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UFO ROUNDUP Volume 8 Number 17

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Volume 8
Number 17
April 30, 2003
Editor: Joseph Trainor


"New testimony regarding the presence of a strange hairy biped, sporting long claws and an unusual ferocity, were added to the long list of accounts that the police have gathered in" Rosario de la Frontera, a small city in northern Argentina "after the judge of the Court of Instruction, Mario Dilascio, mandated a final investigation into the subject last month."

"The first reference to the case was provided by a couple in a forested area, Arroyo Salado, two kilometers (1.2 miles) to the west" of Rosario de la Frontera "and which serves as a 'Lovers' Lane.' They claim to have been attacked by a strange entity standing two meters (6 feet, 6 inches) tall, covered in hair, with razor-sharp claws and 'bare buttocks.'"

"But now there is more: a family surnamed Pereyra told authorities that whenever going to the municipal dump in their pickup truck, 'a beast' described as a 'large monkey' crossed their path, climbed over the vehicle's hood, and then lost itself in the thicket, leaving claw marks on the (truck's) chassis."

In another case, "businessman Raul Torres and teacher Hugo Rodas, who teaches in San Antonio de Cobres, told the chief of the volunteer fire brigade, Jose Exequiel Alvarez, that they found something very unusual at El Duraznito."

"A large unknown animal lay by the roadside, apparently run over by a vehicle. They got out of their car to take a look, turned it around using a stick, and were astonished. They had never seen anything like it. It had amazing claws, was like a human, measured 1.5 meters (4 feet)" in length, "had a bearlike snout with enormous fangs and genitals identical to those of a male human."

"Alvarez has led several expeditions to find the animal and claims having seen it through binoculars. 'What I saw resembled a gorilla very closely but,' he asked himself, 'what would an African anthropoid be doing here?'"

"The volunteer fireman added that 'we will be visiting El Duraznito to see if we can find the remains (of the creature--S.C.) reported by those people.'"

"Furthermore, a woman surnamed Galvan claimed having seen it in Los Banos, behind the mountains surrounding the thermal springs."

"'I don't think we're dealing with a single specimen, but with a family of them,'" Alvarez said.

Rosario de la Frontera is located about 150 kilometers (90 miles) south of Salta and about 500 kilometers (300 miles) northwest of Buenos Aires, the national capital." (See the Argentinian newspaper El Tribuno of Salta for April 16, 2003, "Unknown animal carcass found near Salta." Muchas gracias a Scott Corrales y Mercedes Casas para eso articulo de diario.) (Editor's Comment: Welcome to More Weird Critters of South America Week at UFO Roundup. Things are popping on the other side of the Andes in Chile, as well.)


"A bizarre animal caught in a small community in southern Chile was immediately associated by the local residents with the enigmatic Chupacabra, since dozens of birds who died by exsanguination (i.e. all the blood was drained from their bodies--J.T.) was found in the area some time ago."

"According to police reports, the black, cat-like animal--showing considerable differences" from normal felines "in its ears and hind legs--was captured by residents of Pinchulao, a settlement in the commune of Lautaro, 690 kilometers (414 miles) south" of Santiago de Chile, the national capital.

"La Prensa Austral, a newspaper in Temuco, a town adjacent to Lautaro, specified that the strange beast was caught in the process of exsanguinating a hen."

"The animal will be examined by local veterinarians and analyzed to determine which species it belongs to."

"Every so often, the legendary Chupacabra becomes a news item in Chile. It is accused of slaying and sucking dry" livestock such as "goats, pigs, rabbits, chickens and other animals, although its existence has never been verified."

"In late May 2000, residents of the northern city of Calama" blamed NASA, the USA's space agency, "for the Chupacabra's manifestations and attacks. At the time, residents of Calama, located 1,584 kilometers (950 miles) north of Santiago, claimed that U.S. scientists were in the area and 'lost control of at least three genetic experiments,' only managing to recover two of them."

"The (weird) animal, found by a local resident, was caught in the act of sucking blood from a chicken's neck."

"The specimen is in the possession of Ricardo Candia, officer in charge of the local television station, USTV, in the city of Toque, who had the creature embalmed in order to preserve it."

"It is worth noting that the animal--measuring some 30 centimeters (12 inches) long--was captured by a resident of the Pinchulao settlement, property of Prof. Luis Mendez, in the Rinconada sector, some 19 kilometers (12 miles) from Lautaro."

"Around 8 p.m. last Wednesday (April 16, 2003), Samuel Cayuman was inside his dwelling in the company of his wife when both heard a strange sound coming from the henhouse. Concerned for his poultry, the worker went outside and headed towards the structure to take a look. He removed his key and unlocked the door to enter a space fenced by barbed wire, but the darkness kept him from seeing anything strange going on within."

"He suddenly siezed one of the hens. Upon taking it outside for a better look, he noticed that a dark and hairy animal was dangling from its (the hen's) neck. He immediately let go of the bird and gripped the strange being that had already drained all of the hen's blood. Cayuman separated it (from the hen--J.T.) and then killed it." (See the Chilean newspapers La Nueva Provincia for April 20, 2003, "Strange animal caught: the Chupacabra?" and Diario Austral de Araucania for April 21, 2003, "Strange animal mystery continues." Muchas gracias a Scott Corrales y tambien Christian Quintero y Guillermo Gimenez del grupo Planeta UFO para esos articulos de diario.)


The Russian Navy has reportedly recovered a large triangular UFO, which crashed in Kaliningrad harbor after overflying a naval base. The crash caused minor damage to a Russian destroyer of the Sovremenny class.

According to ufologist James L. Choron, "an unidentified flying object has crashed at Kaliningrad," a seaport on the Baltic Sea, about 650 kilometers (390 miles) east of Moscow.

"The story is being released gradually, as it was witnessed by the entire Baltic Fleet and most of the citizens of Kaliningrad. Wreckage is being recovered."

"The whole thing was caught on (Russian) television and was broadcast live by a news crew doing a feature on the fleet. The (triangular) craft was seen as a total loss and, as yet, no bodies have been found."

The UFO "was overflying the base," which is the home port of Russia's Baltic Fleet. "It is assumed that the fleet radar interfered with the craft's guidance system. It was not, repeat NOT, shot down."

"The craft appeared to be of a 'flying wing' design and was absolutely silent. It hit the water at what is described as 'a tremendous speed.' No casualties. High levels of radiation present."

The crash reportedly caused "minor damage" to a Sovremenny-class Type 956 heavy destroyer at anchor in the harbor. The Sovremenny is similar to a U.S. Navy Aegis- equipped missile cruiser. The Russian vessel is armed with an onboard anti-submarine helicopter, 48 surface-to- air missiles, 8 ship-to-ship missiles, torpedoes, mines and 12.5-centimeter (5-inch) guns. (Many thanks to James L. Choron and John Hayes for this news story.)


UFOs were spotted in Belgium during April.

On Friday, April 4, 2003, at 12:15 a.m., Guenther Slachmann "left the city of Huy in my car. I crossed the Pere Pire Bridge over the river Meuse, and took the road which goes up towards Couthuin and Heron."

"Coming out of the valley of the river Meuse, I saw in the sky on my right-hand side a luminous point that could have been a plane in the distance. Two kilometers (1.2 miles) further on, the luminous point lost height (altitude in the USA--J.T.) and continued to fly slowly."

"At first I thought it was a plane landing at Bierset, near Liege, but then I arrived at the crossing with the highway, and the luminous point had come up on my left and became a strange object, whose shape I was unable to discern. But it was characterized by at least six tiny points, or lights, white and blue, some of them blinking."

"I left the valley road to go on Highway E42, in the direction of Namur. The object got closer. It flew at a distance that I identified as being between 500 meters and one kilometer (0.3 to 0.6 miles), and it was at a height of about 200 to 300 meters (660 to 1,000 feet). The brilliant points flashed white and blue."

On Wednesday, April 23, 2003, "between 11:15 and 11:45 p.m., I was in Tamines, near Sambreville" in Belgium when "I saw an object which seemed to be a UFO. The object came from the west and departed to the southwest. There were four sources of light on the object--three white-yellowish lights arrayed in a triangle and one red- orangeish light in the centre. These lights did not flash," the male witness reported.

"The object made some noise, like a plane but much less noisy. It advanced rather slowly, just above us but very high in the sky. Weather conditions were very good-- starry sky, not a single cloud, and the object was very visible." (Merci beaucoup a Robert Fischer pour ces nouvelles.)


On Friday, April 25, 2003, at 10:39 p.m., a dazzling UFO appeared over a farm field on the outskirts of Auvergne, a town in the department of Cher in south- central France, located about 200 kilometers (120 miles) south of Paris.

"My father, a farmer, was in the field after midnight," the source reported, "He then saw something over him. It was made up of more than 30 projections-- lights--that illuminated the ground below. The object suddenly went away before coming back."

"When the object had come to within one kilometer of the field, my father noticed it again. After that, he woke my mother, and they went outside and watched this strange object from 12:30 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. (it was now Saturday, April 26, 2003--J.T.). The object made a very strange run in the sky. It went away and came back always to the same place."

"A resident of a nearby municipality also saw the phenomenon. This witness thought it was a laser from a disco, even though the fact that it did not come from the ground seemed strange to him."

The UFO left Auvergne at precisely 3:30 a.m. (Merci beaucoup a Robert Fischer pour ces nouvelles.)


On Sunday, April 13, 2003, at 1:45 a.m., eyewitness M. Kennedy was outdoors in his hometown of Port Hastings, Nova Scotia, Canada when he saw an unusual light in the sky approaching from the northwest.

"There were about three lights in a triangular pattern, with blinking lights that were constantly changing colours," he reported, "The object itself was black. The lights were flying along in a triangular pattern. They seemed to be lozenge-shaped. They were at 15,000 feet (4,500 meters) and going at about 700 miles per hour (1,120 kilometers per hour)."

Port Hastings, N.S. (population 314) is on St. Georges Bay about 85 miles (136 kilometers) northeast of Halifax. (Email Form Report)


"Concern spread among some Pampan cattlemen of the Lihuel Carhuel department, who expressed their fears at the discovery of several reported animal mutilations in the rural area."

"In an interview with El Diario, a young rancher whose property is located on Provincial Route 13, some 60 kilometers (36 miles) west of Cuchillo Co," in Argentina's La Pampa province, "and also requested anonymity, remarked that two mutilated cows and a calf were found on his property, being similar to the ones who achieved prominence in this and other provinces in 2002."

"The cattleman noted that there also occurred a case involving the mutilation of a wild boar cub."

"Worried by the situation, he stated, 'It seems that they've taken action against me now, because, in 15 days, they've mutilated six calves, all of them black, plump, weighing 160 to 220 kilograms, which were in an open field.'"

"'The last one was found Thursday (April 10, 2003) about 500 meters (0.3 miles) from the road and some 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) from my house, while I was away in General Acha. The same occurred on Friday (April 11, 2003) with a sheep,' he added."

"When consulted about the condition in which the animals were found, and the type of mutilations presented, he explained that 'some were male and some were female, but similar incisions can be found in all of them-- perfectly even and cured, as though cauterized. They were missing their tongues, jaws, ears, eyes and hide in a stretch from the front to the start of the chest. The females were missing their udders and the males their testicles.'"

"He later said that 'I turned one of them over to remove its ribs, but one of them, which was under the body, was cracked and was 'mashed,' as though it had experienced a poweful blow.'"

"'I removed two ribs for the dogs, which ate it," he reported, but added that the cadaver emanated "'a strong odor of ammonia and sulfur which became unbearable.'" (See the Argentinian newspaper El Diario de la Pampa for April 13, 2003, "Mutilated animals found near Cuchillo Co." Muchas gracias a Scott Corrales y Gloria Coluchi para eso articulo de diario.)


A possible case of spontaneous human combustion (SHC) was reported last week in Massachusetts.

"A Brockton woman who cared for the elderly in her home burned to death in front of a helpless neighborhood teenager on the sidewalk across the street from her family home, neighbors and police said yesterday," Thursday, April 24, 2003.

"'I saw a boy standing over a body and he had a fire going,' said Beatrice Casali, the next-door neighbor of fire victim Linda Connors, who had her husband call the police. 'I saw what looked like legs in the fire. The knees were bent. I said, 'Oh, Warren, that looks like a body. Go call the cops.'"

"Connors, 47, died of smoke inhalation and burns Wednesday (April 23, 2003) about 11:45 p.m., as George Connors, her husband, and an elder she was caring for were inside the quaint single-family home."

"State and local detectives were trying to determine how the fire started and who, if anyone, was responsible."

"'We're looking at everything--homicide, suicide, accident--everything,' said state police Detective Joseph Mason."

"After his wife was pronounced dead, George Connors emerged from his modest home flanked by two police officers, according to a neighbor, who didn't want to be identified."

"When he saw his wife's body under the sheet, Connors tried to make a beeline toward her, but was stopped by officers, who slapped on a pair of handcuffs and guided him into a (police) cruiser, said the neighbor."

"Yesterday Connors volunteered to take a polygraph test and agreed to provide investigators with samples of his DNA, said his father, Robert Connors of Dover," Massachusetts.

"'They're holding him for some tests,' said Robert Connors, 'He has no idea, no idea at all' what happened to his wife."

"An unidentified neighborhood teen who watched the woman burn had initially received a call from some friends who had just left his house, driven down the street and spotted the fire on a nearby sidewalk."

"When the teen walked down the street, he saw what he thought was a mannequin on fire and thought it was a practical joke, said a neighbor, who didn't want to be identified, but had talked to the teen."

"'He kicked the body and it rolled into the street,' the neighbor said."

"The teenager was interviewed by first-arriving fire and police officials, said Casali."

"The neighbor said a cigarette lighter and some coins were found near Connors' body."

"Throughout the night, officials kept referring to Connors' remains, which were covered by a sheet."

"Yesterday, police executed a search warrant of the Connors' home and searched her old Pepsi-littered Honda Accord, which was parked next to a gas ( petrol in UK-- J.T.) can, as well as a newer Cadillac Eldorado that George Connors drives. The K-9 (police dog) unit was brought in to sniff for accelerants."

"'We know the cause. It's the manner of death we don't know,' said Mason."

"Linda Connors was a Brockton native, who graduated from Brockton High School in 1975. She worked for the Veterans Administration (VA) in Brockton, takng elderly patients into her home, where she provided care, said a relative who lives around the corner from Connors. 'She liked to play Bingo,' said the relative, who declined to give her name."

"Linda Parson exchanged her wedding vows with George Connors in what was the first marriage for both of them about two years ago. Then they announced their union to their families."

Brockton, Mass. (population 94,304) is on Routes 18 and 28 approximately 24 miles (39 kilometers) south of Boston, the state capital. (See the Boston, Mass. Herald for April 25, 2003, "Brockton woman's fiery demise a puzzle to police," page 14.)

From the UFO Files...


It is probably one of the most infamous scenes in American history: Friday evening, April 14, 1865...Box Seven in Ford's Theatre at 454 Tenth Street, Washington, D.C. Seated in the balcony overlooking the stage are Major Rathbone, his fiancee Clara Harris, the USA's "First Lady" Mary Todd Lincoln, and her husband, the sixteenth USA president, Abraham Lincoln.

The balcony door opened quietly, and a shadowy figure slipped in--John Wilkes Booth, one of the most popular and highly-paid actors in the USA and an ardent conspirator with links to both U.S. government intelligence agencies and the recently-defeated Confederate States of America.

Booth "reached into his pocket for a small brass pistol. The name, Derringer, was engraved on the side. The .44 caliber, six-inch, single-shot weapon had been capped earlier for instant firing."

"Booth took a quick step from the antechamber, crossed the three or four feet (one meter) to the President's back, and quickly extended the pistol. Lincoln started to turn his head to the left. The derringer's explosion ripped through the laughter" of the packed theatre's audience.

"The call boy, Ferguson, was standing across the stage from the President's box, talking to Miss Keene." (Editor's Note: Actress Laura Keene played the female lead in the play Our American Cousin, which the Lincolns had come to Ford's Theatre to see.)

"At the sound of the shot, Ferguson saw Lincoln lean back in his rocking chair. The left side of (Lincoln's) sad, haggard face came to rest against the red wallpaper."

"The assailant dropped his pistol and sprang toward the box railing. Booth cried, 'Sic semper tyrannis.' (Latin for Thus always to tyrants--J.T.)" And then he jumped down to the stage.

"Theatre patrons rushed into the street, shouting the fearful news, 'They have shot the President!'"

The news of this, the first presidential assassination, left the USA in shock.
Yet, strangely enough, the event itself had been predicted in several locations around the country...hours before it occurred.

At 4:30 p.m. (5:30 p.m. in Washington, D.C.) on Friday, April 14, 1865, according to Lincoln historian Otto Eisenschiml, "news was circulating through the streets and homes of St. Joseph, Minnesota," located 77 miles (123 kilometers) northwest of Minneapolis, "that the President had been murdered in Washington. St. Joseph was 40 miles from the nearest railroad and 80 miles from any telegraph communication."

At the time news of the assassination was spreading through St. Joseph, Minn., Lincoln was still at work, saying goodbye to a War Department aide, William Crook. He had yet to dine with his wife Mary at the White House.

"At 2:30 that Good Friday afternoon, a writer on the Middletown, New York Whig Press asserted that he had been informed that the President had been shot and 'it was currently so reported in the village of Pine Bush and in the town of Crawford before 12 o'clock (noon) of that day." In other words, eight hours before the actual assassination."

(Editor's Note: Pine Bush is one of the most notorious UFO hotspots in the USA's New York state.)

"The Newburgh (N.Y.) Journal confirmed the reports in the Whig Press but was more conservative in its editorial opinion."

At 3:30 p.m., a Dr. Leonard, "a well-known surgeon of high standing," left the Morton Hospital in Taunton, Mass., walked down Washington Street to Broadway, and stopped at a tobacco shop for his customary purchases, cigars and a copy of the Boston Globe. He overheard two men talking about the death of Lincoln. As the pair split up, Dr. Leonard accosted one and queried, "What's that you said?"

"Lincoln's been shot. He's a dead man," the unknown man replied, "He was shot at a theatre."

Dr. Leonard couldn't believe his ears. What was the President doing at a theatre in the early afternoon? he wondered. But before he could question the stranger further, the man abruptly walked out of the tobacco shop and hurried eastward to the Taunton Green.

(Editor's Note: Taunton, Mass. is right in the center of what cryptozoologist Loren Coleman calls "the Bridgewater Triangle.")

"From 12 to 4 hours before the President was to sit in his box" at Ford's Theatre, "his death had been reported in half a dozen scattered parts of the country." (See The Lincoln Conspiracy by David Balsiger and Charles E. Sellier, Jr., Schick Sunn Classic Books, Los Angeles, Cal., 1977, pages 152, 153, 161, 162 and 163. Also the book In the Shadow of Lincoln's Death by Otto Eisenschiml, Wilfred Funk, Inc., New York, N.Y., 1940.)

Message From the Editor

Last week, April 23, 2003, there should have been an issue of UFO Roundup, but there was not. Your editor had to make an emergency flight to New England after my mother was taken ill and rushed to the hospital. I was in Massachusetts from April 16 to April 27, when I returned home to Minnesota. I am happy to report that my mother is out of the hospital and is slowly recovering. For those who sent emails offering support during this emergency, I offer my thanks.

We'll be back next week with more UFO, Fortean and paranormal news from around the planet Earth, brought to you by "the paper that goes home--UFO Roundup." See you next time!

UFO ROUNDUP: Copyright 2003 by Masinaigan Productions, all rights reserved. Readers may post news items from UFO Roundup on their websites and in news groups provided that they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue in which the item first appeared.

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