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OS2 Discussion Forum Volume 9208 Issue 01

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Published in 
OS2 Discussion Forum
 · 5 months ago

OS/2 Discussion Forum Mon, August 3, 1992 Volume 9208 Issue 01

Relevant addresses :

submissions : OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)
subscriptions : LISTSERV@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)
moderator : OS2MOD@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)

Today's topics:
New files on LISTSERVer
OS/2 & Packet Drivers
Questions about LAN Server 2.0 on OS2 2.0
3270 Attachment Card Query
BBS' under OS/2 2.0
unshreddable objects on the desktop
PCOMM 3270 2.0
Multiple Printer Sessions Under OS/2 Ver 2.0
OS/2 fixes
Application development
CDROM install
ATI Graphics Ultra

Feed from the Listearn OS2-L OS/2 Non-Editored Discussion List :

APL2 under OS/2 VDM
Multimedia extensions for PM
Re: FTP site for bug fixes
Configuring EPM for C
Configuring EPM for C
Re: Problems with gcc/c++
Watch out!
Re: Configuring EPM for C
Re: Where do I get info about EPM profiles?
Re: Watch out!
Notes On Os2 Missings
fix list from
Again Os/2 Missings
Re: Looking for a working free-mem utility
Slow Motion
Re: Name Resolution using OS/2 TCP/IP
RE: Clean Desktop
Fax under OS/2
Re: Pov Trace
Re: Pov Trace
Zachmann to Join OS/2 Monthly
SUBSTP00 from BLEKUL11 is dangarous.

Feed from the Usenet (UUCP/Internet) comp.os.os2.* newsgroups :

pc week and nt
Gordon Letwin
The ultimate wish list!!!
Re: Klondike and Neko .INI files (was Re: Nowhere directory?)


Date: Mon, August 03, 1992, 12:00:00 +0200
From: Moderator of OS/2 Discussion Forum <OS2MOD@BLEKUL11>
Subject: New files on LISTSERVer

This is a list of new or updated OS/2 related files available from the
LISTSERV of the OS/2 Discussion Forum at BLEKUL11.

* New Files from comp.os.os2.misc

filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
FAQ20D ZIP Frequently Asked Questions V. 2.0d

* New Files from

filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
BROWSE ZIP View text/binary files in ASCII/Hex
CS0009 ZIP CS00009 level CSD for IBM C-Set/2
GNUPLTPM ZIP Gnuplot 3.2 for OS/2 2.0 PM
GROFFEXE ZIP GNU groff document formatting system
IPFCPP10 ZIP A preprocessor for the IPF compiler
KLOCK2D ZIP Set/unset Num/Caps/Scroll-lock from DOS & OS/2
NIKON2 ZIP Nikon II, a WPS screen capture program version 1.1
PMPOPUP ZIP Write a short message to the screen in a dialog box
PROII4 ZIP Orchid 16 color display drivers (Tseng based cards)
PROII8 ZIP Orchid 256 color display drivers (Tseng based cards)
PS-UP237 ZIP Print ASCII text files on Postscript printers
ROLLBALL ZIP Roll the ball for points-game for PM (S)
SYSCOLS2 ZIP Set colors for desktop-includes several color schemes

All new files are ZIP files. Depending on the gateways between BLEKUL11
and your site it might be necessary to specify extra options :

To get the normal ZIP file send the following command to our LISTSERV :


(Where fn is the name of the file you want.)

To get an XXENCODED ZIP file (use this if your gateways have trouble
with binary files) use the following command :


To get several small XXENCODED files (use this if your gateways limit
the size of files) :

GET fn ZIP f=XXE,split

Our disk is also accessible by anonymous FTP at
The OS2 files are available in the ANONYMOU.201 directory. To get a
list of files get the O2.FILELIST in the (default) ANONYMOU.191

Note: Use PKUNZIP -d to unzip !!

These files are distributed AS IS, we can not guarantee anything about
their working.

* For a complete list of all OS/2 files available at LISTSERV@BLEKUL11 *
* get the OS2INDEX ZIP. *
* For a list of all new (last 3 weeks) OS/2 files available at *

We still welcome all OS/2 related files for distribution on our LISTSERV.
Send your files to OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET /
we will arrange everything for distribution.


Date: 17 Jul 92 12:31:32 EDT
From: Ken Hall <KHALL@GTRI01>
Subject: OS/2 & Packet Drivers

Suppose I have purchased and loaded OS/2 2.0 and installed it successfully on
a IBM PS/2 Model 80.

Suppose also that I have a network card installed (a Western Digital or 3Com
card, for example).

Are there OS/2 versions of telnet, tn3270, popmail or any host of other tcp/ip
packet driver or NDIS software that I can download and use given the above
Regards, Ken Hall
Voice: 894-5559 / Beeper: 651-0362
Internet: kh11@hydra, PROFS: KHALL


Date: Thu, 23 Jul 92 12:34:04 EDT
Subject: Questions about LAN Server 2.0 on OS2 2.0


I am planning to upgrade my LAN server to OS2 2.0 and LAN Server 2.0.
I have several concerns about the upgrade. I have called IBM and am waiting
for them to call back. (I haven't heard from IBM yet about an OS/2 2.0 problem,
severity 2,which I opened two weeks ago. Has anyone had the same experience ?)

In the meantime, maybe you can help me.

My concerns are:

1. Does LAN Server 2.0 work well under OS2 2.0 ?
2. Does the configuration support Windows 3.1 ?
3. Does LAN Requester 2.0 work well under DOS 5.0 ?
4. Does IBM's LAN Manager 2.0 work well with LAN Server 2.0 ?
5. Is there anything I should know before doing the upgrade ?

I have read the LAN Server 2.0 Planning and Installation Guide and found
no clear answer.

Thank you for your time,



Date: Thu, 23 Jul 92 10:20:52 pst
From: "Lionel B. Dyck" <>
Subject: 3270 Attachment Card Query

We are configuring an OS/2 workstation to be an automation console and are
looking for 3270 connection cards. Someone here remembers seeing somewhere that
there is a 3270 card that supports 4 ports on one card, the problem is that we
can't find it. Is anyone aware of such are card and can you provide me with the

Thanks in advance.

>>> One of the most dangerous forms of human error is forgetting <<<
>>> what one is trying to achieve......Paul Nitze <<<
* Lionel B. Dyck | Rockwell TSO: WCC1.$A1238 *
* M/C: 110-SE28 | Rockwell VM: ISCEMS(LBDYCK) *
* Comnet: 797-1125 | IBMLink: ROK2027 *
* Phone: (310) 797-1125 | IBM Mail: USROKNTN *
* Fax: (310) 797-3511 | Internet: LBDyck@osreq48.Rockwell.Com *


Date: Thu, 23 Jul 92 23:46:38 EDT
From: Scott Glynn <UCA122@URIACC>
Subject: BBS' under OS/2 2.0

I need some help. I just received my upgrade from IBM to OS/2 2.0 and
have been trying to get the BBS I run (normally under Dos) to run. I am
using Telegard 2.7, BNU 1.70 (fossil driver) and EANSI (ANSI driver that
came with my TSENG 4000 SVGA card. My computer system is as follows:
80386sx 16MHz, 5MB memory 130MB (19ms) Hard drive with 40MB free. 2400bd
modem (no bells or whistles....straight 2400bd) on com port 3. Mouse is
on com port 2. Nothing is on com port would interfer with the
com port 3 IRQ!
Now, when I try to run the bbs, it will either crash the WHOLE system
with resulting errors printed to the screen to report or it will report
that the com port is being used by some other program, depending on what
I run before hand. Any and all help/suggestions will be greatly appreciated
on setting up the system to run effieciently....I just received it on the
22nd of July and haven't had all that much time to work on it.

ps. A couple of other things. Is there a HP Quiet Jet printer driver for OS/2?

and are there any BUG patches for OS/2 2.0 out, and if so where can they be
FTP'd from?

pps. Thanks to the person who had given me info on getting my Upgrade..
I forget his name and I lost his address....sorry.


Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1992 13:48 EDT
Subject: unshreddable objects on the desktop

If anyone encounters unshreddable objects on their desktop, (that is a 'no'-sign
appears on the object when you try to shred it and the delete option is missing
from the objects pop-up menu) go into an os/2 window and use the rd command.
It's not as neat as using the shredder, but it works!

After about two weeks of using 2.0, it does feel strange actually having to
use the keyboard to perform this sort of file maintenance. Norton Desktop
eat your heart out!!



Date: Mon, 27 Jul 92 09:13:15 -0500
From: (M. Scott Hoppe (OTC - 203 D. Boyd))
Subject: PCOMM 3270 2.0

I'm having trouble getting PCOMM to run. I really just wanted to see
if it could be done. Our System Manager now seems to think we need it,
so if anyone knows how to get the Lan Support files loaded and available
for PCOMM, please let me know.
Thanks, -=( Scott )=-


Date: 27 Jul 92 13:08:13 EST

I havae two problems. First now that I am using OS2 v2, I can no longer write
to disk. Our system (ONET) uses PCTRANS and is said to have worked in a DOS
session under OS2 v1x. I wonder if it is my DOS settings or what. I have no
problem with other programs under OS2. I can boot from drive A: with DOS 5
and have no problem. Any suggestions? Possible that PCTRANS is the problem?

Second there is a DOS setting called HW_COM that I can't find any document-
ation for. What does it do.


Stephen Schwan <>
Cuyahoga Community College Theatre
Parma, Ohio (216)-987-5537


Date: 27 Jul 1992 15:00 -0400 (EDT)
From: Erich Schlaikjer <>
Organization: Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Am I crazy? Does the PM message WM_DESTROY really exist? It never seems
to get sent to any window procedure. I've tested in codeview, and in
program logic (resources getting freed etc). Yet spy.exe shows WM_DESTROY
messages! (I've checked the #defines, and they both say WM_DESTROY is
2). Does the message get sent to hooks but not dispatched? The
documentation (quickhelp) is pretty explicit:


The WM_DESTROY message is sent when a window is being destroyed. It is sent
to the window procedure of the window being destroyed after the window is

This message is sent first to the window being destroyed, then to the child
windows as they are destroyed. During the processing of the WM_DESTROY
message, it can be assumed that all child windows still exist.

To me, that seems to imply that all windows get a WM_DESTROY message, yet
no winproc of mine ever stops at that case entry. What's the story?


Date: Tue, 28 Jul 92 09:11:12 CST
From: Jim Piatt <PIATT@CMSUVMA>
Subject: Multiple Printer Sessions Under OS/2 Ver 2.0

We are relatively new to OS/2. Prior to OS/2 we were running Windows
with Attachmate and NSA on our LAN. With that configuration we could
have several printer sessions (one LASER, one Panasonic Dot Matrix, etc.)
as well as one or more terminal sessions.
Since our change to OS/2 we haven't been able to acquire more
than one printer session. We all have printers attached to our workstations
as well as printers available on the LAN in other offices and rooms throughout
the building. How can we get to these printers which are known to the LAN?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. We don't have any "Experts" here and
very few manuals. A reference to a specific "user's guide' or other
documentation would be a big help.

James A. Piatt <*> PIATT@CMSUVMA
Systems Programmer <*> VOICE: (816)429-4279
Central Missouri State University <*> FAX: (816)543-4959
Humphreys Bldg., Room 208 <*>
Warrensburg, MO 64093 <*>


From: root@ecnuxa.bitnet
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 92 16:59:08 CST
Subject: OS/2 fixes

I have seen a list of OS/2 fixes on IBM's bulletin board. Are these files
available anywhere on Internet for FTP access?



From: root@ecnuxa.bitnet
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 92 16:59:19 CST
Subject: Application development

I am looking for OS/2 front-end application development tools for Database
Manager in Extended Services. We are looking at some serious applications
that we need to set up quickly. Has anyone had good or bad experiences with
Database Manager as the back-end database engine?



Date: Fri, 31 Jul 92 09:55:22 EDT
From: Bill Leimbach <WXL1@DCC>
Subject: CDROM install

We are in the process of installing a CDROM device in OS/2 2.0 and
cannot locate documentation on the parameters for the
statement DEVICE=CDROM.SYS in the CONFIG.SYS. Can anyone provide
documentation or point me in the right direction?

Bill Leimbach Phone : (410)285-9929
Director of Computer Services FAX : (410)285-9903
Dundalk Community College BITNET: WXL1@DCC.BITNET
7200 Sollers Point Road
Baltimore, MD 21222


Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1992 23:12 EDT
Subject: ATI Graphics Ultra

>> But I'm thinking about getting either the ATI Graphics Ultra or Graphics
>> Vantage. What can I expect if I should either of these? What kind of
>> drivers? What kind of performance will I get? How do I set the system
>> up for this? That sort of thing. Anyone care to shed some light on
>> this for me?
> I have been happily using the ATI Graphics Ultra for about three month now.
> Although ATI has no 2.0 specific video drivers the Ultra's hardware is
> compatible with IBM's 8514/a specification.

I recently installed an ATI Graphics Ultra in my system. I just used the
install program that came with the card in a DOS box to install the OS/2
v1.3 drivers. They seemed to work fine. I was able to use VGA, 800x600, or
1024x768 resolutions.

The ATI drivers use the coprocessor, so window drawing is fast. It's pretty
fast on my system anyway, however (33 MHz '486 with 8 MBytes). I honestly
didn't see a huge improvement -- at least with the VGA settings -- I can't
compare the higher resolutions.

I was unable to run Windows apps on the OS/2 desktop when using 800x600 or
1024x768. All Windows apps went full screen with VGA resolution. I
understand that this is normal at this time. True?

In the end I just stayed with VGA resolution. The PC screen (14") is too
small for 1024x768 or even 800x600 (in my opinion). I have normal vision,
but it's like holding a book at arm's length: sure I can read it, but I'd
hate to have to read a major document that way.

Peter Chapin


Feed from the Listearn OS2-L OS/2 Non-Editored Discussion List :


Date: Tue, 14 Jul 92 16:07:14 PDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Luis C Uribe <1180P@NAVPGS>
Subject: APL2 under OS/2 VDM

The latest release of IBM's APL2 according to the documentation will
now work on a VDM (now it has the right extenders). I followed the
setup in the manual for the code page. When I enter the MODE command
to prepare the code page it responds with a message saying the arguments
to MODE are invalid. Has anybody being able to pass that point?
I appreciate any input. Luis

: Luis C. Uribe : Voice: (408) 625-6274 :
: P.O. Box 3637 : :


Date: Tue, 14 Jul 92 16:12:55 PDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Luis C Uribe <1180P@NAVPGS>

Subject: Multimedia extensions for PM
I read the MM extensions for PM are out already. Can anybody tell me how
to get them, I am anxious to try some music programs that currently dont

: Luis C. Uribe : Voice: (408) 625-6274 :
: P.O. Box 3637 : :


Date: Thu, 16 Jul 92 23:00:09 EDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Jim Casstevens <DMISJRC@UMVMA>
Subject: Re: FTP site for bug fixes

Whoops! The numerical address for is


Date: Thu, 16 Jul 92 22:42:48 EST
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: John K Gotwals <GOTWALS@PURCCVM>
Subject: Configuring EPM for C

I am having a problem in getting the EPM editor to startup with a default tab
interval of 4 when editing a file with the extension 'C'. I have changed the
tab interval setting in the options/preferences/settings section, and the
editor still insists in starting up with the interval as 8.

Another somewhat similar problem is the "feature" of this editor to FORCE you
to follow a particular style of C programming. As soon as you enter the space
following an if, the editor immediately fills in a matching '()', 'else',
opening and closing braces for the true/false branches of the if-else
statement, and a C comment marking the end of the control structure. The
editor is equally agile with some of the other C control structures.

Now this may be a very nice "feature" for the guy who designed in his (or his
company's) particular programming style and then enjoys watching his
unfortunate colleagues being forced to adhere to the same style. But it so
happens that I like a tab interval of 4 rather than 8, and many of my if
statements don't need or use the else branch. Furthermore, I like to align my
braces differently than this guy does.

How do I turn these %$#@ features off? I am sure some wag will tell me to
just edit a source file with a different extension than 'C' and to rename the
file back to 'C' after I have left the editor. Is there something simple in
the EPM help files I have missed that tells me what I can do to the editor so
that I can feel I am in control?!?
-- John


Date: Fri, 17 Jul 92 08:15:08 CET
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Turgut Kalfaoglu <turgut@EARN-PS.CIRCE.FR>
Subject: Configuring EPM for C

John: After digging into the online manual, I found this magical
command: EXPAND OFF. It irritated the heck out of me to erase the
useless brackets and 'else' statements too! The questions is, how do I
make this command the default option? -turgut

Turgut Kalfaoglu, Server Programmer European Academic Research Network
BITNET address: turgut@frors12.bitnet or turgut@frmop11.bitnet


Date: Fri, 17 Jul 92 12:38:52 NFT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Thomas Greve <greve@RS1.THCH.UNI-BONN.DE>
Subject: Re: Problems with gcc/c++

> Hi, I don't know if you have got the answer already, but here it goes anyway.
> You have to ask IBM to send you a fix (APAR).
> Corrective service licensed material: U403044
> I did it and it worked o.k.
Nice. Some ftp-site where to get it? (watson at least doesn't list this
U-number in it's 20fixes file)

- Thomas


Date: Fri, 17 Jul 92 11:27:05 PDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Craig Cholar <3432P@NAVPGS>
Subject: Watch out!

The following CMD file was recently posted. I ran it and now
I'm having troubles with my clock. My old clock is gone from my
desktop where it used to run in the lower right corner, yet it
shows up in the task list. The task list won't delete it, close it,
or open it. The clock icon in the System folder shows that it is
running. I see a clock2 in my root drive, but I can't drag it
to the shredder (I get a 'you-can't-do-that cursor when I move it
there). Can someone help me fix this mess? I looked at the
Rexx online help, but saw nothing like a SysDeleteObject.

> /*----------------------------------------------------------- */
> /*This will create an instance of the clock in c:\ */
> /*----------------------------------------------------------- */
> call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs'
> call SysLoadFuncs
> rc=SysCreateObject("WPClock","clock_2","c:\","")
> if rc then say 'Install successfully completed for NewObject'
> /*----------------------------------------------------------- */


Date: Fri, 17 Jul 92 22:42:15 EST
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: John K Gotwals <GOTWALS@PURCCVM>
Subject: Re: Configuring EPM for C

On Fri, 17 Jul 92 09:11:00 PDT Pete Nielsen said:
>RTFM particularly the EXPAND command and the quickhelp where it
>discusses setting up profiles.
Thanks for your help on epm. This helps some, but I would like to change the
startup default. After following your suggestion and taking a closer read of
epm help, I found that when you start the editor at the command line in
addition to entering the name of the file you want to edit, you can follow the
file name with a quoted string which is given to epm as a command. For
epm junk.c 'expand off'
turns off the bracket stuff. However the command
epm <filename> 'tabs 4'
results in the editor ignoring the quoted string command. This is very
strange! tabs 4 entered in the pulldown window command works ok, but 'tabs 4'
at the command line is ignored by the editor?!? Maybe I am expecting too much
from a "free" editor?
-- John


Date: Sat, 18 Jul 92 21:36:06 EST
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: John K Gotwals <GOTWALS@PURCCVM>
Subject: Re: Where do I get info about EPM profiles?

After some more help from readers of this list, I indeed found out that
there is indeed a (limited) discusssion in the epm quick reference file.
Unfortunately, the TABS command is not listed as being available to a
user written Rexx macro, and a test Rexx program verified this. One reader
gave the example of Rexx execs on CMS, but I don't think epm interfaces
with a Rexx macro like XEDIT does with a PROFILE XEDIT.
-- John


Date: Wed, 22 Jul 92 08:17:04 +0200
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Dirk Rober <FDAAA12@BLEKUL11>
Subject: Re: Watch out!

The fact that you can not drag the clock to the shredder is 'normal'.
That is, the normal clock has the same behaviour.
To delete a clock : move it to an empty subdirectory and then delete this
subdirectory. But if you remake the subdirectory your clock will appear again.
If you want to get ride of the clock for good you will have to edit the ini
files I presume.

I also have a trouble to close the clock under certain circumstances.
But I think these problems occure only when you open two clocks at the same



Date: Wed, 22 Jul 92 10:28:52 CEST
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Luca Regoli <MC0280@MCLINK.IT>
Subject: Notes On Os2 Missings

I'd like you to read this message and to route to me your opinions:

As you certainly know in win 3.1 (BTW I hate win3.x !!) there is an
interesting feature: the capture of the CNTL+ALT+DEL key sequence.

I'd like to know, if you know it:

-1- Why IBM didn't put something like in OS/2 2.0 although OS/2
captures CNTL+ALT+DEL and "tries" to flush RAM to Disk,
before processing it.

-2- Why the two following commands are missing in OS2 X.x

-a- SHUTDOWN as a normal command not only from PM, or eventually
as a REXX function. In an automatic temporized shutdown would
be very usefull!

-b- KILL as a possibility to eliminate detached process started
for mistake or only for a try.

BTW I DO know there are shareware which do those jobs, but by my
opinion those are OS features that should be already present in the
package, and should be even present among REXX built-in functions!

Another suggestion:
Why the WPS doesn't permit, like MAC'S OS, to remember each window
size after shutdwn? The shift & drag feature which allows to remember
the dimension of A window, should works for EACH window separately and
indipendently. It would be great to be able to decide inside
settings, if you want to remember winwods-size, and even better if
with rexx program I could choose the size and position where the
objects (the win) will be displayed.

Thanks a lot anyway and sorry for bad English, it's not my mother

>> Luky >> Internet: <>


Date: Wed, 22 Jul 92 11:55:41 CDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: "Jeffrey W. Spencer" <C0025JS@UMRVMB>
Subject: fix list from

I got this list from this is a list of os2
fixes. I thought some people on the list might benefit from this...

Date of File - 07/15/92 Version 1.10
File changes flagged with |'s
Original File Date - 06/08/92
Owner, Irv Spalten, IRV @ BCRVMPC1

This is the list, as of the date shown above, of all fixes placed by
Department 17J on either OS2CSD or OS2TOOLS. Other 2.0 fixes are not
supported by the Boca Technical Group. All fixes listed here may be
distributed externally. The difference between OS2CSD and OS2TOOLS is
that OS2CSD is for fixes, and the individual files will be removed when
a service release is done. The service release will then be placed on
OS2CSD in its place. OS2TOOLS will hold 'enhancements' and utilities
for OS/2 2.0.

All fixes are on External BBS's and CIS except where noted. In some
case the EXTERNAL name may be different and is so noted. When the names
are the same, external names have the ZIP extension.

NOTE: Access to IBM's OS2CSD and OS2TOOLS repositories is available to
IBM personnel only.

APAR = Authorized Program Analysis Report (or bug report)
PTR = Program Trouble Report (or bug report)

* Fixes on OS2CSD *

NOTE: APAR numbers are the numbers the LATEST fix was reported under.
Components like OS2KRNL may have many APAR fixes and reports
against it.

Package Name - IBM2FLPY
External Name - PMTAPE.ZIP

APAR: PJ03661

Filename Size Date Time
IBM2FLPY.ADD 13029 5-15-92 1:38P

This IBM2FLPY.ADD file contains fix for this problem:

PMTAPE utility does not work. After restoring backup files from tape,
the system would either hang the OS/2 WINDOW or halt the entire system.

Package Name - OS2KRNL
External Name - OS2KRN.ZIP

Filename Size Date Time
OS2KRNL 716884 6-17-92 10:27a

This KERNEL file contains fixes for these following problems:

APAR PJ03686 / PTR B736191
PROBLEM SUMMARY: OS/2 2.0 Swapper.dat file does not shrink.

APAR PJ03733 / PTR B752328
PROBLEM SUMMARY: When two or more processes perform DOSDELETE function
to the same server using UNC file path names OS/
system will deadlock. The processes deadlocked include
any DOS file I/O which require access to the same.

APAR PJ04081 / PTR B735516
PROBLEM SUMMARY: IPE occurs at location 150:4912 which is a "rep stosd"
inside the BlastSFT. (AUTOCAD problem)

PTR AA04936
PROBLEM SUMMARY: System creates a data block for the unsucessful
attempt to open a file.

PTR AA05235
PROBLEM SUMMARY: MEM.qlqresident and MEM.qlqfree constantly increase an
never decrease.

APAR JR05522 / PTR B736359
PROBLEM SUMMARY: When the server system is upgraded to LAN service 2.0,
the system TRAP D intermittently at CSLIM:C27E, CS:230
and IP:0488.

APAR PJ04635 / PTR B736621
PROBLEM SUMMARY: DOSRENAME not deleting source file (Cross link files

PTR B736650
PROBLEM SUMMARY: Increase DosRmDir integrity.

Package Name - VSVGA

APAR: PJ03677
Filename Size Date Time
VEGA.SYS 49207 5-15-92 1:47p
VVGA.SYS 51678 5-15-92 1:47p
VSVGA.SYS 64559 5-15-92 1:47p

These files VEGA.SYS, VVGA.SYS and VSVGA.SYS contain fix for this

Entering a DOS or WinOS2 Full Screen on a Tseng et4000-based SVGA card
with a batch number of TC6059AF or higher makes the video card go out
of sync, requiring a cold boot to remedy.

Package Name - BVHSVGA
External Name - BVSVGA.ZIP

APAR PJ03721
Filename Size Date Time
BVHSVGA.DLL 22466 5-15-92 12:26p

The file BVHSVGA.DLL contains fix for this problem:

OEM machines with Western Digital super VGA video that have 1 Mg
of video memory crash after first boot then the C0000005 message

Package Name - IBM1S506
External Name - IBM506.ZIP

APAR PJ04045
Filename Size Date Time
IBM1S506.ADD 13036 5-15-92 1:38p

The file IBM1S506.ADD contains fix for this problem:

During installation of OS/2 2.0 on family 1 computers, noise from
MFM/RLL hardfiles and poor DASD performance exist.

Package Name - 360KFIX
External Name - 360K.ZIP

Fixes the reading and writing of 360K drives and the ability to format
a 1.2 MB drive on OS2 2.0. Replace IBM1FLPY.ADD and reboot system.

Package Name - INSTALLB
External Name - INSTB.ZIP

A set of two diskette images that allows one to boot from an A: drive
that is a 5 1/4" and use a set of OS/2 2.0 3 1/2" diskette in B: to
install OS/2 2.0

Package Name - VEMMGA

A replacement VEMM.SYS driver that will allow OS/2 2.0 to see EMM
memory that the GA code could not see when a program touched the
memory before it called it. Lotus apps generally had this problem.

Package Name - COMMGA

A new set of COM.SYS and VCOM.SYS which support a new HW_COM DOS
property. The function of the new DOS property is to remove IO hooks
for the COM port without rebooting the system. Although it removes
the hooks, the check for contention is still supported. When this DOS
property is turned ON, FastLynx, D'Bridge, FSDUAT, AS/400 Asynch
Router, and FOSSIL Driver like X00.SYS work in OS/2. Within the same
machine, users also can run ProComm Plus and Prodigy at the same time.

Package Name - REXX20

Latest version, dated 7/13/92.

APAR PJ03945
APAR PJ04178

A set of 4 REXX files and a information TXT file that tells you how to
install the fixes and more details on the fixes and APAR's.
Additional Use samples included in REXX.TXT.

Package Name - MOUSE

Fix for the 'Wild Mouse' and loss of mouse control. If you should lose
the mouse, do not touch it for 15 seconds and it should resync. Copy
over the existing MOUSE.SYS and reboot.


VBIOS.SYS is a fix for these different problems:

APAR PJ03709 Loading into UMB with OEM machines with Extended BIOS
APAR PJ03889 Running reboot vector on Model 40 causes hang
APAR PJ03998 Running DOS HIMEM.SYS in VMBOOT on L40 SX and causing

The biggest problem is APAR PJ03709. SYS3176 is common on OEM machines
with Extended BIOS data area while loading into UMBs. This has been

To replace, just copy over the file in \OS2\MDOS. No need to include
in config.sys, since it is loaded automatically.

APAR PJ04220 NEC Turbo machines run slow

Package name - TURBO

TURBO.SYS is a fix for NEC machines with the TURBO option. Machines
running slow need this OS/2 device driver in CONFIG.SYS to make it
run in turbo mode. Putting it towards the top of CONFIG.SYS is best.

APAR PJ04052 - HPFS problems

Package HPFS

This is a fix for HPFS systems reporting problems with SWAPPER.DAT when
running CHKDSK. It should also fix the CPS:Extents error too. README fi le
is in the ZIP file for further instructions.

APAR PJ03837 BLACK ICONS on Desktop


See README file in ZIP for further details.

Replacement HP Laser Jet Windows drivers


See README file in ZIP for further details. This driver will print up
to 6 times faster.

Collection of Problem Determination files


This is a collection of files used by support to help work known
problems being reported by a user.


* Fixes on OS2TOOLS *


Package Name - 2XMSE

A replacement MOUSE.SYS that will speed up the ballistics of the mouse
by two times approximately. Keep your old MOUSE.SYS around just in case
you do NOT like it. This ONLY works for PS/2 style mice.

Package Name - ENDVDM

This is a small DEBUG input file that will recreate a 7 byte program
that will close either a DOS Session (same as entering EXIT) or close
a Bootable VDM. This is the ONLY way to close a Bootable VDM.

Package Name - NETSRV

A fix for Novell Netware Lite 1.0. This will stop failures that kill a
DOS session.

Package Name - PALETT

This is a fix for LOTUS Freelance Palette problems. Some colors may
not display properly without this fix.

Package Name - RESTKN

A fix to allow you to RESET the T/R adapter while OS/2 2.0 is

Package Name - GT16MB

|Updated 7/15/92 with more systems covered.

This is a new OS2LDR file that enables machines with greater than 16 MB
to use that memory (most clones had this problem). This fix is what we
feel is a final fix.


% ------------------------------------------- %
% C0025JS@UMRVMB %
% S097671@UMRVMA %
% ************** %


Date: Thu, 23 Jul 92 08:47:54 CEST
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Luca Regoli <MC0280@MCLINK.IT>
Subject: Again Os/2 Missings

Iesterday Thomas Greve <!> wrote:

TG>> -1- Why IBM didn't put something like in OS/2 2.0 although
TG>> OS/ 2
TG>> captures CNTL+ALT+DEL and "tries" to flush
TG> RAM to Disk,
TG>> before processing it.
TG>What do you expect it to do, then? Personally, i like
TG>to reboot OS/2 `softly' after the display driver has

I'd preffer OS/2 to ask me if I really want to shutdown my system before
doing it immediately as the stupid Win 3.1 does (;-)) !

TG>> -a- SHUTDOWN as a normal command not only from PM,
TG>> or eventually as a REXX function. In an automatic temporized
TG>> shutdown would be very usefull!
TG> It isn't missing: setboot -b (or similar...) Kills all
TG> running apps, too. Nice way to get rid of someone...

The problem is that if you didn't set up MOST (boot manager or Multi
Operative System Tool) you cannot usa that command, and BTW it isn't a real

OS/2 command but only an interface to MOST. I would preffer a real command
with parameters (for example time to wait before perform it, ask
confirmattion or not ecc..).

Yes, i'm never satisfied (;-)) for example i'd have liked a password
protection in the MOST to access certain partition or the possibility at
least in HPFS to password protect some dir/trees.. wouldn't be nice in

>>> L u k y >>> Internet <>


Date: Thu, 23 Jul 92 13:28:28 +0200
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: gerard persoon <gerard.persoon@MEDIMATICA.MEDIMATICA.400NET.NL>
Subject: Re: Looking for a working free-mem utility

>I am getting really fed up with utilities that says 'you have 512K free
>RAM left' - regardless of how many apps there are running. Does anyone
>have a decent utility that displays the real amount under 2.0?

The new version of theseus (theseus2) can show this, along with LOTS
of other info.
However it says "IBM internal use only" (I got it from DAP)

Gerard Persoon


Date: Fri, 24 Jul 92 17:33:02 EDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Christian Robert <$$$0@POLYTEC1>
Subject: Slow Motion

> Here is a really weird one. I was writing something today with EPM, and
> the machine started slowing down. At first, the keystrokes were being
> echoed slower and slower, until it was unbearable. I then pulled down
> the File menu, and the hard disk light came on.. stayed on.. The
> whole thing lasted perhaps 2 minutes, the machine going from normal to
> dead halt. Only the mouse icon moved around - nothing else worked.
> Not even CTRL-ALT-DEL would work. I had to turn the machine off. This
> happened twice today, and the only change I made to the machine was that
> I upped the cache size of HPFS to 1 megabyte.
> I have most of the "PTF"s installed, including the kernel. This is an
> PS/2 model 55SX, with 8MB of memory. I was only running TCP/IP 1.2.1 at
> the time (inetd,pmant,lamail..)
> Has anyone else seen anything like this? I ran the Configuration
> diskette's 'system check' but it did not find any hardware errors
> either. -turgut
> Turgut Kalfaoglu, Server Programmer, European Academic Research Network
> BITNET: turgut@frors12.bitnet or turgut@frmop11.bitnet

Sound a common problem for 55sx... Mine does this about once a week.
Exactly same config as yours. 55sx, 8m, inetd, except for: -lamail +lan.

As I said on usenet some days ago... The only answer I received
was suggesting a hardware error (disk).

Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1992 06:35:18 GMT

I'm wondering if someone else have this problem. I have an IBM 55sx
with os2 2.0 installed on it. Occasionnaly, say once a week, the
hard drive light turns on and hang in that state. A cold boot is
then required. It looks like a disk i/o has been started, but the
interrupt that must say to os2 that the i/o has compleeted is
lost, masked out or ignored... so os2 wait forever.

Did someone ever seen this behavior ?



Date: Fri, 24 Jul 92 18:19:20 EDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Drew Derbyshire <ahd@KEW.COM>
Subject: Re: Name Resolution using OS/2 TCP/IP

On Fri, 24 Jul 92 07:36:59 pst, "Lionel B. Dyck" <lbdyck@OSREQ48.ROCKWELL.COM>
> I have 3 local name servers and our folks are telling me that I need something
> called 'yellow pages' which I can't find any reference to...?

Yellow pages was renamed Network Information Service (NIS) by SUN
because Yellow Pages is a trademark in England.

NIS is a distributed database used by SUNOS systems to share files. If
your name servers are ONLY running NIS and not NAMED, then they are NIS
Masters but not name servers. If you have NAMED running, then your
"folks" must insure the yellow pages (ooops NIS database) information is
duplicated in the NAMED database.


p.s. All this is fresh in my mind because I had to screw with our
NIS/DNS last night for three hours.

Internet: Voice: 617-641-3739

"A feature is a bug with seniority."


Date: Sat, 25 Jul 92 01:32:00 EDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Bob Newlin <DBHIVE@DUKEMVS>
Subject: RE: Clean Desktop

> Leonard Kesterson asks:
> there a way to have shutdown close all the open folders that ar
> open so that they will not reopen automaticaly when I reboot? When I have a
> lot of sessions going the system takes alot longer to close each folder or to
> reload them. I'd like to start with a clean desktop, gee I wonder if Icould ge
> an app at home for my desktop that did that....
> Thanks Folks...

Add the following line to your Config.SYS:
Note: Someone suggested removing FOLDERS from your AUTOSTART statement
(lost the reference, sorry). The Desktop is a folder! That left me
with nothing but a little arrow on a blue backgound!


Date: Sat, 1 Aug 92 09:00:02 PDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Dave Gomberg <GOMBERG@UCSFVM>
Subject: Fax under OS/2

I fear I may be becoming the clearinghouse for fax info under OS/2.
Here is what I have to date. If you will mail me privately with any
updates or changes, I will be glad to incorporate them and repost.
Especially if you have phone numbers, that would help. Many thanks.

Product Phone Fax Comments

GammaLink 408-744-1400 408-744-1549 GL doesn't reply to incoming faxes
PM-Fax 404-984-8088 Also called faxit, $149
Fax-PM $250, microformatics?

MTEZ 708-953-2374 Vendor sez doesn't support OS/2
WinFax Vendor sez doesn't support OS/2


Date: Mon, 3 Aug 92 11:09:47 CET
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Turgut Kalfaoglu <turgut@EARN-PS.CIRCE.FR>
Subject: Re: Pov Trace

Hi. I am forwarding this for Al, who had problems with the list address.
Btw, if the address 'os2-l@frors12.bitnet' causes problems for you, try
'' <- that's the internet address of this IBM
mainframe.. Regards, -turgut

Turgut Kalfaoglu, Server Programmer, European Academic Research Network
BITNET: turgut@frors12.bitnet or turgut@frmop11.bitnet

----------- Note follows -----------
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 92 12:06:40 EDT
Subject: Re: Pov Trace
Organization: IBM Canada Laboratory Ltd, Toronto, CANADA

In a previous message, you wrote:
>I am pretty sure there is a problem with the IBM C/SET 2 compiler now.
>Last night I recompiled it, with the /NOE link option and providing my
>own matherr() function, and it still gives "Invalid Floating Point
>Operation" error, and crashes out of the program - about 10 minutes into
>Before crashing, Pov trace gives two warnings, very strange themselves:
>No color value for 1.9383e+181
>No color value for 2.3933e+201
>I made up the numbers, but the magnitude is about right. Anyone has
>better luck with it? Regards, -turgut


Tim Francis in Workframe/2 development sent me the following directions
for reporting C-SET/2 compiler and Workframe problems.
From: Tim Francis 448-4290 (tie 778) FRANCIS at TOROLAB6

Please reply that if anyone finds a compiler bug, they should create a
small testcase, compile it with -p (which completes the pre-processing
step only), and send the resultant .i file, along with a note explaining
what's happening (and what should be happening), to

That's the fastest way to get it to the compiler dept, to the person
who's handling support that month.

If bugs are found in the Workframe, a short description explaining how
to recreate the problem should be sent to

Please note that as this bypasses all other levels of support, it should
really only be used for (suspected) bug reports, as opposed to user
problems & questions.

Feel free to post this note if you wish. Thanks. -tim

Al Dunsmuir Internet:
CODE Development II + TEAM OS/2 Voice: (416) 448-3315
IBM Canada Laboratory Ltd, Toronto, CANADA

OS/2 V2: Why settle for anything less?


Date: Fri, 31 Jul 92 23:54:25 EDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
Subject: Zachmann to Join OS/2 Monthly

Will Zachmann is scheduled to join OS/2 monthly as an Editor
in September. Perhaps there is such a thing as Justice in this World!
I for one hope to continue reading his enlightened articles on a monthly
basis. Who Know, maybe John Dvorak will be next?



Date: Wed, 5 Aug 92 10:30:11 IDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
Subject: SUBSTP00 from BLEKUL11 is dangarous.

I have isntalled SUBSTP00.
This is a program which is supposed to provide a "substr" command to OS/2.
The program works and In defined a subst drive for an HPFS directory.
The problems start when I try to open the drives folder.
At that moment I get TRAP 000d.
This problem is consistent (I tried 3 times).
The problem appears only if you open the drives folder when a "subst"
drive is defined.
I have not tried it on a FAT partition because on my last trial
CHKDSK reported a bad directory block and I became afraid that SUBSTP00
may trash the disk.
Anyhow I did recover the directory and removed SUBSTP00 immediatly.



Feed from the Usenet (UUCP/Internet) comp.os.os2.* newsgroups :


From: "stephen dawson" <>
Subject: pc week and nt
Date: 29 Jul 92 21:53:55 EST
Organization: Canada Remote Systems

In the 27 July issue of PC Week a few 'problems' with NT are
reported. It seems that as NT gets closer and closer to delivery,
the warts are being revealed and, by comparison, OS/2's teething
pains look rather trivial.

Graphics based DOS apps will not run full screen, even on Intel
based PC's.

Enhanced mode Windows apps won't run on RISC based NT.

DOS apps that try to access the hardware will not run.

Microsoft now suggests that NT will support "major" DOS and Windows

Unlike OS/2, existing device drivers will NOT be supported in
virtual DOS sessions. 3270 emulators are the major apps shutout from
NT without new drivers being written. Fax and scanner apps are also

PC Week acknowledged that OS/2 does not share most of these

In addition to Will Zackmann, Jim Louderback and Jamie Lewis throw
up big cautions about NT and suggest that delivery is due, at best,
in 2Q 1993. Given that Microsoft has committed to a 1992 delivery,
this will be very embarrassing.

OS/2 sales have reached the 1 ,illion mark; 80 thousand in Canada.

STEPHEN Look through the Windows and you will see OS/2!
^^^^^^^ :-) Walking and chewing gum at the same time.

Entered 07-29-92 at 9:35pm in Downsview, Ontario

* DeLuxe2/386 1.25 #3969 * Live long and prosper.
Canada Remote Systems - Toronto, Ontario/Detroit, MI
World's Largest PCBOARD System - 416-629-7000/629-7044


From: soyring@VNET.IBM.COM ("John A. Soyring")
Subject: Gordon Letwin
Date: 30 Jul 92 01:46:13 GMT

Dear Mr. Letwin:

The attached note was appended to comp.os.os2.misc identifying you as the
author. Since the attached note states that either you, or one of your bosses,
received "threatening letters" from IBM lawyers, I wanted to be sure that
we investigated this matter.

IBM's lawyers have searched our files and they have found no letters sent
to you -- on any subject. To the best of their recollections, they recall
sending no such letters to you.

Would you please send to me copies of the letters you reported. Or please
send to me the name of the attorney who signed the letter and the date
of the letter. I will be happy to have this followed up for you since
you were expecting a reply.


John A. Soyring
Director, IBM Software Development Programs
IBM Corporation
11400 Burnet Road
Austin, TX 78758


>Subject: Re: Paid Microsoft employees
>From: (Gordon Letwin)
>Message-ID: <>
>Date: 21 Jul 92 23:31:40 GMT
>Organization: Microsoft Corporation
>To make things perfectly clear, I don't give a hoot about such "ravings"
>and "unmittigated bull", myself. However, two different IBM lawyers sent
>me threatening letters trying to force me off of the net. This was in
>response to my posting about the amount of assembly language in the product.
>Note that the civilized way, if you're unhappy with someone's posts, is
>to complain to them and ask them to moderate their behavior. You then
>fall back on the legal threats if and only if:
> 1) your complaint is valid and your threats are real, and
> 2) you've exhausted less drastic means
>IBM went directly to the serious legal threats, written to folks who
>they assumed were my bosses, hoping to get me fired. More, they had
>no basis for the complaints; their arguments were unmitigated bullshit.
>So I sent them a little reply about IBM's postings on the net. The
>above examples are excerpted from page after page of stuff that I sent back.
>I said that I had been laughing off the personal attacks by IBM, but
>since IBM was talking major damage suits as an appropriate response to
>postings then it seemed like a good idea to me...
>I never heard back from the IBM lawyer, but I have noticed a quieting
>of IBM postings. Perhaps there's a correlation.
>By the way; this has nothing to do with Larry Solomon's departure from IBM.
> gordon letwin
> not a spokesperson for microsoft


Subject: The ultimate wish list!!!
Date: 4 Aug 92 09:25:15 GMT
Organization: JvNCnet - Moodys Investors Service


Ok, there has been so much traffic in the os2 confrences that
I thought it might be a good idea to find out what does the world want
in OS/2. If This gets interesting I just may mail it to some vp at IBM.

I like to start with my own list of good stuff and I try to
explain myself as I go along:

1.) Real Support from IBM and 3rd party vendors.
To tell the truth I 'm feed up with
wait and see attidude of hardware
and software vendors.

2.) A real reference manual in the OS/2 box.
I do not like to have the product
installed in the hard Drive before
I could learn anything about it.
3.) More comand line utilities.
OS/2 ala unix.
4.) Built in Network support even a quasi peer to peer
would be neat.
5.) A better backup utility that support tapes.
IBM should try to read all these messages
about tape drives. QIC 40 and 80 will
be enough for the moment.
6.) Speed and less memory.
To shut up all those win and dos biggots.
7.) Some sort of defragmenter for hpfs.
OS/2 takes too long to get up and get going
from a cold boot. Thus far I found that
the only way to defrag my drive is to do
a backup and and imeditate restore over-
writing every thing to ghet rid of some
the Fragmentation.
8.) Better distribution channels for OS/2 software.
It is difficult to get any thing for os2
even getting the dealer referal from IBM.
Even in NYC.
9.) Windows 3.1 support should be a priority at IBM.

10.) Multimedia extensions for products other than IBM.

Well that is enough worms for now so let's go out and do some
Fishing!!! :->

BTW: One of the reasons that most custumers ignore ibm products
is that someone can do it cheaper and faster without making
you pay for BIG BLUE LETTERS.........



From: (Mike Ching)
Subject: Re: Klondike and Neko .INI files (was Re: Nowhere directory?)
Date: 4 Aug 92 03:42:37 GMT
Organization: Advanced Micro Devices, Santa Clara, CA

In article <> (Chris Waters) writes:
>In <>
>dab6@po.CWRU.Edu (Douglas A. Bell) writes:
>>In a previous article, (Luc Bauwens) says:
>>>In article <>
>>>dab6@po.CWRU.Edu (Douglas A. Bell) writes:
>>>>I also dislike the *.ini files in my root that klondike & neko leave
>>>>there. Whose computer is it anyway, mine or IBM's?
>>>How did they end up there? On my machine they are where they belong,
>>>in os2/apps.
>>That's just where they ended up.
>They ended up in the root for me as well, and I also find this annoying.
>I am gratified to hear that *someone* has managed to get them to go
>where they belong, and I'd certainly like to know

how and why?..... 
>Chris Waters | the insane don't | NOBODY for President!
>xtifr@netcom.COM| need disclaimers | Because Nobody's perfect!!

It's your computer. Go into the settings and set the directory to
os2\apps if that's where you want the .ini file.

Mike Ching



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