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OS2 Discussion Forum Volume 9207 Issue 03 - Part I

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Published in 
OS2 Discussion Forum
 · 5 months ago

OS/2 Discussion Forum Mon, July 20, 1992 Volume 9207 Issue 03

Relevant addresses :

submissions : OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)
subscriptions : LISTSERV@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)
moderator : OS2MOD@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)

Today's topics:

New files on LISTSERVer
OS/2 & Packet Drivers
Machines that can't run OS/2 2.0
Re: Guidelines for running DOS games under OS/2
Re: Speeding up Windows apps
PM programming
C compiler for OS/2 2.0
machines that can't run OS/2 2.0
Typefast 1.1 Stored
OS/2 2.0 Problems

Feed from the Listearn OS2-L OS/2 Non-Editored Discussion List :

Re : Re: The clock
Re: External Drives (CDROM, SyQuest, etc.)
Re: Can't run EQS386
more info about Van Nostrand Reinhold's OS/2 2.0 library
Re: Pioneer DRM-600 CD changer with OS/2
RE: RTFM??????????
Re: C examples of WPS applications
Re: Configuring EPM for C
another list from

Feed from the Usenet (UUCP/Internet) comp.os.os2.* newsgroups :

Dvorak on OS/2
Re: IBM vs. MS development kit prices?
Impressions of the July NT Release
Information about OS/2 from an IBMer.
OS/2 2.0 EPM Editor Rexx interface documentation
Re: Where's Borland?
Re: Where's Borland?
Re: ATI fixes WINOS2 problems with Wonder cards!
Black icon fix -> more stable system
Re: Black icon fix -> more stable system
Re: OS2 SQLServer connections


Date: Mon, July 20, 1992 12:00:00 +0200
From: Moderator od OS/2 Discussion Forum <OS2MOD@BLEKUL11>
Subject: New files on LISTSERVer

This is a list of new or updated OS/2 related files available from the
LISTSERV of the OS/2 Discussion Forum at BLEKUL11.

* New Files from

filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
3DMAZE ZIP Generates 3-D mazes with solutions in the WPS
ADDICO10 ZIP Add icons to program files from the command line
ADDLPT ZIP Add LPT3-LPT9 to the OS/2 Print Manager selection menu
ATIULTRA ZIP ATI Ultra drivers for 640x480 and 800x600
ATRGF ZIP Run commands at specified dates/times (like LM AT)
BLKICO ZIP A patch for the black icon problem
BUBBA03 ZIP Offline mail reader for the IBM NSC BBS
CLRCLP20 ZIP A mini-apps which clears the system clipboard
CRONRGF ZIP Run commands at specified dates/times (like Unix cron)
DELDIR ZIP A REXX script which deletes an entire directory subtree
EABK201 ZIP Backup/restore extended attributes
ELITE ZIP Elite multi-line information service software
HPFS ZIP Fix for HPFS CHKDSK reporting errors w/SWAPPER.DAT
HPLJW ZIP Replacement HP LaserJet series Windows drivers
KERNREV ZIP Prints out major/minor revision # of your OS/2
KILLEM21 ZIP Kill running processes by name
LPTMAZE ZIP Generates 3-D mazes on a printer
NA10SE ZIP Numerical Assistant, scientific calculator
PGOS2-20 ZIP STB drivers for Tseng-based cards with STB BIOSes
PROCS21 ZIP Displays a list of running processes
PS-UP232 ZIP Print ASCII text files on Postscript printers
SETPRI ZIP Set the priority/delta of running programs
SHOWINI2 ZIP An INI file editor/viewer (requires REXX patch)
SHTDW11B ZIP A mini-app which performs a system shutdown
SIZEIT ZIP Demo/announcement of drivers for Cannon laser printers
STARTD ZIP Start Dos programs with DOS Settings given in a file
TINF27 ZIP Listing of OS/2 products (.INF format) version 2.7
TYPEFAST ZIP A typing exercise game--type the falling words
VCD10 ZIP An enhanced change directory (CD) program
VCOMP103 ZIP An enhanced file compare utility
WPSBK3 ZIP WPS Backup Version 3-save/restore WPS settings

All new files are ZIP files. Depending on the gateways between BLEKUL11
and your site it might be necessary to specify extra options :

To get the normal ZIP file send the following command to our LISTSERV :


(Where fn is the name of the file you want.)

To get an XXENCODED ZIP file (use this if your gateways have trouble
with binary files) use the following command :


To get several small XXENCODED files (use this if your gateways limit
the size of files) :

GET fn ZIP f=XXE,split

Our disk is also accessible by anonymous FTP at
The OS2 files are available in the ANONYMOU.201 directory. To get a
list of files get the O2.FILELIST in the (default) ANONYMOU.191

Note: Use PKUNZIP -d to unzip !!

These files are distributed AS IS, we can not guarantee anything about
their working.

* For a complete list of all OS/2 files available at LISTSERV@BLEKUL11 *
* get the OS2INDEX ZIP. *
* For a list of all new (last 3 weeks) OS/2 files available at *

We still welcome all OS/2 related files for distribution on our LISTSERV.
Send your files to OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET /
we will arrange everything for distribution.


From: "Hall, Ken" <KHALL@GTRI01>
Subject: OS/2 & Packet Drivers

From: Ken Hall
Suppose I have purchased and loaded OS/2 2.0 and installed it successfully on
a IBM PS/2 Model 80.

Suppose also that I have a network card installed (a Western Digital or 3Com
card, for example).

Are there OS/2 versions of telnet, tn3270, popmail or any host of other tcp/ip
packet driver or NDIS software that I can download and use given the above
Regards, Ken Hall
Voice: 894-5559 / Beeper: 651-0362
Internet: kh11@hydra, PROFS: KHALL


Date: Fri, 17 Jul 92 17:06:52 +0200
Subject: Machines that can't run OS/2 2.0

I'm involved in a project to connect a digital PBX with a computer via
serial port. The same PC must have the capability of doing other tasks
at the same time.

I know that some machines have problems during the installation os OS/2
2.0 due to BIOS problems or hard disk size. I need a list of those ones
that CAN'T work properly with this version of the operating system.

Any help will be welcome.

Thank you.

Juan Carlos Peralta E.
P.O. Box 09-01-10589
Guayaquil - ECUADOR


Date: Sat, 18 Jul 92 11:34:08 EDT
From: The Time Traveler <HE891C@GWUVM>
Subject: Re: Guidelines for running DOS games under OS/2

>Kevin Lowey said something I agree with:
> A lot of people say that OS/2 needs a killer-app. In my opinion, the
> first killer-app for OS/2 is going to be a game that takes FULL
> advantage of the OS/2 features.

Check out my column in "OS/2 Monthly". I think it's what you're looking
-- Timur

--------------------------------------------------------- The Time Traveler
I'm moving through some changes a.k.a. Timur Tabi
I'll never be the same
Something you did touched me Bitnet: HE891C@GWUVM
There's no one else to blame - Yes


Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1992 04:39 EST
Subject: TCP/IP + Novell + SMCPLUS

Hi All,

After waiting months for the Novell Requestor, weeks for TCP/IP 1.2(refresh)
and going through 3 complete reinstalls of OS/2 - no joy.

TCP/IP works O.K. without Novell.

Novell works O.K. with or without TCP/IP.

When both are installed, using the NDIS shim, SMCPLUS.SYS from
Western Digital's Super Disk (per Novell instructions), all Novell access
as well as Internet PINGs work fine. However TELNET and FTP just die.
I can log in, sometimes get a directory listing, and then the app just

Since the only reason I shelled out the bucks for the TCP/IP (Flame on)
The TCP/IP base product should be free! (Flame off) product was
TELNET and FTP - I am a bit miffed.

Anybody else experience this? Is this a known problem?

Any fixes?


Alan N. Federman - IPFW - Coordiantor of Aademic Computing
"It's supposed to be automatic, but you really have to press this button."

John Brunner


From: "Juergen Mennecke" <>
Date: 20 Jul 92 16:09:41 MEZ-1MESZ
Subject: Re: Speeding up Windows apps

> If you put a shadow of the windows clock.exe in the startup folder, it
> will take you longer to boot up (and you'll have to go back to the desktop)
> but if you run a windows app the machine will not have to load up winos2
> (or very much of it) because it will already be running in the background.
> If you don't use very many windows apps you may want to ignore this tip.

Those who have lots of windows apps:

If you want to speed up your windows apps in the way described above, do
yourselves a favour and get hold of APPBAR. This is an icon based windows
program launcher button bar. Make it the windows shell and put (a
shadow of) WINOS2 in the startup folder.

APPBAR can be told to always stay in front, to the effect that you can
have all your windows apps in a button bar over the WPS.

The version for Windows 3.0 had a few bugs in its setup program, but then
again you can edit the .INI-file of APPBAR with any ASCII editor.

APPBAR is freeware, the author is Geert van Kempen, and it is located as
APPBAR.ZIP in (among other
servers). Make sure that you get the version for Windows 3.0 (I'm looking
forward to "Winos2 3.1": the APPBAR version for Windows 3.1 is _such_ a
wonderful program).

J. Mennecke

Juergen Mennecke
PC/LAN Administrator
Fak. fuer Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Universitaet Bielefeld


Date: 21 Jul 1992 10:35 -0400 (EDT)
"Erich Schlaikjer London 774-2412 Home 0923-854584"
Subject: PM programming
X-Organization: Goldman, Sachs & Co.

I find this list very useful, but I wish there was a little more activity on
pure programming questions. Here are some that have been bugging me for a

-- First and most annoying, has ANYONE ever gotten the PM WS_SAVEBITS window
style to work? The mechanism works for menus and dialog boxes (ie restoring
area under savebits window and not issuing a repaint), but refuses to work for
any client or frame windows I create. Same problem in os2 v1.x and 2.0. I've
asked this question here before, but no results except commiseration.

-- I posted a question a while ago asking if anyone knew if there is a limit
to the number of PM windows you can create. The answer is yes. I saw an article
somewhere that ALL PM window handles are kept in one segment. Effectively this
means you can make about 100 frame windows, if they have all the standard
buttons and menus. I had written a program to hold news pages each in one frame
window. My solution was to get rid of the minmax buttons, sysmenu, and client
windows and instead just subclass one frame window. As a matter of interest I
noticed while exploring this that MLE windows take up 250k each...
(I don't know if this limit holds under v2.0).

-- Are os2 metafiles just a joke, or what? They don't seem to be compatible
with anything except those tatty "picture" programs in the Utility menu (v1.2).
Is there any way to create a Freelance-compatible metafile in PM? The "convert
picture" utility will only convert INTO the os2 metafile format. It also seems
very easy to crash the GpiPlayMetafile function.
On a related topic, would anyone be willing to post SOURCE for a
gif-to-os2-bitmap converter?

Thanks for any advice.


Date: 22 July 1992, 14:44:29 GYE
From: jperalta@snaesp2
Subject: C compiler for OS/2 2.0

Does anyone on the list has experience with applications developed with C in
OS/2 2.0 environment?

Which C compiler for OS/2 2.0 can be recommended?

Any help will be welcome.

Juan Carlos Peralta
P.O. Box 09-01-5863
Guayaquil - ECUADOR


Date: Wed, 22 Jul 92
From: jperalta@snaesp2
Subject: machines that can't run OS/2 2.0

I'm involved in a project to connect a digital PBX with a computer via
serial port. The same PC must have the capability of doing other tasks
at the same time.

I know that some machines have problems during the installation os OS/2

Any help will be welcome.

Thank you.

Juan Carlos Peralta E.
P.O. Box 09-01-10589
Guayaquil - ECUADOR


Date: Mon, 20 Jul 92 11:34:54 MET
From: Turgut Kalfaoglu <>
Subject: Typefast 1.1 Stored

Hi. I just stored the new .EXE and complete C source code of typefast to where it will stay for about 10 days. I also uploaded it
to hobbes ( and it should appear there within a few

There are some changes: Mainly the speedup routines are modified so that
the difficulty does not go up tremendously anymore, and also, a new
option 'Case-Sensitivity' is available, if you want the machine to make a
difference between the falling 'The' and 'the' that you just typed.

The new archive is smaller, mainly because I changed the vocabulary
file, and now using something much shorter. Of course, you can always
substitute anything else instead. The reason for the change: I just did
not have the OS2FAQ on hand when I was creating the archive.

Regards, -turgut

Turgut Kalfaoglu, Server Programmer European Academic Research Network
BITNET address: turgut@frors12.bitnet or turgut@frmop11.bitnet


Date: Mon, 20 Jul 92 14:05:40 EDT
Subject: OS/2 2.0 Problems


I've just installed OS/2 2.0 recently and found 2 problems.
I have reported them to IBM and been waiting for a call from IBM's Level-2
Analysts a long time now. I am very disappointed with the service
from IBM concerning OS/2 problems. I am about to give up on OS/2 2.0 even
though I really like many of its features. I just don't have time to spend
on OS/2 problems.

Anyway, before I do that, I would like to ask for your help.
My problems are:

1. I cannot define a network printer. I've followed the procedure described
by IBM to add a network printer to the Workplace Shell. I drag the
network printer icon from the Template folder into the OS/2 desktop.
Next I select the network host and network printer from the lists
displayed by OS/2 (obviously, OS/2 knows about the network resources.)
Then I click OK. After some processing, OS/2 complains that
it cannot define a network printer for me because there is no printer
driver associated with the printer.

I've been trying to find a way to define a printer driver for this network
printer, but I've had no luck. I read IBM's documentation and was able
to define printer driver for my local printers. But OS/2 works differently
for network printers. Has anyone had the same problem?

My configuration is: PS/2 Model 80 with 8MB RAM and 20MB of free diskspace.
My machine has the OS/2 requester of LAN Server 2.0.
The server's machine has LAN Server 1.2.
The network is IBM Token Ring.

According to IBM, my configuration should be OK, even though the software
versions on my machine and the server's machine are not the same.

2. I cannot run Win-OS2 sessions. Actually,it worked the first time I used it.
I was able to bring up Word for Windows, version 2.0. It was slow
but it worked fine. After that everytime I start a Win-OS2 session, my
machine has a hard-crash. I've tried to reinstall the code for Win-OS2 as
recommended by IBM's Level-1 analysts. But the problem is still there.
What can be wrong ?

Thank you for your time,



Feed from the Listearn OS2-L OS/2 Non-Editored Discussion List :


Date: Fri, 17 Jul 92 13:46:27 +0200
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
Subject: Re : Re: The clock

> Why not open your 'Drive' folder, select the drive, go into os2\apps,
> and make a 'mirror' of the clock.exe that you'll probably see there?
> (to make a mirror, hold SHIFT down, drag icon with mouse's right button
> to some other folder).. -turgut

There is no clock.exe !
Clock is just an instance of a specific class in the WPS Class hierarchy.
Just like the color pallette and some others. You can easily see this if
you have the toolkit installed and use the class browser. You can create
a new clock by creating an new instance with the browser.

Now if you don't have the toolkit you can create a new instance of the clock
by using some Rexxutils function form inside a REXX program.

For example:

/*----------------------------------------------------------- */
/*This will create an instance of the clock in c:\ */
/*----------------------------------------------------------- */
call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs'
call SysLoadFuncs

if rc then say 'Install successfully completed for NewObject'
/*----------------------------------------------------------- */

To get a list of all available classes:

/*----------------------------------------------------------- */
/*This will list all available classes in WPS */
/*----------------------------------------------------------- */
call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs'
call SysLoadFuncs

call SysQueryClassList "list."
do i = 1 to list.0
say 'Class' i 'is' list.i
/*----------------------------------------------------------- */

Hope this helps,




Date: Tue, 21 Jul 92 15:40:50 MEZ
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: MEvers <I0020102@DBSTU1.RZ.TU-BS.DE>
Subject: Re: External Drives (CDROM, SyQuest, etc.)

Dear Earl,
I am using an syquest 88 MB drive with OS/2 under an adaptec 1542b controller.
Or - i should better say, that it is accessible. The performence is so poor,
you never want to put a big file on it.
My setup installed a line "basedev=aha154x.add" in the config.sys, and that was
all it needed. The trick is somewhat other. You are not able to reach the
syquest as long, as there are partitions on it. So move to plain old dos and
erase every partition on the medium - yes every] Then startup os/2 again and
open an os/2 window. Now type format xxx:, as your configuration needs it.
This will format drive xxx: as a big floppy disk (as ibm stated in the readme).
You never fdisk a floppy - so you are not allowed to do so with the syquest for
the moment. This is also the reason, why the syquest will behave so slow. You
(and i of cause) can only wait for adaptec/ibm to fix this real soon.
hope this helps, Matthias



Date: Mon, 20 Jul 92 20:08:48 EDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Jim Murphy <jmurphy@DAVINCI.EOS.UOGUELPH.CA>
Subject: Re: Can't run EQS386

Mark mentions:
> One of my colleagues tried to run EQS386 in the DOS window of
> OS/2 2.0 on a Gateway 486 machine. It produced the following
> message:
> os386: OS386 requires 80386 processor
> followed by a "Kernel ending" message.
> Any OS/2 gurus out there who can tell me what this message might
> mean, and what to do about it?
I am by no means a guru, but when I attempted to run AutoCAD 386 (R11)
under OS/2, it crashed as the 486 chip was in virtual mode (8086) only.
I also had a research model which was compiled under a 386 protected
mode Fortran complier (Lahey with Ergo Kernel) which I need to recompile
under OS/2 to run.

Os/2 and EQS386 seem to be fighting for control of the chip and we all
know OS/2 wins!


Jim Murphy, Graduate Student
School of Engineering, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, CANADA
InterNet : Jmurphy@DaVinci.EOS.UoGuelph.Ca
BITNET : Jmurphy%Davinci.EOS.UoGuelph.Ca@UOGUELPH.BITNET
Ma-Bell Net: (519) 824-4120 (ext 4323) FAX: (519) 836-0227


Date: Mon, 20 Jul 92 14:52:44 EDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Kevin Hodge <PSGRAKH@GITVM1>
Subject: more info about Van Nostrand Reinhold's OS/2 2.0 library

I recently posted information about a number of books about OS/2. In doing
so, I mentioned the VNR OS/2 2.0 library, but not specific titles.
Subsequently, I received Van Nostrand Reinhold's New Fall Books catalog
which lists the following eight titles. Also, in response to a number of
requests, I have included information about how to contact VNR. Enjoy.

I do not have any affiliation with, or interest in VNR or IBM. I am
posting this information as a service to the readers of OS2-L.
--------------------- cut here -----------------------
The VNR OS/2 2.0 Library

1. _Now That I Have OS/2 2.0 On My Computer What Do I Do Next?_
by Steven Levenson and Eli Hertz, Hertz Computer Corporation
foreward by Lee Reiswig, IBM
$24.95 paper, 300 pages, 100 illustrations, 0-442-01227-6
now available

2. _Integrating Applications With OS/2 2.0_
by William H. Zack
$34.95 paper, 300 pages, 0-442-01234-9
coming in June

3. _Client/Server Programming With OS/2 2.0_
by Robert Orfali and Daniel Harkey,IBM
$39.95 paper, 1,026 pages, 0-442-01219-5
coming in July

4. _Comprehensive Database Performance For OS/2 2.0's Extended Services_
by Bruce Tate, Terry Gray and Tim Malkemus, IBM
$39.95 paper, 192 pages, 0-442-01325-6
coming in August

5. _Writing OS/2 2.0 Device Drivers In C_
by Steven J. Mastrianni; foreward by John Soyring, IBM
$36.95 paper, 410 pages, 0-442-01141-5
now available

6. _OS/2 2.0 Presentation Manager GPI:
A Programming Guide to Text, Graphics, and Printing_
by Graham C. E. Winn, IBM
$39.95 paper, 318 pages, 0-442-00739-6
now available

7. _The COBOL Presentation Manager Programming Guide_
by David M. Dill, consultant
$38.95 paper, 280 pages, 0-442-01293-4
coming in June

8. _Learning to Program OS/2 2.0 Presentation Manager by Example:
Putting the Pieces Together_
by Stephen Knight, IBM
$39.95 paper, 208 pages, 55 illustrations, 0-442-01292-6, disk included
coming in June

How to contact Van Nostrand Reinhold

Domestic (USA) Correspondence, Inquiries and Orders

for orders:
VNR Order Processing
7625 Empire Drive
Florence, Kentucky 41042-2978
phone (606) 525-6600
fax (606) 525-7778
toll free (800) 926-2665

for correspondence and inquiries:
VNR Customer Service
7625 Empire Drive
Florence, Kentucky 41042-2978
phone (606) 525-6600

Canadian Correspondence and Inquiries

Nelson Canada
1120 Birchmont Road
Scarborough, Ontario, Canada M1K 5G4
phone (416) 752-9100
fax (416) 752-9646

International Correspondence and Inquiries

for the United Kingdom, Ireland, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East:

Chapman and Hall
2-6 Boundary Row
London SE1 8HN, England
phone 011 44 71 865-0066
fax 011 44 71 522-9623

for Australia and New Zealand:

Thomas Nelson Australia
102 Dodds Street
South Melbourne, 3205
Victoria, Australia
phone 011 613 685-4111
fax 011 613 685-4197

for the Caribbean:

Mr. Frederick Rivera
Thomson International Publishing
Avenue Pinero #264B
Ext. University Gardens
Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico 00927
phone (809) 766-1650
fax (809) 250-8906

for all other countries (excluding USA and Canada):

Thomson International Publishing
10 Davis Drive
Belmont, California 94002 USA
phone (415) 598-0784
fax (415) 598-9953

| Kevin Hodge, graduate student | |
| engineering psychology program | BITNET: psgrakh@gitvm1 |
| School of Psychology | INTERNET: |
| Georgia Institute of Technology | VOICE: (404) 894-2680 |
| Atlanta, GA 30332-0170 | FAX: (404) 894-8905 |


Date: Mon, 20 Jul 92 11:35:00 EDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: "David Condrey 656-2733" <DAVIDC@CLEMSON>
Subject: Re: Pioneer DRM-600 CD changer with OS/2

On Mon, 20 Jul 92 08:50:22 EST Mark Keintz <MKEINTZ@PENNSAS.UPENN.EDU> said:
> Could you send me, or post to the list, a little more information
> about this changer. I would appreciate knowing such information as
> availability, price, functionality.
> Thanks,
> Mark

I did find that the Corel adapter/drivers will support this drive just
fine under OS/2. Kintronics (see below) part number for the adapter
and drivers is LF-S008AT.

I have used the drive under DOS with excellent results. I expect nothing
less than phenominal success with OS/2.

Here is the scoop on the drive:

Pioneer DRM-600/610 CD-ROM Changer
Media type ---------------------- CD-ROM Disc/CD Audio Disc
Format -------------------------- High Sierra ISO 9660
Media Diameter ------------------ 120/80 mm
(Use of 6 disc multi-play magazine)
Capacity(formatted) ------------- 3.2 G bytes (540M bypes/disc)
Interface ----------------------- SCSI(included in drive)
Data Transfer Rate -------------- 153K bytes/sec (Sustained)
1.5M bytes/sec burst (SCSI Async.)
Access Time --------------------- Max 0.8 sec (full stroke typ.)
Avg 0.6 sec (1/3 stroke typ.)
Disc change time ---------------- 7 sec (max)
Audio Performance
*Frequency Response ------------- 4-20,000 Hz
*Total Harmonic Distortion ------ Max. 0.1%
*Output Voltages ---------------- 1.8 V r.m.s. (line out)
0.6 V r.m.s. (headphone out)
Dimentions (WxHxD) -------------- 210x115x408mm
Weight (net) -------------------- 5.3Kg (11lbs 11oz)
Power Supply voltages ----------- DRM-600: AC 120V. 60Hz/50Hz
DRM-610: AC 230V. 60Hz/50Hz
Power Consumptions -------------- DRM-600: 120V 0.2A
DRM-610: 15W

This drive can be configured to look like 6 different hard disk drives
to the PC, which meets the requirements of Book Manager Read for OS/2
and DOS. It can also be configured to look like one HUGE drive.

Price is ~$895 for the drive. $18 for additional 6-disc cartridges (1
is included with the drive).

For more info, contact Neal Allen at:
Kintronics Computer Products
3 Westchester Way
Elmsford, NY 10523
Ph. (800) 431-1658
or (914) 347-2530



Date: Mon, 20 Jul 92 08:58:00 CST
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
Subject: RE: RTFM??????????

Dick O'K. writes:

I understand that somewhere in the plethora of README's and other info
describing why some DOS & most Windows 3.1 crash, there are fixes to the
error 0x041 code that keeps coming up when I try to run Windows and Windows
3.1 apps. Does anyone have a quick fix (besides reading the manual) on what
I can do to get Windows to (even crashes in Real mode) run. I'd like to do
more that just play chess.

Windows 3.1 has no real mode, and is not DPMI compliant (although
it _ought_ to be in standard mode, IMHO!), and therefore cannot run under
OS/2. I have run Win 3.0 in real mode for grins. Win 3.1 apps will not
run, untill the fall (formerly June) CSD, but they won't run under
Win 3.0 either.

Did you by chance migrate your Win 3.1 desktop? If so, you have
improper driver statements in your winos2 system.ini and win.ini files.

If this is the case, I'd try selective install of win os2 without
migration of the desktop after deleting the winos2 directory(or at least
the .INI files.

Good Luck!
Rod Schaffter


Date: Sun, 19 Jul 92 18:11:50 EST
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: John K Gotwals <GOTWALS@PURCCVM>
Subject: Re: C examples of WPS applications

On Sun, 19 Jul 92 15:57:14 CDT Jeffrey W. Spencer said:
>Where can I find C examples of programs for WPS? I need to see how to
>make windows and the like.
Start looking for a set of compressed files like RB3730A, where the RB
stands for "Red Book". If I remeber correctly, there is a set of 5 files;
one file for each volume in the 5 Red Book volumes. Each file begins with
RB37 and I am pretty sure they are available on either (or both) BLEKUL11
and In addition to getting the files, do yourself a
favor and call your local IBM office and tell them you want to place an
order for GBOF-2254 OS/2 Version 2.0 Technical Compendium. The set costs
about $25 and will get you 955 pages of technical info about OS/2 2.0.
This has to be the buy of the year! The files mentioned above are from the
Red Books.
-- John


Date: Fri, 17 Jul 92 22:42:15 EST
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
Sender: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: John K Gotwals <GOTWALS@PURCCVM>
Subject: Re: Configuring EPM for C

On Fri, 17 Jul 92 09:11:00 PDT Pete Nielsen said:
>RTFM particularly the EXPAND command and the quickhelp where it
>discusses setting up profiles.
Thanks for your help on epm. This helps some, but I would like to change the
startup default. After following your suggestion and taking a closer read of
epm help, I found that when you start the editor at the command line in
addition to entering the name of the file you want to edit, you can follow the
file name with a quoted string which is given to epm as a command. For
epm junk.c 'expand off'
turns off the bracket stuff. However the command
epm <filename> 'tabs 4'
results in the editor ignoring the quoted string command. This is very
strange! tabs 4 entered in the pulldown window command works ok, but 'tabs 4'
at the command line is ignored by the editor?!? Maybe I am expecting too much
from a "free" editor?
-- John
ps - What does RTFM mean?


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