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UFO ROUNDUP Volume 7 Number 46

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 · 27 Jun 2024

Volume 7
Number 46
November 12, 2002
Editor: Joseph Trainor


On Tuesday, October 29, 2002, four teenagers were driving on the Moscow-Simferopol Highway when they spotted an usual object in the sky. The teens "observed a red UFO while driving south on the highway near Kursk. They were heading towards the city (Kursk--J.T.) when the four witnesses spotted the UFO circling slowly in the sky, looking like a glowing star."

"The UFO's approach caused the car's radio to go haywire. They could no longer hear the Moscow radio stations, just long, intermittent bursts of static. Finally, the strange object continued its flight toward the southern horizon. As it passed out of view, the car's radio returned to normal."

Kursk is located about 500 kilometers (300 miles) south of Moscow.

Two days later, on Thursday, October 31, 2002, "a series of UFO sightings was reported in Astrakhan," at the mouth of the Volga River on the Caspian Sea.

"For five consecutive days, a spherical UFO performed aerial maneuvers above the rooftops in the upper hillside section" of Astrakhan. "Occasionally, the UFO emitted small spheres of white or golden light."

"Another UFO with the same characteristics was seen by several witnesses in the town of Ortzonikitsk. The object fired beams of light at the ground. The beams were red, blue and green. The UFO emitted these colorful rays of light for several minutes and then disappeared before the astonished gaze of the witnesses present." (See NotiOVNI for November 3, 2002. Many thanks to Daniel Munoz for this report.)

(Editor's Comment: And welcome to The Aliens REALLY Strike Back Week at UFO Roundup. The aliens are giving us "a full court press" all over planet Earth, and our newsletter has it all. First let's check out the Black Sea region...)


On Monday, October 7, 2002, between 3 and 5 p.m., "Viktor A. Zdorov was on a business trip, driving his Lada station wagon in the Belgorosk district of the Crimea," in the southern Ukraine. "Suddenly, he watched a big circular object no less than 50 meters (165 feet) in diameter, hovering stationary for more than one hour over the forest-covered mountains 5 kilometers (3 miles) southwest of the village of Zemlyanichnoye."

"The circular UFO had a flat, cone-shaped upper part (something like a Vietnamese or Chinese hat--A.N.), with a smaller cone on top and a vertical antenna. The lower part was like a big deep saucer, with the upper part (of the "saucer"--J.T.) wider than the lower. It had a segmented structure with several vertical and horizontal sections, marked by slightly visible lines. The color of the entire object was dull grey-metallic."

"Many local residents saw the UFO, but there are frequent sightings" in the Crimea "so many do not pay much attention to the regularly-observed UFOs. The local press often refuses to publish UFO reports since they are so common." (See Filer's Files #45 for November 6, 2002. Many thanks to Anton A. Anfalov for this report and to George A. Filer for allowing UFO Roundup to reprint this article.)


On Friday, November 1, 2002, at 5:30 a.m., a Turkish DC-10 jetliner was approaching Afyon, during its early morning flight from Antalya to Istanbul. The DC-10 was flying at an altitude of 6,600 meters (22,000 feet), when the co-pilot noticed something strange on the cockpit radar screen.

Looking out the cockpit's side windows, the pilot and crew "saw a group of 15 UFOs, 'all the size of a Boeing 747,' passing overhead, speeding by the airliner at an altitude of 10,500 meters (35,000 feet). The circular objects were faintly self-luminous and left no condensation trail in the upper atmosphere. They flew past Afyon and became lost in the darkness of the northwestern horizon."

Afyon is a mid-sized city about 250 kilometers (150 miles) southwest of Ankara, Turkey's capital. (Many thanks to Erkan S. for this report.)

(Editor's Comment: When you have a global UFO flap this big, you just know something's going on in South America. Read on...)


On Sunday, October 20, 2002, "a resident of Junin de Los Andes," a small city in southern Argentina, "made a call to the local sheriff's office, reporting the presence of 'a strange little person' at his house."

"According to the informants, a police patrol reached the site to verify the report and learned that the resident had been visited by a small person who knocked on the door of his home, requesting help, since 'someone was beating on one of his relatives.'"

"The house's occupant stated that the creature was short in stature, although given the fact that it was nighttime, he was unable to identify it clearly. However, he acceded to the mysterious little man's request. He left his house, but upon not hearing other noises or cries for help, he chose to return home, fearing (that) it might all be a ruse to commit burglary during his absence."

"Hours later, police received notice of a strange presence in the 150-dwelling neighborhood, located to one side of the Boulevard Juan Manuel de Rosas. Once again a patrol car reported to the scene without ascertaining any developments."

"Days later, an officer of the provincial police decided to inspect the location at 4:30 a.m., due to the incessant barking of dogs. He discovered the presence of a small person, some 80 centimeters tall (2 feet, 8 inches), who was on a pathway leading into a house. Upon realizing that it was being watched, the entity made a quick getaway."

"Concerned by what he had seen, and according to our journalistic source, the officer made an Identikit drawing of the suspect before reporting the incident to his superiors."

"Hugo Jara, the main officer at the Sheriff's Department No. 25, was interviewed by a local (radio) station and confirmed the information on both procedures, although no evidence was found to corroborate the presence of the small person at the site."

"The news spread like wildfire throughout the city, and residents provided confirmation of the strange event, such as the odd behavior of dogs that evening with their incessant barking."

"The fact is, the 'goblin' or 'gnome,' as it has become known, caused a sensation that shattered the city's habitual calm, and has gone on to form part of the gallery of mysterious characters in the area, such as El Cuero of (Lago de) Huechulafquen, the marine creature seen several times in the said lake."

Junin de los Andes is located about 150 kilometers (90 miles) north of San Carlos de Bariloche in southern Argentina. (See the Argentinian newspaper Junin Dice for October 27, 2002, "Mysterious dwarf causes concern in community." Muchas gracias a Scott Corrales y Guillermo Gimenez para eso articulo de diario.)

(Editor's Note: To give the Spanish a free translation, El Cuero in this case would be something like Leatherskin. This is the first I've heard of a "Nessie" in Lago de Huechulafquen. However, a Loch Ness-type monster has been seen repeatedly in Lago Nahuel Huapi, the large lake near San Carlos de Brailoche. If any of our Argentinian readers have more information about El Cuero, please send us an email at


Colombian ufologists are calling it "a UFO wave without precedence."

On Thursday, October 25, 2002, at 6:30 a.m., thousands of people in Bucaramanga saw "strange flashes of light" on the mountaintops overlooking their city. "Telephone calls flooded the TV studios of Caracol and RCN in Bogota," the capital of Colombia.

"UFOs were seen flying over the city of Bucaramanga, and thousands of witnesses reported that the sky over their city 'was resplendent with the lights of the UFOs' as they passed over slowly."

"As a result of the UFO visitation, a new committee has been formed, composed of veteran ufologists and local residents, to study the unprecedented event in our city."

Bucaramanga is located about 400 kilometers (250 miles) north of Bogota. (See NotiOVNI for November 3, 2002. Muchas gracias a Daniel Munoz y William Chavez Arriza del grupo Contacto OVNI para ese informe.)

(Editor's Comment: We have one more story from South America yet to come. But for now, on to Norway for yet another sighting in last week's worldwide flap...)


On Friday, November 1, 2002, Thomas Mogen was outdoors in the small town of Rollag in Norway. "It was a clear night and his attention was drawn to a colorful point of light."

"Curious, he went home to find his binoculars. The light phenomena was evidently changing, shifting between all the colors of the rainbow. It also pulsated somehow."

"Thomas Mogen had discovered the UFO over Rollag."

"'It looked very much like a disco light show,' he said."

"He also explained that the light changed size very quickly, and that it slowly and barely noticeably shifted from east to west."

"He did not want to be alone in seeing the phenomenon, and even though it was close to 4 a.m., he called his pal Amund Henriksen. Amund had a digital video camera and started recording the light."

"'In the beginning, it was difficult to record the light. I had to use zoom a lot, and it was hard to keep the light steady in the viewfinder. Finally, I decided to just put the video camera on the second-floor windowsill. Then the picture became acceptable,' Amund Henriksen explained."

"The light disappeared at approximately 5:30 a.m. over the east side of Numedal."

"'The light disappeared behind a hill, but I left the camcorder running. Half a minute later, it reappeared but only for a few seconds. This happened twice,' the photographer said."

"Amund Henriksen and Thomas Mogen have no good explanation for the light. 'First I thought it had to be a comet, but it wasn't. It certainly is not a common star,' Amund said."

"'It was either the planet Jupiter or the star Sirius that were videotaped in the sky over Numedal the night before Saturday,' said Professor Kore Aksnes of the University of Oslo, who has seen the video."

"It is quite common to see Jupiter behave that way,' Aksnes said."

"Ayvind Tancen of the Norsk Astronomisk Selskap (Norwegian Astronomical Society--E.P.) at Kongsberg suggests it is the star Sirius, since this is the brightest star to be observed in the Norwegian sky."

However, "one of Norway's most experienced UFO experts watched the ten-minute unedited recording of the light phenomena over Rollag. Erling P. Strand maintains that the theories about planets and stars are wrong."

"'The most interesting passage is the end of the recording. Here we see the light disappear, only to return in another place. The light goes away very fast. That would not have been the case with a star or a planet,' said Strand." (See the Norwegian Broadcasting Co. reports for November 4 and 5, 2002. Many thanks to UFO Roundup's Scandinavian correspondent, Erik Petersen, for this news story.)

(Editor's Comment: And we're not done with Europe yet. Read on...)


On Sunday, October 27, 2002, at 7:21 p.m., Italian author and ufologist Roberto Malini and two companions, D.F., a young art director, and A.C., a resident of Cernusco sul Naviglio," were in that community, near Milano (Milan) in northern Italy "when we sighted three UFOs in formation."

"The UFOs were disc-shaped, black, no lights," Roberto reported, "The discs had little wings, no reflective surfaces and were visible before dark. The flying objects were rotating and moved slowly in a horizontal flight path, with a peculiar tremor, from west to east."

"Suddenly, two of the UFOs vanished," he added, "The third disc remained immobile in the sky, continually rotating, for over ten minutes. It seemed dark, metallic, height (altitude) about 1,000 meters (3,300 feet)."

"The UFO went straight up and vanished."

Malini and his companions "shot two photographs of the discs with a camera that lacked a zoom. When I got the photos back from the photo shop, the object appeared like a glowing red light." (Grazie a Roberto Malini per questo rapporto.)

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