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OS2 Discussion Forum Volume 9204 Issue 01

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OS2 Discussion Forum
 · 12 Jul 2024

OS/2 Discussion Forum Mon, April 06, 1992 Volume 9204 Issue 01

Relevant addresses :

submissions : OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)
subscriptions : LISTSERV@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)
moderator : OS2MOD@BLEKUL11.BITNET (bitnet) (domain)

Today's topics:

New files on LISTSERVer
IBM begins Shipping OS/2 Version 2.0
OS2 support of tape backup systems
Info-ZIP UnZip 4.2 sources sent
os2 version2
HPFS utility
OS/2 2.0 (GA)

Feed from the Listearn OS2-L OS/2 Non-Editored Discussion List :

Re: DOS WP5.1 on LAN redirect
OS/2 Memory Needs (was More Questions)
Internal revision number
Cross-post: STACKER FOR OS/2
Stacker for OS/2, Yes!
OS/2 GA Bugs

Feed from the Usenet (UUCP/Internet) comp.os.os2.* newsgroups :

Re: WIndows 3.1 Apps don't run under OS/2
Re: Lan Manager questions...
Re: OS/2 2.0 I've got mine!
Infoworld OS/2 Summary: 3/30/92
Re: Infoworld OS/2 Summary: 3/30/92
Re: IBM FTP site (Re: Hidden Costs in Windows 3.1)
Re: OS/2 on CNN Headline News!
OS/2 Team member names; How to get them.
Re: WordPerfect for OS/2
I give up!


Date: Mon, 6 Apr 92 10:00:00 +0200
From: Moderator of OS/2 Discussion Forum <OS2MOD@BLEKUL11>
Subject: Administrativia

Hello, to all 1042 of you who receive this mail directly, and to all
thousands of others who get this through an other distribution point,
be it a netnews site, a FIDO site, or a usenet newsgroup.
OS/2 Version 2.0 is generally available, which means that everybody is
busy installing and customizing, and which also means that a flood of
new appends and mails is to be seen in all newsgroups and discussion
lists related to OS/2. In this weeks issue, you will not find a com-
plete compilation of the interesting appends on comp.os.os2.misc.
Part of it is delayed till next week. Some of the new files available
aren't included either, but hopefully we'll do that next week.


Date: Mon, 6 Apr 92 10:00:00 +0200
From: Moderator of OS/2 Discussion Forum <OS2MOD@BLEKUL11>
Subject: New files on LISTSERVer

This is a list of new or updated OS/2 related files available from the
LISTSERV of the OS/2 Discussion Forum at BLEKUL11.

* Files coming from their author :

filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
NICE10 ZIPXXE OS/2 v2.0 detacher with variable priority
FAQ19G ZIPXXE OS/2 Frequent Asked Questions v1.9G
DBLS ZIPXXE Finds redundant files across drives

* Files distributed via comp.binaries.os2

filename filetype Remarks
-------- -------- -------------------------------
DMAKE38X PACKAGE dmake v3.8
ELM23-2 PACKAGE ELM Mail System
GNUBC PACKAGE GNU bc (arbitrary precision numeric processing language)
GNUINDNT PACKAGE GNU indent and format C prgs
GNUTUTIL PACKAGE GNU text processing utilities
MAP57 ZIPXXE Provides configuration & state information
SCRUTL18 ZIPXXE PM screen saver

Some of the available files come in - what is called - a package. If
you request such package you will automatically receive all necesarry
files. The zipxxe (XXencoded ZIP) files that you will receive must be
concatenated into one large ZIPXXE file by means of the COPY command.
(example : copy x.zipxxe1 + x.zipxxe2 x.zipxxe)

To use this large ZIPXXE file you must first XXdecode (We recommend our
own version of XXdecode which works under OS/2) and UNZIP (We recommend
PKZIP also under OS/2) it.

Note: Use PKUNZIP -d to unzip !!

These files are distributed AS IS, we can not guarantee anything about
their working.

* For a complete list of all OS/2 files available at LISTSERV@BLEKUL11 *
* get the OS2INDEX PACAKGE. *

We still welcome all OS/2 related files for distribution on our LISTSERV.
Send your files to OS2@BLEKUL11.BITNET /
we will arrange everything for distribution.


Date: Mon, 6 Apr 92 10:00:00 +0200
From: Moderator of OS/2 Discussion Forum <OS2MOD@BLEKUL11>
Subject: IBM begins Shipping OS/2 Version 2.0

<From Usenet>
I pulled this off of IBM Link today. Please forgive me if this has already
been posted.
Mike Long
Iowa State University


WHITE PLAINS, N.Y., March 31, 1992 . . . IBM today delivered OS/2*
Version 2.0, its powerful, yet easy-to-use operating system that opens
new doors in personal computing and lets users manage information in
ways more productive and pleasing.

OS/2 Version 2.0, which began shipping to customers today, delivers
three operating environments -- DOS, Windows and OS/2 -- in a single
package, offering unique value and flexibility. Special introductory
prices, including a $49 offer for Windows** users and a $99 upgrade
price for any DOS user, are part of IBM's plan to firmly establish
OS/2 2.0 as the PC operating system of the 90's.

OS/2 2.0 also introduces the Workplace Shell*, a graphical user inter-
face (GUI) that brings to the IBM-compatible PC a superior look and
feel. Its elegant design delivers advanced function with enticing
drag-and-drop simplicity. In addition to native OS/2 programs, OS/2
allows users to run familiar PC applications for DOS and Windows in a
far more stable environment.

"The release of OS/2 2.0 is the PC industry's most significant advance
since the introduction of the IBM PC 10 years ago," says James A.
Cannavino, IBM vice president and general manager of the Personal
Systems line of business. "Just as they did a decade ago, today's
users can experience powerful productivity gains immediately."


Capable of exploiting today's advanced hardware, 32-bit OS/2 2.0
offers true multitasking, allowing concurrent execution of multiple
software programs. OS/2 2.0 ships with over 25 utility, entertainment
and personal productivity mini-applications ("Applets") such as a
Calendar, NotePad, Calculator and To-Do List. Adobe Type Manager**
for both Windows and OS/2 environments is also included.

"As a result of our new open development paradigm, we are delivering a
terrific and compelling product that was shaped by customers at 30,000
sites through one of the most extensive beta test programs in the
industry," says Lee Reiswig, assistant general manager of programming,
IBM Personal Systems. "We are shipping today what others are still
promising and are committed to continually enhance this leading edge
product through the 90s."

OS/2 2.0 is an ideal platform for a client and server networking envi-
ronment, providing superior function, performance and reliability.
OS/2 networking offerings include LAN Server, NetWare** from IBM and
Extended Services. OS/2 LAN Server 2.0 and Extended Services will be
available on April 10, 1992. Extended Services consists of Database
Manager and Communications Manager.


Currently, there are more than 17,000 DOS, 4,900 Windows and 2,500
16-bit OS/2 applications available. With tens of thousands of appli-
cations to choose from, OS/2 2.0 users have access to a tremendously
broad range of software programs.

In addition, more than 1,000 software vendors are developing 32-bit
applications for delivery in 1992, including Lotus, Borland,
WordPerfect and Novell. There are also more than 250 development tool
products available for OS/2.

To ensure that OS/2 2.0 will run on IBM-compatible PC platforms, IBM
has established a major original equipment manufacturer (OEM) test
laboratory in Boca Raton, Fla., in addition to its OEM test lab in
Basingstoke, England. At this moment, over 100 OEM models have passed
OS/2 2.0 compatibility tests, including models from Compaq, Dell,
CompuAdd, AST and Tandy.

As part of IBM's intention to support OEM 386- and 486-based plat-
forms, the company will work with all users who may experience compat-
ibility issues in the first 90 days of use and, if a resolution is not
possible, the customer will be reimbursed.


OS/2 2.0 will be distributed as a single shrink-wrapped package which
will include IBM service and support for IBM and OEM equipment. All
users of OS/2 2.0 will receive:

o Free 60-day support via a toll-free number; and
o Technical information and message exchange through
commercial bulletin board services, including

Compuserve and IBMLINK electronic support.

This service can be extended for a nominal fee. In addition, OS/2 2.0
will be supported by IBM's HelpWare*, 1-800-PS2-2227, the most compre-
hensive customer satisfaction offering in the PC industry. Users can
order OS/2 2.0 via a toll-free number, 1-800-3-IBM-OS2.

IBM today also announced several introductory promotions. Through the
OS/2 direct order toll-free number, the following promotional prices
will be available until July 31, 1992: Current Windows users can
purchase OS/2 2.0 for $49, any DOS user can upgrade to OS/2 2.0 for
$99 and new users can purchase OS/2 2.0 for $139. These promotional
prices do not include shipping and handling.

As part of a previous promotion, any IBM OS/2 user can receive a free
upgrade to 2.0 until July 31, 1992. A manufacturer's rebate will be
available to Windows users who purchase OS/2 2.0 through IBM author-
ized remarketers.


IBM will introduce OS/2 2.0 to the public through over 120 customer
meetings worldwide, followed by the "OS/2 To You" demonstration tour,
a travelling roadshow which will take place at customer facilities in
a "Big Tent" style. The tour begins today and will continue
throughout the year.

IBM will make OS/2 2.0 as widely available as DOS through an extensive
distribution network that provides convenient sales locations and
quality support. IBM's direct marketing force will be augmented by
its established base of Business Partners, including authorized PC and
software dealers, industry remarketers and associate remarketers,
retailers and superstores.
A key component of IBM's broad-based distribution strategy will be
active support by IBM's aggregators, distributors and national dealer
chains, such as Computerland, Corporate Software, Egghead, Ingram
Micro D, Merisel, Intelligent Electronics, Microage Computer Stores
and Sears.

# # #

* Trademark or registered trademark of the International
Business Machines Corporation.

** The following is a trademark of the indicated company:
Windows (Microsoft Corporation), Adobe Type Manager
(Adobe), Netware (Novell).


Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1992 10:27 CST
Subject: OS2 support of tape backup systems

I would very much like to use OS2 on my Gateway 2000 computer. However,
I also like the tape backup system (Archive XL QICstream, Archive Corporation)
for backing up the hard disk. What support or options are there in
OS2, either in version 1.3 or 2.0, for tape backup capability?

Phil Houle
Drake Unversity
Des Moines, IA 50311
(515) 271-3135


Date: Sat, 4 Apr 92 11:14:30 CST
From: "Cave Newt" <>
Subject: Info-ZIP UnZip 4.2 sources sent

I have just mailed 6 xxencoded parts of the official UnZip 4.2 source
distribution in .zip format. I realize this will present a problem for
those who don't yet have *any* unzip program and need one, :-) but I
didn't know what format you prefer for such cases ("packages"?). So
I'll leave it to you to repack as necessary (or not, if you think that
PKUNZIP and/or the executables that Kai Uwe Rommel sent are a sufficient

Please note that this archive does not contain the decryption code. It
can be found separately on several ftp sites, including European ones, as
"". The notes at the bottom of the main Contents file indicate
which sites have this; feel free to put it on BLEKUL11 also, if you wish.

Also note that UnZip 4.2 was written by *many* people, collectively known
as "Info-ZIP." Kai Uwe Rommel is just one of them, although he is by far
the most helpful and prolific contributor of OS/2 capabilities to UnZip
(and some other very useful things as well--read History.420 for a list of
his and other people's contributions to this release).

Thank you,
Greg Roelofs

Moderator's note :
These files will be available next week ...


Date: Sat, 4 Apr 1992 13:32 EDT
From: 9005025@MCMASTER
Subject: os2 version2

I have heard from a friend that IBM has released OS/2 v.2 in the Canadian
market. Do you require MS-DOS to be installed on your PC so that OS/2
can run DOS - based software? Will OS/2 take advantage of the 32-bit
architecture of 386 and 486 CPU's when running the DOS - based software?
I would appreciate any answers.
Ican be reached at
- J Donville


Date: Sat, 4 Apr 92 09:37 EST
From: Konstantinos Piperis <kostas@bklyn>
Subject: HPFS utility

Does anyone know of an HPFS utility that will recover deleted files?

Gordon (MSFT)...I admit that Microsoft has some good products (excel,
word, etc) but please, NT first of all is a long way before it is
available, but I hear that it seems to looking like what OS/2 v 1.1
looked a few years ago.

Whether Microsoft will make it a success is another story...but Gordon,
lets talk about OS/2 and Windows 3.0 & 3.1. So, what's the hype about?
If I was a first time buyer of a PC, minimally, one would buy a 386
25Mhz and above....with at least 4MB of RAM, and 120MB HD.

Now, do you honestly think that I'll buy DOS + Windows to use on my
PC???? Where I can buy OS/2 2.0 that gives me those features!!!!
Plus more!!!!!.....Microsoft can not compare windows to OS/
if you like to believe that windows is superior than OS/2....well,
I don't know what horse you've been riding, so climb on down and step
into the real world, and check out OS/2 2.0!!!!

OS/2 is excellent...



From: (Michael K. Wolf)
Subject: OS/2 2.0 (GA)
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 92 14:54:57 PDT

I loaded OS/2 2.0 (GA) on Friday (4/3).
My first impressions were that the 6.304E code worked better.

IBM Model 70 386, 6 Mbytes, 120 Mbyte disk
IBM TCP/IP ver 1.2 for OS/2 (uses LAN Manager)
Novell NetWare 3.2 for OS/2
Novell ODINSUP to control LAN Manager and NetWare Token ring protocols.

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--> WIN-OS/2
If you start a WIN-OS/2 full-screen session, you need to close it
down from the Workplace Shell rather than from the Program Manager,
otherwise you'll have a hard time getting rid of it. If you do,
the screen goes blank with no disk activity, and ctrl-esc gets you back
to the WPS. The WIN-OS/2 full-screen icon is still there. If you try
to close it from there, it won't. If you select shutdown, it won't close the
WIN-OS/2 session and you have to power-off or ctrl-alt-del. Of course
the icon returns when it reboots since anything running at shutdown
is restarted (how nice?). To really kill it, you need to
then select the icon from the WPS and close it.

--> Windows printing
Using the WIN-OS/2 Control Panel, I installed a postscript printer
from the OS/2 Printer Driver diskettes, and no Windows application
will print either from a WIN-OS/2 full-screen session or from the
WPS. I also failed in using the MS Windows 3.0 postscript driver.
However, the network captured printer port works for PM Word and
Harvard Graphics 2.301. I also couldn't print from a stand-alone
copy of MS Windows 3.0.

--> Swapper
OS/2 2.0 (GA) eats partitions!
My partititions are as follows:

0: Boot Manager 1 Meg
C: FAT 31 "
D: FAT 32 "
E: HPFS 32 "
F: HPFS 19 "

The F disk has a directory called 'swapdisk' which contains the
swapper.dat file for virtual memory. Earlier today, I noticed that
the F disk had 'shrunk' to 10 Megs. I had tried to run a WIN-OS/2
session and had to abort it due to insufficient virtual memory (i.e.
disk space on the F disk). It was hard to believe that I had a swapper.dat
file > 16 megs which was the space free at startup. When I used the 'dir'
command on the F disk, it indicated that there were only 10 Megs of
TOTAL space on the disk when it should have said 19!
There were no extra files, etc... to account for the lost space.
I had to re-assign the swappath to another partition, and reformat
the F disk in order to obtain the entire 19 Megs.
But this could happen again, right? Maybe next time it will take more
than just free disk space.

--> Not quite done...

Michael Wolf / (206) 667-2768
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Washington, USA


Feed from the Listearn OS2-L OS/2 Non-Editored Discussion List :


Date: Thu, 2 Apr 92 15:31:07 EST
Reply-To: "OS/2 Non-Editored Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: robert cook <>
Subject: Re: DOS WP5.1 on LAN redirect

> From Thu Apr 2 12:33:47 1992
> Hi, thanks for the tip. Just a few accompanying questions...
> 1) Where is the LPT1.OS2? I searched the disk looking for it and couldn't
> find it. I tried to look in the INI files but OS/2 wouldn't let me. I
> know Windows stores info like that in its INI.
> 2) I know you can redirect WP to different ports, but how can I redirect it
> to a file instead of trying to save it as LPT1.OS2? I do not want to
> the text as ASCII and then print it.
> 3) Is there a printer or file contention problem if 2 people try to use the
> LPT1.OS2 file at once? Overwrite will occur? We have 12 people on the
> LAN.
> Thanks.....
This should answer all three questions in more detail. . .

The trick is LPT1.OS2 doesn't exist, it is a file name that you "print" to.
Under WP 5.1 choose Shift-F7 S(elect) E(dit) 8(Other) and type LPT1.OS2.
What WP (or any DOS program) will do is try to print to a file called
LPT1.OS2, however DOS (any version above 2) sees LPT1 and directs the output
to the printer port instead of to the hard disk. At this point, if
applicable, OS/2 or any other LAN will capture it and send it to
the shared printer, when it is its turn.

The reason this is so much faster, is that WordPerfect constantly checks
the printer port to make sure the paper didn't jam or run out. If spooling
though, this dramatically slows things down. Since WP thinks it is
printing to a file named LPT1.OS2, it doesn't check for such things and
it prints much faster.

(The filename could be LPT1.WP or anything else for that matter, its just a
trick, that works for any networking environment.)

- Kelley


Date: Fri, 3 Apr 92 08:37:25 CST
Reply-To: "OS/2 Non-Editored Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Charlie Turner <CHARLIE@UMVMA>
Subject: OS/2 Memory Needs (was More Questions)
In-Reply-To: Message of Fri, 3 Apr 92 12:21:18 EDT from <TURGUT@FRORS12>

On Fri, 3 Apr 92 12:21:18 EDT Turgut Kalfaoglu said:
>On Fri, 3 Apr 92 02:42:30 EST "Edward S. Pierce"
><ilay8169@UNIX.CC.EMORY.EDU> had said:
>>With 8megs of ram how much do you set aside for a RAM disk? Once
>>you allocate that memory to a RAM disk is it "lost" to the system
>I think it would be a bad implementation if actual RAM was allocated
>to the RAM disk instead of using the virtual memory manager.
>Perhaps I am wrong.. I think you won't really want a RAM disk under
>OS/2. The idea about RAM disk is to get disk I/O done faster, and if
>you allocate a decent size to OS/2's built-in cache buffers,
>you may not need a RAM disk at all. You can select to have disk writes
>delated too, so I/O goes really fast, especially for programs that
>create temporary files.
>I am really tight on memory, so I only have a 64K set aside for

My guess is the OS/2 VDISK.sys grabs it RAM at boot-up and holds it.
If this is true, then perhaps IBM or someone should invent a RAM-disk
that dynamically gets and releases storage as needed.

I keep a RAM disk around for unZIPping files, etc. My PC has 8mb RAM,
but too small and too slow HDs, so this seems a good trade off.
However, I should experiment more with cache sizes - that may be a
better use of the RAM for me too. I have a 768k RAM disk at the moment.

>>BTW can anyone tell me about how much RAM OS2 takes for itself after
>It's really hard to tell. My feeling is that it takes about 3MB out of
>my 4 megabyte memory, because I can have two lean DOS windows running
>without paging. Then again, if you have two small programs running
>in DOS windows, OS/2 does not allocate the full 640K for the window -
>it only allocates as much as the application needs.

I've read some speculation that OS/2 v2 uses about 12mb of virtual
memory for itself! This comment was made by a user who noticed a
big performance gain after he upgraded from 8 to 12 mb RAM. On my
8bm system, the swapper.dat file only grows to around 5mb. Could
this indicate that my total virtual memory usage high water mark
is 13 mb, ie. 8mb(ram) + 5mb(swap) ?


Date: Mon, 6 Apr 92 10:14:00 -00
Reply-To: "OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: 'Gene Mangum' <H198@HOSP.MED.UMICH.EDU>
Subject: Internal revision number

*** Original Author: C0291 @ UNIVSCVM - ** Remote User **; 04/06/92 10:09am

How can I determine the complete internal revision number of the OS/2
version (2.0) that I am currently using?

SYSLEVEL does not provide the internal revision number.

Thank you.
Jerry W. Allen
Computer Services Division
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
803 777-4409

*** Comments from H198 - Mangum, Gene; 04/06/92 10:13am:
In a DOS box, type "VER /R"...

Gene Mangum
Univ. of Michigan Hospitals


Date: Tue, 7 Apr 92 16:35:49 EDT
Reply-To: "OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: Turgut Kalfaoglu <TURGUT@FRORS12>
Subject: Cross-post: STACKER FOR OS/2

Sorry for cross-posting - I thought it was important -turgut

From: (Lance Andrewes)
Newsgroups: comp.os.os2.apps
Subject: Stacker for OS/2, Yes!
Date: 7 Apr 92 1:6:5 GMT

The following is a Stac Electronics press release:

Stac Announces OS/2 Version of Stacker

Chicago, April 6, 1992 -- Stac Electronics announced today
at COMDEX/Spring '92 that a new version of its award-winning data
compression software is being designed for OS/2* 2.0, IBM's 32-
bit operating system for 386SX PCs and above.

Stacker for OS/2 will allow users to start their systems
with OS/2 or DOS and access their existing Stacker drives without
any modification while running either operating system. It will
also be 100% compatible with Stac's line of coprocessor boards
for maximum speed and compression ratios.

The OS/2 version of Stacker, like the entire Stacker line of
data compression software and coprocessor boards, doubles a
computer's storage capacity with the Stacker LZSTM technology,
which is instantaneous, continuous, and totally transparent to
the user.

"Stac has received strong demand from its installed base for
an OS/2 version of Stacker," said Gary Clow, Stac's president.
"We have been quietly engaged in developing Stacker for OS/2 for
more than a year now, and this summer we will supply a beta
release to the 300,000 OS/2 2.0 beta testers."

Clow said Stacker for OS/2 will be available later this year
through Stac OEMs, the company's existing retail channels or
ordered directly from Stac by calling (800) 522-7822. All
Stacker products come with free technical support.

Stacker OS/2 will join the Stacker line of products that now
includes Stacker 2.0 software for laptop, notebook and portable
computers, and Stacker AT/16 and Stacker MC/16 compression
coprocessor boards for desktop systems.

OS/2 2.0 offers true multitasking and will provide the
broadest selections of applications in the industry, running DOS,
Windows and 16- and 32-bit OS/2 applications unchanged, according
to IBM.

Stac Electronics, based in Carlsbad, California, is the
leading supplier of high-performance data compression software
and silicon. The company's products, designed for corporate-wide
compression applications, are sold direct from the company and
through traditional retail and OEM sales distribution.

*OS/2 is a registered trademark of International Business
Machines Corporation.

_______ Email:
//// ZL2AJH Wellington, New Zealand


Date: Thu, 9 Apr 92 13:44:55 EDT
Reply-To: "OS/2 Unedited Discussion List" <OS2-L@FRORS12>
From: James Justice <JAY@WVNVM>
Subject: OS/2 GA Bugs

I have been running OS/2 GA for a few days now. Great product! Much
faster than LA and most bugs are fixed. I would like to post a couple
of bugs that could be either OS/2 or OS/2 TCP/IP 1.2. Since I am not
sure which, I am going to post to both IBMTCP-L and OS2-L.

I am running OS/2 GA and OS/2 TCP/IP with on CSD. I have a CSD on
order for OS/2 TCP/IP.

(1) DRIVES in OS/2 GA does not support a NFS mounted disk. The old
file manager under OS/2 1.3 supported such a disk very well. The
command line commands (DIR, COPY, and etc.) work well. I want
DRIVES to support a NFS disk like the file manager did.

(2) If you have an NFS disk mounted and go into Windows, BANG OS/2 GA
is gone! The only solution is RESET of POWER ON/OFF. This *must*
be fixed. I have some older PC's that only have 60 Meg hard drives.
I want to run OS/2 2.0 and some Windows applications (Word Perfect
for Windows for example) and these PCs don't have enough disk space.
If this worked, I could but application software on a NFS server and
convert these people to OS/2 right now! We have decided that OS/2
is the system we want to run. I recently bought 39 copies of 1.3
to get ready for the free upgrade. If this isn't fixed, some people
will have to wait on Stacker and etc. to run OS/2 2.0. Of course
all new PCs are going to be 386/33 with 120 Meg at minimum.

(3) I have noticed that the RN program that comes with TCP/IP can under
some circumstances hang the entire system requiring a boot. This
needs fixed. If RN was not such a toy (limit on size of files
viewed), many of our users could use OS/2 for EMail (LAMail) and
RM for Netnews and not have to log onto VM for these trival tasks.
That would be good. I would continue to use VM because I support
the system and use other tools, but a whole class of users could
more to a PM interface and be better off.


Feed from the Usenet (UUCP/Internet) comp.os.os2.* newsgroups :


From: (Bert Moshier)
Subject: Re: WIndows 3.1 Apps don't run under OS/2
Date: 8 Apr 92 00:37:43 GMT
Organization: Cray Research, Inc.

In article <rdippold.702593131@cancun> r (Ron Dippold) writes:
>Well, I hooked up with a Windows 3.1 beta tester and tried to run
>Windows 3.1 applets under OS/2 2.0 release. Other Windows programs
>run beautifully under OS/2 2.0, seamless or standalone. However,
>trying to run these applets comes up with "OS/2 does not support this
>application." I can't tell whether it's OS/2 or the applet popping up
>that message.
>It's not a big deal, as the ones that come with OS/2 are far superior,
>but it is interesting.
>It was a brave man that ate the first oyster.

IBM showed OS/2 2.0 GA with modification running Windows 3.1 applications
at COMDEX (4/7/92). Lee Reiswig did not say when the modifications would
be made available to the public but .... they exist ***AND*** only 24 hours
after Windows 3.1 hit the shelves!

Bert Moshier


From: (Tom Mcconnell)
Subject: Re: Lan Manager questions...
Date: 8 Apr 92 02:36:30 GMT
Organization: Microsoft Corp.

In article <> (Don Meyer) writes:
> (Andrew Jarman) writes:
>>At work we are considering installing a LAN on top of OS/2 2.0. If
>>we use Lan Manager, will we be able to restrict the number of copies
>One thing to be careful about -- Microsoft has stated that they _will_not_
>support LAN Manager running under OS/2 v2.0. (Struck me as a kid throwing
>a tantrum, but then ...) If you mean the IBM LAN Server product, there are

Actually, Microsoft WILL be shipping client software for OS/2 2.0. What
we have not committed to doing is shipping our server for OS/2 2.0. There
is a good reason for this beyond the politics surrounding us. The
main advantages that OS/2 2.0 gives to normal applications doesn't
apply to our server software, the access to 32bit operations. Microsoft's
HPFS386 server already runs at r0 fully utilizing the 386 in high-permformance
386 assembly code, which of course is fully 32bit.

It would be a major undertaking to make this work under 2.0, with little to
no performance gain. The same thing for our named-pipe server. The amount
of dev-work, and testing is extremely expensive, for little gain. It
was decided that that work should go into NT and our NT server instead.
<no flames please, that's the facts>

We do want to make sure that OS/2 2.0 machines are connected into the network
and so there will be a full OS/2 2.0 lanman redirecter at some point in the

I'm not a spokesman for LM, I'm just one of the LM-OS2 server developers.


"Hey COW!" _____________((
/ ** o\ ______ _______________________
/| **** \ _/moo...\ | Tom McConnell |
/ | ** /\__/ \______/ | uunet!microsoft!tom |


From: (paul goffin)
Subject: Re: OS/2 2.0 I've got mine!
Date: 8 Apr 92 13:54:26 GMT
Organization: Crosfield Electronics, Hemel Hempstead, United Kingdom.

In article <> (Kevin Dangoor) writes:
>One question I have though is: has anyone seen a GA copy of OS/2 2.0 yet?
>Are the packages truly going out the door?


I've got a copy. I bought it from the OS/2 user group yesterday
(7th April) at the "Which Computer Show"

It's a genuine UK copy too!

+ Paul Goffin + Crosfield Electronics Ltd. U.K. +44 442 230000x3357 +
+ + My opinions are my OWN. - no one would pay for this! +


From: (Timothy F. Sipples)
Subject: Infoworld OS/2 Summary: 3/30/92
Date: 30 Mar 92 19:18:36 GMT
Organization: Dept. of Econ., Univ. of Chicago

Well, here's another summary of Infoworld as it relates to OS/2 --
this time the 3/30/92 issue:

(1) "IBM races to rub out last OS/2 2.0 bugs," p. 1. Talks of
several, quick fire betas released to beta testers. Says IBM will
ship CSD to add Windows 3.1 compatibility in June. Deal where Dell
bundles OS/2 2.0 with systems "imminent." Continued on p. 99, with
text box describing last minute efforts to get OS/2 2.0 out into
users' hands. Talks of $50 OS/2 2.0 upgrade from DOS/Windows. No
decision made on TV, it says.

(2) "Windows 3.1: on time, but not perfect," p. 1. Infoworld got
ahold of "internal Microsoft documents" detailing bugs with Windows
3.1, most minor (but not corrected in time for retail release).
Continued on p. 99.

(3) "CorelDraw for OS/2 [2.0] will ship in May," p. 3. Also says
SCSI control software will ship then from Corel Systems.

(4) "Vienna software uses office icons: Multifunction OS/2 program
aids document sharing," p. 15. New program called N/Joy, combining
spreadsheet, word processor, graphics, and database functions. One of
the first OS/2 applications taking advantage of the Workplace Shell.

(5) "Microsoft support staff on alert: Flood of technical
questions on Windows 3.1 expected," p. 16.

(6) "GA Workbench simplifies OS/2, Windows programming," p. 16.
New tool from Intersolv Inc. helps generate client/server apps for
OS/2 or Windows.

(7) "Tech Talk," Steve Gibson, "Pre-emption puts the higher
priority tasks in the driver's seat," p. 33. Still no mention of any
products (except the i586).

(8) "SCSI controller now certified for NetWare," p. 37. Also
supported under OS/2; new SCSI adapter from Procomp USA Inc.

(9) "Stability of Windows 3.1 draws praise," p. 56. Text box
"Windows 3.1 upgrade for NetWare LANs," same page.

(10) "To the Editor," "Can Stork deliver?" p. 60. Reader Paul Hunt
questions Microsoft's 32-bit vaporware.

(11) One of the questions under Buyers Advisory, p. 80, reads "I
was copying floppies on my PC when my fax board accepted a call. The
board is supposed to be able to handle faxes while the computer is
doing other things, but it failed to receive the fax and hung up the
caller. It continued to do this until I stopped using the floppy
drives. Why?" Brett Glass explains that "Any kind of multitasking
under DOS -- be it a background DOS program, Windows, etc. -- bogs
down when you use the floppy drives." He then goes on to say that a
true multitasking operating system (such as OS/2 or Unix) doesn't have
this problem.

(12) "Notes from the Field," Robert X. Cringely. "IBM says
anti-OS/2 code in Windows apps is just born to raise hell" headline.
Cringely reports (but doubts) that Microsoft is putting code in its
applications to make them run slower under OS/2 2.0 than under Windows
3.1. Cringely also says Microsoft's efforts to prevent vendors from
bundling OS/2 2.0 with their systems hasn't worked completely, since
Compaq will bundle OS/2 2.0 with systems sold in Europe starting in
Timothy F. Sipples Keeper of the OS/2 Frequently Asked Questions List, available via anonymous ftp from
Dept. of Economics, directory pub/os2/faq, or via
Univ. of Chicago 60637 netmail from LISTSERV@BLEKUL11.BITNET.


From: (Timothy F. Sipples)
Subject: Re: Infoworld OS/2 Summary: 3/30/92
Date: 30 Mar 92 19:25:02 GMT
Organization: Dept. of Econ., Univ. of Chicago

I forgot one tidbit (I think). The OS/2 text box on p. 99 reports
that all 1.x OS/2 licensees are eligible for the free OS/2 2.0
upgrade, meaning 1.3 million free copies (potentially).

I didn't know there were so many!

Box also mentions availability of a catalog with OS/2 2.0 applications
(and discount coupons). To obtain it you call a 1-800 number given in
each OS/2 2.0 package.
Timothy F. Sipples Keeper of the OS/2 Frequently Asked Questions List, available via anonymous ftp from
Dept. of Economics, directory pub/os2/faq, or via
Univ. of Chicago 60637 netmail from LISTSERV@BLEKUL11.BITNET.


From: (Bert Moshier)
Subject: Re: IBM FTP site (Re: Hidden Costs in Windows 3.1)
Date: 30 Mar 92 19:34:34 GMT
Organization: Cray Research, Inc.

In article <> (Heeren Pathak) writes:
>In article <>,
>dab6@po.CWRU.Edu (Douglas A. Bell) writes:
>> What would be even better would be to make the atlanta os/2 bbs available
>> via ftp and telnet. It is a wonderful system. It would be even better if
>> it was available via internet.
>When I first logged into the Atlanta BBS and registered, I made this exact
>comment in the registration forms. Maybe if a lot of people who use the
>BBS would do the same thing.....
>Heeren Pathak

I talked to Dave Both about this issue. I strongly suggest you drop him a

Bert Moshier


From: (Timothy F. Sipples)
Subject: Re: OS/2 on CNN Headline News!
Date: 31 Mar 92 03:53:31 GMT
Organization: Dept. of Econ., Univ. of Chicago

In article <> (Mike Levis) writes:
> I was watching the "Dollars and Sense" segment of CNN Headline News
>and they had a 30-second segment on IBM OS/2 2.0 and MS Windows 3.1!
>It wasn't an IBM ad, of course, but it is good to see OS/2 on TV!
> A lot of the information was just a rehash of what most of you
>probably know already (OS/2 1.x sold 1 million copies in 5 years while
>Windows 3.0 sold 10 million in 2 years, etc), and some were inaccurate
>(Windows is an "operating system"), but it did show the new WPS interface
>that OS/2 2.0 will have. Everyone should see this news clip just to see
>the interface!

Actually, I've seen the figure 1.3 million for OS/2. (I remember when
the Apple II sold one million copies; such a big deal then. It's hard
to conceive of an operating system dismissed because of a "paltry" 1.3
million in sales. Anyway...)

Also, not to nitpick, but is "sold" the right term for Windows 3.0?
Timothy F. Sipples Keeper of the OS/2 Frequently Asked Questions List, available via anonymous ftp from
Dept. of Economics, directory pub/os2/faq, or via
Univ. of Chicago 60637 netmail from LISTSERV@BLEKUL11.BITNET.


From: (Colin Goldstein)
Subject: OS/2 Team member names; How to get them.
Date: 31 Mar 92 18:37:28 GMT
Organization: Novell Inc., San Jose, Califonia

I'm not sure why they keep it hidden, BUT you can get a list
of names of all the OS/2 Team (and more) by doing the following:
Click on the WPS with mouse button 1.
Hold down the Ctrl-Shift-Alt key combonation
and type o.

The story behide this is that Ctrl, Shift and Alt are modifiers
(as in programmers) and o for OS/2. Cute.

I notice this is 6.307x for the first time, but it may have been
there earlier. The files to run the program are in the \os2\bitmap
directory (there're hidden) and are called aaaaa.exe and aaaaa.met.

Thanks guys,
| The views expressed here are my own. | How's life treating you |
| They do not necessarily represent | Norm??? |
| the views expressed by my employer. | |
| ---------------| Like a dog treats a |
| | Novell Inc., | fire hydrant. |
| uunet!novell!colin | San Jose, CA | - Cheers |


From: (Bert Moshier)
Subject: Re: WordPerfect for OS/2
Date: 8 Apr 92 00:09:21 GMT
Organization: Cray Research, Inc.

In article <> writes:
>In article <>
> (Kevin Dangoor) writes:
>>According to IBM's list of applications under development for OS/2 2.0,
>>WordPerfect will be making a 32-bit WordPerfect. Does anyone know if this
>>would be a PM program, or a 32-bit character mode program?
>It will be a multithreaded, 32-bit port of WordPerfect for Windows
>(i.e. graphical).
>There's talk that WordPerfect might incorporate new features in
>WordPerfect for OS/2 2.0 first. We'll see.
>Timothy F. Sipples Keeper of the OS/2 Frequently Asked Questions
> List, available via anonymous ftp from
>Dept. of Economics, directory pub/os2/faq, or via
>Univ. of Chicago 60637 netmail from LISTSERV@BLEKUL11.BITNET.

Timothy is correct. WordPerfect decided against doing the OS/2 2.0 version
at the 5.1 level and is instead doing it at the next level (6.0?).

Bert Moshier

Oh, the product is from the ground up and is a native 32 bit application
and will exploit OS/2 native features.


From: ($2e9 man)
Subject: I give up!
Date: 1 Apr 92 22:42:53 GMT
Organization: Microsoft Corp.

Aloha OS/2ers,

I took time off from my corporate life to check out the OS/2
intro in New York. I really had to see for my self if IBM
could make a "better Windows than Windows". Well I was
impressed! I now hearby declare that it is and always
has been Microsofts policy to promote OS/2 as the future
in microcomputing and Windows/NT will be renamed back
to OS/2 3.0.

Thank You,
William Gates
-- Certainly a Microsoft Spokesman



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