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OS2 Discussion Forum Volume 9206 Issue 03

From @pucc.Princeton.EDU:OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET Fri Jun 19 08:36:36 1992
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Date: Fri, 19 Jun 92 15:00:00 +0200
Reply-To: "Moderated discussion forum on OS/2" <OS2%BLEKUL11.BITNET@pucc.Princeton.EDU>
Sender: "Moderated discussion forum on OS/2" <OS2%BLEKUL11.BITNET@pucc.Princeton.EDU>
From: "Moderator of OS/2 Discussion Forum" <OS2MOD%BLEKUL11.BITNET@pucc.Princeton.EDU>
Subject: OS/2 Discussion Forum 920603
To: Multiple recipients of <OS2%BLEKUL11.BITNET@pucc.Princeton.EDU>
Status: OR
OS/2 Discussion Forum Mon, June 15, 1992 Volume 9206 Issue 03
Relevant addresses :
submissions : OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)
subscriptions : LISTSERV@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)
moderator : OS2MOD@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)
Today's topics:
New file layouts on LISTSERVer
New files on LISTSERVer
No Kermit for 2.0
Harmonica under OS/2
NT funding
OS/2 Word Processor
3rd party XGA?????
WP5.1 problem
SHOWINI (minor update)
VT220 Function Key Layout with IBM TCP/IP 1.2 for OS/2
Feed from the Listearn OS2-L OS/2 Non-Editored Discussion List :
APAR reports and PJ fixes : what is what
MS Win 3.1 Marketing Strategy
OS/2 ads
Re: OS/2 ads
OS/2 2.0 tests in PC magazine!!
Lots of OS/2 in a turkish mag :)
Feed from the Usenet (UUCP/Internet) comp.os.os2.* newsgroups :
73 things OS/2 has/can do that Win 3.1 doesn't have/can't do.
IBM plans monopol
Re: IBM plans monopol
Re: So, where's the "June CSD"?
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 92 12:00:00 +0200
From: Moderator of OS/2 Discussion Forum <OS2MOD@BLEKUL11>
Subject: New file layouts on LISTSERVer
To limit the amount of disk space used by our archive we will start as of
this issue to store our files as ZIP files (instead of ZIPXXE files).
Thanks to Turgut Kalfaoglu <TURGUT@FRORS12> we are now able to do so,
because he changed the LISTSERV/LISTEARN software to make this possible.
Of course new possibilities means new command syntaxes.
This will make it necessary for some people to supply extra arguments to the
listserv GET command. Whether this will be necessary depends on the gateways
between BLEKUL11 and your site.
To get the normal ZIP file send the following command to our LISTSERV :
(Where fn is the name of the file you want.)
This is only feasible for BITNET hosts, that can receive the files in
NETDATA or NETDUMP format, NOT for hosts (Internet) that only have mail
connections to our LISTSERV.
To get an XXENCODED ZIP file (use this if your gateways have trouble
with binary files) use the following command :
To get several small XXENCODED files (use this if your gateways limit
the size of files) :
GET fn ZIP f=XXE,split
One of these last two approaches is mandatory for hosts which receive
files only through mail. All Internet hosts need to receive XXENCODED
files (where the record length < 80) to avoid corruption of the files.
If all goes well (that is if we don't hear any complaints) we will start to
convert our archive from the ZIPXXE format to the ZIP format next week. So
please if our listserv is important for you, try to request some of the new
ZIP files and see if you can use them without any problem.
So : to make it perfectly clear :
For now, ONLY the ZIP files mentioned below are zipped, all our previous
collections are still ZIPXXE. When we announce (some time next week)
the transformation of our disks, ALL files will be in ZIP form, and non
in ZIPXXE format.
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 92 12:00:00 +0200
From: Moderator of OS/2 Discussion Forum <OS2MOD@BLEKUL11>
Subject: New files on LISTSERVer
This is a list of new or updated OS/2 related files available from the
LISTSERV of the OS/2 Discussion Forum at BLEKUL11.
* File donated by (the author:) Jimmy Dean <CSVCJLD@NNOMED.BITNET>
filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
3DMAZE ZIP 3D MAZE PM Game (with 16 & 32 bit source)
* File donated by (the author:) Rony FLATSCHER <RONY@AWIWUW11>
filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
* Files distributed via comp.os.os2.*
filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
FAQPROG1 ZIPXXE FAQ Programmer's Edition, v1.1
* Files distributed via comp.binaries.os2
filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
4OS210 ZIP 40S2 command processor v1.0
ADAPTEC ZIP Adaptec SCSI Support
DELPTH11 ZIP Deletes subdirectory trees
ELV15BIN ZIP Clone of vi/ex
EXIT_VDM ZIP Prgm to terminate a VDM
INSTALLB ZIP Allows OS/2 install from 3.5" B drive
JARGN299 ZIP INF version of the Jargon file
MPU401 ZIP Generic MPU-401 Device Driver
NETWLSRV ZIP Fix for Novell's Netware Lite 1.0
ORCH09 ZIP Driver for Orichid ProDesigner IIs
PMFREE ZIP Show free RAM & Disk space
PMSPL110 ZIP PMSPL.DLL replacement for OS/2 2.0 GA
SWITCH10 ZIP Prgm to change the 'jump' satus of a session
UUGRAB14 ZIP Prgm to decode multi-part uuencoded binaries
WATC_LIB ZIP Batch file to create OS2386.LIB for WATCOM C
All new files are ZIP files. Depending on the gateways between BLEKUL11
and your site it might be necessary to specify extra options :
To get the normal ZIP file send the following command to our LISTSERV :
(Where fn is the name of the file you want.)
To get an XXENCODED ZIP file (use this if your gateways have trouble
with binary files) use the following command :
To get several small XXENCODED files (use this if your gateways limit
the size of files) :
GET fn ZIP f=XXE,split
Note: Use PKUNZIP -d to unzip !!
These files are distributed AS IS, we can not guarantee anything about
their working.
* For a complete list of all OS/2 files available at LISTSERV@BLEKUL11 *
* get the OS2INDEX PACAKGE. *
We still welcome all OS/2 related files for distribution on our LISTSERV.
Send your files to OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET /
we will arrange everything for distribution.
Subject: No Kermit for 2.0
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 92 9:49:23 EDT
From: Christine M Gianone <>
> Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1992 14:14 EDT
> Is there a _recent_ kermit for os2 2.0?
No, unfortunately, we don't have any OS/2 2.0 (or 1.x) systems locally to test
MS-DOS Kermit on. We have been trying to get IBM to donate an OS/2 platform
and development system for Kermit development and support, but with no luck
You could try running the OS/2 version of C-Kermit. It doesn't have all
the features of MS-DOS Kermit, but there is some limited key mapping
available, and its system-dependent parts are coded explicitly for OS/2 rather
than DOS. You can get it with anonymous ftp from
as kermit/bin/ckoker.exe (use binary mode to transfer it). This is a beta
test version. Preliminary documentation is in kermit/test/ckoker.doc (ASCII)
or (PostScript).
Date: Mon Jun 15 14:35:20 BST 1992
From: Mike O'Carroll <>
Subject: Harmonica under OS/2
Sorry, another Dos app problem folks! When I try to run Compact Software's
Microwave Harmonica in a Dos window, I get "runtime error R6002, floating
point support not loaded".
It runs fine under raw Dos. It uses a Phar Lap Dos extender (1.3), but
appears to find all the necessary memory.
Anyone seen anything else like this? Is OS/2 forbidding certain FP access?
Mike O'Carroll, Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering,
The University, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK
E-mail: mike@ee.leeds[]
UUCP: ...uunet!mcsun!uknet!lena!mike
Date: Mon Jun 15 14:46:44 BST 1992
From: Mike O'Carroll <>
Subject: NT funding
I read in a PC mag recently that IBM is actually funding development
of NT at Microsoft. I checked the date, and it wasn't 1 April, so does
anybody else know anything about this? Admittedly, the tone of the
article in which this appeared wasn't entirely serious, but it does
make for some fascinating possibilites ... :-)
Mike O'Carroll, Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering,
The University, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK
E-mail: mike@ee.leeds[]
UUCP: ...uunet!mcsun!uknet!lena!mike
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 92 14:46:34 EDT
Subject: OS/2 Word Processor writes in the discussion OS/2 920602:
"Therefore, I am shopping for a new OS/2 wordprocessor vendor."
There is already one: DeScribe 32, based on DeScribe word processor
version 3.0. DeScribe claims this is the first 32-bit word
processor, which is the fastest WYSIWYG on the market. One may
upgrade to this version for only $139.00 in US funds only from
several word processors, including MicroSoft Word. For further
information, call 800-448-1586. The address is:
DeScribe, Inc.
4047 N. Freeway Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95834
I have been using the DeScribe word processor both in English and
in French. There may be other forthcoming OS/2 word processors
such as WordPerfect.
Bernard Tiffany
University of Michigan
Information Technology Division
Research Systems
535 West William Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48103-4943
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 92 23:42:38 EDT
From: The Time Traveler <HE891C@GWUVM>
Subject: 3rd party XGA?????
I heard some time ago that someone other than IBM makes an XGA board.
This board is also supposed to be non-interlaced. Does anyone have the
name and/or phone number of the manufacturer?
Also, by the time you read this, the source code for the August issue of
my column in "OS/2 Monthly" should be available. Check out the June issue
for more info!!!!!
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1992 13:33 EDT
Subject: WP5.1 problem
Sometimes after I minimize a WP 5.1 session, OS/2 gives me the following
message (in the title bar of the session) "_____ suspended". I then have
to close the session altogether, since it won't let me save my work.
It _does_ sometimes offer me a chce to run the session "windowed",
but when I click on that the thing doesn't work. Any ideas?
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 92 21:51:04 WUT
Subject: SHOWINI (minor update)
Hi there,
a user informed me, that given a wrong argument the error-message of
SHOWINI irritatingly shows first "debug"-messages.
I removed those superfluos debug-messages (which I used while debugging
the program and which I oversaw while cleaning the code) and ask you
to replace the existing copy on BLEKUL11.
Everything else remained unchanged and it still includes the REXXUTIL.DLL
fix from IBM.
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 92 14:45:12 MET-1
From: H.W. Bollen (+31) 5274 8443 <BOLLEN@NLR.NL>
Subject: VT220 Function Key Layout with IBM TCP/IP 1.2 for OS/2
derived from this message."
I am using OS/2 2.0 with OS/2 LAN Requester 2.0 and IBM TCP/IP 1.2 for
OS/2. Whenever I am using the VT220 Telnet emulator (VT220.EXE) there
seems to be something funny with my function keys: some work, some don't,
some do something else and some (F13-F20, Help and Do) are missing.
Can anyone tell me how to get the correct function keys? I am using an
IBM PS/2 Model 70-121 with 12 MB RAM, an Advanced 102 (Dutch) IBM
keyboard and an IBM Ethernet Adapter/A.
National Aerospace Laboratory NLR The Netherlands
Ing. H.W. Bollen
Head User Services of the Computing Centre/NOP
Informatics Division
phone: (+31) 5274 8443
fax: (+31) 5274 8210
Feed from the Listearn OS2-L OS/2 Non-Editored Discussion List :
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 92 16:58:00 MET
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: "Hans Schoone, Consul Risk Mgmt" <CRMASCH@HDETUD2.TUDELFT.NL>
Subject: APAR reports and PJ fixes : what is what
> I am a bit confused about these PJ files. Now, from what I heard,
> each APAR was 'inclusive', so that if you apply, say, PJ00123,
> your system included all apars until PJ00123. I got a bunch of them
> this weekend, and obviously they are not inclusive - one contains
> only the new kernel, another contains just a device driver..
Well, technically the APAR is the problem *report*, and if a fix
exists to fix this problem (only), it is an APAR *fix*.
In mainframes, the APAR has it's first letter different from the
APAR fix (e.g. OYnnnnn is problem report, AYnnnnnn is the APAR fix).
But often in speaking the term APAR is also used for the fix.
In mainframes, an APAR fix is typically a patch (zap) replacing
a few bytes only. That's why each problem can have it's own fix.
Now with OS/2, they only seem to ship replacement modules.
Obviously, more than one problem can exist against one module.
So what happens, is that the module is shipped 'at level PJxxxxx'
which is in fact the *most recently fixed* APAR fixed by the module.
So in this sense, the maintenance is inclusivee, but only
for one module.
The term CSD is used for a consistent set of replacement modules,
which will include *all* APAR fixed to a certain date.
I am still waiting for the term PTF to be used in relation to OS/2 :-)
> So, are the APARs and these PJ files different things? -turgut
If you have module replacements at different levels, you cannot
call it by it's own name (that would be the same for all levels).
So what's more logical than use the name of the most recent APAR
fixed ?
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 92 11:42:35 EST
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: "robert@UICVM.UIC.EDU cook" <rcook@IRCSUN1.CCMBLAB.ND.EDU>
Subject: MS Win 3.1 Marketing Strategy
I have come across somethin really neat from Microsoft. It is their slide
presentation on why Windows 3.1 is better than OS/2 2.0. It is of course
really biased, but what makes it interesting is that it is in Powerpoint
format and still has its notes attached. (For those that have never used
Powerpoint, you can type up seperate handouts to correspond with each
slide you make). These notes on are on the proper way to market 3.1!!!!
For example:
IMPORTANT! Get used to using the term "NATIVE WINDOWS APPLICATIONS" when
talking about Windows apps. Native = better compatibility, performance, and
future support.
IMPORTANT! Do not use the term "Seamless" to describe OS/2 2.0's support for
native Windows applications. It's not seamless if it doesn't work as well as
Windows and it's not seamless from a user's standpoint (actually, it can be
quite confusing to use the Workplace Shell with Windows applications).
Wherever possible, take the high road. This material can be inflammatory.
It may also give the customer not actively evaluating OS/2 2.0 the impression
that we're worried about OS/2 2.0 and plant the idea in their mind that they
should evaluate it.
Section 3 contains slides designed to combat common Windows and OS/2 myths
(Windows doesn't do connectivity, OS/2 is fully 32 bits, NT is a 1993-4
YOUR ACCOUNT!!! Again, take the high road wherever possible.
Use "SQUEEZE" Positioning: squeeze OS/2 2.0 between the capabilities of
Windows 3.1 on the desktop and Windows NT on the workstation and server.
Companies that implement OS/2 2.0 on a widespread basis, on the other hand,
will have to support multiple code bases (Windows, PM, MS-DOS, OS/2
character-based). Also, one operating system is trying to be all things to
all people (from a low-end mainstream OS to a high end server OS). The
result is an operating system that does not deliver the performance and have
the requirements that will enable it to run on the mainstream PC, yet it also
does not have the high end capabilities, like the ability to run on SMP and
RISC architectures
at this point the slides change from comparing current Windows 3.1 to
what will be present in NT, of course.
Veddy interesting . . .
Robert Kelley Cook << >>
Univ. of Notre Dame The future for Intel computers arrived March 31!
Physics Dept. Long Live the new OS/2! Time to close the Windows!
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 92 10:40:45 PDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Dave Gomberg <GOMBERG@UCSFVM>
Subject: OS/2 ads
Just got a vol. 1 no. 1 copy of Corporate Computing mag. 32 page ad
section on OS/2. Maybe IBM IS serious? I haven't read the ads yet
so I can't comment on how effective I think they are. Dave
Dave Gomberg GOMBERG@UCSFVM Internet node UCSFVM.UCSF.EDU (415)731-7793
Seven Gateview Court, San Francisco CA 94116-1941
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 92 16:37:13 EDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Joseph Malloy <jmalloy@ITSMAIL1.HAMILTON.EDU>
Subject: Re: OS/2 ads
> Just got a vol. 1 no. 1 copy of Corporate Computing mag. 32 page ad
> section on OS/2. Maybe IBM IS serious? I haven't read the ads yet
> so I can't comment on how effective I think they are. Dave
I got that too and was not particularly impressed with it. Ads that
state their product is, say, the *only* image processing package for
OS/2 give the impression (accurate, though) that there's not much
selection out there.
And besides: who's the target audience for that magazine? Isn't it
essentially the same Fortune 1000 companies that IBM has always done
well with? OS/2 needs to be a popular success, IMHO, and as someone
once said, just how many Fortune 1000 companies are there?
IBM has, in my opinion, so far missed the advertising boat...that demo
disk might better go out to all PC-Computing readers than to PCweek or
Infoworld readers...
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 92 17:35:00 CST
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
Subject: OS/2 2.0 tests in PC magazine!!
Yeah! PC Magazine, in it's June 30, 1992 issue, finally gave up and admitted
that OS/2 2.0 will blow Windows 3.1 away!!
William F. Zachmann, on page 107, said:
"... Microsoft Windows 3.1 is pretty much a disaster, especially when
measured against Microsoft's promises."
"Sure, Windows 3.1 eliminated the infamous UAE (unrecoverable application
error). But now, when your Windows 3.1 application crashes, you get a
GPF (general protection fault) and an incomprehensible message about why
it crashed. Some improvement!
Worse, the whole system comes crashing down often enough to be a major
pain in the neck. Network stability is still no more than a promise, and
printing with the initially shipped version of Windows 3.1 is a mess."
"OS/2 2.0 is even better than I'd expected. Windows 3.1 is much worse.
The result will be a more rapid 'paradigm shift' from Windows toward
OS/2 than I'd dared to expect."
On page 44-46, the OS/2 performance test said:
"OS/2 is a better DOS than DOS, if you've got the hardware to run it."
"Hard disk performance in OS/2's full-screen Windows 3.0 mode was 13
percent faster than Windows 3.1 performance."
"Though the disk performance for Windows is better under OS/2 than under
Windows, video performance is not. OS/2's built-in Windows kernel
is based on the Version 3.0, not 3.1 [they've fixed that haven't they?],
..." [CSD's plus new video drivers will fix video performance]
"For now, OS/2 isn't a better Windows than Windows [in terms of speed], but
with its full protected mode giving it the ability to prevent on bad
application from bringing down the whole system, OS/2 could be a
potentially safer Windows than Windows."
"Loading, recalculating, and saving a 180K spreadsheet took 30.2 seconds
in OS/2 1.3 and 28 seconds under OS/2 2.0..." [Lotus 1-2-3/G, 16-bit]
"Once 32-bit versions of 16-bit OS/2 apps are more prevalent, we'll be
able to measure the performance advantages of true 32-bit processing."
So much for my "Microsoft/Big PC Magazine" conspiracy theory!
Also, I've seen ads for OS/2 all over the place... In PC magazine, in the
New York times, etc... No TV ads yet, but I guess that's comming!
OS/2 forever!
"Unless Microsoft delivers an extreemely impressive version of the Windows
NT beta this summer, with resource requirements no greater than OS/2's, the
OS wars could soon turn into a serious rout for Microsoft." - W. Zachmann
Joe Svec
American College Testing
Iowa City, Iowa
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 92 08:26:23 EDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Turgut Kalfaoglu <TURGUT@FRORS12>
Subject: Lots of OS/2 in a turkish mag :)
My parents occasionally send me some Turkish PC magazines, and in
the one I got yesterday, there were three pages of ads on OS/2. They
featured an cute, gray elephant, doing several things at once, and it
was wearing the OS/2 logo.
The text talked about running many applications at once and task
protection from each other. I'd say it's good advertisment. -turgut
Feed from the Usenet (UUCP/Internet) comp.os.os2.* newsgroups :
From: (Stephen M Smith)
Subject: 73 things OS/2 has/can do that Win 3.1 doesn't have/can't do.
Organization: The Ohio State University
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 1992 19:23:02 GMT
Here's the revised list of things OS/2 can do or has that Win 3.1 can't
do or doesn't have. Thanks for all your input after I posted the first
version of this ("59 things...").
(VDM=Virtual DOS Machine)
1) Preemptively multitask Windows applications.
2) Run Windows apps in real mode.
3) Run Windows 2.0 apps (*reliably* and supported by tech
4) Use threads.
5) Run 16-bit OS/2 applications.
6) Run 32-bit OS/2 applications.
7) Boot a DOS image in a VDM.
8) Use different device drivers in different DOS sessions.
9) Recover from a GUI crash (a crash of the *desktop* user interface).
10) Run Minix in a VDM, CP/M in a VDM, or any other real mode
operating system.
11) Use different bitmapped pictures in different windows.
12) Have different color schemes for each window, border, background,
buttons, text bars, icon text, etc.
13) Have different fonts in each pulldown menu, different fonts for icons
in different folder, different fonts for each text bar, etc.
14) Get about 633k (647,000+ bytes) free memory for each DOS app in each
15) Get well over 700k (736,000+ bytes) free memory for each DOS text
(CGA/MONO) app in a VDM.
16) Play boot-from-disk games.
17) Give access to use of icons that appear in a window before others icons
have finished displaying in that window.
18) Select multiple icons and start/open them simultaneously.
19) Use anything other than the 8.3 DOS filename convention for naming
20) Use extended attributes for files/programs/directories/etc.
21) Put icons directly on the desktop.
22) Use 16 MB XMS, 32 MB EMS, and 512 MB DPMI memory PER DOS APP.
23) Have up to 240 DOS VDMS running.
24) Configure the GUI to resemble Windows, OS/2 1.3, or the WPS.
25) Shadow objects.
26) Employ IFS's (installable file systems).
27) Protect applications from overwriting or crashing one another (Windows
shares its descriptor table, e.g.).
28) Change icon text directly (without use of menus).
29) Configure DOS VDM memory, device drivers, files= statement, FCBS
statement, and other config.sys settings without fussing with a
config.sys file.
30) Put folders within folders.
31) Designate folders as "work areas," so that when closed or minimized,
all windows associated with that folder are automatically
closed/minimized. Or conversely, designate a folder as NOT being a
work area, so that the windows and folders within it are not
closed/minimized when it is closed/minimized.
32) Automatically reopen folders/windows and restart apps that were running
before the last boot.
33) Make use of the watchdog timer in 32-bit bus motherboards.
34) Scroll the desktop.
35) Set and save several color schemes, and then be able to "apply" them
to a window or folder at any time with simple drag and drop.
36) Incorporate and use REXX.
37) List running processes from a command line.
38) Have a money-back *satisfaction guarantee*.
39) Have an extended compatibility money-back guarantee.
40) Move files and directories without copying them.
41) Add entries to pop-up menus on icons/objects to run any program on that
icon from that pop-up menu.
42) Run on a 32-bit flat address space.
43) Format a floppy and still be able to do serious multitasking.
44) Function well without 3rd party products (QEMM, Hyperdisk, 386Max, NDW,
DV, etc.).
45) Run without DOS.
46) Start programs in the background from the command line.
47) Automatically update icons (objects) to reflect new paths when files
and directories are moved.
48) Obtain complete and detailed on-line help from the command line.
49) Preserve deleted files with a settable timeout option so that you can
easily recover deleted files by undeleting them--even days or weeks
50) Automatically change both the Window List (running apps list) for a DOS
app, and change the status bar of a windowed DOS app to reflect the
particular DOS executable being run.
51) Run without a GUI loaded.
52) Run detached processes.
53) Start multiple programs simultaneously from the command line.
54) Start multiple programs simultaneously using the GUI.
55) Use named pipes.
56) Start Windows apps from the command line.
57) Vary the border width of individual windows.
58) Create files and directories via drag and drop.
59) Use the symbol '*' as a wildcard in the middle of a word, or at any
other point in the word.
60) Boot from an extended partition.
61) Have built-in 387 emulation support.
62) Resize and scale DOS graphics apps running in VDM windows.
63) Utilize extensive (built-in) system diagnostics for trouble
shooting with utilities such as trace (traces system events),
tracebuf (sets size of trace buffer), tracefmt (displays
formatted trace records in reverse time-stamp order), createdd
(prepares diskette for OS/2 memory dump), LOG.SYS (activates
the System Logging Service device driver), SYSLOG (view or print
the formatted contents of the system error-log file), and
LOGDAEM.EXE (controls start of the Logging Daemon process for
system error-log files).
64) Allow the user to choose which operating system to boot at
bootup time using a simple menu (Boot Manager does this in
OS/2 2.0).
65) Allow the user to boot to a different operating system from the
command line (either DOS-->OS/2 or OS/2-->DOS; Dual Boot
does this in OS/2 2.0).
66) Utilize a good command line recall (for OS/2 CLI's), without the use
of a TSR that takes up valuable base ram (OS/2 also can use
DOSKEY for its DOS sessions--or better yet, use DR DOS's
superior command line recall by booting DR DOS in a VDM).
67) Restrict I/O privileges from any or all apps to protect the OS, or
grant I/O privileges to specific processes.
68) Set disk priority usage for foreground vs. background processes.
69) Have *complete* control over priority and speed of running DOS,
Windows, and OS/2 apps via parameters such as TIMESLICE,
70) Use extensive drag and drop, and manipulate the properties,
priorities, associations, menus, windowing features, etc., of
programs directly through their icons (without having to fuss with
.pif files).
71) Run more apps than any other OS in history.
72) Come with toll-free tech support.
73) Come with free upgrades (upgrades from 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 have all
been free, and the CSD's are free).
Steve Smith | __|__ | " #*&<-[89s]*(k#$@-_=//a2$]'+=.(2_&*%>,,@
<smsmith@magnus.acs. | | | {7%*@,..":27g)-=,#*:.#,/6&1*.4-,l@#9:-) "> | | |
BTW, WYSInaWYG | | | --witty.saying.ARC
From: msieber@csghsg5a.bitnet
Subject: IBM plans monopol
Date: 15 Jun 92 11:29:11 GMT
Organization: University of St.Gallen, Switzerland
OS/2 and IBM clones
If everybody buys OS/2 now, and Win NT fails, there will be more and
more OS/2 32 bit Apps.
In further versions, IBM supports its own PCs the longer the more.
Clones are neglected, IBM gains market...
The price for OS/2 is higher from version to version...
At the end, there will be a blue monopol. IBM offers the software AND
the Hardware in the PC - World.
So they could get what they missed in the 80s.
Its better for all of us, if MS keeps a strong competitor, because it's
also better for OS/2 users, if they do not have to buy a blue machine.
So keep opening your windows to a better world...
Martin Sieber
This is just an idea of what COULD eventually happen and not a
statement of how IBM behaves.
From: Lowey@Sask.USask.CA (Kevin Lowey)
Subject: Re: IBM plans monopol
Organization: University of Saskatchewan
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1992 14:29:27 GMT
>From msieber@csghsg5a.bitnet:
> In further versions, IBM supports its own PCs the longer the more.
> Clones are neglected, IBM gains market...
> The price for OS/2 is higher from version to version...
> At the end, there will be a blue monopol. IBM offers the software AND
> the Hardware in the PC - World.
Yea ... That's it, IBM killed Kennedy too ...
OS/2 2.0 comes with DOS 5.0 and Windows. Windows comes with a disclaimer.
Any questions? - (Juan Jose T. Noyles)
Subject: Re: So, where's the "June CSD"?
From: (Timothy F. Sipples)
Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1992 23:06:46 GMT
Organization: Dept. of Econ., Univ. of Chicago
In article <> (Alok Dhir) writes:
>I just looked at my calendar. It's June 8. For some reason, the month
>seems significant in the back of my mind somewhere. I wonder why...
>When can we expect the 32-bit graphics engine? Win3.1 support? Updated and
>COMPLETE video drivers for all major video cards? BUG FIXES? etc etc etc?
IBM has never officially set a delivery date for the first OS/2 2.0
CSD. Be patient. I've heard _rumors_ of anywhere from this month to
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