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OS2 Discussion Forum Volume 9203 Issue 04

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OS2 Discussion Forum
 · 12 Jul 2024

OS/2 Discussion Forum Mon, March 23, 1992 Volume 9203 Issue 04
Mon, March 30, 1992 Volume 9203 Issue 05

Relevant addresses :

submissions : OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)
subscriptions : LISTSERV@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)
moderator : OS2MOD@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)

Today's topics:
Grass roots ON FIRE
8514/A Adapter Interface Programming Under 2.0: Questions
Remote connection to Token-Ring
PC Magazines, TEAM OS/2
CD ROM of OS2 collections
unz42-32 following in 4 parts
unz42-16 following in 3 parts
SVGA driver for Paradise card requested
NICE 1.0
New List: OS2-L@FRORS12
XCOPY symptoms
DoublesFinder, new program
IBM Announces New Titles For Growing OS/2 Library.

Feed from the LISTSERV OS2-L Non-Editored Discussion List :

Magazine article

Feed from the Usenet (UUCP/Internet) comp.os.os2.* newsgroups :

A foretaste of things to come..
*** HyperTron/NT 3.0 NEW SUPERIOR OS ***
Lastest PC-Mag and OS2 2.0 bashing...
Re: OS/2 source language
Re: OS/2 source language
Re: free os/2?
The Economics of OS/2 (Was: free os/2?)
Re: Gordon Letwin's Raving
Re: OS/2 2.0 GA release date...
Windows/NT (IMPORTANT for OS/2 Users)!!
OS/2 in Infoworld....
OS/2 GA Compilation & Release
Some OS/2 2.0 rollout events (Times, places, etc.)


Date: Mon 30 Mar 1992, 12:00:00 +0100
From: Moderator of the OS/2 Discussion Forum <OS2MOD@BLEKUL11>
Subject: New files on LISTSERVer

This is a list of new or updated OS/2 related files available from the
LISTSERV of the OS/2 Discussion Forum at BLEKUL11.

* File donated by (the author:) Kai-Uwe Rommel<>

filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
UZ42_16E PACKAGE UnZip v4.2 16-bit
UZ42_32E PACKAGE UnZip v4.2 32-bit

* Files distributed via comp.binaries.os2

filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
ALARMC PACKAGE Alarm Clock v1.0.2 (Clock & Scheduler)
BILLBRD ZIPXXE 32 bit PM message display program
CHECKR12 ZIPXXE 32 bit version of Checkers (Ch. Petzold)
COM304C ZIPXXE Fix for COM problems (OS/2 v2 304)
EMXINFO PACKAGE 32 bit Info & makeinfo for v2.14 of GNU texinfo
INICNV ZIPXXE Recycles 1.x prog. def. to 2.0 desktop folders
KILLEM20 ZIPXXE Kills running processes by name
ODOMTR10 ZIPXXE Mouse Odometer v1.0
QWIKSW10 ZIPXXE For switching to running programs
SHOWFRAG ZIPXXE Lists fragmented files
VSZAP ZIPXXE Subdirectory and file remover

Some of the available files come in - what is called - a package. If
you request such package you will automatically receive all necesarry
files. The zipxxe (XXencoded ZIP) files that you will receive must be
concatenated into one large ZIPXXE file by means of the COPY command.
(example : copy x.zipxxe1 + x.zipxxe2 x.zipxxe)

To use this large ZIPXXE file you must first XXdecode (We recommend our
own version of XXdecode which works under OS/2) and UNZIP (We recommend
PKZIP also under OS/2) it.

Note: Use PKUNZIP -d to unzip !!

These files are distributed AS IS, we can not guarantee anything about
their working.

* For a complete list of all OS/2 files available at LISTSERV@BLEKUL11 *
* get the OS2INDEX PACAKGE. *

We still welcome all OS/2 related files for distribution on our LISTSERV.
Send your files to OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET /
we will arrange everything for distribution.


Date: Wed, 18 Mar 92 21:35:33 -0800
From: hodges@ampere.EE.UCLA.EDU (
Subject: Grass roots ON FIRE

As you all know, the KEY to success for OS/2 2.0 is widespread support
from Independent Software Vendors (ISV). GOOD 32-bit applications must
appear from many suppliers for OS/2 to achieve success; no matter how
good 2.0 is, all is lost without software that is made for the system.
The experience of OS/2 1.3 is the best historical example of a superb
operating system that never made it big because applications software
such as wordprocessors was missing.

I have been calling a number of ISV's over the past six months to find
out their position on support of OS/2 2.0. The general trend is that
vendors are 'on the fence' waiting to see if 2.0 will succeed.

A typical example: six months ago PC Week reported Ventura Publisher
for OS/2 would be upgraded to be current with the DOS/Windows version --
and be a true 32-bit PM application. Last week, I spoke with a tech
support person who said, "Well, it has been discussed. We have an OS/2
group that wants to do the work, but it is not decided. They are waiting
to see what happens." This is the old 'chicken and egg' paradox!


PLEASE, take some time from your busy day and write letters in support
of OS/2 2.0. If you don't want to be stuck six months from now running
outdated 16-bit Windows apps from a DOS BOX, get busy and support OS/2!


1. DIRECT ISV CONTACT: Write to your ALL your favorite applications
program vendors and TELL THEM YOU ARE MOVING TO OS/2 2.0.
DEMAND support! Make a form letter, and modify it to send to all
vendors you have an interest in.

2. MAGAZINES: Recently, many magazines have been making BIG BUCKS by
jumping on the Windows bandwagon. WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR and
tell him you have a 386 computer and are moving to OS/2 because it
GENUINELY takes advantage of the hardware.

Magazine coverage -- TRUE WINNERS:

BTYE Magazine has recently had some very INTELLIGENT coverage of OS/2.
BYTE is cautious, but nevertheless maintains an OPEN MIND about OS/2 as
a system that could offer advantages. For example, they published a
FRONT PAGE cover with the words "Better Windows than Windows: OS/2 2.0"
December 1991. Published my letter "Give OS/2 a Chance", February 1992.
Had roundtable discussion of the problem in which Jerry Pournelle
defended the potential of OS/2 2.0 in February. **RECOMMENDED**
Mark J. Minasi to resume his previously great column on OS/2. Tell them
you would like Jerry Pournelle's view os OS/2. JERRY CAN HELP!!

Write to PC WEEK! This is one of the FEW periodicals to give reasonable
OS/2 coverage. LET PC WEEK KNOW YOU ARE READING! William Zachman put his
butt on the line -- and has all but had it shot off -- supporting OS/2
and clarifying Microsoft's FUD regarding Win 3.1, Win-32, Win32s, Win NT,
and various other flavors of FUD and MUD (MisInformation, UnInformation
and DisInformation). Tell them: WE WANT 32-bit MULTI-TASKING NOW!!!!!!!!

Magazine coverage -- GREEDY JERKS:

Magazines have recently tried to cut off OS/2 at the pass. These
peridicals are preying upon ignorant DOS users who don't know that
life has to be a half-speed, difficult and inefficient world of memory
managers and DOS extenders. Let them know that NOT EVERYBODY IS STUPID!

A colleague gave me a copy of April WINDOWS MAGAZINE (in more
enlightened days, OS/2 MAGAZINE) and the byline for Fred Langa's
editorial comments was "OS/2 is TOAST". If you take this worthless rag,
write to Fred -- tell him you are ANGRY about the description of OS/2 as
"TOAST". Tell them you only saw this because of a free offer, and if that
is their appraisal of the ONLY system GENUINELY DESIGNED for the best
selling personal computer chip in existence, then WINDOWS MAGAZINE
is "TOAST" -- not OS/2.

Bert Moshier reports that a recent issue of PC MAGAZINE has anti-OS/2
Farticles. Write to PC MAGAZINE and tell them that you will not buy
unless they give a fair and impartial treatment for OS/2. Write to them
even if you don't take it. Tell them you are looking for info on OS/2!


PLEASE! If you are an OS/2 supporter:

* FEEL FREE to copy the preceeding call for OS/2 support to others.
Bulletin Boards, Internet, personal handouts, WHATEVER! Just get
the word out that OS/2 2.0 is ALIVE AND WELL!

* DON'T RELY UPON IBM TO DO IT ALL. Look, IBM is doing what they can
within the constraints of a big "bearacracy" <grin>.

If you can't write, CALL! And don't take some airhead receptionist
explaination that "we don't have any information on OS/2" for an answer.


Need a DESKJET PRINT DRIVER? CALL Hewlett-Packard and ASK for it. Better
still, get others to do the same. HP SOLD the printer --- now make 'em
support it. They sure as heck support Windows. We bought a Postscript Plus
cartridge for a HP LJ III and it came with ATM for Windows. I told them
that this was the DEFAULT with OS/2 and it irritated me that I had to pay
to subsidize inadequacies of Windows. They didn't even tell how to load


* SEND LETTERS TO ISV's asking for OS/2 support. But if you can't
write, at least CALL. Wait two weeks, then call again! Or do both!

* WRITE TO MAGAZINES and ask for coverage of OS/2 related info. In
addition to genuine 32-bit OS/2 PM info, this could include:
OS/2 DOS BOX compatibility issues, Win OS/2 compatibility, etc.


Don't even *think* about reading the next mail message until you have
done something *proactive* to help OS/2!!!

DO IT NOW!!! This is not the time to passively sit by waiting for good
things to come. TAKE ACTION - MAKE IT HAPPEN!

PS - I am not an IBM employee and have absolutely no personal stake
in OS/2 other than the availability of a good OS.
I don't work for IBM. These are my views.


Date: Thu, 19 Mar 92 12:12:08 -0500
From: Marco Petroni <marco@thunder.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
Subject: 8514/A Adapter Interface Programming Under 2.0: Questions

Here's a request for some help with the hope that some kind soul out
there can offer some desperately needed assistance...

We have an multi-process application which runs in OS/2 full screen
under 1.x. One of the processes in the application requires the use of
direct calls to the 8514/A adapter for graphics primitives / graphics
operations using the set of callable entry points which provide full
access to the adapter's hardware capabilities for OS/2 (and DOS). The
OS/2 adapter interface routines came included with the 8514/A adapters
that we purchased 5 years ago. The files relevant for OS/2 consist of
an OS/2 Adapter Interface DLL (HDILOAD.DLL), an OS/2 Adapter Interface
Dynamic Link OBJ Library (HDILOAD.LIB), include files which provide
'C' macro binding to the OS/2 Interface (OS2AFI.H, AFIDATA.H),
standard fonts (STAN1220.FNT, STAN0814.FNT, STAN0715.FNT), as well as
some utilities and demo programs.

I've successfully ported the code for the other processes in this
application from 1.x to 2.0. I would like to recompile this remaining
1.x code with the 8514/A Adapter Interface calls to run under 2.0.
When I try to compile this code, though, the IBM C Set/2 compiler
complains about the function prototypes in OS2AFI.H and of some
structure declarations in AFIDATA.H. So, my questions are the
following: how can I compile/link these 16-bit libraries with the rest
of the 32-bit code? How can I to modify the function prototypes /
structure declarations in the include files so that the C compiler
does not complain and that my code works? Lastly, does a 32-bit
version of the HDILOAD DLL or LIB exist for OS/2 2.0? If so, how can
this be obtained? If a 32-bit version is not available, will one be
available, or am I left to battle with the 16-bit version? I spoke to
people at IBM about this and they suggested that I post to the OS/2

We currently have version 6.304E of the 2.0 Beta complete with the 2.0
toolkit and the IBM C Set/2 Compiler. Our hardware consists of 3 PS/2
Model 80s and a Model 57 SX, all with 8514/A adapters and 8514

I hope that I won't be forced to go back to the 1.x code and use 2.0
as run-time platform for this application... :-\

*Any* help from someone out there is greatly appreciated.

- Marco Petroni -- McGill Research Centre for Intelligent Machines (McRCIM),
Dept. of Elec. Eng., McGill University, Montreal, Canada.


Date: Fri, 20 Mar 92 09:11:31 MET
Subject: Remote connection to Token-Ring

I had the same problem as you. Our Token-Ring is connected to IBM
3090 in Prague by leased telephone line and we have installed a LAN SERVER
We have found a software package from IBM, its name is REMOTE NETBIOS
REMOTE NETBIOS ACCESS FACILITY. This is a old product ( 1988 ).
This enables NETBIOS applications installed in an IBM PC to access a
LAN with the appropriate software without being directly connected to the LAN.
( we have installed on Token-Ring LAN SERVER v 1.2 ).
I had some problems with the configurations of the GATEWAY facility of
RNAF to achieve to run DOS LAN REQUESTER on the remote PC .

I also had a need to emulate 3270 terminal from the remote PC. I haven't
found any solution for this problem, but by my own solution ( I use a suitable
combination of two IBM emulation software for the gateway and remote station )
is possible too.

If you need more details about this solution, let me know

Marta Kundrikova

Network Administrator
Computer Centre of Technical University
Kosice, Czechoslovakia



Date: Sat, 21 Mar 92 17:06:08 EST
From: Nathan Madutujuh <MASTR15@VTVM1>
Subject: PC Magazines, TEAM OS/2

Dear OS2-ers,

I always like PC Magazines, except their clearly support of Windows 3.0.
They said they support Windows because there are 6 millions Windows out
there. They forget about 60 millions DOS users that now suffer because of
OS/2 vs Windows war. If 6 millions want to choose Windows, why should the
others follow them if there is a better option like OS/2 ?

GUI is not the main problem anymore, because none use Windows API
directly anymore. Everybody starts using Class, Objects library, etc.
Even you can use Icon, 3d menus, etc. easily in DOS, as I do now.
The problem is, we need a good OS for 386/486 computers.

I know that most of Windows users use Windows because they don't know about
OS/2, and there is no other choice for them. But after March, the things
will be different, as in the case of DR DOS 6.0. Everyone that has seen DR
DOS 6.0 has removed their MS DOS 5.0. This will happen to OS/2 too.

I also read Gordon's letter. I think this guy is the same guy that wrote
"Inside OS/2". I hope he will still remember his foreword in that book.
At least, he should never forget his first chapters.

I have sent my $10 check for TEAM OS/2. I wish I could send more, but I am
just a poor grad student, waiting for the next OS.
I encourage others to send a contribution to TEAM OS/2. I think the amount
is not the most important thing here.

It is nice to read this list. It is nice that there are people who are still
concerns about creating a better PC environment, taking a risk, swimming up
the wrong stream, working hard, and always try to contribute something to
the OS2 project, even a small idea.

It is nice to have people like Larry Solomon, who reads and answers even
"beginner's question"; Bertram, who suggested small marketing details; Two
guys from CT that is having plan for "Thank you for OS/2's advs".

It is nice to see people working together. I can feel a good spirit.
Please keep this spirit up.
Personally, I like to thank all OS/2 developers, Netters, Marketers, Support-
ters all over the world.

I hope OS/2 project will have a great success.
But please remember that this is not the last OS project.
Keep the spirit for the next, better OS for 986 computers.

Nathan Madutujuh


Date: Sat, 21 Mar 92 17:55:04 EST
From: Nathan Madutujuh <MASTR15@VTVM1>
Subject: CD ROM of OS2 collections

Just my small idea.
I got this idea from Bob Bruce, who made CD ROMS from SIMTEL20 collections.

The point is, if OS/2 needs application softwares soon, there are plenty of
them at blekul11, comp.os.binaries, etc.
IBM or someone can make several CD ROMs from those collections and sell them
with a very low price, say $15 - $25. Who can stands a 680 MB of softwares
with $15 price ? Even one without CD ROM will buy that if it is offered for
limited time (of course don't use the "limited time" technique).

With the uprise of Multimedia PC, this idea is feasible now, So, OS/2 appli-
cations will be spreaded faster and with a greater speed.

With my best regards,

Nathan Madutujuh

E-mail: MASTR15@VTVM1
<====== = ========== ===== Support your OS troops ========= === ======= ====>


Subject: unz42-32 following in 4 parts
From: Kai-Uwe Rommel <>
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 92 13:04:03 +0100

This message is followed by four parts of an xxencoded ZIP archive
containing the newest unzip version, binaries for OS/2 version 2.0, i.e.
32-bit binaries. In can be unpacked with PKUNZIP or earlier versions of

I will send 16-bit binaries for OS/2 version 1.x later too.

Kai Uwe Rommel

/* Kai Uwe Rommel --- */

DOS ... is still a real mode only non-reentrant interrupt
handler, and always will be. -Russell Williams


Subject: unz42-16 following in 3 parts
From: Kai-Uwe Rommel <>
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 92 13:11:50 +0100

These are the 16-bit binaries of the new UnZip version 4.2, for OS/2 1.x
(tested under 1.3) as mentioned in my previous message.

Both 16 and 32 bit versions can decrypt encrypted ZIP archives. The
decryption routines have been written outside the US and can therefore
be distributed freely.

Kai Uwe Rommel

/* Kai Uwe Rommel --- */

DOS ... is still a real mode only non-reentrant interrupt
handler, and always will be. -Russell Williams


Date: Mon, 23 Mar 92 11:23:32 CET
From: K111116@EDVZ.UNI-Linz.AC.AT
Subject: SVGA driver for Paradise card requested

I've already looked quite a long time for a SVGA driver for Paradise
graphics cards. I only found a driver for OS/2 1.2. Since I heard
that Paradise was bought by Western Digital I don't think they will
supply drivers for OS/2 2.0.
Is somebody out there who knows something about Drivers (800x600,
1024x768) for my Paradise card running OS/2 1.3 or 2.0 |?|?

Thanks a lot |||

Alfons Marschall
J.W. Kleinstr. 11/404
A-4040 Linz


Date: Tue, 24 Mar 92 13:27:27 EDT
From: Turgut Kalfaoglu <TURGUT@FRORS12.BITNET>
Subject: NICE 1.0

Hi. I am sending a utility for OS/2 2.0 that provides a similar
function offered by Unix.

NICE allows you to run a program either in idle or time-critical
priorities. It calls a second command processor and passes the
options and parameters that you specified. A copy of the current
environment is also passed. While NICE is active, it periodically
re-sets the priority of all the sub-processes of the process it has
started, to ensure that all new subprocesses are also initialised
to the same priority specified by user. There is extensive help
available if you do not specify any parameters to NICE. Source code in
C (for IBM C/SET 2 compiler) is also included, as well as simple
Rexx routines to see the effects of priorities on processes.

Editor's note:
We will make sure this software comes available in the following days,
check our filelist, or watch out for the next edition of the forum
to find about about the proper naming convention used.


Date: Thu, 26 Mar 92 12:19:32 EDT
From: Turgut Kalfaoglu <TURGUT@FRORS12.BITNET>
Subject: New List: OS2-L@FRORS12


This non-editored list is dedicated to issues regarding OS/2, including
but not limited to user queries, Workplace, programming, OS/2 2.0 and
other related issues. Since FRORS12 has fast connections to the European
core, you can expect fast delivery of posted queries.

How to subscribe:

This list is running on a ListEARN 1.3 server, and the command to issue
to subscribe to this list is:

SUB OS2-L myfirstname mylastname

Substitute your name in the above command. You can send this command in
the body of a mail message, or via interactive message to:

Once you receive confirmation, you can post to the list by mailing your
contribution to: OS2-L@FRORS12.BITNET

To signoff from the list, send SIGNOFF OS2-L to LISTSERV@FRORS12.

Regards, and hope to see you there.


From: ? (came as a NJE file without any header)
Date: 3/26/92 @ 7:26 AM
Subject: XCOPY symptoms

I'm running OS/2 1.3. Under OS/2, XCOPY does not change the dates
of the files it copies. In the DOS box, the files created by XCOPY have
their dates set to the current date. The resulting files are the same
size as the originals and COMP says they are the same. Is this a known
OS/2 1.3 bug? Or, do I have a virus?

(This message has been sent to LEHIIBM.VIRUS-L and BLEKUL11.OS2.)


Date: Thu, 26 Mar 92 18:08:01 +0100
From: (gulcu)
Subject: DoublesFinder, new program


Here is a copy of DoubleFinder. It finds files having the same
name acroos drives. It is functional and was fairly well tested
on my computer. However, it badly needs 'shoot & delete'
capability which will be added in a few weeks. I am posting
this version now since I'm leaving for a vacation on Saturday.

I am almost sure that DoubleFinder will work on any machine
ruuning OS/2 since it does not use any functions other than
those provided by the OS. I will be glad to answer any questions
that you may have. However, if they arrive later than this
evening I will not be able to answer them before the 8th of April.

Regards, GULCU Ceki

Editor's note:
We will make sure this software comes available in the following days,
check our filelist, or watch out for the next edition of the forum
to find about about the proper naming convention used.


Date: Mon, 30 Mar 92 12:00:00 +0100
From: <>
Subject: IBM Announces New Titles For Growing OS/2 Library.

Following text arrived on our desktop.

IBM Corp. (NYSE: IBM) today announced that the library of books
from various publishers about its new OS/2 (See Note 1) Version 2.0
operating system will grow this spring with the addition of new
titles on a variety of software related subjects.
These "how-to" books will help users, developers, and
programmers take advantage of IBM's new OS/2 2.0, an advanced 32-bit
operating system capable of exploiting the power of the 386SX and
higher PCs. This advanced platform offers true multi-tasking and will
provide a broad range of applications which operate in the DOS and
Windows (See Note 2), as well as 16- and 32-bit OS/2 environments.
Among the new titles to be published by Van Nostrand Reinhold
are: Writing OS/2 2.0 Device Drivers in C, by Steven J. Mastrianni;
Now That I have OS/2 2.0 on My Computer -- What Do I Do Next?, by
Steven Levenson; Integrating Applications With OS/2 2.0, by William
H. Zack; and Learning to Program OS/2 2.0 Presentation Manager by
Example: Putting the Pieces Together, by Stephen A. Knight.
Said Dianne Littwin, senior editor, computer science, Van
Nostrand Reinhold publishers, "Our review of both the books and the
market for IBM's OS/2 2.0 convinced us that we had a successful
combination and an opportunity to develop a library of important
texts on this exciting new technology."
In addition, due from Que, an imprint of Prentice Hall Computer
Publishing, is: Using OS/2 2.0, by Barry Nance.
IBM support for the growing list of OS/2 2.0 authors includes
membership in its Developer Assistance Program, with toll-free online
technical assistance as well as providing beta code for a head start
in understanding the new version.
"We are seeing the momentum build for books on every aspect of
OS/2 2.0," said Ted Salamone, Independent Vendor program manager for
IBM. "The expanding library of OS/2 titles is a tremendous resource
for users and we have made the commitment to support authors with the
firsthand knowledge that they need."
Interested authors and publishers may contact Melissa Robertson
at 914-766-3722 or Lucy Darbisi at 914-766-3143, IBM assistant
program managers, for further information on author support.
Note 1: Trademark or registered trademark of the International
Business Machines Corporation
Note 2: The following is a trademark of the indicated company:
Windows (Microsoft Corp.)

Roberta Paul of IBM, 914-642-5468.
PR Newswire
White Plains, NY


Feed from the LISTSERV OS2-L Non-Editored Discussion List :


Date: Mon, 30 Mar 92 09:48:47 EDT
Reply-To: "OS/2 Non-Editored Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
Sender: "OS/2 Non-Editored Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Turgut Kalfaoglu <TURGUT@FRORS12>
Subject: Magazine article

The other day I was at a book shop, and I noticed a BIG headline on
a french popular computer magazine:


Inside there was an excellent article which was filled with enthousiastic
features of OS/2 2.0, going on for about 8 pages, followed by another
article of 'frequently asked questions.' There are lots of color
'printscreens' showing PM running windows,dos and OS/2 applications in
different windows.

A picture shows the 'DOS SETTINGS' page, another shows the 'productivity'
folder's contents, one more on 'WordPerfect Full Screen - Settings'.
The article says they found it fast, flexible, modern, easy to use, and
'high technology'. The also found it cheaper than Windows - it says
to retail for 1000 francs in this country, or about $200.

The FAQ article talks about 'Isn't OS/2 too resource-demanding?' and the
answer says, yes, but this is the price to pay for a system that is
out of the ordinary - goes on to talk about multitasking.

'Isn't it too complicated?' No, but you have to get used to it for one
or two days. It goes on to talk about icons,macintosh, and objects.

'Which applications will work with OS/2 2.0?' says word processors,
drawing programs, programming tools, games. Thousands of programs
written for Windows and MS-DOS, and the OS/2 applications (like Excel,
1-2-3/G, Freelance graphics, Ventura Publisher,WIngz,Word, etc).

'Why the previous versions were not successful?' ..because IBM announced
it at the same time as the PS/2s, and it was perceived as working only
with the PS/2 machines.

'Will OS/2 be compatible with future versions of MS-DOS and Windows, how
about Windows/NT?' "There is nothing against it in theory." IBM and
Microsoft are the two owners of MS-DOS, Windows and OS/2. And until
the partnership ceases to exist, which has not happened until today.
(sorry for the lousy translation job I am doing here.)
In any case, there is no desire for a such split - since the one
splitting has to pay considerable amounts to the other one for the
damages. (...) About Windows/NT, the position of IBM is clear: OS/2
will NOT be compatible with it. In any case, IBM holds rights with NT
too (according to agreement of November 1990) since NT is another variant
of "portable OS/2" version.

'About Apple/IBM alliance?' OS/2 should not work on processors based on
PowerPC, defined by Apple, IBM and Motorola around RISC technology. Only
a specialised version for AIX, IBM's own Unix system, is in the development.
IBM wishes to keep OS/2 with PC-AT and PS/2 based systems. "OS/2 will
be the system of exploitation for the years 1990" says John Soyring,
head of IBM program development for OS/2.

That's basically the article. It's a very promising one - the kind
of review that OS/2 2.0 deserves.. -turgut


Feed from the Usenet (UUCP/Internet) comp.os.os2.* newsgroups :


Subject: A foretaste of things to come..
From: system@sps (Kevin J. Slater)
Date: 25 Mar 92 15:58:34 GMT
Organization: SPS ACAD BBS, (412) 487-3637

Since we've all been wondering what's up with the release of OS/2 2.0, I
thought I'd post this synopsis I found on another network.

Computer Reseller News, March 23.

Front page story.

"At Comdex/Spring, Lotus Development Corp. plans to disclose that
it will rewrite its complete product suite for IBM Corp.'s
forthcoming OS/2 2.0, and intends to ship 32-bit versions of
1-2-3 and Freelance Graphics before July.

"On April 6, at the IBM OS/2 introduction, Lotus is slated to
demonstrate 1-2-3 for OS/2 2.0, as well as state its intentions
to deliver 32-bit versions of Ami Pro, Freelance Graphics and
cc:Mail for OS/2 2.0 this year. A 32-bit Notes 3.0 for OS/2 2.0
is also scheduled for year end, according to Lotus officials."

Other factoids from the article:

* IBM is negotiating to preload Lotus 1-2-3, and applications
from Borland and DeScribe, on PS/2 systems along with OS/2
"according to sources close to the three developers."

* Electronic distribution of OS/2 will begin on March 31.
Shrink-wrapped retail version will follow in the following
two weeks, "according to an IBM spokesman."

* GA will only support seamless Windows for VGA. "According
to John Soyring," a future update (CSD) will include SVGA
drivers, 32-bit graphics engine, and Win 3.1 compatibility.

* 32-bit version of DeScribe for OS/2 will ship April 1,
"according to sources inside that company."

* Lotus 1-2-3 for OS/2 2.0 will feature SmartIcons, the same
solver as 1-2-3/G, DataLens access for OS/2's Database
Manager, and a draw layer that lets users annotate and create
charts right on their spreadsheets.

* Borland is expected to demo ObjectVision 2.0 for OS/2 2.0 at
Comdex, featuring the ability to interface to REXX and the
Database Manager.

* Jim Burnham, Lotus' OS/2 product line manager: "IBM has
solved a lot of problems with OS/2 2.0. It's a much more
robust architecture that runs Windows and DOS applications
very well. We believe the OS/2 market will now grow at a
faster pace for us than the Windows market."

* Gene Wang, VP and general manager of Borland's languages
business unit: "We view OS/2 as a strategic integration
platform for corporatewide enterprises."



END OF OS/2 DISCUSSION FORUM 920304 & 920305 - Part I

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