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Egypt: unearthed mummies showing traces of ancient diseases

An Italian-Egyptian archaeological mission has brought to light 33 family tombs dating back to the 7th century BC and 4th century, in whose remains are found signs of anemia, malnutrition, chest diseases, tuberculosis and osteoporosis, among other ailments.

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 · 27 Jun 2024

A recent discovery of ancient tombs near the Egyptian city of Aswan has revealed "new information about diseases" widespread at the time. This was revealed by the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. An Italian-Egyptian archaeological mission working near the mausoleum of Sultan Aga Khan, who died in 1957, west of Aswan, uncovered 33 family tombs from the late Egyptian and Greco-Roman periods, dating back to the 7th century BC. 4th BC, whose existence until now was completely unknown.

Egypt: unearthed mummies showing traces of ancient diseases
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Studies of the mummies show that 30 to 40 percent of the buried people died young, infants or teenagers, according to Ayman Ashmawy, head of the Division of Egyptian Antiquities at the Supreme Council of Antiquities. Preliminary analyzes also show that some of them suffered from infectious diseases, while others from bone disorders, as explained by Patrizia Piacentini, professor of Egyptology and Archeology at the University of Milan, who led the Italian part of the mission.

Egypt: unearthed mummies showing traces of ancient diseases
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The remains of several adult women show signs of trauma to the pelvic bones and, in other cases, signs of anemia, malnutrition, chest diseases, tuberculosis and osteoporosis were detected, the Egyptologist added. Furthermore, in a stone coffin they found three bodies: "An adult, perhaps a woman, and a child, who must have died when he was one or two years old," said Abdelmoneim Said, director general of the Antiquities of Aswan and Nubia. As the adults are united, they will be examined while preserving this condition to reveal the relationship that existed between them.

Egypt: unearthed mummies showing traces of ancient diseases
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