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U-boats and the Neuschwabenland

According to many rumors, a Nazi base in Antarctica survived the Second World War and hosted, perhaps still today, the descendants of German hierarchs and war criminals: but did the "Neuschwabenland" really exist?

(from top to bottom) Revolutionary weapons of the Third Reich: the Me-262 Schwalbe, the first succes
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(from top to bottom) Revolutionary weapons of the Third Reich: the Me-262 Schwalbe, the first successful jet fighter; the Ba-349 Natter, a rocket fighter equipped with missiles but built with poor materials such as wood; the Type XXI submarine, extremely high-performance, invisible to sonar at certain speeds and the progenitor of all current submarines.

Despite the Second World War having ended more than sixty years ago, discussions about Nazism and Hitler have never lost public interest. Even today, there is practically no television network that doesn't include documentaries about the Second World War and its related mysteries in their programming, from the Holocaust to Adolf Hitler's rise to power in 1933 and his apparent obsession with the esoteric. Additionally, the mysteries surrounding the end of the Nazi regime, from secret weapons that could have changed the course of the war to the alleged death of the Führer himself, are the basis of highly varied conjectures, ranging from political theories to more purely science fiction ones.

Many ufologists openly talk about Nazi flying saucers: magnetically propelled aircraft called Haunebu, also known as Vril or V-7, capable of flying at thousands of kilometers per hour and even space flight. However fascinating, the Haunebu unfortunately cannot withstand historical scrutiny, which ufologists, ignorant of aviation, fail to provide. The harsh reality is that Hitler and his followers, despite their genius in engineering, never had the technological capabilities to build disk-shaped objects similar to today's UFOs. Instead, scientific studies focused on current inventions such as the jet engine, missiles, and swept-wing aircraft, not flying saucers! The Nazis placed the utmost importance on these discoveries, as evidenced by the real projects discovered by the Allies at the end of the war in 1945. It was the plundering of airplanes, submarines, missiles, and their designing scientists by the United States and the Soviet Union (codenamed Operation Paperclip by the Americans and Operation Osoaviakhim by the Russians) that laid the foundations for both the Space Program and the Cold War and its related inventions, most notably the Internet.

Therefore, the hypothesis that the Nazis had contact with the inhabitants of the Hollow Earth or with extraterrestrials, the mythical Foo Fighters, is absolutely unreliable: no flying saucers, no secret alien technology prototypes, no UFOs with swastikas... But other themes related to secret Nazi achievements might be truthful. This is the case with the German Atomic Bomb, which according to some witnesses was tested on two occasions but never reached operational status; or the case of the Antarctic Base 211, sometimes called Neuschwabenland, sometimes Neuberlin. Why, in our opinion, might these discoveries be plausible? The German Atomic Bomb is still debated; as for the Antarctic base, perhaps today we have enough evidence to understand how much truth there may be in this theory.

Here we will present a plausible theory, given the evidence.

The crew of the ship Schwabenland, led by Commander Alfred Ritscher.
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The crew of the ship Schwabenland, led by Commander Alfred Ritscher.

But first of all, let's jump to 1938 when, in a climate of widespread tension over the German annexation of the Sudetenland, the Nazi government organized a scientific expedition to Antarctica. The chosen area, for geographical but primarily military purposes, was Queen Maud Land, an area discovered in 1931 by the Norwegians but never occupied or thoroughly studied. It was a good opportunity to politically claim that territory and, in our opinion, use it for military purposes.

Nonetheless, to avoid escalating international tensions, the Germans prepared a civilian expedition: aboard the modified merchant ship Schwabenland, commanded by Captain Alfred Ritscher and with the collaboration of the national airline Lufthansa, hundreds of men including biologists, cartographers, geologists, engineers, and hydrologists from the German Society for Polar Research, with the help of two seaplanes, set off for the Antarctic continent.

In theory, the explorer and conqueror of the South Pole, Richard Byrd, was also supposed to be on board, but shortly before departure, the American declined the offer. The expedition began on December 17, 1938, and the Germans reached the polar ice shelf on January 20, 1939. Two seaplanes conducted exploration missions, covering between 300,000 and 600,000 square kilometers, taking 11,000 photographs; there was a general benefit as the mission allowed a significant improvement in the accuracy of geographical maps and magnetic measurements of the South Pole.

The Germans then made surprising discoveries: areas free of ice due to the presence of hot springs and hydrogeological activity, the discovery of high-altitude Antarctic winds, and the analysis of seabirds that inexplicably ventured over a hundred kilometers inland to nest. All of this in a region that, as we have seen here, is considered by ancient sources to be the true site of the mythical Atlantis... in short, the German discoveries were astonishing, almost suggesting that the South Pole was not the cold and icy hell that everyone expected.

Neuschwabenland is an area located in what is now Queen Maud Land, Antarctica. The Neuschwabenland w
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Neuschwabenland is an area located in what is now Queen Maud Land, Antarctica. The Neuschwabenland was a land only partially explored by the Norwegians and here the Germans found traces of geothermal activity, with ice-free areas.

The Schwabenland mission ended in mid-February 1939, when the Antarctic summer was coming to an end. However, Nazi interest in that territory, which was renamed Neuschwabenland in honor of the ship, did not cease; on the contrary, it grew immensely. In 1940, Hitler ordered the construction of support installations for U-Boat wartime submarine operations in the Muhlig-Hoffman Mountains region, also in Neuschwabenland. These support installations may have been simple fuel and torpedo supply depots; in any case, it indicates a growing Nazi colonization of the area.

Rumors suggest that the Germans discovered an underwater channel beneath the ice, a true rift that split the Antarctic continent in two, allowing submarines to use alternative routes connecting South America to New Zealand and thus reach Japan without encountering Allied destroyers. This might be plausible because there was a stable submarine connection between Germany and Japan throughout the war, never interrupted despite American and British efforts. According to well-informed sources, although this falls into the realm of speculation, this channel cutting through the Antarctic continent emerges above the sea surface in several places, forming a gigantic system of caves under the ice crust. Some even venture to estimate the size of the largest cave, extending 50 kilometers beneath the polar ice cap, containing a lake of liquid water. Here, the Nazis would have built their most impenetrable base, the extraordinary Base 211 or "New Berlin." A true city under the ice, partially powered by geothermal energy, would have constituted the last, extreme Nazi stronghold against the Allied invasion.

Testimonies indicate that Base 211 would have been started in 1942, through the transport of supplies and materials by special U-Boats captained by officers experienced in polar navigation, such as those who served off the coast of Norway.

A photo showing the men of the expedition waving the Nazi flag. Today the melting ice increasingly r
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A photo showing the men of the expedition waving the Nazi flag. Today the melting ice increasingly reveals flags from the 1930s left in memory of the mission.

These men, using Argentina as a base, supposedly built the base within two years, so much so that by 1944, there was a gradual shipment of classified material financed by the powerful SS. Why would Himmler and his henchmen waste so much money sending material to the Antarctic wilderness? Clearly, there must have been something there... According to some mystery scholars, among the items Himmler had transported to New Berlin was the original Holy Lance, the Spear of Longinus. And among the objects that are believed to still be present are many art treasures looted by German soldiers during the invasion of half of Europe, including the famous Amber Room of St. Petersburg, which has never been found.

But why go to such lengths for this transfer? What does the Antarctic ice really hide? In theory, New Berlin would represent the essence of the thousand-year Reich theorized by Hitler and never realized. A kingdom between fire and ice, very Wagnerian and Valkyrie-like, which would have hosted the true representatives of the Aryan race, protected from the world while waiting to reconquer it. An idea in line with Hitler's mad theories and perfectly consistent with Nazi nihilism, halfway between the most atrocious sadism and the most destructive masochism.

Base 211 in Neuschwabenland could also have been the last refuge for many Nazi leaders who escaped capture at the end of the war, including their leader, Adolf Hitler. There are at least three theories about his death, and none of them are convincing: the probability that the mastermind of Nazism (and many of his occult masters who do not appear in history books) could have survived the Soviet assault on his bunker in Berlin is high, especially considering how many leaders escaped to Argentina with the Allies' blessing.

However, the idea of a Nazi base that hosted a revived Hitler and still exists today in Antarctica contradicts the notion we have of a completely explored world: and if that were not the case, one would wonder why no one has taken the trouble to flush out these surviving Nazis, assuming they existed. But the reality might be that such an operation did indeed take place under false pretenses...

A photo from the 1940s demonstrating German U-boat activity in Neuschwabenland.
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A photo from the 1940s demonstrating German U-boat activity in Neuschwabenland.

But before recounting the deeds of Operation High Jump, we must mention the case of the hundred U-Boats that disappeared without a trace and what historians Juan Salinas and Carlos De Napoli describe in their book "Oltremare Sud." Published in 2008, the book by the two Argentinians sheds light on a convoy of submarines that departed on May 3, 1945, from Norway and headed for Argentina. With over fifty Nazi officials on board, the convoy, with the tacit consent of the British Admiralty, supposedly reached Argentina with the support of the local navy, after a battle that resulted in the loss of five ships and 400 sailors. But why were the interrogations of the German sailors falsified by American intelligence and classified as Top Secret?

Something strange indeed happened in the waters of the South Atlantic in May 1945. If Hitler had committed suicide on April 30, if the convoy with the 50 officials embarked on May 3 for Norway, and if the war ended on May 8 with the German surrender, why did the Type VII C U-Boat U-977, commanded by Captain Heinz Schaeffer, submerge at dawn on May 10 from Kristiansand, Norway, and resurface in Argentina on August 17? Was such a long navigation, 104 days of which 66 were submerged, to surrender in broad daylight at the port of Buenos Aires to the Argentine military plausible? Were the sailors of the U-977 crazy, or...? On July 10, also in Argentina, the Type IX C/40 submarine U-530, commanded by Cmd. Otto Wermuth, surrendered. Quite a long time for a vessel that was officially navigating off Long Island, near New York...

Officially, the last German submarine to surrender was the U-307, in the Spitzbergen Islands, on September 4. Why such a delay? As mentioned, the number of submarines that disappeared without a trace, without being destroyed by the Allies, sunk, or demolished, is around a hundred.

The commander of U-530, Otto Wermuth. U-530, surrendered to Argentina on 10 July 1945, after a possi
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The commander of U-530, Otto Wermuth. U-530, surrendered to Argentina on 10 July 1945, after a possible mission to Neuschwabenland.

Let's also remember that in 1944, the Kriegsmarine, the German navy, commissioned the Type XXI submarines, which represent one of the marvels of German engineering and the forerunners of all current submarines. True masterpieces of engineering, the Type XXI submarines (of which 119 units were delivered) were tested at a depth of 270 meters, well beyond the capabilities of current nuclear submarines. Fast and capable of evading sonar, they could have changed the course of the war… if only they had been built in sufficient numbers. But in 1945, Germany had neither the manpower, fuel, nor crews. A country on its knees, destroyed by the madness of its dictators... Hitler and his clique were left with only Neuschwabenland, and perhaps that was the destination of the various U-530, U-977, and U-307, not to mention the hundred or so vessels that escaped destruction.

Perhaps it was for this reason that, on December 2, 1946, the largest naval exercise ever conducted in Antarctica was launched. Operation High Jump, organized by the U.S. Navy, was theoretically an exploratory mission, and indeed, command was symbolically given to Admiral and explorer Richard Byrd, the same who was supposed to participate in the 1938 German mission. But in reality, the true leader was Admiral Richard Cruzen, who headed a task force composed of the aircraft carrier Philippine Sea, two destroyers (USS Brownsen and USS Henderson), two icebreakers (USCGC Burton Island and USCGC Northwind), four logistics support ships (USS Yankee, USS Canisted, USS Merrick, and USS Capacan), a communications ship (USS Mount Olympus), a submarine (the Balao-class USS Sennet), and two seaplane tenders (USS Currituck and USS Pine Island). In total, twelve seaplanes, six helicopters, and 4,700 marines… quite the group of boy scouts! The mission was supposed to last 18 months, but instead, it ended after only three weeks, during which the planes explored 1,300,000 square kilometers of Neuschwabenland. During the mission, a seaplane crashed, causing the deaths of four men; two helicopters were also lost, but without any casualties among the crews.

In the end, doubts and theories about Base 211 remain, just as Operation High Jump remains inexplicable to this day. Did Hitler escape aboard the U-977? Did he head to Argentina? To Japan (two gold tablets dated May 21, 1945, and signed by the Führer himself were found in 1984 at the Buddhist monastery of Kyosan in central Japan)? To Polynesia? Or to the infamous New Berlin? The conspiracy theorists, the same ones who support the Haunebu hypothesis, claim that the Nazis secretly control the world from there. The flying saucers and lights occasionally seen in the skies would be the high-tech devices of the Nazis living in Antarctica… Fantasies and more, as we have seen. But the doubt about the existence of that phantom secret base beneath the ice of Neuschwabenland remains.

In 2011 artificial tunnels were discovered in Antarctica.

The entrance to the gallery is triangular, has a base of 90 meters and a height of 30 meters.
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The entrance to the gallery is triangular, has a base of 90 meters and a height of 30 meters.

Apparently the material of the tunnel is different from the surrounding rocks.

U-boats and the Neuschwabenland
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The floor appears to be frozen, and the entrance appears concave but well-leveled. It appears like an outlet, artificial, and the ice outside the entrance seems to come from the tunnel to freeze quickly, outside. Note that the ice is not covered by snow.

U-boats and the Neuschwabenland
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In this photo what appears to be a track appears, starting from the ice of the tunnel and continuing up to the rocks.

U-boats and the Neuschwabenland
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The material covering the tunnel entrance appears totally different from the surrounding rock materials.

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