8 MB ram, 387 IIT,
CT chipset and an old ST02 Seagate SCSI controller. So far everything is ok.
But few days ago i decided to replace my old ET4000 vga by a 8514 graphics
adapter. So i went into the next shop and bought an ATI Graphics Ultra.
I installed the card an tested it under DOS and everything was ok. Then
i booted OS/2 and changed the installation to use the 8514 part of the
card. After the following reboot, so the changes were in place, the
logo screen appeared then the the screen went grey (i.e. the presentation
manager started) but just before the mouse cursor should appear for the first
time the system hang. I decided to believe that something went wrong during
the installation. So i completely reinstalled OS/2 on a fresh formatted
partition. Installation was ok. The card was properly recognized as 8514A
adapter. But after the last installation reboot, just before the presentation
manager started, the same phenomena as described above happened. When i
install the card as vga everything is ok (including the onboard inport
mouse). In the OS2TNT text (from in 2.0/info) i read that
this could be due to an old bios on the ATI board. But the bios data is
april 1992. I cannot really imagine that a 3 months old bios is out of
date, but i just wrote a letter to ATI. Perhaps someone on the net has
had similar problems with this card and can help me. I will appreciate
any kind of hints. Thank you very much.
| Bernd Esser, Phys. Inst. d. Uni Bonn, Germany |


Date: Thu, 16 Jul 92 09:20:37 -0500
From: (M. Scott Hoppe (OTC - 203 D. Boyd))
Subject: Guidelines for running DOS games under OS/2

I found this, thought people might be interested...
==================== CUT HERE =====================

This file provides guidelines for running various games under OS/2.
The info here has been gathered from postings to the net and from
my own experiences. Special thanks go to Ron Dippold (hi Ron :-) and
David Charlap for their contributions on the net, and of course to the
many, many people who have posted their personal experiences. I've
taken the liberty to include direct statements from posts by various
people throughout this file.

Kevin Lowey said something I agree with:

A lot of people say that OS/2 needs a killer-app. In my opinion, the
first killer-app for OS/2 is going to be a game that takes FULL
advantage of the OS/2 features.



Read the README file in your OS/2 root directory. It has tips for
running specific DOS and Windows apps under OS/2.

Read the FAQ. This is very important since it
will tell you about possible problems when running the game even under
plain DOS. If you can't find a copy of the FAQ in,
email Chris Warren, the keeper of the FAQ, at for a
copy, or email me and I'll send you a copy.

If you have trouble installing the game under OS/2 and you are trying
to install the game on an FAT drive, boot up plain DOS (via dual boot
or the Boot Manager) and install it there. Sometimes a game (or other
apps) won't install for some reason under OS/2, but once installed
they'll work fine under OS/2.

If you experience strange anomalies or incompatibilities of any kind
(especially with older games), try booting a real copy of DOS from
a floppy inside a VDM running under OS/2 and run the game in that
DOS session. See VMDISK in the Command Reference online docs for

In order to achieve maximum performance and speed, especially for graphics
intensive games such as flight simulators, try the following settings:

DOS Fullscreen: check this option; best performance can always be
achieved by running the game in a full screen DOS session.
(so it won't take CPU time when you switch away from it)
DOS_HIGH: ON (more memory for those that need it)
DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT: 0 (DOS games don't use DPMI memory)
EMS_MEMORY_LIMIT: 1024 (this is EXPANDED memory. If a game
uses more than 1024k, use a higher number; if the game uses no
EMS, such as Ultimas 4-5 and most of the earlier EGA games
[SSI games, Tunnels and Trolls, Might and Magic II, Dragon
Wars, Magic Candle I, Knights of Legend, etc] set EMS to 0)
HW_ROM_TO_RAM: ON (copies ROM BIOS to RAM--several people
have said this boosts performance on their machines)
HW_TIMER: ON (this is important, especially for those games that
use soundboards. However, one user noted that when this setting
is set to ON it causes many games that send sound directly to the
SB to crash the entire system. I have not experienced this myself.)
IDLE_SENSITIVITY: 100 (this is important)
KBD_ALTHOME_BYPASS: ON (this prevents the DOS session from
being shrunk to a window via ALT-HOME; keep it on OFF if you
want to run your game in a window)
VIDEO_FASTPASTE: ON (reported by some to boost performance)
VIDEO_RETRACE_EMULATION: OFF (important for fast graphics,
though you may have to experiment with this one)
XMS_MEMORY_LIMIT: 64 (this is EXTENDED memory; when you have
DOS_HIGH=ON, DOS can use this 64k which will help give you more
base memory)

For best performance close ALL windows and apps (especially DOS apps) before
you run the game so that the game can get as much of the CPU as



Soundblaster: make sure that you don't have your Soundblaster set for IRQ7.
OS/2 uses IRQ7 (which is LPT1) to print, even though DOS doesn't, so
under OS/2 you need to change the default IRQ for your SB from 7 to
5 (or to some other available IRQ).

Roland LAPC-1: the default IRQ2 and 330 address work fine. IRQ2 is
automatically mapped to IRQ9 on 386 and 486 boards.



Use the settings detailed above for the following games, varying EMS
as needed. Exceptions to the above settings are noted where applicable.
I have decided to include all the games that were mentioned on the net
by OS/2 users--even if there were no problems reported--to allow those
who are thinking about buying a game to know how it runs. A complete
list will also let people post or email additional hints when they see
their game listed.

[NOTE: "runs fine" means I've tested the game myself. "Reported to
run fine" means that the game was mentioned on the net as being
compatible with OS/2.]


--reported to run fine.


--reported to run fine.


--one user made the following report about this game:

Play it under Dos. I haven't found out how to get it
to work under OS/2.

--another user said he was able to get it to run after installing it
in monochrome mode, and although the game was playable there
was no sound.

Anybody got it to run in color?


--reported to run fine.


--this is one of the most finnicky games, and may require some
experimentation to make it run well. According to net reports,
this game uses a special split-screen mode of the video card,
and thus its behavior tends to rely on a person's hardware
peculiarities more than OS/2 itself. I find that I can run this
game fine, but if I switch away from the game and then switch back
to it the bottom portion of the screen will no longer display
the statistics for my character.
--sometimes the special effects sounds for this game (shots, doors
opening, people talking, etc.) will get lost after a brief
period of time. If this happens, create a batch file (wolf3d.bat)
and have your program object point to the batch file. In the
batch file put the following two lines:
The first line tells the wolf3d.exe program which address you
are using, which IRQ you are using (in this case it's IRQ5),
and which DMA you are using (in this case DMA1). That should
solve the loss of special effects sounds. SB-Pro owners should
add T2 or T3 to the end of the first line (check your docs for

CIVILIZATION (Microprose):

--Make sure you have the updated version. It will have the "rename" button
on the city screen. This version performs much better under OS/2.
If you don't have this version, you can download an update from the
Microprose forum on CompuServe.
--Always use fullscreen mode, and when the program starts up, use vga
resolution and ibm sound. (ega or no sound slows it down.) If you
want to turn off sound, do it from the options menu.
--one person reported that he could not start a new game in vga since
he got a divide by zero error in the dos box. But it was
possible to load a saved game into vga mode. Another person
reported that he cured this divide by zero error when he set
--another user made the following observation:

I had been having speed problems running the game in adlib/soundblaster
mode (and believe it or not I never tried anything else). However:
When I ran Civilization in PC SPEAKER mode, then quit, and ran it
again in soundblaster/adlib mode (in the same DOS session), it ran
at the correct speed! Since doing this on a regular basis would be
a pain in the ass, I wanted to find another way to 'prep' the system
for Civilization: and I found it. I ran SBFMDRV.COM (comes with the
soundblaster) before running civilization. This way I can run Civ
from a batch file called by a WPS icon.


--reported to run fine.


--runs fine.


--runs fine.


--according to one user there are problems with this game.


--reported to run fine.


--runs fine.


--reported to run fine.


--reported to run fine.


--several patches have been put out for this game. I believe that there
have been four, with patch 'd' being the latest and the one which
lets the soundblaster work the best. Check
for details.
--one user reported that he needed to have the HW_TIMER set to OFF or
the game hung. But when he set it to OFF the screen updates were
excruciatingly slow.

Any other tips for this game?


--one user made the following observation:

Well, here's one for the "better DOS than DOS" department: I just
noticed that "Global Dilemma" (or Guns & Butter), which ran just fine on
my Compaq 386, won't run on my new 486; the AMI Bios doesn't seem to like
the way the game addresses the keyboard. That's under real DOS-5.
In a DOS task under OS/2 it runs just fine.


--reported to run fine.
--one user reported that the game would not install onto an HPFS
drive. He was able to install it onto a FAT drive, though.
He could run the game on an HPFS drive if he copied the
installed files from his FAT drive to his HPFS drive.


--reported to run fine.

INDY 500:

--reported to run fine.


--one user reports that he set it up the same way as Wolf3D, but the
game hangs after the setup screen when it says it's loading.
CTRL-ESC doesn't even work, and OS/2 itself hangs.

Anybody got this game to work?


--reported to run fine.


--runs fine.


--runs fine.


It is important to have this game configured with HW_TIMER=ON,
VIDEO_RETRACE_EMULATION=OFF, and to have it configured to run in
a full screen session.

You may also have to install the game under plain DOS if you get a protection
violation under OS/2 during installation (even though it will run under OS/2
after installation).

One user reported that Lemmings wouldn't run except in a "Specific DOS"
session, so if you have troubles try that. Also, if performance suffers,
or if you have flickering problems, try NOT running the game in "High
Performance PC" mode.


--one user posted this helpful notice:

I have adjusted my Links settings and think that I have the best
solution for running LINKS under OS/2 2.0. First, Migrate it to
the DOS File. Next, instead of executing the file LINKS.BAT, use
the SETTINGS to have it run GOLF.EXE with NO optional parameters
(the /t in LINKS.BAT appears to be for the title screen). As soon
as the program starts, select SYSTEM and turn off ALL sounds. This
last step will alleviate the slow down immediately after the swing
as Links tries to create the sound even if HW_SOUND is turned off.
I also have HW_NO_SOUND set to ON and MOUSE_EXCLUSIVE_ACCESS turned ON.

This seems to have the game working quite well for me in full screen
mode. I hope that it helps others.


--runs fine.


--runs fine. If you have trouble with the keydisk being recognized,
boot up real DOS in a vdm (see VMDISK in the Command Reference
for directions on how to do this).


--runs fine with the exception that the digitized intro speech by
Sheltem at the beginning of the game will not work with a
Soundblaster under OS/2.
--this game runs faster under OS/2 than under plain DOS due to OS/2's
super-FAT and HPFS.


--one user posted the following observation:

After intensive study and exhaustive analysis ( :) ) I have
finally determined a solution to the problem I've been having.
The problem was that The Secret of Monkey Island 2 would not play
music correctly on the sound blaster under OS/2. I asked several
people for help in reconfiguring my Sound Blaster, and I thank
you all for your help, but that wasn't the problem. The new wave
of LucasFilm games has implemented a new music system they call
iMUSE. It turned out in my case that the iMUSE driver I had for
the sound blaster was out of date or something, I'm not sure. But
I copied the SOUNBLAS.IMS file from my copy of Indy 4 into my
Monkey Island 2 directory. Now, no problems. It may be a hack
solution, but it works now, and I'm waiting for LucasFilm to call
me back.


--reported to run fine.


--runs fine.


--reported to run fine.

RED BARON (Dynamix):

--this game runs fine, but two users observed that although RB's music
played OK for them, the sound effects (such as guns and engine
noise) were silent. The cure for this is simply to run Red
Baron's install program (with RB already installed) and choose
the appropriate options again to make them take effect.
--Although I have had no problems running RB with my Soundblaster and
with my Roland LAPC-1, another user noted the following:

At least on my machine (486, 8 Megs and Soundblaster Pro) this program
locks up if you set the sound option to Sound Blaster; however if
you set the option to Adlib, you still get digitized sound and the
program runs fine.


--runs fine.


--reported to run fine; if you want to run it in a window, be sure


--reported to run fine by several users.


--runs fine, with the exception that some of the digitized sounds
on the soundblaster may be cut short. For example, I noticed
that the lightning sounded fine when I was far away from it,
but when I drew near the sound of the thunder would be cut
short (this is on a 386/33 with Roland music and SB speech).

SPELLCASTING 101 and 201:

--reported to run fine.


--reported to run fine.


--reported to run fine.


--reported to run fine.


--runs fine.

ULTIMAS 4 and 5:

--if you have trouble with the keydisks for these games being recognized,
boot a real copy of DOS in a vdm (see VMDISK in the Command
Reference for details).


--runs fine.


--this game will NOT run under OS/2 since it uses its own memory manager.
No amount of tweaking will make it run, so don't waste your time.
Instead, spend the time to write Origin and tell them to patch it!


--there is a patch that fixes many inventory bugs in this game. Check for more details.
--this game will not run in a window since it will be distorted.
--the digitized intro speeches for this game will not work reliably
under OS/2 with a Soundblaster; this is the only time in the
game where there is digitized speech though. To READ the
intro speeches, configure the game for no sound (or PC speaker)
and then run the intro.
--some people report no problems with this game, other people can't get
it to run under OS/2 at all. Most people are able to run the game
if they start the game in one of the following two ways:

1) Set the game to start minimized with background execution OFF.
Start the game and WAIT until all disk activity stops (about 10-15
seconds on my 386/33). Then switch to the game. This works best
for me, and allows me to switch back and forth from the game safely.
I've never had the game crash on me doing it this way, and I've
switched back and forth from my word processor hundreds and
hundreds of times.
2) Set the game to start in a windowed DOS session. The game will look
garbled, but wait until you see the blue title screen come up. Then
switch the game to full screen mode with ALT-HOME. If the keyboard
doesn't respond after doing this, tap the ALT key to unstick it.


--reported to run fine in a full screen session.


--reported to run fine.


--reported to run fine.


--these run fine, even with the speech pack.
--I have found that in WCII my soundblaster's digitized voices in
battle often hang causing me to have to hit ESC to "unstick"
them. This happens only when there are lots of enemy ships
in the area. I have a 386/33; testing it on a 486/33 didn't
exhibit this problem.

WINTREK (for Windows):

--one user reported that this game doesn't work under Win-OS2 because
it requires Win 3.1.


[listed under "Castle Wolfenstein"]


--runs fine.


--according to one user there were problems with this game,

======================== CUT HERE =========================

<:=--=:><:=--=:><:=--=:><:=--=:>\|/<:=--=:><:=--=:><:=--=:><:=--=:> -=( Scott )=-



Note: One Planet is all you get.


Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1992 12:12 EDT
Subject: speeding up windows apps

If you put a shadow of the windows clock.exe in the startup folder, it
will take you longer to boot up (and you'll have to go back to the desktop)
but if you run a windows app the machine will not have to load up winos2
(or very much of it) because it will already be running in the background.

If you don't use very many windows apps you may want to ignore this tip.


Civ Eng & Comp Sys III (I passed second year!! - only 3 more to go)
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario

P.S. This tip comes from 'Inside OS/2', a publication of The Cobb Group.


Date: Wed, 15 Jul 92 11:26:35 EDT
From: Turgut Kalfaoglu <TURGUT@FRORS12.BITNET>
Subject: Typefast

Hi] I am sending you the first "real" PM application I wrote on monday.
It's an educational game, which may increase your typing speed.
It drops words on you, which you need to type before they scroll off
the screen. Once you lose 15, it displays your WordsPerMinute calculation.

It has some 'heuristics' - if you clean too many words (and have 1-3
words left on your screen), it will speed up, dropping more words,
and faster.

This is based on the same DOS game, with the same name, by someone else]
(Sorry, don't have the name)

Regards, -turgut


Feed from the Listearn OS2-L OS/2 Non-Editored Discussion List :


Date: Tue, 14 Jul 92 14:20:28 EDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: "Edward S. Pierce" <ilay8169@EMORYU1.CC.EMORY.EDU>
Subject: OS/2 Performance

I recently reinstalled OS/2 in order to go with an all OS/2 HPFS system
(no dual boot, no boot manager) and noticed a curious thing. After the
reinstall I noticed that OS/2 performance was much quicker. (Note: the
performance increase was not a consequence of HPFS because previously I
was using a mostly HPFS system anyway). It seems that over time OS/2's
performance deteriorates. Before the reinstall I had noticed it was
taking more time to open folders, etc. The reinstall actually restored
OS/2 performance to its original level. I wonder what is behind this? My
machine runs most of the time: it gets a hard reset every 2-3 days. It
seems that the longer OS/2 runs the more it slows down. Do the *.ini
files get larger and "more dense," thus causing the slowdowns? Its just
a guess. Have others noticed OS/2 slowing down? Does anyone know why?

All in all, though, OS/2 has served my purposes well.

Edward Pierce
Philosophy Dept/Emory University
Atlanta, GA.


Date: Tue, 14 Jul 92 14:16:52 BST
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Bob Eager <rde@UKC.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: OS/2 Performance

I ran the GammaTech utilities to defragment my OS/2 boot partition
for the first time yesterday. Both .INI files were fragmented; one of
them had 26 this may be part of the reason for the
slowdown of the system over time.



Date: Tue, 14 Jul 92 14:15:39 MDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: "Fedor G. Pikus" <pikus@MAIL.PHYSICS.UTAH.EDU>
Subject: Re: Which networking card will work with Telnet?

On Jul 14, 12:08pm, Markus Ruppel wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Jul 92 18:55:55 MDT Fedor G. Pikus said:
> >
> Well, sorry to say, but that sounds got to me :-)
> Do you have any information about the availability/release date, etc. for
> the Novell drivers ?
> Thanks,
> Markus Ruppel
>-- End of excerpt from Markus Ruppel
The Novell drivers are available from their BBS ((714) 863-7097,
file name is REQBETA.ZIP. These are Novell REquestor (whatever it is,
I don't know) drivers. There should be NDIS drivers also there.

Fedor G. Pikus

201 James Fletcher Bld. 665 5th Avenue #13
University of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah 84103
Department of Physics home phone: (801) 532-4033
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 office phone: (801) 585-5016
e-mail: FAX : (801) 581-4801


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