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OS2 Discussion Forum Volume 9205 Issue 03

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OS2 Discussion Forum
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OS/2 Discussion Forum Mon, May 18, 1992 Volume 9205 Issue 03

Relevant addresses :

submissions : OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)
subscriptions : LISTSERV@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)
moderator : OS2MOD@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)

Today's topics:
New files on LISTSERVer
C Developers Workbench/2
Quicken for OS/2
PackRat for OS/2
OS/2 2.0 Memory Usage (2nd edition)
IBM OS/2 2.0 BBS in England

Feed from the Listearn OS2-L OS/2 Non-Editored Discussion List :

OS/2 and Modems (Again)
High Speed COM Operation

Feed from the Usenet (UUCP/Internet) comp.os.os2.* newsgroups :

Re: Larry Salomon signs off...
IBM C Dev. Workset/2 Discount Prom.
Re: IBM C Dev. Workset/2 Discount Prom.
Re: Dvorak on Computers
Re: John Dvorak's OS/2 Prophecy


Date: Mon, 04 May 92 12:00:00 +0200
From: Moderator of OS/2 Discussion Forum <OS2MOD@BLEKUL11>
Subject: New files on LISTSERVer

This is a list of new or updated OS/2 related files available from the
LISTSERV of the OS/2 Discussion Forum at BLEKUL11.

* Files distributed via comp.binaries.os2

filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
IBMPRINT PACKAGE IBM Print Drivers not included in 2.0
IGUIDE PACKAGE OS/2 Information and Planning guide (G326-0160-00)
MAKBTDSK ZIPXXE Creates bootable OS/2 floppy
NIKON2 PACKAGE PM Screen capture for OS/2 2.0
OS2V2OEM ZIPXXE FIX for install problems on OEM machines
PMAC10 ZIPXXE PMcomm REXX macros
PRESENT PACKAGE PM Slide show generator
REXXCOBJ ZIPXXE REXX sample to program WPS
SPRING ZIPXXE PM illustration program for 'Damped Oscillations'
WPSBK2 PACKAGE Workplace Shell Backup Utility
X00V149A ZIPXXE Quick Fix for OS/2 2.0 DOS FOSSIL Operations
XSCHEME2 PACKAGE Scheme programming language 2.0

Some of the available files come in - what is called - a package. If
you request such package you will automatically receive all necesarry
files. The zipxxe (XXencoded ZIP) files that you will receive must be
concatenated into one large ZIPXXE file by means of the COPY command.
(example : copy x.zipxxe1 + x.zipxxe2 x.zipxxe)

To use this large ZIPXXE file you must first XXdecode (We recommend our
own version of XXdecode which works under OS/2) and UNZIP (We recommend
PKZIP also under OS/2) it.

Note: Use PKUNZIP -d to unzip !!

These files are distributed AS IS, we can not guarantee anything about
their working.

* For a complete list of all OS/2 files available at LISTSERV@BLEKUL11 *
* get the OS2INDEX PACAKGE. *

We still welcome all OS/2 related files for distribution on our LISTSERV.
Send your files to OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET /
we will arrange everything for distribution.


Subject: C Developers Workbench/2
Date: Thu, May 14, 1992 12:00:00

I recently attended the OS/2 2.0 International Tools Conference
in San Francisco. There IBM announced that the C Developers
Workbench/2 would go on sale for $295 starting May 19. Now a notice
on the IBMOS2 forum on Compuserve indicates that price only applies
to those who purchased the $2600 Microsoft SDK. If IBM expects
OS/2 to catch on, they will have to stop alienating the little guys!

-- Jimmy Dean


From: (Michael K. Wolf)
Subject: Swapper.dat
Date: Thu, 14 May 92 9:42:10 PDT

With previous EEP versions of OS/2 2.0, the swapper.dat file would
dynamically shrink in size once applications were closed. I've
noticed on my extremely over-stressed, memory restricted system
(only 6 Mbytes), that the swapper.dat file can only grow - it
never shrinks! Is this unique to my system, just like the other
problem I have with OS/2 eating the partition space on the swapper
drive? I hope note.

Michael Wolf / (206) 667-2768
Southwest Oncology Group Statistical Center
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Washington, USA


Date: Fri, 15 May 92 11:11:16 -0700
From: hodges@ampere.EE.UCLA.EDU (
Subject: Quicken for OS/2

Any folks out there who have seen or used Quicken know that this is a
very nice package for personal finances. Intuit, the company that sells
Quicken, is currently considering development of a version for OS/2.
They are taking names in order to judge demand.

If you have, or feel you may potentially have, an interest in Quicken
for OS/2 please send a letter to Intuit requesting support:

Attn: Software Engineering
66 Willow Pl.
Menlo Park, CA 94025

Please be sure to mention that you are interested in support for the
Workplace Shell (WPS) ease of use features and 32-bit performance. This
will help to avoid the (potential) problem of being stuck with a Windows
port using Mirrors or something equivalent.


Date: Fri, 15 May 92 11:21:34 -0700
From: (hodges)
Subject: PackRat for OS/2

Polaris software has had an OS/2 version of PackRat for several years
that many people have reported to be an excellent PIM (Personal Information
Manager) program.

Currently they are telling customers that (1) they are no longer selling the
genuine OS/2 version, and (2) If you have the OS/2 version and want an
upgrade they they want to sell you the Windows version.

The reason they give for this is that there is NOT sufficient demand for
maintaining and upgrading the OS/2 version of PackRat.

I believe that if enough people write and/or call, then we could see Polaris
change their position and continue support for OS/2. Bear in mind that they
did their OS/2 version as a genuine native OS/2 app, so it would not be
a long lead time item for this to be upgraded to a 32-bit WPS app.

YOU CAN HELP! Please write and/or call Polaris software and request OS/2
support. Let them know that a Windows version is not acceptable!

PackRat for OS/2

Polaris Software
17150 Via Del Campo
Suite 307
San Diego, CA 92127


Please consider taking a few minutes to write to Polaris. This is an important
utility for OS/2 and one that could potentially make excellent use of the
advanced Workplace Shell features.


Date: Sat, 16 MAY 92 16:21:20 GMT
Subject: OS/2 2.0 Memory Usage (2nd edition)

I asked a previous question about OS/2 memory usage - thanks to Robert Cook
<> for enlightening me about DosMemAvail()
under OS/2 2.0.

The original question was raised because I thought that OS/2 was "stealing"
my memory as the session went on. I have a repeatable experiment that
confirms the behaviour that I have observed. I can take the following

1. Power up machine: 33 MHz 486DX, 16 MB RAM, 210 MB IDE disk,
OS/2 2.0 (internal revision 6.307, 92/03/01),
210 MB FAT partition, 16 MB free

2. Open a DOS session that requests 4 MB EMS and 4 MB XMS and confirm
with the MEM command that it is available. Close the DOS session.

3. Reduce the free disk space to 2 MB or less.

4. Open the same DOS session as in step 2. In my case no EMS and
only 400 kB XMS is available.

NOTE: at this stage the CTRL-ESC Window list confirms that only the
OS/2 Desktop and the DOS session are running.

By freeing up the disk space, the XMS "returns" to the DOS
session, though not the EMS. Stopping and restarting the
session returns the EMS and XMS.

I have some questions after step 4:

a. Why can't the DOS session access the EMS/XMS that it requires ---
the machine does have 16 MB RAM after all.

c. If I load several OS/2 sessions (e.g. OS/2 window, FractInt, Microsoft
C v6), the DOS session *will* receive its memory if restarted.

b. If I reboot the machine (still with 2 MB free disk space), the memory
"reappears". It's almost as if OS/2 checks the free RAM and disk
space at boot time and decides how virtual memory for a process will
be shared between RAM and disk and doesn't change it again.

Can anyone throw some light on this for me please? I'm confused :-)

Niel Kempson


Date: Sun, 17 MAY 92 22:24:21 GMT
Subject: IBM OS/2 2.0 BBS in England

Apologies to all of you in the US & Canada but you can imagine how frustrated
we are when we see all of those 1-800 numbers being quoted :-)

IBM have established a BBS in Basingstoke, England. The telephone number

0256 336655 (UK)
+44-256 336655 (International)

The BBS supports V22/V22bis/V32 and MNP5. It is apparently a mirror of the
US BBS though I expect that it lags behind a little. Still, a step forward
for UK support :-))

Niel Kempson


Feed from the Listearn OS2-L OS/2 Non-Editored Discussion List :


Date: Thu, 14 May 92 08:17:59 CST
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Todd J Cottle <GE0827@SIUCVMB>
Subject: OS/2 and Modems (Again)

With the help of IBM's Technical Support Dept I have finally gotten os/2
to recgonize my modem. Here was the problem:
OS/2 would not recgonize COM3: because it shared an interrupt with COM1:

IBM finally faxed me the solution and here is the info:

"How to make COM3 or COM4 work on an ISA machine"

Place the following in the user's CONFIG.SYS
DEVICE=X:\OS2\COM.SYS (n,aaaa,i) (n,aaaa,i)
where X = the drive where OS/2 is installed
n = the Com port that you attempting to access
aaaa = communication port I/O address
i = IRQ level

On the first call, the person I talked to didn't know the difference
between a "(" and a "" and told me that n should be "COM3". Once I received
a copy of the docs, the problem was soon solved. Now if only Video 7
would release new drivers......<g>


Date: Thu, 14 May 92 15:59:31 EDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Turgut Kalfaoglu <TURGUT@FRORS12>
Subject: RE: OS/2 API

On Thu, 14 May 92 20:50:00 U BZ700474@NTIVAX had said:
>If MSC6 doesn't do 32bit app, what does? I am actually waiting for Borland's
>promise of a compiler for OS/2, in the meantime, settling for MSC6.

Did you try IBM C/SET 2 compiler? It comes with a WorkBench interface,
which 'runs' the show, a bit like using QuickC or QuickBASIC, but
better :) The compiler creates 16 or 32 bit apps, so you can stay
compatible with OS/2 1.x if you wanted to. It's a fast compiler,
and has a very nice debugger too..

>I just returned from a trip to the local computer book store, with a
>'OS/2 Programmer's Guide' from McGraw Hill. The OS/2 API is in there but the
>book is for OS/2 1.0/1.1. What new stuff are there in 2.0? Is there an updated
>version of the above book or its equivalent?

OS/2 2.0 supports the same API for almost all functions, but adds new ones
on top of it. The list of changes is quite long, especially, everything
that did memory in segments are gone - NO MORE SEGMENTS under 2.0, thank
god! (thank IBM?)

>*Note* A whole shelf of books on Windoze 3.1 and (count em) 2 books on OS/2,
>ver 1.x ! I bought one, with one left ;-(

Give them some time - it just came out. I read Data Communications magazine,
and there, it's the opposite. Almost every article has something about
OS/2, but very little on windows.. -turgut


Date: Thu, 14 May 92 09:28:32 CDT
Reply-To: "IBM OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Charlie Turner <CHARLIE@UMVMA>
Subject: High Speed COM Operation

On Thu, 14 May 92 00:00:00 CDT Brooks Grainger said:
>I have a v.32 modem and I am trying to do some downloading in the
>background with OS/2. The program that I run is called COMMO. I use Z
>modem as an external protocall. I have the modem locked at 19.2k baud.
>When the sessoion is in the fore ground there is no problem I can get
>through put of 1100cps. When I swap the process in the background things
>go flakey. I am lucky to get 240cps. I have the COM_HOLD or what ever
>that is to ON so that I do not lose the com port, but other than that I do
>not know what to do.

Based upon what I've read in the Fidonet OS2 and OS2BBS conferences,
you might experiment with idle_sensitivity in the DOS settings for
that communications window. I've also read a suggestion to lengthen
the OS/2 timeslice vlaue, but I haven't tried this.

If you have a buffered UART in your COM port (16550a UART chip) then
the MODE command is needed to enable the buffering. I don't think
the DOS comm program sees the COM port as buffered (ie. the VCOM.sys
driver presents only a virtual 16450 UART) but the driver that
actually operates the COM port (COM.sys I think) is able to enable
and use the UART buffering if it exists.

If you don't have a buffered UART probably you should get one. Even
under DOS multi-tasking (DesqView, DoubleDOS, Win3) there can be
interrupt service latency that causes COM input overrun errors. OS/2
is no different in this respect.


Feed from the Usenet (UUCP/Internet) comp.os.os2.* newsgroups :


Subject: Re: Larry Salomon signs off...
Date: 14 May 92 00:33:07 GMT
Organization: Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

In response to the news from Larry Margolis that Larry Salomon has been denied
network access:

> Due to circumstances that he will not discuss, Larry Salomon (Q) has had
> his Internet access revoked until further notice. Thus, he will not be
> able to send or receive mail, nor post here, until this is restored to
> him. He sends his regrets for getting into a situation that compromised
> his ability to remain in contact with each of you, but "that's life" (as
> he put it).
> Larry Margolis, MARGOLI@YKTVMV (Bitnet), (Internet)

<FLAME ON> I am angry about this news. I realize I could be mistaken but I
fear this is IBM censoring one of their most outspoken advocates of OS/2.
I just returned from one of the most bland presentations I've ever seen...and
I've seen many in 25 years. It was Team OS/2. If OS/2 succeeds it will be
because of the voices of the people who know it and use it, and in spite of
IBM marketing. Larry Salomon knows OS/2 and is vocal. Let us hear from him,
not just the bland folks with sanitized comments. <FLAME OFF>

Any IBMer who dares to post this on the internal forum certainly has my

Cathie Burke Dager 415-926-2904
---> the opinions expressed are mine alone and certainly not those of SLAC,
Stanford University or the DOE
---> REXX Symposium Founder (May, 1992: 91 attendees from 9 countries)


Subject: IBM C Dev. Workset/2 Discount Prom.
Organization: CARD
Date: Tue, 12 May 1992 19:23:33 GMT

This was on IBMLink today.

NUMBER 392-111
DATE 920512
TYPE Marketing
ABSTRACT For a limited time only, all customers can acquire
IBM C Developer's WorkSet/2 for a one-time charge (OTC) of only $295
-- a $600 savings off the normal $895 OTC.
In addition, eligible customers can acquire either or both of
the following programs at substantial savings.
Normal Promotion
Program Name OTC Price Savings
OS/2 (R) Version 2.0 $299 $239 $ 60
Technical Library
CUA (TM) Controls Library/2 595 357 238
To be eligible for these two programs, customers must have
acquired at least one of the following before May 12, 1992:
o IBM OS/2 Programming Tools and Information Version 1.2 or 1.3.
o IBM C/2 (TM) Version 1.1.
o Microsoft (1) SDK for OS/2 Version 1.2.
Orders must be placed on or before September 5, 1992, by
calling (800) 342-6672.
All customer types are eligible for participation in this
IBM reserves the right to modify or withdraw this promotion at
any time.
(R) Registered trademark of International Business Machines
(TM) Trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
(1) Registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
This promotion is open to anyone wishing to develop 32-bit
applications that take advantage of OS/2 Version 2.0's rich new
functions, such as preemptive multitasking, use of multiple threads,
flat memory model, and OS/2 Workplace Shell (TM).
The following programs are a part of this promotion:
o IBM C Developer's WorkSet/2 (3.5-inch) (10G2995)
o IBM C Developer's WorkSet/2 (5.25-inch) (10G3363)
o IBM OS/2 Version 2.0 Technical Library (10G3356)
o IBM SAA (TM) Common User Access (TM) Controls Library/2
Version 1.0 (20G0400)
Customers who acquired the OS/2 Programming Tools and
Information Version 1.2 or 1.3, C/2 Version 1.1, or Microsoft SDK for
OS/2 Version 1.2 should send a copy of their receipt, invoice or
proof of license to an address provided by the telemarketer to
qualify for the discounted prices for the Technical Library and/or
the CCL/2.
The IBM C Developer's WorkSet/2 includes the following
programs (one license each):
o IBM Developer's Toolkit for OS/2 (3.5-inch or 5.25-inch)
o IBM WorkFrame/2 Version 1.0 (3.5-inch or 5.25-inch)
o IBM C Set/2 Version 1.0 (3.5-inch or 5.25-inch).
For additional program information, refer to the following
Programming Announcements:
o 292-114, dated March 3, 1992 -- IBM SAA Common User Access
Controls Library/2 Version 1.0.
o 291-625, dated October 22, 1991 -- IBM OS/2 Version 2.0 Tools for
Application Development.
o 292-201, dated March 31, 1992 -- OS/2 Version 2.0, Extended
Services, DDCS/2, LAN Server 2.0, OS/2 Version 2.0 Tools
Customers who acquire the IBM C Developer's Workset/2 will
also receive a one-year subscription to OS/2 Developer's Magazine at
no additional charge. This promotion cannot be combined with any
other discount or allowance. Customers with a volume or special bid
commitment can take advantage of this promotion or their
volume/special bid discount. Programs acquired under this promotion,
however, will count toward their commitment.
(TM) Trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.

Sorry if this screws up your news reader :->
Mike Long
Iowa State University


From: francis@VNET.IBM.COM ("Tim Francis")
Subject: Re: IBM C Dev. Workset/2 Discount Prom.
Date: 13 May 92 14:34:04 GMT
Organization: IBM Canada Lab

> Ok, so how does one get a copy of the C/2 Tool Set?

>From the announcement,
"Customers must place their orders directly by calling (800) 342-6672
from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Eastern time. Payment is by approved credit
card only. Orders will be accepted effective May 19, 1992, with
shipment expected to begin on June 5, 1992, or as soon as supplies are
available. Orders must be placed on or before September 5."



From: (Lawrence Domingo)
Subject: Re: Dvorak on Computers
Organization: University of Engineering, College of Engineering
Date: Sun, 17 May 1992 20:31:37 GMT

I was listening to the same radio show that Dvorak co-hosts and I was
impressed by the same thing you were: Dvorak is pushing OS/2 2.0 almost
to a religious fervor. To quote Dvorak: "I threw DOS away."

This is a surprise considering that not more than two months ago Dvorak
had a column in either PC Magazine or PC Comuting going on about how OS/2
was doomed to failure, partly because he said IBM is unable to market a
computer product successfully (I can't argue with that).

But this same man was raving about OS/2 and telling everybody to get it
and put it on their machine. He also mentioned that OS/2 2.0 has already
sold about 2 million copies (compared to, he said, about 200,000 copies of
OS/2 1.x).

He even went so far as to say that if any single man can make OS/2 2.0
successful by spreading the word, it was him. That statement alone made
it sound like Dvorak is on a personal crusade to make OS/2 2.0 the
sole successor to MS-DOS. This is good. Dvorak is a highly popular
columnist, who does columns for the full suite of Ziff-Davis mags:
PC Magazine, PC Computing, Computer Shopper, and MacUser. He is probably
the most highly regarded of all computer columnists, and is listened to
mostly by computer types who couldn't appreciate the technical superiority
of OS/2 2.0 (and who wouldn't care, for that matter) but are instead the
types who just want to run stuff on their computer whether it be Windows
or whatever. That's the type of computer people that will be hardest to
convert to OS/2 2.0, and Dvorak can sway them.

Dvorak also states, while pushing OS/2 2.0, that you need a good sized
system to run OS/2 2.0. He said "sell your 16MHz 386s and 286's before
you try OS/2"
(not an exact quote). Glad to see that's he's practicing
safe computing. :)

ldoming @


From: (Paul Close)
Subject: Re: John Dvorak's OS/2 Prophecy
Date: 13 May 92 00:53:11 GMT
Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA (Bert Moshier) writes:
>IMHO, the killer application idea won't cut it in the 1990s.
>What OS/2 provides is a killer way of doing existing applications. Instead
>of doing them character based or verb/object or other old ideas - OS/2 2.0
>provides a killer interface!

The WPS gets my vote for killer app of the 90s! I literally bought OS/2 for
the WPS. A 32 bit, linearly address, multitasking OS was just a bonus :-)

Actually, this is just paraphrasing Bert's comments above. The WPS is a
killer way of managing existing applications. These days, there are plenty
of killer apps. So many you can pick and choose freely. What wins in the
90s is a killer integration platform. That's OS/2. Gosh, I love preaching
to the choir!
Paul Close ...!{ames, decwrl, uunet}!sgi!pdc

"I came to Casablanca for the waters...."
-- 'Rick', Casablanca, 1942 (50th anniversary!)



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