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OS2 Discussion Forum Volume 9206 Issue 02

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Published in 
OS2 Discussion Forum
 · 5 months ago

From @pucc.Princeton.EDU:OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET Mon Jun 15 08:34:47 1992 
Received: by; id AA01065; Mon, 15 Jun 92 08:34:42 -0500
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Date: Mon, 15 Jun 92 15:15:00 +0200
Reply-To: "Moderated discussion forum on OS/2" <OS2%BLEKUL11.BITNET@pucc.Princeton.EDU>
Sender: "Moderated discussion forum on OS/2" <OS2%BLEKUL11.BITNET@pucc.Princeton.EDU>
From: "Moderator of OS/2 Discussion Forum" <OS2MOD%BLEKUL11.BITNET@pucc.Princeton.EDU>
Subject: OS/2 Discussion Forum 920602
To: Multiple recipients of <OS2%BLEKUL11.BITNET@pucc.Princeton.EDU>
Status: OR

OS/2 Discussion Forum Mon, June 08, 1992 Volume 9206 Issue 02

Relevant addresses :

submissions : OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)
subscriptions : LISTSERV@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)
moderator : OS2MOD@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)

Today's topics:
New files on LISTSERVer
How to crash OS/2 2.0
Re: OS/2 Discussion Forum 920504
How can I migrate config.sys later???
Hypertext database wanted
Installation on AMD 40 MHz 386 ??
Questions about OS/2 Version 2
Desktop organizing trick
Look what we found on our reader : The OS/2 2.0 fixes list

Feed from the Listearn OS2-L OS/2 Non-Editored Discussion List :

Re: thanks for AAAAA tip
TRICKLE server for OS/2
Re: Novell
Keeping in touch with new files at hobbes
Experiences in a French computer shop
OS/2 2.0 Corrective Fixes
InfoWorld Review

Feed from the Usenet (UUCP/Internet) comp.os.os2.* newsgroups :

Do you wish to help IBM debug >16M problems; read on
4OS2 Announcement


Date: Mon, 15 Jun 92 12:00:00 +0200
From: Moderator of OS/2 Discussion Forum <OS2MOD@BLEKUL11>
Subject: New files on LISTSERVer

This is a list of new or updated OS/2 related files available from the
LISTSERV of the OS/2 Discussion Forum at BLEKUL11.

* File donated by (the author:) Rony FLATSCHER <RONY@AWIWUW11>

filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------

* Files distributed via comp.os.os2

filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
FAQ20B ZIPXXE OS/2 Frequent Asked Questions v2.0B

* Files distributed via comp.binaries.os2

filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
SH164-2 PACKAGE SH-a csh/sh command shell hybprid
123VEMM ZIPXXE VEMM fix for Lotus 2.3
AE PACKAGE Andy's Editor
ALARM16 PACKAGE Alarm Clock Event Scheduler Version 1.6
CPRT102 PACKAGE C code printing system
DENYNONE ZIPXXE Helps to eliminate file sharing problems
EMACSBIN PACKAGE GNU Emacs 18.58.3 for OS/2 2.0
HEX2PRN ZIPXXE Send setup string to printer
IBM1FLP1 ZIPXXE Fix for 360K diskette problems
IBM1FLPY ZIPXXE Fix for 360K diskette problems
IBM1S506 ZIPXXE Fix for FDISK problems
NEC95MON ZIPXXE Nec 95 Mode switching device monitor
NEC95_10 ZIPXXE Nec 95 Mode switching program
PJ03686 PACKAGE Fix APAR PJ03686
PS2AST54 PACKAGE PS/2 Marketing/Technical/Service assistant
SNEWS-2 PACKAGE News add-on for UUPC
SQHP101 PACKAGE Fido-compatible EchoMail processor
TICKP210 PACKAGE Echos BBS files to other BBS's
WINKILL ZIPXXE Bitmap with U.S. Enterprise

Some of the available files come in - what is called - a package. If
you request such package you will automatically receive all necesarry
files. The zipxxe (XXencoded ZIP) files that you will receive must be
concatenated into one large ZIPXXE file by means of the COPY command.
(example : copy x.zipxxe1 + x.zipxxe2 x.zipxxe)

To use this large ZIPXXE file you must first XXdecode (We recommend our
own version of XXdecode which works under OS/2) and UNZIP (We recommend
PKZIP also under OS/2) it.

Note: Use PKUNZIP -d to unzip !!

These files are distributed AS IS, we can not guarantee anything about
their working.

* For a complete list of all OS/2 files available at LISTSERV@BLEKUL11 *
* get the OS2INDEX PACAKGE. *

We still welcome all OS/2 related files for distribution on our LISTSERV.
Send your files to OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET /
we will arrange everything for distribution.


Date: 2 Jun 92 16:04:15 MEZ-1MESZ
Subject: How to crash OS/2 2.0

Hello !

I'm currently testing OS/2 2.0 for our faculty (economics, University
of Bielefeld, Germany). I'm driving it quite hard (I think) to see if
it can cope with all eventualities.

On two occasions, I 'managed' to crash OS/2:

I have SWAPPER.DAT on a dedicated partition, following IBM's
recommendations (FAT file system, if that matters). Although the
MINFREE-Parameter of the SWAPPATH-statement is set to a value greater
than zero, the partition ran out of disk space without warning. Well,
the first time it happened there *was* a warning message, telling
me to close unnecessary windows, but when I left the warning screen I
had no other choice than to power off to reboot. No ALT_HOMEing back
to the WPS.

The other occasion was when I had a DOS full screen with
VIDEO_MODE_RESTRICTIONS other than NONE and tried to start WINOS2. I
know I was asking for trouble, but I hoped OS/2 would sneak out with
a message along the lines of 'not possible in VIDEO_RESTRICTed mode'.
Well, it didn't: I got a message like 'system detected attempt of
division by zero', and that was it. Power off to reboot.

I would be interested if anybody can reproduce abovementioned errors,
of if they lie with my machine. It is a '486-clone with a TSENG-ET4000
based VGA adapter and 8MB RAM. If anybody is interested, I could mail
You a copy of my CONFIG.SYS, and a summary of the settings in the DOS

window to full screen. All I get is a screenfull of ASCII 178's. ALT-
HOMEing back to the window will restore the contents, however. Can
anybody who can switch between VIDEO_MODE_RESTRICTed DOS window and
full screen where the failure may be ?

I would be grateful for any hints that could help to cope with above
situations --- information on OS/2 2.0 CONFIG.SYS statements is
really sparse.

Yours sincerely,

J. Mennecke


Date: Wed, 3 Jun 1992 09:21 EST
From: SILVERM2@snypotvx.bitnet
Subject: Re: OS/2 Discussion Forum 920504

This is a response to the question on the High Performance file system
versus the File allocation Table file system. Personally, I think that
almost anything would be GREAT if it replaces FAT.

I am running OS/2 with one partition - HPFS. My DOS stuff runs amazingly
fast and I think that part of this can be attributed to the HPFS.
Although I don't have much for OS/2 YET, I am confident that I will
eventually. The novelty of long file names has not worn off! It is a
masssive improvement over FAT.

-Micah Silverman


From: (Fedor G. Pikus)
Date: Wed, 3 Jun 1992 23:18:30 MDT
Subject: How can I migrate config.sys later???

Hi, everyone!
I've had to reinstall my OS2 and that time I hadn't good DOS config.sys
and autoexec.bat and decided not to migrate them. Now I have DOS
configs which I'd like to use in DOS sessions od OS2. How can I make
OS2 use my config.sys and autoexec.bat in DOS sessions?

Fedor G. Pikus

201 James Fletcher Bld. 665 5th Avenue #13
University of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah 84103
Department of Physics home phone: (801) 532-4033
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 office phone: (801) 585-5016
e-mail: FAX : (801) 581-4801


Date: Tue, 9 Jun 92 12:47:21 -0700
From: hodges@ampere.EE.UCLA.EDU (

Over the past year or so, I have been contacted by personnel from
Microsoft Corporation many times following my messages on the
Internet forum and IBM BBS in support of OS/2. Typically, I am
given some information about Windows NT or Microsoft's strategy
for desktop computing. Microsoft: please, simply send an upgrade
notice when the product is available for purchase. This notice
can provide a detailed list of features which will permit me
evaluate the relative merits of your system compared to OS/2.

At present, I find promotions and offers regarding Windows NT
somewhat disingenuous. In speaking with a number of other
computer users, I have found that my views are not uncommon.
There are several reasons for this, and it may be helpful to you
and others to clarify why this is so.

First, in my judgement, Microsoft's track record in meeting a
projected ship date is rather weak. We were told that DOS 5.0
would ship soon after DR DOS 5.0, when in reality it was nowhere
near ready. Windows 3.1 was due well over a year ago. OS/2 2.0
would have never shipped if IBM had not picked up the ball and
finished it. Now, I am told that Windows NT will ship at the end
of 1992. Frankly, I just don't believe this and I have not met
anyone else who believes this. I cannot base my planning upon
Microsoft's schedule information.

Second, historical evidence suggests that Windows NT 1.0 will not
be a mature, stable, and fully functional product. DOS started to
mature at about version 3.2. Windows at about version 3.1. Lan
Manager is now getting solid reviews, apparently due to the fact
that it is now based on IBM's OS/2 1.3 work. Also, history
suggests that support for Windows NT 1.0 is questionable. If
Windows NT 1.0 has problems, one may expect a maintenance release
several months after it is shipped (Windows NT 1.0a). Beyond
that, there will be no maintenance on the product until the next
version is provided a year or two after the initial release.

Third, Microsoft has proven to be capricious which introduces a
certain risk factor. How can one be assured that Microsoft will
not suddenly change its plans regarding Windows NT? It happened
with OS/2. Microsoft never followed through and completed the
work on OS/2 1.2. Those of us who had the IBM OS/2 1.2 product
received periodic Correct Service Diskettes (CSD) which
methodically fixed problems and provided improvements to print
drivers. Microsoft OS/2 owners are apparently stuck at OS/2 1.21.
We continue to read about various permutations of features which
Windows NT may (or may not) support. This does not provide a
reliable basis for planning.

Finally, there is an element of doubt regarding the technical
quality and reliability Microsoft's products. Rebooting a
computer has become a habit for many people who use DOS and
DOS/Windows. Instead of moving ahead with a fundamentally sound
system (OS/2) Microsoft elected to build a dazzling array of
applications programs based on an architecturally flawed system
(DOS/Windows). Thus, the general trend of MS planning is not
based on sound engineering principles but (apparently) on
marketing expediency.

Based on Microsoft's OS/2 offerings, I am not compelled to
believe that your company can build a complex operating system. I
find MS Word for OS/2 1.1b has even more bugs that 1.1a. One can
barely keep it running! Therefore, I am shopping for a new OS/2
wordprocessor vendor. I find MS Fortran 5.0 is incredibly slow
and has numerous bugs. To get bug fixes, I was told to purchase
MS Fortran 5.1 upgrade, which offered NO new OS/2 features.
Result: I ordered Watcom Fortran for OS/2. Many people say Excel
for OS/2 help system doesn't work properly. Thus, I use Lotus 123
for OS/2 version 1.1 and eagerly await the new 32-bit version.

It occurs to me that this could be a subtle attempt to make OS/2
appear less attractive than DOS/Windows. For instance, when I
ordered the Word for OS/2 1.1b "upgrade" I actually received Word
for Windows 2.0. It appears that this happened to many people.

If the idea was to show people how much better Windows is by
producing flawed OS/2 products, then I submit that the strategy
has backfired. Based on your OS/2 work, my impression of
Microsoft is a company that produces unreliable and poorly
supported products. The only FUD you are successfully spreading
is as follows:

FEAR I'm afraid to use your products because they crash.

UNCERTAINTY I'm uncertain that buying MS apps will lead to any
upgrade that does not include changing operating

DOUBT Based on your OS/2 work, I doubt that Windows NT will
be on time, stable and efficient.

For now, I am very happy with OS/2 2.0. While it is not perfect,
IBM has a well earned reputation of following through and
maintaining their products. So, I am confident that any remaining
problems will be addressed in a timely fashion.


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 92 22:49:04 WUT
Subject: REXX-programs: CRONRGF.CMD, ATRGF.CMD

Hi there,

just uploaded an update to ATRGF.CMD (it does not need SLEEP.EXE
anymore as it using 32bit OS/2 REXX-functions.

CRONRGF.CMD ... modelled in REXX after Unix' cron; it executes the
commands given in a control-file repeatedly; please
read the accompanying *.TXT-file.

ATRGF.CMD .... modelled in REXX after OS/2 AT-command available in the
LAN-extension; it executes commands once or repeatedly
at the given date/time; please run the accompanying
tutorial RGFSHOW.CMD.

Both REXX-packages a contain REXX-program to do DATE- and TIME- arithmetics
(e.g. add one day and twelve hours to the present day), ATRGF- contains
additionally a program to format dates freely into a textual representation.



Date: Wed, 10 Jun 92 15:00:09 -0400
Subject: Hypertext database wanted

Does anyone know of a commercial or public-domain program which
will function as a hypertext database and runs under OS/2 1.3?

Requirements: DDE support would be great.
Must be easy for non-technical individuals to maintain.
Must support the basic hypertext functions of linking,

Possibilities: The OS/2 IPF facility was considered but does not support DDE
and needs a front-end developed if non-technicals are to
update it. Anyone know of such a front-end?

Any help would be appreciated. Please respond to the address below, and I
will summarize for the net.


David Hersey
Travelers Insurance Company


(* DHERSEY, David Hersey DED/ASIST 5FP 4-1555, 06/10/92, 11:14 *)


From: Ron Lacey <>
Subject: Installation on AMD 40 MHz 386 ??
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 92 9:48:23 EDT

I need some help on installing OS/2 on a AMD 40 MHz 386 with a AMI BIOS.

During the installation process, I get a trap error which would point to
a bad SIMM (60002, 9084) at location ##0160:fff64ae0 - 000d:aae0. However,
when I switched the SIMMs to try to isolate the bad chip I still get the error
at the same address. I have disabled all shadow ROM but the cache memory is
still enabled. IBM info and the local rep have not been able to help me.
Is the problem a bad SIMM or is it elsewhere in the memory?

Secondly, I have seen conflicting references to the AMI BIOS. The BIOS date
in this machine is 5/5/91 and the keyboard chip is identified as a type 8 during
the POST. One reference stated that the BIOS should be 5/9/91 and the keyboard
chip type K while another reference stated that AMI BIOS did not appear to
cause problems.

Any input regarding these problems would be appreciated. Please respond to my
address directly. I have been screwing around with this for several days and
I am ready to go back to Windows 3.1 and DOS and get some work done.
Ron Lacey
Dept of Agricultural Engineering
128 Ag. Engineering Building INTERNET:
University of Kentucky ph (606) 257-3000 X 234
Lexington, KY 40546-0276 fax (606) 257-5671


Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1992 13:56 CST
Subject: Questions about OS/2 Version 2

I have recently received and will be installing OS/2 Ver 2.0 on
my 386 computer system. After reading through the documentation
provided by IBM, I have several questions. I would greatly
appreciate any help anyone can provide.

1. I currently have a 200 meg hard disk about half filled with
files running DOS 5.0 with windows occasionally active. I
find that I must reboot many times each day to switch back
and forth, in and out of windows. I am hoping OS/2 will work better.
Assuming that I want to exploit the HPFS under OS/2, which of the
several disk configuration options documented in the IBM manuals
will work best? For example, can I operate DOS applications using
disk files under the HPFS or must I use only FAT devices? Since
the documentation says floppies are always FAT devices, I would
be content to use a single HPFS device as my hard disk if this
is OK with most DOS applications. Is it?

2. I currently use a QIC-80 style tape backup for my hard disk. The
software is for DOS. I would be surprised if this software will run
under OS/2. Does anyone know of QIC-80 software drivers, or
whatever, that would allow me to use the tape backup system under OS/2?
I can't believe that all you OS/2 users are backing up your hard disks
using hundreds of floppies!!!

Please respond to me directly at PH4881R@ACAD.DRAKE.EDU. Our installation
is dropping BITNET next week, so please be sure to use the above address.

I will summarize if there is general interest.


Phil Houle
Drake University
Des Moines, IA 50311
(515) 271-3135


Date: Fri, 12 Jun 92 13:42:27 +0300
Subject: Videoadapter

Hi folks,
as I am just about to install OS2 on my 386SX I think about a cheap method of
speeding up my PC by using a graphics accelerator. Videoadapters which use the
S3 chip seem to be quite fast. Now my question: Will OS2 use the abilities of
such a card? Or will it behave just like any plain vanilla VGA-card? I ask, be-
cause I've read, that this chip is especially designed for Windows. But I hope,
that will be effective under OS2 too.


Alfred Jilka *
Geologic Survey, Austria * Save the teddybears!


Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1992 11:38 EDT
Subject: Desktop organizing trick

Trivial but effective way to put particular icons first on the desktop:

>From desktop, click on settings, then sort, then choose "name" for sort
order, and check the "alys maintain" box. Then for the icon(s) you
want to go first, go into _their_ settings box and choose "general".
Where it says "title" put a space in front of title. Then "sort" the
desktop. Double spaces take priority over single ones.


Date: Mon, June 15, 1992 12:00:00 +0200
Subject: Look what we found on our reader : The OS/2 2.0 fixes list
From: Moderator of the OS/2 Discussion Forum <OS2MOD@BLEKUL11>

Date of File - 06/11/92 Version 1.02
File changes flagged with |'s
Original File Date - 06/08/92

This is the list, as of the date shown above, of all fixes placed by
Department 17J on either OS2CSD or OS2TOOLS. Other 2.0 fixes are not
suported by the Boca Technical Group. All fixes listed here may be
distributted externally. The difference between OS2CSD and OS2TOOLS is
that OS2CSD is for fixes, and the individual files will be removed when
a service release is done. The service release will then be placed on
OS2CSD in its place. OS2TOOLS will hold 'enhancements' and utilities
for OS/2 2.0.

* Fixes on OS2CSD *

NOTE: APAR numbers are the numbers the LATEST fix was reported under.
Components like OS2KRNL may have many APARS fixes and reported
against it.

Package Name - IBM2FLPY

APAR: PJ03661

Filename Size Date Time
IBM2FLPY.ADD 13029 5-15-92 1:38P

This IBM2FLPY.ADD file contains fix for this problem:

PMTAPE utility does not work. After restoring backup files from tape,
the system would either hang the OS/2 WINDOW or halt the entire system.

Package Name - OS2KRNL

Filename Size Date Time

This OS2KRNL file contains 02 fixes. The fixes are:

Fix for FCB caused errors. WP Library, SideKick, and AutoCad
is fixed by this kernel.

Package Name - VSVGA

APAR: PJ03677
Filename Size Date Time
VEGA.SYS 49207 5-15-92 1:47p
VVGA.SYS 51678 5-15-92 1:47p
VSVGA.SYS 64559 5-15-92 1:47p

These files VEGA.SYS, VVGA.SYS and VSVGA.SYS contain fix for this

Entering a DOS or WinOS2 Full Screen on a Tseng et4000-based SVGA card
with a batch number of TC6059AF or higher makes the video card go out
of sync, requiring a cold boot to remedy.

Package Name - BVHSVGA

APAR PJ03721
Filename Size Date Time
BVHSVGA.DLL 22466 5-15-92 12:26p

The file BVHSVGA.DLL contains fix for this problem:

OEM machines with Western Digital super VGA video that have 1 Mg
of video memory crash after first boot then the C0000005 message

Package Name - IBM1S506

APAR PJ04045
Filename Size Date Time
IBM1S506.ADD 13036 5-15-92 1:38p

The file IBM1S506.ADD contains fix for this problem:

During installation of OS/2 2.0 on family 1 computers, noise from
MFM/RLL hardfiles and poor DASD performance exist.

Package Name - 360KFIX

Fixes the reading and writing of 360K drives and the ability to format
a 1.2 MB drive on OS2 2.0

Package Name - INSTALLB

A set of two diskette images that allows one to boot from an A: drive
that is a 5 1/4" and use a set of OS/2 2.0 3 1/2" diskette in B: to
install OS/2 2.0

Package Name - VEMMGA

A replacement VEMM.SYS driver that will allow OS/2 2.0 to see EMM
memory that the GA code could not see when a program touched the
memory before it called it. Lotus apps generally had this problem.
| Package Name - COMMGA
|A new set of COM.SYS and VCOM.SYS which support a new HW_COM DOS
|property. The function of the new DOS property is to remove IO hooks
|for the COM port without rebooting the system. Although it removes
|the hooks, the check for contention is still supported. When this DOS
|property is turned ON, FastLynx, D'Bridge, FSDUAT, AS/400 Asynch
|Router, and FOSSIL Driver like X00.SYS work in OS/2. Within the same
|machine, users also can run ProComm Plus and Prodigy at the same time.

* Fixes on OS2TOOLS *


Package Name - 2XMSE

A replacement MOUSE.SYS that will speed up the ballistics of the mouse
by 2 time approximately. Keep your old MOUSE.SYS around just in case
|you do NOT like it. This ONLY works for PS/2 style mice.

Package Name - ENDVDM

This is a small DEBUG input file that will recreate a 7 byte program
that will close either a DOS Session (same as entering EXIT) or close
a Bootable VDM. This is the ONLY way to close a Bootable VDM.

Package Name - NETSRV

A fix for Novell Netware Lite 1.0. This will stop failures that kill a
DOS session.
Package Name - PALETT
This is a fix for LOTUS Freelance Palette problems. Some colors may
not display properly without this fix.
Package Name - RESTKN
A fix to allow you to RESET the T/R adapter while OS/2 2.0 is


Feed from the Listearn OS2-L OS/2 Non-Editored Discussion List :


Date: Tue, 2 Jun 92 08:28:45 PDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Dave Gomberg <GOMBERG@UCSFVM>
Subject: Fastback

Had a call from John Gardner of Fifth Generation Systems yesterday.


Full 32 bit and PM compliant. I flatter myself this is due to several
letters and phone calls from me. But all you kept me working on it.
It shows one person can make a difference. So pick you favorite product
and then get all over that vendor to show them the market they are
missing if the screw up and don't make an OS/2 version. The arguement
I think was most persuasive was:

If you DO make an OS/2 version, and that was wrong, you will lose $50K
in preliminary development costs.

If you DON'T make an OS/2 version, and that was wrong, you will lose your
business (remember VisiCalc?)!

Dave Gomberg GOMBERG@UCSFVM Internet node UCSFVM.UCSF.EDU (415)731-7793
Seven Gateview Court, San Francisco CA 94116-1941


Date: Wed, 3 Jun 92 09:23:47 EDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Turgut Kalfaoglu <TURGUT@FRORS12>
Subject: Re: thanks for AAAAA tip

On Tue, 2 Jun 92 11:52:08 CDT "Jeffrey W. Spencer" <C0025JS@UMRVMB>
had said:
>Thanks to all for helping me figure out why AAAAA wouldn't work and how
>to get it to work. Undocumented features are fun to find. I haven't tried
>it yet, but will when I get home today :) Anyone else know of any undocumented
I read it from that TIPS documents:
- to RESET your WPS, meaning to wipe away your INI files, and make the
machine create brand new ones, like when you had it right after install,
ALT-F1.. to be held from startup until everything is in place.

- CTRL-SHIFT-F1 held during startup, causes the stuff in the startup
folder not to get invoked during that startup.

(just don't mix the two key combinations!) -turgut


Date: Wed, 3 Jun 92 13:09:02 EDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Turgut Kalfaoglu <TURGUT@FRORS12>
Subject: TRICKLE server for OS/2

On Wed, 3 Jun 92 13:23:48 IST Shelly Glaser 972 3 6408060
<GLAS@TAUNIVM> had said:
>Is there a place on BITNET/InterNet where one could get public domain and
>shareware programs for OS/2, like the TRICKLE for PC-DOS?

Yes! I haven't yet announced it on the RED-UG list, but TRICKLE@FRMOP11,
and now TRICKLE@HEARN have started supporting the OS2 directory. You can
access either as these are 'global directories'

There is a large archive also at BLEKUL11. Try sending INDEX OS2
to LISTSERV@BLEKUL11. Regards, -turgut


Date: Wed, 3 Jun 92 09:35:15 CDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Bruce Weise <U59307@UICVM>
Subject: Re: Novell

On Wed, 3 Jun 92 16:30:50 HFE Lalot said:
>Hello OS/2 gurus
> What is possible to do now with a novell LAN under OS/2. I will receive
>OS/2 soon and want to use my Novell Lan. Is there any problem. Is the OS/2
>requester is not ready, can a Dos Box use the Dos ipx?.
> Did somebody experience such solution ?
>Thanks in advance

I assume you are talking about OS/2 2.0 here. There is no Novell
requester for OS/2 2.0 yet, and none is expected until the August/
Septemeber timeframe -- which to me means about October 1. There ARE
Novell beta available, but I haven't found them to be stable enough
to be usable. It is possible to run the DOS Novell Requester in one
of the DOS boxes, but (a) you have to dedicate your token-ring (or
whatever) board to it and (b) you will need to hunt up the program
that allows you to reset the token-ring board (if you use token-ring)
from CompuServe or one of the other support places. Closing the
DOS box will not reset the board and you will be unable to open it


Date: Tue, 9 Jun 92 10:01:22 EDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Turgut Kalfaoglu <TURGUT@FRORS12>
Subject: Keeping in touch with new files at hobbes

I just wanted to say that, if you'd like to get a list of the new files
uploaded to, I advise you to send a:

/SUB <OS2>

command (with the leading slash) in the body of a mail message to:

This server will then send you on regular intervals (at MOST once every two
days) the list of files added. For more info, you can send:


to the same server. It can accept multiple commands in a mail file.

Regards, -turgut


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 92 09:13:11 EDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Turgut Kalfaoglu <TURGUT@FRORS12>
Subject: Experiences in a French computer shop

(This is narration, so if you don't feel like non-technical stuff,
hit 'discard' key now).

(Place: Town of Versailles, France, date: June 19th 1992)

Yesterday I was downtown computer shop, to look up prices for a friend of mine.
Fairly small shop, with 3 guys working, but they sell OS/2. Anyway, I
wanted to learn the price of their new CD-ROM, and I asked if it was supported
by OS/2. The answer was "No" but he was interested, so he asked which
version I was using.
And when he heard that it was 2.0, he asked me "Isn't it too slow?"
I said well, it depends. I have 4 megs on both machines I have 2.0 on,
and it pages a lot, but I prefer it over other operating systems.

He asked/begged if I had some time to help them install it to their
AMI bios 486/33 PC compatibles. They apparently had hell trying to
install it. They were especially lost about these things:
* Editing the CONFIG.SYS during the installation.
* Installing a printer (for some reason, the thing hung after
inserting the printer diskette. We let the machine sit for
5 mins with no disk activity, and rebooted afterwards). So,
no printer was installed, and I had to drag a printer object
from the "templates" to install a printer. That worked.
They were impressed with the drag/drop..

After all was done, it was running fine on their 8MByte 486 machines.
But I noticed that the installation had left IFS=HPFS in the CONFIG.SYS,
although they opted not to reformat the MS-DOS 5 formatted drive.
I told them they could shave .5Mb by removing that line.

They said the IBM telephone support was not too good in providing
them with answers. I feel sorry for them, they have so much learning to do :)
And once they learn, they can push OS/2 to their customers, and
TEACH them how to use it.

One good thing is that they LIKED OS/2 - I assume they meant the
WPS.. Regards, -turgut


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 92 07:35:59 EST
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
Subject: OS/2 2.0 Corrective Fixes

OS/2 Development and/or Change team has made the following fixes available on
the OS2BBS. Unfortunately these cannot be ordered via IBMLink SRD or IBM's
1-800 but can be found on the NSC BBS and probably have been distributed to
other OS/2 bulletin boards:

>>>>>> OS/2 BBS Software Library <<<<<<

Type S to Select one of the following and press ENTER -

Package Title Version Date

1. ICPAUSA - PS/2 Configuration & Pricing program 6.00 06-09-92
2. PS2ASST - IBM PS/2 Assistant 54th 06-02-92
3. LOADDSKF - Restore disk image files to diskette 1.14 05-26-92
4. OS/2 Fix: Printing to network printer PJ03671 05-22-92
5. OS/2 Fix: Noisy or slow hard drive on OEM systems PJ04045 05-22-92
6. OS/2 Fix: Problems with several SVGA cards PJ03677 05-20-92
7. OS/2 Fix: Shrink size of swap file PJ03686 05-20-92
8. OS/2 Fix: C0000005 error w/Western Digital SVGA PJ03721 05-19-92
9. OS/2 2.0 Tips and Techniques 1.2 05-18-92
10. OS/2 Fix: PMTAPE/OS2TAPE problems PJ03661 05-06-92
11. PC Manufacturer OS/2 Compatibility Table --- 04-15-92
12. WHOAMI 1.1 01-31-92

* Lionel B. Dyck | Rockwell TSO: WCC1.$A1238 *
* M/C: 110-SE28 | Rockwell VM: ISCEMS(LBDYCK) *
* Comnet: 797-1125 | IBMLink: ROK2027 *
* Phone: (310) 797-1125 | IBM Mail: USROKNTN *
* Fax: (310) 797-3511 | Internet: LBDyck@osreq48.Rockwell.Com *


Date: Fri, 12 Jun 92 11:21:49 GMT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Turgut Kalfaoglu <TURGUT@FRMOP11>
Subject: InfoWorld Review

Addressed to Letters to the Editor

I think a lot of editors fall into the trap of comparing Windows 3.1
to OS/2 2.0. I seems that comparing a sophisticated shell over DOS
versus a new release of a different operating system is not fair.

I mean, many Unix implementations have a 'MS-DOS compatibility'
feature where they can run (more or less) DOS applications. But you
would not dream of comparing them to MS-DOS 5, would you?

OS/2 is naturally is not the same as DOS - heck it does not even
use the BIOS of most machines it runs on.

Also, the default setup of many applications, such as 'Full-Screen
Windows' in OS/2 is not tweaked for performance (for example, it
allocates EMS and XMS, whereas Windows-for-OS2 (WINOS2) needs DMPI
memory). OS/2 provides many DOS Settings so that each application
takes as many resources as it needs to run, but not any more.

For example, with Idle detection, OS/2 will reduce the CPU requirements
of an application that is doing too many keyboard scans and no useful
work - usually found with DOS word processors, and some other DOS

For Compatibility: Excluding some arcade games which run sluggish,
all applications that I have access to run unmodified under OS/2.

For available software: A CD-ROM of collected shareware archives has
just been published that has more software on it than I ever will
have time to browse thru. Several servers on the network (like
vast amounts of public-domain software for OS/2.

I have OS/2 2.0 running on two machines:
Made in Taiwan Compatible, IBM PS/2 Model 55SX
386/33 386/SX 16 Mhz!

.and I am very satistified with OS/2. Sure, it pages a lot with
4MB of RAM, but this is normal for a system that needs 3MB just
for itself.

I have been using OS/2 for over a year, and I recommend it to
every user with a 386SX or above.

Regards, -turgut kalfaoglu
european academic research network
server programmer


Feed from the Usenet (UUCP/Internet) comp.os.os2.* newsgroups :


From: murthy+@EUPHRATES.EDRC.CMU.EDU (Sesh Murthy)
Subject: Do you wish to help IBM debug >16M problems; read on
Date: 1 Jun 92 21:16:00 GMT
Organization: School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon

I am appending a note from the IBMer who is dealing with the "memory greater
than 16M problem" on some machines.

If you send me mail with your telephone numbers etc., I will forward this
to Paul and he will get in touch with you about fixing this. I do not
read the newsgroups so posting will not help.

In particular Paul would like to hear from the guy who had 256 M on his EISA
Machine and was having problems with OS/2.

Thank you
Sesh Murthy
>Date: 31 May 92, 20:30:21 EDT
>From: Paul Devriendt 443-7513 V$IPAULD at BCRVMPC1
>Ref: Your note of 31 May 1992, 15:42:05 EDT (attached)
Hi Sesh,

I don't have access to the external networks. I do, however, want to
find all of these people that have problems with >16 meg support. If
you could post things for me or get their names/phone numbers for me,
it would be a great help. I have a new level of code that fixes some
of these problems, though I expect that more problems will be found.
The basic code works - it is just that we are having great problems
find memory in all the different machines with all the different BIOS.
If I can get in touch with people with problems, then I can send them
debug code that will help us work out and fix why their particular
machine does not work. In at least one case, this has involved a new
level of BIOS from the manufacturer.

The basic memory finding principle is to use int 15 func 88 and int 15
func c7 to find all the memory BIOS will tell us about. Then, on EISA
machines, we check the slots and motherboard to see if we can find any
more. The 3 problems we have hit so far are :
1. BIOS does not tell us of all the memory in the box
2. BIOS tells us we have memory that does not exist
3. We mess up the processing of the various answers

Then, we have to deal with the question of what to do with that memory.
We can only use it for system memory if we can page fault into it. This
requires DMA from the disk to it. If we can not do this, then it gets
used as a swap file, so the swap file on disk only gets used when the
memory swap file is full.

I am also open to suggestions on how to improve memory detection. This
is a very grey area as it is not architected too well and different BIOS
writers seem to have gone their own way.

Please fell free to post any of the above.



From: (Robert Goodearl)
Subject: 4OS2 Announcement
Organization: The World Public Access UNIX, Brookline, MA
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1992 22:09:17 GMT

>From JP Software, Arlington, MA (USA) May 31, 1992

JP Software Extends License
for 4OS2 Version 0.95 Shareware Pre-Release

JP Software is extending the temporary use license for users of the version
0.95 shareware pre-release of 4OS2, its enhanced command processor for

4OS2 version 0.95 is available through on-line services and bulletin
boards. When the program starts it gives a sign-on message which includes
the sentence "License for use Expires May 31, 1992". Because 4OS2 1.0 is
not yet available, we have extended this temporary license for version 0.95
until version 1.0 is released. (4OS2 version 0.95 will continue to work
properly in all respects after May 31. The cutoff date is a statement of
JP Software's license, not a time limitation built into the program.)

4OS2 version 1.0 is currently in final test and we plan to release it
electronically by June 8 at the latest, and most likely somewhat earlier.
The delay is due to some minor problems in the interface bewteen OS/2 and
4OS2 which cropped up at the last minute. We have fully resolved these
problems but we do not want to release 4OS2 until the final version has
been thoroughly tested by our beta test team.

If you have a copy of 4OS2 version 0.95 you may continue to use it until
version 1.0 is released. At that time your license for use of version 0.95
expires, and you must order 4OS2 if you continue to use it. 4OS2 1.0 will
be available for a 21-day trial period under JP Software's usual shareware

Pending orders for 4OS2 will be shipped as soon as possible after the
electronic release. We expect a delay of about 3 days after the electronic
release to receive printed manuals and duplicated disks, and an additional
7 - 10 days to clear our shipping backlog of all pending 4OS2 orders.

If you wish to order 4OS2, please call our order line at 800-368-8777 (USA
only), call us at 617-646-3975, or fax us at 617-646-0904. If you have a
question about a pending order, contact our Customer Service department at
617-646-3975 or by fax at 617-646-0904. We can also be contacted via
CompuServe (75300,210 or 75300,1215); bix ("jpsoft"), or MCI Mail (470-7811).

I am not connected with JP Software other than as a user.
Bob Goodearl --



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