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UFO ROUNDUP Volume 8 Number 23

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Volume 8
Number 23
June 25, 2003
Editor: Joseph Trainor


"Overrun with worshipers praying to a likeness of the Virgin Mary (birth name: Miriam bat-Jachim--J.T.) in a third story window, Milton Hospital" in Milton, Mass. (population 26,062) "has appealed to the (Roman Catholic) Archdiocese of Boston to caution people against placing faith in the image, a church official confirmed yesterday," Monday, June 16, 2003.

"Word of the likeness, which hospital officials say is made by a chemical deposit inside a sealed window, began to spread last week. Over the weekend, more than 25,000 people crowded onto the hospital grounds to see it, officials said."

"Richard P. Ward, the hospital's chairman and a senior partner at the law firm of Ropes and Gray, denied asking the church to deflate interest in the window sighting."

"'We can't take a position on the apparition,' Ward said, 'Obviously, there has been a significant outpouring of sincere religious belief, and I want to be sure the hospital doesn't do anything sacrilegious or in any way disrespectful to the Virgin Mary.'"

"A church official said the hospital has asked the diocese for help in cautioning people against placing faith in the image. In the past, church leaders have been reluctant to comment one way or the other on such phenomena."

"Yesterday afternoon, the parking lot was again crowded with visitors who had come--some from Rhode Island--to look at the milky-white shape."

"A hospital spokesman said the problem is one of sheer volume. Parking for staff and visitors, already tight, has been diminished as the entire lot has been roped off for visitors to stand in. Janitors haven't been able to keep the bathrooms clean and stocked and the grounds free of trash. One nurse said she had become so annoyed by the crowds that she wanted to throw a rock through the window."

"But the mood yesterday, even with hundreds of people filtering through, was quietly reverential. Several women stood beneath the window fingering rosaries; one of the women had tears rolling down her face. A dozen bouquets of roses and lilacs were at the wall--next to a sign that said all objects would be removed at night."

This is the second apparition of the Virgin Mary in Massachusetts this year.
Six months ago, she appeared at St. Joseph's Church on South Main Street in Attleboro, Mass. (See UFO Roundup, volume 8, number 4 for January 22, 2003, "Virgin Mary appears in Massachusetts," page 3.)

In Guatemala, "the sudden appearance of a figure of the Blessed Virgin Mary startled workers at the San Juan de Dios General Hospital, who considered it a miracle and a sign of divine protection over the hospital."

"An employee carrying out his duties on the roof of the hospital's third level yesterday afternoon (Wednesday, June 18, 2003) was startled when he looked up and saw a figure with the features of the Virgin on one of the walls. He promptly notified hospital officials, who confirmed that the image corresponded to 'Our Lady of Fatima, Patroness of the Sick.'"

"Ruben Mazariegos, secretary-general of the Worker's Union of San Juan de Dios General Hospital, reported that is is 'a sign of divine favor in our struggle to keep the hospital from being privatized. Last week we managed to get Government Decree 247-2003 repealed,' said the union leader."

"Employee reactions were varied. The faithful organized to 'install an altar, by the end of the week, at the base of the figure's feet, to thank her for her protection.'"

"One of the hospital's volunteer nurses stated that 'this is palpable proof that miracles exist. We have needed a spiritual guide for a long time now. We must now become more responsible with our medical duties.'"

"She added that 'the Virgin appears to show that she is with us and has never deserted us.'"

"Mazariegos reiterated, in turn, that 'now is the time that we are called to reflect and pursue our duty, which is the saving of lives. This hospital has been deserted in recent weeks, and she shall be our guide and counselor." (For the Milton, Mass. sighting, see the the Providence, R.I. Journal for June 17, 2003, "Mary's likeness a magnet in Mass." Many thanks to Mary Lou Jones-Drown, Michael Strainic and Atilio Coelho for this newspaper story. For the Guatemala sighting, see Planeta UFO for June 19, 2003. Muchas gracias a Scott Corrales y Guillermo Gimenez para eso articulo.)


"State wildlife officials have set out two large traps in the lower Olinda area," near Wailuku on the island of Maui in Hawaii "to capture what some residents describe as 'a catlike animal' that may weigh up to 100 pounds."

"State wildlife biologist Fern Duvall said several witnesses report that the animal has a big head, with dark brown or tan fur and an upturned tail, and (is) about the size of a Labrador dog or larger."

"Officials have not determined if indeed a large cat, which is not native to Hawaii, is on the loose, but they set out the traps to be cautious, Duvall said."

"'All we have (are) these fleeting descriptions of it,' Duvall said."

"Based on the descriptions provided by witnesses, Duvall said if there is a cat, it may be a leopard or jaguar. Mountain lions, large cats with tan-colored fur, have small heads, he said."

"Six people have reported seeing the animal on four separate occasions in the area mauka (Hawaiian for west-- J.T.) of Seabury Hall on the Pukalani side of Olinda Road, Duvall said."

"State officials said the first sighting was in early February (2003) when a woman saw the animal in a driveway."

"The second sighting took place in mid-March (2003) when two women saw it walking down a downed tree trunk in a pasture."

"The third sighting was in April or May (2003) when a woman saw it near a pasture, and the fourth on June 9 (2003) when a married couple saw it cross 20 feet (6 meters) in front of them in a pasture, Duvall said."

"Olinda resident Brenda Tisinger, the third witness, said she was driving in the afternoon to her home in lower Olinda on Hanamu Road in late April or early May when she saw a large cat in the bushes near a pasture 50 feet (15 meters) away."

"The cat, about the size of a small cougar, was solid tan in color, with ears a little darker, she said."

"'I thought, what the heck was that!?' Tisinger said, 'It just took me off guard.'"

"Tisinger said she saw the animal for about three seconds. She said she is certain it was a large cat, although she could not tell what kind."

"'When somebody finds out what it is, I'd love to know,' she said."

"Duvall said he received numerous inquiries from concerned residents who have been hearing rumors about the animal. Officials released details about the animal sightings in an effort to stop the rumors and receive additional information from other witnesses who have not come forward."

Although nobody has ever captured a big cat on Maui, there have been previous sightings of mystery felines in Hawaii. These include:

"May 1984--A man driving through the woods in Kokee, Kauai (island) saw a big cat leaping from a ditch onto a road near the YWCA's Camp Sloggett."

"February 1988--The state searched unsuccessfully for a big cat, believed to be a cougar, in the hills above Aina Haina."

"June 1988--Specialized Services Division searched the Aina Haina hills for a big white cat."

"September 1991--A three-month-old female cougar was siezed from a Hawaii Loa Ridge home after tipped-off searchers heard a soft whistle sound coming from the cat."

"August 1993--Residents report a big tawny wildcat in Paolo Valley." (See the Honolulu Star-Bulletin for June 17, 2003, "State sets traps for leopard-size cat near Olinda." Many thanks to Loren Coleman for this newspaper article.)


"An unidentified flying object fell to Earth in the southern Jizan region" of Saudi Arabia, located about 700 kilometers (420 miles) southwest of Riyadh, the national capital. "last Monday (June 2, 2003), and experts believed it could be part of a spy plane that invaded Saudi airspace."

"Witnesses told the daily newspaper al-Watan that the object looked like a flying saucer and radiated light."

"A number of people in the town of Raith, about 220 kilometers (132 miles) northeast of Jizan, watched the strange object fall at about 9 a.m. on Monday."

"The fall of the object sent shock waves through the area and frightened cattle. People ran away from the object and observed it from a distance."

"Abdul Rahman al-Osaimi, governor of Raith, told the Arabic daily that he visited the area where the object had fallen, adding that it had frightened the residents."

"'The object was not big, but it scared the people,' the governor said."

"Informed sources told al-Watan that (Saudi) security officers visited the site to inspect the object and interview witnesses."

"Salman al-Raithi, a resident of Raith, told the daily (newspaper) that he had watched the object flying at low altitude and then fall on the ground."

"Wadi Amoud (a nearby oasis--A.K.) has seen a number of strange incidents over the years. Once it witnessed the emergence of poisonous black water from a well, which the superstitious used to treat diseases, forcing the Saudi authorities to cover the well." (See the Saudi newspaper al-Watan for June 8, 2003. Also the Arab News for June 10, 2003. Many thanks to Ayesha al-Khatabi and Mahmoud Ahmad for this news story.)


A new UFO flap has broken out in UK. "A triangular object with a shiny tail behind it has been sighted across the Worcester skies."

"A man in St. John's claims he saw the strange triangular shape with six lights on the left-hand side and six lights on the right-hand side on Tuesday, June 3 (2003), around 1 a.m."

"It was moving towards the Malvern area with a shining tail behind it."

"The witness rang Contact International UFO Research, in Oxfordshire, to tell them of his sighting."

"On Saturday, May 31 (2003), a man and his wife, also from St. John's, say they spotted a white light above Worcester Cathedral."

"'The light suddenly shot off towards the Birmingham direction (north--J.T.),' said Michael Soper, spokesman for Contact International."

"And in Kidderminster, on Wednesday night (June 4, 2003), two people say they saw a pearl-shaped object flying over Coventry Street as they were driving home."

"'It was hovering in the sky; then it darted out of sight,' said Mr. Soper, 'We can't speculate on what any of these objects are.'"

"Mr. Soper said he received the phone calls after the Evening News reported how a man walking his dog near Litchfield Street, Stourport-on-Severn, saw six strange lights flying silently across the sky in a southwesterly direction over Stourport-on-Severn on Saturday, May 31 (2003)."

"The Evening News told people in the Malvern area to look out for unexplained objects after three triangular objects were seen moving southwest over Birmingham on the same night."

On Monday, June 16, 2003, at 7:08 p.m., eyewitness N.C. "saw a UFO appear from the left" in Hendon, near London. He reported, "It was flying high with green flashing lights. It was heading left, and my friend, who had binoculars for Sports Day, says he saw little red men. I then fainted. It was all very scary. Before I fainted, I took a quick look and saw something red."

N.C. added that the UFO "was shiny with green lights round," and was at an estimated altitude "of 1,500 metres (5,000 feet), unsure of speed." (See This Is Worcester for June 13, 2003, "Is there anybody there? County in grip of UFO flap." Many thanks to Robert Fischer for this news story. Hendon was an Email Form Report.)


"A mystery trail of flying light soared through the sky across Tasmania," the large island off the southern coast of Australia, the night of Wednesday, June 18, 2003.

"Speculation was rife after the light-show direct from outer space--possibly space junk--re-entered the Earth's orbit like a giant shooting star."

"Hobart and Launceston airport towers both witnessed the spectacle."

"Tasmanian police received calls from witnesses across the (island) state who thought they had seen multi- coloured distress flares."

"Acting Sergeant Karina Parker said the reports had been baffling instantly, since there was no sign of any boats in distress."

"'Each of the callers rang in reporting a flare of a different colour. It was obviously spectacular,' she said."

"The calls lit up the police switchboard at 8:05 p.m."

"'We've had calls from Cambridge, Huonville and north of state, as well,' she said."

"Police were later in contact with Hobart and Launceston airports, which both saw the lights and believed they looked like an enormous shooting star."

"'It appears it was a giant shooting star which fell out of the sky and exploded into all different colours,' Acting Sergeant Parker said."

"Night workers at Launceston airport said it was the biggest shooting star in memory."

"However, there was also speculation the light display could have been a meteor, a satellite burning up or other space junk."

"An airport worker said an incoming pilot also witnessed the flash of light and reported seeing a 're- entry,' which is industry jargon for space junk returning to Earth."

"He said the light was definitely not an aurora australis, which are frequent at this time of year."

"However, there were reports in other parts of southern Tasmania of southern lights--aurora australis."

"'It looked to me like a shooting star--the biggest I've ever seen,' he said." (See the Hobart Mercury for June 19, 2003, "Mystery over bright sky light." Many thanks to Gerry Lovell for forwarding this newspaper article.)


"A rare bright green meteor flew across the sky early on Thursday, June 12, 2003, surprising early risers" in New Zealand.

"Denise Buckton of Auckland's Blockhouse Bay said she gasped when she saw the object from her living room window. 'It was fun to look at. It had the same brightness as a flare.'"

"Stardome Observatory spokesman Warren Hurley said the meteor was particularly bright and larger than average, at 20 to 50 centimeters in diameter. It flew across at 7:07 a.m., providing a rare daytime spectacle."

"It was first visible at an altitude of 80 kilometers (50 miles) in the north and about 20 kilometers (12 miles) when last seen in the south."

"'It's rare to seem them of that size,' Mr. Hurley said."

"It travelled from Whangarei to Edendale, near Invercargill, and was visible for ten seconds down the east coast of New Zealand." (Many thanks to John Hayes, Amanda Kyne and Diane Harrison of the Australian UFO Research Network, AUFORN, for this news story.)


"The electronic sign" in Horseshoe Bend, Idaho (population 770) "flashes at motorists speeding through the hills on their way to raft, kayak or fish in the river running through the green valley below."

"'Crickets on Highway. Slick Road,' it warns."

"There they are, climbing up the guardrail and spilling onto the road--thousands of dark red Mormon crickets, resembling giant grasshoppers. Behind them, the hills are swarming with hordes, more than anyone could possibly count."

"This is one of nature's cruel surprises in the sea of sagebrush that stretches across southern Idaho, northern Nevada and Utah; infestations of ravenous Mormon crickets, which march in armies up to 100,000 strong, eating virtually everything they find that has moisture content, including each other."

"Experts say the swarms are the worst since at least World War II, maybe even since the Dust Bowl years of the 1930s, because of a dry spring and several unseasonably warm winters."

"About 6 million acres in Utah are affected, double last year's amount. Nevada's entomologist guesses that more than 5 million acres are cricket-ridden, a doubling for that state as well."

"Idaho is experiencing its worst outbreak in more than 50 years, officials say. Pockets of California, Nebraska, Washington (state) and Wyoming also have plague- like levels."

"Asked how many Mormon crickets this adds up to, Jeffrey Knight, Nevada's top bug expert, said there could be more than 20,000 per acre in infested areas."

"'Do the math,' he says, 'It's incomprehensible.'"

"Mormon cricket infestatons typically last five to seven years but have been known to stretch to 21 years, experts say."

"Besides the sheer nuisance factor--it is considerable--there are serious consequences."

"Farmers are struggling to make ends meet during a prolonged drought find their corn, wheat, barley and alfalfa fields at risk of being the insects' lunch. Ranchers won't have hay or grass to feed their cattle if the bugs get into their fields."

"'Our local farmers and ranchers are deathly afraid of what could happen,' said Brian Davies, mayor of Horseshoe Bend, population 770, a former timber town that depends on agriculture and tourism."

"On the highways, if a horde gets hit by cars, oily carcasses can create a hazard 'slicker than black ice,' according to Fawn Carey, Boise County disaster services coordinator."

"Then there are the problems that face businesses on the south side of Elko, a city of 17,000 in northeastern Nevada."

"Mormon cricket hordes descended last week on a 10- building business park owned by Medea Snyder. They crawled through parking lots and chewed through landscaping."

"'You can't walk; they're everywhere. It's disgusting,' the businesswoman says."

"Business plummeted as customers looked out their car windows and drove off, she said. The chiropractor next door to Snyder's office has closed until the Mormon crickets leave. Little girls are screaming when their mothers pull up to the dance studio and are refusing to get out of their cars, Snyder said."

"The Mormon crickets 'have this horrible smell, kind of like formaldehyde. And when the cars run over them-- pop, pop, pop--the sound is unbelievable,' she said."

"Linda Beller, who works at Elko Garden & Landscape, is spraying insecticides around her yard in the morning and hopes there's something green when she returns home at night."

"'My neighbor's lawn, it looked alive this morning; it was just covered,' she said with a sigh. Some dogs like to chase the bugs, but Beller's cat, Shortfork, is 'hiding under the house most of the time.'"

"The crickets get their name from Mormon settlers (from The Book of Mormon, a scripture revered by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints-- J.T.), who watched in dismay as the bugs began to chomp through their crops in the spring of 1848, soon after the (Mormon) pioneers settled permanently in Utah. Clubbing the insects didn't work, neither did trying to burn or drown them."

"Then, what the Mormon refer to as a miracle occurred. Seagulls swooped down from the Great Salt Lake and gorged on the crickets, saving the settlers' food supply, according to an account provided by the church. To this day, it is against the law in Utah to harm a seagull, the state bird."

(Editor's Note: The Nuche indigenous people, a.k.a. the Ute Indians, used to roast the crickets over hot coals, snap the head off and eat them like popcorn. The insects, which are actually a species of katydid, are high in protein.)

"But in southern Idaho, where the swarms are on the move, no such help is at hand. Dean Davison, who grows hay on 2,300 acres outside Boise," the state capital of Idaho, "in Elmore County, joined with 10 other ranchers to place poisonous bait in the path of a bug invasion he describes as almost a half-mile (0.8 kilometers) wide and two miles (3.2 kilometers) long." (See the Chicago Tribune for June 16, 2003, "Jiminy! West overrun by Mormon crickets," pages 1 and 18.)


"A rare and strong earthquake was felt Friday evening, June 20, 2003, in the Amazonian jungles of Brazil."

"Dr. Vasile Marza of the Seismological Observatory of the University of Brasilia told news media that the earthquake, which registered 7.0 on the Richter scale, took place" along the Rio Araguaia, just south of the Serra do Roncador mountains, "about 553 kilometers (331 miles) west of Brasilia," the national capital.

"'It was in a sparsely populated area of the jungle and probably no one felt it. But the earthquake itself-- any earthquake--is unusual in this part of Brazil,' Dr. Marza said."

"Brazil has not had an earthquake of this magnitude for 20 years. Dr. Marza added that there has been 'a quantity of strong quakes worldwide,' which tend to increase the chances of a catastrophic quake occurring in South America." (See the Brazilian newspaper O Mineirao of Belo Horizonte, M.G. for June 20, 2003, "Terremoto e sentido no Amazonas." Muito obrigado a Roberto S. Ferreira por eso articulo do diario.)

(Editor's Note: The Serra do Roncador region has a long history of UFO sightings and paranormal events. It was here that Colonel Percy Fawcett, his son Jack Fawcett and Raleigh Rimmell vanished in May 1925 while searching for mysterious "lost cities" in the jungle. The foremost of these is Matalir-Aconcagua, said to be left over from the lost continent of Atlantis.)


"A day after allowing American Holocaust experts to study its archives, Romania denied Friday (June 13, 2003) that a mass murder of Jews had taken place on its territory in World War II."

"Historians say 250,000 were deported or killed."

(Editor's Note: Books about massacres of Jews in Romania include Kaput by Curzio Malaparte, E.P. Dutton, New York, N.Y., 1946; The Silent Holocaust: Romania and its Jews by I.C. Butnaru, Greenwood Press, Westport, Conn., 1992; and The Holocaust in Romania: The Destruction of Jews and Gypsies under the Antonescu Regime by Radu Ioanid, Ivan R. Dee Publishers, Chicago, Ill., 2000.)

"'We firmly claim that, within the borders of Romania between 1940 and 1945, there was no Holocaust,' the (Romanian) Ministry of Public Information said in a statement" issued as a news release.

"A local Jewish leader said the statement did not reflect the truth about what happened."

"'You cannot say there weren't victims,' said Ernest Neumann, head of the 600-member Jewish community in the eastern city of Timisoara."

"Romania has been criticized for a reluctance to come to grips with its role in the Holocaust. On Thursday (June 12, 2003) the government signed an agreement allowing the Washington-based Holocaust Memorial Museum to study Romanian archives."

"'The government encourages research about the Holocaust in Europe, including of documents of the type found in Romanian archives,' the ministry said."

"But historical accounts detail how about one-half of Romania's pre-war Jewish population of 760,000 was killed during the war. Most died in the former Soviet Union, where they had been deported under the rule of pro-Nazi leader Marshal Ion Antonescu."

"Historians have documented pogroms in Romania, including one in June 1941 in the northeastern city of Iasi (pronounced Jassy--J.T.), where up to 12,000 people are believed to have died as Romanian and German soldiers swept from house to house, killing Jews."

With Friday's statement, Romania became the first eastern European country to officially dispute the claims of the Holocaust Memorial Museum. (See the Chicago Sun- Times for June 15, 2003, "Romania insists 'there was no Holocaust' on its soil in WWII." Many thanks to Valentin Iliescu for this news story.)

(Editor's Comment: Meanwhile, in Canada, ufologist Ernst Zundel, author of UFOs: Nazi Secret Weapons? and Hitler at the South Pole, spent April and May jailed in Toronto for saying essentially the same thing as the Romanian government.)


Looks like cryptozoologist and paranormal researcher Loren Coleman has the last word on "the curse of The Mothman Prophecies." (See UFO Roundup, volume 8, number 22 for June 18, 2003, "1931: Before Mothman," page 8.)

Mothman, of course, is the weird winged entity that predicted the collapse of the Silver Bridge into the Ohio River on December 15, 1967. In the feature story on Point Pleasant, West Virginia--Mothman's home town--your editor remarked on the presence of the number 13 in the strange "Pyramid of America" that was being built during the early Depression years by Point Pleasant's oddball celebrity, William Hope Harvey. By way of reply, Loren had this to say:

"It should not be forgotten that the United States Department of Transportation ruled that it was the 'Number 13 eyebar pin' that failed, triggering the demise of the Silver Bridge in 1967."

From the UFO Files...


Sixty years later, the event still boggles the mind. That a modern nation could single out a group of people as "the enemy" and then pursue a deliberate policy of massacre not only within their own borders but in every country where the Third Reich held political sway--it seems like the stuff of science fiction, a potboiler right out of the pages of Weird Tales.

With a few glaring exceptions, the newspapers and magazines of the early 1940s are silent about the Shoah or Holocaust. The atrocities became public knowledge only after the fall of the Third Reich.

Yet, during the war--despite the media blackout--one group unearthed some intriguing evidence. This was the old Fortean Society, led by its irascible Secretary, author Tiffany Thayer.

Founded in 1930 and devoted to the study of strange phenomena, a pursuit first realized by "the Father of Ufology," Charles Fort (1874-1932), the Society launched its own periodical in 1937, and members busied themselves cutting out newspaper articles dealing with the odd, the strange and the unusual.

In the June 1943 issue of The Fortean Society Magazine, Thayer ran a strange little news item from Switzerland.

"Grey snow fell in Basel, Switzerland 2-7-42 (February 7, 1942). Orthodox explanation: 'caused by an oily substance of the nature of soot produced by combustion at some great distance.' As far away as Mars, perhaps?"

Two years later, the phenomenon repeated itself. "A Sofia (Bulgaria) dispatch quoted by UP (United Press, forerunner of today's United Press International--J.T.) 3- 29-44 (March 29, 1944) stated that black snow had fallen 'in some parts of Bulgaria.' Ash clouds from (Mount) Vesuvius, as usual."

Today it appears obvious that the grey and black snows were caused by the mass cremations at the Auschwitz- Birkenau vernichtungenslager (death camp) in southern Poland. The ashes were carried into the stratosphere and subsequently precipitated out as dark-colored snows. When the cremations halted, the "phenomenon" disappeared, as well.

Yet the still-widely-unknown Holocaust wasn't the only strange event reported by the Fortean Society during the war. Thayer was intrigued by unusual reports coming out of Antarctica.

"British scientists, 14 strong, under (Lieutenant Commander) J.W.S. Marr were reported 4-24-44 (April 24, 1944) in Antarctica. The mission began secretly, is proceeding mysteriously, and will end in confusion for poor Homer Sap."

The mission may have ended, but the scientific and military results--if any--of the 1944 Marr expedition never became public knowledge. What were the Allies up to on the frozen southern continent? An enterprising World War II historian might want to find out.

"Echo, 12-29-45 (December 29, 1945): Mr. Shaw of West Bromwich again--reported the first quake, in his 38 years of experience, within 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers) of the South Pole. It lasted FOUR HOURS."

This phenomenon was never explained, not even during the International Geophysical Year (IGY) expeditions in 1957. (See The Fortean Society Magazine for June 1943, "Gray snowfall," page 7; Doubt: The Fortean Society Magazine for Winter 1945, "Black snow," page 164; and Doubt, ibid. page 164.)

That's it for this week. Join us next time for more UFO, Fortean and paranormal news from around the planet Earth, brought to you by "the paper that goes home--UFO Roundup." See you next time.

UFO ROUNDUP: Copyright 2003 by Masinaigan Productions, all rights reserved. Readers may post news items from UFO Roundup on their Web sites or in news groups provided that they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue in which the item first appeared.

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