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UFO ROUNDUP Volume 5 Number 16

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Volume 5
Number 16
April 20, 2000
Editor: Joseph Trainor


On Saturday, April 15, 2000, sometime between 1 and 2 a.m., Alan S. was asleep at his home in Ballwin, Missouri (population 22,000). All at once, he "woke up and looked to my right. It was standing near my bed. It disappeared after about two minutes."

Alan reported, "It was a very strange creature. It was lime green, glowing, and it looked like it had a light lime green aura around the body. It had two arms and two legs. His eyes were bright glowing red. His skin looked scaly, like a reptile. It looked like it was maybe four feet (1.3 meters) tall."

Alan remained motionless in bed until the entity vanished. At first, he added, "I kept it to myself. I told my cousin but she laughed it off."

Ballwin is on Missouri Highway 100 about 30 miles (48 kilometers) west of St. Louis.

Alan's experience could be written off as a "waking dream," except for the fact that there was a UFO sighting elsewhere in Missouri that night. UFO Roundup received the report from another source not known to the Ballwin witness.

At 9:06 p.m. on Friday, April 14, 2000, about four hours before the Ballwin encounter, Jesse Carlson was outdoors in Holden, Missouri, just east of Independence, when he spotted an unusual light in the sky.

The UFO, Jesse reported, approached from the north and was headed southwest. He described it as "a bright light in a square shape with real end curves. It was sort of white with yellow on the outside of it." He added that it moved in "a kind of falling" motion, adding, "I had no idea of the height, but it was going along about twenty miles per hour (32 kilometers per hour)."

Holden (population 2,400) is located about 180 miles (208 kilometers) west-northwest of Ballwin. (Email Form Reports)


On Saturday, April 1, 2000, at 5:10 a.m., Rick Heacock was driving on the Ohio Turnpike, also known as Interstate Highway 80, just south of the city of Toledo (population 333,000). As he approached Exit 5, at mile marker 71, he spotted a strange object hovering motionless in the sky.

"I saw an oval-shaped object about 100 to 150 feet (30 to 45 meters) off the ground," Rick reported. "It was standing still. It was oval, had three headlights on the front and three in the back. A small green light under the front lights, and I could see there were lights in the center of it. It looked about as big as a house."

Rick further described the UFO as "round in front and in back, and flat on both sides. Black or dark gray in color."

"I'm not sure if it was reported (in the media--J.T.), but I know that there was a police officer who stood on the side of the road and was looking at it," he added, "And there were about 50 truck drivers at a truck stop in the area. I heard them talking about it on the CB (Citizen's Band radio channel--J.T.)."

Toledo is in the northwest corner of Ohio approximately 119 miles (140 kilometers) west of Cleveland. (Email Form Report)


On Tuesday, April 4, 2000, witnesses in a remote rain forest area of northern Borneo spotted a small triangular UFO flying north towards the Crocker Mountains.

The sighting took place on the island of Borneo, about 200 kilometers (120 miles) south of Ranau, East Malaysia, and just north of Malaysia's border with Indonesia's West Kalamantan province.

Witnesses described the object as "almost a triangular-shaped disc," with curved corners, "with lights shining red and green and smaller lights circulating on the edge of the disc."

"It stopped in the air for about 45 seconds and then flew off to the west of the Crocker range. The object was three times larger than a Mercedes Benz 230" automobile and was "shiny, as if it were silver in color. Haven't seen anything go that fast since an (A-300) Airbus taking off."

Our Borneo correspondent reports that this rain forest is "in a very remote area" beyond the range of TV or radio reception. "To be exact, no radio waves can be received at this particular location." (Many thanks to "the Wild Man of Borneo, Sarawak's Number One Party Animal" for this report.)


On Saturday, April 15, 2000, the robot spacecraft Cassini successfully completed its four-month crossing of the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Cassini is the seventh Earth spacecraft to cross the asteroid belt since Pioneer 10 in the 1970s.

Engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory "did not make any adjustments to Cassini as it passed through the region," with one exception. "The spacecraft's Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA) was re-oriented whenever possible to better study the environment" within the asteroid belt.

The spacecraft was in no actual danger during its traverse of the belt. "Cassini's engines are covered by a shield that protects them from any possible impact" by small meteoroids. "This cover has been in place at all times since launch."

"'I'm glad we passed through it, but it's pretty routine. There's a lot of material in the belt, but there's also an awful lot of space out there,' said Cassini Project manager Bob Mitchell of JPL."

On its way through the asteroid belt, "Cassini's camera also imaged the asteroid 2685 Mazursky. Data gathered presented scientists with the first size estimates of the asteroid and preliminary evidence that it may have different material properties than previously believed."

(Editor's Note: Asteroid 2685 Mazursky is named for the late and much-missed Dr. Harold Mazursky, the father of Martian geology. The numerical designation 2685 means that it is the 2,685th asteroid discovered since scientists began charting them two centuries ago.)

Cassini was launched on October 15, 1997. The spacecraft has already had its flybys of Venus and Earth. With the asteroid belt behind it, Cassini now has a clear flight ahead to Jupiter, arriving on December 30, 2000. The spacecraft will then use the gas giant's gravity to bend its trajectory and pick up speed for its trip to Saturn. Cassini's estimated arrival date at Saturn is July 1, 2004. (Many thanks to Mark A. LeCuyer for the NASA news release.)


The International Monetary Fund completed its weekend conference in the USA's capital of Washington, D.C., but not before police arrested 1,300 people protesting the Fund and the World Trade Organization (WTO).

First, "police seized materials that they said could be used to make firebombs and closed the training center for protestors Saturday," April 15, 2000," "But thousands of activists, bearing backpacks and bravado, gathered in the rain and vowed not to be deterred from shutting down the meetings of the world trade organizations on Monday."

"'If anything, they've made us more passionate,' said Katie, a friendly Wittenberg University student from Springfield, Ohio, who had a phone number written prominently on her arm in indelible ink. 'It's for the legal team--in case I get thrown in jail,' she explained, adding that she didn't want to give her last name."

"The great majority of protestors are united in their accusations that international financiers are destroying the environment through improper development in Third World countries and imposing monetary policies that hurt poor people."

"Protestors scoffed at the notion that they were making bombs. What the police seized was paint remover and other materials to make banners and placards, said Patrick Reinsborough, a spokesman for Mobilization for Global Justice, the umbrella organization for scores of groups from labor organizations to environmentalists."

On Sunday, April 16, 2000, "despite human blockades and demonstrations by as many as 10,000 people, protestors failed to stop the first day of meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank."

"Using trash bins and mattresses, protestors formed human chains early in the day to block streets near the IMF. By the time the meetings began, only four finance ministers--from Brazil, Portugal, France and Thailand--had failed to get through."

"Few riotous acts were reported. About a block from the World Bank, protestors smashed windows and slashed two tires on a white Crown Victoria that belonged to a local television station. The vandals apparently mistook it for a police car. They scrawled 'Pigs' on a tire and 'End fascism' on one side."

"Nearly 2,000 local and federal police, dressed in $1 million of new riot gear, blocked off several streets around the World Bank, IMF and the White House."

Clashes between police and protestors took place at two locations.

At the corner of 18th and I Street NW, "police appeared to use tear gas in a skirmish with protestors who were using bandanas as face masks."

Washington D.C. police chief Charles Ramsey reportedly "later told reporters that smoke grenades, not tear gas, were used."

At the corner of 15th and K Streets NW, "police clubbed demonstrators with batons and squirted pepper spray in their faces to keep the surging crowd back... One of those struck was an Associated Press photographer who was knocked unconscious."

On Monday, April 17, 2000, "rain-soaked protestors battled with police and lined up for mass arrests, but they failed to halt the last day of meetings" of the IMF and the World Bank.

Although most protestors were peaceful on Monday, "several clashes between police and protestors were reported. At one intersection, police fired tear gas and pepper spray at demonstrators trying to overrun barricades."

"Some protestors said they had originally voted to storm the barricades and break into the building where world financial leaders were meeting, but then they decided on peaceful arrests."

"By early afternoon, a standoff between police and protestors began to wind down, as soaked protestors were arrested--peaceably, arm in arm, in small groups."

Protestors were charged with crossing a police line and unlawful assembly.

"Several times protestors tried to knock down metal barricades. They threw broken bottles at officers and used their own cans of pepper spray on police."

"Hundreds of other protestors, dressed in ponchos and bandanas drenched in vinegar to combat the effects of tear gas, sat along Pennsylvania Avenue and chanted, 'This is what democracy looks like.'"

"Members of a group of nearly 100 self-proclaimed anarchists spray-painted a Gap clothing store with the word 'sweatshop'."

"'We may not have stopped the delegates from getting in, but we have alerted the world,' said Sarah Moore, a 22-year-old protestor and Harvard University student."

"Even World Bank officials acknowledged that the protests were meaningful."

"'We were affected, and I personally was affected, by the fact of these demonstrations,' World Bank President James Wolfensohn (of Australia) said." (See the Duluth, Minn. News-Tribune for April 16, 2000, "Police in nation's capital braced for protests at finance meeting," page 4A; USA Today for April 17, 2000, "Protests fail to stop IMF meetings," page 3A; and USA Today for April 18, 2000, "IMF protests fizzle in D.C. drizzle," page 3A.)


Here's an update from Yukon ufologist Martin Jasek--"Some important points regarding the case (in Pelly Crossing, Yukon, Canada) that are not accurately depicted in your article." (See UFO Roundup volume 5, number 15 for April 13, 2000)

"1. The two witnesses didn't chase the saucer but rather fled from it (continued to drive north--M.J.)"

"2. The female witness was driving."

"3. They were not a 'couple,' just friends."

"The account I sent you didn't make this clear one way or the other. I will update the article to establish this more accurately. Other than that, a good account."

from the UFO Files...


Secretary-General. Foreign Legion. General Assembly. These are all familiar names today. But the man who coined these expressions is less well-known.

He could well be called "the grandfather of the United Nations." He was the first Illuminatus to wield political power. And what he did with it... well, read for yourself.

He was born on June 11, 1755 at Schloss (Castle) Gnadenthal near Cleves in Prussia (northern Germany, then an independent kingdom-- J.T.), "heir to a great fortune." His baptismal name was Jean-Baptiste du Val-du-Grace, Freiherr (Baron) von Clootz, and "he belonged to a noble Prussian family of Dutch origin."

In 1766, at the age of eleven, Clootz was sent to Paris to study under his uncle, the philosopher Cornelius de Pauw. He met Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Denis Diderot and the other Encyclopedists and discussed the bold new theories of the Enlightenment.

His father enrolled him in the Prussian military academy at Potsdam, but Clootz disliked the discipline of military life. He dropped out at age twenty and then embarked on a strange odyssey that took him all over Europe and the Middle East.

According to his biographer Georges Avenel, Clootz was in Serbia when he first heard of the Illuminati, and he joined the lodge in Belgrade in 1778. While visiting Cracow, Poland, he befriended the Freys, a family of Moravian Jews, and went from there to Salonika in Greece, and then to Istanbul, Damascus and Jerusalem, During his travels, he became an authority on Islam.

But Clootz detested all revealed religions. When a Frenchman named Bergier wrote a book entitled Proofs of the Certainty of Christianity, Clootz responded with a fiery book of his own, Proofs of the Certainty of Muhammadanism (Islam--J.T.) under the pseudonym "Ali Ger-Ber."

Clootz was in Sicily in August 1789 when he first heard of the fall of the Bastille. He received orders from Illuminati founder Adam Weishaupt to proceed to Lyons in France to confer with Weishaupt's buddy, Jean- Baptiste Willermoz. Two of Willermoz's disciples, Jeanne-Marie Phlipon de Roland and her elderly husband, were already on their way to Paris.

Arriving in Paris, Clootz and an idealistic young revolutionary, Camille Desmoulins, founded the Cordeliers Club, which eventually became the Jacobin party. Here he met other revolutionary leaders like Dr. Jean-Paul Marat and Georges-Jacques Danton. Here, too, Clootz began to articulate his vision of "a universal family of nations," i.e. the Illuminati's long-cherished goal of a one-world government.

"Clootz was calling himself 'Orator of the Human Race" and parading ostentatiously around Paris in a scarlet Phrygian cap of liberty and whipped up war fever among the foreign exile communities by proclaiming that the liberation of all Europe was at hand."

Interestingly, Avenel gives Clootz's full self-designated title as "Secretary-General and Orator of the Human Race."

Well, a Secretary-General needs his General Assembly, and on June 19, 1790, Clootz created one by holding a big outdoor rally.that was not without its comical moments.

First, a thunderstorm drenched the crowd. "God is an aristocrat," Clootz joked, "I knew it all along."

Some of the sansculottes (street people--J.T.) recognized the "foreign representatives" as actors from the theatre and jeered and threw garbage at them.

A murasid (Honored sheikh--J.T.) from Saudi Arabia tried to give a speech in French, but his vocabulary wasn't up to the job, so he switched to Arabic, Nobody could understand what he was saying, but the crowd enjoyed his enthusiastic presentation.

After the rally, Clootz led 36 foreigner, "a delegation of representatives from 'the oppressed nations of the Universe,' led by the self-designated 'Orator of the Human Race,' Anacharsis Clootz, appeared in appropriate national costumes--German, Dutch, Swiss, even Indian, Turkish and Persian (from Iran--J.T.)They congratulated the (French) Assembly for having 'restored primitive equality among men' and 'encouraged by the glorious example of the French, all the peoples of the universe would soon break the yoke of the tyrants who oppress them.'"

Weishaupt and Willermoz had chosen their viceroy well. Clootz proved to be a tireless organizer for one-world government. By November 1791, he was literally redrawing the map of Europe. He "proposed universal war and the division of Europe into departments, beginning with Savoy, Belgium, Holland (the Netherlands--J.T.) 'and so on, all the way to the Arctic Ocean.'"

At the newly-renamed Jacobin Club, Clootz shouted, "I shall not rest until there is a republic on the moon!"

To which Dr. Marat chuckled and shook his head. "Clootz, tu es un fouture bete." (Translated, "Clootz, you are a crazy beast.")

Through his cat's paws, Brissot and Madame Roland, Clootz agitated for an interventionist war. Desmoulins was against the war, and the two men ended their friendship. French troops occupied Spain's Catalonia province and Italy's Savoy province, igniting a series of wars that finally ended at Waterloo in 1815.

Appearing again at the Assembly, Clootz declared, "Here is the crisis of the universe. God entangled the primitive chaos; the French will unravel the feudal chaos. God is powerful. We are powerful. Free men are the gods of the Earth. They make war on us with serf soldiers and with extorted money. We make a holy war on them with free soldiers and contributions voluntarily consented. Our victories will be our banquets. Legislators, I place in the sanctuary, in the presence of my supporters, in the sanctuary of the constitutional god (Lucifer--J.T.), the sum of twelve thousand livres (600 pounds sterling) to dress, equip, arm and pay 40 to 50 fighters in the sacred war of men against crowns. I present to you at the same time my last work whose very title makes the aristocrats tremble: Tye Universal Republic."

(Editor's Comment: In making this speech, Clootz inadvertently fulfilled a prophecy from the previous century. In 1644, the Virgin Mary appeared in a convent in Quito, Ecuador. This apparition, known as Nuestra Senora de Buena Suerte (Our Lady of Good Fortune), told the nuns, "At the end of the Eighteenth Century, the worshippers of Lucifer will attempt to create the Universal Republic.")

Clootz went to work "equipping a Foreign Legion. Within a week, a regiment had been formed by the men of Liege, who had been waiting four months for the opportunity. A Belgian corps fought under Luckner and Courtrai...Clootz himself and Saffert, a Saxon doctor... organized a German regiment."

By the following summer, the "Secretary-General" began to show his true colors. On August 10, 1792, he declared, "I am the personal enemy of Jesus Christ."

Not content with mere rhetoric, Clootz decided to go out and prove it. With France now losing the war, the revolutionary government instituted all kinds of draconian decrees, including the mass roundup of "suspects."

On Sunday, September 2, 1792, a sansculotte mob led by Clootz attacked Roman Catholic priests being transported to the jail at the Abbaye de St. Germain des Pres. After killing them, the mob moved on to Les Carmes, the Carmeltie convent nearby, "where it was known some 150 priests had been incarcerated. Certain priests confined at Les Carmes, the Archbishop of Arles among them, had sought refuge in the oratory in the garden..."

Archbishop Dulau of Arles, age 79, approached Clootz and said, "Take my life if you must. But spare these worthy priests so that they may pray for you here on Earth and me in heaven."

Drawing his sabre, Clootz shook his head. "No."

"We have done you no harm," the archbishop said.

"Fine! Then I'll do some to you." Lifting his blade, Clootz muttered, "Lucifer, accept this soul!"

Archbishop Dulau went down instantly, his throat cut. Raising his sword again, Clootz turned to Bishop de la Rochefoucauld of Beauvais. "Lucifer, accept this soul!"

And "the September Massacres began in earnest." The hapless priests "were dispatched with pike thrusts, sabre cuts and blows from such implements as axes and shovels." The sansculottes engaged in an orgy of slaughter, hacking, slashing and shooting, all the while singing their favorite song, Dansez la Carmagnole.

The following evening, Madame Roland "gave a dinner and allowed" Clootz "who came, uninvited, to make a defense of the horrible murders."

In her Memoirs, Madame Roland wrote, "The events of the day formed the subject of conversation. Clootz pretended to prove that it was an indispensable and salutary measure; he uttered a good many commonplaces about the people's rights, the justice of their vengeance, and of its utility to the welfare of the (human) species; he talked a long while and very loudly, ate still more, and fatigued more than one listener."

Unfzaed by criticism from his colleagues, particularly Brissot, whose approval rating was sinking faster than the Titanic, Clootz continued his war against religion. In November 1792, Clootz and Leonard Bourdon called on Jean-Baptiste Gobel, the Archbishop of Paris, and ordered him to publicly abjure his faith. They sent the same ultimatum to to Dr. Jean Julien, the leader of France's Protestants.

There was no room for Jesus Christ in Clootz's New World Order.

Growing more and more radical, the French government abolished royalty and then put King Louis XVI, renamed "Citizen Capet," on trial. He was found guilty and condemned on January 16, 1793. "I vote for death!" cried Clootz, "And I also condemn to death the infamous (King) Frederick William of Prussia!"

By now, the French Revolution had degenerated into a vicious four-way power struggle between Clootz, aided by his creature Brissot, Dr. Marat, the disgraced former prime minister Danton and an up-and-comer named Maximilien Robespierre.

In retrospect, it's clear that Robespierre, nicknamed "The Incorruptible," was a bigger threat to Illuminati plans than the hot-tempered Dr. Marat. So it's not understood just why Weishaupt selected Marat for assassination. My guess is, Marat, who took an infantile pleasure in heaping invective on his enemies, probably penned an insulting letter to the Illuminatus Rex, and Weishaupt blew up when he read it.

On July 13, 1793, Marat was stabbed to death in his bathtub by Charlotte Corday d'Aumont. The murder may have temporarily halted Clootz's political decline, but it put Robespierre on his guard. He told his brother, "The honots of the dagger have been reserved for me, as well."

The Incorruptible decided to strike first. In this he was aided by two Illuminati defectors--the sorceress Fatherine Theot and her partner, Christophe "Dom" Gerle. The pair told Robespierre all about Clootz's inside dealings with the bankers Daniel and Jacob Frey and the Illuminati funding coming from Amsterdam.

On March 8, 1794, Clootz was arrested along with everyone in his inner circle--the Frey brothers, Robert de Chabot, who was married to Leopoldine Frey, the Dutch banker de Kock, the profiteer D'Espenac, the Spanish adventurer Guzman, and three officials of the French Foreign Office--Desfieux, Dubuisson and Pereira."

Clootz appealed in writing to the people of Paris-- "If I have sinned, it is by too much candor. Marat always said I was a crazy beat."

(Editor's Comment: Marat sure got that one right!)

Clootz was probably innocent of the financial corruption charges levelled against him. But he couldn't dispute public prosecutor Antoine Fouquier- Tinville when he charged Clootz with being "an enemy of sovereignty."

The verdict was a foregone conclusion. On March 24, 1794, Clootz was loaded aboard the tumbril with the other 18 defendants. He sat calmly during most of the ride, but his cool began to desert him as they approached the guillotine.

In contrast to Guzman's jaunty farewell--"See you in hell, Clootz!"--the Illuminatus dug in his heels on the scaffold. "I am the Orator of the Human Race," he told the executioner Sansom, "I must go last in order to establish certain principles."

Clootz "bade farewell to his beloved human race in front of the biggest crowd ever to surround the guillotine." As his head poked through "the little window," he murmured, "Lucifer, accept this soul!" And the blade fell.

Clootz had offered one last sacrifice to his dark deity--himself.

By Killing Clootz and uprooting the money pipeline from Amsterdam, Robespierre thought he had beaten the Illuminati. He was wrong. And on July 28, 1794, he became dead wrong. (See the following books for more: Anacharsis Clootz--L'Orateur du Gens Humain by Georges Avenel, Paris, 1865; The French Revolution 1788-1792 by Gaetano Salvemini, W.W. Norton & Co., 1962, page 251; The French Revolution by Jim Thompson, Oxford University Press, New York, N.Y. 1945, pages 131, 272, 279, 499, and 506; Citizens-A Chronicle of the French Revolution by Simon Schama, Randon House, Inc., New York, N.Y., 1989, pages 474, 592, 597, 753, 778, 808, 809 and 816; The Oxford History of the French Revolution, Clarendon Press, 1989, page 270; The Life and Death of Louis XVI by Saul K. Padover, D. Appleston-Century, New York, N.Y., 1939, pages 255 and 323; Marie Antoinette and the Downfall of Royalty by Imbert de Saint-Armand, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, N.Y. 1891, page 375; Robespierre--The Force of Circumstance by John Laurence Carr, St. Martin's Press, New York, N.Y., 1972, pages 79 to 82; and Paris in the Terror by Stanley Loomis, J.B. Lippincott and Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 1964, page 79.)

We'll be back in seven days with more UFO and paranormal news from around the planet Earth, brought to you by "the paper that goes home--UFO Roundup. See you then.

UFO ROUNDUP: Copyright 2000 by Masinaigan Productions, all rights reserved. Readers may post news items from UFO Roundup on their websites or in newsgroups provided that they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue in which the item first appeared.

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