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UFO ROUNDUP Volume 6 Number 21

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Volume 6 Number 21
May 24th, 2001
Editor: Joseph Trainor


Police in India are charging Hanuman, also known as the Monkey-Man and "the Monkey Monster" with culpability in two deaths resulting from last week's rampage in Uttar Pradesh state.

On Friday, May 11, 2001, Hanuman jumped onto a rooftop in the city of Ghaziabad, in the trans-Yumana region northeast of New Delhi (India's capital--J.T.) and began biting and scratching people who had been sleeping on the roof. While fleeing the black-furred creature, one man slipped on the gutter and fell off the roof. He plummeted to his death four stories below.

On Tuesday, May 15, 2001, at about 2:30 a.m., Soman, 20, a young wife who was six months pregnant, was on her veranda at her apartment house in Ashok Nagar, in eastern Delhi. Suddenly, Hanuman swung down from the roof and attacked sleeping members of her family. Soman stumbled while fleeing down the stairs and then tumbled all the way to the first floor. She died at the hospital a few hours later.

"She stumbled on the staircase, apparently out of fear," Suresh Roy, Joint Commissioner of Police, said.

Roy said he had received over 60 reports from neighborhoods east and northeast of New Delhi, describing attacks by the monkey-like creature.

"Four municipal lawmakers stated that they would ask (Minister) L.K. Adventi to deploy (India's) Rapid Action Force" within the city.

Roy offered a reward of 75,000 rupees ($1,000 USA) to anyone who could provide the Indian police with a photograph or a video of Hanuman.

"Police have organized a 'Flying Squad' of 14 officers from various jurisdictions to investigate the sightings."

Shiv sainiki neighborhood militias--J.T.) were also set up in areas such as Chhapura, Mohallah, Son Bazar and Krishna Nagar. In Mohallah, young men armed with lahtis (long hardwood clubs--J.T.) stopped and searched automobiles, looking for "the elusive Monkey Man." (See the newspapers Hindustan Times for May 17, 2001; the Deccan Chronicle for May 17, 2001; the Hindustan Times for May 18, 2001, The Statesman for May 17, 2001 and the London Daily Telegraph for May 18, 2001. I received a ton of information on Hanuman, so first let me thank our diligent correspondents Kenny Young, Louise A. Lowry, Gerry Lovell, Alfredo Lissoni, Prashant Solomon, Sayed Khan and Steve Wilson Sr.. Welcome to Monkey Business Week at UFO Roundup. Hanuman has taken the paranormal community by storm, and we have lots more information to share.)


On Thursday night, May 10, 2001, Vineet Sharma, 18, and his family were sleeping outside on the veranda of their grandmother's house Chhaprola when the creature leaped onto the veranda. Hanuman jumped their grandmother, Dr. Sharoj Sharma "and punched her in the abdomen."

Kuneet and his brother, Puneet, went to their grandmother's assistance. "The monkey-man scratched them on their hands and faces. Then he jumped across the courtyard to the rooftop of a neighbor, Vidon Sharma," and attacked the people in that house.

"The victims included Amin, Rajinder Siyagi's manservant, tenants of Dharma Pandit, and a six-month old child."

Kuneet and Puneet described the creature as "1.3 meters (four and a half feet) tall, with the face of a rhesus monkey, well-developed shoulders and two eyes with right light emanating from them."

On Friday evening, May 11, 2001, the creature struck in earnest. while patrolling the dark streets of Chhaprola, Dr. Sharma and several other villagers were confronted by Hanuman. "Its body was covered with fyr but looked human. It screeched at us and jumped around like a real monkey," one villager said.

A short while later, on the Grand Trunk Road, near the Samtel factory complex, Ganesh Jha Paraparam and his relatives "were taking our evening stroll. The creature jumped right onto the walkway in front of us. . We came face-to-face with this huge man-monkey. The monster sprang up 6 meters (20 feet) from a crouching position and caught the branches of the trees." Hanuman soon lost himself in the thick foliage of the trees.

"The latest eyewitness to the sinister simian is Shamir Begum, a 30-year-old housewife living in the Islamnagar area" of New Delhi.

"Shamir Begum said the monkey-man was walking on her rooftop. 'By the time we reached her side, the monkey-man had disappeared,' said a neighbor." "Twin terrors struck Kamla Nehru Nagar when TWO monkey-men pounced on a resident, Om Vijay, and scratched his face."

Saturday night, May 12, 2001 saw an explosion of Hanuman sightings in New Delhi. The creature was sighted in Ghaziabad, Krishna Nagar, Jatwhara Ghazipur, Shib Bahadur, Nasirpur, Chapaderpuri, Maliwara and Vijaynagar. Police received 29 reports of Hanuman sightings, and Commissioner Roy said about half "were confirmed."

More sightings in northeast New Delhi were reported on Sunday, May 13, 2001 and Monday, May 14, 2001.

On Tuesday, May 15, 2001, with public fears heightened because of the unfortunate Mrs. Soman, police in Ghaziabad received eight reports of residents being scratched or bitten.

Also, hundreds of people in the residential C Block of New Ashok Nagar saw the creature, and one resident named Chander struggled with it "for 10 minutes."

According to police, Chander was on his balcony when he saw the monkey-man attacking Rajvan, a neighbor. He reached the alleyway before Hanuman jumped down from the balcony.

Chander described the creature as "1.3 meters (four and a half feet) tall, with and the body is shaped like a monkey but its legs are human."

Chander's wife, Murtri Devi, who witnessed the fight, said, "The monkey-man hit my husband in the abdomen."

Chander confirmed that he had been punched in the middle. "It made a fist like a man, and it could hit hard. I let it come closer and hit it with an overhand right, then a left, then another right. It didn't like getting punched in the face. I tried to subdue it, but it was too strong for me. It lifted me over its head and threw me into some trash barrels."

According to police, Chander "was admitted to Lal Bahadur Shastri Hospital" in New Delhi "for medical treatment." (We have over 10 sources for this story, so I'm going to list them by newspaper and date. They include Hindustan Times for May 17, 2001; Agence France Presse for May 17, 2001; Hindustan Times for May 12, 2001; Times of India for May 15, 2001; Hindustan Times for May 15, 2001; Hindustan Times for May 9, 2001; Deccan Chronicle for May 17, 2001; The Statesman for May 17, 2001; USA Today for May 17, 2001 and the London Daily Telegraph for May 18, 2001.)


In a few neighborhoods of New Delhi, residents dispute the theories that Hanuman is an avatar of the Hindu gods, an alien from space or the subcontinent's answer to Bigfoot.

They believe the creature is a "bio-construct" or cyborg.

As reported in the Indian newspaper New Statesman reported, "You could also cancel out its gymnastic abilities by throwing a pail of water on the motherboard on its chest, hidden beneath a layer of fake monkey fur.

"Neighborhoods such as Moshallah, Son Bazar and Krishna Nagar have their street patrols out in search of the creature. And beside each door stands a bucket of water, just in case."

Many witnesses claim to have seen "the motherboard" on its chest and "wires sticking out" of its head and temples. Such reports fuel speculation that the creature is indeed a cyborg.

In one instance, mysterious human "helpers" were observed near the creature.

On Friday night, May 11, 2001, "a strange incident happened out on the Grand Trunk Road near the Samtel factory. While they were chasing the creature, all of the villagers were suddenly blinded by a powerful flashlight. They saw three persons getting away in a Maruti car. The people, who could not be clearly seen, were running away from them, carrying large sacks filled with equipment. They waved to the villagers as they drove away onto the Grand Trunk Road."

Three months ago, UFO Roundup received a publication entitled Armageddon 2001 by a West Virginia writer. This booklet formed the basis for our article on black helicopters in West Virginia.

One booklet item that was not used in the original article--indeed, your editor though it was too fantastic, even for the Roundup was this paragraph.

"A friend of mine and another man were standing on a country road (in southern West Virginia), just talking, when one of FEMA's 'biological experiments' came out of the woods. It was maybe five feet tall, very slender, and looked more like a human than an ape. It had on a white headband with little wires sticking out. It started jogging up the road, away from us. Couple of minutes later, a white van drove by. There was a whole lot of radio equipment in the front seat, and some bald guy was driving it."

When I first read that, I thought, Those two must have been standing downwind of Granny Clampett's still.

But here we are--thirteen weeks later--and Hanuman suddenly pops up in India. And I have to wonder. Did those two see "Hanuman" in training at a FEMA base?

Did the witnesses in Moshallah and Krishna Nagar really see wires and a motherboard?

Were those FEMA agents who fled in the Maruti car?

Did FEMA bring Hanuman to India for a "field test?"

Questions, questions. (See the New Statesman for May 18, 2001 and the Hindustan Times for May 17, 2001.)


The elusive Australian "panther," sometimes called the "Outback Terror," went on the prowl in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales last week, with 15 sightings of the mystery beast reported.

The creature resembles a black panther with its sleek-furred, long-limbed quadruped appearance. But it is not a true cat. Some people think it is a predatory marsupial, closer in DNA to an opossum or a kangaroo than any feline.

On Tuesday, May 15, 2001, veteran paranormal researcher "Rex Gilroy. along with fellow panther expert Greg Foster, has been commissioned by the Daily Telegraph to hunt for the black panther" seen recently near Lithgow, N.S.W.

Joining them will be Gilroy's wife Heather.

"Gilroy quickly found 'evidence' of the beast's existence"

"The veteran hunter claims to have first found paw prints of from where the panther was first seen last week."

Gilroy made plaster casts of the beast's paw prints. Each print measured 10 centimeters (4 inches) long and 12 centimeters (4.5 inches) wide.

"'From the look of them, I'd say they were definitely panther prints.'" Gilroy said.

"Two years ago, Mr. Gilroy found a similar set of prints in Dubbalong Valley, which he also made into a plaster cast."

"Gilroy and Foster will soon travel into Wollongambi National Park" in search of the panther.

"'There's a lot of bushland out there, and I don't think it's going to kick back and sit there and wait for someone to try to capture it,'" said Gilroy, who prefers to follow the elusive creature through its natural bush habitat.

Also on May 15, "two English (UK) tourists thought they had stumbled across the animal. Clive Grant and Matt Owen were getting firewood at the Inger Campground in Wentworth Falls, N.S.W. when they discovered large paw prints" near their tent.

""'It scared the hell out of us, and we bolted back to our car,' Mr. Grant, 31, of Coventry (UK) said."

"And Mr. Owen, 28, said, "We thought it was the panther everyone has been talking about, and it petrified us.'"

"Both men were relieved and slightly embarrassed when they learned that the 'panther' prints were in fact kangaroo prints." (See the Daily Telegraph of Australia for May 16, 2001, "Up to 15 'panthers' on the prowl in the bush.")


On Sunday, May 13, 2001, Cesar P. was out in the backyard of his home in Laredo, Texas when he spotted a UFO.

"It was around 10:30 p.m.," he reported, "When I was getting ready for bed and I decided to go outside for some fresh air. I looked up into the clear skies and it was as if I could see the belt of Orion. Then a little orange dot caught my eye. I stared motionless at the sky. , trying to convince my own mind that it was not something out of the ordinary."

"Then, suddenly, it just shot across the starlit sky , with bright lights all around its perimeter. "

"After it moved around for about two minutes, it just zipped away to the southeast. But I couldn't find it in the night sky after that. " (Email Form Report)


On Saturday, May 12, 2001, at 4:30 a.m., Joseph M. was driving down a rural two-lane road in Ionia, Michigan when he spotted a silvery shimmer in the road ahead.

"It was a cigar-shaped UFO, and it was right there on the road," he reported, " It rose up when I got close in my car. The silver-plated cigar ducked behind some thick trees, out of sight."

He described the object as "cigar-shaped, silver in color, about 50 feet (15 meters) off the ground, Its departure speed was about 70 miles per hour, and it was heading west along that country road." (Email Form Report)

From the UFO Files...


By Sunday night, May 20, 2001, I was in the eighth day of a mystifying and terrible flu virus that had me as weak as a kitten. It had finally begun to lessen on Thursday, only to bounce back with renewed fury that weekend. I went to bed early, but at 11 p.m. and at midnight I was jolted out of sleep, aching and feverish, by a series of wracking coughs.

I despaired of getting back to sleep again. But I did.

I dreamed I was in Cuzco, that ancient city tucked away in the Andes of southern Peru. I was in the Sixteenth Century Cathedral, with three Peruvian friends. We were looking for a place to sit or stand. And there was no room in the pews. The place was packed. And no wonder! Judging from the Vatican flags and the Papal pavilion at the rear of the cathedral, the Pope was in town.

We went up the side aisle on the left. I found one single spot to the left of a small side altar, squeezed in between two floral displays and knelt there.

Now, the side altar was all decked out for Pope John Paul II's visit. As is the custom in Latin American countries, there was a crown on top of the tabernacle. I watched as this grim-faced bishop tried to move the crown with his staff. At first I thought he was just trying to straighten it, but then I realized that he was trying to remove it. Trying much too hard, really. Sure enough, his efforts led to disaster. Crown, tabernacle, linens, candles and everything toppled behind the altar. The lights in that alcove winked out, showing only a bare altar in darkness.

Seconds later, the Pope walked by on his way to the front of the church. Pope John Paul II must have been deep in prayer or meditation or something, because he didn't even notice. He went straight to the main altar, then, to my surprise, straight past it to the side door. My last glimpse of him was a huddled figure surrounded by daylight. No, not exactly daylight. More of an eye-dazzling unearthly radiance.

Seconds later, the shaking began. Stone columns creaked and groaned. Plaster dust trickled from the ceiling. A deafening cry went up, "El temblor! El temblor!" (Spanish for "Earthquake!"--J.T.)

Everybody stampeded to the exits.

I found myself out in the Plaza de Armas. Clouds of smoke and dust billowed upwards from the western hillside. It had been a big quake, perhaps as big as the one in 1950. And I felt sick, feverish and couldn't stop coughing. While Peruvian police and soldiers moved in, I tottered across the plaza and collapsed on a park bench.

I watched the rescue efforts for a while. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and it was Tackanash. He was dressed for powwow, wearing a bead-worked black shirt with a thunderbird motif. He held a clay Incan cup.

Head back, I moaned, "Nimishoo, I'm sick!"

"I know." He pushed the cool clay cup into my hands. "Drink this."

I did. It was an Anishinabe herbal tea of some kind. No tropical South American flavors. I tasted peppermint and pine needle but the rest was unfamiliar.

Handing back the empty cup, I murmured, "H-How d-did you find me?"

"It was no problem. I always know where to find you."

I finally got around to asking a question which had troubled me when I was awake. "Why me?" I asked, "Why did you select me?"

He showed a grim smile. "Because you were the only kid in that theatre who didn't cheer when John Wayne murdered the Indian."

"I didn't think killing Cicatrice was a laudatory act. I still don't."

"Remember the first time you lived here?"

So I spent a few minutes pointing out the highlights of Cuzco to my Anishinabe dream companion. He asked if I felt strong enough to walk. I did and said so.

Surprisingly, the more I walked, the better I felt. We hiked uphill on that narrow cobblestoned avenue. Houses gradually gave way to fields of tall dry grass. Off to the right I could see the Inca fortress of Sacsahuaman. The sky was clear with many fleecy clouds.

We stopped at the foot of a terraced hillside. Turning to me, Tackanash said, "You're here to receive a message. It's waiting for you at the top."

I glanced at the stonewalled terraces. Each was just over a meter high. "There's no trail."

"No bus service, either." He laughed. "You'll find a way."

I set off, climbing up onto the first terrace and hopping up to the second. I was careful not to step on the turf where it was muddy. I knew I'd sink to my knees. But if the terrace was dry, I found I could stand on the earth, not just the stone rim.

It was too weird. A little while ago, I'd been too sick to stand. Now I was out hopping Incan terraces. I wasn't exactly breaking any speed records, but I was making progress.

At least I reached the top. Sacsahuaman was a gray mound on the horizon. Looking over my shoulder, I could see Cuzco's orange rooftops and brown Baroque churches sprawling across the valley floor. The streets were full of people--quake survivors.

I heard voices speaking Quechua, turned northward and saw a group of men in traditional garb. The one in front looked like he had stepped out of the pages of Garcilaso de la Vega. He looked vaguely familiar, and then I recognized him from the picture on the Peruvian banknote--the Inca Pachacutec.

I heard Tackanash's whisper in my ear. "Don't approach him. Wait until he summons you, boy."

I turned, but I was alone on that topmost terrace.

I stood there for a few minutes. Pachacutec looked my way and bade me to join him. I did, and he gripped my shoulders in welcome.

"Masinaigan, I have a message for the people of Tahuatinsuyo (South America--J.T.) There are many changes coming. They will begin after the earthquake--after the death of the old man. Changes in the way people live and work. Changes in their families. Changes in the money they use. It is coming far more quickly than anyone believes possible. They say it will benefit all the people of Tahuatinsuyo But they lie. The change will benefit only them...those people!"

He had a warm intimate smile. "Give my best to your grandfather and the Ainishinabe people. Have a safe journey."

He pointed out a narrow trail that went between two grassy hillsides. I started down it. When I reached the bend, I looked back. Pachacutec and the others were gone.

The trail brought me back to the main road, just north of the Tambomachay ruins. Tackanash was waiting there. In his fedora and striped poncho, he looked like a native Peruvian. He gave me a gray alpaca poncho, which I put on, and we headed back into the city, just talking.

We stopped at a corner store near the plaza. I saw Spanish-language newspapers with Dick Cheney's photo on page one. What's up with Cheney? I wondered.

(Editor's Note: Cheney was page one news on May 21, 2001. Amazingly, I saw a real-life counterpart to the dream newspaper when I picked up USA Today--six hours later!)

Just then a red-haired American woman I had never seen before approached me and Tackanash. Her keen gaze zeroed in on me. "You're Angie Biwaban's father."

"Sort of," I replied. "Angie Biwaban" is a detective heroine I dreamed up years ago and the star of five novels.

"They know you're here," the woman said ominously.

"Whoop-de-do for them," says I, quoting a long-ago babysitter.

"Do you have a car?" Tackanash asked her.

"Sure," she replied, "But La Control (police checkpoints) are going to be pretty tight."

"Not if we head for the Rio de la Plata (Argentina)," I remarked.

And I woke up.

I was surprised for a number of reasons. First, this is the first time Tackanash has appeared in a long while. Second, I really did feel better. My fever was gone, and my throat wasn't quite so raw. Third, most of the predictions had been cloaked in symbolism. All except for Pachacutec's, which were pretty straightforward. All in all, a very strange dream.

Message delivered, Lord Inca. Rest well in Cuzco.

That's it for this week. Keep your eye on the website for a special message. Best wishes and have a great week from "the paper that goes home-- UFO Roundup.

UFO ROUNDUP: Copyright 2001 by Masinaigan Productions, all rights reserved. Readers may post news items from UFO Roundup on their websites or in newsgroups provided that they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue in which the item first appeared.

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