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UFO ROUNDUP Volume 6 Number 17

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Volume 6
Number 17
April 26, 2001
Editor: Joseph Trainor


"A strange event took place on a ranch in San Isidro Dzolla" near Tizimin in the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico on Thursday, April 12, 2001, The ranch is owned by Esteban Osorio Mena and is located to the north of Tizimin ejido (farm commune--J.T.) of Chan Cenote. There "twenty-three birds (chickens and turkeys) were mysteriously drained of blood."

"The discovery was made by a young manager, Jose Abraham Canul, who has worked on the estate for nine years. When interviewed, he explained that in heading for work last Thursday morning, he visited the area henhouse, which is completely enclosed by a cyclone fence" and there "lay dead 23 birds with fang marks on their half-detached necks.. Their brains also appeared to have been sucked out."

Hoping to find an answer to the mystery, Canul further searched the area "and was startled to find the remains of a two-month-old colt bearing fang marks on its throat. and which also had been drained of blood."

Canul reported his discovery to Agencia 15 of the ejido's Oficina de Seguridad Municipal. But because the case did not involve a homicide, he reportedly stated, the Mexican authorities did not treat the report seriously.

Startled by the event, Canul "returned to the ranch where some residents of Chan San Arturo ejido who had turned up" to "view the macabre scene."

According to Canul, these people "had found the tracks of a large vicious animal" on their ejido.

"Canul reported that a similar event had taken place at a neighboring ranch, some three kilometers (two miles) away, only a month and a half ago (March 2001--J.T.) On said occasion, all of the animals (poultry--S.C.) had shown many similar characteristics as penetrating fang marks on their necks."

"Canul reported that on said occasion the person in charge of the neighboring ranch quit his job for fear of being attacked."

"He added that on the premises of San Isidro Dzolla where he works there are several caves and a bat may have attacked the animals." (See the Mexican newspaper Por Esto! for April 13, 2001. Muchas gracias a Scott Corrales, autor de los libros Chupacabras and Other Mysteries y Forbidden Mexico, y David A. Triay para eso articulo de diario.)

(Editor's Comment: And welcome to South America Goes Crazy Week at UFO Roundup. You won't believe what's happening south of the Rio Grande. The monsters are on the loose this week. Read on...)


A Chupacabra-style bicho beast, called the Mapinguary, is running wild in Brazil's southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul.

"An unknown beast in the state of Rio Grande do Sul attacked and killed two sheep and 25 chickens on a farm" near Uruguiana, R.S.G., not far from Brazil's border with Argentina.

"The unidentified animal attacked and killed the sheep and then the chickens, one by one. The region is sparsely populated and lies very close to Argentina."

Witnesses described the creature as a biped, "1.5 meters (5 feet, 9 inches) tall. resembling a gorilla" with its anthropoid features and coarse black fur. (Muito obrigado a Adelmar J. Gevaerd e Visitantes Cosmicas por eso caso.)


The Mataperro (Spanish for dogkiller--J.T.), another strange Chupacabra-style predator that first made its appearance two months ago, has struck again in the city of Calama in northern Chile.

"A mutilated dog was found in strange and intriguing circumstances in an industrial neighborhood located on the east side of Calama's Avenida Balmaceda., causing great concern in the area which is struggling to find a logical answer to the mystery."

"Luis Farias Munoz, owner of the Mapeta Co., a machine shop and sheet metal plant, was stunned when he discovered one of his guard dogs yesterday (Saturday, April 14, 2001) " came in and found the dog lying dead in the street beyond the walls of his property.

The dog showed signs of being mauled and stripped of the skin on its left side about the entire length of its body, from its back to its belly.

"'This is a scene of great curiosity, for it was one of the seven dogs which I leave in the building every night. Yesterday (Wednesday, March 11) I brought her along with the others inside, and today (Thursday, March 12) I first found that scene when I noticed the dog was out on the street at the other end and in this condition. I cannot understand what might have happened here.'" Farias said.

Farias "did not find a single drop of blood in the animal's wounds, nor any blood spilled on the street around his dog."

"'I haven't missed a thing,'" he added, "'Everything is the same way it was when I arrived this morning.'"

No one can explain how the dog got outside the locked sheet metal plant. (Muchas gracias a Scott Corrales y Jaime Ferrer del Centro OVNI de Calama para easa noticias.)


"The sudden appearance of the UFOs shocked residents of the area west of Formosa, who had been waiting since last Monday (April 16, 2001) with still and video cameras to record the object's next visit as a 'souvenir.'"

"The last two visits took place Monday morning and evening." Witnesses agreed that "'We had a beautiful sighting (in which the object) moved around and seen by all of the onlookers,' stated Hector Perez, a resident of General Mosconi, a town 630 kilometers (395 miles) west of the national capital." (i.e. Buenos Aires--J.T.)

"'Today (Tuesday, April 17, 2001) when it appeared, (the sky--S.C.) was still dark, and it was seen as an intensely red object, very strong, and it remained in the sky for about an hour at 6 a.m.,' he explained."

"From the village of El Petronillo, close to General Mosconi, Aidee Elias also indicated that they were able to see 'the UFO in the sky at 10 a.m. and later at 3 p.m., on Monday, April 16, 2001.'"

"According to the descriptions, the object resembled 'a sort of silvery balloon that generated white flashes as it ascended. In the afternoon, it became lost in the sunlight."

"Different residents of nearby Formosa agreed with the shape of the object and the time of each sighting, but there were discrepancies regarding the the shade of color, with some claiming to have seen red, while others say it was white."

"A professional photographer who caught the phenomenon on film came up with an impressive number of slides while the UFO was headed towards Oran in the province of Salta."

"Likewise, in the neighboring town of Ingeniero Juarez, Ricardo Monzon also used a camera to record the phenomenon which caused such anxiety in western Formosa."

"The witnesses of both General Mosconi and Ingeniero Juarez took to the streets to observe the phenomenon, 'since 10 a.m. yesterday (Monday) when a strange, round, silvery and shiny object appeared in the sky and followed the movement of the sun.'"

"One local resident remarked, 'We looked at the object through rifle scopes and we could make out a halo around the object which emitted multicolored flashes like they show in a magazine.'" (See the newspaper La Cronica of Buenos Aires for April 18, 2001, "Formosa shaken by UFOs." Muchas gracias a Scott Corrales y Mariela Grezner para eso articulo de diario.)


"Many Douradenses (Portuguese slang for people who live in Campo Grande--J.T.) spent Sunday afternoon (April 18, 2001) looking at the sky. From all over the city it was possible to observe a luminous object that was shaped like a futbol (soccer ball in the USA--J.T.) The OVNI (Portuguese acronym for UFO--J.T.) traveled over the city from Cabeceira Alegre to the international airport."

"Many people reported that the object emitted radio waves which interfered with their cell phones, CD players and pocket radios."

"Employees at O Dourado International Airport also observed the phenomenon, which was videotaped by Sergio Quinhones, a cameraman for Televisao Dourado (TVD)." the local TV station.

Campo Grande is located about 640 kilometers (400 miles) west of Rio de Janeiro.

""The object flew over other cities of the region and could clearly be seen."

"In Ivinhema, the residents observed the moving ball of light for quite some time."

"Disk jockey Toninho Carios of Radio Piraveve said it could be a Japanese weather balloon which was drifting across the continent."

"The OVNI remained in sight until 4 p.m." (See the Brazilian newspaper Noticias do Campo Grande for April 19, 2001. Muito obrigado a Adelmar J. Gevaerd e Visitantes Cosmicas por eso articulo do diario.)


On Thursday, April 19, 2001, at about midnight, Ronda Tosev reports, "My husband Paul, my son and I were returning home to Narren Warren, Vic. (Victoria state, Australia--J.T.) from a night in the city of Melbourne."

"As we pulled into our driveway, we saw bright orange fireballs. They appeared to be moving straight across the sky but slow enough to get a good look at them."

"One of the lights broke into two., one disappearing and the other continuing until we lost sight of it. It was very hard to tell how high they were because it was quite cloudy., and they appeared to be below the clouds (12,000 feet or 3,600 meters--J.T.)"

"We watched for about two or three minutes. The neighbor from across the road came out and had time to cross the road and keep watching. They were extremely bright and orange in color. They did not look like solid objects." (Email Form Report)


On Wednesday, April 11, 2001, at 9:45 p.m., a deafening boom was heard in rural towns and villages in Venezia province in northeastern Italy.

"People heard the boom and felt the shock wave in Chioggia, Mira, and from Lido to Quarta d'Alfino. Hundreds of telephone calls flooded the office of the Carabineri (Italian national police--J.T.), newspapers and radio stations. Authorities stated that the noise was not a sonic boom."

One hour later, at 10:45 p.m., "a family standing on their balcony in Chioggia observed a strong bluish light, very strong, rising in altitude over the city. Then it stopped and hovered motionless in the night sky for almost ten minutes.." (See the Italian newspaper Il Gazzettino for April 12 and April 14, 2001. Grazie a Roberto Labanti e Edoardo Russo di Centro Italiano di Studi Ufologici per questo rapporto.)


Fire poltergeists went on a rampage, burning items in two separate homes in Chile last week.

"Tongues of flame often unexpectedly erupt from the bathtub and bed and the chest of drawers of an apartment building in Santiago de Chile (the national capital--J.T.) Occupants have been kept on tenterhook not to mention the firefighters who have been trying to find a rational explanation for the 'paranormal event.'"

"According to the story told by the dwelling's owners, who were on the verge of being burned to death, clothing stored in furniture, as well as blankets, curtains and even the bathtub which was full of water at the time, began to burn."

"Last Sunday (April 8, 2001), after Luis Torres and Carmen Gonzalez returned from their customary weekend jaunt, they were startled to see smoke emerging from the bathroom, an event that marked the beginning of their nightmare."

"After extinguishing a burning section of counter, they thought it had all been the result of carelessnes. They realized an hour later that more smoke issued from the bathroom, where the shower curtains were now aflame."

"'The plastic shower curtains were burning. I poured water on them, and my wife started to become hysterical,' Torres said."

"After a few minutes, the couple noticed that the right side of the bed, the blankets and the quilt had started to burn."

"As best we could, we took our things out of the apartment and poured water over them. But, shortly after, the chest of drawers began spewing smoke,' added Torres, who added that he had lost most of his clothes which had been stored in the drawers."

"They smelled smoke again around midnight but this time the police were there to witness the event."

"'The strangest thing was that the clothes hangers were on fire but the clothes themselves remained intact,' remarked Torres."

"Firefighters reached the apartment before the flames were extinguished and were able to witness the baffling event.

"Lieutenant Christian Cheneau, a firefighter with 27 years' experience in the Santiago Fire Department, stated that the events in the Torres/Gonzalez apartment were ''absolutely inexplicable.'"

In Penalolon, "a family is the latest victim of the strange spontaneous combustion that affected people" elsewhere in the Santiago metropolitan area.

"Irma Ulloa, her husband and their children, Jesus, age 2, and Moises, age nine months, also have been forced to spend the night in the open without any shelter or tent beyond a pair of blankets and some extra clothing."

"On this occasion, the strange event took place in the morning when Father Alfredo Sousa Pineiro, the family's (Roman Catholic) priest and the episcopal interfaith delegate, had just stepped out of the house after saying the Lord's Prayer and a Hail Mary."

"The father had just said some prayers when a Bible on the bed started to burn around the edges,' Irma Ulloa said."

"Her husband who is convinced that with family unity faith will enable them to 'get the Devil out of the house once and for all. We want to get it to leave us alone. But the Barbed-Tailed One was not content to take out his wrath on the Holy Scriptures but also caused a dish of holy water with an image of Christ to burn and vanish in a matter of seconds.'"

"The La Cuarta reporter and other newspapermen stood by and witnessed the screams of the family and onlookers at 4:38 p.m. when a new outbreak of flame engulfed the home, this time on a wall and part of the ceiling."

"Chilean parapsychologist Carlos Mosconi sees the family as a victim of a black magickal spell, in which the requesting party (the diabolist--J.T.) makes a pact with the Devil to do evil in exchange for the souls of the family."

But Dr. Juan Pardo had a more mundane explanation. Torres, Gonzalez and the Ulloa family were "suffering from depression." had merely "imagined" the mysterious fires, and "were in need of psychiatric treatment," he reportedly alleged. (See the Chilean newspapers L Segunda for April 14, 2001, "Flames erupt in home with no apparent cause," and La Cuadra for April 12, 2001, "Bible burns in 'Hell House.'" Muchas gracias a Scott Corrales, Gloria Coluchi y Rodrigo Cuadra para esos articulos de diario.)

(Editor's Comment: That's right, Doc. Give them some Prozac. Why, it worked wonders for Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold and Buford O. Furrow Jr.


"In power-starved California, one light bulb has burned for 100 years--and nobody is about to turn it off to save electricity."

"Since it was first installed in 1901, the three-watt night light has steadily cast its pinkish glow over the men and machines of the Livermore, Cal. Fire Department Station No. 6."

"'It's the world's oldest light bulb and we will keep it burning forever., if possible,' says firehouse historian Lynn Chaves. 'Turning it off would be like turning off history.'"

"'We hope it lasts another century--even if we do get a bigger electricity bill.'"

"The hand-blown, pear-shaped bulb was made by Shelby Electric Co. and donated in 1901 by the utility's president, Dennis Bernal when he sold his business and gave away equipment and personal items."

"Authentication by experts at General Electric experts at the Guinness Book of World Records and Ripley's Believe It Or Not to certify it as the world's oldest light bulb. Its fame attracts a steady stream of visitors" to the old firehouse at the corner of East Avenue and Loyola Way in Livermore.

(See the tabloid National Examiner for May 1, 2001, "World's oldest light bulb," page 12.)


Louise A. Lowry, editor of the online newsletter World of the Strange and a longtime contributor to UFO Roundup, was hospitalized for surgery on Tuesday, April 17, 2001. She was released from the hospital on Saturday, April 21, 2001. Readers can mail your get-well card or personal letter to Louise at the address below:

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