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OS2 Discussion Forum Volume 9205 Issue 04

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Published in 
OS2 Discussion Forum
 · 5 months ago

From @pucc.Princeton.EDU:OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET Mon May 25 05:58:30 1992 
Received: by; id AA26472; Mon, 25 May 92 05:58:27 -0500
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Mon, 25 May 92 12:56:27 GMT
Date: Mon, 25 May 92 12:45:00 +0200
Reply-To: "Moderated discussion forum on OS/2" <OS2%BLEKUL11.BITNET@pucc.Princeton.EDU>
Sender: "Moderated discussion forum on OS/2" <OS2%BLEKUL11.BITNET@pucc.Princeton.EDU>
From: "Moderator of OS/2 Discussion Forum" <OS2MOD%BLEKUL11.BITNET@pucc.Princeton.EDU>
Subject: OS/2 Discussion Forum 920504
To: Multiple recipients of <OS2%BLEKUL11.BITNET@pucc.Princeton.EDU>
Status: O

OS/2 Discussion Forum Mon, May 25, 1992 Volume 9205 Issue 04

Relevant addresses :

submissions : OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)
subscriptions : LISTSERV@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)
moderator : OS2MOD@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)

Today's topics:
New files on LISTSERVer
Re: acad & OS/2
Archive tape systems
IBM technical support for OS/2 2.0
Question about REXX and DOSCALLS...
Partitions and HPFS
closing DOS Windows
OS/2 and Netware
OS/2 chess program

Feed from the Usenet (UUCP/Internet) comp.os.os2.* newsgroups :

Re: Pournelle is a clown
Re: MS is trying to censor Will Zachmann
Reporting problems to IBM OS/2 support from Internet
re: OS/2 Tips and Techniques
Re: OS/2 2.0 Frequently Asked Questions, Programmer's Edition


Date: Mon, 25 May 92 12:00:00 +0200
From: Moderator of OS/2 Discussion Forum <OS2MOD@BLEKUL11>
Subject: New files on LISTSERVer

This is a list of new or updated OS/2 related files available from the
LISTSERV of the OS/2 Discussion Forum at BLEKUL11.

* Files distributed via comp.os.os2.*

filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
TIPS12 ZIPXXE OS/2 Tips & Techniques
FAQPROG1 ZIPXXE FAQ Programmer's Edition, v0.01

* Files distributed via comp.binaries.os2

filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
CHECKLIM ZIPXXE Checks total RAM available to OS/2 2.0
CPTUT22 PACKAGE Tutorial to C++
EABK101 PACKAGE Backup/restore extended attributes
FSHL125 PACKAGE Extended Command Shell
ORCH1K16 PACKAGE Orchid ProDesigner IIs OS/2 2.0 1024x768x16 Driver
ORCH8H16 PACKAGE Orchid ProDesigner IIs OS/2 2.0 800x600x16 Driver
SHUTDOWN ZIPXXE Shutdown via command line
SLIM110A ZIPXXE Transparent file compressor/expander (DOS TSR !)

Some of the available files come in - what is called - a package. If
you request such package you will automatically receive all necesarry
files. The zipxxe (XXencoded ZIP) files that you will receive must be
concatenated into one large ZIPXXE file by means of the COPY command.
(example : copy x.zipxxe1 + x.zipxxe2 x.zipxxe)

To use this large ZIPXXE file you must first XXdecode (We recommend our
own version of XXdecode which works under OS/2) and UNZIP (We recommend
PKZIP also under OS/2) it.

Note: Use PKUNZIP -d to unzip !!

These files are distributed AS IS, we can not guarantee anything about
their working.

* For a complete list of all OS/2 files available at LISTSERV@BLEKUL11 *
* get the OS2INDEX PACAKGE. *

We still welcome all OS/2 related files for distribution on our LISTSERV.
Send your files to OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET /
we will arrange everything for distribution.


Date: Mon May 18 15:08:27 BST 1992
From: Mike O'Carroll <>
Subject: Re: acad & OS/2

> I posted a question concerning AutoCAD R11 and OS/2 long before I got
> OS/2. Now I have it but acad does not run. This is probably because it
> uses the VCPI, but OS/2 does support only DPMI compliant software.

Well, the README says R 10 will run. But it doesn't. It brings down
the whole system.

Mike O'Carroll, Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering,
The University, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK
E-mail: mike@ee.leeds[]
UUCP: ...uunet!mcsun!uknet!lena!mike


Date: Mon, 18 May 1992 12:48 EDT
Subject: Archive tape systems

I have an Archive tape backup and can't get it to work under OS/2.
My C: drive is HPFS, my D: drive is FAT. I run the software in a
full screen DOS session. It will recognize the tape drive, but won't
give me a directory of what's on the tape, or back up to it. The tape
drive light stays on constantly, and the software reads drive B: (a
1.44 floppy) as well. I can boot with a DOS diskette and backup the
data drive, but I'd like to do the backups from within OS/2. I'd also
like to backup the C: drive too. Can anyone help?

Lee Clarke (lclarke@zodiac)


Date: Mon, 18 MAY 92 21:10:08 GMT
Subject: IBM technical support for OS/2 2.0

*** WARNING - This is a moan about IBM technical support for OS/2 2.0 ***

I bought my copy of OS/2 2.0 at the UK Which Computer show on the release
date of April 9. Shortly after registering my shiny new copy of OS/2 2.0
I was pleasantly surprised to receive a personalised letter from IBM
telling me about the UK help line and bulletin board.

I've experienced a few "internal processing error" messages so I decided
to report them to IBM. My report was noted with a promise of a response
soon. So far, so good.

This morning a polite IBMer called to let me know that since my problem
was "technical", support wasn't available directly from the IBM help
line. I would have to go through my dealer. Even after explaining that
my dealer doesn't know much about OS/2 I was firmly but politely told
that there was no possibility of technical support direct from IBM.

IBM announce proudly that OS/2 2.0 will be available from "anywhere that
sells DOS"
. Do they seriously expect the "box shifters" to provide full
dealer support on a product that IBM are selling for as little as 40
pounds ?

OS/2 2.0 is already very good and will be first class when it's finished,
but if it is to be a success in the PC world, it must be supported like a
PC product. As a minimum I suggest that IBM:

1. establish a "one stop" support centre to provide technical
support for OS/2 available to *all* registered users. If IBM
need a good model, WordPerfect springs to mind as a good example
of how to support a PC product;

2. establish a BBS to support the product - already done in the UK &

3. All support services should be accessible via "800" free or local
call tariff (0345 in the UK) numbers.

I regard item 1 as of crucial importance, item 2 is important but a
relative luxury and only useful to modem owners. I'd sacrifice item 3
for 1 & 2, but it would demonstrate IBM's commitment :-)

If the word gets around that OS/2 2.0 is a fine technical product (it is
IMHO), but that IBM's support is hopeless unless you're a large
Corporate, then OS/2 will be as successful as OS/2 1.x - and deservedly

So come on IBM, come out of the corporate stone age. Look how Borland
and WordPerfect support their products and take a leaf out of their
books. It's a shame that Microsoft get away with providing next to no
support for their products - perhaps IBM have decided that is the way to
domination :-)

Niel Kempson


Date: Wed, 20 May 92 09:37 +0200
Subject: Question about REXX and DOSCALLS...

Is it possible (and when: how ?) to use OS/2 systemfunctions placed in
the imaginary DOSCALLS in REXX ?

My problem is very simple: Adding an external function from a DLL to REXX
via RexFuncAdd is always possible - if of course the function exists.
Even adding of functions placed in DOSCALLS gives me an return-code of 0,
wich surely says, that the registration was ok.

BUT: I didn't find any way to use DOSCALLS-functions, any call to these gives
me a fault - REXX can't find the function.

A cross-check to other (and physically existing) DLL's show me, that the
normal procedure is the right one: A call to WinInitialize from PMWIN.DLL
gets the right thing out: The process crashes of course, I have not
defined any exceptionhandler.

So, when I want to define a handler, I have to use a DOSCALL-function.

Have somebody figured this out or has an answer, so I can figure it out -
please mail me back to my own address - even when the answer is ultimativly

Claus Nagel


Date: Wed, 20 May 1992 10:03 EST
Subject: Partitions and HPFS

A question for those of you already initiated in the ways of OS/2 2.0 . . .

I have a Ps2 model 80, 16mb of memory, 320mb harddrive (FAT) with Os/2 2.0
installed on it. During my researches, I have read in the Information and
Planning Guide that it is desirable to set up the SWAPPER.DAT file in it's own

My questions are:

1. Can I re-partition my drive without losing the data on it or do I
need to back it up, partition, and then format?

2. Should the Swapper Partition be in HPFS format or is FAT alright?

Another related question:

I currently own NO OS/2 applications, all of my programs and files are
DOS. Does it make sense for me to have an HPFS partition for the DOS
programs, or should I leave it as a FAT drive.

My thanks in advance for your help.
Michael A. Ferero


Date: Fri, 22 May 92 02:44:13 CDT
From: "Scott A. Sibert" <>
Subject: Aldus

To those OS/2'ers who demand excellence:

I called Aldus May 15 and talked to David Cohen. He said that right now
Aldus has no plans to write a 2.0 compat ver of PageMaker (Pgmkr). I
spent about 15 minutes long distance with them. I complained loudly and
told them that when I find a 2.0 compat ver of a DTP I will buy it. I
told them that I owned Pgmkr 4.0 for Win and would really rather the
2.0 compat ver be PageMaker.

I made sure that my displeasure would be made known to those in power
and he assured me it would.

I asked him if IBM would help fund work if they would write it and he
said he did not know that. He said he did not hear that kind of
information. (I had heard that IBM had helped in their development
of PageMaker for 1.3.)

I also asked if they were going to do any kind of upgrade of Pgmkr for
PM, either to 4.0 ver or to a GA compat and he said they were not going
to do anything for OS/2. Also they have no educational price for the
OS/2 (Pgmkr 3.0) version like they do for the Mac and Windows. I
complained about that.

Mr. Cohen said that the 1000 registered users of Pgmkr for 1.3 was not
large enough to warrant work for GA compat. He said he gets maybe 4
calls a week asking about a 2.0 compat ver. If they started getting
"30 calls a week" they would certainly look into it.

I also said that I'd heard that the 1.3 compat ver was one of the best
jobs of threading design around and that I'd bet the 2.0 compat ver
would really fly. He said it would. Oh, well, Maybe they'll see the
light. Sometimes business bureaucracy really ticks me off.

It seems that if the 1000 people upgraded at $100 (I have no idea what
an upgrade price would be) that would produce $100,000. Also if 1000
more people bought it at $500 (since there is no educational price
as yet) it would make $500,000. If production cost half of that they
would still make a quarter of a million dollars.

It is not acceptable to run PageMaker 4.0 for Windows in a Win-OS2
session. Aldus needs to write real OS/2 2.0 code to retain its
leadership in the DTP market.

Scott A. Sibert
Jacksonville State University
Jacksonville, Alabama USA


Date: Fri, 22 May 92 08:49:03 CDT
From: Kevin Scantlan <C8498@UMVMA>
Subject: closing DOS Windows

Has anyone else had trouble closing down DOS Windows? It doesn't
happen all the time, only on occasion. When this happens I am unable
to do a proper shutdown. And when I cannot do a proper shutdown, it
can mess up the hard disk (HPFS).

Any suggestions or is this a bug?

*** COLUMBIA, MO ***


Date: Fri, 22 May 92 12:00:30 PDT
From: birwin <>
Subject: OS/2 and Netware

We are running OS/2 2.0 from a PS/2 Model 90, that is
linked to a Novell server running 3.11 via the Netware
Requester release 6.307 Beta.
My problem arises when I attempt to activate any kind of
environmental variables within OS/2. I am trying to pass a
value from Netware, ( Specifically the user's login name ),
to an OS/2 program that will direct the output to a specific
sub-directory, ( Named the same as the user's login name ).

Please contact me directly,
(206) 667-4842

Brent Irwin
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Ctr.
Seattle, WA


Subject: OS/2 chess program
Date: Mon, 25 May 92 01:12:15 -0400

The OS/2 chess program stalemate algorithm doesn't work.


Feed from the Usenet (UUCP/Internet) comp.os.os2.* newsgroups :


From: (Jeff Stieglitz)
Subject: Re: Pournelle is a clown
Organization: University of California, Irvine
Date: 21 May 92 05:41:15 GMT

In my real life, I work for Toyota, and we are a big IBM customer throughout
the world. I have my hands in most of Toyota's PC projects.

Because of this, I was invited to an "executive briefing" in Boca
Raton, Florida, all expenses paid by IBM.

Anyhow, one of the presenters was David Barns, an OS/2 marketing guy, who
said he had recently send a fully configured machine to Pournelle for

In the question-and-answer section, he told be he recommended that the
people responsible for the actual manufacturing of OS/2 be fired. He
said "I don't beleive it when the dupe people tell me we can't get disks.
We should at least have *some* pull with vendors.

He listened very intently to my criticism of OS/2 marketing.

Anyhow, the comments on Pournelle were interesting, but Byte has a
tremendous lead. The May (June?) issue features a review of the L.A.
version, which was available in December.

Oh yes, IBM also told me that seamless XGA windows 3.1 support would be
in a CSD-type upgrade available in August.

I swear, they didn't make me sign a non-disclosure....



From: (Bert Moshier)
Subject: Re: MS is trying to censor Will Zachmann
Date: 21 May 92 00:12:24 GMT
Organization: Cray Research, Inc.

In article <> (Brooke Paul Anderson) writes:
>In article <ks7PkB1w164w@knex.Gwinnett.COM>
>gess@knex.Gwinnett.COM (Gess Shankar) writes:
>> (Alan Ballard) writes:
>>> In <> (Crimson Avenger) writes:
>>> >Is there any proof other than a rumor that someone is pressuring
>>> >William Zachmann about his views on OS/2.
>>> Both Zachmann and Joel Dreyfuss (the editor of PC Mag) have responded
>>> to this rumour on Compuserve. The gist of the replies is that
>>> Ziff-Davis supports the editorial independence of its writers and that
>>> Zachmann feels he will be able to continue to write his opinions
>>> without interference.
>>Action will speak more than the words of denial. If Zachmann changes his
>>tone towards his past OS/2 advocacy and starts writing columns less
>>forceful and/or more conciliatory towards Windows, readers can draw their
>>own conclusions.
>>No one is going to publicly admit to such pressure being brought upon them
>>(even if they resisted such alleged pressure) to change their editorial
>>So why not wait and see the contents of Zachmann pieces, changes of
>>direction if any and his own reasonings for such a change of heart.
>>Gess Shankar |<><>|Internet: gess@knex.Gwinnett.COM |<><>|
>>Knowledge Exchange|<><>|{rutgers,ogicse,gatech}!emory!gwinnett!knex!gess|<><>|
>I read a recent article by Zachmann in PC WEEK (it was the issue for
>the first or second week in May). In that article, he said that he had
>misgivings about OS/2, that OS/2 had problems, that he had not even
>tried installing it on the machine he works on, that he would be
>sticking with Windows 3.1 on that machine -- in short, he disparages
>OS/2. I couldn't believe it. At any rate, I don't think you have to
>wait -- the change in direction happened already.

Actually, IBM should be using this article as an opportunity!! They should
send someone to Will (IMMEDIATELY) and help him convert his machine to OS/2!!

Once converted, he'd have to write about it!! Positive press, especially
if the conversion goes quickly and easily! He could say - Guess there was
nothing to fear but fear itself! If it does not go well, then he can talk
about IBM's great support organization and how he likes OS/2 on his machine.

Bert Moshier



From: (Bert Moshier)
Subject: Reporting problems to IBM OS/2 support from Internet
Organization: Cray Research, inc
Date: 20 May 92 19:56:26 CDT

I have been noticing many people reporting problems on comp.os.os2.misc.
In the OS/2 SE, ES and LS shrink wrap packages, IBM says there are three
methods by which U.S. individuals can officially report problems to IBM.

- OS/2 BBS - a new BBS just starting. It has connect time charges.
- 800-237-5511
- Compuserve email.

There are threee methods to obtain OS/2 2.0 help (beyond reporting problems):

- OS/2 BBS - a new BBS just starting. It has connect time charges.
- 800-772-2227 (HelpWare)
- Compuserve IBMOS2 and OS2DEV forums

Since Internet/Usenet end-users can send mail to Compuserve users, it is
possible for you to also submit OS/2 problem reports. I did not ask IBM
if this is allowed but:

- I don't see a rule against it
- There is a new IBM
- In any case the problem reporter is an OS/2 2.0 end-user and IBM does
want to support them.

Attached is an OS/2 problem report form you can use to report OS/2 2.0
SE, ES and LS problems.

When you are ready to send this OS/2 Problem Report, send the form to:

Base problems -
ES/LS problems -

------ Submit an OS/2 Problem Report ------


Please enter the following information about the OS/2 problem.

Contact Person..: __________________________________

Telephone during 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM: _______________

One Line Description of the OS/2 Problem:

Enter "
Y" or "N" for each of the areas causing/affected by the problem:

OS/2 System: __ Installation: __ Printer: __ Communications: __

Application: __ Programming: __ Database: __ LAN: __ Trap: __

Please enter the following information about the OS/2 ENVIRONMENT.

Hardware: Software:

Vendor: ________________________ OS/2 Version: ____ CSD Level: _____
Model : ________________________ ES Installed:(Y/N) CSD Level: _____
Total Ram: ___MB LS Installed:(Y/N) CSD Level: _____
Display Type: __________________ HPFS or FAT File System: __________
System Disk Size: _____MB Application: ______________________
LAN Type: ______________________ Application Vendor: _______________
Communication Adapter(s):
_______________________________ Application Type:
_______________________________ DOS......................:(Y/N)____
Other Adapters or Boards: DOS Windows..............:(Y/N)____
_______________________________ OS/2 Windows.............:(Y/N)____
_______________________________ OS/2 Full Screen.........:(Y/N)____
_______________________________ OS/2 Presentation Manager:(Y/N)____

Please enter the following information about the ERROR that occurs.

Enter "
Y" or "N" for each of the error occurances that apply:

Predictably: __ Randomly Often: __ In Result: __ Error is

Constantly: __ Randomly Seldom: __ In Data: __ Recreatable: __

Can this error be duplicated on more than one system?: (Y/N) __

Did this function work correctly in a previous version or CSD level?: (Y/N)__

Enter any error messages that occur:

If a TRAP occurs and results in the 16 bit trap display (similar to
the following ), enter any of the trap values that you recorded:

SESSION TITLE: _______________________________________________________
TRAP _____
AX= _____ BX= _____ CX= _____ DX= _____ BP= _____
SI= _____ DI= _____ DS= _____ ES= _____ FLG= _____
CS= _____ IP= _____ SS= _____ SP= _____ MSW= _____
CSLIM= _____ SSLIM= ____ DSLIM= ____ ESLIM= _____
CSACC= ___ SSACC= ___ DSACC= ___ ESACC= ___
ERRCD= _____ ERLIM= _____ ERACC= ___

If a TRAP occurs and results in the 32 bit trap display (similar to
the following), enter any of the trap values that you recorded:

TRAP _____ ERRCD= _____ ERACC= _____ ERLIM= _____
EAX= _________ EBX= _________ ECX= _________ EDX= _________
ESI= _________ EDI= _________ EBP= _________ FLG= _________
CS:EIP= _____: _________ CSACC= _____ CSLIM= _________
SS:EIP= _____: _________ SSACC= _____ SSLIM= _________
DS= _____ DSACC= _____ DSLIM= _________ CR0= _________
ES= _____ ESACC= _____ ESLIM= _________ CR2= _________
FS= _____ FSACC= _____ FSLIM= _________
GS= _____ GSACC= _____ GSLIM= _________

ERROR AT LOCATION ## _____: _________- _____: _____

If this is a PRINTER problem, please enter the printer and printer ouptut

Printer Vendor: __________________ Print From: Local: (Y/N)___
Model : __________________ Network: (Y/N)___
Driver Name: __________________ Host: (Y/N)___
Port(s) Used: __________________ Printer
__________________ Attached to: Local: (Y/N)___
__________________ LAN Server: (Y/N)___
LAN Requestor: (Y/N)___
Print Data Description: Host: (Y/N)___

If this is a COMMUNICATIONS problem, please enter the information on
Host Communications used.

Enter "
I" for each type of communications installed, "P" for the problem:

3270 DFT: __ 3270 SDLC: __ 3270 Etherand: __ 3270 Token Ring: __

3270 X.25: __ 3270 PC-Net: __ 3270 Gateway: __ 5250 Workstation: __

SNA APPC: __ APPN N/2: __ SRPI: __ EHLLAPI: __ Asynchronous: __

Host Print Control: __ 5250 WSF, PC Support Feature: __

OS/2 1.3 EE Communications Manager: __ ES/2 Communications Manager: __

Number of Ports: ___ Modem Vendor: _____________ Modem Speed: __________

If this is a LOCAL AREA NETWORK problem, please enter the information about
the LAN involved.

LAN Server: LAN Type: _____________________
OS/2 2.0: (Y/N) CSD Level: ________
OS/2 1.3: (Y/N) CSD Level: ________ LAN Adapter, onboard Memory:
Novell: (Y/N) NSD Level: ________ _________________________ ___MB

LAN Requestor:
OS/2 2.0: (Y/N) CSD Level: ________ Dos LAN Requestor:
OS/2 1.3: (Y/N) CSD Level: ________ Version: ____
Novell: (Y/N) NSD Level: ________ CSD Level: ________

Other: NOVELL Netware Only:
Print Server.................: (Y/N) "
Blue Box" Number: _____________
Domain Controller............: (Y/N) LAN Driver: ___________________
Additional Server............: (Y/N) Driver Date: __________________

If this is an OS/2 DATABASE MANAGER problem, Please enter the information
about DataBase Manager problem.

Error occurs when database Primary Error Code: __________________
is being accessed as: Secondary Error Code: ________________

Stand Alone.........:(Y/N) Drive DataBase Manager is on: __
Database Server.....:(Y/N) Drive actual database is on: __
Using RDS...........:(Y/N)
Using LAN...........:(Y/N) Is the database drive LAN redirected? (Y/N): __

Error occurs in which module(s)?: SQL logic in application is:

Query Manager............: __ Static SQL..................: (Y/N)
DataBase Manager.........: __ Dynamic SQL.................: (Y/N)
Application..............: __ Both Static and Dynamic SQL.: (Y/N)

Do you want to be contacted by phone about this problem? (Y/N): __

Please enter the detailed information about the OS/2 problem.

Problem Description:


When you are ready to send this OS/2 Problem Report, send the form via
CISMAIL to ---

Base problems - Base Support,
ES/LS problems - ES/LS Support,


From: (OS/2 Technical Support)
Date: Tue, 19 May 92 13:14:30 EDT
Subject: re: OS/2 Tips and Techniques

I have just posted the latest version of the OS/2 Tips and Techniques.

If you have any tips, techniques or other information you think
would be useful to add to the document, please send them to for consideration.

Thank you,
OS/2 Technical Support


From: (Tim Francis)
Subject: Re: OS/2 2.0 Frequently Asked Questions, Programmer's Edition
Date: 21 May 92 14:07:22 GMT
Organization: IBM Canada Lab, WorkFrame/2 development

In article <>, (Barr3y Jaspan) writes:
>(1) What programming languages come with OS/2 2.0?
>The original BASIC and BASICA (for systems with BASIC in ROM), DOS's
>QBASIC, and OS/2's REXX come with OS/2 2.0. See question #4 for
>information on REXX.

You mean question 7.

>(2) What C/C++ development environments are available?

IBM Workset/2: C Set/2, PM Debugger, Workframe/2, Toolkit, $295(*)
(*) Price is currently only for the US, until September 15, and
only via the 1-800-3-IBM-OS2 number.

>(4) Which of these compilers can be used to generate PM apps?

C Set/2 can generate PM apps. Included in Workset/2 are many sample
programs, and the complete on-line reference.

>(6) What programming toolkits/accessories are available for OS/2?

The programmers toolkit (including many tools) and WorkFrame (an open
development environment) are included in Workset/2.

>(8) Where can I get information on OS/2 APIs and programming?

A complete on-line reference is included in the IBM Toolkit (which is
included in Workset/2).

>(9) Where can I get sample code?

There is a lot of sample code included in the IBM Toolkit, and 4 sample
programs (with source) ship with C Set/2 (included in Workset/2).

>(14) What debuggers are available for OS/2?

A PM based debugger (capable of debugging 16 bit and 32 bit OS/2 code)
ships with C Set/2 (included with Workset/2).



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